#here we go our stereotypical reincarnation muse :))
changqwi · 2 years
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            “  my only sin was not the one which you accuse me of  ,  but for trusting that you’d do me no harm  .  for the last time  ,  i shall bear the burden of your rumors and die with them  ,  but never once  ,  shall i wish you peace  .  ”
name:  YVAIN SAVIA ALBA aka:  eve, sav, savi age:  29 (at death)  /  20 (currently) gender:  female (she/her) orientation:  demisexual / demiromantic occupation:  noble lady  ,  mage
+ve:  intelligent, generous, loving, protective, responsible, caring, tolerant, patient, loyal, confident -ve:  overly trusting, distant, secretive, regretful, aloof, quiet, brooding, distrustful, naive, suspicious
>  died at the age of 29 via beheading  ;  due to her former lover’s misunderstanding and a rival spreading rumors about her >  formerly a talented mage and alchemist  ,  a woman said to be on the verge of revolutionizing the world  ,  but her ideas were stolen and her rival told everyone that she had stolen their idea and that she’s been bullying them >  though withstanding the vicious rumor for many years  ,  enduring because she naively thought the truth would ultimately come out and that her lover would continue to stand by her side . . . >  an incident between her and her rival had caused such a large ripple that she was framed for something she hadn’t done  (  wrong place  ,  wrong time  )  ,  leading to her imprisonment  ,  the loss of everything  ,  and her life  .  her family ultimately turned their back on her just so they won’t be stained with dishonor  . >  ultimately  ,  she figured that her sin was only because she loved too much  ,  trusted too much  ,  seeing as no one was on her side  ,  she gave up her will to live . . . cursing her lover and rival out until her last breath  . >  when she returned  ,  she had little idea WHY and HOW because time and revival magic is taboo . . . but she didn’t question it  .  she tried to rule her past life as a NIGHTMARE  ,  but she knew it to be oh-so-real . . . and because of that  ,  she started to distance herself from everyone that hurt her >  breaking off her engagement  ,  overly critical of people who approached her with good will  ,  protected her work and research under lock & key as well as magic spells  ,  distanced herself from former friends  ,  so forth . . .  >  figured it was better to be ALONE than to be stabbed in the back by those she loved and trusted  . >  swore to never love again nor let anyone close  ,  buries herself in work and decided this was her second chance to perfect all the things she’s failed  .
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darknessnav · 7 years
About Darius
You should view my webpage ON A COMPUTER. Or use DESKTOP VIEW setting in your mobile WEB-BROWSER. Not the Tumblr app. So I can’t be bothered with posting the images that go along with this since you can’t be bothered to go to the proper platform. (Sorry, mun is annoyed about this.)
“This one’s tale is one most unknown. He is not known for the tall tales of a clever wit and tongue. He is not known well at all. Niflheim of the timeless bore this one. Muspel was his womb. This one was not born of flesh and blood. This one came from whispers in the depths of a mirror’s mind. The whispers of dark desires, of murder, of lust, and of depravity. For that reason, the names most tied to I are that of darkness. If darkness were to have a face, I would be that face. If darkness were to want a voice, I would speak in its name. Darkness is cold and calculating and darkness is in my veins.”
Darius is not Loki as one would know him to be. He is not Loki in myth nor is he Loki in Marvel. He is his own entity. He is the darkness that was harbored in another, manifested in jotun form. He has no family. He has no home. Darius wanders the streets of the only realm he knows, Earth, or what he would call Midgard.
He has no goals or missions in life, only just to experience until his dying breath. He does not understand pain and emotion as we would. He does not understand sorrow and anguish. These things are unknown to him, and though they try to leave their mark on his dark soul, their efforts are in vain. His are the desires of a madman, of a psycho, of a killer. What actions he wants to take, he takes them. He does not give himself time to think of the consequences.
Warning/disclaimer: ALL OF THIS basically. Please read prior to interacting with this muse!
