#'i love talking with you as well' and the way he said it SICKKKKK I FELT SICK FOR A SECONDNENDKEMEKE 😭😭😭😭😭 my heart was racing .
chrisbangs Β· 1 year
#was on the phone for like ... two hours with this guy . the same guy from before for those are keeping up with my 'riveting' love life#(the one i went out with who's very sweet and nice and funny and even offered to buy me an expensive game for my bday that guy)#and we were talking for a while but i was getting kinda sleepy and so i was like kinda half not really listening at one point and i think he#realized i was tired cause he was like let's talk later yeah? (like in a nice way JWJSKSKS NOT ANNOYED)#and i was like sjsjksksks sorry sorry im just exhausted from being sick etc etc and#anyway so we were putting the call down and#ANDDDDD 😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣#he was thanking me for chilling with him while he worked and i was like πŸ’— ofc !! i love talking to you and he was like#'i love talking with you as well' and the way he said it SICKKKKK I FELT SICK FOR A SECONDNENDKEMEKE 😭😭😭😭😭 my heart was racing .#and AGHHHHHH YOU GUYS 😭😭😭#when he was hanging up he just goes 'gn baby' AND I LITERALTKTNKESNSOSKSKS D#FOUL!!! FOUL!!!!!!!!#i finally get used to him calling me sweetheart and he ????#and i literally froze not knowing what to do and he just LAUGHEDDDDDBSJWNEKSKSK SICKKK IN TBE HEAD AND HE . HES NORMALLY SO SHY AND RESERVED#AND HES REALLY NOT . THAT . KINDA PERSON HE DOESNT REALLT FIRRKEOANWKS FLIRT OR ANGTHINGNENENE#BUT HE WAS LIKE#'you're so cute i can literally imagine your pretty little face right now'#AND I WAS LIKe MY HONEST REACTION I SAID 'do you want me to kill you?' 😭😭😭😭😭#AND HE STARTED LAUGHING 😭😭😭😭 IM SINEKRKEKENDKSS#IM SUCH AN EMBARASSMENT BUT ???? WHO DOES THATTTTT WHAT KINDA SICK IN THE HEAD GAMES ARE YOU PLAYING πŸ˜­πŸ‘Ž#going straight to hell..#anyway he was so frnejenekenkekeeje i'm so ......... my knees were shaking ok............#i was so casual abt this whole thing . but lately my heart gets so flustered when we're together and when he talks to me and his voice is so#lovely when he talks to me i just feel so calm πŸ₯²πŸ₯²πŸ₯²#ok . clown thingz ... very cool very cool#anyway... i just had to get this off my chest cause my hearts racing still#li.txt
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agi-ppangx Β· 11 months
SINCE i watched that hyune live he did with his beige pajamas on, in his bed I can't stop thinking about THE DOMESTICITY OF IT like just having matching pajamas and then doing ur skincare routines together and he's wearing ur cardigan and u are wearing his socks and then cuddling in bed while talking about how ur days went IM SICKKKKK
stopp omg >< he would be extra soft and pliant and and-
β€œhyune, love, stop wiggling so much,” you giggled, nudging his shoulder, but he only started moving even more, tightening his grip on your waist. you squealed, reaching for his arm to steady yourself. β€œyah, hwang hyunjin!” you said in between laughs and he immediately stopped after hearing the government name, though he didn’t stop smiling even for a second. β€œthank you,” you whispered, placing a small peck on his lips, and went back to putting the moisturizer on his face. he hummed in content, feeling ever so relaxed under your touch, fingertips gently dancing on his cheeks and jaw.
and when he saw you had goosebumps bc you were cold ??? IMMEDIATELY grabs a pair of his clean socks and puts them on your feet for youπŸ’” he would place feather-like kisses on your calves as well when he’s done :((
β€œno way she said that,” hyunjin gasped when you told him a rumour from your office. β€œyep, she did. and our boss overheard that as well,” you said, shrugging your shoulders, which made him even more invested in the story. β€œdid he do anything about that?” you nodded. β€œhe took her for a talk to his office, but i dunno what happened next,” you mumbled, yawning. hyunjin hummed. he saw your droopy eyes and he decided to not ask any more questions, covering you with the duvet instead and tucking your head in the crook of his neck. β€œyou’ll have to keep me updated, it’s like watching soap opera,” he whispered, though he was pretty sure you had already fallen asleep accompanied with his soft, angel voice.
