#'not to mention a super secret spy mission with plot potential for days'
wolfsbanesparks · 10 months
Love your post on underrated Captain Marvel/Fawcett Comics characters. :) Thinking the Fawcett Comics Characters story potential, how would you use Spy Smasher, Minute Man, Phantom Eagle, or Commando Yank in a modern day Captain Marvel/Fawcett City story?
So It has taken me literally forever to answer this, but I wanted to give it as much thought as it deserved (not to mention I've been swamped lately and needed some extra spoons before I tried).
This got very long, so it's under the cut.
Now these characters you've mentioned have some overlap in their origins/traits/motivations so I think there could be a good story that features all of them coming together to face a larger threat.
So to start off here are some ideas of slightly more modern takes on the characters (assuming they are all in their crime fighting prime at the time of the story rather than the older retired mentors some of them were portrayed as in certain comics runs).
Spy Smasher: A brilliant detective and fighter, Alan Armstrong works with the American government as a counterintelligence agent. He has a public persona as a championship athlete that he uses to cover his movements. I imagine that he is the type to pursue his leads at great personal risk and is willing to go rogue with his information if he believes its the best way to save as many people as possible.
Minute Man: Jack Weston is a highly trained American super soldier regularly sent on secret solo missions, fighting enemies that most don't know exist. He fights against diabolical villains who have managed to keep their illegal operations out of the public eye (unlike many supervillains the JL fights who make a big show of their evil plans).
Phantom Eagle: Mickey Malone is a young aspiring pilot in the airforce. A loose canon and a revolutionary, he regularly disobeyed orders to do what he thought was right, eventually earning himself a discharge from the military. Still eager to join the fight and help others he joined forced with Commando Yank as his pilot and air support.
Commando Yank: Chase Yale is an investigative reporter determined to document human rights violations overseas, often reporting from active warzones. Not content to merely record what's going on, he dons a vigilante costume and fights to protect the civilians.
I think that considering their connections to the government and the military, they should come together as a team because they each have discovered a different piece of an international terrorist plot. I would utilize Captain Nazi as a villain (as they were all initially created to fight Nazis whether America wanted to join the war or not) though he can be working alongside the Mask (the leader of a dangerous spy ring that Spy Smasher often goes toe to toe with).
An example for how this would work (or at least begin): Minute Man is sent on a mission where he faces off against Captain Nazi, barely escaping with his life. The confrontation garners enough attention that the US government has to deny their involvement claiming he acted on his own in an unsanctioned mission.
Around the same time Commando Yank and Phantom Eagle are on the scene where the detonation of an unknown device has caused untold devastation in a small small country (testing of the secret weapon Captain Nazi and the Mask are creating) and as they help the survivors they learn about the weapon and the organization that might have set it off.
Meanwhile Spy Smasher uncovers a lead that the Mask was on the move and planning something big, possibly even getting a potential target. But he is told not to pursue it any further (possibly due to corruption/a double agent working with the villains because he's a neonazi).
Eventually they all come together to stop the terrorist plot. Minute Man gets his rematch with Captain Nazi and defeats him with the help of a gadget designed for him by Spy Smasher. Commando Yank and Phantom Eagle help evacuate the civilians in the targeted area, fighting off the grunts rigging up the weapon and providing a swift exit for the team should things go sideways. Spy Smasher faces off with the Mask while attempting to defuse the weapon/stop it from launching.
I am by no means an expert on any of these characters, but I hoped this made sense. Also if anyone else has some ideas of their own for a modern adaptation of these characters feel free to share in the comments!
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 186: Lunch and Then Some Light Noumu Battling
Previously on BnHA: The New JP Hero Billboard Chart Top 10 rankings were announced and the heroes each gave a short little speech. My new adult bird son Can You Smell What The Hawk Is Cooking stole the spotlight by basically saying, “y’all need to stop being such bummers, we’re the best that the world’s got now so let’s fucking act like it.” We learned that Hawks is basically a hero prodigy, having started his own hero agency at the tender young age of 18, and now having risen all the way to #2 at age 22. Anyway, he then handed the mic over to Endeavor who went with the short and sweet “just watch me” route, for better or worse. Afterwards Endeav throttled Hawks a little bit in the privacy of his dressing room, and Hawks apologized and then said he actually needed Endeavor’s help for something. “Do you remember the Noumus?” I then proceeded to lose my shit, as we transitioned to some unknown location where an unknown figure was talking to an unknown Noumu with a Kurogiri face (!) who could TALK BACK (!!!!). Then I really lost my shit omg.
