#'thats a rudeass question man come on'
linddzz · 1 year
none of you know the strength it takes to not just say fuck the pacing of this entire fic and give in to the urge to write ten pages of Hob and Matthew losing the braincell as soon as they start hanging out
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confettininjabean · 5 years
🖊 + any OCs! go off!!
yay! Thanks angel face!
Imma take “go off” as an invitation for more than once oc xD
Going with my Arcana MCs for this as well.
This got long so there’s a read more!
Starting with Jaydzia:
Jaydzia is full of the sass and the silly. She has been known to forget what time it is and just keep going until she’s exhausted or until Asra sidle up to her usually with a cup of tea and some food to remind her that she needs to take a break.
Before the Plague: She’d had one “romance” before really falling for Asra (they were just “friends” both of them oblivious to their feelings for one another) and the dude broke her heart into pieces. She wasn’t in love with the guy but she was also young and unsure what she wanted.
Her favorite time of day is early morning cuddles with Asra.
She is usually happily humming or singing as she bustles around the shop.
Before the plague, she and her older brother Darius would be in the marketplace (sometimes other places) and just sing, having a good time with a small crowd that would mill on by, join in and have a good time. Always impromptu. Darius usually carried a played a lute or ukulele-like instrument while Jaydzia would sing most of the lyrics.
After the plague, she of course had no memory of this and unaware she had a brother for a time. But she still sang or hummed, albeit quietly, in the shop. It took time before she would rebuild her courage to just sing in front of Darius or Asra. When she finally knows the truth of her circumstances, she’s more her old self again and starts to sing more often.
She does silly things like when she’s supposed to be studying something or working on something when she’s tired, she’ll just plop the book on her head and “study” while getting in a quick nap. This fools no one, ever.
She randomly flicks Darius in the ear for simple amusement then runs off giggling.
Part of the reason she and Asra dance so well together is they literally danced all the time in the shop and randomly anywhere before the plague. (i mean thats implied in the game but i like it anyway)
She has to have coffee first thing in the morning or heaven help everyone.
Jaydzia has been known to throw assholes out of her shop, she will not tolerate bullying of any kind. There was one incident where Asra was returning to the Vesuvia just time to see her send a wannabe robber running in fear with simply a few “parlor tricks”. Flashing lights and magic amplified voice. She jacks up prices of things for rudeass customers.
On the flip side, she’s been known to help out people who couldn’t afford her regular prices whether thats a simple, “Nah its a gift, you’re good.” or she covers the difference.
She has a familiar (Im just not 100% sure what it is yet nor when it finds her)
I headcanon that the Baker, Selasi is actually Jaydzia’s and Darius’s Uncle and the pumpkin bread recipe is a family thing.
And Now for Darius
Darius is not as high energy as his sister. he’s very laid back and chill.
Constantly runs his hands through his hair and it’s always freaking unruly. He’s older than Jaydzia and takes his brotherly duties very seriously. Including driving her up the wall with silly brotherly shenanigans. Such as answering a question with a question repeatedly.
Boy is a flirt. Mostly harmless, until he meets Portia then he’s heart-eyes for her and only for her forevermore. 
Before the plague, when he first realized that Asra and Jaydzia were an item but not really, he was wary of the white-haired magician. But she’s the happiest she’s ever been. He does say the whole “Break her heart.....and you’ll deal with me” to which Miss Independent was straight up. “Shut uP Darius.”
His familiar is a Meerkat named Sinbad who is just as laid back as Darius.
Darius’s favorite time of day is sitting on a bench outside Portia’s cottage with her on his lap, her head on his chest at sunset. She’s so busy all the time that its those relaxing moments with her, he cherishes the most.
When it comes to the people he cares about, he’s always making sure to leave little things they love nearby. Such as a little cream in his sister’s coffee, short love notes left for Portia to find during her daily going’s on. A reminder for Julian to RELAX DAMMIT. THe occasional shiny rock or something similar  will appear in the shop for Asra, little treats for Faust and Sinbad.
He works out regularly because he enjoys it and he meditates.
He meditates but sometimes he’s pretending and he’s just napping. Jaydzia has a system for determining which it is. Either he catches her before she dumps water on him or he’s awoken by water lol. (just a cup not like a bucket)
Backstory on Jaydzia and Darius: (its a bit sad and tragic)
The siblings arrived in Vesuvia after running away from their parents home. They mother was a lovely woman but fell in love with their father who was simply not a good man. Things didn’t get too bad until their mother passed away from a severe illness. Then the situation got pretty rough and Darius bundled up his sister and ran. He bears a rather nasty scar on his back from a lashing on that particular night.
They found their way to Vesuvia and therefore their Aunt and her magic shop. It was their Aunt who taught them what parents were supposed to do and raised them. When she passed away, it was hard for both of them.
Part of the reason Jaydzia is so compassionate to others is because she never wants another person to feel abandoned, alone, scared and hurt.
Darius is much the same really.
They bicker like siblings but their bond is ridiculously strong.
Annnd I think this long enough already. I will be sure to do some more of these things for my other MCs. Lillian, Seth and Nataliea that is
Thanks for the ask!
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