Name: Darius Eirik Manngason (Manngason = “son of no one”) Nicknames: Loki, Dalie, Blueberry, Smurf, Dark One, Once-Thought, Dark Incarnation, Loki Loptrson Wishlist Nickname: None; he gives no fucks toward names Birthday: January 17th (Zodiac Capricorn) Age: Physically 5 years (his body was created July 23, 2012), looks like mid-thirties, contains the wealth of knowledge of Loki, so acts much older than either of the previously listed ages. Ethnicity: Jotunn (Frost Giant) Height: 6’4” (male) / 5’8” (female) Weight: Approx 635lbs (but feels like 200lbs with his levitation spell) Body Type: Darius is much unlike the stereotypical build of Loki. His frame is thick with muscle, yet he is still ‘small’ by Asgardian standards for warriors. When compared to someone like Thor, Darius would still appear small-framed. However, Darius stands physically taller than Loki by two or three inches, making him eye-level to Thor. Darius possesses a thicker, squarer jawline, and his eyebrows looks more chiseled and prominent than that of Loki’s. Skin color: Deep blue, close to ultramarine blue in Jotun form, pale white/alabaster (like humans) in Aesir form. Eye Color: Red with red sclera in Jotun form, green eyes with white sclera in Aesir form. Hair: Raven black, mid-length hair Scars: A large yet subtle scar across his stomach/abdominal region and a smaller more prominent one over his sternum. Burns: No Over weight: No Under weight: No Other Physical Traits: He has markings all over his body in his Jotun form that are akin to very thin, raised lines, giving him a somewhat tribal appearance. However, the thin lines are easily unnoticeable as they are so thin and barely raised. One would likely have to be looking for them, or they must be under some harsh lighting’s angle. Smells like: Differs based off of the shampoos/body washes he uses, mostly consisting of sandalwood, citrus, or cinnamon. Without the influence of shampoos/body wash, he would have a “freezer burn” kind of smell. Speech Traits: Deep voice, he speaks as though he has an accent, yet the accent is no definable match to any existing accents. Stance: He has a very rigid stance, appearing taller than he is, which is very tall. His feet are about 24 inches apart when he stands. Walk: He has something of a saunter-like walk, very casual and relaxed no matter the place or occasion. He walks with confidence and as though he has extreme familiarity of his surroundings. Common Gestures: Occasionally, he may tap his fingers on his side. He often shifts his weight from one foot to another every few minutes. He tends to move his head around as though he is looking for details. When exposed to many sounds or scents, he will sometimes close his eyes as he is very over-stimulated by his senses. Facial Expressions: He has a very unreadable face. It hints at multiple feelings, yet the eyes tell you that feelings are not present. He sometimes scowls, he sometimes look perplexed, and sometimes he even looks upset or depressed. Clothes and Shoes: He isn’t particularly picky about clothes. He will generally stick to flannel shirts that button up, although sometimes he will wear a thin long-sleeved or sleeveless undershirt, generally black in color. The flannel shirts tend to be vibrant red plaid shirts. He will wear an array of jeans, the most of which will be dark blue, grey, or black. Cosmetics: He doesn’t use too much, being a low-maintenance sort of fellow. He will occasionally use some oil to slick his hair back. Education: Religious education, Apprenticeship, Non-traditional education. Self-taught, very intelligent. Financial Status: Wealthy Lives in: an abandoned insane asylum located in Finland with no immediate neighboring buildings/residencies. Languages Known: English, Finnish, Swedish, Ancient Norse, Icelandic, Norweigan, Jotun, Asgardian Relationship Status: Single Sexual Orientation: Omnisexual, Sexuality: Sexually adventurous, experienced, promiscuous. Romantic Orientation: Romance repulsed Religious views: Atheistic, believes in an afterlife, believes in reincarnation, aliens exist (he’s proof of them). Beliefs: He believes that nothing matters. This is his biggest belief. One can spend their life trying to accomplish a great many things, however in the long run, their actions will be forgotten. They will be forgotten. The future will not remember them, no matter what. Perhaps some surviving documents will last for centuries, however Darius believes nothing lasts forever. Family: He has NO parents, NO siblings, and four children. Twins by Thanos and a daughter by an alternate Loki named Layla (all childrens’ whereabouts are unknown), and one son by simactire named Icarus (Dalie’s not allowed to see said son because of reasons…) Classification: He is an emotionless homicidal, suicidal, cannibalistic, sadistic, psychopathic sociopath. Reputation: He is well known to be violent and dangerous. Motto: “I don’t care.” Moral Code: He has no moral code. Fears: He has none. Strengths: He is physically strong. His logical thinking often puts an end to irrational emotional impulses. Weaknesses and Shortcomings: His apathy is very disruptive in his day-to-day actions. He also feels mildly uncomfortable at anything mentioning the heart. Personality Flaws: Paranoid, Schizoid, Antisocial. Severity of each is noticeable and somewhat disruptive. Desperation: He isn’t exactly desperate. His apathetic view on life disables any yearning. Most and Least Self-Serving Actions: Sex is the most self-serving thing he does on a frequent basis. He enjoys the way it feels and disregards what his partner feels. Least self-serving would be to help anyone else. He sees no point in doing that. Prejudices: He will look at someone and throw stereotypes at them in a very rude way. He will call a woman who has had many partners a slut. He will call a man who lays with another man gay in an offensive way. He belittles women, believing that being male is just more fun. However whether he actually feels this way is unknown. In truth, Darius does a lot of things mainly to get a rise out of someone. He will be mean, nasty, and cruel, do nearly whatever it takes to upset someone. Secrets: He has no secrets. He is a very open and free type of guy. He does not worry so much about the consequence of others knowing what it is he does. However, he does not offer such information freely. Usually one has to ask, otherwise he will not talk. Secrecy about Personal Information: Open and honest. Reliability of Memory: Eidetic (though due to rising mental conditions, some memories have been erased) Sense(s) of Humor: Vulgar, Complex, Dark, Physical, Openly displayed, Unique, and Passive (provides commentary) Special talent(s): Not possessing any fucks to give about anyone or anything. Images That Remind Me of Darius: Linked here. (To prevent lag in this page’s loading) Struggling With: Obtaining fucks to give.
Myers-Brigs Personality: ENTJ  || Info: [ LINK ] & [ LINK ]
MIND - This trait determines how we interact with our environment.
ENERGY - This trait shows where we direct our mental energy.
NATURE - This trait determines how we make decisions and cope with emotions.
TACTICS - This trait reflects our approach to work, planning and decision-making.
IDENTITY - This trait underpins all others, showing how confident we are in our abilities and decisions.
(Ratings out of 10, zero being none at all, one being very poor, five being average, and 10 being beyond excellent.)
Attack: 10/10
Physical Prowess: 10/10
Strength: 10/10
Fortitude: 10/10
Intelligence: 9/10
Endurance: 9/10
Weaponized Combat: 9/10
Speed: 9/10
Magic: 8/10
Defense: 8/10
Resilience: 8/10
Perception: 7/10
Raw Force: 7/10
Historical Knowledge: 7/10
Mental Health: 6/10
Hand-to-Hand Combat: 6/10
Range: 6/10
Grace: 5/10
Charisma: 4/10
Strategies: 4/10
Persuasion: 3/10
Teamwork: 1/10
Leadership: 0/10
Determined, Open-Minded, Attentive to Detail, Analytic, Curious, Generally unbiased, Calm, Unfazed, Unperturbed, Unprejudiced, Brutally honest, Takes responsibility for his actions, Courageous, Authentic, Very alert, Bold, Very tolerant of others, Very creative in his numerous endeavors, Hard-working.
