#( I think in her original backstory Sean was the one who brought her into the gang but now it's Dutch's doing so )
Cassie: haha what's a joke
Sean: I'm about to reinvent the idea of a joke to the rich socialite ;))))
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shmaptainwrites · 3 years
Dear Mom [Aaron Hotchner]
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Characters: Aaron Hotchner
Summary: Aaron finds himself visiting his mother’s resting place
Warnings: mentions of child abuse, mentions of domestic assault, angst, sadness, death
A/N: So I originally wasn’t going to write a something for the prompt today (which is backstory) but I couldn’t help myself and I just kind of spat this out, apologies in advance for the hurt :(
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Aaron always made a point to rarely talk about family at work. Family conversations brought a familiar discomfort to him, reminding himself of the days he lied so smoothly only to come back to cold home.
In the end, it always felt better to avoid it.
When Jack would ask him about his grandpa and grandma, Aaron stuck with the happy details, which meant he always talked a lot about his mom.
If he closed his eyes tight enough, he could still smell the freshly baked pies in the oven, feel her delicate arms wrapped around his awkward and lanky frame, he could feel her right there with him.
Telling Jack these stories helped him remember the good, but also the bad.
They worked hand in hand, like a scale. As Aaron’s father always liked to say, for every action there was an equal opposite reaction. And most times, the action was something Aaron or his mother did to appease his father’s wishes only to have him, the opposite reaction, repay them with bruises, black eyes, and bloodied lips.
When Sean was born, ten-year-old Aaron feared for the well-being of his baby brother, but came to learn that the young boy would be shielded from whatever he and his mother had to endure.
He would be lying if he said a small part of him didn’t resent him, because Sean got the father Aaron always dreamed of having.
He remembered the way his mother protected Sean, and Aaron thought that maybe once his father died, she’d finally be able to breathe, but instead she froze.
She’d spent so long under his hand, flinching with his every move, and now she didn’t know how to function without him.
And once Aaron married Haley and realized his mother would never be able to move forward he drifted, both from her and Sean, trying to distance himself from a life he wanted to forget and trying to desperately grasp onto the good memories, however fleeting they were.
He wasn’t entirely sure what brought him to the cemetery that cloudy afternoon, hands shoved deep in his jacket pockets as he looked up at the headstone.
Loving Mother, Sister, and Wife
It made him swallow thickly, thinking of the inscription on Haley’s headstone, worded exactly the same, placed in the exact same spot.
Both of them had died without even having the chance to live their lives to the fullest. Taken away by a man who only knew violence.
He carefully squatted down, allowing himself to sit on the slightly damp grass, wrapping his arms around his legs.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled, his voice muffled by the sleeve of his jacket. “I…um I keep breaking my promises to you,”
He waited, almost as if he was expecting a response, wanting to hear the voice of his mother echo in his ears. Wanting to hear her tell him it was okay even though it never was.
“I promised I’d protect you, and you promised me that too. But I guess maybe it was just something we’d say to make ourselves feel better,”
His eyes flicked up to the sky as he felt one or two drops of rain fall against his forehead, sighing quietly before continuing.
“I promised I’d stay, but as soon as I had the chance I ran away. I-I ran away from dad, but in the end I ran away from you too,”
He pressed his lips together tightly, feeling his teeth dig into his own skin as he tried to keep his emotions at bay.
“And Sean-,” his voice trembled. “I tried mom, I tried so hard, but he kept pushing and pushing so I stopped. I stopped and now he’s going to prison,”
He balled his fists, knuckles becoming white as the rain started to pour down.
“I think about you. All the time,” he whispered. “And I tell Jack, all of the happy memories. L-Like when you taught me how to make grandma’s favourite pie and I misread the recipe and put 8 sticks of butter instead of 8 tablespoons,” he chuckled softly to himself through the tears, running down his face. “I think about you mom, even though I…I wasn’t here when you left,”
He reached a hand forward, brushing up against the headstone as his tears mixed with the rain blurred his vision.
“I’m sorry I let you down mama,” his voice cracked as he spoke, tattered and broken. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,”
And all it did was make Aaron remember, that in the end, it always felt better to avoid it.
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jeffchats · 2 years
Livestream Recap June 11, 2022.
He talks about some cancellations and replacements (Ryan Garcia cancelled and will be replaced by Sean O’Malley.) Talks about other things that are coming out with Tana and Mike.
