#( . aevum ic . ) // aw phooey ⚓༄⋆。°்⋆
unluckyuncle · 3 months
Fresh Starter 𓅭𓅭𓅭𓅭 @cagedfreedom
It was a pretty late night for Donald to be out and about. He'd run out of food for Lune ( his new duckling ) so was trying to find just one store that would have what he needed for her.
But that was kind of unlikely at 1am. So he was taking a stroll too. The summer night air was pretty refreshing on his feathers. He'd often taken these kinds of walks back home. It helped calm him down.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw some movement. It was intriguing to him, so he walked up to get a slightly closer look. He recognized the appearance pretty quickly, gasping in shock.
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[ Uriah?? Is that you buddy? ] Donald called out. [ What'cha doing out here on the streets? I know you gotta place to sleep somewhere else. ] he was trying to keep a little bit light-hearted, but he was genuinely pretty concerned for his well-being.
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unluckyuncle · 3 months
Fresh Starter 𓅭𓅭𓅭𓅭 @brokeassgoing
The park is normally a pretty good place to bring one's kids. It was nice and peaceful, without too much trouble. Well, Donald's family tended to bring about nothing but.
An otherwise perfectly peaceful morning was interrupted by the sudden sounds of trashcans being knocked over. Multiple dogs had started barking, followed by angry shouts of people's picnics being ruined by the duck.
He was running desperately after his little duckling, Lune - who had decided that in that moment was the best time to engage in a game of tag! Unfortunately, wherever she went, Donald noticed some danger that would befall her.
Like in those old cartoons, Donald was taking every slapstick hit while he protected the duckling. It was exhausting, but then he saw salvation! Badou was in the area. Donald waved his hands frantically to get his attention.
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[ Badou!!! ] Donald cried out, still chasing after the little duckling. [ Quick! Get her!! ] Her quacks were nearly constantly going off. The little thing was having a blast!
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unluckyuncle · 1 month
Omeerta Nostra 𓅭𓅭𓅭𓅭 Open
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Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh nooooo... he was really in too deep this time.
He saw there was a girl missing. Poor kid got snatched by some creeps, and well he couldn't just sit on his rear end and do nothing about it. That wasn't the duck family way. There was no danger too scary, especially when innocents were at stake.
Except... he didn't exactly have his family to count on this time. It was a stroke of luck that he managed to get down to the train ( though it may have been bad luck, considering he wasn't even sure what the path out was. but he wasn't really the thinker in most adventures. he had simply tumbled down the staircase without much rhyme or reason. )
And now here he was wandering around the streets, looking for any sort of clue that could help him find this girl. He'd lost track of how many days it had been, he knew it rained once... maybe twice. But he couldn't give up. Especially not if there were others down here.
The duck was lost. Lost and alone too.
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unluckyuncle · 10 months
@liightaga // Seafaring Roommates
New worlds, new homes, new things to figure out. Donald was as crafty as they came (not so much because he wanted to be, as much as they had to be), and yet everything always came so much harder for one reason or another.
At least some things were the same, like this new phone! Ran faster than anything he had back home really, but he was bound to lose it at some point. The first thing to do would be to back it up.
His housekey had said he was given a place in Seaside Province. Though it took him time to find the location regardless, he'd made it down to the streets of the area, searching for his.
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[201... 201... oh, which of these are 201?]
He was getting pretty distracted, looking from his phone to the numbers on the doors. But soon enough, he was at the right place!
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unluckyuncle · 10 months
@bluestringpuppeteer // Garden Meeting
It was nice to be able to find quieter spots around this city. While he still felt unnerved by his surroundings, not everything was so different to the world he was from.
Among such spots he found, what seemed to be a pretty little lake, with fish and other ducks swimming around. Though, upon observance of the peaceful place, he found he wasn't the only one to have found this spot.
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[Oh! Heya pal!] He was quick to call out, waving his arm in a sort of greeting. [Sorry, I didn't think I'd run into someone.]
He stood still watching the stranger, unsure if he should approach or not. Not that Donald was scared, but some people just liked to be left alone, and he wanted to be respectful.
[I can leave if ya want- since you're already here.]
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unluckyuncle · 10 months
@brokeassgoing // Old new friends
Normally this wasn't a place where Donald would have attended to spend his evening. Though considering what was going through his mind, he could honestly use a quiet night and a drink.