——- NEGATIVE ——-
Very apathetic, Very impulsive, Violent, Abusive, Menacing, Spiteful, Can be confusing, Unpredictable, Bullying, Mentally unstable, Disconnected, Unfaithful/Disloyal, Extremely malevolent, Indulges heavily in addictive substances, Abuses alcohol, Complete lack of deference, Reckless, Impatient, Unempathetic.
COLOURS: Blue, green, silver, red, black
SMELLS: Vanilla, satin sheets, grass, citrus-y, earthy, sandalwood, spicy
FOOD: Veggies mostly. Very home-grown things, Boston cream pie, popcorn
FRUITS: Pomegranate and peaches
DRINKS: Water, freshly-brewed tea, and fresh lemonade
ANIMALS: Dogs/wolves, ravens/crows, snakes
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES? yes [ ✓ ] || no [ ] favourites: Vodka, Whiskey, Absinthe, and rectified spirits.
HOBBIES: picking flowers, murder, messing with people, a little torture here or there, and collecting violins
SMOKES?: yes [] || no [] || sometimes [ ✓ ]
MEDICINAL DRUGS?: yes [] || no [] || sometimes [ ✓✓✓✓ ]
NARCOTICS?: yes [] || no [] || sometimes [ ✓ ]
DRINKS ALCOHOL?: yes [ ✓✓✓✓✓ ] || no [] || sometimes []
DRIVER LICENSE?: yes [] || no [ ✓ ]
PILOT LICENSE?: yes [] || no [ ✓ ]
EVER BEEN ARRESTED? no [] || yes [ ✓✓✓✓✓✓ ] almost []
INDULGENT FOODS?: yes [] || no [] || sometimes [ ✓ ]
SPLURGE SPENDS?: yes [] || no [] || sometimes [ ✓ ]
GAMBLES?: yes [] || no [] || sometimes [ ✓ ]
[ COLOURS ] red. brown. green. blue. pink. black. silver. gold. grey. metallic. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. apple red. navy blue. crimson. blood red. cobalt blue. ultramarine blue. maroon. midnight blue. periwinkle. bronze. copper. scarlet red. mahogany. cherry red. indigo. azure. cyan. sepia. hot pink. mauve. arctic blue.
[ ELEMENTS ] fire. ice. water. rain. snow. moon. stars. cold. frost. moonlight. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunset. dewdrops.
[ BODY ] claws. long fingers. lips. bruises. scars. scratches. wounds. eyes. hands. sweat. muscular. slender. hair. athletic.
[ WEAPONS ] dagger. spear. poison. throwing axes. knives. throwing knives. powers. magical items. magic. words. sewing needles. sledgehammer. crowbar. brute strength. flame thrower. shears.
[ MATERIALS ] gold. silver. diamonds. sapphires. emeralds. metal. leather. velvet. denim. brick. glitter. blood. latex. zirconia. garnet.
[ NATURE ] roses. daisies. tulips. petals. thorns. flowers. tundra. rain forest. caves. space. chrysanthemums. belladonna. crystals. autumn. winter. mist. fog.
[ ANIMALS ] wolves. black panther. owls. vultures. snakes. spiders. fish. sharks. dogs. praying mantises. crows. ravens. dragons. komodo dragons. ladybugs. gazelle. bats. scorpions.
[ FOODS/DRINKS ] salt. wine. champagne. hard liquor. spices. apple. orange. watermelon. fruits. meat. fish. caramel. nuts. cinnamon. banana. spinach. seafood. vanilla. vodka. moscato. sangria. juice. honey. pineapple. cantaloupe. tangerine. lemonade. pecan. hazelnut.
[ HOBBIES ] gardening. smithing. fighting. cooking. sewing. electronics. technology. video cameras. movies. violin. guitar. harp. motorcycle riding. running. science.
