#'oh that boy wouldnt know up from down if he stood on a ladder'
daisies-on-a-cup · 3 months
in my ideal version of a young southern will graham, he talks like old folks and says out-of-pocket shit in a very polite manner
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officalaizawa003 · 2 years
How philza found Technoblade part 3 (dsmp au)
Techno suddenly awoken to hearing too attic trap door creak open. He quickly sat up and lit the latern that sat on the wall. Phil looked over and had a sheepish smile.
Phil: Sorry! Didnt mean to wake ya, m8! I was just leaving your clothes here for you. Go back to sleep everything okay.
Techno calmed down. He looked out the window. The snowstorm was over and he could see the sun peaking out from the trees. Being in the woods like this was so nice and peaceful, " Uh sir before you go-"
Phil looked up, "Yes Technoblade? What is it?"
Techno looked away embarssed, "You know my name, but I never got yours.."
Phil slapped himself on his head, " Oh right! How silly of me! Its Phil. Philza Minecraft. But you can call me Phil or Philza. Okay?"
"Okay...Uh Sir- I mean Philza? Could you maybe stay up here with me?"
"Uh sure!"
Phil walked over and sat on the edge of Techno's bed. Techno sat next to him.
Phil: Did you wanna talk m8?"
Techno: Yeah I did...why did you take me in? I mean, look at the state of your hand!
Phil looked at his hand and chuckled, " Trust me, Ive been through worse. I took you in because you were scared and alone. Your also a child that could have been injured with all the blood you had on you."
"But how did you know I wouldnt hurt you?"
"I didnt. I just knew that I wanted to help you."
Techno sat in silence. He yawned.
Phil: You tired mate?
Techno: No no im fine..I just..I have *yawn* something to tell you...
Phil: Sure what is-
Phil stopped talking when he felt something on his shoulder. He looked down and saw that Technoblade had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He smiled and tried to hold back his excitment. Does he finally trust me? Phil wanted to take a picture or something. Phil ruffled Techno's short brown hair softly. He extended his wings around Techno and himself and fell asleep too.
"Dad? Dadd? Dad wake up!"
Philza awoke slowly. Was that Techno's voice? He opened his eyes and saw Wilbur poking at him. He looked over at Techno, still asleep.
Phil: Wilbur quiet down, will ya? He's still asleep!
Wilbur: Oops! Sorry!
Phil rolled his eyes and stood up. He picked Techno up with ease and laid him in his bed, pulling the covers over him. He smiled. Techno was sleeping so peacefully. Phil whispered, " Come on, Wilbur. Lets let him sleep." Wilbur nodded and followed Phil down the ladder.
A while later...
Phil looked at the clock. It was 8:35am. Kristen, Wilbur, and himself were all about to eat. He wondered if Techno was going to join them soon. He heard the roof start to creak and footsteps. Soon enough, Techno appeared, rubbing his eyes. Kristen was the first to speak, "Good morning, Technoblade. I hope you slept well."
"I did. Thank you, Mrs Minecraft."
Phil and Kristen chuckled. Techno took a seat next to Wilbur and the two started chatting as Phil and Kristen started serving themselves and the boys. They all ate and afterwards Wilbur looked at phil, "Hey Phil, since the snowstorm is over, can we practice? Please?"
"Alright but change out your pj's and brush your teeth. We'll begin in about an hour."
"THANKS DAD!" Wilbur ran from the table and up the stairs. Techno looked confused, "If you dont mind me asking, what are you practicing for?"
Phil smiled, "If you join us, you can see for yourself!" Techno nodded and walked upstairs.
Kristen: Do you think he'll be intrested in that?
Phil: Every young boy is. And techno is no different.
Techno is the last one outside and he is still a bit sleepy. But his eyes light up as he watches. Phil was training Wilbur about the art of the blade..
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randomsevans · 4 years
Steve Roger's x Reader
A/n I might do another version of this . Since it wasnt what I planned for this song but I came out this way anyway . I like the story but I have another one in mind of this song
Remember to send in a song request along with a character ❤
Requested by @donutloverxo
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We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January
This is our place, we make the rules
And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you, dear
Have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years?
Its hasn't quite been twenty seconds or twenty year . But long enough for me and steve to finally get our place together. We havnt been here long late August. And our little nest has already seen the change of season quite quickly with as soon as September rolled around the Halloween decorations were up. It didnt take much convincing since steve loved the holiday.
But as 31st of October past and November the 1st came forward I knew my work was cut out of me .
" please stevie . Pretty please " I said looking up wrapped up in his arms on the stairs giving my best puppy dog eyes .
"No . It ain't gonna work " steve shut his eyes shaking his head trying to avoid your eyes
"But .... please "
"No doll . The boxes are going up and nothing it coming down . No Santas or reindeer until the 1st of December " steve said sternly
"But that agesssss a way "I whined like a kid . What can I say I love Christmas well any holiday really
Steve took a deep breath and step away from me . Picking up the box on the floor filled with skulls ,bones and black and orange decor .he began to clime the ladder to the loft whispering to himself "no happening. Not happening. It was literally Halloween yesterday "
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home
You're my, my, my, my lover
As I stood there staring at the ground waiting for steve . I knew he wouldnt let me put the decorations up . I mean it November shops are selling Christmas stuff why cant I put it up ! I'm not waiting a month ! I softly yet firmly stamped my foot like a child . Quickly glancing up to see if steve notice he doesnt like it when I'm a brat . But what do u expect me to be like when I want Christmas and his been a grinch .
Yet I couldn't find it in me to be angry with him . His been so patient he waited months for me to finally agree to a date and then took things slow with me . But when one night randomly in his room he said he wanted a place of our own . I freaked out and avoided him for days until we talked and he said he was happy for to wait for me to make a decision . It didnt take me long tho . I knew steve was the one . He will always be my lover . That's why I dont think I wanted to rush things but to make them perfect . But the thought of a place all mine and steve warned my heart I couldn't wait. I ran into the compand kitchen one day shouting 'yes ' everyone thought we were gonna get married . But no I said yes to a place of our own , where the walls would have our favourite colour and our pictures. Decorations when ever I want . Apparently not
We could let our friends crash in the living room
This is our place, we make the call
And I'm highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you
I've loved you three summers now, honey, but I want 'em all
Its wasnt until a heavy box fell at my feet with a thud that I snapped out of my thoughts looking down untill u saw the red tinsel picked out . I smile creeped on my face. Growing as I turned my head towards steve who was at the bottom of the ladder showing of his muscles as he held a larger box on his shoulder . With a final creek he was at the bottom and turned to face me . He had a frown on his face as he was clearly trying to hid his smile . He left the box on the ground and grabbed you with full force you fell over my own feel and right into his chest . His arms circled around me.
"Let's make one thing clear " Steve slowly said as his blue ocean eyes glance into mine ."this ..." he pointed to the boxes "is only happening ... this early ... because it our first Christmas here "
"Yes sir " I said happily bouncing quite literally up and down with a wide smile on my face untill I was pushed all of a sudden to the wall behind me
"What the h..."
"What did you just call ?" Steve voice was stern yet playful .
"Umm " my throat all of a sudden become very dry
"Now what do you say and say it right " steve soft eyes where a contrast to his voice . It's one of the many things you love about your lover for the last three years . Mainly why you will alway want to be with this man .its always somthing I know alot of people would want and do want . Even after three year and a house with the ring hidden in his drawers I cant help but still feel like he doesn't actually want me because I know everyone falls to his feet so why pick me . But the though went as quickly as it came as I feel Steve's lips getting closet to mine .
"Ummm thank you captain "
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home (forever and ever)
Steve quickly pulled away just before our lips met .
"Come on then " the bastard had a smirk on his face as he looked down at him .I just hummed as a reply pissed of with me . "Dont you want to to decorate " he bend his neck till he was eye level with me and did a playful pout . I quickly nodded and zoomed off to get a box .
You're my, my, my, my lover
Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand?
With every guitar string scar on my hand
I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover
My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue
All's well that ends well to end up with you
Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover
And you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me
And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover
The sky had turned black as me and steve finally sat down with a cup of hot chocolate for both of us . Mine with mashmalls of course. I sighted finally relaxing. I glanced around the room. Seeing the tall tree and the red and gold decor every way.
"Thank you stevie " I spoke softly
"No thank you doll "
My brows raised as I turned to face the handsome super solider "what for ... you spend your day of helping me take down and put decorations "
"That I did love ... but maybe next time you shouldn't let me have so much control over where to put put them " steve said as he leaned toward and took my hot chocolate out of mine hand . He slightly titled his head up with a devilish smirk . I followed his eye light . Untill I saw a mistletoe hanging down . I small chuckle left his lips and he came closer to me. "It is traditionally after all "
A small smirk was now placed on my face as I quickly got up and ran to the kitchen "not quite yet lover boy " I giggled
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home (forever and ever)
You're my, my, my, my
Oh, you're my, my, my, my
Darling, you're my, my, my, my lover
His laughter boomed though out the halls as he slowly made his way towards me . "Ohh really " he cockly said as he point above me once again. My heart sank as I looked up and saw yet another mistletoe.
"Oh you think your so clever dont you?"
"You know it darling " he quickly stood in front of me with his hand framing my face and his lips touched my softly .
I softly sighed as we parted I must of looked pissed or sad or angry because Steve's face quickly become worried. "What's the matter doll . I'll take them down if you.."
"No ...no " I quickly said
"Then what is it ?"he softly asked his hands moving to my waist .
"Can we stay this close forever " I closed my eyes . Untill I heard a chuckle
"Forever and ever my lover , "
"Really " I looked up wide eyed .
"Of couse if you'll have me that is ?" He looked a bit scared untill I placed a small peck on his pout .
"Why wouldn't I? Your my lover "
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Hey ambie. It's our boy steebs birthday. Can you write something for him? Him celebrating his birthday with his princess? Thank you❤❤
A/N- It's a pleasure to write Steve having a good birthday with his Girl and all their friends! Happy Birthday, Rogers! 
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You stood at the outdoor bar Tony had set up poolside while you watched him indulge you with your vodka lemonade. “Not too much Stark, more lemonade then vodka.” You wanted him once more, and he scoffed.
“You act like I can't make a drink Y/N. I will have you know I did learn from the best.” He mixed it all together and poured it over ice, plopping a few Ruby red raspberries in the pink drink, and topped it off with an umbrella, sliding it over for you to test.
“You learned from the best?” You tease as you pick up the cup and sip from it, Okay, he was right. He could mix a drink.
“Yea, Me, Myself and I sweetheart.” He winked, as he leaned against the counter, flipping his shades down from the top of his head to cover his eyes. “Your welcome by the way.” You roll your eyes and let your gaze roam over the pool, watching the other Avengers enjoy the holiday weekend, Tony insisting on a BBQ and Pool Party to relax.
Sam was currently cannonballing himself off the edge of the pool, while Clint climbed up the ladder, perching himself on the edge of the diving board, before jumping with an extravagant flair that of course, only he could muster. Wanda and Nat lounged in the sun nearby, similar drinks sporting there hands, talking about something. You considered taking the lounger next to them and join in.
“Oh, Tony, are we all set with the cake and such? And please tell me you didn't load it with a hundred or so candles.” You arch a brow in question, and Tony snorts with a grin.
“Maybe... Okay, not quite that many, but that baby's loaded for the Old Man.” Tony, gleeful as ever to poke a bit of fun at Steve, you point a finger at him in warning.
“Better not or else I will mess with Friday again, don't forget I have access to everything, and I can easily make Friday sound like Peewee Herman for a week to get back at you.”
