#'scoundrel yogi'
harrisonarchive · 1 year
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George and Olivia Harrison in London on June 26, 1990; photo by Simon Townsley.
“[The rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle can be] seedy... Yes, that’s probably the most difficult of all, because I really relate to these people. I love them, and they’re my friends, and from time to time I’ve really gotten into that — being crazy and boogying… parties and whatever all that involves. I go from being completely spiritual and straight. Then, after awhile, I’ve gone back in with the rockers again. But I’ve got a good sort of tilt mechanism in me.” - George Harrison, 1976 interview, conducted by Lisa Robinson, and quoted in Robinson’s There Goes Gravity: A Life In Rock and Roll (2014)
“George had a sure footing, he always had a sure footing, you know, he always had one foot on the ground even if the rest of him was flailing around. He had what he called a ‘tilt mechanism,’ and so he was never ever really gonna go somewhere he shouldn’t. And he was naughty, and that’s part of the charm.” - Olivia Harrison, radio interview, 2005
“I think for George, he talked about the inner journey and that was very important to him, although he was yin-yang. He could hang with the best of them. [laughs] He was a scoundrel yogi. That’s what I loved about him, because he was honest. He was right up front about it. ‘I’m bad? O.K., I’m bad.’” - Olivia Harrison, The New York Times ArtsBeat, 2011
“[George] never said he was a saint, but he always said he was a sinner.” - Olivia Harrison, Rolling Stone, 2011
“He conducted himself with a great consciousness [laughs], even when he was behaving badly, he would do it with a great awareness.” - Olivia Harrison, Huffington Post, 2014
“He was a witness to his actions. He always said, ‘People think they’ve found me or found something out about me... I know when I’m bad. I know.’ Nobody suffers more than yourself, right — than one’s self when you know you’re not being true. And he tormented himself, you know, I think, a lot. But he was a curious guy, and he just wanted to have all the experiences and hope he could get back in time for the big exit.” - Olivia Harrison, BBC Radio 4, 2020 (x)
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enarmor · 1 year
a kiss after treating a wound 
(“Since you would have come up empty handed otherwise. Though I recognize I’m not your type.” With a roll of his eyes, he continues, “You seem to prefer women who will have little patience for a scoundrel such as yourself.”)
"Ah... Your affection bandages the wound of my heart!"
Pucker-up! Sain's not about to say no to a free smooch, and so when Lukas gives him the opportunity he takes it with pride. The knights kiss (as knights should) and Sain, being the man he is, reads far too into it. He slings his hand round Lukas' shoulder, resting the pads of his fingers against the back of his neck. If such an act could buy him even a few moments with another's lips, he'd take it; he's desperate.
"Though your words ring true, Sir Lukas," he continues, his eyes simmering down from the daze of passion from just moments prior, "it is the duty of knights to fall for wonderous women, is it not? Why, practice chasing skirts was almost as important as lancefaire or riding."
It's true, for Sain at least. Growing up his father was so concerned with drilling the forms of a proper warrior into him that he neglected to teach Sain how to feel and love. With figures like Yogi and rotten Lundgren to model his behavior off of, the Lycian learned young that womanizing was to be his destiny.
No knightly order is perfect. Sain is living proof of that fact.
But Lukas and the compassion he shows for Sain's dying heart nearly move him to tears. He has to fight to stop a silly smile from overtaking his shocked expression, and even then, some semblance of sheepishness manages to pull through.
Perhaps, had he more men like the Valentian to teach him right from wrong, he might've turned out differently.
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gertlushgaming · 1 year
The MÖRK BORG spin-off PIRATE BORG Is Coming September 19
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Avast Ye! Free League Publishing and Limithron today revealed that the scurvy-ridden MÖRK BORG RPG spin-off PIRATE BORG is set to be released on International Talk Like a Pirate Day on September 19. Inspired by history, fantasy, horror, and... rum. The pre-order is now up for looting at the Free League webstore and gives immediate access to the PDFs ahead of the official release. The game will also be available for a sneak peek at Gen Con. Find out more about PIRATE BORG here. Be aware, it is highly unlikely that your cutlass & flintlock will save you from the hordes of skeletons, the Kraken, or even your own crew... Related Post: Building Better Worlds Announced for ALIEN RPG
PIRATE BORG is a game about being a greedy, filthy scoundrel. No prey, no pay. Find a ship. Recruit some crew. Raid, pillage, plunder, and otherwise pilfer your weasley black guts out. Get a bigger ship. Kill some things. Upgrade your ship. Sneak into a fort. Raid a port. Acquire treasure. Bury said treasure. Become infamous. Search for someone else’s treasure. Flee in terror from unfathomable creatures from the deep. Drink all of the rum. Die on the high seas. Roll a new character and do it all again… For dead men tell no tales, better get a live one as fast as you can. Included in the 166-page book are eight character classes, easy-to-learn naval combat rules, stats for 18 vessels, 80+ NPCs & monsters, 90+ system agnostic tables, and The Curse of Skeleton Point, a sandbox style adventure with eleven pirate-themed locations. PIRATE BORG is written and illustrated by Luke Stratton, also known as Limithron, who is known for his pirate-themed battle maps. About the game creator Luke Stratton Luke Stratton, also known by his alias Limithron, has been fascinated with the Golden Age of Piracy ever since he first rode the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at age 4. Forced to find a new career at the onset of the pandemic, he built a Patreon following drawing pirate ship battle maps. He is the author and illustrator of the PIRATE BORG as well as Limithron’s Guide to Naval Combat for 5th Edition. Luke lives in Denver, Colorado with his wife and an Ewok dog “Yogi”. When not sequestered in his wizard’s study, he can be found traveling the globe with his other professional pursuit as a concert lighting designer. Links: limithron.com pirateborg.com linktr.ee/limithron Read the full article
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The way to beat addictions is to take the world's problems and to occupy your mind with them.
The world's biggest addiction is not alcohol, cigarettes or social media, it is religion.
More people do mindless things such as worship a god they can't see and cut a Tree (A HUMAN) they can
Religion is the world's number 1 cause of repetitive behaviour - a psychologically depraved personal circumstance because of the false sense of 'allahm' it instills in you.
Under the thumb of the mullah , the cassock of the priest and the 'jadooamantar' or the yogi - each demonstrates with schooled elegance that they are charlatans - wolves in sheep's clothing - eager for praise but not for correction!
What is praise and why is to be ignored? Because it is the most SINCERE form of flattery! Fools (wastrels, scoundrels) accept praise - wise men, women and children - COUNSEL.!
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princefelixyusupov · 4 years
En Exil: Chapter Twelve Favorite Bits
Bull’s back!
Felix’s mom calling her room ‘her little cell’
Wobie calling Felix Rarité.
