#( ABOUT BELLATRIX. ) there is much more to learn about the wicked witch
crucioslut · 10 months
an abrupt ,  heated kiss during the middle of a fight -thelordofdarkness
Throughout the many years Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix had spent together, she'd learned time and time again to expect a certain level of disappointment from her master. There were needs that he would never fulfill and although this was a most painful conclusion to come to, she finally had. It had only taken a few decades to see things for what they were, and fourteen long years locked away from the world, and away from him to somewhat let go of those girlish dreamy delusions. It was clear to Bellatrix now more than ever what the wicked lovers were and what they were not. It broke her. But her devotion remained unscathed, intact and stronger than ever.
But this? Surely not after everything she had done for him.
It was just two months following her escape from Azkaban that the Dark Lord had vanished one day unannounced leaving not a trace behind. Nobody was aware of his wearabouts for weeks during which time Bella made herself absolutely sick with anxiety. Was he dead? Or worse.. had he simply left them? Left her. The witch's most fragile mind still fresh with the inky tarnish of the effects of Azkaban spiralled into madness. Her thoughts went everywhere, to the worst possible scenarios. During the nights she stay wide awake, at times inconsolable, at times so far away that she couldn't hear when her sister or husband spoke to her. Wracking her brain, Bella asked herself over and over what she could have done to make her Master hate her so, hate her enough to leave her without a single word.
Thin pale fingers carefully caressed the mark on her forearm, beckoning him to call her. But he didn't. For three week, there was nothing.
Without Lord Voldemort, Bellatrix would die. Yes, she would die, she'd convinced herself. Much of her felt dead already as it were.
That was until one night when suddenly he'd returned. Offering no explanation as to where he'd been all that time and conducting an entire meeting as if nothing had happened, making his most loyal sit at his right and repress such deep scorn she felt as though she would combust.
It was later that night, when they were all alone that Bellatrix could no longer hold back. She'd lost control. Had she been a moment younger, a pinch more sane, this would have never occured.
The outburst she'd started prompted her master to rise and make to leave the room, muttering something about her needing to get a hold of her emotions.
"UGH! No!" Bellatrix all but shrieked. Her hands flew to her heavy mound of thick black curls and pulled at them in frustration, wandless magic slamming the door shut just as the Dark Lord was about to cross the threshold. "No!" She yelled again, stamping her heeled foot on the marble floors. Her fists now balled to her sides as she stood, rigid and practically vibrating all at once.
"You can't- You can't do this to me!" Bella roared, she began stalking towards him. "How dare you?!" Never had Bellatrix spoken to her master this way. Not once, but she simply couldn't hold back. "After everything?! Everything I've done for you?" The last sentence a whisper.
As Bellatrix reached him their eyes met. Her face once twisted in rage of a woman scorned softened into doe eyes and a deep pout, her lip quivering. "I thought you were dead. I thought.. I thought you'd left me."
Like foolish butter she melted under that stone cold gaze of pure evil, just as she always had. Tears welled in her eyes. To her dismay, one managed to roll down her cheek. Head tilted curiously, her brows knit together. "My Lord.. Why didn't you tell me?"
By now the memory of rational that was left within her expected a punishment. She'd overstepped in a big way and was very aware. Of course, Madam Lestrange could have given up then. Sank to her knees and kissed his shoes, begged for his forgiveness. No.
To her astonishment, in a split second they'd switched positions. The Dark Lord flipping her around so that it was her between the door and him. His cold, reptilian touch was all over her neck and chest as his mouth covered hers, stealing away her choked back sob as her breathing became erratic. For a few seconds Bella reacted with nothing but shock, stiffening before completely, entirely relaxing against him. Physically feeling all of the tension leaving her body her shoulders went limp, heavy eye lids fluttering shut. Bellatrix opened her mouth to deepen the kiss, their tongues plunging into opposing mouths with vigor.
And there was nothing she could do but to succumb.
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caediteos · 4 years
bella’s voice is generally low and a bit sultry, she exudes a dark and appealing aura.... but she giggles like a schoolgirl and her sneezing are short and high “CHI” noises.
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caediteosa · 7 years
i keep telling myself bella loves her sisters equally but it’s just... despite the running away, despite leaving bella behind, andromeda is still half of her soul. and she loves narcissa and would kill for her, don’t get me wrong, but she just.... boi oh boi
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dramioneasks · 4 years
HP Fests: Mad Frankenstein Fest 2020
July - September 2020:
All Mixed Up by Pargcool - G, one-shot - You’ve got to be kidding me. Hermione froze, her eyes fixed on the back of the man wiping down the bar counter. Lydia—according to her name tag—didn’t seem to notice her sudden lack of attention and continued her introductory spiel. The words faded into the background, Hermione’s gaze narrowing on the back of the bartender’s head. She’d only seen that bright platinum hair once before, but surely it was just a coincidence. What the hell would Draco Malfoy be doing in a random muggle bar?
Architectural Symmetry by MissELY, Wolfqng - T, one-shot - Draco Malfoy hadn't planned on setting foot in Malfoy Manor ever again. Maybe to set it on fire. So when he and his curse-breaking partner, Hermione Granger, were assigned to go there he dashed off a response to their supervisor "Under no circumstances will we take this bloody assignment, are you out of your mind? -DLM" Hermione, however, had other ideas
Breaking the wall by DaniiiAnn, VGinny - T, one-shot - The prompt was Healers or Co-workers at St Mungo's. It's seven years since the war, Draco is a speciality Healer and Hermione is his Solicitor. His experimental healing has put his career and the hospital in trouble. Would Hermione be able to help the former enemy get out of trouble?
Chrysopoeia by hiyas, monsterleadmehome - T, one-shot - Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy both have their personal reasons for studying Alchemy, but when they decide to work together to develop a new Panacea, they discover more than they bargained for.
Cuando Pienso en Ti by LilithShade, TakingFlight48 - E, one-shot - Giving back to the magical community with her flourishing Philanthropic organization, Rennervate, would have been much simpler if Draco Malfoy would just leave Hermione Granger alone. It's time Draco learned that the Rumba was a dance for two, because although each encounter increased the heated passion between the two of them, Hermione will walk away if he cannot change his playboy ways.
Feint of Heart by Aneiria, hiyas - E, 3 Chapters - ‘Want to make this interesting, Granger?’ Draco said. His voice was low and dangerous and sent a delightful shiver down Hermione’s spine. She forced herself to focus on his words, not how he was saying them. ‘What do you mean?’ Hermione asked warily, not dropping her wand. ‘Winner gets a favour granted by the loser.’ Hermione scoffed. ‘I’m not giving you carte blanche like that, Malfoy.’ Draco watched her with his trademark cunning behind his silver eyes. ‘Alright then. How about a kiss?’
Mandatory Electives by DracosQuill, PhoenixDragon111 (Phoenix_Dragon) - M, one-shot - Hermione and Draco are tasked with revamping Hogwarts’ Mandatory Elective curriculum. What will happen when they come together?
The Melody of Touch by magical_traveler - E, one-shot - One of Hermione Granger’s favorite things about playing in an orchestra was when the orchestra began to warm up on stage. Tonight, however, was a different story. The London Philharmonic and guest pianist, Draco Malfoy, were performing together in concert. The program was beautiful but Hermione halted at the fact she would have to sit on a stage and perform music with him. They would be making something together. But all she could think about was the way his fingers caressed the piano keys, and the fact her body knew what it felt like to be touched by those same fingers.