[ STYLE ] lingerie. armor. cape. dress. suit. tunic. vest. shirt. boots. heels. leggings. trousers. jeans. skirt. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. neck tie. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sun glasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup. platforms.
[ MISC ] balloons. bubbles. cityscape. landscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. loss. hugs. kisses. cruelty. blood. torture. sex. sea shells. specimen jars. medicine bottles. bones. antlers. marbles. healer. killer. liar. dreams. nightmares. angels. demons. meditation. chimes.
Darius’ real name is Loki Loptrson. He was created by Loki (specifically my muse, LokaTattur, a.k.a. LiefullyLoki) and in some ways or another he /is/ Loki.
Darius started out solely as a thought in Loki’s mind. By this, I mean he was the dark voice in LokaTattur’s mind. We all have a dark side, we all have that little voice or conscious half that knows it’s wrong but won’t stop you from thinking of doing an evil deed. It’s your own will power that prevents you from acting out on your dark thoughts.
Darius is those dark thoughts, that whim you never let yourself take. In this particular case, he’s that for LokaTattur, or as he once was called “Liefully.” (My original Loki blog was LiefullyLoki, Darius came later and his original blog was DalieIsInYourCloset.)
My precious Liefully had once been so beaten and tortured by Thanos for a bargain he never made (his identity was mistaken since there are so many Lokis out there), that he didn’t nearly die, he truly did die. He was fortunate that another Loki, AsgardianOutcast, cared enough about him that he wasn’t willing to let Liefully stay dead. He bargained with Hel to free Liefully.
Ever since that time, Liefully was never the same again. He got PTSD, he got it really bad. Asgardian was there for him, though. And while Liefully changed into this new person, Asgardian loved him and protected him all the same.
One fateful week, Asgardian had to return to his own universe (because every Loki lives in an alternate reality) and was gone for a week because he had to go to war with another realm (he was king of Asgard). Liefully would’ve been fine spending that week alone.
The problem came in the form of Thanos.
Thanos returned to Earth to find Liefully, he started threatening those Liefully cared about to tell him where Loki is. This caused Liefully to completely snap. And Darius stepped in the place of this broken god and wielded control over Liefully’s form. Liefully was so out of sorts, he allowed his dark thoughts to manifest, become stronger, and become violent. His logic was if he could push away everyone he loved, they’d be safe from harm. They were only in danger because Loki cared about them. So he let Darius, who was only just the dark thoughts in his head at the time, take over and be as vicious and violent as he wanted all in an effort to push them away, to deter them.
Asgardian came back, and it was good that he did. He was able to snap Liefully out of it, where no one else, not even Loki’s brother, could.
But Darius didn’t want to go away. He didn’t want to recede. He had a taste of life and he wanted more. Since he knew everything there was to know about his mind-sharer, he used that to press all of Liefully’s buttons, the ones that would make him break, make him snap, so that Darius could get control again.
It wasn’t working. Asgardian was there and he was watching over Liefully carefully. Darius was soon only able to communicate with others when Liefully chose to rest. He then encountered another Loki, TheWickedLoki, who gave him a deal. Wicked would give Darius the body he wanted and Darius would do what Wicked wanted.
Darius took this deal. So, soon after, he was born to his very own body from the use of magic and the blood and hair of Loki (Wicked and yet another Loki’s hair/blood sample).
Fully grown, Darius had all of Liefully’s memories and no idea how to feel. The memories were like movies to Darius. He could see them, hear them, but he could not feel them, not smell them, not taste them. Liefully’s memories were, for the most part, useless to Darius.
However, he used a lot of them to be able to articulate, to be able to construe things, like knowing fire burns without having to feel it. This led to one factors of Darius’ fearlessness. He knew things that he didn’t have to experience. He because a highly rational thinker, disabling the needs or natural inclination for all emotions.
Darius originally had no emotions. But as time went on, he gained life experiences that he couldn’t get from Liefully’s memories. He learned what pain felt like, he learned what meat tasted like, so on and so forth. Over time, he learned many of the things we learn in our infancy and childhood.
