#'the misfits' girl shut the fuck up 😭😭😭😭😭
teekays · 5 months
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eddiessidegirl · 2 years
Your DMs are always welcome, my dear. Ohh! I almost forgot! I have a prompt for you. Congrats on the followers! You deserve it 💕 I wanna do a fun sleepover too, really soon.
Could I possibly request Eddie with an alt/punk girlfriend? I don't usually see a whole lot of Punk!Reader and it would make my week. Something fluffy and fun, no pressure.
Omg, this took forever and I’m so so so sorry 😭 please forgive me. I hope this is good, and makes sense.
For Want Of
Summary: Punkrocker Tara is in love with Eddie Munson
Pairing: Eddie x Punk/Alt!Fem Reader
Warnings: Standard 18+ for my blog, this is a fluff piece, angst (if you squint), mutual pining, minor drug use and drinking (typical teen shit), let me know if I missed anything
Word count: 4166 words
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Alarm clock blaring, record player left in the final stages of playing last nights record, and the person sized lump on the bed under the covers. This was how Tara’s mother found her in the morning on this particular Friday morning. “Tara, I swear to Jesus himself if you do not get out of bed this minute, you’re losing car privileges this weekend and you will not be able to go hang out with your little friends. You’ll be forced to clean out the garage with your father.” A cigarette dangled from her mothers thin, pursed lips her fake attempt at being a good mother was such a lie. She was only mad that her stupid church friends heard that her only daughter was out at all hours of the night hanging out with other teens who dressed like she did: coloured hair, dark makeup and listening to Misfits on full blast while driving the streets of Hawkins, Indiana. But most of all her mother hated hearing she’d been seen talking to and being around a one Eddie Munson. He was a drug dealer, a cult leader, and he listened to “that God awful music” as her mother put it.
“Will you lower your fucking voice? I heard you the first time you bellowed at me like an hour ago. Fucks sake.” Her voice draped in sleep, mascara and eyeliner smudged and giving her the raccoon look. Tara pushed the blankets back and slid into her jeans and pulled a Ramones shirt over her head - not bothering with a bra.
Jonathan was already waiting outside for her, mug of coffee in hand for her to drink while they drove to pick up Robin, his little brother Will in the back seat, his newest companion guide for his game night with his friends in hand, he didn’t even notice her sliding into the front seat. “So, is today the day? Or are you never gonna tell him? I mean Graduation is coming up quick, and you’re not gonna be here forever,” He asked her, he’d known she’d had a thing for the town drug dealer for ages but never worked up the courage. Sure she could throw down with assholes who grabbed her ass but Munsons’ chocolate eyes just made her stomach do flips. Her arm reached across the front seat and she shoved her best friend.
“Shut it, Byers. What about you and Wheeler? You guys gonna cut the shit and finally figure out your college bull? Or are you just gonna pretend that you still haven’t gotten your rejection letter to Emerson?” He shot her a nasty look, but it softened when he saw she was just poking fun at him, she laughed teasingly an scooped her hair into a bun.
They secured Robin who was all giggles about this girl Vickie and she loved how happy her friend was, being yourself was hard in this town but the three of them did their best to never hide their true selves around each other. It just sucked big time that the rest of the town didn’t subscribe to the same thoughts and feelings.
Tara had turned 18 in December, and while Eddie was still in high school he was a super senior, 19 going on 20. She’d liked him ever since she could remember, but it became more prevalent when he turned up to school when she was 13 and he 15, his buzzed hair grown out and dressed in a battle vest and leather with heavy metal band pins all over it. She herself had always been more into the punk scene. She’d seen the Clash in concert in Chicago with Jonathan and they were planning to she The Cramps this summer before she moved for college. But she could tolerate his music tastes, if only he paid her an ounce of attention aside from selling her dime bags here and there.
She’d gotten lost in her thoughts and wasn’t paying attention as they exited the car, “watch it freak I don’t want to catch whatever it is you have wrong with you.” Carol Perkins cackled and turned back towards her friends, brushing off pretend dirt as they walked away from the group. Tara flipped them all the middle finger and shoved her bag further up her shoulder. “Christ, you’d think she’d have levelled out after Wheeler smacked her when she made fun of her for dating you…” Tara muttered to Jonathan. Will had quickly gotten out of the car and was running towards his little nerd herd, the four of them colliding around Eddie and his friends, collectively they were the Hellfire Club, the only Dungeons and Dragons club in all of Hawkins and subsequently made them the butt of every joke, but Tara knew that after the years of trauma those kids had suffered they deserved too feel some happiness even if they were mocked behind their backs.
