#'if i had a lame ass boyfriend i would hype him up so much' squad
rzvera · 4 months
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these are basically the same to me. was steban dealing with the check failure here as well? especially if harry took away his +1 conceptualization jacket...
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itsreigns · 5 years
Roman Reigns x Reader
(Y/N) is Roman’s girlfriend. She’s being distant and he doesn't know why, and it's causing them to argue. What is she up to?
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@xfirespritex | @hardcorewwetrash | @shadow-of-wonder | @oreillyskyle | @crazyprettychick | @heelsamizayn | @helluvawriter | @tryingtofindaplaceinthisworld | @heygargano | @moxleysbaby | @feathers-and-flesh-and-wrestling | @laochbaineann | @lustyromantic | if you want to get (un)tagged let me know
“What’s wrong with you?”
“Is everything ok?”
“Are you ok?”
Roman has been asking these questions repeatedly, over the past few weeks. Only to have a half ass excuse as a response.
You’ve been so stressed planning his birthday party and trying to keep it a secret, that you didn’t even realized how much you’ve been neglecting your boyfriend and how odd you’ve been acting.
It was only when he asked for some time apart that you came to your senses. When abruptly all of your plans, all of your hard work seemed to just… go to waste. Everything went out the wrong way.
Now, you want to explain yourself and your actions, because you definitely owe him an explanation, but that means you have to come clean about his surprise party, and… in all honesty, it breaks your heart to have to do so. You’ve been so excited about it; working on all the details, inviting all his friends and family… and stupidly engulfed in everything about him, but somehow forgetting the most important part: him.
After debating with your thoughts for what seemed a century, you decided to let him get his space and clear his head. Knowing him, pressuring him to talk or listen to you would just upset him even more and make things worse.
So it’s been a week since you last saw him, or even talked to him. You followed your decision and let him be, and, much to your dismay, he never reached out ever since. And you’re missing him as hell.
Tomorrow it’s the big day. His birthday.
You still decided to keep the surprise party up. So that’s still happening. You’re not going to be there, but at least you know he’ll be there surrounded by the ones he loves. Happy. And that somehow is enough for you.
It’s 4pm, and you’re currently sprawled on your couch, a cup of tea sitting on the table, as you type the message with all the details to the venue to all the guests. You left Jimmy and Jey out and sent them a specific message, because they’re in charge of bringing Roman.
Once you’re done, you place your phone down on the couch, sighing as you look up at the ceiling, lost in thought. A few minutes later, your phone beeps.
“Hey, what’s up baby girl? You gonna be there tomorrow? Hope you’re feeling better. And don’t worry, we’ll get him there!”, the text said. You smile. Jimmy really is the sweetest.
The smile fades as you type your reply.
“Hey Uce! I’m not… I’m sorry. Make sure he goes, and please have fun.”
You put your phone on silent and turn off all notifications after hitting send, setting it down at the table, as if doing all that would stop all the stress and pain in your chest and protect you of your own thoughts.
To avoid any more overthinking, you ended up watching a couple of movies and ordering a pizza for dinner. Then, you took a long, hot shower, in hopes of relaxing and getting a good night of sleep, but you still had trouble falling asleep.
Waking up, your chest tightens once you realize what day it is. You drag yourself off the bed, but can’t seem to do anything but mope around the house.
Finally, it’s 5PM. In a half hour, guests would start arriving at the venue.
Once more, you’re lying down on the couch. The TV is playing some movie in the background but you’re not paying it any attention. Your mind… your heart is some miles away. Wherever Roman is.
Meanwhile, Roman is being dragged out of his bedroom by his two cousins who are insisting that he needs to get his 'stinky ass' in the shower. Reluctantly, he agrees and soon enough put on the clothes that were laid out on the bed before slipping on the shoes and lugging himself to the car waiting downstairs.
Lots of guests have already arrived at the venue. And it’s all looking so good. Everyone’s admiring its decoration, and pretty much everything, since every single detail is somehow linked to Roman and something he likes or admires.
Finally, 15 minutes later, every guest is there, in their position, waiting for Roman and the Usos to arrive. Once their car gets in the parking lot, everyone is excited and trying to be quiet until they get there.
Roman seems lost in thought, so lost that he’s not even questioning why his cousins took him to this place.
“SURPRISE!” Everyone yells excitedly, jumping out of every corner.
Roman’s mouth falls open, his brows furrowed in confusion, but those features are quickly replaced by a gentle smile. Not a full, sparkling smile, because obviously something was missing. But he chose to ignore the feeling in the pit of his stomach.
He went out greeting and thanking every guest for their presence and for their birthday wishes. Once he’s done, he stands there in the corner, just glancing are the venue.
Everyone is here. His coworkers, his friends, his childhood friends… even his family is here. How did this happen? Who did this? Someone had to do this. His mind is now running with lots of questions.