Today on BnHA: Endeavor and Hawks go for a stroll on their lunch break. Hawks casually saves like 15 random people and attracts a crowd of fans seeking autographs and selfies. Meanwhile Endeavor attracts one (1) fan, and tries to offer an autograph of his own only to send the kid running off in tears because Endeavor’s aloof attitude is apparently what makes him cool lol. So as Endeav tries to sort all of that out, he sits down with Hawks in some fancy high-rise restaurant. Hawks tells him about some rumored Noumu sightings that he’s been investigating all across the country. He says he flew out to the locations, but couldn’t find any evidence. He theorizes that someone might be purposely spreading rumors in order to sow fear among the general populace. And he says he wants Endeavor, the newly crowned number one here, to be the one to put the people at ease. Meanwhile he himself just wants to chill out, and he would like nothing better than an ideal world so peaceful that heroes can just relax. Anyway, so then that Talking Noumu from the last chapter comes flying at them from out of nowhere and smashes through the glass and is all “WHICH ONE OF YOU IS STRONGEST.” So Endeavor goes to fight him.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 208 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
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I think this might be my favorite SJ cover like, ever?? is that a huge overreaction? but like, Deku looks so cool. and I fucking love the colors so much. and don’t think I didn’t notice the distinct BakuDeku theme of this green and orange aesthetic, Horikoshi. because I did! notice! gosh these colors look so good together don’t y’all agree. okay fine I’ll shut the fuck up
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this was such a badass cover and then it’s just. completely ruined by the text in the background being all “TOAST ‘EM”
(ETA: that text was so distracting that I honestly didn’t even notice the Noumu in the background. completely missed that. so observant lol. I probably would have noticed in Mangastream’s version, which says “seething!” but that’s pretty funny too tbh)
jesus Endeavor calm the fuck down and put yourself out already. why are you always so fucking angry
holy shit
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well now, that’s one hell of an opening hook
the text is all “ever since I could remember, I’ve lived at the whim of others.” and apparently this dude found it suffocating
so here we have a disgruntled office worker about to shoot the place up, presumably? or like, the quirk equivalent of that. how fucking creepy
oh my GOD
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what the fucking fuck oh my lord. every so often Horikoshi is just like “lol I thought of a really weird thing. let’s just roll with it and see where it takes us”
so this man with his weird humiliation kink thinks he’s all that, but!
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did Hawks just shoot fucking feathers to cover this man’s R-rated parts
also if Endeavor is even 1% like his youngest son, his favorite food will be soba. moment of truth!
goddammit, Endeavor’s just completely ignoring the question, and he’s actually focusing on stopping the flasher guy while Hawks continues to talk about food
lmao now this stupid fucking dog is running out into traffic
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don’t worry kids, Hawks fired off more wings to spirit sweet, stupid Schwartz away to safety
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you had me until “chicken liver” Hawks but I guess I could keep an open mind
does Hawks ever actually make eye contact with anyone
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I’m starting to feel like he’s the type who would deliberately turn around if he ever did happen to be facing the same direction as whoever he was rescuing. he only does casual rescues
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oddly enough I’m liking him less than I did before. Too Cool For That Shit is just not my type. I prefer Too Grumpy For That Shit and/or Actually Fully Enthusiastic And Earnest And Will Do The Uncool Thing Without Hesitation
but I have a feeling that what we see might not be what we get here, so let’s just wait a bit. idk just a feeling about him. because he sure as heck didn’t have that meteoric rise by not giving a damn
(ETA: okay so! needless to say my fears were unfounded as it turns out Hawks’s thing is not Too Cool For That Shit, but actually Too Tired For That Shit, which is actually one of my favorite types. Too Cool is just the persona he puts on because it’s what’s expected of him. but in actuality the reason he seems so nonchalant is because his heart isn’t really in it. this was never something he wanted to do; it was something he was more or less forced into because he was so talented and With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility, and so it didn’t really matter what he personally wanted or didn’t want. in other words, Hawks is the very first Reluctant Hero I think we’ve had in this series. he’s someone who is more or less trapped in his role, and by now he’s become very, very good at what he does, but more than anything he would like to one day not have to do it anymore.