“You wouldnt!” Tony has a slightly panicked look on his face and you smirk back.
“You really wanna test your luck Stark?”
Steve is sitting on the edge of the pool next to Bucky. His feet dipping in the crystal blue water. “Another birthday, fuck I'm getting old.” He let his thoughts drifted outloud and Bucky barked at a bit of a laugh. “You were old before you were even in your 20′s. Just a frame of mind man.” Bucky had his head tilted, watching for how Clint was going to take a dramatic dive this time. “You and Y/N have any plans tonight?”
“Well tomorrow she has stuff planned for us, today we're just going to hang out, enjoy the downtime.” Steve looked over his shoulder, spotting you at the bar, waving a finger at Tony. His eyes narrowed to make sure you weren't actually upset when Tony threw up his hands in defeat and you broke back out into a laugh. No crisis. Not that you couldn't take care of yourself. So Steve turned to admiring you instead.
You happened to be wearing a cute two-piece, festive for the fourth of July with red and blue dots scattered over the cloth, your skin all glowing after spending the day in the sun, and on your face were sunglasses protecting your eyes. You once more brought your drink to your mouth and sipped from it, nodding at whatever Tony said, the ponytail cascading down your back bouncing with movements. You happened to turn your head and caught sight of him admiring you, and your drink got abandoned at the bar.
“Hey! ever hear of a coaster?” Tony joked as you left him, and all your eyes were on your golden boy before you. For an “old man" as Tony claimed he was, he didn't look it. No Steve was in his prime, and you couldn't help the lust-filled thoughts he always gave you. Damn him. When you reached him, your hands danced over his shoulders and you leaned down enough to kiss his forehead that was tilted back to look up at you.
“What you boys talking about?” You ask as Natasha comes over to join you three, sitting down next to Bucky and dipping her legs into the pool. Smirking Nat winks at you.
“Probably what your birthday gift to Steve is gonna be Y/N.” She wiggles her brows and Steve reached around to bring you down to him, pulling you into his hold, perching on his lap.
“Not that it's any of your business Romanoff, but no.” Steve retorts, kissing your shoulder as his hand tightens around your waist. “Although now I am a bit curious.”
Bucky slips into the water and twists to laze on his back. “He will be in bed by 9, 9:30 tops.” And Natasha joins him in the water. You splash out your leg, getting the two of them with the water, spraying them.
“Ha, might be in bed, but who says we will be sleeping?” You stick your tongue out at your friends, and against your back, you can feel Steves chest shaking with a hint of laughter. Natasha pushes her hand back through the water, splashing back at you two, and gets the whole front of you wet, leaving you gasping at the sudden cold.
“Oh, it's on Romanoff! This is war.” You wriggled forward on Steve's lap and slips off into the water, Steve knowing he better follow right behind you, Bucky dives underneath, and soon you and Nat are raised in the air on the guy's broad shoulders, splashing at each other and trying to knock one another off.
Steve was careful to hold onto your thighs draped over his shoulders while you wrestled with Natasha, ending with all four of you falling into the water. You came up sputtering, Steve holding onto your waist and you tugged in closer, giggling as the water streamed down your face, droplets getting caught in lashes, at the tip of the nose, lining around your lips. Wrapping your legs around his waist, you pressed your lips to his, still giggling.
“We can try again and I will be sure to knock her down.”
“In your wildest dreams Y/N.” Natasha came up, laughing as well, holding onto Bucky.
Steve's fingers danced along your waist, winking at you. “She's just scared of you, Princess.” Tapping your ass for you to let go of his waist, he ducked under once more and seated you back on his shoulders to raise you back up. The game ended later, with you all wiped out, in a tie. Not that anyone was actually keeping score.
It was starting to get dark when the whole group was gathered around the table, Tony bringing out the cake, that was indeed loaded with candles, the sparkler candles that wouldn't just be blown out. Although Steve gave it his best efforts, you leaning over his shoulder and blowing right along with him. After what felt like five minutes, the last candle was extinguished, cake and ice cream served up.
You happened to wander a bit away from the rest, plate in hand, taking that last bite of strawberry ice cream and chocolate cake when you feel a warm pair of hands slide just under your shirt, always warm and gentle with you as well if soft lips tracing along the curve between your neck and shoulder. “Mmmhh.” Steve happened to hum, and you couldn't help the tiny smile that eased on your lips. “What you doing over here, Princess?” He asked, and you leaned back into his broad chest.
“Eating cake and ice cream.” The edge of the yard is just starting to darken, and you can see lighting bugs starting to dot the yard. You twist to face Steve, and lean up to tip toes, nibbling on his lips. “What are you doing?”
“Just came over to see my Best Girl.” his hand cupped your face, and drew you into a deeper strawberry and chocolate kiss, moaning softly against the softness of your lips and let his nose running along yours, your still sunkissed warm and have the faint scent of the chlorine from earlier that day. It was intoxicating. “I can't wait to bring you home and finish celebrating my birthday.” You shivered in his hands, and he took a nipping kiss, lightly pulling at your bottom lip.
“Hey, one more thing, then you two LoveBirds can go to your nest.” Tony called from the edge of the yard, beckoning you two forward, and Steve gave a good-natured sigh, and loped an arm around you, the two of you joining the party.
“And here I was thinking it was a good point to call it a night.” Steve shrugged, and you nodded, winking at Tony.
“I still have to finish giving him his birthday gift.”
“After the fireworks m'kay? Then you crazy kids can go do whatever. Just don't break his hip, He has a mission in a couple days.” Tony clapped his hands and turned to the group. “Finishing off the evening, if you all come around this way to the side field, I have a fireworks display... that... will... blow... your... socks... off.” He led them all down to another section, chuckling at his lame joke. “No one? Come on, that was good.”
“Good One Tony.” Natasha deadpanned at him.
Blankets were spread out, and you settled down, Steve easing down behind you, each of his legs closing you in and you leaned back against his chest, getting comfy. Others did the same, leaning on their arms, staring up at the night sky. “Kids ready, we all cozy? Okay, here we go.” Hitting a button on his phone, the sky was lit up with a beautiful display. Oohs and Aahs shared, gasps of surprises.
You looked up at Steve, his gaze on the display above him, his eyes reflecting the dazzles of color and you smiled to yourself at him seeming to enjoy the way it was ending. You pressed your lips against his neck and whispered to him with a loving kiss. “Happy Birthday Steve”
Dropping his gaze, to you, he tipped his head to meet yours, pressing his forehead to yours and kissing you slowly under the firework display above you.
The Sparks he was able to ignite in you was far more impressive then anything shooting off that night.    
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tagging- @donutloverxo @what-is-your-plan-today @ransoms-sweater-holes @jtargaryen18 @stardancerluv @onetwo3000 @patzammit @evans713 @nekoannie-chan @natasha-romanova-anon @navybrat817 @stargazingfangirl18 @fckdeusername
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crutchie-with-a-y · 4 years
Getting to Jack Before the Rain Does
The rain started at about 2 o’clock in the morning, when Racetrack Higgins was an hour away from the lodging house, playing his usual Tuesday night poker game in a back alley behind a bar, glass of whatever drink was cheapest in hand. Usually, Race wouldn’t pay any mind when the sky opened up on New York, but when he was sneaking out that night he’d noticed Jack up in his penthouse, drawing. And Jack was a heavy sleeper, so if it started raining after he fell asleep, he probably wouldn’t notice and would wake up soaking wet, and most likely with a cold. And knowing him, he probably fell asleep with a drawing clutched in hand, meaning it would be ruined by the rain, which would be what upset Jack the most. Aaaand, the other newsies all went to bed by 12 on weeknights, which means there would be nobody up to go drag him inside. 
So, when Race felt a drip on his neck, he immiediately snapped his neck up and groaned. 
“Arighty then Race, ya fold?” A kid named Johny asked him, interupting Race’s thoughts as he leaned across the table on his elbow, chewing intently on a toothpick. Race raised his eyebrows at the boy, then looking at the pile of coins in the center of the table. He looked back at the boy across from him with a gleam in his eye, causing the other boy to swallow in dread. Race smirked and flicked Johny’s toothpickout out of his mouth and into his face, causing the players around them to whoop and holler in anticipation.
“Royal flush, sweetheart.” Race layed his cards down and began scooping the pile of money into his pockets as the others shouted and laughed at Johny’s stunned face. 
“hEY.” Johny recovered just enough to slam his fist on the table. “Another round.” 
“Sorry boys,” Race said, knocking back the rest of the drink in his cup, “but I gotta run.” He ignored the gamblers protests and dashed out of the alley, he didn’t have much time to get to the lodging house, and it was quite a hike. 
“Jesus.” Race said under his breath as he ran across the city. It had been awhile since it had rained this hard. The water was relentless. It cascaded down roofs and into over-flowing gutters, causing sheets to come down off the edges of buildings, drenching the drunks staggering around and laughing outside of bars. Race shook the wet hair out of his face as he turned a corner, spraying water everywhere with every step. He did some quick calculations in his head, trying to decide on which shortcut would get him there the fastest. He took a sharp left behind an apartment building, leaping over a barel and skidding to a stop at the end of the alley, only to land in a deep puddle. Or what he thought was a deep puddle. 
“Damn.” The entire street was flooded up to his ankles. Short waves splashed against the side of the curb as Race wade-ran down the street, barely catching himself everytime he slipped. Finally, the lodging house came into view. He picked up the pace, banging into the brick wall to turn towards the fire escape. He grabbed the ladder, practically throwing himself up it. He was practically flying, his hands and feet slipping and barely brushing against the rungs. After several almost-falls that could have been fatal, Race heaved himself over the side of the builidng and launched himself into the penthouse. There was Jack, stretched out, a thin blanket underneath him, lifting him a quarter inch off the brick, a stack of papers clutched between his fingers. Race dashed over to him, grabbing the papers out of his hand and sliding them into the pocket on the inside of his jacket, which provided little protection as it was entirely soaked through. He shook Jack hard, trying to wake him up. 
“Jack, Jack. Jack, cmon cowboy I can’t care yous down the fire escape.” But, despite his efforts, he didn’t stir, he didn’t even move. “Damn it Kelly.” Race conitnued to shake when suddenly a crack of lightening and a boom of thunder shot across the sky. 
“FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, WAKE UP!” Race screamed, smacking Jack across the face. 
“W-what?” Jack sat up quickly, causing a pool of water to come pooring off his hat and into his lap. 
“GET UP!” Race waved his arms in frustration. “ITS A BIT DAMP OUT HERE.” Jack jumped up and shook his head, grabbing his blaket and a pencil that came rolling out from underneath it. Race ran to the edge of the penthouse towards the fire escape, slipping and catching himself against the railing. He turned back to see Jack looking around frantically. 
“Where are my drawings?” He shouted, getting down on his knees to find them. 
“I’ve got them, now will you get inside? You’re gonna get sick!” Jack sighed with relief and ran over to Race, who pushed him down the fire escape when he tried to wait for Race to go down first. They mostly fell down the ladder before they got to a window, which Jack went to open, pushing his hands against the top, but it wouldnt budge. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Race jumped next to him and began to pound on the window. 
“We could try another window.” Jack yelled over the pounding. 
“No, they only leave this one open so you can come in. That’s why nobody likes to sleep up here, it’s cold as hell.” Race said, and turned back to the window. “HEYYYYY ROMEO YOU NEVER SLEEP WHY ARE YOU ASLEEP NOW,”
“We could go down to the door,” Jack said, looking down towards the ground. 
