#( đŸ’€ ) visage.
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Dathranna the Scrafty!
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julie-jcyful · 1 year
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frxncoquxtte · 5 days
un jour dans ma vie !
by frxncoquxtte
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05:30- je me réveille
05:30 Ă  05:45- je me prĂ©pare. je me brosse les dents, me lave ma visage, et mets des vĂȘtements d’exercice
05:45 Ă  06:10- je fais du yoga. faire du yoga m’aide dĂ©tendre le matin. j’aime Ă©couter la musique, aussi
06:10- je m’habille pour l’école
06:30- je cuisine et mange le petit déjeuner
06:50 Ă  07:25- j’écris sur mon journal, lis une livre, ou nettoie
07:30- je pars aller l’école. parfois je marche avec mes copines
08:30 Ă  16:30- l’école. comme une Ă©lĂšve amĂ©ricaine, j’apprends le programme pour les français et les amĂ©ricains !!
16:45 Ă  17:30- j’étudie et fais mes devoirs dans la bibliothĂšque. parfois mes copines vient aussi
18:00- je rentre chez moi. je prend une douche et mange le dßner ma maman a préparé
19:00- je prépare quoi porter pour le prochain jour
19:15- je me brosse mes dents
19:20 Ă  20:00- je finis mes devoirs, Ă©cris dans mon journal intime, ou lis une livre
20:00-21:00- je passe du temps sur mon portable (pinterest, instagram, tumblr 
21:30- je dors ! đŸ’€
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seraphiism · 2 years
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𓆩 ჊ đ“†Ș 𝐱𝐜đČ𝐩𝐱
( if i'm with you, then no doubt -- the coming days and the past too ; they are all bright. )
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chara : ran haitani fandom : tokyo revengers quote cr : fujii kaze - shining a/n : part of the 'adolescent dreams đŸ’€' event hosted by @2018-01-20 & @stellumi. thank you so much for allowing me to participate !! please note reader does wear makeup in this ; no pronouns specified.
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i. so you're not entirely sure if you like ran haitani-- in fact, he might be one of the most pretentious, stuck up people you have ever had the (dis)pleasure of meeting. unfortunately, and fortunately, you suppose, he is a surprisingly good stylist, so you'll take this as a win for now.
for now. yeah. you will choose violence one day, but it will not be today, you guess.
"when are you going to pay attention to me?"
the makeup brush ghosts against your skin, breaks you from the train of thought. suddenly, you are very much aware of the little proximity between you and ran ; face to face, he leans towards you, studying your perplexed expression all too carefully. there's a smile that threatens to cross his lips, but he holds it back, raising a brow in question instead.
"did you just put blush on my forehead?"
"should i have? with the way your face is heating up, it might complete the look."
no, your face was not hot before. it is now, though.
( you do, in fact, not like ran haitani. that's what you say, anyway. )
ii. you sit before the mirror, gaze focused intently on the figure in the reflection. ran works diligently today, brows furrowed slightly in concentration.
"have you ever thought about being nice?"
he pauses at the said words, looks at you with amusement on his visage. you almost think you hear a quiet chuckle, but the squeak of the chair as he turns you towards his direction does not allow for confirmation.
"have you?"
he leans closer, grabs a makeup brush.
"dunno. i'll consider it when you consider it."
he grins a familiar grin-- one you think you might be a little too annoyed by, but you try not to think about it too hard; instead, you shut your eyes as he applies eyeshadow, try to place your attention elsewhere.
"i'm plenty nice to you. i don't treat everyone like this, you know."
instinctively, you open your eyes, find the courage to look him straight on. you swallow hard, feel a numbness on your tongue as if the words you wish to speak sink into your existence.
"yeah? i must be special, then."
"to me, yeah."
you blink, clueless, unable to register such a response.
ran shrugs, tosses a playful and all too knowing glance in your direction.