Nontrivial Pursuits by senlinyu, sleeplessai - M, one-shot - Draco had a plan: reach the end of his probation, get promoted, and finally ask Granger out. Unfortunately, as his supervisor in the Ministry Archive, Granger seemed to be resistant to all Draco’s ideas on principle. The last thing he expected her to go along with was a trivia strip competition, and yet, somehow, here they were. “Do you have to?” Granger’s voice was sharp and jumped slightly at the last syllable. Draco glanced up and found that she was staring at him, the hollows of her cheeks a faint pink. He unfastened the cuff on his left sleeve without looking down and watched the pink transform into a stunning shade of red as he folded the fabric up to his elbow. She sucked her lower lip into her mouth and bit down on it visibly. “Have to what?” he said with a lazy grin. She made an incomprehensible noise somewhere in the base of her throat and looked away. “You’ll be losing your shirt soon enough anyway, I don’t know why you need to bother rolling up your sleeves.”
A Promise To Please by hslades, mia_moriarty - E, one-shot - Hermione Granger was great at most things, as such it didn't come as a surprise she was a great Quidditch Commentator. However, after her All-Star Seeker boyfriend, Draco Malfoy gets gravely injured in front of her eyes, she struggles to stay professional and keep their secret. Can Hermione keep her cool while trying to give Draco the healing touch he requires to overcome a grave injury? “You were wicked, love. I’d almost get injured again just so I could justify you retaking the reigns.” “Don’t!” She playfully slapped his chest, “Joke!”*slap* “About!” *slap* “Getting!”*slap* “Injured!”
Rebirth by elithien, senlinyu - M, one-shot - Granger will do almost anything to survive the curse slowly killing her, even if it means reawakening magic that has been dormant for a thousand years. Draco will do whatever it takes to save her “Draco...” she says again, fingertips fondly brushing across his cheekbone. He opens his eyes and finds her staring at him. “Before I do this, I want you to know—“ His heart lurches. “Don’t,” he says before she can say another word. “Don’t say it.” He catches her wrist and pulls her hand away from his face, careful not to smudge any of the words scripted across her skin. “I don’t want you to tell me.”
Roots & Recesses by ExpositorRevan (Naydras), simplifiedemotions - T, one-shot - “Her nephew working with the Mudblood to decommission her wand. Bellatrix must be rolling in her grave.”
Second Chances by PixieKisses - E, 2 Chapters - After years of working closely with Hermione Granger, Draco meets two children who end up changing his whole life.
Small Mercies by JessiRomantic, Kkpwnall - E, one-shot - Draco Malfoy had been working with Hermione Granger in the small bakery that occupied the ruins of the boathouse for eight years. For the last year, they have grown closer. But the 10th year anniversary of the battle racks up the tension to a new high.
A Turn of Phrase by AkaiaOwl, MissyJAnne85 - M, 4 Chapters - “A book deal? I thought the Malfoy inheritance guaranteed you wouldn’t have to work a day in your life.” “Do you write for money Granger?” She snorted at the ridiculous thought. “Of course not!” “Why do you assume I do?” he asked. A story about how Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy turned the page after the war and found each other in the process. Written for the MF Fest - Dramione coworkers challenge. Prompt: Authors.
Tylwyth Teg - Fairies on a Welsh Mountain by Ernestin3, FedonCiadale - G, one-shot -  Draco Malfoy, on probation in the department for the surveillance of magical creatures, is ordered by his boss, Luna Lovegood to collect tears from the elusive Welsh fairies for a much needed potion. Of all people, it is Hermione Granger, the witch from the Department of Law who is to come along. Will Draco finally be able to curb his tongue and tell her all the compliments that are in his head?
Unforeseen by ectoheart, riane_b13 - M, 2 Chapters - Hermione Granger was going to fail something for the first time in her life. Hermione Granger was going to fail something for the first time in her life and it was next to Draco Malfoy of all people. When she decided she wanted to become an Unspeakable she thought that it would take a lot of studying and hard work. She didn't think it would take a drawer full of leather, or a six-inch stiletto. Of course, Draco would be perfect at everything. Of course, everyone would love him. Of course, he would look positively sinful in everything he wore. It should be illegal for a man to look that good at seven in the morning. She needed a cup of coffee, she needed a stiff drink, she needed to get laid and she needed to pass these exams. Hermione Granger did not fail.
Ungentlemanly Behavior by MissELY, morticiahavisham - E, one-shot - After a tipsy hook up, Draco Malfoy has an apology to make. Hermione Granger would prefer not to hear it. But when they're forced to work together on a tricky translation, she's finds she can't avoid it.
Unyielding by Ernestin3, HeyJude19 - T, one-shot - Do you yield? She hated uttering that phrase whenever she bested Draco, but it was the standard protocol for ending a duel wherein both participants remained conscious. Hermione could count the instances on one hand in the four years they’d been partners that one of them had been Stunned. Do you yield? It clawed at her. It ate at her to demand this of another person when her own wand carried with it such a conceptually contrary and dubious description. Unyielding. No, not her own wand, she thought bitterly. The wand of Bellatrix Lestrange.
Your Latest Competition by ahoidraco, theheavycrown - T, one-shot - Hermione ventures into new professional waters after a career start at the Ministry, opening a shop in Wizarding London. Her café is well-received until it quickly becomes the target of Draco Malfoy's personal vendetta. If only Hermione knew why. Written for the July-September Mad Frankenstein Fest 2020.
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mrsunderhill678 · 3 years
Me? Writin? Pff- never
"For men like us, that justice failed, that's where family starts. In graves. We just sit there, lookin' at a name, plantin' the ghost of a rose in hopes we can become friends with the ones like us. We revive each other, man. That's what death and life is all about." - Napoleon Whitley
"When justice lies in the hands'a the wicked, it wilts away like a rose on a cold Sundeh mornin'. Loved, for the beauty it once held." - Napoleon Whitley
"My father used to tell me the truth lived inside us all. But as I stared that woman eye to eye and she said, "Napoleon Whitley killed that girl," I had some strange feelin' that there was nuthin' but lies rotting in her blackened chest." - Ivella Paidel
"If that's what you think of yourself you're doomed to become the wolf's cape draped over the shoulders of the mourning, vengeful lamb." - Michael Tabrowski
"I've never believed man was meant to spill blood. It leaves such a sinister, deadly scar on one's heart. But so many choose to believe that scar is their howl." - Michael Tabrowski
"I've found you've no care for this death you call your life." - Michael Tabrowski
"Truthfully, it feels as if I've died. Lost in one way or another to the way man spills blood." - Amorian Slathervark
"I was always so terrified, of being human. My father always taught me that emotions are liars, and we must run off of our beastly instinct. But when she pressed her lips against mine, I learned she loved me in all the emotions I shoved like daggers down my throat." - Pratten Whiskeyfoul
"Love is like blood for the mind. You'll never forget it, but some days, you'll wish you could." - Pratten Whiskeyfoul
"That's just what happens when you love the broken. Pieces of them they never wanted to share cut the tips of your fingers as you dance them against their skin." - Pratten Whiskeyfoul
"I think the saddest word in the human language is almost. It's that sliver of possibility that kills you, and she was an almost dream, huh?" - Pratten Whiskeyfoul
"Love isn't something you ask for. It never was. It crawls into your heart like a hungry beast, sinking it's teeth into your soft flesh and dragging little pieces of your heart into someone you never knew. And as you see little pieces of you in another, you come to realize love was never a choice. Other wise, we wouldn't fall in love with the wrong people." - Melai Diamonskull
"They called him real. And that was the cruelest thing you could call a man like him." - Mydria Sirencuff
"Because the boy who falls into darkness isn't you, Jarrod. He never will be. You have to die just as I did. Feel every knife in your heart, ever bullet on the tip of your tongue, like gunpowder sin and spark sizzling power. In the grand scheme of things, all roads lead to death. It's better, wise, even, to realize that early on. To lick death off the edges of silver knives just to know what it tastes like on a bleeding tongue. That's the taste that dances on your lip whenever you whisper my name." - Florian Heartpierce
