#'what do the glasses look like?' iunno something out of a rube goldsburg machine probably
aliferous-ly · 5 months
"I don't know what you're talking about," Zedaph said primly. Without missing a beat he adjusted the truly heinous glasses on his head. "I've always had these."
Tango laughed so hard he fell over. Zedaph preened.
"Those are - so perfect," Tango wheezed, as he wobbled upright. "Do you have an extra pair?"
"Of course I do," Zedaph said, voice thick with offense. "Do I have another pair. Honestly, Tango, it's like you don't know me at all."
Tango mhm'd through his giggles.
"In fact, I seem to have some on me right now," Zedaph said, and as the grand finale, he whipped out a second pair that was alike in all ways except one: this one was orange.
"Oh, my god," Tango gasped. He took them reverently and set them on his nose like they were made of gold. "Zed, you're perfect."
"I know, I know," Zedaph said. He grinned toothily. "Now, would you happen to know where Impulse is?"
"Nope! But for you, my friend, I will find out!" Tango said. His whole face lit up as he went to type in his communicator. The glasses were obnoxious enough that they kept getting in the way, and Zedaph giggled.
Soon, they'd be a whole parade of terrible fashion. Zedvancement I can('t) see clearly now almost complete!
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