Robin nudged her back “can you go get us some weed for this weekend? I can’t get caught with it in my room again, my parents are already on edge after the last time.” There was a smile on her friends lips that said this was more than a transactionary meeting that would be happening.
A small huffing noise came from Taras throat. “Later. I’ll pop a note into his locker for a lunch meeting.”
Which she did, it was a folded triangle note with few words “Forest clearing. Lunch. -T” Eddie pocketed the note, grinning, Tara was his favourite customer, not only because she was a consistent buyer which made it possible to do upkeep on his van but also because she was a person who didn’t judge him, her being hot was just a bonus. And what Tara didn’t know is that he had a thing for her too, and she’d never noticed that he gave a deep discount on all her purchases. Hell, she could ask to walk on his back in her Docs and he’d say “yes please” and ask her to do it again.
Lunch rolled around and both parties were walking enthusiastically towards the meeting spot, Eddie, lunch box in hand and Tara, with her headphones on listening to a mix-tape that Byers had given her to check out.
She was walking head down and collided with something hard, but also soft, clearly a person. She took off her headset and yelled “Hey! Watch where the fuck you walk asshole!” But when she actually focused on who she was yelling at it her whole face went beet red, in fact if you’d placed her face next to an actual beetroot you wouldn’t have been able to tell the difference between the two. It was Eddie. He’d been standing by the bench watching her walk towards him the whole time and when she smacked into him he lost it. His body was rocking back and forth with laughter, tears streaming down his cheeks as he tried to compose himself, one of his ringed hands clutching the picnic table for stability.
“I’m so sorry, that was actually one the best things I’ve seen, T.” His voice slightly hoarse from laughing, “y-you just..and then…oh my god.” And he was off again.
Tara tried her hardest to be mad, but she couldn’t, it was funny, and the hard shell exterior she had always cracked a little when she was around Eddie. “Shuddup Munson…” she mumbled, her mouth in a smile, reaching to punch his arm lightly. “I’m supposed to be here buying weed, not making you piss yourself.”
He sat down and placed his elbow on the table, his lunchbox beside him, hand tucked under his chin, “ooo a woman serious about her business.. I love it” his eyes sparkled and watched her sit, clocking the fact that’s her chest jostled freely but focused on her face. “How much are we talking?” His nimble fingers opening the lunch box, gesturing to the nuggets inside.
“An eighth’ll do.. it’s for Robin, Jon and I for the weekend, we’re going to watch movies and play some pool at the Byers since their moms going to Hoppers this weekend,” he’d nodded and starting doling it out, it was like time slowed down and then sped up because before Tara knew it her mouth was speaking words and she couldn’t stop them from coming, “y-you should come too, Jon’s bringing Nancy and Robin will be bringing Vickie, I really don’t want to be playing pool on my own.” The blush had come back just as strong only now it was creeping down her neck and disappeared into her shirt. What was she doing? This was stupid. She told herself of course he didn’t wanna hang out with a bunch of 18 year olds.
“Sure, I mean, I’ve got nothing better to do, just running campaign tonight and then free all weekend.” She couldn’t tell if he was joking or not, but it didn’t seem like it. Her heart raced. “It’s on me since I’ll be there, don’t worry about paying me.” He handed her a bag that was clearly more than what she asked for and got up. “See you there, sweetheart” he called out, and disappeared into the trees back to his van to calm his nerves. He was basically going on a date with the girl he liked and he couldn’t believe it.
“I didn’t even tell him when it was…” Tara couldn’t find him to tell him and she didn’t want to be late to class, since the teacher was friend of her mothers and she didn’t need more trouble before the weekend.
Saturday evening arrived faster than she thought it would. Bad Religions’ ‘We’re Only Gonna Die’ played on the speaker, Nancy was learning how to play pool with Vickie, Robin teaching both of them, Jonathan and Tara drinking a beer in the corner laughing every time one of them launched a cue ball off the table and had to get it. The air in the room was hazy with the smell of weed. Everyone was there, except Eddie, maybe he’d forgotten or maybe he just didn’t want to come after all. Besides why would he want to hang out with them when he could be hanging with his band mates or anyone else for that matter.
Eventually though, the windows lit up and at first everyone thought it was Joyce come back but then they heard Dio blaring from the vehicle and they knew it was definitely not Joyce. Tara went outside to meet Eddie, the air outside only slightly chillier than the house, plumes of smoke exiting behind her form.
