#( πŸ›¬ ) β€” at your service : IN CHARACTER
barnstormin-a Β· 4 months
@entitytcken asked: πŸ’‹ for the memes {for/from Salem}
The first 5 Asks to sendΒ πŸ’‹ get a kiss (1/5)
she didn't like how close she was to them.
not... in the sense you'd expect, maybe, but still. wrangled up in another scheme of her's and yet she could barely do much other than try to hide the blush that threatened to pierce through her feathers.
a single thought bounces around in her head, one that could maybe distract them. buy her enough time to get out and flee with the gang. one that only makes that blush harder to fight off. is she really considering-- oh, yeah, she is. in fact, no longer considering, as she lightly headbutts the side of salem's head with her beak. a vocalized mmmmph-WAH as she makes her best attempt at a cheek kiss... and completely and utterly freezes up as reality catches up with her at what she just did, a nervous smile forming as she looks at the shady skunk.
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" . . . sorry ? "
really, that's all you can say ?
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barnstormin-a Β· 2 months
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" okay... but when's MY turn in the fog ? "
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barnstormin-a Β· 4 months
another year of waiting.... it had just passed the eighth year mark a few hours ago (two hours, 23 minutes and 45 seconds to be exact), and it made her metaphorical skin crawl. was this... really it? just, to stay here. stuck, confined to one single gate for all time?? there was a spark of hope somewhere deep in her thought stream but, deep down, mollie knew no one was coming back.
she desperately needed a distraction, something to keep her mind off this. and so, she activated one of the cameras viewing over the entrance.
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" hey, rambley ! wanna play i spy ?? "
she calls out throughout the limited network space they had access to.
@spkyscry liked for a starter.
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barnstormin-a Β· 4 months
crimson slowly pours onto the floor, trickling out of the gaping wound of the creature's neck. the white irises slowly fade away, until the eyes are nothing but black spheres. viscera clings to the wall, slowly dripping down like tears from an eye.
despite the horrific scene facing both of them, the raccoon on the monitor attempts his best to ignore it in his speech to the unfortunate visitor. an apology, followed by a request; to fix the park... and then, as rambley excitedly reacts to ed's answer, the screen glitches. a horrific shrill sound, screeching, emanating from the speakers. like nails on a chalkboard.
the static gives way, revealing the blue dotted background once more... but no fuzzy companion in sight, replaced by an animated macaw in pilot's gear, lying face first against the... ground? using her wings to prop herself up, mollie's head sways from side to side with dizzy spirals in her eyes before violently shaking her head around like a wet dog.
" golly ! i haven't woken up like that since that time in rambleberry woods... whew ! .... wait, where... ? "
the bird looks behind herself, staring at the infinite background that encapsulates the screen while she finally stands up. a turn to the left, her frown grows. to the right, eyebrows furrow in worry.
she turns to face the screen, and her eyes lock onto ed. widening slightly, a wing is raised, her beak opens to say something... before she registers the red around the floor to his side, and she turns to--
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she jumps away, and the screen violently glitches again. the light in the room flickers, and both doors suddenly slam open as another shrill squawk emanates from the monitor just outside. on it, the visage of mollie macaw, panicking and hyperventilating, lies leaning against the borders of the screen. wings wrapped around herself and eyes held tight together. woops.
@parkbuddy liked for a starter.
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barnstormin-a Β· 4 months
@braveburned asked: "do you mind? I'm tryin' to hide here, and they're definitely gonna notice if you're hanging around!" never mind that he's supposed to be banned from the daycare!
" hide ? what are you... "
and then, as if an invisible lightbulb flicked on above her head, the animatronic vocalizes a small gasp.
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" ooooh, i see ! you're playing hide and seek !! apologizes for the confusion, young 'un, i didn't know playtime was still going on ! "
she clearly hasn't gotten the memo about the ban.... or a few other things it seems. she turns around to walk away in a very non-conspicuous manner, i assure you, before stopping to turn around and give the boy a wink and a double feather-thumbs-up.