Wobie calling Felix a scoundrel with two separate words
Wobie and Felix’s mother ‘denigrating him with tenderness’
The Angel of Peace got bored
Felix is old enough to make his own decisions according to his mother and Irina. 
Felix thinks he has ‘good sense’
The maharajah wanting to take him back to India so he could study under his master for ten years and become a yogi. WHAT.
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everlarkficexchange · 5 years
Long Exposure
Prompt 130: Katniss works as a park ranger. Peeta is a photographer/artist coming to said park to find inspiration. [submitted by @wingletblackbird​]
  Rated: Mostly General.
  Tags: Modern AU; Blink-and-you-miss-it humor; Fluffy ending. Under 5K words One Shot. Unbetead. All mistakes are mine.
  Author’s note: I wrote this piece to show my appreciation to @wingletblackbird for her hard work in my first two stories, she did a magnificent job as beta, and her story A Father Figure, it’s amazing— go read it in in the @everlarkficexchange page if you haven’t yet— also Thank you Everlark Fic Exchange for letting me take this prompt so late in the game. You guys rock and I appreciate your work greatly!
  Peeta pulled out his leather bound booklet and smiled toothily at the cashier in the Visitors Center gift shop. “Do you have one of those seal stamp things, with the name of the park and the date?”
  The woman glanced at the small book that obviously already housed in its pages any number of those stamps from other national parks.
  She rolled her eyes like she was being inconvenienced by the question and waved a hand carelessly to the front door. “Right over there, by the free maps, same place as always. There’s a stack of slips of paper in case you need them. Some people don’t think about the seals until they’re here.”
  “I got it cover!” Peeta announced tapping the booklet against his open hand, smiling broadly at the woman. “Thanks!” Peeta waved enthusiastically, headed to the seal stamps.
  The clerk shrugged, “Good luck.” She muttered flatly, going back to looking bored and ready to turn into a stone gargoyle from not moving.
  It took him a while to visit The Great Smoky Mountains as a grown up, despite living so close the ancient mountains were practically his backyard. Maybe being so close was the reason it took him so long to come back? He had to see the rest of America first, explore the vastness of the country, learning about the amazing sights out there before he was ready to return home to the Appalachian ridges he grew up in.
  Either way, he was glad he was finally here and he had all kinds of photography equipment with him to immortalize the park in this special day; Peeta was a purist, and saw photography as an inspirational art form. He mostly worked with film and natural light, long lenses with attachment filters if needed. He could do color, sepia or black and white and that only meant multiple cameras with the appropriate film and attachment per picture, so he had on him at least three cameras ready to snap at any given time, without counting the three or four back-ups— each in its own bag— and the numerous rolls of film packed in each available crevice in his pack.
  It was lucky every single one of his numerous camera bags and pouches fit nicely into one comfy backpack, otherwise Peeta would’ve looked like a cargo mule wearing a multi pocket vest, cargo pants and hiking boots.
  While he was bent over putting his booklet with the brand new imprint of the park seal inside his pack, a Park Ranger strolled into the Visitor Center ready for a long day in the wilderness.
  The ranger’s gray eyes scanned the room, even standing on the tip of her boots so she could look between the shelves separating the big space in aisles of knick knacks and memorabilia lining the center. She finally rested her eyes on the cashier at the counter.
  “Mornin’ Ms. Ripper, do you know if my eight o’clock is here yet?” The Ranger asked in a raspy voice that somehow fit the Smokies with her heavy Appalachian accent. “Photographer fellow? I’m s’pposed to take him ‘round the park today.”
  Peeta’s head shot up as soon as he heard the ranger speak, and saw how after a moment of dead silence the clerk being as animated and helpful to the ranger as she had been to him, gave a halfhearted grunt at the back of her throat, pointing apathetically at him crouched behind the counter with the seals. The ranger sighed in aggravation and scowled at the mute gesture.
  “Thank you, Ms. Ripper.” She said to the woman, but when she turned away she muttered something like, “Is it too hard to keep things professional?”
  The ranger was petite and thin, if it wasn’t for the scowl and the no nonsense attitude she exuded, Peeta would’ve mistaken her for a teenager dressed up for Halloween in a very authentic Park Ranger outfit. That said, Peeta couldn’t help thinking the ranger was incredibly beautiful— scowl and all— more radiant than the sun, despite not being very big. She was plenty intimidating for such a lithe person.
  “Mr. Mellark,” She called expectantly, staring him directly in the eye.
  Ignoring the excited little jolt he felt go through him, he smiled politely. “Actually, could we stick with Peeta? Mr. Mellark is my Pops and it just sounds weird when you refer to me like that.” he offered jovially, extending his hand to hers, while lifting his pack with the other one. When the ranger didn’t crack a measly smile, he added the word, “Ma’am?” Like an unruly child that had just been chided for not minding his manners.
  The ranger took his proffered hand with a firm grasp and pulled him to his feet, “Ranger Everdeen.” She said, “I have a small list of items I need to go over with you before we can hit the trails.”
  “Alright, lets get on with it, then!” Peeta said smiling.
  The mountain air was crisp and clean, a slight fog still clung to the peaks, but nothing too muggy. The sounds of the wild in perfect harmony with the landscape.
  Peeta had reloaded all his cameras at least once already and it wasn’t even noon yet. He had taken pictures of timid blooms dotting the trails and green lawns; majestic trees towering above his head; wildlife so unafraid of his presence, they’ve crossed the path carelessly and stopped a few seconds to ‘pose’ for him.
  His favorite moment was when a black bear cub wandered up to him while he laid behind a bush, shooting picture after picture of this family of skunks he found particularly endearing and had to captured in film. The ranger had gone ballistic when instead of moving away from the cub and let it be, he started goofing around with the curious bear, letting him play with his equipment and roughhousing with it on the mossy ground.
  After a moment, a second cub joined in the games, and the first one found a cheese bun tucked into the outside pocket of Peeta’s backpack.
  “Are you serious?” Exclaimed Ranger Everdeen exasperated, yanking Peeta up from the ground and forcing him to get away from the bears as fast as was advisable to move. “I can’t believe you just fed the bears! Have you ever heard the phrase ‘Do not feed the animals’? It’s an universal rule, not a suggestion! That’s great, just great, P— er, Mr. Mellark! Feed the bears in front of the park ranger!”
  “Uh, excuse me? To begin with, those babies stole my food without my expressed consent. They fed themselves and didn’t know better. Second I’m having flashbacks to my childhood just now… Yogi Bear would be very disappointed on you miss Everdeen.”
