#'hey don't vilify chim and paint him as an abuser'
captain-hen · 2 years
People aren't racist for disliking certain characters and they're certainly not racist for not liking Chim or not forgiving him for assaulting a beloved character. You say you care about racism, and yet your URL in for a character played by a known racist. Or do you only care about racism when it doesn't harsh your enjoyment of the show?
don't come into my inbox and be deliberately fucking obtuse. you know very well that this goes beyond disliking a character, this is portraying an Asian man as a violent, aggressive abuser, for one moment of fury he displayed under significant emotional turmoil. this is degrading the extremely important storyline the show had on abuse, by comparing chim to a man like doug, who emotionally and physically abused maddie for years and almost killed her. this saying that a white name is 'normal' as compared to a Korean name. this is a clear show of double standards, when you have a white character like bobby who physically assaulted buck (amongst other displays of violence) but isn't raked over the coals for it. this is the continued vitriol directed at all the characters of color who don't cater to buck's every need.
also, i have a christopher URL, you dumb fuck. and even if it was an eddie URL, your argument is incredibly stupid and it is absolutely deranged to try and make a comparison between me liking a fictional character (not the actor, never have i once excused what ryan did) and the horrific racism in this fandom, the disgusting way this fandom treats characters of color - as either violent or there to coddle and prop up the white characters; the way you treat POC like myself, by ignoring and speaking over us when we call out actual racism in fanworks and otherwise. shut up, grow some braincells and get the fuck off my blog.
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