While Darius is indeed a grown male, he is also much like a child, still learning a lot of things. His curiosity leads him to do strange things. As the once-thought of Liefully’s dark side, Darius has carried out many of the cruel acts that Liefully would think of but never dare do. So Darius’ dark inclination is because of his origins. And his behavior is due to his lack of experience in so much that we take for granted. Of course, he’s also just a big douche-bagel who loves pissing everyone off or freaking everyone out.
Darius’ weaknesses are very hard to see when one speaks with and interacts with him, but he too suffers greatly from the split. He longs for the solitude he was immensely used to. Being in his own body, Darius has learned much to his dismay that he cannot turn away from his physical senses and signals and sometimes these olfactory senses drive him mad. The silence, darkness, and solitude of Loki’s mind was an experience Darius had taken far for granted and has never been able to regain as a result of the split. Granted, he has learned to live with his olfactory senses, he stills longs for that peace of the mind.
Additional Info:
Darius was also severely desensitized to everything because he carried with him a copy of all of Loki’s memories and knowledge when he gained his own corporeal form. He has the knowledge to know the cause and effects of so many things yet he doesn’t have the feelings (physical or emotional) that are tied to the knowledge he has. One example of this is: You know that cutting your hand means it will bleed. For Darius, he has this knowledge. But before he was given his own body, he didn’t know the sensations that were tied to this. Thus, he was mentally ready for a cut of the hand and the sensations caused by the action didn’t train him to avoid being cut. Instead, when Darius experiences a cut of the hand, he registers the tingling sensations of the nerves telling him of pain, he feels his hand getting hot as blood rushes to the spot, he feels the way the cut skin reacts to any flexing movements done to it. Instead of having every desire to avoid it, these feelings make him curious. He already knows the consequences of a cut, but he doesn’t necessarily know the sensations tied to them.
So, in short, Darius doesn’t function like Loki at all. He might have Loki’s blood, Loki’s memories, and Loki’s knowledge of magic, potions, and spells, but he’s not Loki. He’s only part of Loki. Both he and Loki are parts of one another, yet they act as separate wholes.
(Daria = Darius’s female name)
Common Misconceptions About Darius:
Emotions (this one is long): A lot of people are very used to a character that possesses emotions, even if they’re hidden/masked. For Loki, most expect him to be angry when he brings pain to others, even if he’s clearly laughing maniacally as he does it. Your instinct is to assume he has some kind of negative emotions burrowing deep within that cause him to do what he does. Everyone has the instinct that behind every action and saying, there’s some emotion driving it. Darius wasn’t born like a normal individual. He didn’t have a childhood. He didn’t develop a brain like we do. Darius was born in the mind of another, completely devoid of feeling emotions toward what he could hear and see and having the wisdom and comprehension of one who has already learned the rewards and consequences of their actions. He was designed to function without emotional bias. After he was kind of transplanted from one mind to his own body to control, this is when Darius began developing his own olfactory senses. He’s still learning a lot! But for the most part, his mental state was developed before he obtained a physical form, so he processes everything very differently from others!!! We know not to do certain things because of their consequences, like sticking your hand in a fire burns and hurts. For Darius, he knows full well the consequences for his actions, but instead of fearing getting hurt, he finds it a mind-boggling function of the physical form and tries to understand it by doing that which most would learn not to do when they were young. He’s not biased by emotional responses because he has not developed emotions enough to have emotional responses. So he doesn’t feel afraid to get hurt, he doesn’t have any phobias and worries about one thing or another because he didn’t develop like a child would. Despite being incredibly intelligent and calculating, there’s a whole lot he doesn’t know, a whole lot that he didn’t have the benefits of a childhood to develop so while he is most certainly a full-grown adult, he is also a child about many things, emotions being one of them. He has himself psyched out to think he can’t feel and when you have never felt emotions before, it’s very hard to identify them within yourself. Every emotion he learns is heavily tied to the physical indicators of that emotional response. And since he has a lifetime stuffed in his head that’s completely devoid of the emotional context of each memory (we’re talking about Loki’s memories, not Darius’ memories), he’s come to expect that level of emotional magnitude, which is no feelings. To him, a lot of things are like watching a film. He can see what’s happening and hear what’s happening, but he has no emotional context for those things so what he sees doesn’t inspire emotional responses. So to put things simply, Darius is almost completely lacking in emotions. He’s learning them slowly, but for now, he hasn’t felt the full emotional spectrum.