  “Yogi Bear was a cartoon scoundrel that knew no limits, and quite possibly gave Ranger Smith stomach ulcers, or at the very least, anxiety. Those bears back there are very real, and I promise their mama is not far. You really don’t wanna meet her if she thinks her cubs are in danger. Now let’s put some mileage between us and those black bears right now!”
  “What do I care? I have you to defend me!” Said Peeta nonchalantly, “That bio of you I read online while booking the tour says you’re an excellent markswoman with a bow and arrow.” Peeta arched one eyebrow at the ranger.
  She blushed and went momentarily stunned. “You read my bio?”
  “Of course! I was curious to see what the internet had to say about the rangers. Yours was the most impressive by far.” Peeta winked.
  Ranger Everdeen turned crimson, “I’m okay I guess.” She stuttered.
  “You’re better than okay! You’re pretty awesome!”
  The ranger shook her head, causing her braid swing widely. Then she bowed her face, so it was cover by the rim of her hat. “Did I mentioned there are wild turkeys in the park?” The ranger rasped trying to change the subject. “Can’t hunt ‘em though.” She shifted on her feet.
  “You’re pretty when you’re flustered, has anyone ever tell you?” Peeta hadn’t plan on saying that; it just bursted out of him like Mentos dropped in a bottle of Coke.
  Ranger Everdeen glared at him for a moment, pursing her lips tightly. She looked away in an effort to keep her tongue to herself, and started to search intently for signs of a mother bear chasing them.
  A moment later she responded, “Yeah. My boyfriend’s said something to that effect a few times, bless his heart. I think the poor thing is just biased.”
  Peeta frowned. “Hmm… Beauty is the eye of the beholder, but I’m siding with your… um, boyfriend on this. He sounds like a smart person.”
  The ranger smiled fondly to herself. “He’s the smartest, but sometimes his head just swells up ‘til is bigger than a house.”
  “Ouch!” Peeta chuckled, “Don’t hold back ma’am, your boyfriend won’t mind. Although I have to admit, a man that can boast of having a girl that can shoot things full of arrows, is a lucky guy in my opinion.”
  The ranger smirked. “I don’t know about that, but thank you for sayin’ so. It’s mighty nice of you.”
  Peeta nodded politely.
  The walked in silence for a bit, Peeta stopped a few times to snap a picture of a blossom here, a bird in flight there, or just freezing in time the way the sun hit the mountain tops at a certain angle; the ranger and the photographer arrived to a lake teeming with life and flora.
  A few bumblebees zoomed past the two hikers; a butterfly or two fluttered around a bush in bloom; and over the lazy water surface, a dozen dragonflies mingled and frolicked, avoiding the hungry frogs that looked at them with longing. A trio of white tailed deer— a mother and two fawns— drank from the lake at the opposite shore.
  After capturing the pristine scene in film, Peeta crouched on the grass and closed his eyes for a minute, enjoying nature through his other senses. The sound of the rustling canopy in the breeze above, the birds calling mixed with the zooming of different bugs and the croaking frogs, made Peeta want to lay down on the edge of the water and take a nap, but he had some place to be, and a pretty ranger to gawk at while she wasn’t looking.
  The woman was truly breathtaking in the wilderness. She seemed at home and she knew her park like the back of her hand. She explained everything about tracking animals, particularly bears and deer, she pointed out interesting sights to him and had quite a few suggestions of where to put his tripod for the perfect stills.
  Even the lake was her idea, and he was grateful he had let her lead him there.
  “This is truly something else.” Peeta exhaled.
  “It is. Is one of my favorite places to visit. My father used to bring me here on weekends to fish and release, and on really hot days, we even took a dip in the water to cool off.” Said the ranger with a far away look as her eyes traveled over the lake and its surroundings.
  “Those are beautiful memories. Thank you for sharing them with me.” Peeta said humbly.
  The ranger smiled at him, “the very best memories of my life are attached to this mountains. To this park.” She said wistfully.
  Peeta smiled back. “I bet you’ll have a hundred more to add to the collection soon enough.”
  Ranger Everdeen gave him a quizzical look, but before she could voice any questions, Peeta shoot up from his spot like lightning and dove to the very edge of the water, where a green, leafy plant caught his attention.
  “Hey! I know this one, although I’ve never actually seen it in person!” His smile was wide and his camera kept clicking and winding in quick succession.
  The ranger just stood there motionless, watching the man drop on his stomach— huge pack crushing his back and all— to get the angle just right. Her eyes, wide in surprise, simply followed the enthusiastic photographer, wondering if he was for real? How could someone be so exuberantly happy, just about anything they saw? It was refreshing in a way, and intimidating in another. This man with his lopsided smile, sky blue eyes and mop of wavy blonde hair, disconcerted her for sure.
  Peeta suddenly looked up startling the ranger, who turned her eyes away quickly, blushing, having been caught staring, but Peeta didn’t seem to care and simply knelt up, gesturing at the plant.
  “So, this one is Sagittaria Latifolia, the Arrowhead. Also known as—“
  “Katniss,” said the ranger giving the photographer a suspicious look. Her eyes dipped to the name tag on her shirt opposite her Park Ranger badge, with ‘Katniss Everdeen’ boldly engraved in the smooth metal. She narrowed her eyes at Peeta when his smile widened smugly.
  “No, I was going to say Duck Potato, but I guess Katniss is okay too.”
  Katniss, the park ranger, spoke softly, fidgeting with the end of her long, dark braid between her fingers. “My father had this joke, ‘as long as you find yourself, you’ll never go hungry.’”
  “Wise words. Arrowhead tubers I’ve heard are pretty delicious with garlic butter, plus ‘Katniss’ is a great name, especially for a fearless park ranger with he best survivalist skills I’ve heard off.” Quipped Peeta.
  “You’re reaching, sir.” The ranger muttered under her, breath rolling her eyes for good measure, while suppressing a smirk.
  Ignoring her remark, Peeta leaned down to pluck a three petal bloom, from the Arrowhead plant, and offered it to the ranger with a lopsided smile.
  “For you ma’am. Thank you for being such a sport so far. I know I’m not the easiest person to put up with. My mother would tell you if you asked. But you have been a perfect angel, full of patience and good will.”
  Katniss shook her head smiling sadly. “Is my job, to be patient. And you sell yourself short, mister. You’re very nice and considerate when it counts. I hope you know that about yourself.”
  She took the small flower and pinned it behind the slim name tag. The tiny white blossom popped nicely against the sage color of the ranger’s uniform shirt.
  Peeta looked at his watch and frowned. “Miss Everdeen, can we head back to the Visitor Center? I want to take pictures of some of the sights on the way, I think will make this trip exceptional.”
  “Sure. We can take a lunch break there too by the picnic area… If you’re done feeding the bears, that is.”
  Katniss gave Peeta a glare that he responded to with a wry smile.
