#( 新來的好朋友 ╱ new muses. )
changqwi · 2 years
you’ve heard about my otome gals . . . could interest y’all in my . . . novel protag pals  ??
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sung jinwoo
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kim dokja
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han yoojin
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kim hajin
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cale henituse
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eyeontw · 5 years
“食”代在走 線上美食地圖在手
即日起-9/16(一)夏日偶像派對6大IP 獨家粉絲必Buy商品
新光三越台北南西店於9/6(五)-9/22(日)特別推出為期17天的南西美食一週年活動,此次將分為兩大主題:包括一、南西KOL食代,以【群人美食 熱銷激推】餐廳為主,如:GB鮮釀餐廳推出11週年慶好友歡聚套餐、永心鳳茶人氣飲品-台東紅烏龍珍奶及MINIMAMAK檔-星馬叻沙鍋等,不管是熱愛打卡、小資省錢或是朋友聚餐都能找到屬於自己的美食。另外,還有期間限定的無二點心【pop up store限定發送】,除了經典肉桂口味,還推出中秋限定的黃金柚見口味福貴糕。二、“食”代在走 線上美食地圖在手從線上APP精選優惠中,可以一覽精心挑選美食餐廳指南,使用skmpay消費還能享有獨家優惠,例如:御前上茶-宇治聖代雙重奏扣10第二件半價、這味泰泰-泰風松阪豬乾拌拉麵買一送一、雪坊優格-鮮果優格飲優惠價兩杯150元等,趕快一同來歡慶品嘗屬於南西的美食饗宴。
  台灣首發店!在日本掀起「窯烤舒芙蕾熱蛋糕」排隊風潮的「星乃珈琲店HOSHINO COFFEE」,現在新光三越台北南西店一館4F也吃得到了!所有傢俱及餐具皆從日本空運來台,就是要帶給台灣消費者復古懷舊又充滿質感的「星乃珈琲店HOSHINO COFFEE」,店內為沈穩咖啡色系皮質傢具搭配木質裝潢及復古花磚,再打上溫暖懷舊黃光,重現日式咖啡廳的舊日美好時光!另更推出人氣NO.1的「窯烤舒芙蕾熱蛋糕」,所有原料皆是日本的獨家配方,加入100%純天然奶油及法國鮮奶油調製而成,堅持手工現點現做,身為甜點控的你千萬不要錯過!
另外,此次「星乃珈琲店HOSHINO COFFEE」來台更推出台灣限定的「鮮果冰咖啡」,使用台灣高品質新鮮水果搭配日本進口精品咖啡豆,調和出甘甜的熱帶風味,而具特色的「舒芙蕾歐姆蛋焗飯」則是使用舒芙蕾的方式料理出膨鬆軟綿的舒芙蕾歐姆蛋,底下為各種焗飯,以經典的日式洋食及高品質的咖啡風靡日本。9/30(一)前來店消費前50組客人,即贈送「星乃精選咖啡」招待券乙張。
■窯烤舒芙蕾熱蛋糕(雙層)                                                                      推薦價200元
■鮮果冰咖啡                                                                                 推薦價240元
■勃艮地牛肉舒芙蕾歐姆蛋焗飯                                                                 推薦價320元
除此之外,台北南西店更推出一館4F New Open開幕滿額贈活動:一、單筆刷卡消費滿3,000元送200元電子贈品禮券活動期間,使用skm pay於一館4F內睡衣區單櫃當日單卡單筆刷卡消費滿3,000元,即可至一館9F贈品處兌換「新光三越200元贈品禮券」。每張貴賓卡限兌換一次,不累贈,限量500份。(禮券限南西店使用,使用期限至9/30(一),全館皆可使用。)、二、施舒雅指定課程活動期間,使用skm pay於一館4F單櫃當日單卡刷卡消費累計20,000元,即可至一館9F贈品處兌換施舒雅指定課程乙堂。每張貴賓卡限兌換一次,不累贈,限量40份。(指定課程限台北南西店使用、採預約制,使用期限至11/30(六)。
