#'like. it's like I'm going through the motions except im very aware of the motions so im forcing myself to go through them but then that
mainfaggot · 9 months
I have been having a hard time falling asleep lately like not as bad as pre-taking sleeping meds ... it only takes an hour to be snorking and mimiming but my body hurts all over and I toss and turn and I can't get my brain to Shut UP no matter how exhausted I am it's the worst like I just have to wait for the sleeping pills to take over bc otherwise I could probably stay up for 3 hours trying to sleep without them
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lostinvasileios · 5 months
so... im scared of demons... specifically satan. but, i want to work with him.. am i just being delusional about working with him if im afraid of him?
Hi there, bee!! Thank you for being brave enough to ask. 💛🌺
No, honeydrop, you aren't delusional or anything of the sort for being afraid. Satan, just like the rest of the Ars Goetia/underworld residents, they've unfortunately been villainized and most of us have been conditioned to fear them at all costs.
But, I promise you, there's no need to be afraid of Satan or any other of the infernal deities.
I've met Satan, I actively hang around him from time to time. And he's nothing but kind. He's nothing but wise, someone warm to be around in your coldest moments, someone tough to lean on when you feel as if you can't walk. He'll help you up when you're ready, and shield you while you're down.
He's quite handsome, too. Haha.
If you desire to work with Satan, go for it! Feel it out and see what happens between you two. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if a deity doesn't want to work with you or anything of the sort, they'll let you know. If you feel drawn to him in one way or another, it's most definitely worth checking out.
A lot of the time, we have to deconstruct the fears we've been fed before we can enter deity work. And, believe me, it took me some time to be able to work with angels, or infernals, comfortably. Unlearning something is very, very difficult to do. And it's incredibly admirable for you to be stepping out of that comfort zone to try and rebuild yourself.
To be quite honest here, when Satan first appeared to me, I was startled. I didn't expect him, to be honest. I never thought of working with him. He, along with Baphomet, were deities I wanted to interact with, but - never put in motion. My deities have a habit of popping up out of the blue, lol.
But, despite how much I had learned about infernals and how normal they got to me, he still was... Mm... Surprising? Now, when he first came to me, I was - in my very early teens, I'm pretty sure. A while back. I was going through a hell of a lot, and my journey was pretty much rocketing.
I was going through my first trial, my patience one. And he - I'll... Never forget how helpful he was, and still is. He's so very gentle, he's so very understanding. When he first came, I was aware of who he was - but doubtful. And in my state of - panic, you could say, I ended up swatting at his hand when he reached to me to try and ease my worriedness. I immediately began to apologize when it had sunk in what I did, fearful he might've - I dunno - called me some slurs? I don't realistically remember what I was so afraid of. But, the point is, he didn't do anything I expected him to. Regardless of my irrationality, he still stuck around for this long. He still loves and cares for me.
Yes, just like every other deity to ever exist, he's complex and beyond our comprehension, he's intricate and different for everyone. But, if you approach him, if you approach any deity, with kindness, respect, curiosity, ect - you'll be fine. Apologize when it's due, allow them to teach and love you, allow yourself to grow with them. Don't put too much pressure on yourself to rush the process of healing, or the process of anything really. Because nobody has the expectations that you think they do for you.
Except to live.
Live, grow, rest, cry, laugh, whatever. They want you to experience. And if you feel Satan is the right deity to do that with, then by all means, I encourage you to answer that calling.
Not all deities are bad, not all deities are good, they aren't - defined by such terms. One of my unnamed spouses said to me how our ways of communication, like numbers, alphabets, ect do not apply to them. This also includes things like purity, and evilness. They are not contained by those categories. Because they have their own - inexplainable, celestial systems things.
Apologies if I went a bit overboard here, lol - I hope it helped! I wish you the best on your deity journey. 🫧❤️
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scarlet-ancunin · 2 years
Get a get a cheating hisoka🥲 like he's caught cheating in action like..deep stro- you get the point.
I- okay fine I'll do it for you if you want a heart breaking moment with Hisoka *grabs tissue*
Warnings: Blood, Murder, mention of smut if you squint.
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You and Hisoka was going through a very rough patch in your relationship it was something you both was not aware affected you this much.
It was you decision to ask for some space to which Hisoka agreed to do after a moment of pause. "Of course Y/n~" they would say looking down at you.
It worked wonders for you because you got your head back together started texting each other again and wanted to meet him at his place.
So on the way you bought a bottle of you and Hisoka's favorite wine and some simple sweets to go with it. You didn't text Hisoka you was coming wanting it to be a surprise.
When you enter his home it was oddly quiet except for one noise that you wish wasn't true. You knew you asked for space but that wasn't what you had in mind when asking for it.
You didn't realize your nen weapon appeared on your hand as you walked closer to the cracked door. Hearing that woman moan loudly with lust and need for more.
Hisoka was silent you found it amusing really because he was never silent with you but you was more angry that je was doing this to you, to their relationship.
As you opened the door he paused suddenly feeling you immediately his thrusting motioned stopped but still was inside this distasteful woman on their bed.
"Why did you stop" was the only thing she could muster up before there was a blade impaled in her head you turned and rushed out the room hot tears coming down your face sniffing taking the wine bottle and chucking it across the room a loud crash.
Knowing Hisoka he was probably turned on by the fact you did something like that but you didn't care.
Feeling a grip on your arm Hisoka managed to put some boxers on and a tank top "y/n" "save it....leave me alone" you mumbled shoving him away.
"You asked for space and i gave you that, it was only a one night stand i don't like her or-" he felt a stinging sensation on his face from the slap you gave him.