  “Please, lead the way, ma’am.”
  As they walked, Ranger Everdeen gave Peeta this long spiel about Cades Cove history, located on the Tennessee side of the Park, and some fun facts about some of the old buildings there. A bird flew around the ranger at moment where she was just standing still pointing at some berry bush while lecturing Peeta on the dangers of eating from plants one doesn’t recognize, the little bird landed on her hat, and hopped around the rim for a second or so before taking flight again.
  The ranger let out a small melodic laugh, while Peeta kept snapping photo after photo. They were both smiling and animatedly commenting on the bird’s timing. And then, something started to bother Peeta in the back of his mind.
  He had taken quite a few pictures of the ranger in different instances during the tour, but suddenly, he felt guilty about it. Most of the pictures had been candid and without her knowledge. He thought about the fact she’d mentioned her boyfriend offhandedly earlier in the day, but he was sure the boyfriend wasn’t a common topic to discuss with tourists, which lead him to wondered how would he feel if some random guy was taking a bunch of pictures of the girl he loved without her consent? How would those pictures be used later?
  “Um, just so you know. You will be featured in a few of my takes.” He said glancing at her in the middle of her speech.
  She cocked her head to give him a better look, tipping her hat almost off her head in the process.
  “I know,” she said simply. “Thanks for letting me know, anyways. But it’s kinda hard to ignore all them little clicks while I’m trying to talk.” She gave him a pointed look.
  “Fair enough. I just don’t wanna come across as creepy.”
  The ranger laughed a bit. “I don’t think you’re creepy, but you have to admit you’re a terrible flirt, sir! Are you this suggestive with every female you meet?”
  “N-no!” He rushed to answer, his ears turning as red as beets.
  But when then ranger was smiling devilishly, “I’m just joking with ya!” She winked then.
  Peeta arched one surprised eyebrow, “Are you making a joke, Miss Everdeen?” When the ranger only gave a tight lip smile, Peeta shook his head vehemently, “I’ve travel the country from coast to coast, I’ve noticed every woman I’ve encountered… none of them have made a lasting impression, except for one,” his blue eyes glanced at the ranger meaningfully, but the woman was stubbornly staring at her boots, trying to hide an rising blush.
  “You sure know how to make things feel…” She flounder for a word.
  “Awkward?” He provided.
  Suddenly the two were sharing a laugh.
  “Alright, mister Mellark. I think we should get back to the Visitor Center for a short break.” Said Katniss taking back her Ranger mantle as she guided the photographer to a path she considered picture worthy.
  “I’ll follow your lead, ma’am, always.”
Exactly at 12:32 pm, the Visitor Center building loomed in the distance. The sun was high and warm, the breeze sweet and mild, the noon hour conducive to an impromptu picnic on the inviting lawns like the ranger had suggested, but Peeta kept looking at his watch, tapping the palm of his hand softly into his thigh in a spastic pattern.
  “… so although there isn’t any archeological indication that the Cherokees lived in the mountains, you can certainly find clues of their passage through them. It’s very interesting if you think about it—“
  Peeta turned his wrist up again to check the time, and the ranger frowned, pursing her lips. “But what’s most impressive about the park, is the crop circles left at the very top of the mountain by the alien invasion of 2026. You should hike up there and take pictures of it. You may win a Pulitzer or somethin’!”
  Peeta started nodding his head absentmindedly, the same way he’d been doing the last ten minutes, but then a deep frown took his face; his blue eyes cut to the ranger who gave him an innocent stare.
  “2026? That’s seven years in the future.” He accused.
  Ranger Everdeen gave him a dull ‘don’t-you-say’ glare, “Out of the whole string of ridiculous nonsense I just recited, the date is what registers with you?” She shook her head. “You know what, Mister Mellark? If I’m boring you with all the knowledge I’m trying to share with you, just please come out and say it. That way I won’t feel like I’m wasting my vocal cords on somethin’ you’re not interested in, and you can stop being so rude.”
  “I— I’m sorry. I… look, I didn’t mean to ignore you or make you feel like your time is not valuable to me; it is, really! It’s just… well, there’s something I’m kind of preoccupied about, and I really hope you don’t take this badly… but… um… there’s an ulterior reason I insisted on booking this tour with you.”
  The ranger’s gray eyes widened in alarm at the photographer’s words. Peeta flapped his arms around pathetically for a few seconds while Ranger Everdeen stared suspiciously.
  “What did you, mister?” She asked in a dangerous tone.
  Finally, Peeta pulled his cell phone out if his pocket and send a quick text while throwing nervous glances at the woman seething at him quietly a foot away from him.
  “Why don’t we go this way?” Peeta stammered gesturing to a path just shy of the Visitor Center, his hand ventured to the small of the ranger’s back and while she initially started at the touch, she didn’t move away.
  He guided the very confused woman around a bend, and there, in the green wildflower dotted meadow, sat the most elaborate picnic party Katniss Everdeen had ever seen, complete with her sister, mother, drunk uncle Haymitch, and a group of blonde, blue eyed Mellarks, all beaming at the startled ranger.
  “Peeta Mellark, what’s going on?” She turned to face him with that ferocity she always had when angry.
  But Peeta had stopped walking ten paces earlier, and by the time she had stopped and wheeled around to rim into him, he had dropped to one knee. A small white box in the middle of his palm stared her in the face.
  “Peeta Mellark… you didn’t!” Katniss Everdeen’s voice wobbled, her hand covered her mouth right as her lip started trembling and hot, fat tears started to gather in her eyes.
  A group of Park personal, including Ripper the gift shop cashier, moseyed up to the group, many of them grinning and others exchanging small roll-ups of money. Katniss’ sister, Primrose, jogged to Peeta and took two of the cameras from him.
  “Hi, Katniss… you’re doing great!” Whispered Primrose excitedly, before jogging back to the party and handing one camera over to one of Peeta’s brother’s.
  “She was involved in this, wasn’t she?” Katniss spat.
  Peeta gave her a nonchalant shrug, “Maybe? Depends on how mad you’re right now. Then it was all her idea, 100%.”
  Katniss gave a disbelieving, wet chuckle. “I swear you both are in so much trouble! You better start explaining yourself right this second!”
  Peeta’s lips wouldn’t cooperate, he wanted to
smile, but he actually winced. He tried again and again until his lips curled around the edges.
  “So… here’s the thing,” he started. “I had this awesome speech prepared, but honestly, I can’t feel my legs and my arms are tingling; I think I’m having a mini heart attack right now, so I doubt I’ll be able to remember anything I wanted to say when time came. So, first of all, I’m sorry about the speech.”
  The ranger just shook her head slowly, closing her eyes, so Peeta moved on.