中秋佳節即將來臨,還在苦惱要買什麼禮盒嗎?新光三越台北南西店精選3大台日澳必買禮盒推薦,讓你不用排隊,輕鬆買到才自台灣、日本及澳門超人氣月餅禮盒:台北君悅酒店-鷴情賞月廣式月餅禮盒 推薦價1,580元、黑船-原味長崎蛋糕黑糖銅鑼燒組 推薦價1,299元、澳門英記-雙黃白蓮蓉月餅 推薦價1,210元。 ■台北君悅酒店-鷴情賞月廣式月餅禮盒                                                         推薦價1,580元
■黑船-原味長崎蛋糕黑糖銅鑼燒組                                                             推薦價1,299元
■澳門英記-雙黃白蓮蓉月餅                                                                   推薦價1,210元
即日起-9/16(一)夏日偶像派對6大IP 獨家公開粉絲必Buy商品
還在煩惱暑假要去哪裡玩耍嗎?新光三越台北南西店於即日起至9/16(一)一館9F活動會館特別打造了為期26天的木棉花「夏日偶像派對」,總共集結了六大卡司陣容:兩個討人喜愛的小淘氣-麗莎和卡斯柏、人氣繪本角色-大耳查布、看起來充滿人性的達洋貓、詼諧生動幽默風趣的企鵝家族Pingu、不按牌理出牌的Foufou Bunny以及正義英雄-超人力霸王!除了真實還原角色故事場景,提供粉絲們免費入場與各個卡通角色拍照、打卡之外,更結合主題角色的故事,設計出主題親子解謎遊戲與手作體驗等互動區域,讓爸爸媽媽帶著小朋友們發揮創意,一起闖關。想跟「麗莎和卡斯柏」、大耳查布」、「達洋貓」、「企鵝家族」、「Foufou Bunny」以及「超人力霸王」見面的朋友,千萬不能錯過唷!除此之外,台北南西店更獨家公開粉絲必Buy的熱賣商品,包括:企鵝家族-暖手抱枕推薦價650元、大耳查布-隔熱墊(兩用三入)推薦價480元、超人力霸王-束口背袋推薦價350元、企鵝家族-珪藻土置物墊推薦價320元、麗莎與卡斯柏-雙層杯推薦價600元。 ■企鵝家族-暖手抱枕                                                                          推薦價650元
■大耳查布-隔熱墊(兩用三入)                                                                   推薦價480元
■超人力霸王-束口背袋                                                                        推薦價350元
■企鵝家族-珪藻土置物墊                                                                      推薦價320元
■麗莎與卡斯柏-雙層杯                                                                        推薦價600元
秋食主義SKM PAY好優惠倒數7天!
新光三越台北南西店除了有全新改裝的一館4F、中秋推薦禮盒及「夏日偶像派對」會館活動外,更於8/23(五)-9/8(日)推出秋季skm pay好優惠:活動期間,登入台北南西店新光三越APP(已綁定貴賓卡/貴賓卡銀卡)「skm select或精選優惠線上優惠」使用skm pay線上購買取得QR code後,即可至贈品處或指定櫃位兌換商品乙份,數量有限,送完為止。
■新東陽-珍珠奶茶酥                                                               優惠價300元 價值380元
■善菓屋-原味可麗露禮合組(6入)                                                    優惠價330元 價值420元
■BAKE檸檬起司塔(6入)                                                            優惠價399元 價值480元
■香草集-氣場精油滾珠                                                             優惠價399元 價值550元
■伊聖詩-約翰森林沐浴膠系列500ml(2入)                                       優惠價1,470元 價值980元/個
  【一館4F New Open開幕滿額贈】
活動名稱 活動時間/地點 活動內容 單筆刷卡消費滿3,000元送200元電子贈品禮券 8/29(四)-9/15(日)