im a slut for this man fr fr
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loveinruins Β· 7 years
First weekend away
Last Wednesday night we went for dinner briefly and had a bit of a tiffle because of a heated discussion about MT. MT had come up to me and said she wanted to take her own car because G wasn't speaking to her and I told him that and that's what started our argument.Β 
He basically told me it's none of my fucking business how he goes about doing things and I was like wow ok. He kept going on and on about how we both deal with things differently and I agreed with being silent and he goes again you being silent does my fucking head in more than anything. I'm like I'm not quite sure what you want me to say here G. He goes what did you take away from what I said to you? I'm like it's none of my fucking business who you want to talk to and who you don't want to talk to. He goes are you serious that's all you took from what I said? I go no but that's what's resonated with me. Anyway by the time we left nandos I was a bit upset but just tried not to show it and as we were walking to the car he hugged me by putting his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in towards him and kissed my head. Which made me melt inside even though I was so upset at him. It's funny because when we were on the freeway on the way home I'm like I'm hungry do you wanna get something to eat? He goes it's my Aunty's birthday today and I go oh ok, it's all good. He goes nah we can still eat but are you gonna be a lil bitch tonight? I'm like no wtf and he laughed. He always knows when I'm getting my period or I've got it because I become a moody psycho. More than usual apparently. So we went away on the weekend to Apollo bay and got a really nice house and whatever. It was me, him, AC, MT and KT. Friday after work we had arranged to do the groceries while G finished late and all of us finished at 5.
So we did our shopping and whatever and luckily we had so many groceries so we ended up putting them all in MT's car which meant there was no room for me in her car so I got to go with the boys which is what I wanted anyway.
The car ride was fine, we spoke about MT a bit and then the rest of the time we just had a bit of banter and spoke some shit. We stopped in Geelong for dinner at la porchetta which was bloody awful. By the time we got to the house it was like 12am. When we got to the house the boys were like this house is sickkkkk. It was really really nice, so of course we go to bedrooms first and I'm like bags this room and they're like no wtf just shared with the girls and I'm like fuck no. I'm not sharing with them. AC goes nah you guys can share referring to me and G and I'm like no. He even said bro I'm not sharing with her. Anyway I was like no I'm having this room I swear to god if you make me share with the girls I'll fucking leave. AC was like no you won't. G goes yeah she will, I go yeah I will I'll get B to pick me up and she would. AC was like dude wtf and G was like let me talk to her bro just go, AC walks off and I was like what? He goes T it's not a big deal and I'm here to have fun but seriously it's not fair we paid the same money why should I not have my own room? Anyway I'm just saying. At that point I felt really guilty and selfish but at the same time I was like fuck this shit and I was in the worst mood. So I sat in my room for like half an hr and they were both in the lounge, G went and started the fireplace and AC was showering and getting changed I think. Anyway I eventually stopped sulking and walked into the lounge and sat down. He was like so are you drinking orrr? I'm like nah I don't feel like it. He's like why? I go I just have anxiety I just don't want to and he goes as if we come all this way everyone's drinking. I'm like no. He then grabs my hand and pulls me to the kitchen, at that point I didn't really know how to feel because he made me feel so guilty and I was annoyed at him and in a shit mood but he held my hand.. He was like come on I'll make you a drink what do you want? I was like umm vodka and lemonade so he poured me one and we decided to play kings cup (which btw I've never played before). It was quite funny, I was pretty drunk by the end of the game and we then smoked some weed after and went to bed. Next morning I woke up and made everyone breakfast, AC and KT were both giving me shit for making him breakfast. I was like lol ok whatever I made everyone breakfast not just you guys. We went to the 12 apostles, we split up when we got there the others walked off and it ended up just being me and him and we took a few photos of each other and together. It felt like we were a couple. Afterwards we went to some lighthouse that ended up being closed and we went for a walk anyways to some bushy area with a secret lookout. We went home and started on dinner whilst the boys went to town to buy some more snacks. I had a shower after cooking, got changed and purposely wore a loose white top because he doesn't like me wearing black all the time and plus it was a wise scoop neck so why not. We made rice paper rolls for dinner, it was actually really good. Anyways after dinner we played cards against humanity and drank and got high again. Now while playing CAH I caught him looking at me a few times and I ended up seeing a secret video that AC had snapped and it was him staring at me as I was doing something. He edited a video and put a love heart between us to be funny. I was like lol wow.. he was like checking me out..
