#'post some pins and nobody cares. post some pins on a plate of peas and everyone loses their minds-'
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These motherfu-
there are no peas in ba sing se
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uber-den-pyromanen · 4 years
SniperXReader Ch 5
Reader had an awkward interaction with Sniper, and she’s still trying to figure it out.
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     It was quiet when I awoke, a cease fire day, I guess. Solder was quiet. I made sure to stay that way as I walked into the common  room. I saw Demo passed out on the floor with empty bottles around him. On the couch was Jeremy, he looked like death. "Uh… what did I miss last night?" Medic popped his head out of the kitchen. "The Dumbkofts got drunk." I nodded to him and he held a plate of food out to me. I took the plate and walked out of the room. "Hey, Doc, do you know if Sniper is up?" Without skipping a beat Medic responded. "Nope." I sighed and walked to the table. I sat down and saw Spy; he gave a quiet chuckle. "What is it Frog?" He looked to me from his paper. "Why care about him, hum?" I poked at my food. "We're a team…" "You don't care about him as a friend." I set my fork down. "I never said that. You shouldn't come to conclusions that you don’t have all the facts for." Spy chuckled and Medic sat down next to him. "I don't think you're right. I think she's fascinated by him." I smiled to Medic. "Closer…" I thought for a moment and poked at my food. "…I've never had someone react to kindness like that." Medic raised his eyebrow and sighed. "We call him Bushman for a reason, (Y/N)…" Jeremy pulled out the chair next to me and took my plate of food. "…He ain't exactly got any people skills." Jeremy started shoveling my food into his mouth with his hands. I set my fork down and stood. "Hey Spy, you wouldn't happen to have any tea would ya?" Spy returned to his paper. "Non." Medic piped up. "What kind Frauline?" A smile came to my face. "Black or Earl Grey?" Medic stood; "I hast both, would you like to share a cup with me and Engie later?" I smiled wider to him. "I'd like that, thank you Doc." I walked into the kitchen… and found a Sniper… A very tired Sniper. "Good morning." He tensed up and I looked to the floor. "Uh… sorry about last night, Sharp." He didn't call me shela. Did I upset him? "Like Scout said…" I looked up to him he was still tense. "It's alright Sniper…" I filled my plate and went back to the table; we ate in silence.
     It took till noon for everyone to get out of bed for food. I spent lunch with Medic and Engie, in Engie's lab. It was a little weird eating among machines. The two of them talked about stuff that was way over my head. Engie took glances at me every now and again. Medic excused himself after a few moments to check on, the bread, whatever that was. "What's eating at you Sweet Pea?" I looked to Engie. "It's nothing important…" "It's Sniper!" Medic was shouting from the room over. "According to Spy she has a crush on him…" I let my face hit the table, the dishes clanked with the impact. I heard Engie chuckle. "He's just teasing…" Engie leaned towards me. "…Medic has no idea what that is." I let out a small laugh and Engie went back to leaning back. "Sniper… Oh how do I put it…" "Not dating material!" I sat back up. "Und yes I do know what a crush is, Jeremy has one on Miss Pauling." I sighed as Medic walked back into the room. "I don't have a crush on him. It's weird to freak out when someone offers you a beer." Medic let out a loud crazed laugh, Engie shot him a death glare. "Sniper doesn't have a lot of experience with women…" Medic laughed some more. "If any!" Engie pulled out a remote and pressed a button. One of his sentries woke up and shot at Medic. He let out a scream and left the room. "Sniper is a delicate soul. You might not have noticed…" I quickly remembered what Sniper said, 'Sorry about the battle… It is… I should've watched your back better…' I looked Engie in the eyes, well goggles. "Does he act weird towards me because I'm a girl?" Engie shrugged; "Could be. What exactly stared the 'weirdness'." I told him what happened and he busted out laughing. "It's not because you're a girl, Sweet Pea. It's because you weren’t mad at him." I was even more confused than I was before. "Why should I be mad at him? I'm a new variable for the team. Nobody is used to having me on the battle field. It’s not his fault that I was the enemy Scout's play thing… And I'm sure their Spy wasn't helping matters any." Engie smiled to me. "You're such a sweet heart." Engie stood and ruffled my hair. "It'll take him time to get use to you and the way you act. Keep your head up Sweet Pea. He'll come around to ya." I finished my tea and left the shop. Whatever Engie was working on was way above my understanding, so I couldn't help him. So best to get out of his way, I needed to unpack my car any ways.
     I walked into the common room and saw a few of the guys playing a video game. I sighed and stared the walk to my room. "Hudda." It was Pyro. "What can I do for you…?" He grabbed the box out of my hands and started to walk to my room. "He wants to help ya unpack… Damn it Demo! Stop with the blue shells!" I shook my head to the group of men and went to get another box out of my car. With Pyro's help it didn’t take long for me to get my stuff in. Pyro decided that my desk was a good place to sit and draw at with some of my supplies that he found while I was unpacking. I placed my clothes in their rightful places… "Hudda murph!" Pyro held out a drawing to me. I took it from him and looked at it. It was a photo of me with the team. I was standing between Engie and Sniper. I smiled to the drawing. "Thank you Pyro." He stood up and clapped. I pulled a box of push pins out of another box. I pulled out a pin and pinned the drawing to the standing dresser. Pyro hugged me. "mur, murph!" He let go and ran off. I smiled and continued to unpack. Soon a knock came to the open door. I turned to see Sniper. "Oh, hi. I haven't seen you since this morning…" He swallowed hard and looked to the floor. "Sorry about earlier." I cocked my head to the side. "You don't need to apologize for that. Engie told me about…" "I don't have a thing for ya!" I let out a laugh. "I know Snipes." I looked up to see him red faced and staring me down. "Engie told me that your people skills are still a work in progress." He sighed and relaxed some. "I'm…" I walked over to him. "You don't have to apologize about everything." I looked up to him. "Really Snipes, as long as people aren't mad no reason to apologize." Sniper rubbed the back of his neck and looked away. "Yeah, it's something I haven't quite learned yet." I reached out and touched his arm, he instantly tensed up. "It's alright, I had to learn not to apologize so much, it's a normal part of life." Sniper ripped himself from my grasp and walked away. "He'll come around to me, I'm not like anyone he's ever met before." I smiled softly to myself and went to finish unpacking and go to bed.
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