“No, they lock it after midnight and it’s like three.” 
“Okay...wait how do YOU know that?” 
“NOT THE TIME JACK! DAMNIT FINCH GEEEEEEET UP.” Race hollered. Suddenly, they heard a voice from below. 
“And what the HELL are you two doing?” Alberts head poked out from the window below them, his hair rumpled as he squinted up at his soaking friends.
“Oh THANK YOU FOR EXISTING ALBERT.” Race shoved Jack down the ladder to Albert’s window. The redhead pushed the window up more so Jack and Race could tumble into a dripping pile on the floor. There was a moment of panting as others in the room began to wake up in confusion. Jack eventually rolled over, elbowing Race off of him. The pair stood up, squeezing out their shirts and tossing their hats off. 
“Now what were ya doing out so late, Higgins?” Jack asked, his hands on his hips. 
“Oh shut up.” Race said, shoving Jack’s drawings into his face. 
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huggpheonix · 7 years
The title says it all
6 things wrong with this world 1. Money has to be earned. Seriously, whoever came up with that one, put themself in a bind. The people who come up with things like that make me angry. 2. Treehouses need nails to keep them against the tree. I learned that one the hard way. I'd show you some hilarious video, or flashback of why... But i had no camera. Okay, now you might be wondering why I'm even talking to you. Or why that's a problem, "Geez, Jeorge, What's wrong with you?" Youre probably thinking. I dont have a parent who's willing to nail stuff to a tree. And adults dont trust me around sharp things. It was one freaking time, that kid got his knee run through with the screwdriver! Tears are leaking from my eyes. Jeorge was so full of life.. Mom's always busy, buying grocerys and working night shifts. What's a kid to do!? Huh? Kevin isnt around enough to nail stuff into a tree for me! Hes always drunk and taking my mom out for late night dinners. He becomes very distant.. Like every little action is hard to make. The blinking. The breathing. And with one sigh... Kayne.. Doesnt want nothing to do with me. But thats only because hes a big fat jerk, who doesnt know how to nail shit to a tree. Treehouses for christs sake! Simply nail it to the big block of wood standing in front of you. Kayne, just cant carry a hammer, thats his problem. I wince at the many swears flying from his mouth. I hastily wipe tears from my eyes. Hes grumbling now.. And that signature glare shows through. The one I'd do anything... To see one last time.. Mom's voice is high and smeared with alcohol. Shes calling me down to come inside. "Coming!" I shout weakly. Honestly.. Im not sure how long she.. Will last. After Jeorge, left.. Kevin did also. He ditched my mom with this cheap Italian cocktail mix, and a basket of pills. With the nerve to bring his new girl. Her names Kay Lee, an exotic,extravagant lady with dark features. Mom just dropped the basket he gave her, and walked away. I stared at the strange looks Kevin and his girl gave her.  I stood up and stormed to the door. "Dont come back you bastard. Youre scum, i hope you have a good life. I cant believe youre with him." I spat at both of them. And closed the door on the traitor. I made sure I locked it and took the basket to the table in the living room. I had a stare down with the basket and after taking it all in. I really had no doubt he was trash. A cheap bottle of Italian cocktail juice. A pack of cuban cigars. The rip off kind. A lighter and after testing it, was half empty. I took the pills and bottle, in case youre wondering. I suppose im going through that testy rebellious stage? I dont know. All i DO know is, Im not leaving the killers in there. 3. Kevin. Kevin's my mom's older boyfriend. Hes got a stupid Spray tan that makes his nose look huge, and his eyes look beady. Hair thats gelled too hard, and spiked to the touch. A stupid muscular looking body, but i can see the thing he wears under it. Girdle? Idontknow.  Veins that throw themselves down his chest and forearms. Hairy chest and legs and arms, for fucks sake. A-n-d a greasy mole of a mustache. Swimmers shorts and a polo t-shirt finish this guy off, like one of those fighter games. Ecxept theres no blood. Its too bad. Hes always, glaring at me when moms not looking, and makes sure he sees me see him put his hands alllll over mom. Hes rude for one. Hes mean for another. And coniferous. "A tree?" This kid whos climbing up from the ladder behind him. Jeorge rips his fixed glare from the camera and I see his face pull into an easy smile. "That's what that is? I thought.. Wasnt that the word you taught me the other day?" "Condescending?" The kid says with a mousy grin on his face. Jeorge lets out an oh, sound and turns to the camera. "Why are you, staring at a camera?" The kid asks. His face is lit with concern for his friend. "Why do you think stupid?" Jeorge says with a laugh in his voice. "Are you okay?" Kyle asks. "Why, wouldnt I be." Jeorge says too quickly. "I dont know. I saw your mom pulling away with that Kevin guy, wheres Kayne?" " screw him, who needs that jerk. And he went out with his friends." "They only use him for beer and smokes." "You think i dont see that?" "Oh. Well.. Uh.. " he says trailing off.  Jeorge rolls his eyes and sighs again. His arm reaches for the camera and flicks it off. Im unable to grasp any words. And put my head in my arms. I always thought Kevin was decent until after Jeorge was gone. I pull out the disc and insert the next one. 4. He's holding up 3 fingers. "Dude.. Thats trippy.. Its like... Youre making some type of message. "Message.. Im not... " he sighs and the camera freezes there. "No. What the hell." I swear to myself. I pull out the disc and sure enough, theres a scratch in the side. "Agh.." I growl and think. I know theres... A cd fixing store. I pull out my cellphone and dial a number.  "Syndoistic, a smile on your face or your money back."  "Syndey?" I say with disbelief.  "Who is this?" She asks. "Kayne... Kayne.. Quopolis." I breath back. "I dont know any- oh! Hey, Kayne. Whats up? Say i was wondering if youd be able to drive me somewhere tonight." "I .. Yeah.. Sure... " i say .. "Great! This will be sick. And why are you phoning me." "Not .. I was wanting to fix a cd, I scraped it and i need it back." "Ew, cds are old school now adays, you know your phone has a camera right?" "You cant record.. Onto..." I begin but sigh. "I know, its my moms." "You dont need to do that shit for her, better to save your money for you." "I feel really.. I- " "Oh. And i dont think youd want to come tonight.. Cause, were gonna hit the hard stuff and youre a lightweight." "Jesus, Syndey, okay, i get it. How much is the cd gonna cost to fix?" I snap, surprising myself. "Why are you yelling at me?" She says into the phone. "Syndey.. Im s-" "Just pick me up tonight.i dont care. 9.00$" she says annoyed. The line goes dead and i climb down the ladder. I go into the house for my wallet and..  "Mom?" "Jimmy?" She says sitting up. She immediately lays back down when she realises its just me. "Oh. Kayne." "Whos Jimmy?" "Oh, sweetie.. I was going to tell you the news.. But i just cant wait." She says smiling and sitting up again.. This time slowly. I have a feeling Jimmy is going to be another Kevin.. But i dont tell her that. "Jimmy Finostin, next door neighbour... And the best part?" She says pausing for effect.  "Hes widowed." "Mom, that isnt, good news." Mom glares at me, and i see so much of Jeorge my heart aches. "Hes not going to cheat on us. Boy, dont you see? Hes wealthy and im inviting him over for dinner." I ignore her and walk up the steps towards my bedroom. I hastily grab my wallet and go downstairs again. Knowing jeorge he wouldve scolded mom.. But im not jeorge. "What time?" I yell. "7:00 Geez, when do you think we have dinner!" She yells. I close the door and run to my car. I make a mental note, as im pulling out, to stay away from the house until after 8. Walking into the syndoistic media store i see parents and children and young people mostly. I have the cd in a band cover case. One of Jeorge's favourite bands. I'm faced with a squinty runty looking 20 year old who glares every time a customer comes up to him. "How may i be of service." He monotones glancing around the store. Hes got blonde hair that flows into a ponytail and half a mustache. "Cd cleaning." I say and pull out a band cover. "Sinjoy, huh? Not many listen to that much. Got a bad taste in music" he says under his breath. I dont reply and instead hand him the money. "Keep the change." I say. "A whole dollar. Wow gee, thanks." He says sarcastically. "When should the cd be done."  "Around 9." He says. I begin to walk away before a hand touches my shoulder. I turn around and am faced with syndey. "Syndey." I say. "Who else?" She says and rolls her eyes. "What do you need." "Remember our deal earlier." She says. "Deal? Its honestly not a deal. I dont mind dropping you off." "We talked earlier. But i need to change plans. Jay and Haynor want me there." I nod and take her out to my car. In there we are faced with awkward silence. "So... Jay.. And haynor,. How are they doing?" I ask out of curiousity. " jay and Haynor are still together. They got into Jay's parent's stash so you dont need to pay this time." "Thats cool.. Are they doing okay? Like " "Like how, else would they be? Honestly Karl." "Kayne." I say quietly. "Thats what i meant." "I had this drink in my house.. If you guys wanted it." She laughs and snorts. "Knowig you, its probably juice." My cheeks flush with colour and i look away. Instead focusing in the road. "You dont need to get all embarassed. Jesus. Always been sensitive." I simply turn on the radio.  "I'll take the alcohol if it makes you feel better." "Sure." I breathe and take a left. We drive to my house and I tell her to wait, "No offer to take me inside, oh Kayne. Youre such a gentleman," she sneers. "My moms busy." "No worries. Just get it and come back. Your neighbourhood is really eerie." I walk into the house and regret it. My moms in the kitchen with her 'date' and like, six friends. I shouldve taken the gate door..  I sneak past the kitchen doors and make a run for the backyard. Opening the door i step out. A fucking dog is sitting there. Its barking at me. Everyone is making their way towards the window to see whats wrong. I hide behind the window blindspot and when they shush their dog i run for the tree house. Inside and safe i grab the italian bottle of sludge And take a glance around. Its a little dark out, but i see just wnough to make out the seats and empty soda can binoculars. I didnt have the heart enough to take it out. Grasping the bottle tightly i make my way to the gate and lift the gate hook. I run to the car and put the bottle in Syndey's arms. "Is this covered in mud or what?" "It was in the tree house." "Ew, knowing your creepy brother he wouldve peed on it or something." I grit my teeth so tight i feel a headache swarm. I let go and turn the ignition. "I got this as a present after." I lie again and again. "Whatever." Syndeys a little abrasive, but thats only because of her rough past. Shes really beautiful.. But im not really into- "Keep your eyes on the road." I do as told and take her downtown. She gets out of the car and tells me to wait. Waiting i turn on the radio and distract myself. Im listening to my brother's old stupid music and i cant stop. All the lines are speaking to me in a gliding of glazed singers voice, A knock on the window has me spooked. Its syndey. I unlock the car doors and let her in, "The parties down another block." We drive and i let her out again. She comes back and gets back in, "What are you listening to?" "Poise for Peaces" "Why?" "Memories." "Look, im gonna get high and drunk tonight. I need you to come pick us all up at 4am." "Dont be stupid," i warn and she ruffles my hair, the way she used to when we were 14. "Dont worry." She gets out and waves at me.before i start the ignition and drive off. Poise for Peaces, had never spoken so loud before, and for once im letting it into my head. "Keep yourself straight but dont bend and break. Dont be afraid to be yourself, you son of peace, daughter of space." I whisper to myself and get out of the car. Its now 8:59 and i walk back into the Media shop. Late night stoners and hardcore gamers come here at night. Im greeted with a rolling eyed runty looking store cashier. "Back for the cd." "Its not nine. Youre too early." "Its literally one minute off." "I dont mean that you stupid kid, the cd, is damaged alot.lucky for you, i put in extra strength cleaner. No extra charge." "Wow... Thanks.. Thats really nice of you." "Youre,... Really dumb huh?" "What do yiu..." "Only your brother liked, Ninjoy. We used to sit in that tree house for hours one end listening to those lyrics... That kid was the best thing that happened to me. He was always there. For me. Not for my money, but for me." "Who-" "Sinero. Bergtuy" "Stoner kid." I whispered a little too loudly. He laughed and tears seemed to swell his eyes, but not one fell over. "Hes the reason i quit." We were interuppted when a teenaged girl came up to the counter with her leopard print purse. "16.00$" sinero claimed and the girl handed him 14.00$"  "Youre missing the extra 2$" "Oh god.. Sorrry.. I dont have the extra two." "Here." I said and handed a townie over. Sinero gave me a proud look and took it. The girl thanked me again and again, saying this was her daughter's favourite game.  "It's her birthday real soon. And.... She deserves it." Sinero hands her 10$ from his pocket and tells the lady, thats a contribution from him. The woman nearly had tears in her eyes and hugged both of us. "God bless both of you." "Have a nice evening ma'am. And dont forget to tell her happy birthday from both of us." She walked out with a really bright smile on her face. "With little acts of kindness, comes a great weight off the shoulders. Its how we can change the world." I nod. "After my shifts over i need to talk with you," he says before handing me my cd. "Yes." I simply say. I gently put the cd back into its owners favourite band protector and pocket it. "11pm come back here and ill ride with you." "Come on in." I say with a stupid grin on my face. I knew enough about the stoner kid to know he always made himself at home. And it was infectious. I dont know why but.. This kid might have things to tell me about Jeorge. I give him a nod and make my way through the weed smelling troupe of teenagers. (Sinero is really 17. And Kayne is 20. The age difference is immense, Jeorge was only 13.) (Jeorge had Kyle who basically lived with them.) It was 9:05 and i got back in the vehicle. Making sure i had the Poise for peaces on. "Too soon, you left me, i thought i was the only one to make you feel this way. Ithere really anything left to say? Sinking through the earth making my shoulders fight through the girth."  I left towards the direction of home but decided to head for the elementary school. Soon after I got there, I finally took the keys from the ignition and got out. Joimfortword elementary school was where my little brother attended. He left multiple impressions on many people after he was gone. The school was really dumb to me though, they only cared for the extremely talented or the extremely help worthy. I walked slowly towards the wall, and soon found the message in black sharpie. 'Kayne + Syndey.' I had attended this school previously before Jeorge was born..  Syndey and I had met here at this spot. She had gotten teased by her classmates for wearing bright neon pink shorts instead of the school skirt every girl was encouraged to wear. But i put my words into 'encourage' (5. School uniforms.) ( Jeorge had met Sinero when he needed help with the treehouse. They had known eachother since before then but..) We were both in 5th grade.  A girl is wiping at her scrapes and bruises under the shorts material. She has a little blue ring under eye, but I say nothing. "What do you want?" She snaps at me. "I came here to get away from the screaming." She doesnt reply. "Damn, those kids can scream. Surely we arent in kindergarten anymore." "Are you trying to talk to me?" I clear my throat. She sighs, "my name is Syndey. Kids call me Sunny though." "Youre such a ray of sunshine, Syndey." I joke She snorts. "My names Kayne. Kayne Quolopis." "Cute name, Kayne." She pretends to be flirty...  My phone light goes dark and finally goes out. Im pulled out of my mind and turn it on again. I didnt realise it then, but we actually liked each other. And so it went. I point my phone all around the walls and theres a lot of graffiti. Tons of it. Saying multiple swears and derogatory words. Hearts and kick ass looking murals. One day i remember the principal got tired of responding to shit like that and let it go. Now its just one big slur of words and deafening cries. My light goes back to the Kayne + Syndey, and im sucked into another memory. Grade 7 when everyone was going through awkward moments in their lives. That day was really cloudy and the sun was weak. We sat outside in content silence. "Kayne." "Yeah?" "What do you think?"  "What do you mean?" She kissed me right there and that afternoon was where our heart went. We werent the first and definitely werent the last to do that. That summer was spent exploring and listening to eachother... That was the summer i learned of her abusive foster parents. Who spent their lives making her life hell. They told her multiple times she should be lucky. She should be greatful. She had no right to be sad. When she got everything she ever wanted. They told her to hush up about their actions and sent her to school with cheap makeup and a high expectation. She brought back less than average grades and continued on. She regrets it now, but at least she can party... And forget about it all. Including me. The lights out again and i turn it on. Below that i notice in purple spraypaint. 'Too soon, for deservation." The deservation is crossed out and in thick black letters it says 'love and assuredness' Normally i wouldved checked it off as one of those crazy feelings you get. Like it just draws you in.. But this time.. I knew..  His favourite color his chicken scratch writing. I made sure and took a picture. The video camera would probably have to check twice just to make sure it wasnt a suspicious person. I glanced at the time and it was 10:30pm. I pushed myself on some swings and thought of instances shared with Syndey. Getting off I went to my car.  It was time to pick up Sinero. The media store lights were all off and Sinero was walking out with his favourite army green jacket. The one he wore so many times, it was odd to see him without it. His skinny jeans were ripped at the bottom and his black boots shone defiance. But his posture said ill help you. His long beachy coloured blonde hair hung freely now and it cascaded in the darkness. His skin was tan and his left hand never seemed to do anything. It was only when he got in the car did i realise his hand was bandaged. "What happened?" I asked, jesus too late, man im nosy. He looked taken aback and it looked like bad memories. "Nails. Fights. Needles. But mostly needles." "Sorry.. It wasnt any of my business." "Youre right. But youre a friend." I stare at him with gratitude and pull out of the parking space. "Where to?" "My place." "Youre fifteen and you have your own place?" "A skimpy little apartment. But its home enough." "Wow. You really.." I trail off deciding maybe it would hurt him. "Grew up." He finishes off strongly. I steal a glance and am met with an award winning smile. Although rotten teeth around the gums stare me in the eyes, its the effort. "Yes." I say and drive him to his place, with the help of instruction. "Come in." He says and I get out with him. He slams the door a little too hard but i frankly dont care. "Whoops, sorry bout that." He apologises and i shake my head. We go into the 5 story apartment and walk up the rotten steps. "I live on the 4th floor." "So i see." I say. We final,y trudge upwards to it and he glances around.  He sticks the key in the lock and and lets me in first. He locks the door behind him and sticks a chair in behind the lock. I glance at him questionably and he only gives me a re assured look. "Wait here." He says before going into the hallway. I do as told and only look around. "You can make something if youre hungry. Or idk drink something." "Thanks." I say back. Hes got plain coloured walls and music posters i wouldve seen Jeorge have. The room is surprisingly clean despite being owned by a messy looking owner. Theres little furniture in here and i think i can speculate why.. A small radio, with two compartments, for tapes and cds. A window with a small belcony behind it, A table, two milk carton boxes for chairs.  He re emerges and now i only realise he was in the shower his freshly shaved face a reflection of that. I steal only a 5 second glance at his upper body and see his slim and sleek abdomen and angular body. His jaw is hardset and strong without that stubble and sorry excuse for a mustache. His hair is dried off and combed. "Like what you see huh." He teases. But i dont take it as a joke. "N-no i mean, yes.. But not in that way?" I say quickly. My face is really red. He laughs. "Dude. Its fine. Dont worry about it. Sorry i took long, i was taking my time." I only gawke at him. "That was literally the fastest showere ive ever seen anyone take." "Your brother was faster. Good thing too." "How so?" "Cause you take longer." "Oh.. Wai.. How would you even know that?" "Meh." He walks to the other hallway and gets changed. I mistakenly follow and am faced without his robe. Hes got his towel on thank god. "Whoa. We only just met again , properly." He jokes. I close my eyes and he laughs. "Calm down." He begins to pull on clothes and i keep my eyes shut. "Go ahead." I open my eyes and he has pajama bottoms on and a longsleeved t shirt. Again its weird to see him without his army jacket on. "My jacket huh? I dont actually sleep in it, if thats what he told you." I swallow a little lump in my throat and take a seat on the floor. He walks over to me and outs a hand on my shoulder. "Back then i wouldve watched either of you two break down.." He says. "Thats old me..." He says and takes my hand. He pulls me to my feet. "Youre brother was many things. He was arrogant. He was brash. He was stupid. Anxious, lecherous at times, condescending in others. But underneath that little shit exterior. Was a warm heart. A bright red fire. In a cold bombshell." I begin to cry and he hugs me. I cry into his shoulder and feel horrible. Hes so warm. After im done he says we should go somewhere and talk. And its in the car when hes asking me where to go, that i realise, stoner kid is still stoner kid. I widen my eyes in the parking lot light. "What?" He asks looking behind him to see if anyones there. "Holy fucking... We need to talk. But i need to show you, if not anyone else." He only nods. We drive over towards my house and I steal little glances at him. Hes got really beautiful eyes for one thing. But hes changed alot from being that one stoned horror story kid, who everyone talks about. To being this cleaned up mess. Whos heart burns brightly just like Syndey... Just like Jeorge. In the driveway i lead the way. Avoiding any contact with the inside and taking straight into the backyard. Thank god the dog is gone and my moms friends. Or maybe its just the two of them? I think hes following close behind.. But hes actually frozen to the spot. "Whats wrong?" I ask. "This is where we last saw each other." He gasps and i have to grab his hand to keep him moving. I let him climb up first and i follow up behind. "Oh my god.. Its just how we left it." "I didnt take anything out of here and its with all of it, and months of staring at the tree house from my room.. I decided to take one last look." Hes too busy picking up the coke can binoculars to hear what im saying. "Jeorge.." He whispers. "Im sorry for the loss." "You too.." He says weakly. I take a seat on the boxes and he finds one too. "When i came up here, it was like healing.. I kept coming up here. And then Kevin left. But before that.. Theres.." "Yeah?" He breathes outwards. I try to finish what im saying but i only put the words into actions. I take out the Ninjoy cd case and pick out the cd. The small tv on top of the box, is connected by a long connector cord. Into the outlet outside of the house. The cd player is on top of it. I put the cd inside and we both wait in silence It starts from the begginning again. Him sitting with his other best friend, Sinero. In his typical jeans and army jacket, despite it being really fucking hot out. Back then his hair was cut short. We were around the same age too. 17 with jeorge being 13. Sinero looks out of it and is saying all that stupid stuff to Jeorge. "Message... Im not.." He sighs. "Thats definitely a 7" sinero says. "4. My music is hardly sold in any music store. Anywhere. And even then i have to go through like six hours of car rides with this douche. Kayne wont take me, i dont knwo what his problem is. Honestly.  "Whats number 17" sinero asks out of nowhere. "Uh... Theres only six." "I, sure theres seventeen." He says. "No" Jeorge growls. Sinero's eyes grow angry. "Why are you getting mad?" Sinero growls. "Because fucking half the time. Youre always drunk, or smoking, or high. Im tired of it! Im tired of all of if, Sin-" Sinero rises. "Llisten here you little shit. Youre aggravatingly getting on my nerves. Youre only here to get me my drugs. Remember that." I widen my eyes. And sinero winces. "Im here so we can hang out Sinero. Jesus christ." "Youre always here in this fort talking to your stupid little camera." " sinero. You need to go into rehab. Your breath reeks of failure." Jeorge snaps. Sinero pounces on Jeorge and the camera falls to the side also. "Youre always talking down to me! To me! Im older than you, fucking older. I deserve so much more than a 9 year old who doesnt know how to talk to kids his age." Sineros staggeringly sober and tired and tears are falling from his eyes. "You do deserve a lot more. You know that sinero. You dont deserve a kid like me. You dont deserve a life of drugs. Youre so smart. So handsome... Friendly and kind. Assertive... But these demons take hold of you. You need help." Sinero Drags his nails down my brother's chest and cries into the fabric. "Help. Me.." He wails. " help me!" He screams into his chest. Jeorge doesnt make a move to push him off of him and just sits up and hugs sinero. After the crying stops, he whispers something. Something i cant hear. "Deservation." I didnt know what he meant so i kind of took it as a thing hed... Oh... The camera stops soon after. "He took me to rehab that kid. He helped me get better... He helped me, so i could be me. Not the fake me. But real me." He said with tears in both our eyes, at the outburst of tears. "That isnt all... I have two more cds to go, and one thats missing." "Did they ever.... Find.. His body..?" "No.." I say after a long minute, "I really want to find him," "How do you know hes still alive." I say quickly. "He visited my place alot. Vince." None of us move to take out the cd. (Dissappearance, or death?) "Did he ever leave anything there that wouldve raised your signals?" "I wouldve told you everything, if i could..." "We should watch more." I take the fourth on out and put it back inside the cd case, The fifth one is clean enough and i slip it inside. The screen lights up with a slightly matured Jeorge and a little girl. "Can you say hi, to the camera?" "Oh my god," sinero gasps. "Hi." She says very cutely. She looks to be about 4. "Im here with a special guest. Katlin could you wave at the camera?" Katlin waves with her little hand. She bares similar resemblance to - Sinero's daughter? "Today, for my special little videos, namely the 6 things wrong with the world series. I thought wed start off with a bang." "Wheres daddy?" She says. "In a moment dear child." He says staring at the camera with his stupid spiked hair to mimic his favourite singers. "I present to all of you, Sinero Bergtuy!" Sinero climbs up the ladder and is greeted by the little girl in a tight hug around the leg. "Glad to be here." He says still a little roughly. But with noticeable cheer. "Any special stuff youd like to say to the camera?" "Id like to thank you for believing in me sweating out all of that shit. And im greatful for my beautiful daughter Katlin." Sinero looks very well in the video. Younger than 20 but older appearance make him seem older than 17. "Daddy, what did you sweat out?" Jeorge turns to Sinero and he kisses her on the cheek. "All the bad stuff. Baby, its all going to be okay." "Dude, im so happy you got help, you look so good. You look happier than before.." Sinero hugs Jeorge tightly and so does Katlin. "Its all thanks to this little shit sitting in the chair next to me. Without him i wouldnt be where i am today, with my beautiful little angel and bombshell friend." Jeorge gives a little grin. With total happiness in his eyes. "Now you wont have to drive me drunk anywhere huh." "Of course not." Sinero says ruffling Jeorge's hair. "And.. As a little treat, i got you this." Jeorge not expecting it glanced at the small cd package. That held Ninjoy. "Oh my god. Thank you so much!" He yelled and hugged Sinero. "Anything. I seriously cant thank you enough Jeorge." Sinero is choking on gasps right now and im holdingg him close. Offering support when im just in the same way. This video series was what he hated about the world. "And of course, we shall continue with 5." "Can you say five for me?" "Five!" Katlin yells. Jeorge grins. "5. School uniforms. I dont know why i hate this." "Hates a strong word." "Loathe." "Whoa, thats a big word." "Hardly. Kyles a real genius with words." Anyways.. Uniforms serve a really great purpose i get it, but maybe we should.." Sinero is playing with Katlin and Jeorge is only in his thinking position. "Go on." Sinero says. "No.. No.. We should do something else.. 6 things wrong... But what i used to hate was the drugs and alcohol." "Why dont you cover what you hate in this one, and then the next one we do something different," "I like the way you think Sin." "I hate when Vince's friends come over only for a good time. I dont like it when Vince Ignores me.  I dont like Kevin. Micheal, klaire. Mom's friends. And Vincity's cool phase." He stops there and it looks like hes having trouble continuing. Maybe its because of Sinero.. Or because of the little girl approaching the camera. She stumbles and the camera tips over. Stopping the video. "My little girl.. My baby.." Sinero is crying. "What happened to" "Social services..." His hands are shaking and in the tv light he lifts up both his sleeves. Theres trackmarks making their way up and down his arm. And on his left hand he unwraps the bandage to reveal overhealed bitemarks, and scratch marks. Nail marks. Bruised knuckles split and dry hand and needlemarks. "Some scars dont heal.. Some do.." I carefully pat above his trackmarks. "Can i.. Feel?" "If you want." I gingerly touch one of his bitemarks and he only gives me an empathetic smile. "I lost feeling in this hand, dude." I furrow my eyebrows together and feel over old scars and 3d marks. After a while he bandages his arm back up. (They must uncover the mystery behind Jeorge's dissapperance. After going missing a day after his brother's birthday. They all discover theyve lost something even greater than just the body.) He holds his head in his hands and I'm held in complete silence. He was better once. But i knew what happened. He turned back to the drugs and pushed away anyone who cared. I put a hand on his arm and he looks at me. "Are you okay to continue?.." I say weakly. He clears his throat and furiously wipes away at his eyes. "Yeah." I take disc 5 out and put in the small compartment Jeorge had carved.. The one that started this all. I pick out disc 6 and its put in the disc player.  Sinero and I dont know what to say. The screen is dimmed quite a bit and Jeorge's hair isnt spiked like usual. Its combed down and so orthodox looking. Its strange..  "Everyones a traitor. Even Kyle." Theres music in the background but its faint and keeps cutting out. "Mom agreed with Kevin. You're pribably wondering why I bother st all. But soon enough this will come in handy" The video is cutting out a bit and Jeorge reaches for the radio and a piant can. "This is all youll have left of me. This treehouse. This all started off as an outlet or something stupid like that. And after this. Youll probably question. Whyd you do that? Cause im just an angsty teenager now. Look a little closer. Clues." The video cuts out and the screen goes black and finally after skipping it, it turns blue, ready to except another tape. Theres no tears this time. Only questions. "What the hell?" Sinero says "What was that?" I say furrowing my eyebrows. "I thought the kid was.." "The police took it into their hands. But.. They didnt search the treehouse. They said it turned was pointless, because the day he went missing was the day he stopped going into the treehouse. Holy shit. I think weve found another clue." "Fuck." "We need to find him. Sinero. Please." "No, absolutely not. Police, investigators need to clear this up. They're more capable then two kids." "Sinero. We need money for that stuff. This is going to cost more than what you make at a cd store." Sinero puts into serious thought. "I need to work on getting my girl back, Vince." I pull on his shoulder. "Please. Help me. I cant do this alone. What if hes still alive and counting on us to get him back! You said it yourself. Sinero." I practically beg. "Ill really think about. Vince, but this is all too much too fast. I need time. Give me a week." I shake my head yeah after a second  "Of course." We climb down and i drive him home. "Ill see you in a few. Vinny. Ill tell you if i can remember anything." I nod and he gets out rubbing his eyes. I check the time  3:45 "Fuck!" I shout and drive over to the party place. Parking outside. I get out and walk into the place. Jay is heavily under the influence of multiple alcholic drinks. His breath reeks of scotch and cigarettes. "Ah... Good friend, Vinniel." "Yeah." I say avoiding his piercing gaze. Despite him saying my name wrong i couldnt care less. Im way too preoccupied with thinking of where the clues are. Thwy didnt pronoucne him dead just missing, "Listen..." He slurs. "Couple.. Hoursss moreeyy." Usually hes very reserved and uptight but drugs and booze, is how he lets loose. "Jay, no.come." "I said. A couple hourss you fuckkking looser." "Youre drunk. Come with me." He clips me in the chest and i stumble backwards. I push him back in rage and he throws a blind punch missing me. I tackle him to the ground. "Enough." Syndey growls. She sounds surprisingly sober. "Vince. Off of him." Jay grins sharkishly at me and i just huff in contempt. This isnt the last or the first time weve fought. "Syndey. Its four." "Im aware." She sneers back. "Are you alright." "Quit worrying." Shes holding her forehead. And cursing foul words under her breath. "Im all out. Take me home." I nod. "Get Haynor and Jescany." I go into the back and see, a washed out looking young man in sweatpants and a green t shirt. His hair is messy and in an afro style. Jescany is a broke older woman who likes to tag along for the ride. Shes asian and likes to dress younger. Shes alright but a little too passive. "Haynor,Jescany." I call out towards them. Haynor glares at me. "Vincity." He chokes out with a blow of smoke. He stands up and takes Jescany's hand. I dont doubt the intimacy him and Jay have but.. The waste they put in their own bodies restricts it. "Ride." I say and Jescany's laughing loudly and Haynor is just scowling. "I take it the drugs didnt sit too well this time." Haynor only rolls his eyes and follows in pursuit to the car. "Everyone buckled in." I say lamely. Glancing in the rearview mirror at a frowning Haynor and a smiley Jescany. Syndey sits beside me and Jay is trying to kiss his boyfriend. "Drive." Jay growls in his russianish accent. I only shrug and start the ignition. "Where to." I say to Syndey. "The bus station six blocks from here." She replies. "You arent going to sleep there are you." "No, stupid. Im dropping off Jescany." Jescany only nods. "Shes fucking drunk out of her mind. Or worse. Stoned. She eont be okay." "Kid. Shes done it before. Shell do it again." Jay grumbles kissing Haynor on the lips. I drive us over to the bus station. "Jescany." I say.  "Ill escort her home." Haynor volunteers. I give him a weird look. Jay pulls away with fleeting red cheeks and a sigh. "Ill be back babe. Just gotta deliver a babe home." He says shrugging. He kisses Jay on the cheek and then a quick peck on the lips before pulling Jescany out with him. Jay sits back and finally puts on his seatbelt. "Where to now." "Jay's." I glance over surprised. "What about your place." "Ugh not there. Leave them." She says dissmissevly and I only bite my lip. Her foster parents are scum for sure. "Alright." I say not even putting up a fight. Our relationship is shakey as is. "Hey, Vincey." Jay says with a sligt laugh. "Yeah." I say not bothering to look at him. "They find your bros body yet." My heart hammers in my chest making me tighten my grip on the wheel. I dont answer and Syndey only gives me a concerned lit look. "Save your sympathy. Syndey. Goodnight." I say when she goes in for a kiss. She rolls her eyes and takes Jay with her. "Bye." She says and closes the door. I drive into an alley and slam the wheel. I hold my bruised hand close and let my tears fall. "Jeorge!" I yell. "Are you fucking hapoy where you are!?" "Im miserable without you!!" I scream. I put my head down on the wheel. And rest there.  At 7am i wake up and the sun isnt even up yet. I sigh and wipe my eyes starting the ignition again. I drive back home and park. Walking into the house i dont even care if my mom calls out to me. "Vincity, Quopolis. Where the hell have you been." She growls. I only shrug and head up to my room. I lay in darkness and let my tired body rest again. "Save your sympathy, you tired restless embodiment no joke. The only judgement received is a lecture spoke-n" I open my eyes and its afternoon. I dont feel like facing my mom so i climb down from the window and drop down. I walk to my car in the same clothes i wore yesterday and unwashed hair and stubble on my jaw. I dont care. Im so tired. Im so done. Im so... Exhausted. Of feeling. I step on the pedal and swing by Dinero's. I make my way up the steps to his door.  