"I've found beauty in the darker things. Like shadows dancing between the trees and blood spilling under the shadow of another man's grace." - Florian Heartpierce
"Death spews from out my tongue as if it were a snake hiding behind my red teeth." - Absinthe Hollercrow
"I always wonder why God's always hiding his answers to all my questions in parts of myself I dare not reach into." - Graham Davidson
"My father always called her heaven's ghost, for he could not control her. As if she was dead far before he ever threatened to lay her in a grave." - Melias Skinwalker
"We are sisters, you and I. We are bound by shield and by blade, and so long as I can still swing this ax and heave this shield like a merciful burden, I shall protect you with all I may give." - Dezstarla Vaganbrok
"I will come for the monsters and the beasts who ripped the roses from his decadent garden. And they will wither in the bones they plucked." - Lucius Caulfell
"To love at all is to live." - Imaldene Emorvow
"He used to shout his freedom in blooms of color, but now he declares his decadent imprisonment in blooms of red and grey." - Imaldene Emorvow
"He bleeds not unlike a man, yet still, I cannot wrap my head around the idea that something human can be so dastardly and deadly to his own kind." - Quenzin Pivato
"My heart wades strange and unfamiliar in the cage of my chest, and I begin to feel that whosoever holds it will know more grief than love." - Armond Zonestrame
"She was like a face in the sand, calm and beautiful, but once grasped in the hands of the mortal man, she flitted between his fingers like blood from his throat." - Raymund Alkarson
"In the wisps of shadow I found things that weren't me. And as I stepped forth into the night, following rose petals on the ground, I learned the dark doth not call with good intentions in his voice." - Raymund Alkarson
"My heart yearns for the things that make it go still." - Ben Stilts
"Past all this darkness in my heart, I can hardly tell what love is. All that I know is somewhere, nestled in the cracks of my heart, you reside, chiseling away at the shadows with hammer and nail." - Cyprian Orgazi
"You and I's fate is a flat circle and we're just dancing our way around the edge." - Carvaso Nightfall
"When ya... When ya get blood on your hands, it uh, it changes you. It starts with the regret, you know? And then you start justifying it, saying things like, "He deserved it, I had to." That's when ya start to die. And then you realize, you deserve it, the man lying in your memory didn't." - Lucas Camillo
"He used to be something more than an absolution starved beast, but now as I look into my eyes and see flickers of his damnation in my reflection, I realize he is nothing but it." - Melias Skinwalker
"He'd always been Alice, following the rabbit in hopes to find salvation at the bottom of the Mad Hatter's tea cup, but alas, Wonderland withered and died before his tear glossed eyes." - Melias Skinwalker
"She was brave and determined, and as she took the cross from off her back, a burn on her skin in the shape of dead and wicked faith, she broke free of the Skinwalker shadow, and became more than we'd ever been." - Melias Skinwalker
"The world fell through the lenses of violence, and there I stood in wonder, gazing at the world through a painter's eyes, wondering why the pale white of bloodless skin and electric blue of tazers firing off looked like something I would've brought to life with the edge of my brush, and called so gracefully, "The end." - Nester Harvlock
"In the shape of a birthmark, she slathered her face in paint. Whether it was a cry of revolution or an act of hiding from oneself, I could never tell." - Reggie Savinwit
“My rage is quiet until faced with me.” - Bellatrix Hungarson
“I found myself in the tangles of her red hair as she kissed me deeply in the witching hours of the night.” - Bellatrix Hungarson
“My life was lost in the empty eyes of cruelty, but every now and again, as Amaryliss' fingers trace against every scar and dance gently against every curve and bruise, I feel like, for once, I'm alive again. She loves me in colors I've never seen, and as her lips press against every inch of me, I bloom with shades of love and peace. I'm a crooked, hell bent monster, but when she holds me in her arms, I feel a little less monstrous and a little more human.” - Bellatrix Hungarson
“I got old weathered boots and a cigarette on the edge'a my lip, knowin' trouble comes for the peaceful souls 'for it ever pounces on the cruel and sickly.” - Bellamy Houston
“I met 'er as I rode my horse inta the night, just at the edge's death's door with blood on my sleeve and some gentle ache ta my smile. And as I woke ta her gentle and soothin' words, I wondered if I'd been found by a siren. But alas, she was the guardian angel that brought this ol' cowboy back ta life. Carly's a bit of a wild soul, and I love that 'bout 'er. She's got this smile that flickers with little bits'a wild beauty. Her hair's tangled and curled, her eyes alight with starlight and a slight tinge'a madness. But the best people are a lil' mad, after all.” - Bellamy Houston
“I've seen trouble on the edge of a Sundeh mornin', revolver steady in 'is hand, his rage sittin' on the brim'a his hat like a matchstick 'gainst a fuse. He told me that if I so much as whisper 'bout 'is sin, he'd lay me in the dirt under a shallow grave where all souls would forget my name. But I wonder what he'd do if he knew that his anger's fire is flickerin' while my justice's flame begins ta rise.” - Bellamy Houston
“I walked a thousand miles'a my life on my own, but I've walked many more with life and Carly by my side, and loneliness don't seem like much a friend, now.” - Bellamy Houston
“I wear a broken crown'a lies atop me 'ead, paradin' my own decapitated sense'a self down the hallways'a me 'eart, my demons chantin' and cheerin', "Da bastards dead! Lay ruin ta 'is poor sinner's 'eart!" - Daisy Fields
“When ya watch dat first bullet fly, ya watch a little piece'a ya go with it. It's nuffin' but a small sliver, but then ya fire another round and eventually, as the war finally ends, ya've fired your whole heart from out your chamber, gunpowder smoke driftin' after the remnants'a your identity.” - Daisy Fields
“They say scars make a man, but as I look at my reflection, rippled and distorted by the water's edge, I come ta realize these scars didn't make me. They killed me.” - Daisy Fields
“I ain't really been Daisy Fields for a long time, now. My name flew from out me chamber as I pulled me first trigger and landed in a poor bloke's chest, cursin' their grave with a name that ain't theirs', but a name that ain't quite mine, either.” - Daisy Fields
“I hide all these things inside my head. These feelings, these emotions, these little blooms of color and love. I've lived my whole life in black and white, the color of everything I touched fading like a puddle when faced with the harsh morning sun.” - Norma Locke
“I'm a ghost of memories and little pieces of a heart that forgot to feel, repeating the same mistakes again and again as she's lost to time. But as that woman, that beautiful, strange, odd, amazing woman places her hands on my cheeks, I feel less transparent. Less ghostly. Less fractured, broken and beaten down. All my life I've been a disease slowly rotting who I am away. But I feel like in some way, Illene's the cure I've always craved.” - Norma Locke
“I've been a wandering, homeless soul for years. And at the end of trouble's road I met a woman, beautiful and strange who scooped me up gently in her arms as I clung to the folds of her shirt with feeble and decaying fingers. And as I closed my eyes, and swore I was about to breathe my last, she carried me home. How beautiful and strange it is that a life can change with a single name etched into it's future.” - Norma Locke
“There's some odd serenity about the way the waves whisper in secrets and old, forgotten treasure.” - Marianna Bones
“On the distant and rocking waves I met a monster with cruelty in his eyes and flickers of flame in his smile. And as he clenched a fist and told his men to open fire, I knew what rage felt like in a good woman's heart.” - Marianna Bones
“Here on this ship we follow a code. Help those that need helping, feed those that need feeding, and kill those that need killing. There's honor in our war torn, ocean misted hearts, and black blood on the tips of our honor coated blades.” - Marianna Bones
“I fight so that one day, my daughter can see a future ripe and full with peace. She's a warrior, fighting day by day, but I crave for the day when she can lay down her blade for good. She's my daughter born and raised, and in many ways, she's the reason I'm still alive. I was burdened and blind until she came into the world and gave me a reason to fight.” - Marianna Bones
“My heart lies with the sea, loving gently like the waves on a sunny morning, but beating with rage like a thrashing storm when faced with the cruelty creeping up the edges of this world's soul.” - Autumn Bones
“I'm not going to die peaceful, that much I know. No warrior goes out without blood on her blade and scars on her skin. She stands tall and sturdy in the face of death and refuses to back down until she can no longer stand. And even then, she bares her teeth.” - Autumn Bones