活動期間,使用skm pay於一館4F內睡衣區單櫃當日單卡單筆刷卡消費滿3,000元,即可至一館9F贈品處兌換「新光三越200元贈品禮券」。每張貴賓卡限兌換一次,不累贈,限量500份。(禮券限南西店使用,使用期限至9/30(一),全館皆可使用。) 施舒雅指定課程 活動期間,使用skm pay於一館4F單櫃當日單卡刷卡消費累計20,000元,即可至一館9F贈品處兌換施舒雅指定課程乙堂。每張貴賓卡限兌換一次,不累贈,限量40份。(指定課程限南西店使用、採預約制,使用期限至11/30(六)。)
活動名稱 活動時間/地點 活動內容 歡慶APP會員全新登場!加入即贈會員點數100點 即日起-9/5(四) 活動期間內,首次加入新光三越APP會員,並完成姓名、性別、電子信箱資��填寫,即可獲得新光三越會員點數100點。(點數於審核完一小時內發放),數量有限,換完為止。
【夏日偶像派對 企鵝家族、超人力霸王等六大超人氣卡通角色!】
活動名稱 活動時間/地點 活動內容 MUSE LAND
即日起-9/16(一) 結合六大人氣熱門卡通人物:麗莎和卡斯柏、大耳查布、達洋貓、企鵝家族、Foufou Bunny以及超人力霸王,要讓小朋友能在這個暑假有個能盡情玩耍、盡情跑跳的室內樂園,在這裡為孩子們打造一個快樂、有趣的玩樂領域。除了有可以盡情拍照、玩樂的主題互動區,更有結合主題的闖關遊戲供小朋友們歡樂暢玩;也適合父母親們一起加入、增加更多親子互動的機會,為顧客帶來全新體驗。
【秋食主義SKM PAY好優惠】
活動名稱 活動時間/地點 活動內容 秋季SKM PAY好優惠 8/23(五)-9/8(日)
活動期間,登入台北南西店新光三越APP(已綁定貴賓卡/貴賓卡銀卡)「skm select或精選優惠線上優惠」使用skm pay線上購買取得QR code後,即可至贈品處或指定櫃位兌換商品乙份。 (未盡事宜依店內公告為主/圖片僅供參考,實體依現場為主/各波段數量有限,售完為止)
   新光三越台北南西店於9/6(五)-9/22(日)特別推出為期17天的南西美食一週年活動,此次將分為兩大主題:包括一、南西KOL食代,以【群人美食 熱銷激推】餐廳為主,如:GB鮮釀餐廳推出11週年慶好友歡聚套餐、永心鳳茶人氣飲品-台東紅烏龍珍奶及MINIMAMAK檔-星馬叻沙鍋等,不管是熱愛打卡、小資省錢或是朋友聚餐都能找到屬於自己的美食。 南西KOL食代、POP UP STORE限定發送 “食”代在走 線上美食地圖在手 全台獨家《星乃珈琲店》首發在南西!台灣限定的「鮮果冰咖啡」 台、日、澳必買3大中秋禮盒推薦 即日起-9/16(一)夏日偶像派對6大IP 獨家粉絲必Buy商品 9/6(五)-9/22(日)南西食藝好玩慶週年! 新光三越台北南西店於9/6(五)-9/22(日)特別推出為期17天的南西美食一週年活動,此次將分為兩大主題:包括一、南西KOL食代,以【群人美食 熱銷激推】餐廳為主,如:GB鮮釀餐廳推出11週年慶好友歡聚套餐、永心鳳茶人氣飲品-台東紅烏龍珍奶及MINIMAMAK檔-星馬叻沙鍋等,不管是熱愛打卡、小資省錢或是朋友聚餐都能找到屬於自己的美食。另外,還有期間限定的無二點心【pop up store限定發送】,除了經典肉桂口味,還推出中秋限定的黃金柚見口味福貴糕。
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changqwi · 1 year
the team
            a spec ops task force consisted of loaned soldiers from around the world . . . rumor has it they are made of people who’re just a bit too hard to handle by their own spec ops team so instead  ,  they’re grouped up here instead . . . a team of misfits  ,  one could say  .  named TASK FORCE ZETA  (TF-ZETA  /  have been called the ‘clean up crew’ by many others)  ,  it’s a group based on the island of taiwan  ,  headed by a young captain . . . despite where they are based  ,  they are often called upon by other nations for assistance  --  often going dark when necessary  .  their operations often remain classified and top secret  ,  only those with high clearance have access to see  . 