And knock. A minute later a woman with red hair and blue eyes answers. "Who are you." "A friend. Is dinero here." I say meakly. "Dineros at work. Again, who are you." "Freddy, his landlord." I walk away and again go to my car.  Driving over to Sindoistic. I get out and walk inside. "Dinero." He turns around and looks so tired and so unhappy. His face is paler than usual and begs cloud his eyes. "Vince." He greets, but not with the usual joy. "I need to talk with you." I sigh and walk out waiting for him. He follows and tells me he took a break. "I uh.. Have something to tell you," he says to me, he sounds nervous. "Yep." I deadpan. "Last night, everything came rushing back to me. And i felt so horrible. And there she was. And there it was." "You relapsed." I say widening my eyes. "Not on the hard stuff. Never that.. Ne-never that." He says shivering. "What was it then." He bites his lip. "Weed. Thats it.. Booze." I take his arm and lead him to my car. "I need to show you something." He sighs shakily We speed to the school. "Holy shit. His school." "The wall." I take him to the paintings and show him the heart. "You didnt tell me about .... Syndey?" He squints a little closer. "Its a dead line." I say with sadness in my tone. He takes a closer look and sees it. His knees give out and he has his hands on the spray paint. "Deservation.." He says blankly. "I dont even know what the kid means..." "He made it up." He pulls his hands away and when i look closer i realise the blood. "What the fuck." We say. The flash on my camera glares into his palm. Blood Definitely blood. I point my camera at the heart. Sure enough inside the heart is a number. A phone number. 987 65042310 Dinero looks at me. "Fuck." We both sprint to the car and lock the doors. I whip out my phone and dial the number we had to get a pen to write out. A few rings. "Hello?" A voice asks. Im unable to speak.  "Hello? Who is this." Its Jeorge. I hang up. "Dude." He says and takes the phone from me. He dials it again and the same person picks up. "Hello." Jeorge says annoyance playing at his tone. "Jeorge.." "Who the hell is this?! What do you want?" The voice growls. "D-dinero." He says weakly. Silence is on the line and it goes dead. "What the hell?" I say utterly blown away. "Fucking Jeroge?" He gasps out. The phone suddenly rings again. We sit there in stupidity and finally answer. "Look. No time.. Meet me at Foxinn, bar. We can---" "this call has been interfered with. Dissconnected. Please try again." "Jeorge." Dinero says assuredly. I put the ignition into gear and drive. The Foxinn is in the next city over... But.. Its close. Enough. "Dinero. Holy shit. Holy fucking shit." His heart is only racing. "Vince... We... Cant expect.. Too much." He says putting his head in his hands. "Its our only hope. And its leading somewhere. Dinero! My brother!" I say and tears are in my eyes. He just shakily sighs. We arrive in half an hour due to my increasing speed. We park in the Foxinn. "Be on your... Be cautious." He warns. We walk inside and its pretty busy. Everyone looks normal... Except for the teenaged boy with faded out red hair.  Hes hunched over a bar table. "Vince." Dinero nudges me and i nod. We walk over towards the boy. Dinero stops me and approaches first. He taps the kids shoulder and the boy flinches backwards. He sighs and looks him over with a piercing gaze. "Did you bring company." The boy merely gazes at me. "Yes." Dinero admits. "This is my tag along friend Brin. He just turned 18 this month, and i thought id take him along." "Thats a weak cover story. Dinero." Dinero only drops his hands and gives me the calling hand sign. We both sit down in the bar chairs. "Im going to first say, the flaws, in said cover story. One, this is a secretive meeting. I cant be here very long. Two, why would he tag along." The boy says. Im taking in his appearance very quickly. Hes got faded red hair thats ruffled and shaggy, it almost covers his eyes. Hes skinny and wears a black t shirt. His nose has a bull piercing and his eyes are grey. He eyes up my gazing. "You must be.. His brother. The famous, Vincity."  "Wait.. Youre not him?" I say, relief leaving my tone, i didnt think it was him to begin with,, but... "No.. I work for him. Very odd, boss. Might i add." "Work?" I say hoarsely. "Like i told you.. " he begins, but is cut off by the ringing.  He picks out his phone. His eyes widen.  "Yes.. Right away." "Look.. We need to meet up again." "Wait.. Please." He breathes out impatiently. "Question." "One. Make it quick." "Hes still alive?" I say. "You dont know the half of the other side of barely. Hes alive.. Alright." "Can we meet up again." Dinero begs. "Uh... Yeah.. Same place.. Different guy.. Maybe.." He says before leaving us. "Ohmygod." I say. "Hes alive. Hes alive. Hes alive." Dinero keeps panting, "Hes alive!" I say hugging him.  We turn a couple heads and we pull away. "It was quick but.. We need to learn more." Dinero nods. Confusion gets to him. "How will we know when to meet up with him?" "We will phone him after." We arrive back at the city and I dont have energy to go home. "Ccome to my place." He says. We pull into a parkig stall and get out. In the apartment we have to unlock the door. On the fridge theres a note. 'Dear Dinero, I left. Good luck.' It isnt even on a proper piece of paper. Just a small sticky note. He groans and throws it in the trash. "Who is that anyways?" "My old girlfriend.. We have a complicated relationship now.. Her names, Fresca." "Shes pretty." I say, its true. He gives me a twinkly eyed smile. "Katlins her mom." "Ahhh." "It was a stupid life we led. We didnt care about nothing.and then she got sick. At first i was concerned.. I even stopped with the drugs for a little while. She was pregnant." He has this dumb grin on his lips and hes looking down. "She stopped too. I got the news of her giving birth when i was detoxing." "Jeorge had been with me every step of the way. He came to the hospital to see her." "She was beautiful.. And it was like every single one of Jeorge's words came back to me.. And i never knew i could love something so precious.. So much.. It gave me motivation to get through it all.. And now.. Its all going downhill.. I cant see my baby.. Jeorge isnt here to snap me out of it..." He trails off and reveals too much. He fills a mug with water or vodka. I step up and take the vodka bottle out of his hands dumping the mug out. I get a clean one and fill it with water. He looks touched and i place a hand on his shoulder. "Drink.you need it." "Thanks." He says. The next morning i wake up in his bed and i shoot up. He isnt in here. I go into the living room and there he is. Hes snoring on the couch and hes wearing an old ninjoy shirt he and Jeorge got when they were younger. I dont want to wake him up. So i sit down and decide to dial the number. "Hello?" An annoyed and angry voice answers. "Who is this?" They say and their voice is a combination of jealousy? And envy? Theirs muffled voices in the background and a punching noise. Theres footsteps and a slamming of doors. "Hello?" The voice is strangled and pained. The yelling in the background increases. I make out 'Reed! You fucker!'  "Hey.. Its me. From the day before." "Oh shit. Listen, i have something that will bring closure to you. Okay? I figured it out before when... I was sleeping.." (Jeorge has a weird relationship with Reed and jeorge is violent and a malevolent asshole. Who is double edged and sharp.) "Ill give it to you when we meet up." "Alright.. Thanks." "Yeah. Its what you deserve at the very least." "Whens the m-" "Oh fuck. Fuck. Ill call you after-" the line goes dead. I take the phone down. Reed is being slowly punished for not telling Jeorge what was going on. "You fucker. How am i supposed to trust you when you wont tell me whats going on." "Im sorry.. Jeorge.. Im sorry." He yelps. "I dont want to hurt you. God i dont," he drops to his knees. "But you have to understand.. To remain.. Strong.. I need a leader.." Reed is looking away, his nose is bleeding. He doesnt answer. Jeorge is pained and hugging his knees. He begins to cry. (JEORGE MAKES REED SET UP A MEETING BECAUSE THEY WERE CAUGHT.) Later the phone rings. "Sorry.. I was almost caught.. But i didnt give in.."  "Are you okay?" I panic. What exactly did he endure? "Nah.. Dont worry about it.. " he says but i can tell hes lying. He spits out something and sighs. "Look, ill be under suspicion again. Meet up tonight 12am. Try not to be late." He hangs up again. Dinero is groggily rubbing his eyes and he groans and rolls of the couch. He stands up and shuffles into the kitchen. I walk in there too. " morning sunshine," i say as a joke. He only raises his eyebrows and grabs for the alcohol bottle. I lay a hand on his and he rolls his eyes and huffs. He instead reaches for the water. He gives me an inquiring look. I just flash a smile. Later on i tell him we need to leave for the city again. Hes sweating and is pale again and just says yeah. We both get into the car and drive. We first got coffees. At the Fox inn we are early. 11:30pm so we laze around until we see a bright red haired individual make his way through the lesser crowds. Due to it being Tuesday. Its not until he takes his hood off that they notice the bruising and cheaply applied cover up. He only makes a smily face. He points a finger up and pulls out a little napkin. "Take this and hide it. Do it on your own time." I nod and am confused.. What could be in this naplin? "D- it will.. Come in handy.. If youre to-" "So, traitor not?"  A cold irritated voice aays from behind the red hair boy.  He whips around.  "Jeorge." He says with fear in hsi voice.  "Folley,Moany, Jane." As if on que the three hold us down. I glance up at the girl with a bone chilling grip and i see an irregular sight. Red hair and red face makeup.  I look towards Dinero and hes thrashing away from Folley. One of them has a iron fist hold on The red hair kid. He only looks away in defeat. The man with a mohawk takes Reed away and snaps his fingers. Which im guessing is a telling to hold down All of us. "Who the fuck, are they." He spits at Reed. Reed doesnt answer. He slaps him. "Reed. Who. The .fuck.are.they." He growls. Reed is holding in his breath and breathing in bursts. Huffs and pants. "Reed." He says calmly and backhands him keeping a firmgrip on his jaw. "Friends!" Reed whisper shouts, "just friends." Hot tears are spilling over his eyelids. Onto his burning cheeks. Red and slightly bruised. The make up is on Jeorge's hand. He rubs it on his jeans. "Youre lying. Your eyes are looking every single fucking direction. Except me! Jesus christ. Who are they?" "Go.. Find out for yourself." He says throwing his arms off of him. He begins to try to run away but Hunry is outside and grabs his forearms. He squeezes and Reed gasps in pain. "Where do you think youre going." He monotones and snaps at Hunry to follow him with Reed. They walk back towards the traitors and he snaps at all of them.  They nod and tighten their grips signalling us all to stand up. We are escorted out of the bar and The man known as Jeo throws a wad of cash at the manager. He makes a throat cutting sign on his throat and shush's him. Hes lucky half the bar is empty. Im enraged. I thrash around and am ultimately scared.  They throw us in the back of a vehicle. And blindfold us. And ductape our mouths. (We meet up with a young looking woman with orange hair. She seems to be around 18-19. She hands us something in a napkin. "Its from Reed. The guy from earlier. Ive been informed of who you two are. I have to say, you two are fucking stupid. If J-" She cuts herself off and begins to tell us of my brother. "Hes... Different.. Then what you probably knew... I wouldnt imagine.. That youd see what is inside that napkin.. And not get to meet him." Dinero only begins to grasp the situuation. "Di-different.. How." "I dont really know how he used to be.. He hasnt spoken much to any of us.. Of himself.. Well.. Anymore.." Im about to ask what she means, but a phone vibrates in her pocket. "Oh shit.. Okay." She says and stands up from her chair. "Look. I have to go." She says to us when shes hiding her voice from the the receiver. We nod and deive back to the tree house. I take out the napkin, and its a disc! Another disc. "We have more. Dinero. We have more." Dinero gives me a yellowing smile. I quickly make haste and turn on the cd player and tv. I put in the cd and sit back. It turns on. It lights up to reveal a darker place. It seems dank and the living conditions seem deteriorated. A lanky looking boy sits down on a milk carton and stares into the screen. "I... Have.. Seen, darkness." Theres a long pause. Theres a flicker of light and i catch glimpse of a glare and bruised face. Half of the boys face is riddled with old and new bruises. "Soon. Soon. Soon. Its all gonna be over soon. Soon. I cant wait till soon." He says and holds his head in his hands. "Im fighting with.. My demons.. Theyre... Choking me.." "Soon... Soon.." He repeats to himself. "What the hell." Dinero says and leans closer. Its hard to see a complete stranger look like hes in pain. The video cuts out and it skips to later. It skips a few frames. Hes laying on a mattress. "Its okay.. Its.. Okay." He re assures himself. He stands up and paces around. "Im.. A .. Good kid.. Loyall... Loyall.. Ive been here longer than most," he whispers to himself. He stops and turns to the camera. "It..s gonna.. Be over soon." And he walks to the camera to the camera to turn it off. The screen goes white, and i almost move to take the cd out in disappointment.  