#'im fine and to prove how tough i am i'm going to pretend like nothing happened'
maschotch · 2 years
idk if this has been added yet to the conversation of jj + 200 buuuuut. in the beginning of season 2, Elle is out for FOUR MONTHS after getting shot and Hotch still wants her to go home. JJs only out for TWO WEEKS after getting kidnapped and torture and they all act like thats fine and perfectly reasonable. (unless im totally misremembering but im pretty sure im not.)
i mean.. she wasn't shot or stabbed or anything serious.. like she was still able to run and shit by the end of the episode and didn't even need to stay in the hospital overnight. so her physical wounds were wayyy less severe than elle/hotch. but TWO WEEKSAKSJDHGL girl maybe take the time off lmao maybe uhhh go to therapy or smth bc that was a lot mentally to go through
#lowkey fits w her character tho? like immediately wanting to go back to work?#'im fine and to prove how tough i am i'm going to pretend like nothing happened'#asks#endgame spoilers#and like.. hotch and elle had that mentality too... but they also had?? a reason???#they didnt have anyone at home... hotchs family just went into witsec so he's all alone.. as far as we know elle didnt have anyone either#this is still elle's first year on the team yk she still feels like she has to prove herself#and hotch.. hotch just hates himself lmao and like if he stops working then he loses all purpose.. his life loses all meaning#but jj? has absolutely no reason to think like this#which is why i htink i find her annoying#its like.. she THINKS she has something to prove she THINKS she hates herself but??? she doesnt???? and she knows it????#she's self destructive maybe but she's not self loathing#she doesn't feel as smart/strong as the others so any sign of weakness immediately proves that to herself..#but she thinks that way the whole time... she wont let herself be vulnerable or anything bc she thinks thats WEAK#and unlike hotch who separates himself from the others.. like he has a life to make up for that the others dont..#jj holds everyone to the same standards she holds herself to. like if reid is going thru smth she babys him she thinks he's weak for it#she has this fucked up standard she holds herself and everyone else to. and it says a lot about how she views others#and it plays a big part on why she struggles to empathize. why would she empathize with the weak? why cant they just... be strong?#thinkin ab that suicidal mom especially... 'i get what ur going thru' *proceeds to completely demean what the mom experiences*#def has that 'just be happy?' energy#ANYWAYaksjhdlagdjgf#THAT got long
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