  “Katniss Everdeen, I’ve been in love with you since the first day of kindergarten, the fact that it took me almost eleven years to work up the courage to come talk to you is no secret.” Peeta’s brothers elbowed each other snickering, Katniss threw them a dirty glare that shut them up instantly.
  Peeta swallowed, “You have no idea how relieved I was you didn’t punch me in the face the day I asked you to the Homecoming dance in eleventh grade, and instead accepted the invitation. I was even happier when I blundered my way into asking you out on our first official date, and you agreed to go out with me, under the condition that we came here for a hike.
  “You got me started on the magic of National Parks, and for a while there, you were the only one who didn’t think I was completely crazy for wanting a career as a photojournalist, specializing in nature and tourism. I have to thank you for encouraging my professional ambitions, despite the strain the long distance put on our relationship at times… by the way, you’re an admirable person for making this work without complaining. You’re my rock, my number supporter and fan, and I just wanted to let you know I’m here for you too. I think you’re amazing at what you do, and I’m extremely happy you get to do what you love… so, on the spirit if disclosing important information, I’ve taken a position in a magazine in Charlotte, that will allow me to stay home in Panem most of the year, and I get all kinds of travel benefits, that I can share with my courtesy spouse… but I’m getting ahead of myself here…”
  “Oh dear Lord!” Katniss covered her face with both hands for a second, and get her hands fell away, she was grinning at Peeta still kneeling in front of her.
  “Anyway. I booked a tour with you today because I wanted to ask you a very important question, and all these wonderful people gawking at us right now, are my support team.”
  Everybody laughed and cheered in the background.
  “It’s been a long time coming, Boy!” Called Katniss’ uncle Haymitch from a folding chair under a cedar tree. “Get on with it, the champagne is getting warm!”
  “Hey! No alcoholic drinks in the park!” Katniss yelled back at her uncle, who waved her off.
  “It’s sparkling apple juice, I swear.” Said Peeta to Katniss, then moved an inch to say it again to Katniss’ colleagues in the group, “I swear!” He lifted his hand in a Scouts Honor gesture.
  Again, scattered laughter met the two.
  “Haymitch is right though, keep going.” Said Katniss eyeing the box in Peeta’s hand while biting her lower lip curiously.
  “Right. So, this is the place we had our first date at back in high school, and our first kiss was right by that tree over there… I got poison ivy then, and I swear I still itch thinking about it, but I would do it all over again without hesitation, because the thing is, Miss Everdeen, you’re my whole life, and I want to grow old with you, here, in this little slice of heaven, if you’ll allow it.” Peeta scooted closer, and took Katniss’ hand in his free one while their siblings kept jamming buttons on Peeta’s cameras simultaneously. “So, Katniss Everdeen, I ask you now in your favorite place on Earth, please, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
  A tear rolled down Katniss’ face, she was chewing on the inside of her lips, but she nodded with conviction. “You gotta promise me something though.” She said in a shaky breath.
  “Anything, Sweetheart.” He answered earnestly.
  “The wedding will be here, but you’re not allowed to feed the animals,”
  They both bursted out laughing.
  “Deal. What do you say? Will you marry me?”
  At her nod, Peeta scrambled to his feet, rushing to place the simple pearl ring in his new fiancée’s finger, and then he turned to their families and friends that looked on expectantly a few yards away. “She’ll allow it!!” He yelled waving her pearl clad hand in the air with his.
  Everyone cheered and whooped in the background, Peeta Mellark, the Photographer, kissed the pretty Park Ranger, Miss Everdeen on the lips and then when she was snuggly wrapped in his arms he whispered into her ear, “I wonder how much was the jackpot in that betting pool your coworkers had on?”
  “Me too? Did you bet?” She gave him a narrowed eye look.
  “Always on you, Miss Everdeen.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Always on us.”
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Watch out for that Slipping of Tongue
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Watch out for that Slipping of Tongue
A malapropism refers to the mistaken use of a certain word in place of one with a similar sound which often results in a humorous or meaninglessly silly quote. The word ‘malapropism’ comes from the name of Mrs. Malaprop, a character in a play called The Rivals by RIchard Brinsley Sheridan. Malapropisms are also referred to as Dogberryisms, after Dogberry, the constable from William Shakespeare’s play Much Ado About Nothing. In this blog we take a look at some of the most iconic malapropisms with their intended words in brackets. Let’s see how many of them you can identify!
1. Correct Word: Pinnacle “He is the very pineapple of politeness.” - Mrs. Malaprop, The Rivals
2. Correct Word: Oblivion “I might just fade into Bolivian.” - Mike Tyson, Boxer
3. Correct Word: Misunderstood/Underestimated “They misunderestimated me.” - George W. Bush, Former American President
4. Correct Word: Hostage “We cannot let terrorists and rogue nations hold this nation hostile or hold our allies hostile.” - George W. Bush, Former American President
5. Correct Word: Electoral “Texas has a lot of electrical votes.” - Yogi Berra, American Baseball Player
6. Correct Word: Apprehended, Suspicious “Our watch, sir, have comprehended two auspicious persons.” - Dogberry, Much Ado About Nothing
7. Correct Word: Interior “What do I look like, an inferior decorator?” - Archie Bunker, All In The Family
8. Correct Word: Babbling “Listen to the blabbing brook.” - Noam Crosby, Comedian
9. Correct Word: Petrified “I was most putrified with astonishment.” - Aunt Sally, Huckleberry Finn
10. Correct Word: Detractors “By this hand, they are scoundrels and subtractors that say so of him. Who are they?” - Sir Toby Belch, Twelfth Night
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sohannabarberaesque · 3 years
A short message from Yogi's Holiday Jolli-Day Tours
On why we're avoiding Branson, MO as part of our tour programme
For the record, Yogi's Holiday Jolli-Day Tours chooses to avoid including Branson, Missouri as part of its tour programmes for the following reasons:
The resort's obvious appeal and attraction to a less-sophisticated and, for the most part, culturally-ignorant clientele Who Should Know Better.
Overzealous and blatant display in certain quarters of Known and Notorious Hate Symbols, particularly in an "in-your-face" tone and stylee. Need I elaborate further?
Potential by certain weird and unwholesome types, more than likely with a known conservative agenda, for exploiting and manipulating the so-called "music shows" in Branson to serve propaganda ends as appeal to such less-sophisticated elements.
Piggybacking on the previous, the potential of subliminal messaging advancing the conservative agenda within the context of such "music shows."
Want of clear disclosure of possible associations vis-a-vis conservative propagandists and "music show" producers as could impact the quality of the performance to the extent of propaganda messaging being slipstreamed into show content.
The possibility of such shows being discreetly subsidised by conservative elements seeking cheap and yet cheerful ways to advance their message and agenda in the most discreet and yet effective manner possible, yet the facts of which are not disclosed to potential audiences.