“On the distant, stormy horizon sits a ship, ripe and full with sinners, cheats and bastards, clambering over the holy to grasp at something dark. And on the mast, like a looming crow sits their leader, shouting in ancient tongues as he demands the light withers and dies as he rolls on by with the violent waves. I'll stare him eye to eye and watch him fall. Cause I ain't the kinda girl who dies so easy. He's been asleep in his cruelty for years, and my knuckles against his violence is his damn wake up call.” - Autumn Bones
“This kingdom of me came crumbling down the moment the red heart faded to black. I'm soil hiding ashen bones and ribcages overgrown by weeds and mercy, and in the distant call of my mind, I find something that was never home, but slowly, it's starting to be.” - Rin Otishiro
“My heart beat's sick with gambling lights and the edges of cards, and as I look back into the recesses of my mind I see a man, standing tall and empty, like a hollow husk of humanity. His eyes are alight with delusion and the spark of inhumanity. And wherever he goes, fantasy and death are sure to follow. I'd never known mankind could be so dark until he placed a thumb under my chin and told me I was a pawn in his game, and he'd always meant for me to lose.” - Rin Otishiro
“I sit here, counting scars like stars on my wrists.” - Rin Otishiro
“My name's still the same, but I change like the weather, going from rain to a hurricane in the span of a blink or two.” - Rin Otishiro
“My heart's rotten and black, crumbling into my stomach as I swallow my fucking words.” - Rin Otishiro
“Silent and sorrowful, I stood under a shadow. Rocking myself back and forth as I ripped pieces from out my mind and dipped my pen in their ink. If only to run my fingers across the pieces of me I hated, disguised as poetry and prose so one day, I could fall in love with all the pieces of me I'd grown to despise.” - Ashivana Cuttle
“She dances her fingers against my bare bones and all of a sudden, the aching begins to leave, replaced by this buzzing warmth that tastes of her love. Her lips on mine taste like freedom, like cool midnight air or the sun dancing gentle and warm on my cheek. I could drown in her love, as she could drown in mine. She's my end, she's my beginning, and as she makes love to the worst parts of me I come to realize she loves me for the good parts in me and the bad. As she pressed her lips against my neck and dug her fingers into my hair she whispered, "I will dance with your demons and taste the death on your lips, if only to learn to love every piece of you and all of you all at once." She cured me in ways I never thought possible, and I have this odd feeling that I cured her, too.” - Ashivana Cuttle
“Memory slips through my fingers like sand, and I can only watch them twist and turn with the wind until inevitably, I forget they were ever there.” - Angelo Lariplank
“I fear I've been dead ever since I woke in a forest ripe and full with memories I couldn't taste on my tongue, clothes covered in mud and blood, the knife that ruined me held feebly in my hand.” - Angelo Lariplank
“Do I trust this lie I tell myself? It's easy to swallow and sits gently in my stomach, building a garden of roses and little reasons to hold on. But the truth forces itself down my throat like greedy human fingers, ripping pieces from my heart and stripping the petals from my roses, leaving me no more than a scrambled mess of thorn and bramble. The truth rips me from myself and I drown in it.” - Angelo Lariplank
“The woman I loved always used to tell me I was her wolf. Not in the sense that I hunted for prey. But I was loyal like the moon at my back. But ever since she's been gone the moon's light's felt so lonely on the scars etching up my back. Her name's a tattoo seared into my tongue. I can never rid myself of the taste of her love, of her pleasure, of her lust. She tasted like my own tears on my lips and the gentle healing of my sorrow. As if she was the answer to the question I'd been for too long. But now that she's gone I sit as a gentle crow upon a grave that reads my own name. I'm a threadbare, starving question, and my insanity holds me up only to wait for an answer I'll never receive. In the words of Allan Poe, my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor, shalt be lifted- Nevermore." - Angelo Lariplank
“I'm an animal built off the desire to feel, and here I am, seeking emotion in the life that flashes behind a dead man's eyes.” - Andromeda Lockmowe
“This person I am is so ugly and twisted. Don't forget that the devil used to be God's favorite, but as she fell from heaven, pieces of her wings burning on her back, do you think she felt loved? Do you think she felt wanted? Or did her eyes flash with the anger of her father as he gripped her in his rough hands and cast her from the edge of his malice? I fell from heaven on bloodied wings, coughing up rose petals and thorns, wondering why the world never loved a lost girl like me. I fell through the air, grasping at pieces of me with tears in my eyes, only to land on the edge of my own knife, sputtering up all of me as who I am bled out from the corners of my eyes. Like red tears of emotion.” - Andromeda Lockmowe
“I look into my love's eyes and see something filled with pain and broken pieces of who she is, but as I place my hands gentle on her cheeks, and tell her my arms are the home she seeks, I can tell she begins to feel a little more like her and a little less like her scars.” - Jemini Paskel
“When she first laid her head on my shoulder, it was as if I'd swayed my brush against a blank canvas and watched colors bloom from grey to rose red. As if in that very moment, a future had begun to spill on the tapestry of us in colors that didn't exist, but would come to be as I tasted her lips and brokenness on mine.” - Jemini Paskel
“We're all stories waiting to be told by somebody who listened, somebody who not just read our story, but danced their fingers against every page and gently kissed every word. As if they wanted more than our beauty, than our love. As if they wanted to hold the ugly pieces of us in their hands and whisper, "How beautiful you must be, to hold all this pain inside of you and remain upright and tall in the face of such ugliness in your soul." But these pieces of us were never ugly, just things we didn't want to love.” - Jemini Paskel
“Magic was never little flickers of fire dancing on the tips of your fingers, or pulling a card from somebody's jacket. It was always love, and it always will be.” - Vishal La’Voila
“My mother was one of the most important people in my life. She saw the thoughts I hide in my eyes, and whenever she pulled me close, I felt a little less transparent. As if I was living rather than breathing.” - Vishal La’Voila
“She once told me that there was no greater magic than the love you feel when somebody tells you, as you're falling apart, "You're not okay, and that's okay. Let your emotions flow through you, feel them as deeply as you can, as if they were your roots digging into the Earth. Because it is that pain that will allow you to later stand tall and sturdy." In life, we all have the choice to write our own stories, to write our own identities. We don't choose who we are, but we choose what we show other people of ourselves. And that's the choice we have to make. To be ourselves and not care what others think, or to shrivel and hide away in fear of the sticks and stones people cast against the broken and different. You're strong either way.” - Vishal La’Voila
“I'll die a hero before I ever live as a villain.” - Lilluth Sillia
“I woke from a dream of smoke and fire, wondering why I could still smell war on the horizon as I rose from my bed. And it was with sorrow I learned that war sat on the edge of peace like a hungry beast, waiting to shove the merciful into it's merciless jaw.” - Lilluth Sillia
 “On the edge of another day I sit, butterfly dancing on the tip of my blade and bringing a small moment of magic to my tired and weathered eyes. The life of a warrior is rarely an easy one, nor is it an un-burdened one. But it's a weight I'm willing to bare. My eyes are tired and heavy, but I find it so hard to sleep. Be it the humming trouble in the cool night air or the blood that sits heavy in my memory, sleep is such a tragic thing for a hero. But as the stars begin to shine, and the moon casts a pale and gentle glow, I must remember the hero is not cruel in her justice.” - Lilluth Sillia
“The peace in me is gone, but it is not, forgotten.” - Haize Dents
“I dare not say their names, lest their ghosts crawl from out my throat and I lose all the things that make me me.” - Haize Dents
“There's a fire in me I cannot tame. It burns hot and blue in my chest, the words I swallow sitting like pale glowing kindling at the bottom of my stomach as my ashes rise from out my rage. I am smoke, and I am fire, anything I ever could've been flickering away as I stare into the dark. But when my eyes catch Stephanie's, this fire in me dwindles down and meets my heart, burning from anger to passion in the span of a single heartbeat.” - Haize Dents
