#'hi i'm here to pick up a pri-' 'did you get the right address?'
one-winged-dreams ยท 5 months
Well hi lady at the print counter at Walmart being a huge cunt right out of the gate for no reason
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starshipsofstarlord ยท 3 years
Hey if requests are open can I ask one?
Can you do a bucky or stephen strange x reader where the reader falls under the ace spectrum and they are terrified to tell him that they are ace.
I'm ace (on the spectrum) and I've been struggling with forming romantic attachments and not feeling like "complete" or "enough" so I just felt this would be nice๐Ÿ’•
If its convenient for you then please do this request
Thank you!
On the spectrum
Pairing | Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary | based on the request. I kinda made a little twist to it, so I hope that you like it. I am in no way saying that asexual people can only be with asexual folk, but I thought this might be cute, so I wrote it like this xx
Warnings | erection, mentions of sex, ^^
Quick link to my masterlist, if youโ€™re interested in reading more of my crap ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
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Jolting up from your rest, your eyes widened as you get your weight lounging upon Bucky, eyes wide as felt an appendage of his jolting stiffly upon your inner thigh. It was a surprise, the pair of you, through the expanse of your short term relationship, had never had the conversation of sex, and a part of you wanted to avoid it at all costs. There was something that you needed to inform Bucky about, but you were wary of what his reaction could be.
You werenโ€™t sure that he would understand, after all, back in the 40s he was known for his womanising reputation, and whilst you knew that you werenโ€™t another loose fling that had no attachments, it was still a big deal to share the truth with him. Not only would it impend and possibly affect his view of a future with you, but it would promote a new side to you, that you hadnโ€™t told many people about.
Nat knew, but that was only because years back, you had confided in her, confused about your lack of sexual attraction to anyone. She had been supportive, and prompted you to research online, to see if you were as she suggested, asexual. There were many perceptions of the sexuality, some people would still do the deed to keep their partner happy, and others swore off the act altogether.
It wasnโ€™t that the thought and idea of sex grossed you out, in fact, you could understand that people did it to feel amounts of pleasure that came from nothing else. But the rouse of body parts brushing against the other, and slipping inside was not something that ever appealed to yourself. And then you met Bucky, and your perception of the ordeal remained the same; you werenโ€™t blind, you knew Bucky was extremely attractive, however, there still seemed to be no pulse in your veins that was prompting you to jump his bones.
It wasnโ€™t him, it was you, and that was more okay. There was nothing wrong with not having a desire to perform erotic acts with any partner, and more so than his appearance, you had fallen for not only Buckyโ€™s heavenly appearance, but his soul. He had an old soul, that was a given, with all things considered. And that was what had first made you step towards the man that liked to be alone, and change his perception of that fact.
He was new to the team, Tony enjoyed picking fun at the man, who as he liked to say โ€˜hadnโ€™t got any in eighty yearsโ€™. Bucky hardly responded to Iron Manโ€™s nit picks, ignoring them instead to settle the conflict in his eyes. Berating with Tony was off the table, and so were snarky remarks, otherwise the billionaire would remind him of his sins against the Stark family, although in foresight, he had just been carrying out orders.
A groan relented from the man beneath you as you uncomfortably shuffled, his cock clearly rubbing against your thigh. His sleep dazed eyes slowly peeled open, revealing the blue globes beneath that stared up at you. A furrow endorsed his features, as he came to realisation of what had you so frozen; he was hard, nothing in particular had turned him on, it was just his bodyโ€™s way of rousing him from slumber, and apparently it had extracted you from your rest also.
He released his arms from around you, watching as you shyly rolled to the side, and glanced at him from out of the corner of your eye. He released a small and sorrowful smile as he glanced down to where the covers had lightly raised from his manhood, feeling guilty for how his body had reacted by itself. โ€œDoll face Iโ€™m sorry, I didnโ€™t- it just- ugh.โ€ The man groaned, rubbing his face with his prosthetic hand as he tried to rid the dust from out from the corner of his eyes.