but of course not only does he not have that option, he’s somehow managed to get himself in way deeper than most of his peers will ever have to worry about. not only does he have to contend with the everyday stresses of hero life, but he also has a fun undercover double agent mission to worry about! so add in the fear of being caught and the stress of having to play both sides, while all the while trying his best to make sure no innocents get hurt! and having to think about all of this constantly!
basically, up until now I wouldn’t have thought that anyone could come along and actually contend with Aizawa for the title of Most Exhausted Character in the series. but not only does Hawks contend, I think it’s actually no contest. and yet he does it anyway. without complaint. well with a little bit of complaining, but under the guise of being a lackadaisical young twenty-something who isn’t particularly concerned about anything. 
he actually ends up confessing more to Endeavor than I would have expected, given all this. like he was straight up confiding in him. that all turned out to be completely true. but because he says it with that carefree smile, you don’t realize at first how much he’s just kind of quietly suffering underneath it all. like that dog in the house on fire saying this is fine. like, no it fucking isn’t, but he puts on such a good act of being completely unconcerned. it’s astounding in hindsight.
my god I have so many fucking feelings about Hawks apparently. I didn’t mean to essay this much and there are probably more essays on the way too lol. I love my tired bird son too damn much and I hope to god he doesn’t get himself killed fffff.)
anyways he’s signing autographs and giving interviews and shit, and meanwhile Endeavor is just completely being ignored
okay now they’re acknowledging him, but it’s the usual “man, he’s scary!”
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this kid knows what’s what. Inasa was fucked up for years because of his I Asked Endeavor For An Autograph trauma
now Endeavor is silently and intimidatingly turning his head toward the kids and walking over
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by the way these children are fucking adorable and I want take them all home and give them sandwiches and juice boxes
(ETA: I’m so glad Can’t You See-kun is even acknowledged in-universe as the most adorable child on the face of the earth. if anyone ever deserved to become a beloved meme it’s him)
oh shit Endeavor’s making an effort!!
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he’s really trying to fix that image omg
but it’s not working!
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oh snap. it’s just like All Might said, huh. remember he told you not to try to copy him and to do your own thing, Endeavor
the kid is having a meltdown now and saying that Endeavor doesn’t need fanservice and that the lone wolf attitude is what makes him cool
okay but you can be a lone wolf and still be Not A Dick, though
now the kid is running away crying. jesus christ. well so much for those juice boxes then. maybe I’ll just give them to your shark-looking friend
Endeav’s just staring in confusion and wondering where he went wrong
where you went wrong is being a dick for 40 years. change isn’t just going to come overnight. but you need to keep at it! if you want to be nicer just be nicer, and eventually either your fans will warm up to the change, or you’ll get new fans
(ETA: I stand by this, for the record. I know this arc is doing a whole thing of showing how Endeavor can be a different type of hero than All Might and still be someone that people rely on. but in addition to this I think that if he genuinely wants to be more approachable than he should just keep working at it even if people are naturally going to be really confused by it at first)
anyways so now we’re cutting to some fancy high-rise restaurant and Endeav and Hawks are eating in what seems to be a private room
or more accurately, Hawks is eating, and Endeavor is just sitting there with his arms crossed same as always
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are you sure Shouto isn’t adopted? that kid loves stuffing his face during serious discussions
(ETA: lmao and he even does it yet again at the end of this arc. I don’t know why I’m always so tickled by this but I just love it)
anyway, so Hawks is replying that when he wants something he just goes for it. “it’s just my nature”
he apparently tried to draft Shouto after the sports festival! interesting
but he says he’s glad that he ended up with Tokoyami in the end
wow but kind of a dick reason -- “Shouto-kun’s brand took a hit after he failed his provisional license exam”
is he just trying to rile up Endeavor here? interesting
Endeavor says Hawks knows a lot for someone who never went to U.A.
which we kind of already knew (that he’s not a U.A. alum), because otherwise he would have been involved in the Kamino mission. but I wonder where he did graduate from. is he a Shiketsu alum?