"I don't want to hear your excuses....i don't want to see you ever again" you said crying now
Hisoka eyes widen slightly grabbing you once more "dont be that way, im sorry y/n i really am i promise I'll make it up to you please don't leave like this.."
You never thought you hear such a man like Hisoka sound like this or even beg. But your heart was broken and he needed to feel what you felt.
"I.....i dont know if i can forgive you right now so l-leave me alone" with that you rushed off crying silently leaving the arena and entering your car crying softly.
Hisoka stood in his room looking at the door. His felt his chest ache. Something he wasn't use to and he rubbed his chest now sighing sadly.
"...I'm so sorry..."
And there you go~♡
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doberbutts · 2 years
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Because snakes are largely voiceless, they're really big on body language. However most snakes are also largely non-social animals and many lack the part of the brain that allows for social connection, so it's assumed what they have to say is primarily for intimidation, predation, or reproduction.
In general, a tense or reeled back posture, especially with the head in a tight S shape, is a very loud "I WILL bite you" warning. Really any sort of tenseness, pulling or curling back on themselves, or otherwise avoidant behavior is largely defensive. They're afraid and they want you to go away and leave them alone.
There are some species out there who are a little more forward in their defensive behavior. These snakes may lunge forward unexpectedly, give chase for a short distance, or headbutt with closed mouth. This is also a pretty loud "GO AWAY". When I said that Nidhogg threatened to bite the fuck out of me yesterday, what he did was quickly switch from a defensive position (reeled back and tense in a strong S shape) to a more forward attacking position complete with closed-mouth lunge as I reached in to start cleaning his cage.
Because I find ATBs are really smart (they seem to understand to blame the face for the actions of the hand, or at least mine have) that meant he switched from having a fit about my hand in his cage to lunging at my face in a matter of seconds. This is still a defensive behavior, but it's meant to intimidate and scare off a potential predator as a last-ditch effort before they actually have to bite. In fairness, most people see a snake rise up and lunge at them and back up, which is what he wanted me to do. I had to clean his cage though so 🤷‍♂️ instead I got my gloves so if he backed up his threat I could minimize the damage.
Some snakes will hiss, and this can be very quiet or very loud depending on the individual species. My ATB's hiss sounds like a little puff of air. My BCI's hiss is loud, almost like a roar, and he gapes his mouth open to do so. Vision used to hiss when I first got him, the locale is known for being a bit testy as babies but calming down in adulthood, and he's no exception to that. I haven't heard him hiss or seen him gape since he was about a year and a half. He'll be 8 years old soon. Some will also wag their tails as though they are rattlesnakes, and in the wild they move their tails under brush and leaves to make a similar sound.
When I had hognoses, they would hiss as they flattened their faces and necks to resemble cobras, and often times I could see a "chewing" motion in their jaws. Hognoses are rearfanged venomous, albiet a fairly weak venom, so I'm curious if the chewing motion was them flexing their rear fangs. Rearfanged snakes aren't like normal venomous snakes, they cannot inject you with venom by simply lunging and piercing the skin. Instead they must "chew" their way to a full-mouthed bite once they have hold of you, and only when they have your flesh at the back of their mouth can they actually give you a dose of venom. Hognoses, like most rearfanged snakes, don't use venom as a defense and don't tend to bite in defense, choosing to headbutt or play dead if a predator is particularly stubborn about going away. I found my hogs' hisses to be very loud for their size, and it had a rattling sound to it like a rattlesnake's rattle.
Cobras, of course, also flatten their heads and necks to display their hoods. Other snakes will do this too, but ime none mimic it as well as the hognose. Certain snakes will gape silently, no hiss, to warn you that they have teeth and aren't afraid to use them. Some snakes will fling poop and pee on you, and some have a musk they spray from the same opening which is vile-smelling and doesn't wash out easily.
Snakes- like most animals- don't really want to bite us. Choosing to follow through with the threat is costly, stressful, and dangerous. They are aware we are much bigger than them and can hurt them quite easily. Even if we don't fight back, snake teeth are hollow and break off easily even when we flinch away, or if we have to pry them off of us if they're really latched on. A mouth infection is a death sentence for a wild animal, so they really don't want to risk this if they don't have to. I find even wild snakes will warn and warn and warn before choosing to strike, and hospital data confirms the majority of snake bites seen in ERs are due to people going out of their way to kill the creature or animals that have been allowed to harass them. The few fly-by strikes that happen often DID have warnings, the victim simply didn't see or react to them in time before the snake lost its patience (due to being hidden in tall grass or under a structure).
For predation, I find my snakes all have a certain... focused interest in something they're considering eating. The body is a little looser, the head tightly tracks the prey animal's movements, there's a very single-minded focus on the prey animal. Once they've committed to actually wanting to kill and eat their prey, I see a moment of pause and then the lunge. I have constrictors so my guys get a good mouthful and wrap their bodies around their prey, but when I had hognoses and corns which are not constrictors, they just snatched them up and swallowed them without wrapping them. I feed exclusively frozen/thawed, prekilled prey items as none of mine have required live longterm.
I have not yet bred snakes but I have occasionally had a particularly amorous male test to see if I was an interested lady snake for him to court. My constrictors mostly have spurs- vestigle hind legs- which during breeding they'd use to tickle the underside of a receptive female and hold her in place so they can do their thing. So I've had males stroke me with their spurs before and gone "ew. No you're done actually" before putting them back in their cages. I haven't seen any other courtship behavior than that, but I also don't breed, and I don't let my males progress their flirtations further than rotating their spurs at me.
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