Suddenly, the same boy walks into the room. "Its done. Its done. Its finally over. Nothing.. No obstacles.. Smooth.. Smootth sailing.." He begins to huff and puff and finally he breaks down. "Good.. Kid.l good kid.. Good kid.." He repeats over and over to himself. He calms down and turns off the camera again. "Who was that?" "I dont wanna jump to conclusions or any thing.. But i think.." "Jeorge." I say breathlessly. Later on we receive another phone call. "Meet me at the foxinn." Dead line. ( "dont hit her!" Reed yelled out of turn. "You cant tell me what to do. I control you all." She sits in a kneeling position. Shes waiting for the hit but it doesnt come. Reed is holding his cheek though. "If you want to be like that, then ill make her sing." He pushes reed out of the way and hes busy holding his stinging face to care. "What were you doing," "Nothing i swear." She squeaks out. "Lies." He continues until finally she cracks. "Someone.. Meet,, at.. Bar.," she stufgles to pull sentences together. "Good." He says relenting and pulling himself up. He snaps at maony to clean her up. "Clean her up. Treat her to a nice dinner." Maony nods sadly and lifts her up gently. Jeorge whirls around and waits until they leave the room before he collapses to the ground. He clasps a hand to his mouth and plays the scenes over in his head. Reed begins to push himself up and leave but Jeorge's heaving gasps compell him towards him.  He places a hand on his knee next to him. "This job... Is turning you into him." "Im not him.." He chokes out. "Im sorry,.. Im so sorry." Reed only lets out a sigh and uses his hand to rub little circles into the fabric of Jeorge's jeans. "Its okay.." He mutters. "No.. It isnt," he says and continues to shake. He pulls Reed into a hug and Reed flinches from the touch pulling away. Jeorge gives him a horrified look. Reed sighs and goes in for a hug. "Im sorry too.." Later on... (Reed phones again and says to meet up again tonight. His schedule is cleared but he has bruised all the way up his arm and a bruise on his eye. Vince gets the first cd and its when Katlin is born and him holding her. And of Him kissing Reed and them having little interviews. He didnt believe in firsts so he did that after he found Reed. Jeorge gets his friends to hold down Vince and Dinero and Reed. He takes Reed away and holds his face closely. Glaring at him. "Whos this!" He shouts. "A couple friends" Folley squeezes his arms and he yelps.  "We-" Jeorge widens his eyes at Vince. "Vince.." They end up watching the cds in hiding and they get a look at the insider life of Jeorges cold world. But hes really just the same, just more steely. And not trusting. "Will you ... Come back?" "Vince.. Its complicated.. The moment i set foot out of the fucking house, was the moment, life changed. I cant go back. Life is too far gone." "Mom.. She.." "Kevin. He left didnt he." He snaps his fingers at Moany and Folley.  Thwy nod and leave the room. "It's complicated Vince. Im too far into this, to leave." "You at least owe me an explanation.") The guy gives them another cd and it awakens a whole new perspective they neever knew could become of their beloved punk brother friend. (Girl next time, informed by Reed. Jeorge's right hand man. Her names judge. Shes addorned in plainative clothes and a messy appearance.  Jeorge runs a bussiness..?) Theo is the big old boss that used to control the gang and Jeorge wanted to control. So he used to do anything, "Rule one, you dont refuse anything i say, do or give to you. Take a hit." He did as told. And it continued until he finally outbursted and it was too much for theo d lungs so he passed out and never got full medical attention. So he died the next day entrusting it over towards Jeroge. Vince always thought his friends were weird now he connects the dots. They werre always doing weird shit and jeorge actually had a dark side to him. More layers. He used to be an errand boy and do shit for him. Reed and him were both in e same ranks and they would go door to door and commit crimes. ( i have this fleeting memory, that keeps drifting back to me. Even though, im imprisoned in this room. It dissappears and reappears every time. In random. Theres a boy with his older brother. I watch as he blows with all his heart into the wand. "Youre not going, to get anywhere being mean to all those poor bubbles." I say. He glares at me, shoving the wand at me, "Do it then," I gracefully blow bubbles into his face and he gets angry. "You cant get angry, at bubbles." The memory always stops right there. Jeorge has always been tempermental. But never in my life, would i imagine him as a tyrant.) Everything.. Goes Blank I awake with a dry mouth and a headache. Its so stuffy.. Like i can bearly breathe. I cant really open my eyes but now i can kind of make out a small stand.. A door.. Dank lighting. The woman with red hair appears again and she takes my wrist. "Come with me.." She says. She takes me into another small room. "Hey.." Says a small voice coming from a darker corner. I cant speak. He comes out of the darkness and its the red head kid. Reed, i think hes called. I make out a nod. He looks terrible. His face looks like it ran into multiple poles little scratch marks here and there, sweaty and dark begs. His physique looks like he hasnt eaten since yesterday. "Weve met before.. Im not gonna hurt you.. You might be.. A key to something." "I got involved with this to bring back Jeorge.. Now that i know hes alive.. I need a description." "Youd have to guess.. The overbearing,over rated, ("When i get older im gonna ditch all these people. Theyll see. We will see." He grows up and follows one of his newer older friends Fred. "What are you doi here?" He asks panicked. "Do you have any idea what theyll-" "Whos this runt." The guard growls.  Fred lies and is punished. Brought to the master. "Master., "Lied to me again." "You know what we do to liars." He has the people rain punchs on him and he has him layn out there. Thats the first thing jeorge ever sees. "Youre a scrawny little runt." The master growls. "Ill let you off. Youll come in handy." "Handy?" He makes the mistake of asking. "If youre going to live here. You will learn. Not to question me. None of them do it. Its your mistake runt." Jeorge is disheartened and is about to leave. Groan grabs him by the arms and leads him to a cell sort of room. He pushes him in and closes it. He sits in the room and lays down. "I need to get out of here." "You and me both." He whips around to face a boy. When he sits up he looks to be about the same age as Jeorge. "Who are you." "My names Reed.. Or Red.. According to the mean guy." "Why are you here?" "Youre very curious huh... Wondered into a bad time in a bad place?" He does t say any more than that and leaves Jeorge to think. Later on the door slides open. "Jeorge." The woman in almost all black says. He rolls over and follows her reluctantly. She pushes him into the office part and he faces the same guy from before. "Runt." He seethes. Jeorge just glances every way. "You cant escape. If youve tried. Doors are monitored. Youve seen too much. You serve me. I need you to be a little errand boy for me.. Got it?" "But i-"  He stands up from his seat. "But you?" "I?." "You.. Spit it out. Jeorge." "How would you know my." He holds up a cell phone and reads off text messages. "Thats illegal give me my pho-" "There are no rules, Jeorge." Hes about to counter. "Your name isnt Jeorge anymore, its Jeo." "Get out of my sight." Hes escorted by another thug into his living quarters. The squeaky voice of a younger woman catches his attention. She coughs. "Theon.. He asked me to show you your limits." " The room is where youll stay. Until notified of the boss. Youll receive food on a daily basis. At times youll be let out for fresh air.. And training. Bathrooms are located in each room. Youve made a bad mistake. Tip of advice. Dont get theon mad." Jeorge is staring at her and she lifts up her hair and it shows a large scar going down to her collar bone. Jeorge widens his eyes and his blood boils. "Why would he-" "Dont ask anyone their stories. Only if they tell you. Got it." She begins to take him back and before he can protest shoves him in his room. "I dont get it.." "Choices. Thats the thing. You never told me your name." "Jeorge." Six weeks and hes got it down pat. He and Reed go out and do business. They earn the money so they can continue to eat and sleep and stay alive. Hes been beaten senseless so many times. So many times. The stinging on his eyebrow just a reminder of his constant urge to escape. Hes asked Reed so many times when they can go,  Reed just looks away. "Red.Jeo. Youre wanted." Sinama says. She escorts them to the bosses door. She pushes them inside. "My two favourite punching bags. Hows it going," Reed looks away self consiously while Jeorge glares. "Great. Just fucking dandy." "Didnt your parents teach you about manners, Jeo." It still pissed him off that they called him that. "No matter the tone of voice you address me, youre still street mice earning your own scraps. You havent seen anything yet. Trust me." Jeorge clenches his teeth and looks away. "I need you two to clean up my buddy. The bastard thinks he can double cross me, and get away unscratched. Go, teach him a lesson. One he wont forget." "I cant do that!" Jeorge yells and clasps a hand to his mouth. He whispers im sorry over and over until Theon reaches him.  He instead takes it out on Reed,  Until Jeorges crying and begging him to stop over and over again because now Reed is curled in on himself and his tears are streaming down his bruised face and hes beginning to stop moving. "Dont fucking refuse my orders. Next time your buddy wont be so lucky."  Jeorge is kneeling over Reed and is measuring his breathing. Methods hes grown to assemble to himself because theyre survival tools. Theyve been engraived. Ever since Theon has taken a liking to Reed. Hes rewarded with shallow breathing thats hitching. Theon sighs and Jeorge thinks he hears actual remorse in his voice but thats crazy because Theon is relentless.  "Im-.. Not going soft, Jeorge. Take him to a real doctor. Or something. I dont care." Jeo widens his eyes. Is he being... Nice? "Go!" He roars. "Report back to me later, your still doing the mission. And what use is he to us, if hes broken." He adds in regards to Reed's beaten body. Jeorge narrows his eyes and carefully lifts him and carrys him out of Theon's. It should be a surprise to see somebody's relative in crushing pain. But the look, Maryn, gives Reed, is not of concern but of Pity. After hes taken to the hospital, hes treated immediatley because of the tiny rib fractures, the split lip and eyebrow are easily remedied. The bruising is minimum and any blood is wahsed off. It leaves an unconscious Reed alone to Jeorge. After an hour goes by Reed finally comes to his senses. His eye groggily flutters open. Jeorge is by the bed side not able to sleep and is biting his nails. Reed begins to sit up but is hooked up to a machine. "What the hell is this." He says but it sounds like hes talking through cotton because of his swollen lip and cheek. "Precautionary." He says wordiedly. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He inquires. "Like how?" He says with a glare. "Like i havent taken Theons beatings before." He begins to dissconect the equipment. "You worried me i thought you were almost.., "This wouldnt have happened if youd just gone along with what he said." Jeorge is taken aback and Reed finally gets out of bed. "Hand me my pants." "But-" "My pants Jeorge." Jeorge is holding back a tidal wave of emotions as he sees Reed struggle to pull his pants up. He finally does and he tucks his dress gown away into a shirt form. "Come on." They both run -limp?