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how mysterious
(ETA: in the Mangastream version he says “I’ve always been a good observer, you see,” which is something that gets called back to later)
anyway, now Endeavor’s getting impatient and demanding to get to the point
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yesssss more info about them omgggg. how are there even Noumus anymore with AFO locked up??
okay so Hawks is reiterating the stuff we already know, that “scores” of Noumus were captured along with All for One at Kamino. and that since then, even though the League has been active, they haven’t been able to confirm any new appearances of Noumus
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hmm, I see, so it’s going to turn out that it was B
(ETA: actually now I’m wondering if there might be a C and this is purposely trying to mislead us! because everyone always assumed that AFO was the only one capable of producing Noumus, but what if that isn’t the case though?)
Endeavor says that since Hawks wants to team up, that must mean he’s actually found proof of this so-called “rumor”
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oh my god Endeavor. why couldn’t we have had you during the last arc. you would have had us out of that bullshit basement in no time flat
(ETA: for real, this arc is only what, nine chapters? the man knows how to move things along)
okay now Hawks is saying that this isn’t the only place where Noumus have been sighted, and that there are rumors all around the country -- though not in the news -- and people have been gossiping
oh for fuck’s sake could you get to the point already Hawks. stop dramatically building up to it
blah blah he heard it from locals when he went on a business trip, and he did a secret investigation at that time but wasn’t able to turn anything up
so he says he got interested after that, and flew around the country to investigate further
so apparently there were similar rumors cropping up in completely unrelated parts of the country, with slight variations
but in the end he wasn’t able to validate any of the rumors
so then if this is all true, how many of these Noumu 2.0s are there??
(ETA: and is any of it actually true? it’s hard to say at this point. I’m learning toward “yes”, or else why bring it up in the first place. there’s gonna be a Noumu arc coming up in the future at some point I think. Noumu Wars)
so Hawks is continuing to munch on his yakitori and he says that ever since the incidents at U.A., Hosu, and Kamino, everyone knows about the Noumus now, and he wonders if it’s just “some asshole with a motive to spread unease” who’s spreading rumors throughout the country
okay but we the readers know for a fact it’s not! and you wouldn’t have called Endeavor to team up if you really thought it was just rumors. so when are you going to get to your point
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...no way he’s talking about All for One, is he? "a criminal from a long time ago.” someone who wanted ability users to be free. was AFO the Magneto of his day once upon a time?
(ETA: actually, thinking about this more I think maybe it was the mysterious Destro who was mentioned by Gentle not too long ago and who I’m still hoping to learn more about. he was the leader of the Quirk Liberation Army or something along those lines wasn’t he? definitely sounds like a Magneto type)
he says that the more fear a society has, the more these kind of delusions sell and spread
Endeavor is again telling him to stop being a dramatic fuck and to just get to the point
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seriously?? you invited him to lunch just to ask him that?
Endeavor’s asking him what his angle is
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did fucking Hawks just admit he wants to 420 blaze it. in my good Christian manga. which takes place and is published in Japan where weed will get you thrown in fucking prison for the better part of a decade. something tells me this is Jaimini’s Box taking certain liberties lol
(ETA: yeah, in Mangastream’s version he says “sit back with a nice cold one” which is much more in line with Japanese culture lol. still, Hawks does give off that stoner vibe a bit, can’t deny)
aww, but this part is sweet
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though you do know you’ll end up putting a lot of heroes out of a job lol. safer world = no need for heroes. I’m sure most heroes would take that trade-off any day though
so now Endeavor is being all quiet and seemingly thoughtful
and he’s looking out the window
and... whaaaat is this
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...do not fucking tell me this is a Noumu
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holy fuck it’s a Noumu
um, what? can we back up just a sec? we just had a whole long discussion all about how there have been no verified Noumu sightings since AFO was locked up, and now one just happens to show up the instant the #1 and #2 heroes are done having their little talk?
lmao and now the hostess is coming with the check
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maybe this Noumu’s uncannily good timing was cancelled out by this lady who has the worst timing that any human person has ever had in the history of existence
holy shit look how dramatic this is!?