โ€œItโ€™s okay.โ€ Your voice came across as meek, small to the elephant in the room. โ€œJust I- there is something I should tell you.โ€ You twiddled with your fingers, picking nervously at the hanging skin that had chipped its way partially off on your latest mission, that had required you to furiously try and peel a jammed car door open to get the family out. Bucky now focused all his attention on you rather than the uninvited presence of his little friend in the bedroom, his pupils sending you signals of warmth as if to tell you that whatever you were going to tell him next, he would remain here for you.
โ€œIโ€™m asexual, and I get that you arenโ€™t and you probably want all of nothing in this relationship but-โ€ You spoke, but quickly paused when you saw Bucky tilted his head, a clear frown creating a thin line through the middle of his forehead. โ€œWhat is it, do you not want me or-โ€œ he stopped you from speaking, reaching out to hold your hands, giving them a light comforting squeeze, before he happened to open his mouth to speak.
โ€œDoll face.โ€ That name made you gulp, afraid that it would be the last time that he addressed you in such a way. And if it were, then that emotional connection that you felt to him would be unwound, and set out to sea to float and turn under the waves. โ€œAsexual.โ€ He tested the word on his tongue, as he lightly nodded, for some reason the phrase feeling right upon his tongue. โ€œCan you explain it to me, I donโ€™t know what it is?โ€
Of course, he wouldnโ€™t know what it is! It made sense, he was from the forties, where various sexualities were not explored, all because straight white men thought their opinions were inferior. Well now, everyone had the freedom to be who they wanted to, and could be attracted to whomever they pleased, as things should have always been. Brushing your hand through your hair, thinking of holding onto the locks for dear life as you felt your nerves persevere, and spur in your membrane.
โ€œItโ€™s where someone does not experience sexual thoughts or feelings, towards anyone. Their thoughts are primarily romantic, and thatโ€™s how I feel. I do love you Buck, but Iโ€™m not sexually attracted to you, and I understand if that is a deal breaker for you. Not everyone wants to be put on a sex ban for the entirety of their relationship, but for me, itโ€™s not like that at all, instead itโ€™s more so I find the little moments to be more intimate than intercourse.โ€
โ€œY/n... I, not to jump the gun, but Iโ€™ve been feeling the same way.โ€ Bucky slowly spoke, making your eyes dart up to his guilty expression. โ€œI guess eighty years on ice will make you think about the things that are more important, and you are the most important person to me, and I guess if we neither of us have any desire to have sex, then me and you are supposed to work.โ€
It was surely a surprise, but he had contained his emotions, thinking that even when Tony pried at him for his lack of involved affections, he felt ashamed, as though there was something wrong with him. But it appeared as this day and age was far more fitting for this version of him, the one that had endured the battles against aliens and his own friends.
โ€œIโ€™m sure weโ€™d have found a way to sort your needs out even if you werenโ€™t asexual.โ€ It felt strange for him to hear himself described with that word, but it felt right. โ€œAnd look, itโ€™s gone down.โ€ You laughed lightly, resting against his chest once more as he let out a breathy laugh, and cuddled you to his chest. โ€œIโ€™m with you for you Buck, I love every part of you. And I think, maybe we should move out of the compound and get a place together, maybe downtown?โ€
โ€œReally?โ€ His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree, shining with festive luminescence. โ€œYou want that, with me?โ€ You humbly nodded, pressing a kiss upon his cheek as you inhaled his scent. His hands dipped to your waist, holding you that bit tighter. He was never going to let you go, no matter who was what, or what was who. The two of you were y/n and Bucky, and you got through anything.
That way, leaving these Stark white four walls behind, Stark himself could not pry at the soldier, nor make jokes about his lack of sexual affection. The two of you were complete with the truth wading between you, there was to be no dwelling or worrying about the other thought, because you both understood.