“I see you guys started without me, it’s ok I brought extra provisions” he motioned to the bag of weed in his pocket and the beer in his hand. Eddie tucked his free arm into his pocket and tilted it towards Tara. With the high she was experiencing being full force she was more apt to be nice to him, and she took the elbow he extended.
“Didn’t think you were gonna come, Munson.” Her eyes were blissed out and a smile across her features, she led him into the house, showing him where to put his stuff before going to the makeshift game room that they’d thrown together for the festivities.
A low chuckle escaped his mouth and he leant down so only she could hear him “I’d never miss an opportunity to hang out with my favourite client, especially when she’s dressed like this” he spun her slowly so to not give her stomach a bad turn, she’d forgotten she’d put on a leather skirt and a lacy tank top with her army jacket, it wasn’t even intentional, at least not consciously anyways. The blush she experienced the prior afternoon returned. He was slowly breaking her when it came her to attitude that she’d come to have after idolizing Joan Jett, Eddie Munson, it was clear would be the death of her.
“Can it Eddie,” she told him laughing the whole time, “get your ass in there so I can beat you and Byers in a game.” He let her lead the way and Eddie was met with cheers, he set the beer down and laid out the weed for replenishment. Tara told Jonathan to go the table and set up a game for the three of you now that Robin and Vickie had vacated it, opting to sit in the living room and watch movies instead.
The game was progressing well, Tara was up by a couple points, ‘How Soon is Now’ was playing quietly, and she was swinging her hips to the beat, while she lined up her shot. Eddie was staring. Hard. Nancy was quietly talking to Jonathan something about wanting to go home so she could get some yearbook work in before Monday. Robin and Vickie were still in the living room. Jonathan told Tara and Eddie that he’d be back soon.
“Is this how you pictured your Saturday night, Munson? Hanging out with us listening to punk, playing pool?” She looked over her shoulder at him, a glazed look in her eyes but her mouth turned up in a smile, she’d never admit it but the air felt electric when it was just the two of them and the high made it better.
He grinned back “well, no, but I’m having fun and the view is amazing which is a bonus.” Eddie’d moved closer to her his hand next to hers on the pool table, his lanky frame towering over her smaller one, especially since she was slightly crouched from planning her next play.
Maybe it was the high, maybe it was the few beers she ingested but the room was hazy, and even though she knew people were in the room next to theirs, they felt immensely alone, and they were never alone in any capacity apart from her buying. She straightened and stood up, in the soft warm lights of lamps and with the smoke swirling around him, Eddie looked entirely different. Ethereal almost. Her eyes darting around his face as she took him in. He was far different from his school persona, and his dealer one as well. Softer, but maybe it was the weed.
Eddie on the other hand was only high, he had to drive home so he hadn’t been drinking but he too was focused intently on her face. Tara was so very different from everyone, even himself, a metalhead. But he knew a lot of it was a mix of rebellion and self expression. Her parents were overbearing and hyper religious. And he’d definitely knew there was a softer side to her that she didn’t show unless she was among friends or alone. In public, she was brash, loud. In private she was kind, funny and cared deeply for her friends no matter what they were going through.
Finally when the game was finished, and she’d rightfully so kicked his ass the two of them made their way to the living room, Robin and Vickie had fallen asleep on the couch leaving only the recliner to sit on. Neither of them had the heart to wake the sleeping couple, Eddie was quietly insisting on sitting on the floor and Tara had to interject, “uh, no, I’m not watching…” she looked over the VHS box that he’d tossed to the ground, “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre in this chair alone, get your denim clad ass up here.”
Shaking his head back and forth in a self argument way he eventually climbed into the seat of the chair and Tara settled half on his thigh and half on the arm of the chair, Eddie swiped his arm behind her and put her wholly in his lap. “Don’t need your ass cheek falling asleep mid-movie.”
The two of them sat in silence, save for a few squeaks or soft ewws when something really gross happened. One particular scene when the teen girl was strung up and Leatherface was coming at her with his chainsaw Tara tucked her head into Eddie’s neck and out of instinct, he pressed his mouth to the top of her head and made sure to tell her when it was over. Butterflies had erupted everywhere in her body at this gesture, she still didn’t know if it was friendly or more. It didn’t really matter at this point.