The waystone tavern was pretty close, so why not?
He sauntered quietly into the bar, of course receiving some strange looks from the people around him but that was nothing new for the duck at this point. He found an empty seat at the bar beside a young man with red hair and cig.
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[Heya Pal, uh. Is this seat taken?]
He asks putting a hand on the only available stool left. Though, looking at it now... he wasn't... sure how he was going to get up on it.
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unluckyuncle · 3 months
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Two Word Starters 𓅭𓅭𓅭𓅭 @brokeassgoing
asked: 'Time's up!'
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[ Awe Phooey! ] They were practicing charades, just in case Badou ever needed some extra help understanding him. But they were also playing with the timer at the same time. So far Donald had little luck with educating him, but there was always next time.
[ Okay, okay. Now really watch me this time. ] He took up a prompt card, and readied himself to enact it. He set the timer on his phone and began the motions all over again. His arms flung every which way as he attempted to convey the single idea of ordering a sandwich.
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unluckyuncle · 3 months
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old prompt 𓅭𓅭𓅭𓅭 @brokeassgoing
asked: "I'll just rest here."
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[ Buddy you ain't sleepin' on a park bench. ] Donald stated in a very matter-of-fact tone. It was pretty late and he'd found him at the bar for too long. He'd be resisting help for hours now, and Donald was up to here with it all ( lovingly, of course. He cared more about Badou's safety than anything else )
[ Now here's what's gonna happen. ] Donald started, grabbing his arm and guiding him along toward the taxi Donald had called. [ You're coming home with me, and we're gonna get you water and turn the couch into a bed for ya. ] He was successful in getting the upper body in.
[ I'll keep an eye on ya, then in the morning I'll make you, Sora, and I pancakes. And I ain't taking no for an answer! ] He got Badou in the cab with one final shove.
These lousy kids and their inability to take care of themselves of their basic needs. But gosh dang it if Donald doesn't still love 'em anyway.
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unluckyuncle · 3 months
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Unprompted Ask [ always accepting ] 𓅭𓅭𓅭𓅭 @krueger4eva
asked: What are your plans for Fathers Day?
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[ Aw Gosh... I don't really know what I'mma do about it. ] He had never really... forced the celebration of the day. Of course, the kids never even found out about it until they went to school. But often times he'd just gone out to dinner with them when they asked.
He always secretly loved when they brought him cards or made little gifts for him. He wasn't their dad by any means, nor did he ever claim something like that for himself... but he appreciated it anyway. He kept all of those gifts, and all those memories too.
[ Maybe I'll just take a nap and relax. ] He pondered for a moment. [ I guess it'd be more traditional to have a barbeque or something? Could work on some projects... go fishing... ] Honestly, they were all things Donald did anyway. It didn't seem worth the time to do something different when he wasn't a father...
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unluckyuncle · 3 months
Sunflower Starter 𓅭𓅭𓅭𓅭 @epilvgue
It was nice to do something relaxing for a change. Sitting at one of the benches with a handful of beads and string, Donald had been working diligently at making some bracelets. Unfortunately, he was not only unlucky but not very artistic either.
He held up one of his creations to look at. Somehow it'd turned into an insanely chaotic mess of materials in the shape of a circle. Donald frowned but still turned to show his table partner.
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[ Whaddya think of this, Vash? ] He was asking for honest feedback, trying to catch a glimpse of what he might have been working on. But it only took one quick breeze from the wind to break the whole bracelet, beads fell onto the table in a loud series of pitter patters, scattering everywhere.
[ ... Whoops. ] Donald looked at the mess he made, before sighing. [ Guess I'm starting over. How's yours coming along? ]
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unluckyuncle · 4 months
Sunflower Festival Starter 𓅭𓅭𓅭𓅭 @fellstcr
Summer was definitely Donald's favorite season. There was just something about the sun warming his feathers while he reads a book, or taking a nap, or really just doing anything. It was especially great because of how much he loved the ocean.
Sailing, Fishing, Swimming, etc. etc. There was no better time to do it than in the summertime!
And speaking of, Donald was enjoying Aevum's newest little festival right at the place he spent the most time! He was well known around the Trawler Docks for visiting, working around as a deckhand, and even fixing up his own ship and everything to go sailing on.