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[captain] shanjie (sterling) zhao  -- aka: smiley
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[sergeant] haruka yamazaki -- aka: none  |  supposedly retired
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[lieutenant] yuze lai  -- aka: fish (unofficially)  |  supposedly on reserve
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[corporal] alessandra smythson  --  aka: montana
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[sergeant] mariana ortega  --  aka: oracle
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[lieutenant] dr. eileen oliviera  --  aka: none  
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[corporal] sofiya ivanoff  --  aka: duchess
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[corporal] seojun kang  --  aka: menace
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changqwi · 2 years
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NAME:  thalia  AKA:  queen of wolves  ;  feral wolf AGE:  unknown GENDER:  female  (she/her) ORIENTATION:  demisexual / demiromantic  [male-leaning] OCCUPATION:  ????  current leader of the slums 
+ve:  observant, intelligent, open-minded, adaptable, accepting, loyal, protective, curious, responsible, caring -ve:  distrustful, suspicious, temperamental, aggressive, confrontational, territorial, possessive, reckless
>  born in the slums, thalia grew up mostly with a group of orphans that lived day to day by stealing  /  begging  /  conning people >  had a tough life  ,  there were often fights for territory and space . . . often leaving children to fend for themselves  ,  and when one too many of her friends  /  pack died  ,  thalia refused to stand down >  despite being a child  ,  thalia had fighting spirit and fought back aggressively to keep her space  ,  her home from other adults  .  this caught the eye of a local crime lord that found the girl intriguing  ,  and being a man who enjoyed FUN  ,  decided to take in thalia . . . though  ,  not as a daughter  ,  but as a brawler  .  a child brawler  . >  growing up in the fighting ring  ,  thalia fought both humans and animals  ;  learning the hard way of fending for herself . . . but if going through tough fights meant she could defend her home  (  a deal that was struck between her and the crime lord  )  ,  then so be it  . >  as she grew older  ,  her skills became more refined and the aura she exuded seemed to even make the most feral wolves cower . . . she gained the moniker of QUEEN OF WOLVES  .   >  when she was old enough  ,  amassing enough power  ,  she broke free of her contract by killing her OWNER  .  letting the wolves she befriended tear into his body  .  instead of leaving the family  ,  thalia decided to take the seat of power for herself  ;  anyone that fought back were fed to the wolves  . >  with her newfound power  ,  thalia took control of the slums  ,  making it her territory  ;  she continues to operate the fighting rings  ,  anyone who enters a contract with the ring and wants out can have the option of leaving the ring  ,  so long as they beat the STRONGEST  --  aka  THALIA  . >  thalia  --  as cold as she seems  --  is a rather gentle soul who loves animals  ,  the mansion she resides in is overrun with strays  .  she often lends extra room and space to children seeking shelter . . . knowing that she had been like them once  .  she allows them room and board  (  as well as protection  )  if they run small errands for her  . >  since her takeover and her move to better the slums  ,  those living within the border of the rundown areas have faced better days . . . not as great as the city  ,  but they’re not living in constant fear of losing their homes or lives  .
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changqwi · 2 years
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            “  my only sin was not the one which you accuse me of  ,  but for trusting that you’d do me no harm  .  for the last time  ,  i shall bear the burden of your rumors and die with them  ,  but never once  ,  shall i wish you peace  .  ”
name:  YVAIN SAVIA ALBA aka:  eve, sav, savi age:  29 (at death)  /  20 (currently) gender:  female (she/her) orientation:  demisexual / demiromantic occupation:  noble lady  ,  mage
+ve:  intelligent, generous, loving, protective, responsible, caring, tolerant, patient, loyal, confident -ve:  overly trusting, distant, secretive, regretful, aloof, quiet, brooding, distrustful, naive, suspicious
>  died at the age of 29 via beheading  ;  due to her former lover’s misunderstanding and a rival spreading rumors about her >  formerly a talented mage and alchemist  ,  a woman said to be on the verge of revolutionizing the world  ,  but her ideas were stolen and her rival told everyone that she had stolen their idea and that she’s been bullying them >  though withstanding the vicious rumor for many years  ,  enduring because she naively thought the truth would ultimately come out and that her lover would continue to stand by her side . . . >  an incident between her and her rival had caused such a large ripple that she was framed for something she hadn’t done  (  wrong place  ,  wrong time  )  ,  leading to her imprisonment  ,  the loss of everything  ,  and her life  .  her family ultimately turned their back on her just so they won’t be stained with dishonor  . >  ultimately  ,  she figured that her sin was only because she loved too much  ,  trusted too much  ,  seeing as no one was on her side  ,  she gave up her will to live . . . cursing her lover and rival out until her last breath  . >  when she returned  ,  she had little idea WHY and HOW because time and revival magic is taboo . . . but she didn’t question it  .  she tried to rule her past life as a NIGHTMARE  ,  but she knew it to be oh-so-real . . . and because of that  ,  she started to distance herself from everyone that hurt her >  breaking off her engagement  ,  overly critical of people who approached her with good will  ,  protected her work and research under lock & key as well as magic spells  ,  distanced herself from former friends  ,  so forth . . .  >  figured it was better to be ALONE than to be stabbed in the back by those she loved and trusted  . >  swore to never love again nor let anyone close  ,  buries herself in work and decided this was her second chance to perfect all the things she’s failed  .
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changqwi · 1 year
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-- what’s a pretty girl like you doing in a rough place like this  ??  |  it’s woman  ,  and what’s a coward like you doing in a battle like this  ??