Luckily, Jimmy knows him as the back of his hand.
“What’s up, Uce?”
“Uh, nothing. I was just thinking.” Roman sighs, glancing down at his feet, but Jimmy knows best.
“Thinking about what? It’s your party, enjoy it.” He tries to hype his cousin, putting his arm around his shoulder gently.
“Who did all this anyway? You and Jey?”
“Nope. Our job was merely to make sure you were here.”
“What? Then, who-”
“Seriously, Uce? Who do you think knows you this good and would put this much effort in a surprise party, uh?” Roman finally hits realization, running his hands down his face.
“I fucked up. I fucked up big time.”
“Why exactly did you break up with her?”
“I… I didn’t break up with her. I just… I asked for some time.” Jimmy shoots him a look. “I know, it’s pretty much the same. But she had been acting so weird. Always on her phone or on her laptop. Always dismissing me with lame ass excuses. I just assumed...” He trails off. “I just couldn’t handle it anymore… And I know I haven’t seen her or talked to her ever since but-”
“What? You haven’t talked to her ever since? Are you serious?” Roman nods, in shame. “You know she was probably just busy planning this whole thing right?” Once again, he nods, averting his gaze to the ground. “You need to go talk to her and make this right, Uce.”
It’s around 9PM, and you had just gotten up from the couch and headed to the kitchen, trying to find something to eat, when someone knocks on your door.
You go and open it, no questions asked, thinking it’d be Jimmy and Naomi. When your eyes lay on Roman, you almost feel like your heart would jump out of your chest.
“Roman, what-?”
“No, (Y/N), just… please, just hear me out, ok? Just hear me out and then you can make a decision.” Roman pleads, his whole demeanor almost desperate. You sigh deeply, moving from the door so he could enter.
You walk towards the living room, sitting down in the couch and pulling your knees to your chest, hugging them, as Roman sits down next to you, but still maintaining his distance. He sits there for a while, staring at his hands.
“I know it was you who organized the whole party.” He breaks out the silence, as he turns to face you, his voice slightly rough.
“Uh, yeah… It was nothing, I-”
“It was everything.” Roman cuts you off. “You got everyone there. My friends, my family, everyone.”
“I just… I just want you to be happy. That’s all I want, really.”
“I know, and I’m guessing all your weird behavior had to do with all that?”
“Yes… I was trying to keep everything a secret, so it’d be a surprise. I wanted to surprise you. I wanted you to have a different birthday. A memorable one. And I definitely didn’t want to ruin it. And I didn’t, and you had fun, so… mission accomplished.”
“I had fun, and it was definitely memorable, but… there was something missing.” You furrow your brows questioningly, urging him to continue. “There was someone missing.”
“Oh God, who did I forget? Was it a family member? Oh my god, I knew it, I-”
“It was you, (Y/N).” Once again he cuts you off, and you finally lock your gaze with his, seeing nothing but pure adoration there. “You were the only thing missing there to make my day perfect, but that’s entirely on me. And I’m so, so sorry.”
“No, I’m sorry. I’m at fault too… I should’ve acted differently. If I did, I could’ve saved us a lot of trouble.”
“Can I hug you? I just miss you so m-”
You don’t even let him finish, you launch yourself into his arms, hooking your arms around his neck and pulling him close.
“I missed you too, so much.” You sigh, finally feeling home. You pull back to face him, cradling his face in your hands. “Happy birthday, baby. I love you so much.”
“I love you too. So, so much. And I really can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done for me today.”
“You don’t have to. Seeing you happy is all the thanking I need.”
“You want to see me happy?” He asks, with a wide, kind of teasing smile.
“What kind of question is that? Of course I want to see you happy. What do you-”
“Then, marry me.”
You’re pretty much sure you’re hearing things. Roman didn’t just propose. No, he didn’t.
“You heard me. I don’t know about you, but for me, having you as my wife, would make me the happiest man on this planet.”
“Baby, marrying you would make me the happiest woman on this universe.”
“Could you just do me a favor, then?” You nod. “Check that box, below the TV.”
You stand up, and head to the wood furniture, kneeling down on the floor and pulling the box out. Opening it, there’s a bunch of CDs and DVD’s on top. You look back at him and he motions you to keep looking.
Your motions come to a halt once your eyes lay on the small dark red velvet box. Picking it up, you couldn’t help but feel very emotional. Once you open it and see the ring, the tears start falling. The ring is so beautiful.
Suddenly, Roman is kneeling next to you. You hug him right away. Pulling back, you kiss him, deeply and hard. These days seemed ages. You were craving him… his touch… everything about him.
Roman had the most beautiful, bright smile you’d ever seen on his face.
“This is, easily and by far, the most amazing birthday I ever had.”
Give me some feedback please?
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