bravesung · 3 months
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( soverina. ) ––––– ‘ soooo… word on the street is that you have a special someone in your life. when am i meeting him and when are we double dating ~ ? ’ / unprompted.
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❛   miss  peach,  ❜   upon  hearing  her  voice  you  turn  on  chunky  heels  ,  glossed  lips  a  soft  smile  as  tinges  of  red  paint  your  cheeks  ,  unable  to  shield  the  blush  that  has  crept  up  on  your  face.  your  cheek  rests  on  the  open  palm  of  your  hand  ,  eyes  coming  to  a  close.  
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❛   yes.  I  have  a  boyfriend.   ❜   admitting  it  out  loud  made  your  heart  skip  and  created  butterflies  in  your  stomach   –––   day  by  day  ,  you  were  falling  more  and  more  in  love  with  him  and  you’re  more  than  glad  to  relinquish  that  thought.   ❛  his  name  is  rock.  I  met  him  through  my  best  friend  sachiko  .  .  .  miss  peach  ,  he  is  so  sweet.  he  can  be  shy  ,  but  is  also  very  funny  and  wonderful  to  talk  to.  we  have  been  seeing  eachother  for  quite  a  while  now  .  .  .  i’d  love  for  you  and  mister  lars  to  meet  him  soon.   ❜       
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hermionesterrier · 6 years
More Than Human: Chapter 6 Liveblog!
The Professor going all overprotective!Dad I’M CACKLING. IF ONLY YOU KNEW PROFESSOR HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. This is a running gag throughout the story AND I LOVE IT!
What the hell is beach blanket bingo? O.o
Awww Bubbles is still waving back that cutie
....and then jumping right into bikini mode BAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Be more obvious Blossom. I dare you.
Butch snorted. “Naw, he’s here. Wandering around the beach, all ‘dark and lonely as a cloud,’ or some shit like that.” BUTCH QUOTING A WILLIAM WORDSWORTH POEM LIKE W H A T HOW THO
A small part of me wants to know what the Greens were drawing in the sand. A very small part.
The wind whipped Brick’s open shirt around him as he walked. LMFAO you can totally tell how much fun SBJ had writing this chapter hehehehe.
Flirting face? That was flirting?? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA      
Warning: A polite Butch makes another appearance.       
Oh my god stay away from the food Blossom no one needs food poisoning or the fire department.
Poor Boomer drooling all over the burgers hahahaha
Brick issued her a weird look. She rolled her eyes and stood up, and in a blur of blue Brick was at the grill with the tongs in his hand. He blinked. “What the-” “Get grillin’,” Bubbles chirped, guiding his hand to flip over the patties. Boomer looked distraught at the physical contact. “Hey! First you take my burger duties and now you take my girl?” "I didn’t think I was anybody’s girl,” Bubbles said innocently. “You can have her,” Brick muttered under his breath. All the same, he didn’t bat her hand away. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I love how Bubbles just does not care what Brick thinks or wants she just takes control and forces him to follow suit. Bubbles/Brick 5ever <3        
All the little Bubbles/Brick moments *_* MY HEART IS SINGING         
“Of course you have a choice,” Brick scoffed. “You choose to be a dirty hippie and not eat meat.” Bubbles pouted. “I’m not dirty.” “Wouldn’t object to it,” Boomer said under his breath. "Was that a sex joke?” Blossom asked, narrowing her eyes at him. “Did you just make a sex joke at my sister?” I’m lmfao @ Bubbles being bothered because of the dirty part and not caring about the rest xD Also, protective!Blossom yayyyy :D
All the guys waiting for the moment        
Even BRICK is ogling Buttercup like HAH! 
“Dude.” He gasped. “Buttercup, your arms are so cut I’m not even staring at your tits.” BEST. PICKUP. LINE. IN. THE. HISTORY. OF. EVER. 
Blossom having to literally get banned from home ec tho xD      
I will always always always LOVE how expertly SBJ combines humor with well-placed exaggeration. It’s so fucking hard to get comedy right on paper but this whole story is COMEDY GOLD…especially this chapter.    
A bit O.o and not totally convinced Blossom could ever beat Buttercup in a sport tbh.   