NAME:  Alessandra Iannucci AKA:  Alex, Sandy, Ally, Lassie   CODENAME:  Thyme AGE:  30 years old GENDER:  female [she/her] ORIENTATION:  demisexual / demiromantic OCCUPATION: USN SEALs officer
POS:   loyal, observant, reliable, responsible, intelligent, quick-witted, dedicated, friendly, open-minded, adaptive NEG:   stubborn, reckless, confrontational, mischievous, temperamental, sensitive, expressive, insecure
>  trained in krav maga  ,  aikido  ,  and judo >  skilled in CQB  --  both hand to hand and with weapons >  has apt understanding of firearms and non-firearm weapons  ,  projectile weapons >  trained in defensive driving >  has intent of being trained as a sniper  --  working towards qualifying for the training
            Born on July 24 to Teresa Chen and Captain Michael Iannucci, Alessandra grew up in a very military oriented family but had never felt the pressure to join the Forces. As a child, she often see her mother more so than her father due to the nature of their occupation; her father, a captain, was often away due to missions or due to his job while her mother was a military doctor so she was often home to look over Alessandra. Despite having spent most of her time with her mother, she loves both parents equally and unconditionally.             Throughout her childhood, she was encouraged to do sport activities and the sport changed as she aged but a constant one she practices is aikido and judo. Though the sports were of her choice, the martial arts were something her father pressed onto her but she didn’t mind, as an active child, she was an eager learner for anything new.  She kept up a competitive attitude with her siblings, fueling her want to improve herself physically when she was younger.             There was an underlying reason as to why she was encouraged to do sports, be it a team sport or individual competitors. Her father was a constant supporter of her and he did so with a sprinkle of his own wishes; he wanted her to join the military as well. As a family whose lives revolved around the military, Michael wished for his children to be part of the action as well. In a way, playing sports was a way to train her to be a team player but also an independent person. Aikido and judo was the basics into hand to hand combat but due to the fact that weapons were not allowed off base, her father was unable to teach her the usage of the firearms; Alessandra was more adept to hand to hand combat and close range combat than she is with long range.             Influenced by her father and her environment, Alessandra felt herself naturally gravitating to joining the US Navy. Joining of her own volition once she finished her education (high school and university  --  this was at the request of her mother), she started her service at the age of TWENTY-SIX. It was about three years later that she decided to attempt her hand at the selection and training process for SEALs. She manages to pass the training and is officially enlisted as a SEALs officer, but she’ll often say that she passed by the seat of her pants, just barely.
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changqwi · 1 year
here’s quick blurbs  ,  under cut because long  :  
shanjie zhao  --  captain of TF-ZETA  ,  people call him a born soldier  ;  strong and dutiful ,  knows only the military for the most part . . . his team’s ride or die  ,  will sacrifice his own life for theirs
haruka yamazaki  --  former TF-ZETA  ,  private military contractor  ,  quit after loss of partner in the field  ;  despite being discharged  ,  would come back at a drop of a pin if shanjie asks him to  .  currently residing in usa where his current employers are  .
yuze lai  --  former TF-ZETA  ,  resides near the base  ,  a former delinquent that got too much to handle so was forced into the military by his parents  ;  currently working as a mechanic  ,  would come back in a heartbeat for his former teammates and shanjie
alessandra smythson  --  former us navy  ,  voluntarily joined TF-ZETA  ,  isn’t a troublesome character  ,  gets along with people just fine  ,  wanted a change of scenery  .  a skilled combatant in the field  ,  a force to be reckoned with  .
mariana ortega  --  foul-mouthed  ,  fiery  ,  brash . . . all the qualities unbefitting of a sniper  ,  but it didn’t stop her from being a damn good one  .  clashing with many  ,  she no longer fit in with her team and was transferred over to TF-ZETA because it would have been a waste of her skills to discharge her  .
eileen oliviera  --  field doctor  ,  joined because it was an open position  ;  has a constant headache over how much these idiots gets hurt and never heeds her words  .  a strong woman who’s not afraid to fight for her patients and fight her patients . . .
sofiya ivanof  --  former SOF  ,  transferred to TF-ZETA as a surveillance effort . . . she’s just meant to keep an eye on what is happening and report it back home to see if TF-ZETA and it’s affiliates are a threat to russia  .
seojun kang  --  former roksf  ( aka black beret  )  ,  just like his codename  ,  he was basically a hard to handle soldier that would disobey given orders . . . being a talented soldier  ,  not wanting to discharge him because he could be useful  ,  he was pawned off to TF-ZETA
eleanor jones  --  sas member  ,  was intimately a part of the member selection for the tea party  .  the codenames were not her doing  ,  she just selected people she felt suited her vision of the team  .  disapproves of tf-zeta  ,  not because of the team but because of the child that leads it . . . he’s too young to be where he is . . . 