He'd heard that one of the special events during the Sunflower Festival was a fishing competition! And boy oh boy was he excited about that! He was setting himself up with a very lofty goal to; try and win that fishing rod!!
Unfortunately... he nearly forgot about the fact that he was also the unluckiest duck in the whole world.
He'd been trying for the most fish caught category, but apparently, every fish in the ocean decided that his bait was not as tasty as other people's! He was getting frustrated after spending hours on the task. He reeled the line in just now, grumbling under his breath.
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[ oh- doggon darn stubborn little... ] he was grumpily putting more bait on the line when he felt a soft tap on his shoulder. When he turned to look, he saw a familiar face that immediately lifted his spirits.
[ Ah, Byleth! ] He stood up on his seat. [ Boy oh boy am I glad to see ya! What brings ya to the Trawler Docks? ]
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unluckyuncle · 5 months
Family Threads 𓅭𓅭𓅭𓅭 Amity Drabble
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Boy oh boy had it been a rough month for the duck. Of course, it had been another year of the triplet's birthday, more specifically one where he wasn't able to share in it. Donald had to pretend it was enough for him, but it only made his heart more to think about.
It was a suggestion of the family he did have here ( honorary, but in his book, that's all that mattered ) that led him all the way out to the Padadue temple. It really was a pretty landscape out here, just teeming with life and color.
He walked into the temple, not exactly sure what to expect. But he knew what he was here for. He was greeted by one of the Acolytes, who spoke to him a little bit more about what this was and the entire ceremony process. It sounded like a lot of magic-y things that Donald didn't fully understand, but he was assured that it was painless, and the end result would be well worth the time.
Donald let out a deep sigh but nodded. A huge part of him just wanted to see his family again, and this Sovenance Tapestry seemed to be the best way to do that.
He sat down and thought hard. Though really, he didn't have to do that much. He had so many memories of his family.
The boys were the first things that came to his mind. Of course, that wasn't too much of a surprise. He thought of them today. Dewey with his energy. Louie with his cleverness. Huey with his intelligence. He loved each and every one of them more than life itself. He remember when they hatched. Their first steps. Their first day at school. And of course, he remembered the struggles. The trips to the food bank. And the days when Donald wasn't sure he was good enough to be considered a parent at all. But he knew without a shadow of a doubt that they loved him just as much as he did, and that's what mattered the most to him.
With the boys comes Uncle Scrooge. There's a pain in those memories, Donald knows. He feels it deep within himself. The 10 years of bitterness, anger, regrets. But he remembers the times before. The adventures they had, the way Uncle Scrooge was so much like a father to him when his own didn't take the time to understand him. He'd spent so much of his life with the man, that he hardly knew what to do with himself when they cut ties. But now he was back. He loves Uncle Scrooge more than anything, even with his faults. They're family, and families stick together.
With Scrooge then comes Della... she was alive. She was somewhere home - or maybe not, he didn't know for sure. But she could be back with her kids, her wonderful boys. He wondered how much she had changed - if he'd even recognize her if he saw her ( would she recognize him? ) But he focused on their past. There was no one else who understood him like her. They stood up for him like her. She was there for all of his lowest moments, just like he was there for hers. Of course, they fought and teased... but they loved each other. That's all Donald can hope for.
There were so many memories that Donald searched through. He saw little Webby and Mrs. Beakly. He saw Launchpad and Gyro. So many friends; all of whom he'd call his family in one form or another. They'd saved the world together and loved each other more than anything else. Donald had been 10 years without a family, only to find himself surrounded by multitudes. Like all families in the world, they weren't perfect, but they all knew where they belonged.
And that's what he left the temple with. The tapestry turned out pretty big, but it was full of his memories. They were so vivid and captured the likeness just as he remembered it. The image depicted a giant family photo. Donald with the boys all doing something dear to them. Scrooge and Della stood behind, a plane in the distance. While everyone else filled the space around them, totally unique and representative of who they were.
It was a beautiful thing, and he couldn't be happier that he had one. He'd treasure it forever.
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unluckyuncle · 5 months
Byleth was sitting with Donald at the highest point of his rooftop. It was a very long, distant quiet between them, but one that Byleth wouldn't reproach Donald for. Certainly not today. She'd made a point to visit, after all, and as Donald settled into a more .... solemn silence, she dug into her bag to fish out the small gift that she had meant to give to him this day.