" good luck ! "
she stage-whispers, before slinking off.
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barnstormin-a Β· 4 months
anonymous asks: β˜• + Is that a bootleg Mollie plush...? No, it's handmade by this particular anon!
Send β˜• for my muse to rant about something in character
for a moment, she has to stare at the soft little thing planted in her wings by the person, until it clicks as she registers the various colored "feathers" and pilot gear.
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" you made a lil' plushie ?? for me ??? OF me ?????? "
feathered fingers rub along the various stitching lines as she admires the small replica of herself. is that... oh, yeah, those are small tears pricking out from the corners of her eye as the corners of her beak wobble in a smile. ( wait, can beaks do that-- )
" this might just be one of the best things i've ever been given ! thank you so much !! "
the macaw brings the plush closer, hugging it against her chest as she lets out some very happy coos.
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barnstormin-a Β· 4 months
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" happy pride month, ya'll ! " oh, would you look at that ! her scarf's all colored like the pan flag. " be proud of who you are and who you love, no matter what ! "
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barnstormin-a Β· 4 months
being brought up to speed with the whole... ' you're an artificial intelligence and technically not yourself ' bit took some time to get used to, in spite of rambley's best efforts and comfort. especially when she learnt that she had died ?? well, no, a ' mascot ' of her, but still... the brief look she got at the scene... it rattled her to her core. ...did she have a core? no, no. not the time.
their guest was still there in the security room, but any moment now they'd be exiting to make their way towards oceanic odyssey. rambley has (understandably) been through a lot tonight, so, she opted in to take over for a few. surely she could keep them safe while rambley rests, right ?? she's already gotten a grip on looking through those fancy monitors after-- oh, here they come !
the information kiosk's small screen lights up, that familiar blue background popping in.... but, in place of the usual cartoony raccoon, a familiar bird stands in his place.
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" heeeeeellllloooo there ! i'd say welcome to indigo park, but... i think you've gotten acquainted with the place from what i've heard from my best little buddy, hehe ! "
she really hopes she's making a good first impression here.
( @indigo-insider liked for a starter! )
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barnstormin-a Β· 4 months
if one listens closely, there's a cacophony of yells and shouts coming from behind a bush, though it's hard to tell some of what the voice is bellowing as some of it is cut off by loud censor bleeps.
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peering through, one would see a multi-color-feathered pilot banging her wings and kicking her talons onto a rather beat-up plane in a forest clearing. there are various cuts and bruises forming on her body, tears in her pants.
why, in particular, this crash upset mollie is unknown. maybe she's hit her breaking point, fed up with how many planes she's broken ? or perhaps the avian is just having a really bad day. who knows ?
it might be best to just let her get it all out for now.
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barnstormin-a Β· 4 months
@ramblexn asked: β˜• + rambley plush
Send β˜• for my muse to rant about something in character
there's a small gasp, gently taking the soft recreation of her friend offered to her in her wings.
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" well, hello there, little buddy ! ... well, littler buddy. " she stifles a laugh as she rotates the plush around, eyes darting around its figure. " this is just dang adorable, right here ! i wonder if rambley's seen it himself ... although, why are one of these ears bent so awkwardly ?? "
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barnstormin-a Β· 4 months
hi! can you fly without a plane?
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" sure can ! but not nearly as good as the ol' reliable flyin' machines, though, or as long... you know how exhausting it is to constantly have to flap your wings to stay in the air ? the wind can help you glide along, sure, but as soon as you get too tuckered out... whew ! "
she rubs the back of her head with a wing, a sheepish smile on her beak.
" plus, the crashes there are often a lot more rougher than barnstormin' with a plane... no plane in the way means a lot more can hit you directly, haha... "
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barnstormin-a Β· 4 months
alright lets try this again ! tags 2: electric boogaloo
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barnstormin-a Β· 4 months
@adoranoia || continued.
laughing ? okay, well, he's clapping too so he might not be laughing at her. right ? a wing sheepishly rubs the back of her head, while the other reaches out to take the bunny's hand, pulling herself up to the ground.