The potential for such subtle propaganda being racist, sexist, nativist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, anti-Semitic and generally promoting hate while packaging itself as one with True Patriot Love for Country. ("Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel."--James Boswell, The Life of Dr. Samuel Johnson)
The "patriotic" intent supposedly implied in such messaging perhaps tending to closed-minded jingoism, which itself excuses ignorance and narrow-mindedness which, unchecked, carries dangerous consequences.
Besides, are there not other, more interesting places out there worthy of visitation?
I trust you will understand the "why and wherefore" of our boycotting Branson, especially when there are plenty of other interesting places equally worth visiting. For such accusing us of "disloyalty" by our actions ...
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mensrightsff · 4 years
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RT @RituRathaur: This Delhi CM is such a scoundrel.. Shocking! He actually used DTC Buses to drop the delhi wage labour at UP Border! & Even allowed the fake campaign to run that UP buses are waiting for them at borders! Hit target >> Yogi ji He is playing dirty policies even in national crisis! https://t.co/P6DVmaDgoe
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obedmanwatkar · 5 years
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FIGHT CHRISTIANS FIGHT, India is a bloody F***** up Battlefield:
CHURCHES are being attacked, Cause
HINDUISM and NARENDRA MODI itself is a bloody Disaster; in the rule of Hinduism If you are about to be Killed, #Dont_die_alone Take atleast one of them along.
Section 96 in The Indian Penal Code:
“Things done in private defence.—Nothing is an offence which is done in the exercise of the right of private defence.”
“Tensions between Christians and Brahmin/Hindu organizations are increasing in the rural areas of state of Uttar Pradesh in North India. Violence, doubt against each other and walls of hate are rising. Attacks on Christian priests and churches are becoming more common among the accusations of forced conversion and the increasing population of Christians.
The allegations of prejudice against local police are being imposed and the arrest of Christian religious leaders is becoming almost everyday. If you go to the rural areas of the districts of Jaunpur, Robertsanganj, Varanasi, Gorakhpur and Rae Bareli in Purvanchal, then you can feel the fear and tension in the environment.”
Source: BBC News (Hindi).
Dear Christians, It’s time to Fight back not to take non violence lessons from religion experts, none will come and save you. The Police Media, Courts, Parliament and local leaders all bloody hate you and want to finish you. You Have to learn to take revenge. Fight and kill those who come to kill you and rape your mothers and sisters. I repeat Don’t die alone, Take atleast one of them along.
Section 96 in The Indian Penal Code:
“Things done in private defence.—Nothing is an offence which is done in the exercise of the right of private defence.”
Don’t be defenseless, FIGHT, RETALIATE keep the Bible as well as weapons with you. Keep proclaiming gospel of Jesus and Keep Converting people, it’s your constitutional right. These fellows want a ‘Civil War’ it’s a ‘Do’ or ‘Die’ situation for you being a minority. Neither any bloody Brahmin Terrorist nor Modi/Yogi/Bhogi or RSS has any power to snatch your right to practice and preach your faith.
#DestroyHinduism #UprootBrahminism #AbolishCasteSystem
Obed Manwatkar
(note: Hindu/Brahmin Scoundrels If you report this post, I will repost it again. Also, Non-Violence experts please stay away no need of your guidance of being defenseless)
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harrisonarchive · 4 months
From an interview with VH1, 1988.
“I think I’ve become a bit more balanced over the years. You know, I’m still a bit extreme, being a Pisces, but… you know, I’m either all this way or all that way, but I’ve tried, over the years of bringing both extremes closer to the middle. And I think that’s really what it is, to try to… I mean, I retain all the things I believe and that I felt in the past or that I’ve said in the past, except now it’s getting a bit more — it’s been in there longer and it’s getting a bit more mature, and I don’t shout about it so much.” - George Harrison, VH1, 1988 “[George] talked about the inner journey and that was very important to him, although he was yin-yang. He could hang with the best of them. [laughs] He was a scoundrel yogi... he was honest. He was right up front about it. ‘I’m bad? O.K., I’m bad.’ […] You’re just not going to know how raucous you can get on a guitar until you crank it up to 10. So he lived life like that. He said, ‘I’m lucky, I’ve got a tilt mechanism.’ And I used to look at him and go, ‘Well, your tilt mechanism goes beyond mine.’ He felt he always knew when to come back, but it can be a dangerous way to live. Because he had an inner anchor and a very pronounced consciousness — not conscience, but consciousness — he knew: This was bad, I’ve got to get back.” - Olivia Harrison, The New York Times Arts Blog, September 23, 2011 “I try to balance my life with peace and quiet, because the other side is real rowdy, you know, when you get into the record business and that kind of stuff. So I think that I’ve been a very extreme person. I’m a Pisces, you see; one half’s going where the other half’s just been. It’s been very extreme: extremely up or extremely down, extremely spiritual or extremely drugged. And now, with a bit of maturity, I’ve brought the two extremes closer to the middle, I don’t get too far up, I don’t get too up or too down, you know, it’s... and it feels good.” - George Harrison, Off The Record, February 12, 1988 (x)
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gkt49 · 6 years
BJP: Pakistan supporters behind Kasganj viciousness
New Delhi, Jan 30 Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) pioneer Vinay Katiyar on Tuesday said scoundrels who support Pakistan and can go to any degree to challenge the tricolor are the ones behind the Kasganj viciousness.
The BJP pioneer included this is a first such episode to have occurred after Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath came into control.
Katiyar stated, “Kasganj incident is…
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krisiunicornio · 6 years
Here, one of his students shares his thoughts on the silent monk who inspired so many
Baba Hari Dass, master yogi, teacher, and the founding inspiration of the Mount Madonna Center and Mount Madonna School in Watsonville, and Sri Ram Orphanage in India, died peacefully at home in Bonnie Doon, California on September 25, 2018.
Dass, or Babaji, as he was affectionately known by the many thousands of students and devotees who knew him, was a silent monk born on March 26, 1923 in Almora in the foothills of the Himalayas in Northern India.
Babaji was loved and admired for his wisdom, humility, patience, humor, encouragement and acceptance of all who came to meet him and learn with him. He possessed a profound sense of self-discipline and a deep knowledge of yoga and Indian philosophy. Babaji had a great love of children and a legendary sense of play. While treating everyone with a sense of equality, he somehow managed to form an individual bond with each of his students, inspiring them in spiritual practice, guiding them to self-reliance and bringing out their talents and gifts.