( you take a deep breath, calm your heart, and remind yourself for the seventh time that you do not like ran haitani. what a strange push and pull this is. )
iii. so you're not going to admit you've been thinking about whatever that moment was, but you are going to admit you've been thinking about it and you'd like to stop, if just for one second. surely that didn't mean anything, right? it's ran. he says shit like that a lot.
so maybe you do like him-- it's something that's been lingering on your mind for longer than you'd like; you wish you could just make sense of it. maybe that's just how your friendship is-- playful banter and flirting, but nothing more. you don't know how you feel about it, truly, and maybe part of you wants to be something more than that. but these things are never easy, so the lines blur and you cannot tell if they are meant to be crossed.
you sigh, listen to the sound of your footsteps against the concrete as you walk the streets of roppongi. you haven't seen him since then, and there is a strange uncertainty that floods the heart at the thought of another encounter.
but uncertainty be damned-- fate always seems to play the cards for you. ran stands before you, hands in his pocket as he greets you. you exhale gently, wonder why your lips curl instinctively at the sight of him.
"and who made you look so pretty today?" he jokes. "seeing someone else now?"
"just you, ran."
"oh?" ran follows you as you continue in your stride, keeps up with the paces and walks by your side. "i thought you might have up and left me, with the way you disappeared after last time. got too scared, huh?"
and you would think that he would hold such a taunting tone -- something so teasing, something that baits you to react in a flustered manner, but there's something that might be genuine in that last sentence, so you come to a halt once more, turn on your heel to face him.
you wish you could find all the right words for the chaos that dwells in your chest, but you can't, so you speak your mind, hope that what comes of it will be good.
"not scared, i just--" you pause, inhale deeply. "you confuse me, i guess? i don't know, ran. i can't tell if you're just messing around with me or if you actually like me, which is embarrassing to say."
a flicker of surprise in purple hues.
"embarrassed because of me?"
"joking." a smile falls upon his lips-- and it's not one you normally see-- that typical, cocky one-- but instead, a lighthearted, genuine one. he steps forward, leans towards you just as he normally does. "i like you. does that help any?"
so it's not the most romantic confession, but it most certainly is fitting for the both of you. you nearly take a step back, feel your face flush at those silly little words.
he tilts his head, grins mischievously. "no? should i kiss you then to prove it? would that make you say it back?"
"--i changed my mind. i don't like you at all."
his laughter fills the cold winter air as he grabs your hand, and you are not sure what fills you with warmth : the feeling of your hand in his, or the sound of his happiness.
( so yes, maybe you do like him after all. and yes, maybe you will tell him when he eventually stops teasing you for it. but he knows already ; he always has, and for him, this is already enough. )
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iranondeaira · 4 months
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... rĂȘve d’une nuit d’étĂ© 2020 ... et d’une soirĂ©e d’automne un samedi soir sur la terre ... oĂč je n’aurais peut-ĂȘtre pas dĂ» aller ...
đŸ’€ La Goulette, rue de la Verrerie , presque Ă  l’angle de la rue du Temple . Restaurant gargote tunisienne oĂč j’ai traĂźnĂ© pendant des annĂ©es ... entre L’ImprĂ©vu cafĂ© rue Quincampoix, Mariage FrĂšre rue du Bourg Tibourg, Le Comptoir de l’écriture rue "je ne sais plus" ... et les diverses boutiques d’artisans de ce carrĂ© ... c’était il y a pas loin de vingt-cinq ans...
Qu’est-ce que je fais ici ? Aujourd’hui ?
Ou cette nuit ? Il fait nuit ... je marche, je me vois tourner Ă  l’angle et remonter vers le centre du Marais , je passe trottoir de droite et j’arrive Ă  hauteur d’une entrĂ©e ouverte sur la rue, une musique coule d’une volĂ©e de marches qui montent Ă  un lieu appelĂ© le Bistrot Latin accolĂ© intĂ©grĂ© au cinĂ©ma le Latina ... Pourquoi suis-je entrain de revoir cette scĂšne ?