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Endeavor is telling Hawks to lead the evacuation
Hawks is asking “what about you?” as if that part wasn’t obvious
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RIGHT? suspiciously good timing if you ask me. I don’t have any real clue what’s going on yet, but damned if this is a coincidence
anyways now Endeavor is showing us just why he’s the current number one!
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and next chapter we’ll apparently get a whole Endeavor battle. well I hope it’s interesting! this arc is off to a bit of a weird start for me, but I think it’s because several of the pieces have yet to fall into place completely. there are a lot of weird coincidences and things that seem Just A Little Bit Off, and I feel like once we learn why, I’m going to be like, “ohhhhhhh!!”
(ETA: yeah, needless to say there were a lot of “ohhhhhh!!” moments and this arc is incredibly dense on a reread. so much going on here omg. this is good stuff)
no bonus today! I almost ran out of time to even put tags. anyways, toast ‘em Endeavor
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octorabbit · 7 years
Sheith Vampire AU
+ character details
Story starts off as Keith and Shiro growing up as childhood friends, always going on little adventures and causing mischief as little kids do. One day they get jumped by a vampire (Lotor), the vampire isn’t out for feeding, more for toying with humans for fun, involving trying to rip Shiro apart, and fully intending to do the same to Keith who tried to fight him off Shiro, resulting in an injury and oh… Never smelt such wonderfully unique blood like that before… Lotor has to have him, so he grabs Keith and leaves Shiro to bleed out and die.
Shiro survives and through meeting Coran and Allura, becomes a hunter, feeling it’s the only way to make amends for letting his best friend die. His arm is replaced with a mechanical one that’s coated in silver which is most effective when meeting people and being able to suss out if they’re human or a supernatural. All these years led him to a town where there’s suspicious rumors of people mysteriously disappearing, going around to find any information on whether people see anything or if they knew the people who’re missing, which leads him to a pub to get more leads. It’s here that he meets a woman…she looks familiar; a flirtatious little minx that he has a chat with before going after someone else who she leaves with…and that guy never returns.
Obviously suspicious, Shiro goes after this woman, unable to find her but runs into a man who looks eerily similar. Using his fake hand he concludes him to be human, and later on that night and finds the woman back again and then he realizes… it’s the guy from earlier crossdressing?? more red flags for Shiro, the crossdresser doesn’t get lucky this time in finding arm candy so Shiro follows him back which leads him into a rather large mansion just out of town which he sneaks into once the crossdresser has gone inside.
Lurking around and investigating, he ends up in a bit of a trap. Stuck in the main hall as he watched the crossdresser at the top of the stairs being fed off by that same vampire who took Keith away.Turns out after a quick exchange that the vampire is none other than Lotor, son of one of the most powerful vampires in the supernatural world (and the guy Allura and Coran had been trying to track down for years) and more astonishingly, the crossdresser IS Keith, kept alive because his blood had been so addictive and been kept as a feeder/pet for all these years.