A life of service—and silence
In 1978 Babaji inspired the founding of Mount Madonna Center for the Creative Arts and Sciences, a widely known and highly respected spiritual retreat and seminar facility in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Mount Madonna Center is home to a residential community dedicated to support of Center activities, which include diverse programs in yoga and personal growth, the Sankat Mochan Hanuman Temple and the Mount Madonna Institute. Babaji also inspired the Mount Madonna School (PreK-12th grade) which is hosted by the Center, and is known for excellence in children’s education.
In 1982 Babaji founded the Sri Ram Ashram, a loving home for abandoned children and a Nursery to 12th grade school near Haridwar in Northern India. Other centers dedicated to Babaji’s teachings include the Salt Spring Yoga Center and School on Salt Spring Island near Vancouver and spiritual communities in Toronto and Los Angeles.
Babaji was a life-long practitioner and master teacher of yoga who took a vow of perpetual silence in 1952. He communicated with those who gathered around him by writing on a small chalk board. His concise and deeply perceptive style of writing communicated volumes in very few words. He taught that yoga was a way of life that included virtuous living and self-reflection. An example of this is his often-quoted instructions for a living a good life, “Work honestly, meditate every day, meet people without fear, and play.”
As a teacher, Babaji lead by example. Once he was asked, “How do you accomplish everything you do?” He replied, “I have my discipline and I stick to it as closely as I can.” In the many years of construction and development at Mount Madonna Center, he would arrive promptly on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays to conduct classes, take appointments, and lead work crews. Babaji also inspired play in the form of evening volleyball games after work days, music performances, and by writing many comedic teaching dramas about the search for liberation in a world full of illusions and scoundrels.
One of his signature features at Mount Madonna Center are Himalayan style, free standing rock walls that grace the property and create flat open land from steep hillsides. All were designed and built over decades by Babaji and his “rock crew.” They are testimony to his steady commitment for over thirty-five years, come rain or shine as he led the “rock crew” volunteers who quarried the rocks on the property and built the walls. Babaji worked with whomever showed up to help. The rock walls stand as a reminder that everyone has something to give to their community. Some knew how to fit the stones, some gathered small rocks for backfill and some loaded buckets of dirt. He would remind everyone that in community life it “takes big rocks, small rocks, and dirt to build a wall.” Each of us has a contribution to make to community, and everyone’s contribution matters.
See also A Katonah Yoga Sequence to Live a More Abundant Life
A masterful, beloved teacher
Babaji was deeply knowledgeable in yoga theory and practice in the classical system of Ashtanga Yoga (eight limbed). He regularly taught as well as authored a number of books on Indian philosophy, including commentaries on Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, the Bhagavadgita, Vedanta, and Samkhya Karika. He also authored several children’s stories, plays and essays of perennial wisdom based on his own experience and practice. Babaji was one of the earliest proponents of the ancient system of Ayurveda Medicine in the United States. Today Mount Madonna Institute offers a M.A. in Ayurveda Studies as well as several credentials and certificates in Ayurveda, Yoga and Community Studies.
Babaji has inspired generations of students. When once asked what his intentions were, he stated simply, “To make a few good people.” He also would say that the teacher could only point the way, or more tersely put, “I can cook for you but I can’t eat for you.” His brief comments written on a small chalk board have become aphorisms to live by.
While his students and devotees deeply miss the physical presence and example of this extraordinary teacher, Babaji’s wisdom, good works, inspiration and influence will live on in the institutions he inspired and all those with whom he came in contact. He was supported at the end of his life by his loving students, family, and Hospice of Santa Cruz County.
A traditional Vedic ceremony will be held on Sunday, October 7th at Mount Madonna Center to honor his life. Donations in his memory can be made to the children at Sri Ram Ashram through Sri Ram Foundation at www.sriramfoundation.org. 
See also 15 Poses to Open Your Heart Again After Grief
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The way to beat addictions is to take the world's problems and to occupy your mind with them.
The world's biggest addiction is not alcohol, cigarettes or social media, it is religion.
More people do mindless things such as worship a god they can't see and cut a Tree (A HUMAN) they can
Religion is the world's number 1 cause of repetitive behaviour - a psychologically depraved personal circumstance because of the false sense of 'allahm' it instills in you.
Under the thumb of the mullah , the cassock of the priest and the 'jadooamantar' or the yogi - each demonstrates with schooled elegance that they are charlatans - wolves in sheep's clothing - eager for praise but not for correction!
What is praise and why is to be ignored? Because it is the most SINCERE form of flattery! Fools (wastrels, scoundrels) accept praise - wise men, women and children - COUNSEL.!
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amyddaniels · 6 years
Baba Hari Dass, Founding Inspiration of Mount Madonna Center, Dies at Age 95
Here, one of his students shares his thoughts on the silent monk who inspired so many
Baba Hari Dass, master yogi, teacher, and the founding inspiration of the Mount Madonna Center and Mount Madonna School in Watsonville, and Sri Ram Orphanage in India, died peacefully at home in Bonnie Doon, California on September 25, 2018.
Dass, or Babaji, as he was affectionately known by the many thousands of students and devotees who knew him, was a silent monk born on March 26, 1923 in Almora in the foothills of the Himalayas in Northern India.
Babaji was loved and admired for his wisdom, humility, patience, humor, encouragement and acceptance of all who came to meet him and learn with him. He possessed a profound sense of self-discipline and a deep knowledge of yoga and Indian philosophy. Babaji had a great love of children and a legendary sense of play. While treating everyone with a sense of equality, he somehow managed to form an individual bond with each of his students, inspiring them in spiritual practice, guiding them to self-reliance and bringing out their talents and gifts.
A life of service—and silence
In 1978 Babaji inspired the founding of Mount Madonna Center for the Creative Arts and Sciences, a widely known and highly respected spiritual retreat and seminar facility in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Mount Madonna Center is home to a residential community dedicated to support of Center activities, which include diverse programs in yoga and personal growth, the Sankat Mochan Hanuman Temple and the Mount Madonna Institute. Babaji also inspired the Mount Madonna School (PreK-12th grade) which is hosted by the Center, and is known for excellence in children’s education.
In 1982 Babaji founded the Sri Ram Ashram, a loving home for abandoned children and a Nursery to 12th grade school near Haridwar in Northern India. Other centers dedicated to Babaji’s teachings include the Salt Spring Yoga Center and School on Salt Spring Island near Vancouver and spiritual communities in Toronto and Los Angeles.
Babaji was a life-long practitioner and master teacher of yoga who took a vow of perpetual silence in 1952. He communicated with those who gathered around him by writing on a small chalk board. His concise and deeply perceptive style of writing communicated volumes in very few words. He taught that yoga was a way of life that included virtuous living and self-reflection. An example of this is his often-quoted instructions for a living a good life, “Work honestly, meditate every day, meet people without fear, and play.”