📚 La nuit sous un autre jour ...
"Ballada por un loco"
VoilĂ ... La nuit... c'est beau une ville la nuit, au moment oĂč les ombres s'allongent. Une rĂ©alitĂ© en demi-teinte rĂ©duite aux sphĂšres de lumiĂšre des lampadaires, repĂšres et tĂ©moins de nos pas incertains dans une atmosphĂšre aux couleurs mĂȘlĂ©es aux parfums de la rue.
Mais, au croisement de celles-ci, les villes se rencontrent et nos pas donnent la mesure de nos passions partagées.
Une lumiĂšre Ă©clabousse le trottoir, une musique enveloppe nos corps.
Pour cette "ballade pour un fou", je vous emmùne jusqu'au bout de la nuit ... 📚
C’était en 1995 ... Pourquoi suis-je Ă  nouveau dans cette rue oĂč j’y rattache rĂ©ellement mes premiers pas de danseur au sens d’apprendre, de poser mes pas dans ceux de mes maĂźtres que je me suis choisi ... La scĂšne est je crois la mĂȘme, l’atmosphĂšre a quelque chose de "diffĂ©rent" ... les silhouettes des gens dans la rue, elles sont presque sans teintes de couleurs, en demi-teintes fades d’un Ă©clat passĂ©, ils sont pressĂ©s les passants comme si je dĂ©rangeais ; les regards de reproches de me dire que je n’ai pas lieu d’ĂȘtre lĂ . Des visages grimaçants dĂ©formĂ©s d’émotions obscures et limites malsaines ... ils ont forme humaine... juste forme ...
Je ne comprends pas ce que je fais lĂ , pourquoi ces visages caricature d’instinct animal ? Je monte les marches du Bistrot Latin, que de souvenirs s’y rattachent ... l’endroit est presque tel quel, c’est Ă©trange on dirait un mĂ©lange d’autres lieux que j’ai connu, voire de scĂšnes de films ... Ă  moitiĂ© en couleurs et en noir et blanc ... Il semble n’y avoir personne, juste les silhouettes brumes fantomatiques esquissĂ©es du souvenir de gens qui un jour ont Ă©tĂ© sur cette piste de danse ou au comptoir ...
Et au milieu de la piste, il y a un corps .
Face contre terre . Le visage en sang . Il y a du sang rouge sur le plancher de la piste de danse autour et sous lui . Le visage est abĂźmĂ© tout autant que chaque partie de cet homme . Pourquoi suis-je par terre ? Pourquoi suis-je entrain de voir ce corps lĂ  au milieu ? En sang ? Pourquoi n’ai-je pas mal ? Je devrais hurler de douleur si j’en crois l’état des blessures . Pourquoi est-ce que je ne ressens rien ? Ce n’est pas normal !
Il y a trois formes silhouettes qui regardent ce corps . De deux d’entres elles se dĂ©gage une sensation malsaines de plaisir jouissif... de la troisiĂšme irradie l’exacte opposĂ©e ...
Pourquoi n’ai-je pas la conscience vrillĂ©e par la douleur, cela devrait ĂȘtre intolĂ©rable ... Qui sont ces silhouettes personnes qui regardent, me regardent ? Pourquoi tout ce sang ? Pourquoi suis-je dans cet Ă©tat lĂ  ? Pourquoi suis-je ici ? Pourquoi revenir ici ? Pourquoi ce lieu est-il plusieurs ? Pourquoi la sensation des passants dĂ©figurĂ©s dans la rue Ă©tait signal de danger ? Pourquoi y a-t-il face contre terre mon corps baignant dans du sang que je crois ĂȘtre le mien et lĂ  maintenant une Ă©vanescente bleutĂ©e superposĂ©e reflet/silhouette sur/dans ce corps mais face vers le ciel ? ... ... ... đŸ’€
RĂ©veil ... ... ... ... ... ...
💃 On peut mourir de multiples façons ...