Getting angry: A lot of people are very used to being able to piss someone off by calling them names or drudging up unfavorable memories for that individual or even physically poking and prodding them until they burst with rage. Well, that stuff doesn’t work on Darius. Being one that lacks the ability to feel irrationally emotional over things, calling him names are either interpreted as “Duh” or “That’s weird, but okay.” You can totally call him a blueberry or a smurf, he isn’t going to get mad. His thought process works this way: “Oh, I see what you’re doing there. You’re calling me a blueberry because my skin’s blue.” And insinuating names that most would find insulting like “retard,” he just sees the misconception of the name. It’d be like calling a cat a dog. The cat doesn’t care what you call it, even if that’s an incorrect identification of the animal. It’s going to continue going about it’s catty business. As far as Darius is concerned, you can call him a horse-fucker (since people sometimes mistake him for Loki who once did the deed with a horse) and all he thinks is “Well, I didn’t fuck a horse, so you’re wrong. That’s on you, not me. -shrug-” Darius has absolutely no emotional response that will drive him to want to contradict someone’s accusation of him. Someone can be like “I bet you can’t do that!” and he’ll respond with “Yeah, I can.” and if they say “Prove it!” He’d just be like “Why? I don’t care if you believe me or not. That doesn’t change the fact that I can do what I said I can do.” It’s another misconception that he feels grumpy. He might act and sound grumpy, but he’s rarely in this negative end of the spectrum.
Murderer’s gonna do what a murderer’s gonna do: A lot of people think “Oh shit, Darius is a murderer, he’s a psychopath, he’s sadistic. Fuck, my muse is doomed.” Nope, that’s not quite so. Sure there’ll be times where Darius will blatantly hurt your muse, but he gets a lot of fun from picking them apart psychologically. He loves to try to figure out what makes people tick. So you can expect him entering in conversations with muses and be several replies in without having made any actual life-threatening actions or threats toward your muse’s life. He may be a murderer but murdering takes energy and sometimes he just doesn’t feel like murdering, sometimes he just wants to talk. I’m not saying that’s a good thing! Sometimes he uses conversation to learn of someone’s weaknesses and insecurities so he can use that against them later. He’s a man without a plan, but he acts like someone who knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s strange like that. Besides, one of his most popularly repeated sayings is “Dead things are no fun.” He gets a lot more enjoyment in ‘experimenting’ on others. He loves to test the boundaries and
My muse is going to annoy the fuck out of him: This is really similar to getting angry, being that it’s nearly impossible to annoy Darius. All the usual tactics one can employ to annoy someone don’t really work on Darius. You can’t talk his ear off, he’ll listen patiently. You can’t insult him, he wouldn’t care. You can’t drudge up bad memories, he doesn’t have them. You can pull pranks on him and he’ll usually respond in the most anti-climactic way. A most commonly referred to example is the time an Anon decided to dunk hot salsa all over him. He didn’t get mad, he was more like “Really? What a waste of salsa.” No “WHY DID YOU DO THAT, YOU LITTLE BITCH, IMMA WRONG YOUR NECK.” It was just “Darn, I just took a shower too. Guess I have to go take another one now…” That’s not to say it’s impossible to annoy him. The ways in which Darius functions.
