thedevilscircusrp · 11 years
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thedevilscircusrp · 11 years
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Hello there darlings. Haven't gotten too bored, have we? Can't have things get too slow around here, one must always stay on their tip toes after all. This is the Devil's Circus and spontaneity is a must. Here is a little gift for you all. A character questionnaire. Copy and paste this into a post of your own. Dig a little deeper and you may just learn something new. Completely optional of course, but where's the fun in that? 
Lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride. Which will you succumb to first?
What do you like about yourself most?
What do you dislike about yourself most?
You find $100 on the ground, what do you do with it?
If you were to go back in time and change one thing, what would it be and why?
Would you kill for someone?
Your most precious object? Why?
Is it better to have loved and lost or to never to have loved at all?
Have you ever been in love?
Children. Yay or nay?
Do you believe in a hell? Do you believe this circus is hell?
Do you resent how you died/ended up in the circus?
Do you believe in fate?
Is there a God?
Besides your own, what is your favorite circus attraction?
Favorite member of the circus?
Describe yourself in three words. 
What is your earliest memory?
What do you believe is your purpose in life?
Did you enjoy this little questionnaire?
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thedevilscircusrp · 11 years
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Due to Tristan's inactivity and Tamer's hiatus, our two lovely ladies Dolly and Discord will be trapped together for a night of danger and fun. They will have until dawn (February 21 11:59 EST) to complete their task or they will face a fate worse than death. 
Room 6: Discord and Dolly 
Dare: Cooperation is key
Oh little Discord, so used to fighting to get what she wants. Never had to ask someone else for help. It's that very factor that makes this dare oh so difficult. Here in this room is a puzzle, a Jefferson disk to be specific that holds the key to escape. But this key is not made of brass. It is a phrase and the only one who knows what it is besides the puzzle is Dolly herself, but she has a price. Will headstrong Discord be able to lower her pride to ask for help or will she pay the price of a kiss? 
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thedevilscircusrp · 11 years
| Both Posey and Tamer are on hiatus as of now. |
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thedevilscircusrp · 11 years
Would you consider creating a Siren type character?
We have several similar character's with that certain irresistible and seductive charm!
Hobo Clown - with the power of  incubus physiology
Vic - the femme fatale herself 
Dominic - with the power of persuasion 
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thedevilscircusrp · 11 years
| Announcement |
Hey everyone!
So this is Strife's mun Makena speaking here. Unfortunately our lovely and wonderful admin Audi has had to step down from her position for personal health. But with all sad news there is good news. I'm going to be the new admin for this place! I'm super excited since I am completely enamored with this rp and look forward to running things. If any of you ever need to reach me for questions or personal problems then my askbox is always open. 
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thedevilscircusrp · 11 years
Admin Note
I just want to let everyone know that I love this place and I'm very proud of everything that people have come to create from my ideas but I've been having to deal with a lot of extra stress at work that I am no longer able to focus on the circus. So I'm asking if someone would like to step up and take over running the circus for me. I'll still be available for questions and I"ll help whenever I can but at this time, I just need to focus on work and myself. I really do appreciate everything you guys have done for me and don't think this has anything to do with any of you. Thank you for everything and I hope someone is able to give this place the love it deserves.
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thedevilscircusrp · 11 years
how should the players who aren't involved in the event interact with everyone?
They should just act as they would normally. Any and all current threads or starters that aren't event related would be set before the event actually happened even if there are threads from the event happening on the dash. There wouldn't be any post-event starters or threads on the dash until after Sunday, February 16th 11:59PM CST when the event officially ends. I hope that makes sense!
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thedevilscircusrp · 11 years
Please unfollow Fay Relaford.
Due to personal reasons, Fay Relaford has been reopened. We wish her player the best and have enjoyed having them as a part of the circus. Fay's bio is here.
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thedevilscircusrp · 11 years
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Below the cut is everyone's partners and their rooms that they are now locked in and cannot leave once they enter until their dare is completed. They have until dawn (February 16th, 11:59PM CST) to complete their dare or face a fate worse than death. All current threads and paras may continue throughout the length of the event but please make sure to follow the rules and have fun! Remember, death is only the beginning.
Room 1: Ringer & Eve & Mira
Dare: There can only be one winner, you have to kill your sister.