“My heart is a desperate, broken thing, craving for warmth yet flinching as a finger slides across it's cheek. I wish to taste her love on my lips and her rage on my tongue, but I'm scared of the way my heart beats in my sleep like a murder soon to be.” - Haize Dents
“I used to sit on the edge of my bed, who I'm not creeping up the corners of my chest like greedy and rough hands clawing pieces off of me until I could hardly take another step without remembering the boy in the mirror. But I'm me, I'm me, and isn't that such a beautiful thing to be?” - Alexandra Harkol
“My father used to tell me that when pain comes a knocking, you grow with it, you let it walk beside you until the path diverges. And when it goes, you let it go with the shake of a hand and a thank you, for not swallowing me whole. And as my pain becomes just another speck in the sunset, I bid it farewell and thank it for allowing me to grow.” - Alexandra Harkol
“We were all searching for our Neverland on wings that didn't fly, so with our hands and human fingers we hoisted each other to the sky so maybe, just maybe, we could taste the warmth of the sun on the tips of our tongues.” - Alexandra Harkol
“We're not happily ever afters, in truth, there isn't one. But life without death isn't much more than jumping memory to memory, trying to make new ones in pursuit of what the old days felt like.” - Alexandra Harkol
“I used to be so lost in all the sorrow, the pain, the doubt. As if I was a book that got left as an abandoned manuscript, longing for the rest of my words to be read, the rest of my story to be tasted by the tips of fingers young and old as they flipped through the wondrous pages of me. But as I met Bardzimi, and his eyes flickered with some happy ending I'd always wanted to have, I found love where it was never supposed to be. And it was right in front of me all along.” - Ismerelda Sage
“I've learned that as we weep, our emotions drip from the tears and down our cheeks, falling against the soil and planting little seeds of who we were in that moment. And the Earth remembers the taste of our tears against her rough skin. She does.” - Ismerelda Sage
“He cured my scars with words, in places fingers couldn't go. He wanted to know every little secret and every little flaw so he could hold the dark pieces of me in his hands just to claim them beautiful. And what an awfully beautiful thing it must be, to be loved for both your light and your darkness.” - Ismerelda Sage
“The world's become a lost soul, clinging to the memory of what it was. And here we stand like ghosts, loving and living despite the constant remembrance of death.” - Ismerelda Sage
“On the edge of a dead man's blade I met a pale and dark angel, the shadow of her wings looming high and mighty over me. And as I knelt on broken knee, and she placed a clawed hand on my shoulder she whispered that all of me would die.” - Levi Lambright
“My heart opened up like a dying flower.” - Levi Lambright
“Oh I was just a boy of a doomed family, watching my brethren fall like rain from the sky. They shined with a pale and orange light, but just as the sun, they were bound to plummet back into the dark.” - Levi Lambright
“Darkness made a nest in my chest and dared ask, "Whatever happened to the light?” - Levi Lambright
“I have become such a stranger to myself, but I like the way this name tastes on my tongue. It is as if with the first man I killed, part of me fell with his corpse, and another part of me rose as I ripped my blade from out his chest.” - Levi Lambright
“I have replaced my heart with a cage, and that is where I reside.” - Levi Lambright
“I look at myself through transparent, nicotine hazed memories, wondering who I am past the pain of yesterday and tomorrow.” - Eithel
“I try to purge myself of everything I knew about my sister, but as I close my eyes and smoke another breath, I can see her. Like a midnight fire flicker in my mind. It would be cruel, to let her leave my mind, because it's the only place she's allowed to live.” - Eithel
“I try to pour who I am from a bottle of red wine, watching the crimson pour as it splashes against another empty tomb, knowing that no matter what I do, the bottle's gonna refill and I'll get drunk off this ghost I've become.” - Eithel
“She's an uninvited guest in my heart, looking from out my ribs with sorrowful eyes as she tells me she can never leave. And everywhere I look, I see her. She's in the pale and gentle glow of the moon, the flicker of the stars and the falling of light into shadow. She creeps up on every thought and every memory, the cold case she's become haunting my heart as she whispers she's long gone, and I'll never feel her in my arms again. I couldn't protect her, and as I broke my promise, the world must've vowed to kill me as I walk and breathe.” - Eithel
“My mind splits open to reveal all the memories I try to hide, pieces of my skull peeling back as all of me bleeds out into the open.” - Ontari Boneson
“I stare back into the past, looking deep into the empty eyes of a hollow man. He stands and looms over me, whispering that he'll be back, he'll always come back. His knife drips with shattered pieces of me, and here I stand, a person I no longer am.” - Ontari Boneson
“I've got scars etched up my back and spine, bruises growing in my mind as I try to figure out who the hell I am. But as soon as I walk through the door, my scars and memories whisper, "Welcome home." - Ontari Boneson
“My anger lives between the shattered pieces of my mind, chiseling away at my thoughts and memories with hammer and nail.” - Ontari Boneson
“Sometimes we just gotta fight for the light so she knows it's okay to come around.” - Aldia McVale
“I've met cruelty in the eyes of an angel I watched fall. Her smile slowly faded into cruelty, her curiosity turned to death, her fighting spirit to murder. It's perhaps the greatest tragedy of all, to watch good become evil. To watch a girl lose herself to the shadows of those who laid her down in the dirt.” - Aldia McVale
“I've never believed in kill or be killed, I've never believed revenge was the righteous option. And so with my blade in stone, I'll choose words over violence and an open heart over a fighting one. People like us, warriors of words and love can't lose ourselves to the idea that killing can be justified. In truth, it never can be. If I were to kill Olivia and watch her fall in a red pool of her sins and redemption, I'd be no better than those who twisted her starlight into shadows.” - Aldia McVale
“Cruelty lies to us, whispering that redemption can't be found. But if we push cruelty to the side and reach our hand out to love, to hope, to redemption, we'll find the light was always there, waiting to pull us into her motherly embrace and welcome us back into her arms like an old friend. She who walks back into the light after years of darkness is just as worthy as she who's always known the light.” - Aldia McVale
“Being different doesn't mean being bad. In truth, we're all different. No soul is the same. Normal is an illusion built off the idea that we hold all that we are on the outside. But on the inside, there's things that make us special, different, and we never show it. Because we fear taking off our masks as everyone else tells us who we are with plastic smiles and masked faces. I took off that mask a long time ago. My smile's real, my soul is real, and isn't it beautiful? To be real when so many choose to dance with an illusion?” - Akayla Vrizin
“It was as the rain fell, suit and tie clinging to me like skin soaked with sin, I found who I am, the pale light of the moon steadily trickling down the cracks in my heart until all that pumps through my veins was dark.” - Agusto Perwitz
“The love in me lies dead and forgotten somewhere in this crooked tapestry I've become. It slowly decays as weeds and thorns grow from out it's throat, greed and envy choking the good out of me as I take another merry step into the dark.” - Agusto Perwitz
“I've mastered the art of pulling the trigger in silence.” - Agusto Perwitz
“I've got a monster in me. She claws at the edges of my ribs and takes little pieces of my heart to stick between her teeth. And as the memories of the wicked wolves pass through my mind, she claws from out my throat and makes life hell for the cruel.” - Adsila Bloodvallo
“My heart beats slower and slower as I rot away in my cage. But as Tiana takes her hand in mine and tells me I'm no monster, just a fighter, I feel my heart go faster and the monster in me shrivel away for a moment or two.” - Adsila Bloodvallo
“I love Tiana, as if I was fire ever dancing in the midnight sky and she was the stars I try so desperately to reach with my flickers and sparks.” - Adsila Bloodvallo
 “I've spent too long fightin' myself with bare knuckles, breakin' myself down piece by piece just ta build me together again like a rickety and rusted tower, knowin' if I dare remove one shard'a me, this person I am'll come crumblin' down.” - Mavallo Clavelli