Instead of lifting her head, she slid it so her face was forward, the movie was almost over and Tara was getting sleepy, the amount of weed she’d smoked and the beer she drank starting to weigh heavy on her senses in earnest. Eyes sliding shut, she fell into a not very restful but deep sleep, Eddie sat awake the whole time until the movie ended and then he too fell asleep, Tara’s body warmth the perfect blanket.
Loud voices woke everyone in the living room early, Robin and Vickie disentangled and tossed Tara look, both had their eyebrows raised. The only person still seemingly asleep was Eddie, Tara tried to undo his grip but it was too tight.
“HEY! EDDIES’ VAN IS HERE! Eddie I need help with my character” a voice rocketed through the house as the door opened, it was a one Dustin Henderson, and Munsons eyes flew open.
“Shit. Just a second Henderson, lemme go tame the beast.” He moved to get off the recliner and forgot Tara was minorly tethered to him, pulling her forward and then the two of them collapsing into a pile, Robin cackling, wiping the leftover eyeliner and mascara from her face as the two of them disengaged their limbs. Tara flipped Robin off but laughed along with her, the situation was really funny, only now her ass was bruised from the fall.
She stumbled to the kitchen, eyes bleary with sleep still, “Yo, Jonathan, is there any coff..ee?” Only the person in the kitchen wasn’t her best friend, it was Joyce and Hopper at the kitchen table both sipping their own mugs of dark coffee.
“Jonathan is in his room, but there’s plenty of coffee, dear.” Mrs Byers gave Tara a soft smile and nodded towards the coffee pot. Pouring herself a cup she stretched and cracked her back, the position shed laid in all night had caused her back to be sore, but she was well rested, she did have a good pillow after all.
Hopper cleared his throat “so…how long have you and…” he gestured to where Eddie had gone to fix his hair “…been a thing?” Tara shook her head and explained that they were just friends. “Didn’t seem like just friends the way you were clinging to each other like your life depended on it.” he chuckled as Tara high tailed it out of the kitchen to the respite of the living room where she in turn was grilled for the entire time Eddie was outside talking to the kids about the campaign.
Tara took a few days off from everyone, she needed a clear head about what had happened between her and Eddie, did he really like her or was he just being nice to her because she buys weed from him? On the third day, her bedroom phone rang continuously for two hours, but instead she turned up her music and just kept thinking, focusing on the what ifs of a relationship that didn’t technically exist yet, if ever.
Eventually the room darkened as did the outside, her record player turned down low so her parents didn’t come up and confiscate it. “I really need to find my own place, I’m old enough, besides I hate this wall color…” her parents had painted it in ‘soft salmon’ what ever the fuck that meant and they wouldn’t ever allow her to change it.
“I dunno about you but I like it.” Came a voice from behind her, startling Tara and causing her to fall sideways off her bed. “Fuck, shit, are you ok??” It was Eddie he hauled ass through the rest of her window and around her bed to check on her.
“What the actual fuck are you doing in here?! Are you trying to get shot at?! My dad has a rifle in the goddamned linen closet.” Tara was pissed, but it was wavering as he held onto her hand and waist as he helped her to a standing position.
His brow furrowed, “you weren’t answering your phone and I got worried, that maybe something happened or that you were mad. They told me they kinda interrogated you after that morning and that was why you left.” He looked so mad for Tara and she couldn’t stay mad forever. She just kind of nodded and sat down.
“It was part of it, but also, I just needed space, to…think y’know?” His hair shook as he nodded and joined her on the bed. His hand taking hold of hers, letting her know he was there for her. “I’m confused about what happened or I guess didn’t happen and I got into my head about it.”
The two of them sat in the emptiness of sound for a bit, the record ending and dead air was the background noise for a bit, both of them thinking, Eddie was the one who broke the silence first, “look, Tara, I like you ok? And I got mad at them for being so nosy, it was none of their business.” He shuffled closer on the bed, holding onto her hand like a life preserver. His eyes searching hers. Hopeful.
Tara’s mouth was dry, but there was a moment when she thought she was going to throw up, but she knew nothing would come up. This was the moment she’d been waiting for forever. Through all the teasing from her friends, through 5 years of stares. “I like you two Eddie,” Tara’s face a shade of maroon, Eddie’s beaming, neither of them had expected this result. Tara expected to go off to college and have to find someone else to be with.
A few seconds passed, Eddie broke the silence, “so, are you going to kiss me?” His lips turned up in a wry smile. Tara shook her head and leaned forward, closing the gap between them. Pressing a kiss his his full lips, Eddie’s arms found a way around her waist and this felt like home. Her own hands found a way up to his mess of curls, but before they could go any further Jonathan’s voice called out from the door.