Oui c’est aussi simple je n’ai plus mal pour la toute simple raison que je suis mort . Aprùs tout, c’est assez logique... trois vies ... j’ai tenu trois vies ... la premiùre a tout pris ou peu s’en faut...
la seconde a tout détruit et a abßmé tout ce qui était beau ...
La derniĂšre m’a donnĂ© l’espoir et ensuite m’a enlevĂ© mes derniĂšres illusions d’homme ...
je pouvais mourir ...
Toi, la derniĂšre car ce sera "toi sinon personne", toi qui m’a dit Oui ,qui fĂ»t ce petit lapin blanc dans mes tĂ©nĂšbres, ne pas te voir est une Ă©preuve, te voir l’est tout autant ... et lĂ  ce soir, cette soirĂ©e 💃 d’un samedi soir d’automne me donne Ă  relire ce rĂȘve dont je n’avais dans la symbolique pas toutes les clĂ©s ... ...
il me reste ce chemin oĂč je suis ... " du cap de la colĂšre jusqu’au bout du monde " ...
Je sais que je suis seul depuis l’ñge de quatre ans , c’était un jour de carnaval, un jour de mardi gras ... je sais que je n’ai jamais Ă©tĂ© dans cette foutue caverne , je sais que je me suis Ă©vertuĂ© Ă  y rentrer, je sais que je n’aurai jamais dĂ» ouvrir certains livres, je sais que je n’aurai jamais dĂ» chercher Ă  entendre le bruit de la plume dans le cheminement de la pensĂ©e de ses esprits , Ă  regarder entre l’encre et le papier ... Je sais je l’ai appris on me l’a posĂ© sur la table, que ma mĂ©moire affective est Ă©tonnement dĂ©veloppĂ©e et que mes souvenirs archaĂŻques sont au-delĂ  du commun, j’ai arrĂȘtĂ© de douter d’eux aprĂšs pas loin de plus de quarante annĂ©es ... je sais que je n’aurai pas dĂ» plonger ... On ne revient pas inchangĂ© de certains voyages ... ni indemne.
Adieu toi que j’aime, puisque tu as "choisi" ... je me sais avoir encore plein d’encre dans l’encrier de mes yeux pour Ă©crire, alors pardonne-moi si de loin en loin je te rappelle Ă  mon souvenir... peu savent et quant Ă  la morale de la chanson elle me fait sourire car hĂ©las pour moi je connais les coulisses ... et nous aurions pu inventer notre vie ...
Tu fus et tu resteras ma plus belle danse .
J’aurai aimĂ© ĂȘtre toi si j’étais nĂ© femme... j’aurai aimĂ© partagĂ© ta vie ... je ne voulais somme toute que peu de choses voire presque rien , j’aurai aimĂ© danser avec toi jusqu’au bout ... et non ĂȘtre ma danseuse n’implique pas d’ĂȘtre ma femme obligatoirement comme tu me l’a jetĂ© au visage ... j’avais trouvĂ© en toi,hĂ©las pour moi, ce que je ne me savais pas cherchĂ© ... je l’ai trouvĂ© et je l’ai perdu ...
s’il paraĂźt que les dieux quand ils veulent vous punir exaucent nos vƓux alors je peux savourer ce que j’ai trouvĂ© au prix de ce que j’ai perdu .
Il est rare de trouver en l’autre la vibration qui rĂ©sonne sur la mĂȘme frĂ©quence ... je le sais pour la simple raison que tu fus la clĂ© qui me donna Ă  aller lĂ  oĂč normalement le chemin en est Ă  jamais perdu ... je sais pourquoi j’ai dansĂ© ... je te laisse ces lieux je n’y reviendrai plus ...