Lotor knows of Shiro’s reputation, he won’t be getting out of here unscathed if he tries to escape, so he needs to make a bit of a sacrifice…a pity really to let something so wonderful go to waste. He ends up forcing Keith to drink his blood, and then slit his throat before throwing him down the stairs, and makes a run for it while Shiro is stuck making a big decision - Leave Keith, who he found after all these years he thought was dead to bleed out and die , or to give him his own blood, which would make Keith the very monster who had held him captive for all these years …. It was a painful decision but Shiro did what he thought was right
Random deets
Keith (19)
Spends his earlier days as a vampire detained until he’s able to settle down and think rationally again
Scar remains along his throat. He’s self conscious about t and tries to hide it with high necked clothes or scarves
Absolutely hated every time he had to crossdress for Lotor and has been promised that he’d never have to crossdress again with these new guys… a blatant lie
Feeds off Shiro exclusively out of the group, and has a supply of blood pills that only eases off the cravings for a short while. Is a messy eater
Current abilities is night vision, acute hearing, superior speed and strength, and transforms into a bat (later on becomes strong enough to become a monster-bat)
Usually only turns into a bat for spying purposes, when injured, or avoiding the sunlight (he hides in his friends clothes… except for Lance… he’d rather burn)
Full vampire mode turns his hair white as Vampires often obtain physical traits of their sires.
As a fledgling he’s very susceptible to the calls and influences of Lotor, his sire, as a loyalty ingrained into all those the sires turns. To resist is maddening and incredibly difficult for someone of his lowly rank
Shiro (23)
As the one to actually turn Keith, Shiro takes it as his responsibility to keep Keith in check as vampires, particularly fledglings, can be very unpredictable and a hazard
Found out about hunting when he was investigated by Allura and Coran when they heard about the attack and kidnapping while he was in hospital. They took him in when he begged them to let him join.
Spent over 10 years hunting and helping maintain the peace in the supernatural world and earned the title of Champion because of his impressive slaying streak.
Specializes in vampires but well versed in other supernaturals
Wears his silver laced mechanical arm on missions, downtime he sticks to a classic wooden prosthetic laced with magic so it functions like a normal hand
Has a large assortment of weapons, usually stick to handguns but has plenty of knives, stakes, holy water ect. He’s always prepared and armed to the teeth.
Usually the one who has to break Keith and Lance up when they try to pick a fight with each other
Often has people betting on him. Bets vary from how many kills on a mission, to whether or not the champion will finally fall or survives but get’s his arse handed to him… Shiro is fully aware and less than impressed
Allura (appears 20)
A very powerful witch from the infamous Altean coven that has been long since destroyed
Older than she looks… like SUPER OLD. Most people are aware of this fact and if they value their lives, will never mention how old she really is
Started a secret organization that handles in the affairs of supernatural creatures that are considered threats to both humans and other supernatural beings
Was the one to train Shiro when he began his life as a hunter
Absolutely fascinated by human culture and how it’s constantly changing and evolving over time, so it isn’t a surprise to find her reading magazines or randomly popping up in public for shopping, consuming human media or people watching
Doesn’t get to go out into the field as much as she’d like, and is usually only out when called in for emergencies
Coran (appears to be late 30’s/early 40’s)
One of the last remaining survivors of the Altean coven
Magic wielder but not overly powerful. Specializes in healing and defensive magic, and very limited offensive spells
An expert on all things supernatural, and very well versed in potions, elixirs, and charms
Always the one to make newcomers feel welcome, and often helps train newbies
Usually only goes on missions if it involves retrieval, or peacekeeping, but often get’s caught up in fights because something always has to go wrong with this lot of hunters… always
Forever struggling to understand new generation lingo, music, or why this pokemans thing is so popular
Pidge (17)
Werewolf by blood from both her parents
Tech guru of the team, but not afraid to work in the field
Especially good at tracking due to her heightened sense of hearing, sight, and smell
Actually get’s along with Keith like a house on fire in spite of Vampires and Werewolves being ‘natural enemies’. The reality is it’s a stupid myth that became very popular in the supernatural and human world, and only relevant to those involved in the Vampire/Werewolf turf wars
Has good control on her transformation, but does accidentally go wolf if she’s pissed off, and occasionally succumbs to her wolf side
Currently in the lead of the Shiro betting pool
Lance (17)
New recruit, overly eager and cocky to work in the field
Incredibly jealous of Keith due to his close relationship with his idol (when will senpai notice me?)