“Fina-fucking-lly.” Him and Robin had shut eating grins on their faces, they were beyond happy for their friend. But most importantly they didn’t have to listen to her pining over him in the mornings anymore.
“Shut it.” She retorted, a smile plastered on her face, Eddie’s hidden since he was distracted by her neck but she could feel a smile of his own on her skin.
1986, it turned out was their year.
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sevlawless · 1 year
for the infamous ask game - beginnings, persona, quitting, change .. eyes emoji .. hero, tattoo, voice, lyrics, & seven ............ hehehehe - farahhauville
thank u for the ask bestie <3
infamous ask game
under the cut because i do not know how to shut the fuck up ever LMFAO
beginnings: when and how did they know they wanted to be a professional musician? was there a deciding factor?
arabella has wanted to be a musician in some shape or form since she started seeking out music and forming her own tastes. she believes that music is the one thing that can speak to anyone and everyone, and she's always wanted to create music that spoke to people. not to mention the fact that she really really wants to be super famous lol
persona: how does their day-to-day personality compare to their on-stage persona?
her stage persona is different from her regular personality in that when she goes on stage, she bares it all. she can be dramatic and all over the place because that's kind of expected yk? it's much easier for her to sing about her feelings than to try and talk about them in regular conversation LMFAO it's therapeutic to her in a way.
quitting: have they ever come close to quitting their professional music career? when? what brings them back?
the only time she has genuinely considered quitting the band was when seven left because she was in such a crisis over it - the songs she reheared/wrote felt hollow, trying to talk to her bandmates didn't help because they weren't seven- it was a very rough time for her LMFAO and during all this she was distancing herself from her friends and drinking more and partaking in drugs so ! during the height of her drug and alcohol induced manic state she got a dui 😭 which caused the rest of dead apple to sit her down and be like "girl .. u have to get your shit together" and she did. somewhat lol. she didn't fully decide on sticking with the band until orion reached out and wanted to manage them.
change: how has their personality changed since seven left the band? are those changes related to seven leaving?
arabella is a lot colder and closed off since seven left. she was closed off when seven was still in her life, but she felt like she could open up more often because she knew he would never judge her for anything. and she never thought he would leave LMFAO she's not cold or distant to the other members of dead apple, since they're her friends and she's known them for so long, but when it comes to new people she doesn't like to talk to them or engage because she's scared of trusting someone and getting hurt again 😭 poor bby
hero: what is their favourite thing about G? why is your mc such a big fan?
her favorite thing about G is the confidence they exude - in their music, in interviews, just how they act as a person. it's everything she strives to be as an artist. she's a big fan of G and misfit alley as a whole because their music just speaks to her. yk you have one artist/band where when they put anything out you're like omg i needed to hear this how did they know LMFAO and that's how she feels about misfit alley.
tattoo: did they keep the tattoo with seven’s initials? why/why not? what was that decision/execution process like? (bonus: what do they think of seven keeping their tattoo?)
arabella is too prideful? to get rid of it, and because she thinks covering a tat with another one is kinda tacky. she uses her tattoos as a way to tell a story, and despite how she feels about him, seven and that tattoo are a big part of her story.
seven keeping his tattoo just solidified her in keeping her's tbh! she's also like "u still want me SO BAD !!!!!!" LMFAOKSKSJDNDNDJ
voice: what does their singing voice sound like? do you have voiceclaims(s) for them?
it is a TOSS UP between holly minto from the crawlers, lia metcalfe from the mysterines, and fiona apple 😭 just a low raspy voice that can belt like nobody knows! i linked the songs that i think are the best examples of her voice :) linking two for the crawlers because i love that band and having to choose just one was hell KSKSNDBDKSK
lyrics: what are some songs you associate with your character? any specific lyrics that really scream your character?
oh boy 😭 LMFAO well arabella writes the majority of dead apple's discography and despite her not wanting to share her feelings she does it quite A LOT in music but if u asked her what any of these songs meant she'd probably cuss you out KSKSJDBDNDK
okay the first one - honeysuckle by pom pom squad
if i'm nothing without you, am i anything at all? // if i'm nothing without you, am i anything at all? // if i'm nothing without you, am i anything at all?