Reverse Psychology: It generally doesn’t work on him. You’ll never know if saying “Leave me alone” will make him want to stay and continue causing trouble for your muse or if he’ll be like “Okay, bye.” Likely, if he knows what your muse wants, he makes the conscious choice of whether or not he wants to give it to them. It’s going to be a 50/50 chance. If your muse tries to psyche him out by stating something to the opposite of what they want him to follow through with, chances are he’ll follow through with that thing the muse told him to do. This is really complicated and I can’t give any solid examples as to what I mean. It’s a little like Princess Bride, that scene where Westley and the balding guy had a duel of witts. Darius is Westley in that case. Your muse will likely lose one way or another.
He’s dark, he’s into the kinky shit: Not necessarily. He gets off on feeling power but he doesn’t exactly get a hard-on if it’s clear your muse is in pain. He likes knowing he’s in control and hates not being in control. He’s not a Dom, he’s an attacker, there’s a huge difference. Mainly being, there’s no such thing as a safe word for him. He’s going to do what satisfies his carnal needs and will probably make little effort to ensure his partner is also enjoying things. This doesn’t mean he’s into hand cuffs, leather, whips, chains, etc. He’s a little less easy to pin than that. It doesn’t mean he’s not open to those things, but usually he’s going to do things his way or he’s going to leave and find someone else to “play” with.  
In case anyone’s confused… Darius is blue skinned and his eyes are solid red. Darius’ skin has thinly raised jotun marking all over his body. Like this:
He has TWO male face claims. One is Tom Hiddleston (as Loki):
And the other is Ian Somerhalder (as Damon):
The reason for this is because Damon has a lot of mannerisms that are very Darius-like to me. But in my mind, he still looks like Tom Hiddleston’s Loki, regardless of the face claim.
Darius’ female face claim is Eva Green (in various roles):
Quirks my muse occassionally has (note: quirk definitions not written by me):
Smoking: the action or habit of inhaling and exhaling the smoke of tobacco or a drug.
Binge drinking: the consumption of an excessive amount of alcohol in a short period of time.
Drug abuse: the habitual taking of illegal drugs.
Night Owl: a person who is habitually active or wakeful at night.
Early bird: a person who rises, arrives, or acts before the usual or expected time.
Negative attitudes: a philosophy of approaching life with criticism and pessimism.
Swearing: the use of offensive language.
Inspecting fingernails: a common body language sign of boredom.
Foot and finger tapping: a common body language sign of stress/impatience.
Nose touch: a subtle body language sign of deceit.
Flipping hair: a common body language sign of craving attention.
Cracking knuckles: a common body language sign of readiness.
Hands behind back: a common body language sign of confidence.
Finger pointing: a common body language sign of authority.
Hands on hips: a common body language sign of readiness.
Hands in pockets: a common body language sign of mistrust/reluctance.
Frequent touch: a common body language sign of warmth/familiarity.
Jaw-clenching: a common body language sign of hostility.
Eye-rolling: a common body language sign of irritation.
Head-tilt: a common body language sign of interest.
Whistling: to emit high-pitched sound by forcing breakthrough a small hole between one’s lips or teeth; usually to a tune.
Humming: make a low, steady continuous sound like that of a bee; usually to a tune.
Photographic memory: the ability to remember information or visual images in great detail.
Paranoia: a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance, typically worked into an organized system.
Exaggeration: a statement that represents something as better or worse than it really is.
Quick-witted: showing or characterized by an ability to think or respond quickly and effectively.
Interrupting: breaking the continuity of a conversation with one’s own statements.
Gambling: to play games of chance for money; bet.
Melancholy: a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause.
Fidgeting: to make small movements, especially of the hands and feet, through nervousness or impatience.
Skeptical: not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations.
Abbreviating: Giving others nicknames/shortening names/giving pet names.
guess who doesn’t give a fuck about your opinion
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