holden davies  --  sas member  ,  eleanor’s right hand  ,  often called DEN by many  ;  a stern  ,  cigarette-loving man . . . knows his way around gun and knife  ,  has been in the sas much longer than eleanor but doesn’t see himself fit to lead  .  had been offered leadership to the tea party but declined  .
sara garcia  --  goe xix  (  spanish spec ops  )  ,  a trained eye  ,  she’s the sniper of the team  ;  she looks young but she has a steady hand  ,  a steady heart and an even steadier shot . . . not to be trifled with when it comes to firearms  ,  she’s not just good with a rifle  .  knows her guns very well  .
paola vescio  --  italian special forces  ,  was on the verge of retirement when she was invited to the tea party by holden and eleanor  .  deciding to put off her retirement  ,  she joins the team as their explosives expert  ,  she sure enjoys her booms . . . a smoking and drinking buddy for holden  .
damian taylor  --  us seal  ,  sent on behalf of the states  ;  sees joining the tea party as training  ,  bright and fresh-eyed  ,  a rookie amongst the big leaguers  .  kinda out of place  ,  but he does his best to keep up  .
maverick williams  --  former junior of eileen  ,  has briefly worked with the woman  ;  joined the team because there was nowhere else to go . . . the hospital is too confining and he was never great with desk jobs  .
desiree laurent  --  former french dgse  (  the french counterpart to the mi6 and cia  )  ,  joined the tea party at holden’s invite  ,  finds it more exciting than the group back home  ;  is the team’s information gatherer  ,  she’s the person who has all the contacts and know-all . . . she’s the person they turn to when it comes to planning  ,  finding things  ,  etc  .
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changqwi · 2 years
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NAME:  Evelyn (Eunji) Jang NICKNAMES:  Eve, Lynn, Evie AGE: 23 GENDER: female (she/her) ORIENTATION: demisexual / demiromantic OCCUPATION: student (in mechanical engineering)
+ve  :  friendly, outgoing, intelligent, adventurous, daring, decisive, responsible, studious -ve  :  stubborn, headstrong, reckless, confrontational, impulsive, coarse, blunt
>  was born in korea  ,  and raised by a single parent  --  her father
>  had to travel a lot due to her father’s job as a pit crew member
>  her father had been a former racer but retired when she was born
>  due to traveling a lot  ,  she had a hard time making friends at school  ,  but she didn’t mind because a lot of her friends were the older men in the pit crew and the racers they worked with
>  a lot of her automotive knowledge was learned on-the-job style from observing  (  she had front row seats to races  )  and from both mechanics and racers
>  learned to race from the pros on off-seasons  ;  trained with them  ,  mostly had been just for fun when they had time  
>  got into street racing by being introduced to it by one of the mechanics  (  she thinks her dad doesn’t know she races, but he does because he also street raced during his student years  )
>  has her own car and motorcycle  --  maintains them herself as well  ;  her current car is a hand-me-down from one of her dad’s friend in korea
>  decided to go to school in korea  ,  wanted to get to know her father’s home a bit more  ;  her father tried to make sure that she’s fluent in korean despite traveling lots and using english as the primary language of communication  --  she’s not all too knowledgeable of current korean slang and often mixes up words or gets confused
>  has been mistaken as a RACE QUEEN  (  y’know  ,  the ones that hold a sign at the start of the race  )  ;  100% does not appreciate it  ,  will kick that person’s ass in a race 
>  hates being looked down upon  ,  will often rise up to the challenge
>  100% has a racing soundtrack she blasts when she’s racing
>  definitely in a male dominated degree  ,  hasn’t stopped her from progressing  .  her love for racing and related outweighs being looked down upon  ;  plus  ,  she’s got a ton of tough men who’re willing to help her out if she needs them to  :)
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changqwi · 2 years
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NAME:  odessa debeaux AKA:  the doctor who’d do anything for the right price AGE:  ??? GENDER:  female  (she/her) ORIENTATION:  demisexual / demiromantic OCCUPATION:  underground doctor
+ve:  intelligent, fun-loving, adventurous, daring, open-minded, friendly, eloquent, elegant, passionate -ve:  money-minded, eccentric, corrupted, artificial, devious, morbid, opportunistic, secretive, distant
>  rumored that she had been a board certified surgeon at some point in time  ,  but was kicked out after an incidence she could not recover from >  turned to working underground  ,  says that it earns way more money and there are more exciting cases to work on >  has a bit interest in psychology and hypnosis >  often gives into her own desires and wants  ,  often indulges in many luxuries >  despite the fact that she would do anything so long as a good price is offered  ,  odessa takes great pride in her work and does not do well when people ridicule her  .  she’s good at her job and she knows it  ,  she won’t stand for those that look down on her  . >  not much is known about her  ,  just that she loves a lavish life and enjoys a bit of danger  