“Sometimes, people'll hate you for things ya can't control. And I've learned that's their choice and their misery ta live with. I won't carry the burden of a hateful man on my shoulders, it's a weight he's gotta carry on his own.” - Mavallo Clavelli
“It's been rainin' in this heart of mine for a long time now, but that's the only way the garden's gonna bloom in my chest. Under the clouds of sorrow and the skies of joy, I'll find who I am.” - Mavallo Clavelli
“There ain't no mercy in the war against oneself, cause you gotta walk out the other side yourself, or you're gonna come out the other side'a the war nobody at all.” - Mavallo Clavelli
“He's a victim of cruelty, not cruelty in of itself.” - Eliza McGriffin
“It's not such a cruel thing, to show a monster they were human all along.” - Eliza McGriffin
“I'm in control of the way this heart beats and the ways these emotions echo.” - Eliza McGriffin
“The Earth's letting out her final gasp, and here I am, holding my breath so she can have just a moment of my air.” - Eliza McGriffin
“We're hearts that love and feel with souls that hurt and bleed.” - Eliza McGriffin
“Cruelty takes little pieces of us day by day. Not enough to notice, but as days turn to years they've consumed who we are and there's nothing left of us past the full stomach of cruelty.” - Eliza McGriffin
“I'm my own worst enemy, but perhaps, when I'm not myself... That's a good thing.” - Pamela Vekeltin
“I'll whisper my secrets and sins to the wind in hopes they find a forgiving angel. And as Gabriel holds me in his arms and reminds me I'm more than this blood spilled, I swear the wind found his name.” - Pamela Vekeltin
“I've stood under my own shadow for so long that I hardly remember what light tastes like on my tongue. But as I breathe in the fresh air, the taste of love, hope and a slight tinge of freedom dance on the edge of my tongue, gripping at the edges of my lips with beauty coated fingers and love brushed smiles.” - Pamela Vekeltin
“I just look at my life, I see how much I've changed, how much I've grown, and I realize that who we are doesn't stick around. It wisps away as who we're meant to be comes on by.” - Olivia Wiltfang
“Some people just don't understand life. They take the pain and they turn it into a weapon, claiming strength is found in the swinging of a fist and the shattered edge of who we are. But true strength was always gonna be found in the beautiful vulnerability of love.” - Olivia Wiltfang
“I've got chips off my paint, faded stickers of who I am etching my surface, water stains and scars bared with pride on my hide. But at the end of the day, I'm the same person, hidden behind things that fade with time.” - Olivia Wiltfang
“This person I've become is like cigarette smoke. It brings me some since of peace, for a time, then I cough, I sputter, and this person I am fucking kills me.” - Walter Killgrine
“I hardly make a sound as I begin to fade away, because all my pain goes by unspoken, my sorrow quiet and my rage too loud to fucking bare.” - Walter Killgrine
“I used to have a heart in my chest, but as a dead memory of my past whispered from the shadows, "There's wolves in the dark," my heart jumped from out my chest, running as far as it could from that shadow of a man until it burrowed itself deep into the future of my grave.” - Walter Killgrine
“I'm no kind man. I've pulled triggers without a second thought, killed men for causes I don't believe in, stained my lips with loveless blood and watched good men die. I'm a secret to myself, always discovering new and twisted pieces of me.” - Walter Killgrine
“I've always stood under one shadow or another, be it the darkened sky of my family, the shadow between colored circus lights or the constant remembrance of a man I thought I knew. I've never seen the light, and now more than ever I fear, it would blind me.” - Walter Killgrine
“I cover my traces with pieces of barbed wire insanity, hoping who I used to be doesn't follow me.” - Draco Scoviney
“There are pieces of me that still lust for salvation, but the dark pieces of me drown them out and I lose myself to this woeful shout of insanity.” - Draco Scoviney
“My madness is calm, patient and silent, standing in the edges of my mind and bursting from out my skull like the mad woman's hands, drenched in black and red blood alike.” - Draco Scoviney
“In the castle of unwell minds and broken people, we've found who we truly are. This place stands like a revolver's shadow over peace and sanity, and my friend, we are the bullets piercing the skull of the well as the queen of damnation and madness pulls the hammer back, nails painted in the blood of the holy.” - Draco Scoviney
“I've not been me ever since I tasted my father's blood on my teeth. As he fell, grasping at a ruined throat, I found I liked the way murder tasted on the edge of my tongue.” - Draco Scoviney
“Some men grieve the loss of who they were, but God damn, I rejoice.” - Shakilo Vankelo
“I played a game of chance with my demons, and as I stand here, straightening my blood stained tie, a smile on the edge of my lip, who do ya think won?” - Shakilo Vankelo
“Before I go howlin' into the night, I'll raise a little hell and watch little pieces of heaven fall like fucked up masterpieces from the sky.” - Shakilo Vankelo
“I am the coinsurer of my own destruction.” - Shakilo Vankelo
“They never used ta speak my name, but now they howl it like a scar on the tip'a their damn tongue.” - Shakilo Vankelo
“I ripped myself apart piece by shattered piece until nothing but my heart remained. And as it looked for somewhere to run, I squashed it under my heel.” - Shakilo Vankelo
“The poor man dies under the rich man's boot, the rich man strives in the poor man's sorrow.” - Barsbley Martman
“Where all the cobwebs used to be, she's built a tapestry of her love, building reasons for me to live with flowers and daffodils in my chest.” - Barsbley Martman
“I've stood under the shadow of cruel men's riches for too long, always yearning for the heat of Summer as I stood cold in the winter. But as Lucienne brushes her lips against mine, I feel a sudden Spring in my chest, followed quickly by a calm and quiet Summer, lived under the light and shadow of sunflowers and rain dripping gardens.” - Barsbley Martman
“There is no greater trouble then the kind that lives in man.” - Barsbley Martman
“The most dangerous thing about the cruel man, is that he looks just like the good man. He's stitched kindness into his smile and learned how to pretend to be human. But at the end of the day, he was never human, just evil hiding in the vessel of a man.” - Barsbley Martman
“At the end of the day, I must wonder who I'll be. Because I spend my days in constant change, different people flowing through me as I grasp at the illusion of my identity.” - Barsbley Martman
“My whole life it seems I've been grasping at something that was never there, some cure to life that'd leave me content and full with imaginings and beauties. But I'm lost in a dream I had when I was young, and ever since, I haven't opened my eyes.” - Sasha Sunblume
“She's broken pieces in my memory, and as I whisper her name to an empty and colorful sky, I swear it's her tears I see in the rain.” - Sasha Sunblume
“I've been kicked out of my own heart and mind, clawing at things that aren't me and shoving them down my throat in order to be somebody else. But these pieces of other people grow like black rot and weeds in my stomach, breaking me down into a beautiful garden of black petal memories and decaying thoughts of yesterday.” - Sasha Sunblume
“With all the miles I've walked, I haven't gone anywhere at all.” - Sasha Sunblume
“I used to dance on a tightrope, wondering when my sorrow would send me plummeting toward my concrete doubts, clawing at air with tears and misery in my eyes. But now here I stand, having fallen and survived, knowing sometimes, that the fall's just your rebirth in disguise. How beautiful it is, to fall, breaking apart into somebody new as you hit the edge of your doubts and come out the other side of your misery the person you were always meant to be.” - Chala Flitfair
“I've got blood on the edge'a my snarl and darkness brewing in the edges of my eyes, but despite that, I gotta fight who I am and become somebody better.” - Sherwood Stinson
“I never had the chance ta live. I was born a boy'a the streets, hidin' under the shadow'a chance and misery. And as my brother and I fell from our own grace with the swingin' of a single crowbar, we lost who we were. As if we played a game of Russian Roulette with our demons, only for them ta laugh as we pulled the trigger 'gainst our skulls with a fully loaded chamber.” - Sherwood Stinson
“I look ta the sky, wonderin' as it rains, if it's my father's tears splashin' 'gainst my cheeks. I never had a chance to meet the man with a smile that could light up the corners of the world and a trench coat worn in the memory of my brother. But I can't help but imagine, when I bring this hammer down, he wouldn't be proud of this man I am.” - Sherwood Stinson
“Love and life are lived in the blink of an eye, so don't dare go blind to yourself, cause all the beautiful things in life'll pass you by.” - Elwood Sparrvitz
