#( ๐Ÿ›ฌ ) โ€” behind the screen : SPARK OF LIFE AU VERSE
barnstormin ยท 29 days
being brought up to speed with the whole... ' you're an artificial intelligence and technically not yourself ' bit took some time to get used to, in spite of rambley's best efforts and comfort. especially when she learnt that she had died ?? well, no, a ' mascot ' of her, but still... the brief look she got at the scene... it rattled her to her core. ...did she have a core? no, no. not the time.
their guest was still there in the security room, but any moment now they'd be exiting to make their way towards oceanic odyssey. rambley has (understandably) been through a lot tonight, so, she opted in to take over for a few. surely she could keep them safe while rambley rests, right ?? she's already gotten a grip on looking through those fancy monitors after-- oh, here they come !
the information kiosk's small screen lights up, that familiar blue background popping in.... but, in place of the usual cartoony raccoon, a familiar bird stands in his place.
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" heeeeeellllloooo there ! i'd say welcome to indigo park, but... i think you've gotten acquainted with the place from what i've heard from my best little buddy, hehe ! "
she really hopes she's making a good first impression here.
( @indigo-insider liked for a starter! )
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barnstormin ยท 1 month
alright lets try this again ! tags 2: electric boogaloo
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barnstormin ยท 15 days
another year of waiting.... it had just passed the eighth year mark a few hours ago (two hours, 23 minutes and 45 seconds to be exact), and it made her metaphorical skin crawl. was this... really it? just, to stay here. stuck, confined to one single gate for all time?? there was a spark of hope somewhere deep in her thought stream but, deep down, mollie knew no one was coming back.
she desperately needed a distraction, something to keep her mind off this. and so, she activated one of the cameras viewing over the entrance.
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" hey, rambley ! wanna play i spy ?? "
she calls out throughout the limited network space they had access to.
@spkyscry liked for a starter.
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barnstormin ยท 16 days
crimson slowly pours onto the floor, trickling out of the gaping wound of the creature's neck. the white irises slowly fade away, until the eyes are nothing but black spheres. viscera clings to the wall, slowly dripping down like tears from an eye.
despite the horrific scene facing both of them, the raccoon on the monitor attempts his best to ignore it in his speech to the unfortunate visitor. an apology, followed by a request; to fix the park... and then, as rambley excitedly reacts to ed's answer, the screen glitches. a horrific shrill sound, screeching, emanating from the speakers. like nails on a chalkboard.
the static gives way, revealing the blue dotted background once more... but no fuzzy companion in sight, replaced by an animated macaw in pilot's gear, lying face first against the... ground? using her wings to prop herself up, mollie's head sways from side to side with dizzy spirals in her eyes before violently shaking her head around like a wet dog.
" golly ! i haven't woken up like that since that time in rambleberry woods... whew ! .... wait, where... ? "
the bird looks behind herself, staring at the infinite background that encapsulates the screen while she finally stands up. a turn to the left, her frown grows. to the right, eyebrows furrow in worry.
she turns to face the screen, and her eyes lock onto ed. widening slightly, a wing is raised, her beak opens to say something... before she registers the red around the floor to his side, and she turns to--
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she jumps away, and the screen violently glitches again. the light in the room flickers, and both doors suddenly slam open as another shrill squawk emanates from the monitor just outside. on it, the visage of mollie macaw, panicking and hyperventilating, lies leaning against the borders of the screen. wings wrapped around herself and eyes held tight together. woops.
@parkbuddy liked for a starter.
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barnstormin ยท 22 days
anonymous asks: You know, if you hadn't helped spark up my interest in aviation as a kid, I might not be an ATC officer now!
unprompted asks : always accepting!
a small gasp from the flat screen hanging on the wall in front of them, wings coming up to her beak before she lets out a squee of excitement !
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" oh gosh, really ?? ooooh, i'm SO PROUD of you, youngster ! i'm glad that this great lil pilot over here has been able to inspire folks like you, i'd love to see you fly sometime ! "
. . .
" if i can... get out of here, that is ! "
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