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westanthewaterman · 2 years
Firstly, congrats on the milestone ya horny bastard(affectionate)!! May you flourish and continue on sharing your wonderfule tales <3 <3 <3
Now for a little fun drabble. I would like to request,Dark was stressed from keeping the other egos inline plus welcoming the new ego that may might overtake him. Dark talks to the afab da who resides in the mirror as a way to destress himself. The da didnt show up for a week until one day, dark was close to loose himself. He saw the da out the mirror. Well not trully out, just a mere ghost infront of the egos, shivered in fear. Da then looked at him with something along the lines of "Hi hon! Were these children bothering you?"
I personally headcannon that the mayor attorney ship were married ajcjsjak
Pronouns are she/they and the nickname could be just around my anon name sleepy sheep or just a good ol darling :3
it could be sfw or nsfw, up to you. Either way im excited with anything you come up with :3
Also im sorry if its too specific--
This one was a little bit of a challene, but I enjoyed it. Hope you like it! :)
--Milestone Celebration requests are now closed--
tw: none
Dark sits down at his desk, rubbing his temples with a long sigh. Another ego, another mouth to feed, another idiot he’d have to keep from killing all the others. The responsibility of it all weighs heavy on his shoulders on days like this and there is little he can do to ease the stress. 
A soft tapping noise pulls him from his thoughts and Dark looks over his shoulder to the large mirror behind him. A familiar face smiles at him from the other side of the glass and he can feel the stress begin to melt away. 
“Hello, darling.”
The District Attorney looks him over with their knowing eyes. “You like tired.”
Her voice is soft, quieted by the glass between them, but he hears her all the same, he always does. 
“It’s nothing, really, you needn’t worry.”
“There’s someone new in the house, isn’t there? I can feel it.”
“You’re correct. Marc has left another ‘character’ for me to deal with.” Dark spits the man’s name and they flinch at the sound of it. “I’m sorry, darling.”
He blinks and their place in the mirror is taken by a cloud of smoke. A ghostly visage stands beside his desk, looking over him gently with those eyes he knows so well. 
“You should rest.” Her voice is clearer now without the mirror separating them, but it’s taken on a hollow note.
With no corporeal form, the District Attorney moves around the house through the mirror placed in each room. Without a body, they are only able to move about as a ghost of their former self, but Dark can still feel it when they cup the side of his face. 
“You spend all your time taking care of us, my love. You need to take care of yourself as well.”
Dark smiles, wishing more than anything that he could touch reach out and touch them. “You take care of me, don’t you?”
Before she can respond, a loud commotion starts outside the office. Dark sighs, the edges of his form splintering in red and blue light before he takes a breath to calm himself. 
“What could they possibly want now?”
He turns to the District Attorney, but she is gone. Dark looks into the mirror curiously, but doesn’t find them looking back at him so he shrugs his shoulders and heads for the door. 
The commotion outside has come to a rest and he dreads what that could entail, opening the door quickly. 
A small crowd of the egos, led by Wilford, are standing in the hallway. They all have varying degrees of fear on their pale face, almost as if they’d seen a ghost. The District Attorney stands before them all, their arms crossed over their chest. When they hear the door open, they turn to him and smile. 
“What’s going on?” Dark frowns. 
“Nothing.” She smiles, giving a pointed look to the others. “They were just leaving, isn’t that right?”
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vacantgodling · 1 year
For any/all characters you want on the emoji asks:
đŸ’€ SLEEPING - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep?
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
💘 HEART W/ ARROW - what traits do they look for in a relationship? do they believe in love at first sight?
thank you so much for the ask!! :’) gonna do di & toph specifically cuz my boys 👀
đŸ’€ SLEEPING - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep?
DI doesn’t fall asleep easily, or if he does, he has a hard time staying asleep. restlessness, anxiety, stress, all of those things keep him up at night. to help himself sleep he’ll usually work out — multiple times a day to really sap his energy so he’s not too wide awake at night. then as the day winds down, he’ll read or watch soothing nature documentaries lol. they help drown out other thoughts.