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rctchild ยท 7 years
Frost. (I'm sorry, I had to.)
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย โ€œDISAPPOINTED youโ€™re not with the other adventurers on the broken shore, eh?โ€ malkhaz was brought back to reality by a light shove given to him by the dark ranger addressing him. โ€œnobody was particularly IMPRESSED with you on the isles, you know that. kept going SOFT. so CHILL, kidโ€“ at least youโ€™re not back in tirisfal picking off easy targets for the hobbling old skeletons who need children to defend them.โ€
the boy scoffed, turning his face away from the ranger. โ€œyeah, whatever. that your way of coping while youโ€™re stuck babysitting the rejects?โ€
the ranger laughed. malkhaz knew well that dark rangers were typically known for their brooding, cold dispositions; but like in any populace, there were exceptions to certain norms. this woman seemed to accept & enjoy her place in undeath, a bit like he did. except, of course, without the internal conflict & questioning that lead him to work here in ICECROWN to begin with. โ€œitโ€™s my way of CHEERING UP the rejects. maybe if somebody gives you a cookie youโ€™ll stop whining & be useful enough to head back overseas, i dunno. the deathguard who knew you mentioned that your behaviour on the isles was unusual for you.โ€
he said nothing to that.
โ€œwell, whatever. if you canโ€™t be useful where we need the best of the best, try being useful where we need the better-than-average.โ€ the ranger handed him a bag & nudged her head towards the WRATHGATEโ€“ here was the opposite side to the infamous wrathgate INCIDENT. just on the other side was where PUTRESS had betrayed the hordeโ€“ where DRANOSH SAURFANG had met his end with a single swing of frostmourneโ€“ where both horde & alliance alike suffered horrific losses some years ago. โ€œwe sent a scout to plant goblin-built surveillance equipment some time ago. we recieved word that they managed to get everyplace except the WRATHGATE, & we lost contact afterwards. go investigate, kidโ€“ & IGNORE the paranoid rumours about arthasโ€™ ghost wandering these wastes. i swear, had these creaky old human carcasses not had just enough muscles left in their neck, their heads would have fallen off their shoulders.โ€
malkhaz bit his tongueโ€“ those tales were more than just RUMOURS, but his mouth felt FROZEN shut just to remember the presence of the LICH KING. the chill that shook his nerves awake, as if heโ€™d never died. the paralyzing fear that, even at his bravest, threatened to shut him down. โ€œany interest in returning the body?โ€
โ€œNAH. donโ€™t botherโ€“ youโ€™ll have enough work to do without worrying about hauling literal dead weight. if you do find it, just grab the communicator and buzz me. and donโ€™t go chasing ghostsโ€“ iโ€™ve had about two guys vanish on me besides this one, telling stories about the scourge regathering its strength. youโ€™re second-gen, right? never knew mindless undeath?โ€
he shook his headโ€“ โ€œi was raised by val'kyr in hillsbrad.โ€
โ€œgood. then iโ€™m less likely to have you go crazy, too. alright, off you go, kidโ€“ the faster you get this done, the sooner the dark lady might invite you on the next airship to the broken shore.โ€
malkhaz offered her a saluteโ€“ โ€œvictory for sylvanas.โ€
she nodded in returnโ€“ โ€œdark lady watch over you.โ€
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย problems were few on the way to the wrathgate. malkhazโ€™s caution was JUSTIFIED, on the way thereโ€“ for a chance encounter had rattled him to the core some time ago. he was provided a surprisingly complacent mount, (which had been a STRUGGLE for his small self to climb onto,) and made it to his destination with no evident opposition. still, the boy couldnโ€™t help but have a smoke bomb settled in one hand after dismounting, and careful steps towards the suspiciously humanoid lump of snow next to unactivated surveillance gear.