In the room is a stage, Ringer is playing the ringmaster of sorts as he lends his power of transformation to the Illusionist Mira, now disguised as Fay. Around the stage is memories and images of the life the twins shared with each other from the botched jobs to the strip clubs and dark alleys their choices had led them too. Every wrong move they made for the name of sisterly love, well now it's time to break that bond as no one can leave this room until one is declared the true winner. Eve and Mira must compete and only one can win, the other must be destroyed or else no one leaves, ever.
Room 2: Dolly & Tristan
Dare: Share a kiss.
A room filled to the brim with artifacts of Tristan's past with Maggie and their life together; walls filled with photographs and mementos and everything leading up to their last memories together. Inside this room is everything that Tristan has been clinging onto since before his death and now is his chance to move on or be trapped forever because of it. An innocent kiss with a seemingly innocent looking doll can't be too difficult for the emphatic and pathetic Illusionist, now can it? But looks can be deceiving as this doll wants more than a kiss but a soul to go with it. For a kiss, it might cost a soul, but it could also grant peace from the grief that wracks the poor boy's mind and find an exit for the both of them from the room that's claimed them.
Room 3: Scorpion & Cody
Dare: Ask for help.
The room is devoid of anything but people, people writhing in agony and misery from disease and broken bodies that lay scattered from wall to wall. But whereas the tiny healer would be able to help ease their suffering, her powers are conveniently missing and in their stead is the one person who could help them with their pain management levels. That is if he isn't having too much fun watching the death that lay at his feet. He could stop it all, put them all out of their misery or save them from their pain. All she has to do is ask for help but as she's soon to find out, all favors come with a price and his might be too high even for one as naive as her. How far is she willing to go to save the lives of others while risking her own and any chance of leaving this circus, once and for all?
Room 4: Strife & Posey
Dare: Kill one or kill both.
A room slowly filling with water wouldn't be the worst unless the door disappeared and there were no windows, then would be the time to panic. Yet there's a choice to be made and an escape to be had for one, let the demon drown and walk away with nothing more than a quick dip in an oversized dunk tank or attempt to save both and be found wanting for air when it runs out and both drown. Everything comes down to a choice, not fate or coincidence and no white knights to save the damsel in distress. Just a choice. Save yourself or die.
Room 5: Discord & Tamer
Dare: Escape
It's a funhouse, they're supposed to be stuffed to the brim with all sorts of fun but this one is only fun for one. Every mirror the Tamer peers into, shatters and cuts with a fierceness that hasn't been seen since the last time Discord lost her temper and the boys who entered her house were never seen from again. And now that very same Discord is the only one that can help the fallen angel escape or else he'll surely perish in the hall or mirrors that reflect his true appearance, one he isn't allowed to see anymore since being cast out of heaven. If he can't get her help, the mirrors will slice him into bits of cat food for his precious kittens but as Discord is often heard saying, where's the fun in that?
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thedevilscircusrp · 11 years
will there ever be a human character?
The Illusionists are human characters! 
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thedevilscircusrp · 11 years
Just a friendly reminder that everyone is wearing masks and identities are not known as of yet until partners are locked in their rooms later on. It adds to the mystery and the fun of the party. Please try to keep this in mind when conversing with people. Thank you!
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thedevilscircusrp · 11 years
If you did not receive one, please let me know and I'll send it again. Please do not post the messages, they are the first of several you may receive by the end of the event. The same goes for the dares that'll be sent out later.
With that being said, the event has now started. Good luck and have fun!
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thedevilscircusrp · 11 years
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Basic Interaction
Interaction with your prescribed partner is to be considered a priority. The reasoning for this is to ensure everyone gets an ample amount of interaction or at least one guaranteed response. However, interacting with others on the dash as you normally would when an open post is made is also encourage. You may respond at your own discretion. All we ask is for those whom you are partnered with to pay them some mind, too.
Tag your posts for the event with "tdc: masquerade". This way those who are on the dash role-playing under normal settings can know that this is in regards to the event. You may also place "masquerade" in the title of your posts at the end of it. Such as, "Devil May Care Less | Masquerade".
Gif Chats
Threeway and fourway chars are permissible as multiple interactions are infinitely more interesting. If your character is pertinent to an exchange, feel free to jump in on someone else's post. The assumption will be held that they may have heard their name in passing, or are interested in the conversation taking place.
Plots and Paras
Plot at your own leisure with your partner or with others. Plots may continue past the event if you feel it necessary to do so. The more action we have going on the dash beyond chats, the better! It allows for more intriguing activity to take place.