Gun specialist, exceptional as a sniper and often on creature control if Keith and Pidge lose the plot
Has been turned into a frog on multiple occasions because of hitting on Allura and one time because of her age
Shiro saved him from a vampire attack, which turned into serious hero worship/man crush, and stalking him out to become his apprentice
Ironically not that good with blood. Small injuries? Fine! Large amounts of blood and he’s likely to faint
Potentially has the dumbest luck. Just conveniently took a step before a metal girder crashed down right where he was standing before without knowing it was falling. These situations happen a lot
Hunk (18)
Weapons expert and engineer. Also likes to create useful tools like blood pills for Keith or a chemical that temporarily makes the drinkers blood taste revolting to vampires and other blood suckers
Also has an amazing amount of knowledge on supernatural creatures. Not as extensive as Coran but still incredibly useful.
If Pidge is in the field, Hunk takes over as tech guru. He very rarely likes going into the field if the mission is high risk
Missions he does go on he usually likes to bring back little souvenirs and knickknacks as reminders and to decorate his room/lab
Reigning arm wrestling champion of the team, even managed to accidentally throw Shiro out of his chair when competing against him
Grew up aware of supernatural creatures, his family owned a shelter for creatures in need for generations. Has a mix of many supernaturals in his blood but heavily watered down
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lowestartform-blog · 7 years
Senran Kagura: Ninja Flash Review
Senran Kagura is a ecchi ninja action anime so some images may be a bit too revealing 《Synopsis》 Five young females with diverse personalities: the care-free Asuka, fierce yet perverted Katsuragi, the sweet and innocent Hibari, stoic and protective Yagyuu, and their mature, Ikaruga. Senran Kagura tells the story of these five girls and their secret journey to complete their shinobi training. The journey quickly becomes more complicated than they expect though when a darker, more sinister group of shinobi reveal themselves. Not only do they know of the girls at the Hanzo Academy, but they seem fully intent on and capable of proving themselves to be the superior, modern day shinobi. 《Story》 This show is filled with upskirts, yuri ecchi moments, wedgies, unrealistic boob jiggles, sexual rice rolls, cylinder objects that are magically pulled from the girls boobs. I will be going other each episode so if you haven't seen I'll advise you to go see before reading this The main character is Asuka, Asuka goes to a school which has a secret part for the shinobi, the anime is about ninja school girls that transform into ninja attire but really it's just skimpy outfits for the fanservice; it's just bare minimum outfits but obviously makes them more powerful (duh) 《Episode 1》 In the first episode they have to do a mission by beating up some delinquents but then a mystery character that is using a puppet skill, asuka is on her own and bumps into a girl called Homura she seems nice at first but it's soon revealed that she has a evil side after there finished homura goes to her team to report to her team. 《Episode 2》 The next episode shows us that their are secret ninja arts which are techniques that bring a supernatural creature from the users mind. Asuka tries to summon a animal but can't, ikuraga says it comes naturally and she mentions that she is the granddaughter of a legendary shinobi hanzo, then we see a flashback of a moment with her grandfather. They teacher is kiriya which everytime that the girls are doing a cliché ecchi troupe this dude comes appear from nowhere, I think this guy is spying on them or somewhere anyway he is pretty creepy. Next, the legendary shinobi Hanzou shows up outta nowhere and makes his rice rolls in the secret base, these rice rolls are in a cylinder shape and because it's ecchi they have to make food sexual. After that they eat they go to do training, as Asuka is training, a frog jumps in between her oppai and she freaks out because she hates frogs then Hanzou says that they family spirit is a frog, finally we see 5 unamed villain and homura in there base. The leader calls out a shinobi named yomi, I'm guessing that they are going to show a couple of villains per episode until we see all of them 《Episode 3》 Yomi appears to target ikuraga, they both transforms and a battle happens, when yomi attacks her her clothes are ripped apart because yknow what you get attack only your clothes are damaged then she leaves because she is disappointed, then it's revealed that ikuraga is from a rich family. Hanzou says he will "disipline" her because she asked for it, ikuraga gives him a "back massage" but at first they do a ecchi part, well... how am i not suprised to see another sexual innuendo A another backstory appears for Ikuraga, Ikuraga has a brother called Murasame; he seems to hate her because she inherited a sword from her adopted father and he ran away because he tries to steal but ikuraga tricks him into falling down a trap door Asuka gets over her fear by saving a frog, now she is one step closer to summoning a animal, near the end another two villians are shown. 