TOPH technically doesn’t need to sleep, but he loves to. it’s one of his favorite pastimes and he can sleep virtually anywhere. he likens it to unplugging something; he can sort of just turn his brain off without a second thought lol. he doesn’t really need aids to help himself however he does DETEST being cold and likes being covered it helps him feel more secure.
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL — what’s a side of your oc that they don’t want to show other people?
DI doesn’t want people to see his insecurities. he’s a much more insecure person than he likes to make himself out to be and especially with the band, he doesn’t want people to think of him as shy, responsible, in the closet aidan. one of the reasons he doesn’t even go by aidan normally anymore and di is more than just a stage name to him is bc it hides those insecurities and allows him to be a different person.
TOPH hates when people see his demonic side. not for any particular reason other than he doesn’t particularly enjoy scaring people. seeing his abilities is one thing, but the full demon, terrifying visage that he can become is something he’d Just Rather Not deal with. he also hates being seen as weak but that bothers him marginally less.
💘 HEART W/ AN ARROW — what traits do they look for in a relationship? do they believe in love at first sight?
DI kind of has to believe in love at first sight bc both of the people he’s ever really fallen for he saw them and instantly felt a connection. now, he’s smarter now to not necessarily Act on those things—at least not in the diving head first into a relationship, which is why he and toph get a physical thing going way before he can admit to a true genuine emotional connection. however, despite that he Knows that he’s a romantic at heart, kind of hates it tbh bc it’s just caused him issues til now LMAO. in terms of what he seeks in a relationship NOW he would say someone who is who they say they are; someone truthful, with nothing to hide, who is straight up with him. someone who is unapologetically themselves and isn’t willing to change for anyone, let alone him, unless it’s something they already want to work on. someone who is caring but also someone who can be his friend and be an equal to him. yknow. also hot asf but that’s a given pff
TOPH doesn’t really believe in “love” at first sight. attraction? sure. but he didn’t really believe in love generally speaking for a long time; he’s never had anyone he’s cared for that deeply (until now, he supposes.) but it’s not just romantic love it’s also any sort of love, he’s never really felt it truly. so it’s hard to say. he doesn’t really have a checklist of things he looks for in a relationship bc he never really viewed relationships as anything other than sex or just casual interest and good conversation. di & the band change his perception of what having constants in your life means and why it’s valuable lol. but he really just looks for people he can tolerate being around.
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stanjames-world-3 · 3 years
slice of life...
Puis un jour le masque tombe laissant apparaĂźtre sont vĂ©ritable visage.. celui de la traĂźtrise, de la manipulation, du faux semblants, vils flagorneries aux raisons obscures, tantĂŽt ange ou bien dĂ©mon, son choix fut fait sous les traits du mal absolue , qu'elle fut, qu'elle ait.. qu'elle restera, pour le malheur de celui qui tombera dans ses griffes de Mante Religieuse qui vous charmera sans aucun scrupules, ni Ă©tat d'Ăąme.. mĂ©fiez-vous de ces vampires qui vont abusĂ©e sans vergogne de vos sentiments et vous fera saignĂ© le cƓur a la paille de fer..... je vous souhaite une excellente nuit.. Stan đŸ™‹â€â™‚ïžđŸ’€đŸ’€đŸ˜ŽđŸ’‹
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burtonsdoodles · 2 years
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SYNAPSE | a new chaotic design. In new chaotic visages. đŸŒ€đŸ’ĄđŸ’€ #glitchworld #glitch #glitchart #originalart #digitalart #trippyartwork #trippyartist #trippy #abstractpainting #lineart #face #digitalillustration #digitaldrawing #drawing #weirdart #weirdo #green #artistsoninstagram #artist #quirky #quirkyart #chaotic #chaos #longlivcuriosity https://www.instagram.com/p/CcRMFK5qm-s/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Cassandra the Espeon!
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Akui the Gengar!
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Corta the Bisharp!
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Belmonte the Weavile!
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Artemis the Floatzel!
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Aloysius the Umbreon!
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