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changqwi · 2 years
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NAME:  sibyl AKA:  robocop AGE:  died at the age of 27 GENDER:  female  (she/her) ORIENTATION:  ????? SPECIES:  cyborg OCCUPATION:  police officer  /  government agent defector
+ve:  observant, quick-witted, intelligent, calm, dutiful, disciplined, logical, protective, obedient, methodical -ve:  calculating, distant, corrupted, insensitive / blunt, mechanical, curious, dull, reckless, eccentric
>  was a former rookie that  ‘  died  ’  on the job  ,  instead of letting her rest in peace  ;  they decided to use her body and augment it  ,  making her half-machine  ,  half-human >  they intended to use her to catch crime  /  criminals before they occur  ;  a preventative measure instead of a corrective measure  . >  an event transpired that caused her system to go haywire  ,  they thought they had installed enough failsafe and  ‘  erased  '  her previous life’s memory  ,  but the shock allowed the failsafe to cease working and gave her a bit of SENTIENCE  .  it’s was then that she started to question her existence  . >  her confusion and inability to perform properly had her handlers try to make her undergo maintenance  ,  but since her human side resurfaced  ,  she was able to resist the wipes a bit more . . . she was able to fake it until she understood what happened to her and with obvious reactions  ,  she was disgusted and appalled at what had been done to her >  enlisting the help of an underground doctor  --  ODESSA  --  sibyl was able to remove the digital controls her handlers had on her and disappeared off the grid  ;  throwing everyone into mass chaos at the loss of the cyborg  . >  sibyl is STILL able to access government files and such so long as she’s able to access computers  ,  a skilled hacker  ,  sibyl gets by by offering INFORMATION and related for money . . . by far  ,  she’s one of the more accurate and detailed informants  ,  especially in regards to those of the law >  she still finds it hard to ignore crime and often steps in to intervene  ;  though the control in her has been removed  ,  she was hardwired to prevent crime and such and odessa was not able to remove that part completely so sibyl still finds herself getting into trouble against her own better judgement >  her body is 100% functional  --  she still needs to eat  ,  sleep  ,  and her reproduction still works . . . she thinks  .  there are times where she requires minor maintenance  ,  but she’s yet to find a steady engineer  (  and mechanic  )  who’d be able to help her with that so she hops around  ,  paying whoever willing to help with the tune up  .
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changqwi · 2 years
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            if anyone wants to write with private militant . . . his name is HARUKA YAMAZAKI  (  he’s 28  ,  and yep  ,  some ppl do call him HARU-CHAN but he doesn’t mind  )  .  a skilled close combatant and the leader of his own team  ,  haruka seems carefree and bright  ,  but he takes his job seriously  .  he has many philosophies he follows and some  ,  people don’t understand why  .  he hates talking about his personal life but will easily open his door to anyone seeking a shoulder to lean on . . . 
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changqwi · 2 years
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name:  Catalina Letizia Torres aka:  Cat, Lina, Lettie, Miss Solution-Haver age:  26 gender:  female (she/her) orientation:  demisexual / demiromantic (male leaning) occupation:  office worker traits:
+ve  :  hardworking, amicable, open-minded, quick-witted, responsible, reliable, cheery, positive, intelligent -ve  :  tired, petty, forgetful, impulsive, snarky, sensitive, messy, stubborn, reserved, self-conscious
>  immigrated from spain to the states  ;  born to a spanish father and italian mother >  thinks her parents are also office workers  ;  doesn’t have a clue that her parents have hands in the underworld  ,  they’re trying to keep their little girl out of the business >  catalina is suspicious  ,  but never presses for details  .  ignorance is bliss  ,  honestly  . >  while it seems that catalina lets people walk all over her  ,  she can be quite petty when she feels she’s been wronged . . . she hates confrontation but won’t hesitate to exact revenge in her own little way >  speaks english  ,  spanish  ,  and italian >  currently lives alone in a small apartment her parents got her when she got her job  . >  can cook  ,  loves to cook  .   >  has a cat as a pet  ,  named it Corazon because of the heart shaped patch on it’s back >  has a lot of plants >  very much an INDOOR person  ,  but will go out if invited and she’s in the mood   >  hates her office environment  ,  she feels she’s overworked and doing things beyond her salary  ,  but she does it because money  >  her coworkers call her Miss Solution-Haver because somehow  ,  she always has a solution for problems . . . not that she knows how to actually fix anything or whatnot  ,  she just applies logic and common sense >  the i don’t find trouble / problems  ,  they find me kinda person . . . things tend to go awry around her  ,  but she always fixes it  (  and hence the above point  )  .
