#( . event . ) // amity celebration 2024 ⚓༄⋆。°்⋆
unluckyuncle · 5 months
Family Threads 𓅭𓅭𓅭𓅭 Amity Drabble
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Boy oh boy had it been a rough month for the duck. Of course, it had been another year of the triplet's birthday, more specifically one where he wasn't able to share in it. Donald had to pretend it was enough for him, but it only made his heart more to think about.
It was a suggestion of the family he did have here ( honorary, but in his book, that's all that mattered ) that led him all the way out to the Padadue temple. It really was a pretty landscape out here, just teeming with life and color.
He walked into the temple, not exactly sure what to expect. But he knew what he was here for. He was greeted by one of the Acolytes, who spoke to him a little bit more about what this was and the entire ceremony process. It sounded like a lot of magic-y things that Donald didn't fully understand, but he was assured that it was painless, and the end result would be well worth the time.
Donald let out a deep sigh but nodded. A huge part of him just wanted to see his family again, and this Sovenance Tapestry seemed to be the best way to do that.
He sat down and thought hard. Though really, he didn't have to do that much. He had so many memories of his family.
The boys were the first things that came to his mind. Of course, that wasn't too much of a surprise. He thought of them today. Dewey with his energy. Louie with his cleverness. Huey with his intelligence. He loved each and every one of them more than life itself. He remember when they hatched. Their first steps. Their first day at school. And of course, he remembered the struggles. The trips to the food bank. And the days when Donald wasn't sure he was good enough to be considered a parent at all. But he knew without a shadow of a doubt that they loved him just as much as he did, and that's what mattered the most to him.
With the boys comes Uncle Scrooge. There's a pain in those memories, Donald knows. He feels it deep within himself. The 10 years of bitterness, anger, regrets. But he remembers the times before. The adventures they had, the way Uncle Scrooge was so much like a father to him when his own didn't take the time to understand him. He'd spent so much of his life with the man, that he hardly knew what to do with himself when they cut ties. But now he was back. He loves Uncle Scrooge more than anything, even with his faults. They're family, and families stick together.
With Scrooge then comes Della... she was alive. She was somewhere home - or maybe not, he didn't know for sure. But she could be back with her kids, her wonderful boys. He wondered how much she had changed - if he'd even recognize her if he saw her ( would she recognize him? ) But he focused on their past. There was no one else who understood him like her. They stood up for him like her. She was there for all of his lowest moments, just like he was there for hers. Of course, they fought and teased... but they loved each other. That's all Donald can hope for.
There were so many memories that Donald searched through. He saw little Webby and Mrs. Beakly. He saw Launchpad and Gyro. So many friends; all of whom he'd call his family in one form or another. They'd saved the world together and loved each other more than anything else. Donald had been 10 years without a family, only to find himself surrounded by multitudes. Like all families in the world, they weren't perfect, but they all knew where they belonged.
And that's what he left the temple with. The tapestry turned out pretty big, but it was full of his memories. They were so vivid and captured the likeness just as he remembered it. The image depicted a giant family photo. Donald with the boys all doing something dear to them. Scrooge and Della stood behind, a plane in the distance. While everyone else filled the space around them, totally unique and representative of who they were.
It was a beautiful thing, and he couldn't be happier that he had one. He'd treasure it forever.
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unluckyuncle · 5 months
Amity Celebration 𓅭𓅭𓅭𓅭 Open
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Donald wasn't sure about this at first. The Tea-lip party sounded fun in theory... but with Donald's luck, he was pretty sure that something terrible would happen to him. He knew what he was getting into, but what the heck. It was all in the name of fun, right?
... he took a pretty big swig of the stuff. He slammed the cup down onto the table, with a satisfied smile. It tasted pretty good!
But the smile did not last long. For above his head formed a rain cloud right over his head! And almost immediately it began to pour right on top of his head. Pretty soon his clothes became soaked with the rain water.
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[ Welp. Go figure. ] Maybe his companion had better luck with the tea.
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