And the tables have turned AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA     
“Hey!” Boomer cried. “I don’t have a shirt on, either!” “Good for you.” Bubbles said cheerfully. Boomer didn’t seem comforted by this. Poor Boomer xD 
Brick gaped at her. “You owe me a new shirt!” “We can go get one now.” Buttercup said without skipping a beat. “Want to?” So Buttercup and Butch have more in common than you’d think xD   
Buttercup perked up. “Yes, volleyball. Some hot, sweaty volleyball. Doesn’t that sound refreshing?” Something clicked in Butch’s brain. “Hey! Cut that out!” “What? I’m just saying-” “You’re not allowed to find my brother hot!” "Excuse me?” Blossom lowered her hat and glared. “Who are you to cast stones?” Very valid point, Blossom. Also, LOL @ that “something” that suddenly clicked in Butch’s brain.
“Buttercup!” Butch snapped. “His fucking face is up here!” “Yeah, that’s cool.” she said distractedly, not staring at his face at all. “Faces are cool. I’ve got one of those.” LMFAO YEA FACES ARE COOL BUT ABS ARE BEAUTIFUL SO SHHHH. And Butch being so obviously pissed off the second Buttercup started showing her blatant lust over Brick is everythinggggg :D
Holy shit Brick’s gonna blow a fuse after this fight’s over
I know Brick wants the fighter destroyed because of the data it could collect on him and his brothers but is he also trying to...protect the girls?
Blossom’s suspicious
....or not
“Butch, fire,” he said, and in a blast of green there was nothing but ash between Blossom’s hands. Butch is Brick’s to-go-to guy.
So Brick can basically do anything and everything right? Sure...
Damn that was...harsh. Who the fuck is Darius? And why do I already miss the previous JS even though he was never really physically introduced in the story?
Leave it to Brick to be the only one who’s miserable that they’re staying xD
Bubbles/Buttercup sisterly moment awwww <3
D’awww @ Buttercup and Bubbles already missing the boys.
He took her to fucking Hawaii. To talk. On their surfboards. In the middle of the ocean. AT FUCKING SUNSET. BE STILL MY BEATING HEART BECAUSE THIS SCENE IS EVERYTHING.
LOL @ the total inner PANIC!! mode Buttercup goes into when she thinks Butch wants to tell her he likes her. Been there girl. I feel ya.
Can we all just take a moment to appreciate how Butch is the first of the boys to tell their counterpart that they work for Evil Corp? THAT’S how much he trusts her. BABIES.
“So what are you going to do about it?” he asked, his gaze as dark as the night sky. Now there was light in them, though. Funny how his eyes wouldn’t reflect sunlight, but moonlight lit them up something fierce. Funny how you keep noticing his eyes, Buttercup :’) *whistles innocently*
Blues are too cute walking on the beach holding hands *_*
“That’s really cool.” “Yeah?” Butch’s voice drifted along the water, gentler than the waves that rocked them. Their hands floated close enough to touch, but neither reached for the other. GENTLER THAN THE WAVES AND CLOSE ENOUGH TO TOUCH I AM SCREAMING OH MY GODDDDD!!!!!!
"Hey, you can’t tell anybody else,” he suddenly said. "What do you think I am, stupid?” she scoffed. “Don’t worry about it. I got you.” He raised himself up on his elbows to stare at her. She kept her eyes on the sky, and, after a while, he laid back down. A second later he kicked her board over, sending her rolling into the water, and he laughed as she sputtered and snarled and dragged him in after her. Her “I got you” is so genuine and trusting that it actually makes Butch stop and stare. STOP AND STARE. And the next thing he does? In typical Butch fashion, he ruins the moment by doing something dumb. That’s not because he’s Butch and that’s what he does but it’s because it’s Butch and he’s shocked that she isn’t beating his ass or flying off to tell her sisters and she actually just gets him and it’s nice. That’s why he ruins the moment. Because it’s nice and he’s not used to having nice things or nice moments or normal (kinda) functioning relationships with anyone. I AM EATING THIS UP LIKE CANDY OKAY.
Yup, Blossom is definitely suspicious.
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