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" nothin' feels broken, at least... "
she swings her wings back and forth, before hopping on both legs. listening for any cracks or pops from her mechanisms... but nothing ! haha, nothing can stop mollie macaw ! whew... head tilts up, glancing back at the railing.
" oh, yeah ! i was trying to see if i could get to the other side of the room from there, but, uhm... guess i was a bit more tuckered out from flyin' around the daycare to make it.... but i will, someday! "
a triumphant finger in the air and closed eyes as she states her case, before looking back down to the other animatronic, offering a wing once more.
" mollie macaw, at your service ! you must be bonnie, right ?? they were talkin' bout you while i was starting up ! "
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barnstormin-a Β· 4 months
anonymous asks: You know, if you hadn't helped spark up my interest in aviation as a kid, I might not be an ATC officer now!
unprompted asks : always accepting!
a small gasp from the flat screen hanging on the wall in front of them, wings coming up to her beak before she lets out a squee of excitement !
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" oh gosh, really ?? ooooh, i'm SO PROUD of you, youngster ! i'm glad that this great lil pilot over here has been able to inspire folks like you, i'd love to see you fly sometime ! "
. . .
" if i can... get out of here, that is ! "
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barnstormin-a Β· 4 months
@starttraction asks: πŸ’‹ from glam chica β€” besties get smoochies!!
The first 5 Asks to sendΒ πŸ’‹ get a kiss (2/5)
ah, closing time... as much as mollie loved entertaining the young ones with her stories and games, it was nice to relax for awhile before heading off to charge. especially when you have a friend to do it with, like-- oh! speak of the chicken, and she shall appear. an excited " HEEEEY ! " escapes from the pilot's beak as she waves her down the hall with a wing.
when the other starts closing the distance, she opens her wings for a hug as she moves in too... only to be completely offguard when she feels her hands on both sides of her head. before she can even ask what chica's doing, she sees her lean in and press her beak against her cheek. a small, meek squawk escapes her as the glamrock pulls back to kiss the other.
there's a pause, she's trapped in her own core for what feels like minutes before she registers the chicken staring expectantly back at her. oh right, words.
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" well, golly gee, hon ! i know a loootta different greetings, but that's a new one for me ! haha ! "
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barnstormin-a Β· 4 months
it had been a rough two years of existing.
at least, the internal clock system estimated it had been just about that long, but truthfully it felt longer. was this what rambley had experienced before ? that crushing loneliness, slowly losing hope, endlessly checking camera after camera for something, anything ?
a part of her wonders if she should have permanently defragmented alongside him when he fully deteriorated, because before then she'd at least have someone to talk to, slowly losing himself as he was but still. a friend. now she had nothing. six months ago is when he faded away, according to that same clock.
six months of talking to herself to try and keep away the possibility of what happened to him. six months of constantly switching to whatever camera alerted her of movement only to see a rat or squirrel breaking in to find food or shelter. six months of--
her stream of thought is broken by an alert. another one, movement at the gate. if she could right now, she'd sigh, only unable to in the sense that she isn't animating herself on any screens right now. the camera feed fills her view as.... wait, what?
it's a man. he's big, and wide. but not in the chubby way, no. and... were those horns? the camera's gotten worse over the years, barely any color making through, but she could swear his skin looked more on the redder side. whatever he is, he's there. and he's real. oh my gosh, he's real-- QUICK, MOLLIE, DO SOMETHING. her internal programming screams at her, and she scrambles to look around for which screen seems to be closest to the man. establish a connection here, turn on the speakers there, and--
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" HEEEEELLLO THERE ! and welcome to INDIGO PARK ! " she all-but yells, spreading her wings afar in rehearsed fashion as the logo swelled above her. " the most innovative , fun and exciting park in all of ameri-- " her vision goes black for a brief moment, the cartoony version of the bird on the screen glitching and twitching for a moment, before she's back. " you're going to have the best day ever here ! "
( @hellbcy liked for a starter! )
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