As a teacher, Babaji lead by example. Once he was asked, “How do you accomplish everything you do?” He replied, “I have my discipline and I stick to it as closely as I can.” In the many years of construction and development at Mount Madonna Center, he would arrive promptly on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays to conduct classes, take appointments, and lead work crews. Babaji also inspired play in the form of evening volleyball games after work days, music performances, and by writing many comedic teaching dramas about the search for liberation in a world full of illusions and scoundrels.
One of his signature features at Mount Madonna Center are Himalayan style, free standing rock walls that grace the property and create flat open land from steep hillsides. All were designed and built over decades by Babaji and his “rock crew.” They are testimony to his steady commitment for over thirty-five years, come rain or shine as he led the “rock crew” volunteers who quarried the rocks on the property and built the walls. Babaji worked with whomever showed up to help. The rock walls stand as a reminder that everyone has something to give to their community. Some knew how to fit the stones, some gathered small rocks for backfill and some loaded buckets of dirt. He would remind everyone that in community life it “takes big rocks, small rocks, and dirt to build a wall.” Each of us has a contribution to make to community, and everyone’s contribution matters.
See also A Katonah Yoga Sequence to Live a More Abundant Life
A masterful, beloved teacher
Babaji was deeply knowledgeable in yoga theory and practice in the classical system of Ashtanga Yoga (eight limbed). He regularly taught as well as authored a number of books on Indian philosophy, including commentaries on Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, the Bhagavadgita, Vedanta, and Samkhya Karika. He also authored several children’s stories, plays and essays of perennial wisdom based on his own experience and practice. Babaji was one of the earliest proponents of the ancient system of Ayurveda Medicine in the United States. Today Mount Madonna Institute offers a M.A. in Ayurveda Studies as well as several credentials and certificates in Ayurveda, Yoga and Community Studies.
Babaji has inspired generations of students. When once asked what his intentions were, he stated simply, “To make a few good people.” He also would say that the teacher could only point the way, or more tersely put, “I can cook for you but I can’t eat for you.” His brief comments written on a small chalk board have become aphorisms to live by.
While his students and devotees deeply miss the physical presence and example of this extraordinary teacher, Babaji’s wisdom, good works, inspiration and influence will live on in the institutions he inspired and all those with whom he came in contact. He was supported at the end of his life by his loving students, family, and Hospice of Santa Cruz County.
A traditional Vedic ceremony will be held on Sunday, October 7th at Mount Madonna Center to honor his life. Donations in his memory can be made to the children at Sri Ram Ashram through Sri Ram Foundation at www.sriramfoundation.org. 
See also 15 Poses to Open Your Heart Again After Grief
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beckyhstark78-blog · 6 years
Crucial Points To Consider Before Hiring a Chiropractic physician
In order to alleviate most wellness problems, you need to prepare to dig deeper compared to the initial pain or complaint. A frequent frustration in the same area or reduced pain in the back could not constantly be fixed by a Tylenol below or there or merely lowered to stress or seniority. Many people neglect that the skeletal framework in communication to nerve ends as well as muscle mass placement have an extensive effect on an individual's performance in daily life. Chiropractic therapy is a method that has actually been typically utilized to lower problems bring on by the misalignment of our body frameworks.
If you have ever before remained in a vehicle crash, functioned a physically stressful work or simply carried around a overloaded handbag for a prolonged amount of time, you could be seeking an assessment at a chiropractic center. The majority of people are available in dealing with disorders such as neck and back pain, neck pain, sciatica, whiplash and also numerous other conditions. The core of chiropractic care treatment is to aid the body in healing itself. The technology used when you are offered your first examination includes X-rays and a thermal check to spot never interference. Once the root cause of your condition is determined the chiropractic therapy could start to help correct the problem.
Going back to 1895, chiropractic therapy was found by D.D. Palmer. A magnetic healer, Palmer began to practice his chiropractic methods in Davenport Iowa. Palmer thought that the misalignment of the bones was the underlying root of all disease. A student of science, he was thought about a "drug cost-free" healer of his time. At the time, there was quite a discussion about the legitimacy of the chiropractic techniques primarily originating from osteopaths. In 1902, with the assistance of his child he began opening chiropractic institutions in numerous states.
The very first thing one should understand prior to taking into consideration chiropractic care treatment is recognizing just what they are getting into. For some, chiropractic therapy is rejected completely no matter the pain they might really feel. Besides the concept of somebody crawling in addition to you and also splitting you bones could appear frightening. What is a large mistaken belief about this wellness technique is that it is incredibly elusive and intense. The reality is that once an individual's condition is evaluated, there are several methods to assist them such as physical treatment, therapeutic massage therapy and dietary cleaning together with using mild manipulations.
When choosing a chiropractic specialist, ask about. The very best suggestions is definitely word of mouth when it involves this option. If you have friend or family that have had chiropractic job done, they will have the ability to refer you to a medical professional that will make you really feel comfy in addition to provide you the outcomes desired and the knowledge had to sustain the progression made in your brows through.
There is a preconception that Chiropractors are scoundrels as well as in most cases have made the condition of their individuals worse by implementing unneeded modifications. This could quickly take place if the client was not examined thoroughly before hand. so you will want to make sure as well as do your homework. Another crucial facet of seeking this kind of treatment is to understand the state of your wellness. Poor health maintenance can be an essential consider the pain one really feels. If you have actually put in the time to obtain to know just what you body is missing or could need you will be much better prepared to offer the chiropractic specialist understanding on your circumstance. What exercises do you engage in? Are you a yogi, body builder, or potato chip eater? There is a wide array of chiropractic centers that focus on different health methods from cleansing to acupuncture.
Allow's face it, this kind of treatment is pricey so having it covered by your health insurance is a crucial factor prior to making plans to schedule a visit. Years ago, chiropractic treatment was ruled out conventional medicine and also several insurance companies did not cover the" unconventional" service. Currently more compared to ever, companies are investing in the health of their employees. Keeping that being stated huge firms such as Costco give their workers insurance coverage for chiropractic therapy for approximately 12 brows through each year.One really great perk ahead along with your wellness benefit plan.
No matter what you could believe or have been informed, chiropractic care therapy has aided lots of people get back on their feet whether it be suffering from an injury or dealing with a pre-existing condition. Most of those individuals have learned much regarding the processes of the body and also the connection of what they might have thought to be unrelated components of the body with the placement of back and also corresponding cells structure. Study and also personal expertise of your own physical wellness are the crucial consider considering this therapy. If you are side swiped by a sweet old lady as well as the airbag does not appear, do not presume you are alright and also choose not to see a medical professional. If a doctor provides you a reference to a chiropractic specialist, do not rule it out however considering the treatment with an open mind. Your lifestyle deserves the moment invested
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