a bony hand brushed the fluffy white off of it. sure enough, now frozen stiff, was the previous worker. further analysis noted teethmarks belonging to jaws which had mutated, ROTTED more than most forsaken. DISARMED, there had been little struggle before they met their final end. & โ€ฆ FROST, the kind attributable to the dead which had walked these cold lands before.
malkhaz steeled himself & pried the communication device from the body. he tucked it within his cloak & reached over to activate the surveillance equipment. however, it did not activate. after opening one of the compartments, he realized why.
more cold, around broken wires & smashed pieces. this was now UNUSABLE.
more importantly, he was in danger.
the rogue did not dare risk contacting his superior immediatelyโ€“ instead raising his hand to throw down the smoke bomb. however, a grasp far stronger & more rotten than his own grabbed his arm, twisted it back. the other arm wrapped around his torso and pulled him off the ground, leaving him flailing his legs & protesting. a recognizable CHILL made him stop for a moment, too scared to turn his head.
whether it was his bad luck or falling out of favour with the dark lady had simply ensured heโ€™d settle right back into the potential grip of the lich king, malkhaz knew for a fact that he wasnโ€™t going to get away this time. the panic was slightly lessโ€“ perhaps it was because he had already knownโ€“ but the fear was just the same. but as the ghoul turned, it was simply towards โ€ฆ a higher-ranked scourge. no, arthas wouldnโ€™t waste his time with this.
but as the other undeadโ€“ lesser undead, technicallyโ€“ discussed in a language of death foreign to the forsaken boy, white eyes found icecrown citadel in the near distance & trailed all the way up to the top.
but he was WATCHING. watching the way the dark lady WOULD NOT.
#necroarchy#โ†’ ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ ๐šข๐š˜๐šž๐š—๐š ๐š‹๐š•๐š˜๐š˜๐š ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ๐šข ๐š—๐šŽ๐šŽ๐š๐šŽ๐š ; ๐š๐š•๐š˜๐š›๐šข ๐š๐š˜ ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ ๐š๐š˜๐š›๐šœ๐šŠ๐š”๐šŽ๐š—! { main. } ๐Ÿ’€#โ†’ ๐šŠ ๐š‹๐š˜๐šข ๐š˜๐šž๐š ๐šš๐šž๐šŽ๐šœ๐š๐š’๐š—๐š ; ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ๐š›๐šŽ'๐šœ ฬถ๐š—ฬถ๐š˜ ๐š•๐š’๐š๐šŽ ๐šŠ๐š‘๐šŽ๐šŠ๐š ๐š˜๐š ๐š–๐šŽ. { ic. } ๐Ÿ’€#โ†’ ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ ๐š‹๐š˜๐šข'๐šœ ๐š–๐šŠ๐š’๐š•๐š‹๐š˜๐šก ; ๐š ๐š‘๐šŠ๐š ๐š ๐š˜๐šž๐š•๐š ๐šข๐š˜๐šž ๐šŠ๐šœ๐š” ๐š˜๐š ๐š๐šŽ๐šŠ๐š๐š‘? { ask. } ๐Ÿ’€#i'm... i'm sorry this is basically a drabble#you could probably reply to it anyway but iT GOT LONG??#also gg me for coming up with a dark ranger oc on the spot#so yes while in-game mal is a shadowblade with all the artifact weapons & kicking ass in the broken shore#and waiting impatiently to recruit lilian because LILIAN.................#canon mal has hecked up too much and is off doing stuff everywhere else until his superiors like him enough again to let him hang out wit ht#with the cool kids#... i could probably come up with a shadowblade mal au if i wanted but i kind of don't#mostly because his entire character arc is revolving around getting to be good enough to do that#and he simply hasn't reached that point yet.#once he deals with more political conflict and is personally hit by it he'll be good to start being actually important.#UNTIL THEN HIS LOSING FAITH IN SYLVANAS IS BASICALLY PARTLY A NEON SIGN FOR ARTHAS LIKE#''COME HELP TURN ME AGAINST MY QUEEN''
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