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changqwi · 2 years
            yes  ,  i am picking up the spirit  (  aka  rin yamaoka  )  from dead by daylight  .  i am familiarizing myself with her lore as best i can  (  i have not played the game  )  ,  but note that a lot of her characterization will be HEAVILY BASED on behavioral interactive’s new game  ,  HOOKED ON YOU  (  a dbd dating sim  )  .             that doesn’t mean i WON’T portray her as she is in the main game . . . it just won’t be my main priority . . . so yeah  ,  she’ll flirt and maybe maim her way through interactions  .  
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changqwi · 1 year
the team (pt 2)
            while not as international as shanjie’s team  ,  this team is mostly formed of european soldiers from various tactical forces  [  most being sas  ]  ,  and probably less clandestine than shanjie’s team . . . but does just as much dirty work as needed  .  they have the funny quirk of being codenamed after TEAS  ,  often being called the tea party by other teams  ,  they don’t particularly have a team name  (  they find it funny to be called the tea party so they kept it  )  .  
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[captain] eleanor jones -- aka: lady grey
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[lieutenant] holden davies -- aka: ceylon
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[corporal] sara garcia -- aka: pekoe
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[lieutanant] paola vescio -- aka: assam
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[corporal] damian taylor -- aka: oolong
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[sergeant] dr. maverick williams  -- aka: rooibos
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[corporal] desiree laurent -- aka: darjeeling
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changqwi · 2 years
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name:  arabella collins age:  29 gender:  female (she/her) orientation:  heterosexual / demiromantic occupation:  office worker
            outwardly  ,  arabella is a studious and hardworking office worker that’s dedicated to her job as an analyst for her firm  .  keen to do well  ,  always working overtime  ,  arabella is a dependable and reliable coworker that many go to for assistance  .  she seems very no-nonsense outwardly  ,  always proper and stern . . . she does intimidate some of the newer hires that don’t know her well  .  despite her rather TOUGH exterior  ,  arabella is always willing to lend a hand to those that need it and is always steps ahead  ,  providing support whenever she can  .            however  ,  little do people know . . . as prim and proper as arabella seems  ,  she does have a bit of a strange guilty pleasure  .  one that does take up an entire ROOM in her apartment  .  romance novels  .  not just any romance novels  ,  the smuttiest and spiciest kind people can find  .  be it in paperback  ,  hardcover  ,  or digital  ;  arabella has an extensive collection of them that she rather enjoys indulging in  .  such novels does skew her perception of romance and sex quite a fair bit  ,  but it’s not to a point where she’s hopelessly lusting for romance . . . it does raise her expectations in a partner  ,  but she’s an realist more than an idealist  ,  knowing that her novel is just a novel  ,  but a girl can fantasize  ,  can’t she  ??
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changqwi · 2 years
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ODESSA  --  an underground doctor with a small penchant for psychology  ;  a youthful and beautiful figure  ,  don’t mistaken her image for someone who can’t handle blood or gore . . . it’s rumored that she was a great surgeon before she got enveloped in some controversy that removed her from her job  .  she never divulges anything about her past . . . but she quite enjoys the THRILL of dealing with danger  .  she’s never one to decline patients  /  clients  ,  so long as they have the money to pay for the treatment  .
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SIBYL  --  a cyborg designed by the government with hopes of capturing criminals and preventing crime  (  think ROBOCOP mixed with PSYCHO PASS  )  .  originally under the control of a handler  ,  sibyl’s system malfunctioned and gave her the ability to (re)gain her sentience and conscience  ;  it was with odessa’s help that she managed to rid her mind of the controlling device . . . though now  ,  she’s a wanted criminal  .  sibyl still has abilities to connect with computers and can access government files via hacking and other means  .
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THALIA  --  a dangerous woman with nearly no affiliation  ,  having grown up in the slums  ,  she made a name for herself and made the area her territory  .  a territorial woman  ,  she seemed to find more solace with her pack of canines than humans  ,  easily accepting any strays into her pack so long as they’re loyal  .  she’s fiercely protective of her space and doesn’t take well to those trying to take over or invade  ,  interrupting her peace  .  it’s said she climbed her way to the top by making use of her pretty face  ,  but those close to her knows that it had been a bloody path for her  .
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