this is the song i used in my fic hehe :) but basically this is one of the many songs she wrote after breaking up with seven and his departure from the band. she doesn't know wtf to do because all she knows is seven and to suddenly not have him in her life anymore is a lot for her to come to terms with. she feels like she lost half of herself LMFAO
decode by paramore
how did we get here? // well, i used to know you so well // well, how did we get here? // well, i think i know
this is the song that they sing at their botb audition and is like . THEE song of dead apple it's the most popular for a reason! as much as she hates it a lot of her songs end up being about seven and this was the first concrete one and the one she showed to the band when she was finally okay to perform and rehearse with them again after everything that happened.
i can't drive by the crawlers - more specifically this version of the song
i turned the radio off, i'm in a car park // off the edge of the motorway i just got on // it's loud without noise, i think my head hates my guts // and my shoes made of iron so i can't get up // it's been seven months, but time's a killer // until i saw you with her, the months felt like filler // i'm not angry, i just really thought you cared // it's only when you're drunk, you give me time to spare, oh
'cause i can't even drive // i just needed something to romanticise // my desperate life, my desperate life
i have a very specific headcanon for this song lol :) basically arabella performs this song stripped down to just her and a piano on stage and it's been like . 7 (lol) months since everything happened and the first concert dead apple has had in a while since she got her dui and was spiraling. she didn't even want her band mates on stage when she performed because the song is so fucking personal to her 😭 and the "i can't drive" in this instance is because she got her license revoked which sucks because arabella loves to drive and she loved driving in the car with seven and not having either of those things anymore really hurt her.
but yeah she sings this and is obviously met with such praise by fans BUT ... this song never gets released as a studio version and is never performed again because while this song is therapeutic to her, it hurts her too bad to sing it more than once. it's definitely the band's most emotional and personal track.
seven: do you have headcanons about their friendship and/or romantic relationship (past or future)? what do you imagine some of their best memories are? what do you think some of seven’s favourite things about your mc were/are?
i mentioned them driving in the car together i feel like a lot of times when seven and arabella had nothing to do they would just drive around the city in her car and talk and talk and talk lmfao. they would workshop songs in her car too.
a headcanon that i have for them when they were still in school together was when seven would get bullied for whatever reason she would jump to his defense (she's still seven's #1 defender despite everything) and bite back at them and one time even went so far as to getting into a fight LMFAO she would have said it was worth it and still doesn't regret it.
some of their best memories are probably all the times they spent on the roof of seven's house just looking at the stars and talking about literally everything. arabella always loved the fact that she could tell seven all the things she couldn't say to anyone else because no one ever understood her the way he did.
i think some of seven's favorite things about arabella is that she is so determined with anything she sets her mind to - she learned how to play guitar, bass, and piano because she didn't want to be just the singer lol she wanted to be able to hold her own in the band and be taken seriously as an artist. he also really liked how fiercely loyal she was. if you have her in your corner, she's there for life. or so they both thought! 🙃
he also just really liked the simple things with her - the way she always knew just what to say to make him tear up from laughing, the way anytime they went anywhere together she turned it into an adventure, how she could sense what he was thinking with just a look thrown her way - i feel like they both just completely and totally miss having that level of closeness with someone where you don't even have to speak to know what they're thinking.
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sab-teraa · 2 years
Watch with me: Gelsin Hayat Bildiği Gino, episode 2
1. Pls emin working out with the sun glasses 😭😭😭 they are so funny
2. I absolutely love love the banter between songul and emin 😭😭
3. I have a feeling that Mert is emin child 👀👀
4. No but songul emin doing a workout stand-off at 6am is cracking me up 😭😭
5. Awh the misfits are such sweethearts 🥺🥺
6. SHUT THE EFF UP I WAS RIGHT! Mert is his kid 🥲🥲 and clearly he was in love with her 🙄🙄 my poor sis songul
7. This annoying girl is back on my screen 😭😭 she gives me the same vibes as that one from uc kurus
8. Emin is such a good teacher
9. I really really really don’t like this girl 🤮🤮
10. They got my girl songul controlling traffic 😭
11. This father is a disgusting man. Free my sis melek. Nasty fucking man. Nasty fucking parents.
12. My money is on this nasty man thinking she’s not his child and hence why he a^buses her
13. I love love love how they exaggerate the cooking scenes lmao
14. I love love love songul and emin 😭 tbis is what I expected from Bahkar
15. Not emin walking to test how much the ring shines. Pls I love them 😭😭
16. This araz guy pisses me off. What jobless behaviour is this
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