“My life was fraught with trouble and misery until I stumbled into the bar, smoke on my breath, the scent of trouble rising up from the bar's wooden floorboard. It was there, in a place of misery and part time sorrows I met the love'a my life, and God damn, life ain't never been so beautiful. I look inta Sandie's eyes and I see a life worth livin', a love worth fightin' for. And when I hear the laughter'a my children, I know I've found home in the hearts'a love an' family.” - Elwood Sparrvitz
“I was livin' five miles from myself, stumblin' and hitchhikin' on a road that weren't mine. And as I threw my thumb up, pointed at the stormy sky, a woman stopped by my side and asked if I needed a ride. And as we drove off inta the distant horizon, I met myself once more.” - Elwood Sparrvitz
“My home reeked of death painted on old scarred wallpaper, and under the silver shadow of my father, I learned what it is, to die. Death comes in many forms, and it isn't always a scythe she uses to reap. With human fingers and beastly eyes she comes for us in the form of those we know, greeting us with a smile so wicked and a song so gentle, lulling the lost ones to their eternal sleep in the emptiness of their lives.” - Calzell Flickerfeid
“I can hardly escape my mind, but I can say with certainty that I've escaped who I am.” - Calzell Flickerfeid
“It was in the white walls of an old mental ward I met who I'd become, sipping on the darkness I knew too well. And with a blank and hazed stare I can say, my mind never left that mental ward.” - Calzell Flickerfeid
“Away from myself I fell, drifting through emptiness and fate, death reaping little pieces of me as they broke from off my figure. And as I closed my eyes and accepted this new, violent identity of me, I awoke in a field of hay and wheat, night sky hungry, a blood washed knife held gentle in my hand. And by my side, covered in crimson smiles and wounds, I found me, staring blankly and hazed into the abyss of night and madness.” - Calzell Flickerfeid
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caediteos · 4 years
startling bella is like catching a deer in the headlights except it’s the car that should be afraid.
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caediteosa · 7 years
bellatrix lestrange is a sight. i’m just saying that she’s a sight.
she’s not a classic beauty, not a conventional one, i guess some people wouldn’t even call her beautiful. she’s got an aristocratic slim nose and sharp features, high cheekbones, hollow cheeks and sharply shaped lips, a very prominent cupid’s bow. a sharp jawline. hooded eyes, round, a little slanted, irisses the same color as her pupils. long lashes. brows as dark as her hair. maybe she used to look sweet but she’s grown out of that phase a long time ago. she does not, under any circumstance, look innocent.
her hair is long, and when i say long i mean she can sit on it. long and thick and a deep deep black. it’s probably her prettiest asset, shiny and wavy and well-cared for. 
she’s not very tall, only about 5′6″/5′7″, but she’s got this aura that makes up for her lack of length. intimidating, not to be messed with. 
she’s a slim woman with a bit of a pear-shaped figure, slim waist, wider hips, breasts fitting her body-type, a great ass. she’s got longer legs in comparison to her body. prominent collarbones. small, pierced ears.
muscles are mostly developed in her legs and arms, she’s a quick person, not a strong one. her right arm is her dominant side, same goes for her leg. she can be physically overpowered pretty easily, though she might just be a little too quick for you if you don’t act fast enough. 
various scars along her body, none too distinguished, most on her legs or her arms, faint white lines against her already pale skin. received in battles and trainings and some of her more nsfw escapades. she likes the sight of it. is kinda proud of it really. like trophies. she gets freckles on the bridge of her nose if she spends too much time in the sun.
small hands, small feet, long fingers and long toes. she always manicures her nails to too sharp points. 
uses coal liner on her eyes, red on her lips. 
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caediteos · 4 years
tag drop 2/3 - relationships & other
( BELLADOLPHUS.) each the other’s world entire.
( BELLAMORT. ) his fingers lace a crown.
( ANDROMEDA. ) she’s half of my soul as the poets say.
( BLACK FAMILY. ) toujours pur.
( SISTERS. ) sometimes the memories sneak out of my eyes and roll down my cheeks.
( NARCISSA. ) you know me better than i ever realized---and still love me.
( RAM. ) i’d probably still adore you with your hands around my neck.
( SIRIUS. ) how do you grieve someone who is still alive?
( REGULUS. ) forge your own path and prepare to light your own pyre.
( LESTRANGE FAMILY. ) caedite eos. novit enim dominus qui sunt eius.
( ABOUT BELLATRIX. ) there is much more to learn about the wicked witch.
( ALT FC. ) I am wrath ; I am ruination.
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caediteosa · 7 years
a list of small headcanons i never really wrote down i think or probably mentioned once or twice:
while referencing to her parents, she’ll say mother/father. addressing them, however, she will always say “mama” or “papa” which in my mind is meant to be ‘refined/french/etc’ and simply how she was raised i suppose
bella suffers from claustrophobia (which gets worse during/after azkaban) and later suffers a fear of abandonment (thanks for that andy). 
bella’s first wand has a name, and that’s Kharis, which means grace.
bella spends a shitton of time taking care of her hair, which is a noticeable change to bella post-azkaban. it’s very long and shiny and thick and she’s very proud of her hair.
bella can’t hold her liquor. she only needs a few glasses before she’ll start acting tipsy/drunk. (imagine the amount of times rodolphus had to bring her home before she’d embarrass herself).
bella mothers over both her sisters and her cousins.
bella is much more of a morning person than a night owl!
bella has an extreme sweet tooth! she’ll especially not drink her regular morning coffee unless there’s a ton of sugar in there.
bella plays the piano. she’s in no way a child prodigy or like spectacular, but i think it’s part of pureblood education and she does enjoy it, though after azkaban she’s forgotten how to play.
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caediteosa · 7 years
if you think bella would not teach her sisters/cousins how to defend themselves as much as possible than you’re wrong. are they soldiers/prodigious fighters like her? by no means, but bella would not leave them defenseless during a war.
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caediteosa · 7 years
i’m watching alias grace and grace is all panicky about getting her period for the first time and mary is explaining it and: “some call this eve’s curse, but i think that is stupid, because the real curse of eve was having to put up with the nonsense of adam.” and if that isn’t something bella would tell her sisters...
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caediteosa · 7 years
a great time to remind y’all that my daughter’s patronus is a runespoor, aka a three-headed snake, and depending on which time in her life, it symbolizes her and her sisters / her and the lestrange brothers :) :) :)
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caediteosa · 7 years
Headcanon: Before Tom Riddle swaned in, what were Bella's dreams and aspirations?
headcanon questions | always accepting | @severelysnapped
oh queen of the universe, empress of the solar system, that kinda teen girl stuff :D
okay no this is a good question and something i hardly ever pay much mind to? bella obviously is naturally ambitious but i feel like a lot of her ideas on the future were… forced on her? like in my mind there’s pureblood culture, and especially for a big house such as the house of Black, there are expectation you need to adhere to, especially as a woman? (incredibly sexist if you think about it, but like, i don’t think the wizarding community didn’t suffer from sexism and racism and discrimination beyond that which we see in the books—-by which i mean discrimination against halfbloods and muggleborns and werewolves and all. like everyday issues in our world are also things at play in the wizarding community—–but i suppose that’s a different story lmao ANOTHER DAY PERHAPS)
But yeah anyway, i guess as far as ambition goes, she thought herself to…. become a good matriarch? she had… I guess ideas of what she could be, like idk an active researcher of magical artifacts? someone who’d go out into the field to find these things? or someone working with magical creatures? but in her mind they were nothing more than “wouldn’t it be cool if…” matters, things that would never really happen but were fun to think about. in her mind she’d do what every woman in her family must do and that is to continue the pureblood lines. and it’s not like this was something she hated, she wanted children, but i think that if tom riddle never, yknow, swanned in, she would have become restless and…. hm, caused a riot of her own, or a scandal. 
it’s almost 4:30 am, i hope this made some kind of sense lmao. 