"I know it's not enough," she said, having brought out a small white box with a pink ribbon holding its lid securely in place, "but I thought that maybe you'd like something... to remind you of your children whenever you wake up."
Inside the box were three little dolls of ducks fashioned after Donald, crafted in white cloth and orange felt for the little bills and feet. Each of them wore tiny t-shirts. One was red, one was green, one was blue. Their big black button eyes had been carefully stitched into place. The little orange stitches that kept their bills into place almost made the three little duckling dolls look as though they were smiling at their dearest Uncle Donald.
"I found... that I like having something nearby to remind me of Jeralt, even though he's gone. I thought maybe you might appreciate something similar."
It was nice having company today. The best part about having great friends was being able to be with them in their lowest moments, but also being there for yours. Donald couldn't be more thankful for Byleth in his life.
His niece was very special to him. In fact, she was a very special person all around. So it didn't surprise him that much when she pulled out the gift. She had such a beautiful heart, and he was always thrilled to see her share it.
When he did open it, almost immediately tears formed in his eyes looking at his boys. Or rather, the dolls. He could see too all of the care and love was put into the little things... they did remind him of his boys, they really did.
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[ Thank you, Byleth... ] He closes the box carefully, leaning himself on her shoulder. Placing his hand over the top of hers. [ I think you're right. It means a lot to me to have this, especially from ya. You're really something special, I hope you know. ]
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unluckyuncle · 10 months
Throughout his life, Donald had met many kinds of folks of all kinds of lives. Maybe it was the result of his life slowing down, but he did find himself enjoying hearing about what others had done in their lives - though he knew some lives lasted longer than others.
On one such occasion, he found himself in the company of what looked like someone new. Actually, he knew it was someone new to Aevum - he'd definitely remember if he had seen a 10-foot-tall fellah in black-purple armor (... he assumed) around.
And yet he was surprised to be sharing a desert with him. He'd offered a cookie, and Donald accepted. Why not? Free cookie's a free cookie.
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[ Oh boy, oh boy! This is real tasty! ] He commented after taking a bite. [ This has gotta be one of the best cookies I've ever had! Is that lemon flavor? ]
Maybe he should be more cautious about accepting random treats, but he was very happy munching away in ignorant bliss.
@shadowandread ⚓༄⋆。°்⋆
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unluckyuncle · 10 months
What do you mean you “don’t have em this year”? Is your family not available to spend Thanksgiving with you?
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He paused.
A new world. New people. New friends to be made among the old ones. Before he came to this world, these Aevum Isles, he'd always had his family with him.
Della was always there. Scrooge was too for a while. He had friends, he made enemies. There was new life on the way, and before he knew it he lost it all. The boys were there. He made new friends. Scrooge came back to him too... he had his family.
Friend and blood alike, they were always together.
He was all alone in this new world.
Well, relatively speaking. He couldn't be so alone in a place with other lonely people. And he was so excited to be making friends, but it was always a little hard to remember what he was taken from.
Maybe one day he'd see them here too.
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unluckyuncle · 6 months
Fishing Trip! 𓅭𓅭𓅭𓅭 @liightaga
It really had been too long since they were able to have a quiet moment. With all of the craziness that just happened, Donald had wanted to be able to check in a little bit with Sora and do something relaxing ( kinda just for himself... okay mostly for himself. )
Sora seemed excited enough to go out fishing, which was kind of a surprise since the triplets rarely wanted to enjoy the activity with him. And with someone with as much energy as Sora, Donald thought he'd rather do something... well, more exciting.
it was a pretty early morning, in fact, the sun hadn't just barely started to come up as Donald led them both toward the marina. Donald was barely an early bird himself, but with a breakfast coffee and treats in hand, they were as ready as they were ever going to be.
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[ Now Sora, I know ya like eating fish. But what do ya know about fishing for them? ] He hoped to gauge where Sora's experience was, which then Donald could fill in with his own expertise.
[ I'm a bit rusty myself, but it'll be a breeze! ] He hopes. It was kind of chilly this morning. And like every day with Donald's bad luck, you never knew what sort of things could happen.
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