#'whats going on' rea being rea aka Full Magic NerderyTM
futurefind · 1 year
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"—while Concepts may be king in the world of Magecraft, magi's root (heh) weakness is just that: they're too busy being magi and focusing on advancing their magiscience to see what's right in front of them.
While this irrelevant the vast majority of the time— as the statistical majority of magi are not big name players in Clock Tower's power-plays and political cannibalism or the like— and instead just stay holed up with their research rather than bother fighting anyone else, nevermind random no-names who aren't political threats."
She stops, suddenly, realizing she's forgotten where she was going in the first place. She clears her throat and shakes herself off, dramatically pointing as she summarizes:
"Which is why it's always fair to bring a gun to a magic fight—!"
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(This is also, of course, exactly why her wards and Bounded Fields and the like include bulletproofing. You can never be too careful in either direction!)
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