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caediteosa · 7 years
hc + tonks
headcanon questions! | always accepting | @slahtiz
ok so this is going to be interesting! i used to play ted and i do play nymphadora, myself, so most of what i’m going to say is going to go along with that, plus what me and @bloodtraitorisms have got going on for a backstory on the sisters.
if there is anyone in the world bella loves more than her own life, it’s andromeda. bella loves andromeda (and narcissa, but we ain’t talking about that today) to the point that it is most definitely toxic. the sisters were very young when they lost their mother, and it came down to bella to try as hard as she could to somewhat fill that spot, in terms of being a rock for her sisters, a shoulder to cry on, someone they could trust. it was most definitely hard, and the sisters’ relationship with their father didn’t really help, but the thing with andromeda specifically is that SHE was the one person who seemed to have full faith in bella, who loved her unconditionally, for all her faults and mishaps and who was considerate and tender and caring, ALWAYS. i tend to think that if soulmates exist, andromeda would be bella’s.
that all being said, it all goes extremely wrong when it becomes clear andromeda spends a lot of time with a muggleborn, ted tonks. bella repeatedly calls her out on it, because such behavior is unheard of, and she cares! but to little avail. it causes a rift between the sisters, mistrust and secrecy and i feel like bella’s heart started to break already at this point.
now fast forward to a few years later, bella finds out andromeda has taken off with this muggle born. the rage that follows is all-consuming, bella is a mess. she breaks every mirror and shiny surface in the house until her hands bleed and has to be physically pulled away from the windows, because she can’t stand to see the sight of her own face, as she sees only andromeda and her betrayal. 
despite this hurt, bella is still rather optimistic. andromeda only ran away with the mudblood, right? if bella could just persuade her to come back, if bella could get her hands on the mudblood.... she could kill him, and she’d get her sister back, right?
but then, and here’s the part where i’ll finally starts talking about tonks, nymphadora is born. she finds out via someone, maybe her husband picked it up somewhere, perhaps walburga heard it, perhaps she read it in the daily prophet or maybe narcissa confesses andromeda had been writing her, i’m not too sure. either way, she finds out, and this time, the pain is icy. she’s numb. she feels like, if losing her sister the first time was like a limb being cut off, spending years with the ghost of that limb and its sensations, then this is what it feels like to have your soul split apart.
she knew, right then and there, that the muggleborn had taken her sister away forever, that andromeda would never be coming back.
so what happens is that, while bella despises ted tonks, she absolutely loathes this baby girl. why? not because of who she is, what she can do or even her blood status, but of what, symbolically, her existence means to bella’s life. symbolically, nymphadora is the reason why bella lost her soulmate. why bella never succeeded in quite feeling whole again, like she lost the single most important thing in her life and all of her pain and sorrow and anger just bundles up together in this all-consuming frustration and rage aimed towards this little girl who has never done her any wrong.
i could talk on and on about the werewolf comment voldemort sends her way in the book, and how that most definitely didn’t help dora’s odds, but while it’s definitely significant to bella’s resolve to make killing dora a very personal matter, it wasn’t the only nor the most important reason.
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caediteosa · 7 years
hc + dying
headcanon questions! | always accepting | @slahtiz
so hp kind of has a very unique thing going on with death, right? meaning the deathly hallows aka the tale of the three brothers, sacrificing one self for love and literally trying to escape or master death by making yourself immortal via horcruxes (looking at you, timmy riddlediddle) or using the sorcerer/philosopher stone (still looking at you, loldemort).
the thing with bella, i think is that she romanticizes death. she’s scarily fascinated by it. she is perfectly aware that she is very mortal, herself, and she doesn’t really mean to change that fact. in fact, i think she’s very content with the idea of one day dying. by HER terms, that is. which is illogical and unrealistic and where the romanticizing comes in.
when she thinks of death, she mostly thinks of her being the cause of it, like some kind of angel of death. some kind of terrific sight at the very end of your life. at the very same time, when considering her own death, it is never an accident. it is something you could almost call noble—-she’ll die fighting, with her teeth bared, for a cause she believes in. that is not to say she will recklessly run into yknow, death’s embrace because she will want it to be meaningful. she wants it to be for a good reason, a whole “if i die to fight, this will further the cause because let’s say, i take down this particular enemy with me.” she’d contemplate it, think how exactly this will benefit matters, and if it doesn’t, you bet she will fight like hell to get out of there. no “silly” sacrificial gryffindor deaths, no, it will help further matters or she’s just not going to die!
that is the extent of what she’s thought about on death.
her actual death is, by comparison, something she did not expect, and something she clearly did not plan. i feel like her mindset after azkaban is so warped that death isn’t really something she even considered anymore AT ALL. it happened really quickly and really spontaneously, and i feel like, in those few seconds between laughing, seeing the spell leave molly’s wand, slip under her arm and hit bella to the point she actually was dead on the floor (NOT EXPLODED, GOD DAMMIT MOVIES), she felt kind of disconnected already? like she was already gone, and molly had hit the shell of a woman.
i believe bella post-azkaban was a woman retreated so far into her own soul that what people saw was a defence mechanism, the wisps of memories and thoughts of a woman who’s every bit of happiness was sucked right from her soul and left her so hurt and so confused that this “mad” exterior was how she coped. it was fairly easy for her to let go because whatever was waiting for her felt less empty and confusing than the shell that was her own body. 
i think, the concept of death started as a myth in her mind and ended as an escape to freedom.
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caediteosa · 7 years
RULES:   repost ,   don’t reblog .   tag some ppl if you want to ,   i guess ? TAGGED BY:  @motherdcarest
NAME:   Bellatrix Lestrange née Black ALIAS(ES):   Bella, Bells, Trix (if you have a deathwish) GENDER:   female AGE:   between 20/30 (verse dependent, can be older or younger) DATE OF BIRTH: september 21, 1951 OCCUPATION:   deatheater
EYE COLOR:  dark brown HAIR COLOR:   black HEIGHT:   5′7 SCARS:   likely a few scars due to magic BURNS:   none OVERWEIGHT:   no   UNDERWEIGHT:   no
COLOR:   purple HAIR COLOR:  black EYE COLOR:  blue SONG: perhaps some swing? MOVIE:   n/a TV SHOW:   n/a   FOOD:   spicy food, not really a preference DRINK:   coffee and wine BOOK:     poetry
PASSED UNIVERSITY:  no, she had her N.E.W.T.S though HAD SEX:   yes HAD SEX IN PUBLIC:  yes GOTTEN PREGNANT:  yes KISSED A BOY:   yes KISSED A GIRL:   depends on verse GOTTEN TATTOOS:   yes GOTTEN PIERCINGS:   besides her ears, no HAD A BROKEN HEART:   no  BEEN IN LOVE:   yes STAYED UP FOR MORE THAN 24 HOURS:   yes
██▒   ARE THEY
A VIRGIN:   no A KISSER:   yes SCARED EASILY:  no JEALOUS EASILY:  no TRUSTWORTHY:  dependent on who is trusting her DOMINANT:   9 out of 10 times SUBMISSIVE:   maybe to rodolphus and the dark lord IN LOVE:  yes SINGLE:   no
██▒   FAMILY
SIBLINGS:  narcissa and andromeda PARENTS:   Cygnus III Black and Druella Rosier CHILDREN:   apparently delphini but not in my canon PETS:   a cat named bastet
TAGGING: whoever is reading this!
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