- out of there and later the doctors are wondering what happened to the two tired looking children. They arrive back at the headquarters and are brought back into Theon's. "Red, Jeo. Go now." He says. "What do you want us to do again?" "Beat my colleague, until he squeals. His apartment is located---" Red is distant around Theon and Jeo knows why. They both leave towards the building. In the apartment they face a man of french decsent. He looks like he had just gotten out of the shower. He answers the door and He faces two of Theons rats. "Ah.. What is it you want? If its some lame fight club, im not interested., He begins to shut the door when Jeorge stops it with his foot. "We'd really like to talk to you about more pressing matters." Red shoves him into the apartment and Jeorge shuts the door behind them. A french man is curled up against the couch as Jeo is holding the frying oan like a sword. "Why did you leave. Why did you double cross us." "Theon.. Hes corrupt.. Hes too far gone for me to save... For anyone.. Please.. Leave me.. " "Thats not all of it, tell me more." The french man is about to give up. He raises the frying pan and closes his eyes. "Wait! Hes sick.. Hes very.. Very sick... Its.. A viral disease.. He doesnt yet know of.. Very deadly very contagious. Very... Hes... Contracted it off me.. He wouldve killed me.. Killed." "Naturally youll know of what happens to traitors. If theyre brought into him." The french man gives a horrified look. "I dont want to do this.. I dont.. But.. We are all street rats fighting for survival. This is only for him..." He gets Red to call backup and they get him dressed. He has to look okay otherwise it will raise suspisicion.  So they get him to walk to the car and make it look normal to the cameras. In the car they drive them to the headquarters. They push him into Theon's. They have to wait there before they are called in. "Red, Jeo." They stalk in and the boss says good job. "Go." They walk out before they run towards the room. They collapse into huffs and puffs and jeorge crumbles. He rolls around on the bed. Before running to the washroom and taking a long shower. He washes his hands off and begins to sob. He wipes the tears away after a long while and turns off the knob. He puts on his old ninjoy shirt and shrugs at the memories. He puts on faded jeans and unlocks the door. Reed is laying down breathing softly, hes concentrating on the pros and cons. "What are you thinking about." Jeorge says softly. "My personal choices. What i did to deserve this." Jeorge cringes a little bit. "Hes sick. He looks sick. He needs to die. The bastard needs to fucking die." "Reed." Jeroge says firmly. "Jeorge. He will kill us all." "I wont let him." "When are you going to grow up? He doesnt feel anything towards us anymore. His choices are sick. Jeorge, you were stupid to leave your family." "What of you, Reed." "My sister feels pity towards me. I did the same as you. Except. I didnt have a choice. It was either that, or social services. Jeorge. You had a nice mother and a brother." Jeorge is making his way over towards Reed. "Its too late.. Weve made bad choices. Bad fate. But thats not whats in the future. Ill find us a way." Theon is hacking his lungs out and is constantly leaking blood from his nose. Hes pale and is keeping himself together. He finally begins to think about the end. "Cinnor." He calls out shakily. "Boss." She says wearily. "Get.. Jeo.." "Sir." She says before leaving to pluck Jeorge out from his bed. "What does he want?" Jeorge says quickly with fear in his eye. "Not sure.." She finally opens the door and stands guard. "Sir.." "Jeorge.." He says meakly. "Ive been a real bastard... More than you know... But.. Its too late for sorrys.. Wven though... I am.. For all the pain.. Dont give me that look.. Im dying.. And.. You and Red know it..." Jeroge is in awe. "Even.. The most disconnected person feels... Im not going soft.. Boy" he hacks and coughs and is laying his head down. "Im... Not gonna.. Die... Peacefully..." He laughs without humor. "Ive been a bastard... And... I cant.. Pay for it all.... The most capable person to take over... Is you... People... The people here... Theyll listen to a new face... One who knows compassion and all the mushy stuff." He clutches his heart and coughs again. "Theyll hear a new age... Theyll listen to you, Jeorge... The sickness... The virus.. Its spread too far.. Jeorge... Ive... Taught you most of the fighting skills... The vitals.. The makeshift healing.." Jeorge is leaning over his desk. "Jeorge.. Dont let this place deteriorate.. Do it for me.. And if not.. For the satisfaction... Of getting out of here... " "Enough talk.. Enough gushy shit." He rummages through his drawer and takes out a file folder. "Ive gathered info on you. Youve a brother.. And a mother.. Both hurt by your dissappearance.. If you do as the file folder says.. You can free your friends and yourself.." "Theres a catch.." "What?"  "A catch... What is it.." "It doesnt matter how nice.. I try to be... Youre always.. So refreshingly honest. Youve grown.." "Cut that shit out, Theon. Of course i want out of this. What is it.. You want me to do." "You need to eliminate the people in the file folder, various figures who stand in the way of my goal.." "What do you gain. You will die." "I have a life outside of this building." "You.!?" Jeorge snaps. "Yes." "This is all for my roots." "Your roots?" "I grew up in a very rough place.. You remind me of myself. Jeorge. We are more alike. Than you know." "You and me?" Jeorge says with a slight snort. "Dont be so fast.. I was younger... I was more stupid.. At.. Least.. All this.. Will.. Atone.. For what ive done.." "Cut the shit. Theon." "My roots. Charity. My helpers. Theyve made me who i am today." "How will you know if i decide not to do it." "Watchdogs. Ill be blunt. Theyll dispose of everything you love." Jeorge widens his eyes.  "The funadmentals will start now. " He begins to lecture Jeorge on rules and morals he guides himself by. By the time its over hes sent back to the room with bruised knuckles. Examples of the punishments he will receive and will give to make them follow orders. His head is spinning and he decides to just lay in his own bed. Each night hes plucked from his bed and taught the fundamentals and how he will strike with an iron fist. When he doesnt follow something hes yelled at and punished, each a new punishment. Names that have stuck with him throughout his four years. In the end hes put to the test and is a steeled boss figure and hes beat to a breaking point. "Senseless beatings will often, give fear to them." The next night hes driven to kill him. "Ill make sure i do it for you." He whispers before Theon takes his last breath. Jeorge notices a change in atmosphere in the building. Everyone is happy and they are all getting along. They share pizza and have nights where they all tell stories. They become very close friends and finally its time for Jeorge to give a glance at the file folder. He sees all the targets and is disheartened. Someone knocks on the door. Reed enters. "Reed." "Boss." "You dont need to call me that. Come here." Reed steps over towards the desk and he sees all the pictures. "What is this?" "Theons dying wish." "Dude.." He says before taking the folder into his hands. "Thats alot of people." "I know.. " "What do we do? " "We have to eliminate them." "No.. No way.." He says before putting the folder down. "Its the only way.. Reed.. Its how we get out of here." "Hes dead. Why are we still here?" "Theres unfinished business. Reed." "He wil never know." "Reed hes got watchdogs." "Holy shit." "Its too late to go back."  "Jeorge. What are we supposed to do?" "Exactly what the folder says. Dont give me that look. Weve made big mistakes, and this is how we pay." "These look like innocents, Jeorge." "I know." He says putting his head in his hands. "Come on, a nurse with kids?" "Reed. It sounds irrational i know. But if this is it.. Then.. We should get it over and done with." "Did he even tell you the motive?" "He died before he even told me the whole of it. All he said, was it was for his roots. For charity. He said these people are standing in the way." "Saran Joreyy. Age 25. 25 Jeorge. Fucking 25." "I know, Reed, for fucks sakes shut the hell up," Reed is taken aback and steps away before apologizing and walking out. "Fuck." Jeorge curses to himself and looks over the folder. Jeorge goes to Reed. "Reed.. Im sorry.. This whole thing is overwhelming.. I know theres no way to justify our actions.. Or his.. This is all bullshit... But... Its the price we pay." "Cut the bull shit sweet talk Jeorge. Ive thought it over. Whatever gets us the fuck out of here. One condition." "Yes." "We pay for the funerals." "Yes. Sure anything." "And we attend them." "Ye-wait no. Reed. We were the ones who killed them, why would they want us there?" "They didnt deserve to die. Its out of respect." "Reed. That is so stupid." So on it went. We eliminated six out of 20 people. And attended everyone of their funerals. If anyone asked we were old friends that were never brought up. "This is getting to be too much, Jeorge." "What do you want me to do about it." "He told you to do it.. He didnt give you a specific time limit." "Thats a good point. Damn." Two days later their base is infiltrated by ten teenagers claiming theyre the watchdogs. "Wattdogs. We are wattdogs. Hired by your passed expiration date master." She says with a wolfish grin. "Why are you here." "He didnt even tell you. Did he." The one with several piercings in their face. Female or male.. It didnt matter. They looked fierce. "Tell us what." Jeorge says protecting Reed. Reed's only in awe of jeorge. Only because of his black eye. And bruised knee caps. He was scraped up pretty bad the other night and called useless several times by Jeorge. Another pipes up. "Your leader was known as an R." "What the hell is an R." Reed says from behind Jeorge. "Reckless, ruthless, awe, fuck ran out of r words." "Okay.. So just a bunch of like.. Words?" "Ravishing." They all turn to look at a girl. "Hey look. Aint no joke, he was hot in a rugged way." Some boy smiles in the back. "Okay, so... Why are you here. Seriously. What hasnt he told us." "Our orders. What we get paid for.. Is to make sure. You do what he said. Sort of his dying wish right?" "Yeah.. I guess." "Now. He told us that you guys had a time limit. You could take a tiny break but once that was all done and finished you get right back on it. Any more time wasted, the targets would all escape." "Shit." "Your leader. Was a horrible man certainly. But he had power. Under the radar, power.  "Yeah. He often showed us his power." Jeorge snorts. "The bottom line really is, that he needs you all to clean up his mess. Whatever he told you was probably bullshit." "I aint cleaning up no ones mess. Its all his problem-" "You want to risk, them finding all your dna on this shit? No. I was guessing not. You do your job and maybe we will help you clean up. Okay?" "Wait.. You said your job was to just make sure we got the job done." "Im not a complete asshole."  "Do your job. This was just a minor look into what we can do." "What happened to your friend Jeorge." She asks him. Jeorge widens his eyes and looks for the first time the damage hes done to Reed. "You know... Its pretty lecherous for the leader to punish his little buddies. Especially when they mean so much to him." Reed only stared at the ground hes held down by a man whos twice his height. Jeorge is slapped by the lady leader. "We got paid big dollars, so we could watch over you. Do your job. Or we going to come in here, and fuck up your pals again. Okay?" She says really sweetly. He only nods and she puts his head down on the desk and pats it. "Let them go. You. Kayn. Tell the others to lay off." Kayn seems to nod and runs off into the building to find the other Wattdogs. "Okay. We gonna move out. Look. You heard my warning. Do it. Get it done, and youll be done and over with all this." She shoos out all her friends and begins to leave. "Oh. And jeorge?" Jeorge is bleeding out of his forehead." "You dont look like a big tough bad guy to me. Youre just some messed up little fucker, who needs help." She shuts the door and he begins to bite his lip. Reed is all beat up. "I cant keep helping you Jeorge.. You need to help yourself too.." He whispers. "Reed. We need to take out some more. Ive learned that theyre actually witnessess. We are there to clean up Theon's mess. Its shitty. But... We can get this done. And hopefully.. By the time we are done.. We will be able to be normal.." "Define normal, Jeorge." "Fuck." Suzanna Wilsinow. Age 43." Reed just gulps and they send out two of their best. Im better off on my own
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