Ok so I was dealing the cards after a round and he goes nice bra and I'm like what? You can't even see it. He goes yeah I could when you leant over before and I'm like.. right and he goes yeah it's the same bra you wore that time at the station. Here I am thinking is this guy keeping tabs on me or what? So we're like really stoned at this point and the girls ended up going to bed and I was left with the boys and we were just chillin and I went into G's bedroom with him and we were just having a laugh and a part of me wanted him to be like sleep here tonight but of course he didn't say that nor did that happen. I was taking my make up off with a wipe and he was like what are you doing? I'm like taking my make up off and he goes when did you even wear make up? I'm like earlier this morning. So I mean I'll take that as a compliment I guess.. I can't really remember much after that except for going to bed alone and slightly disappointed even though I was high as fuck. Next morning I woke up, got ready and packed up all my shit and we headed back home. We stopped at Lorne for brunch and walked around a bit. I bought a donut and asked him if he wanted to share a slice of cake with me and he goes yeah and I go do you wanna get this or me? Obviously that was a test to see if he would pay and he didn't.. should've known better by now.
He goes get me a coffee too cheers, so I did and when I gave him the coffee he was like lol oh thanks T (like not expecting it). Anyway so we left Lorne and on the way I had to pee so I made AC stop at a service station to go to the toilet and we ended up watching the mayweather mcgregor fight. There were a big packet of jumpys and I'm like can you get me this pls? He hesitated and I'm like I bought you a coffee, he goes I was waiting for you to bring that up. I'm like lol do you wanna buy me a bueno too? He goes that's if we're leaving before you buy the whole store. So AC drops G off to his car and I was hoping he wanted to take me home but he didn't offer so I just went home with AC. On the way home AC and I got to talking and I'm like you know I heard all your stupid little comments like kiss kiss kiss and saying cute when we'd interact m and trying to make him and I share a room. You made all those comments thinking I didn't hear them huh??? He laughed and goes you have tunnel vision when you're together and I go no I don't. He goes whatever you guys are in your own little bubble. Im like can you not? You guys need to let it go he doesnt like me like that. AC goes yeah but do you? I'm like no I just feel like we're besties when we're together that's it. He goes are you sure? I'm like yes dude. He goes I'm not gonna push it but there's love there..
I thought to myself wtf.. So he took Monday off so I took the train solo yesterday which was different. Then when I saw him today I felt nauseous. He looked extra cute cos he wore a shirt and a blazer. He gave me attitude when I saw him today which irritated me. Anyway I decided to not pay him much attention and I was just quiet during lunch and he goes what's wrong? I'm like nothing just feeling a bit down today. AC was like why? G interjects and goes bro she doesn't want to talk about it. So yesterday I spoke to someone in his team and asked what times they finish this week and he told me 4:30. So I knew he finished early today so towards the end of the day I had anxiety because I wasn't sure if he was going to wait for me or not because I removed him from my Skype list so I wouldn't check his status. Fuck I'm crazy.. It gets to about 5:05pm and I had just gotten off the phone with a customer and I'm like ok well he left without saying anything, probably better off.. then all of a sudden he walks up and I was like.. heart racing but relieved with satisfaction that he waited for me. Maybe because I said I was down he waited for me? Not sure. We walked to the station and I told him about eye see two and the job offer KL spoke to me about. On the train we had a bit of banter, we got onto the topic of how when I came back from Europe that I was gonna leave and he goes yeah but then you met me and like runs his hands into his hair and I rolled my eyes and I go relax yourself lol. At that point I realized he knew I still liked him.
Now I've clued together this because he goes if there was something wrong between us would you tell me? I'm like yeah if it was going to affect our friendship I would and he goes I'll keep that in mind. I honestly think he likes me liking him. I don't know. Honestly. Oh and when I told him about eye see two he goes I knew it. I knew it was going to be that. He asked me to drop him off to his car even though the train we were taking was going to stop at Yarraman. I was like fineeee, I guess if I get to spend more time with him then great lol. On the way to his car he was like T everything in your life is great, why are you feeling down? I go I dunno. (When in reality I just can't help but wonder why he doesn't like me like that?) I'm like I am grateful for everything, I dunno. Before he gets out of the car he's like thanks for the ride, btw thanks for waiting for me (like speaking about himself in third person) I acted surprised like waited for me? He goes yeah I finish at 4:30 this whole week and I go ohhhh and he closed the door and looked back at me and I smiled and waved bye and drove off. In my heart I know that he will always have a place there but I'm not helping myself by over analyzing what he says. I need to stop. I've asked the universe to send me a guy who wants to love me and be with me. Sigh.. until next time. T xxx
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