In-Character Drama
If a fight is to break-out let it be known we encourage it. In-character drama that happens as a result of a poor exchange is completely permissible. Again, however, what is against the rules is to affect everyone's characters at the same time or the entire event itself. You must check-in with the main if you wish to do a stunt of that nature.
Arrival to the Event
UPON ARRIVAL you will receive a note with a number on it (you will receive this number in your inbox, so check your messages shortly!). The number signifies who your partner will be for the night. When trying to locate your number, I encourage you to not simply post a starter revealing the number on your slip. Work to try and find who is the match. By this I mean everyone should post a starter with them searching about the room with the similar slip. Your partner will not be revealed for this event except for the number. HOWEVER, if you are unable to locate your partner contact us through the main page and we will give you the name.
I believe that is all for now. If any rules have not been touched upon that appears to be an obviously issue later, we will address it as it occurs. 
Thank you and good luck tonight.
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thedevilscircusrp · 11 years
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Just a quick reminder that tonight is the last night to sign up to participate in the first event at The Devil's Circus. All members please be sure to send in a message to the main if they would like to participate and if any applications come in before it starts, they will also have a chance to join in so send in those applications! Have a great night!
The following have already sent in their messages;
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thedevilscircusrp · 11 years
All bios from the second batch have now been posted! So if you were waiting to see them all unveiled before applying, now's the time to send in your applications! With our first event right around the corner, this is the best time to join!
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thedevilscircusrp · 11 years
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Lili Sun | Costume Designer | Earth Manipulation | Carnie | 40/52 | FC: Lucy Lui | OPEN
H U B R I S • hu·bris • noun • an excess of ambition, pride, etc, ultimately causing the transgressor's ruin
Before the Circus
Lili was gifted, but not in the way she'd always wanted to be. Paints and pencils and pastels all fell to ruin at her hands, but people--people she could wrap around her fingers without even trying. It was something she was good at, but not particularly proud of. She wanted to be an artist, someone that people a hundred years from now could look at her art and be amazed that it was made by human hand and not a deity. She wanted to be remembered, and revered, but with every failed artistic attempt she felt her will crumble more and more.
No matter how many classes she took, or lessons she studied, nothing she did could make the paint on the canvas look anything less than a blob of congealed mud. Her friends spoke of 'talent' and how most were born with it, but she was determined to make it work, by any means necessary. Lili simply hadn't counted on her one gift to let her down so spectacularly.
All it took was inquiring to the wrong person about the wrong thing and the poor young woman was taken away to a life of pain and prostitution. She doesn't remember much of that time, and for that she is grateful, the drugs they pumped into her making her docile as men ravaged her body for days, possibly months. What she does remember is the one day when they'd forgotten to give her the daily dose of drugs and she'd been able to fight through the haze enough to stab one of them through the throat. She supposes running away in the middle of the night into the woods wasn't her smartest idea, but she'd had no other choice, and it was among the leaves and the grass and the blissful silence of the forest that she was finally able to find peace.
Life at the Circus
Lili was once one of Vic's girls, helped her terrorize the unsuspecting souls that wandered through the circus, and dazzle them with their beauty. She did everything Vic wanted, the perpetual attack dog to Vic's every whim, and she loved it. She'd gone through enough of her life being downtrodden, she figured it was finally her chance to become something she'd never been before. Powerful. It only took one wrong step for her entire world to come crashing down.
It's unknown to the general populace what happened between Vic and Lili, but one day she was Vic's best girl, the next; Lili was gone. She didn't reappear for the longest of time, most thinking she was dead dead, but when she did wander into the Circus again, she was a completely different person. Filled with a life most rarely saw these days, she took her place as the Circus' new costume designer, and proceeded to bring the whole place in a new direction. With her help the Circus became popular again, more sleek and exciting costumes invigorated the acts, and brought in more audiences, and, in turn, more souls. It may not be spoken about what happened, but most can't complain about the outcome, of course, unless their name is Vic.
Like the rest of Vic's girls, Lili had the power to control the elements, but hers centered around the earth. Pulling from the strength in the rock, and the life in the grass, and the heat from the core she is able to manipulate the earth around her into any shape she wishes. It can be as simple as creating a table from a rock so that she can sew upon it, or encase someone completely in their own wooden tomb. Lili may appear unassuming most of the time, but there is still the inkling of fire that came from being one of Vic's girls, and she is not one to be taken for granted.
✓ – committed, tactful, innovative ✘ – guarded, vindictive, truculent
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