《Episode 4》 The episode starts out with a unnecessary parts where they're playing cards then Asuka loses a game just so that raging lesbian Katsuragi can do some lewd ecchi troupe to her They are heading to a island just for a beach episode and just to tick off the anime girls in bikinis on the beach, they arrived then have to meaningless stuff like cleaning. The villians arrive, one of them is called Mirai and she pulls fucking jets and guns outta her skirt. The same thing happens like last they go when they have tested out the light shinobi. 《Episode 5》 There are two shinobi factions; the light shinobi are the good ones and the dark shinobi are the bad ones. The dark shinobi goals is to steal the yin scrolls so they can have both yin and yang scrolls The dark shinobi goes to the there base and put up a massive barrier so that Asuka get trapped in the barrier, it seems when the enemy attack kiriya is always lured away from his students. Homura reveals that she is the enemy 《Episode 6》 The light shinobi are protrayed as weak so they always have a goal to get stronger. Kiriya has a backstory about a student called Rin that turned evil and is working for the dark shinobi, the dark shinobi have to retreat after Mirai is defeated because she is scared of Yagyuus animal which is a squid. Next, they have to get stronger by learning a super-secret ninja art (you know it's stronger cus they added a 'super' to it) Asuka doesn't benefit the story enough, to me she seems that she just exist to be groped by the raging lesbian Katsuragi and be the protagonist that is from a long line of a great heritage or have untapped amount of potential 《Episode 7》 The girls have to go through vigorous training to improve so they do "extreme" hiking as some sort of race, as they try to make it to there goal a lot of ecchie fanservice stuff happens like falling in a tree to see a upskirt, piranhas biting off the girls skirt, a snake wrapping around a anime girls body and go to a hot spring in the middle of a forest At the top of the mountain they have to face another legendary shinobi called Daidouji The boss of the dark shinobi is Suzune but it's actually revealed that it's Rin 《Episode 8》 Asuka goes to attack Daidouji another fails then after a while Kiriya comes and asuka get given a scroll 《Episode 9》 Hibari get manipulated by the dark shinobi to steal the yin scroll and join them, Rin goes to Kiriya and gives him a map of they base. 《Episode 10》 The light shinobi go to rescue hibari and the scroll, Suzune is jailed for revealing there location. 《Episode 11》 Yomi and Ikuraga face off in a barrier, a backstory shows that Yomi is from a poor town and Ikuraga is from a rich family which looked down on Yomi's town. Each of the shinobi go aganist each other The leader dougen put a forbidden technique on his student that when they are defeated they will die. After the light shinobi beat the dark shinobi and go to save hibari except Asuka and Homura 《Episode 12》 Rin says that when the dark shinobi attacked them she was trying to train them. Yagyuu comes to save Hibari they combine they creatures and escape, dougen then captures Asuka and Homura with the powers of both Yin and Yang scrolls to create a powerful barrier so the light and dark shinobi team up then all of there spirits go inside the two and defeat dougen. Dougen escape and get corner by everyone, dougen then activates a self-destruct the building so Rin jumps off to kill Dougen in the fire. The shinobi part ways and it ends 《Overview》 The story is just your average ecchi cliché and mediocre plot line but i still liked it cus of the "plot" i felt that the anime tries to include fanservice in every situation which makes for situations so stupid that it makes me laugh a lot 6/10 《Sound》 The OST is nothing really rememorable, it is well made but nothing special, it has enough to set the mood for a battle but nothing i really remember The opening "break your world" by Sayaka Sasaki and 3 outros aren't really anything special, if you like jpop then you could like it 《Art》 6/10 《Characters》 Now this is where the anime really shines, every character is well designed 9/10 Overall I'll give the anime a 8/10 because the concepts, character and ecchi comedy make a good watch if you like that sorta thing
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