He talks about how he addressed the issues with the last podcast on the new podcast. He apologizes for the autism episode and said he received messages about the autism episode. He was debating if he should delete the podcast and he got a message from his mom saying she loved the episode, Jeff had an uncle who had cerebral palsy. His mom says Steven is an idiot.
Talks about how he posted an Instagram story and then Todd posted one with similar captions. Talks about how he looks fast af when he wears those ugly glasses, lol. He is going to make his own version of those sunglasses. Merch is suppose to drop soon (orange hat, hot hits tshirt, hoodie and sweatsuit, classic jeff barbershop tshirt free shirt for godfathers but you have to pay shipping).
Talks about some UFC tonight with Valentina vs ???
They’re working on a documentary surrounding about the BTS with his products.
Jeff shares some of his music on his playlist. When he hears a song, he Shazams it, adds it to his playlist, listens to it for a week and he’s over it. He shows Running Up the Hill song from Stranger Things, Talking Heads, Iris by Goo Goo Dolls, Pusha T, and he goes on about how he hasn’t updated it.
Nerf peed on Oscars gear backpack that he just got. He left it on the floor.
Jeff hasn’t had many seizure scares.
He mentions that he hasn’t been on Tumblr since he brought it up but other people bring it to him who check it. He talks about how we are giving him a hard time about Georgie but she really wants to get him off all drugs and she doesn’t want him to do any drugs. He smokes weed sometimes but he went a week without it. “I know not everyone knows too much about her and I tried to share too much, she’s more of a private person. I learned my lesson from having a public relationship, not saying that we are boyfriend and girlfriend but you know I don’t even want to get that out there before it fucks anything up. I like that she’s been helping me out with my mental health and learning just help do exercises to fix my mind and not fucking drugs because for a while I was taking klonopin when I was stressed out and Ambien at night. It’s just not good man…straight up no more drugs for me…or who knows. I just got a bar of mushroom chocolates from my boy and it looks good.”
Georgie doesn’t match his intensity if everyday life, she thinks he’s nuts because when they went to Laguna he was running 10 miles a day on the beach but he loved it. She does exercise and hike but no one matches his intensity.
StevenWillDoIt assistant Dmed Steven and he got to his head and that’s all he would talk about on the Miami trip so Jeff had to check him.
Talks about Connor McGregor and his injury. Jeff mentions taking some stuff to help heal his eye and rebuild his muscle.
They lost their weatherman, he threw a fit and he’s done. He was jealous they were hanging out with Steven too much and he was upset. He’ll be back after his “little bitch fit”. Weather segment beef became real. Ryan is smart, talented, and he’s well-rounded. Jeff likes having him on the team.
Jeff has good days and bad days. He is excited for the UFC tonight. Vinnie Hacker episode there was a sponsor but that original sponsor went broke so he’s waiting for new sponsor to replace before Youtube. But it’s on Patreon and that’s “all he cares about..the cult”.
Talks about how people were upset he kissed Steven ???, he says it was acting. There was no tongue. He talks about the backstory of how the kiss came to be about. Steven pulled Jeff’s ass in for a more kiss and Jeff said that it wasn’t going to work with the joke.
He says he loves the support but sometimes gets stressed out with everyone checking him.
Jeff has been wearing shirts on his runs, doesn’t wear sunscreen yet, he got health insurance (Blue Cross), he’s going to make an appointment to get his questionable mole removed so he can be cancer free.
He did the Geiko show because it was Oscar’s idea.
Talks about maybe getting a PO Box for people to send gifts.
They sold out almost all of their hair products, they did 10,000 of each. New products ready in about a month.
He wasn’t in the mood to shoot when everyone cancelled and he felt like a loser. At the end of the day, he feels better when he comes in and shoots. He gets things done and is ahead of the schedule.
He is really passionate about his hair products and stuff.
People give suggestions about different quizzes he can do.
Someone mentions like a run meet up, hike, etc. Jeff wants to do it too.
Nerf is hanging in there and pissing on anything and everything.
He would love Doja Cat on the podcast but on paper Jeff isn’t the cleaniest guy.
Favorite G-Unit song is Eye for an Eye and then says theres too many.
He thinks Austin Butler is cool but a lil try hard.
He says things are complicated in terms of missing Todd and no communication is hard. He has them on mute and not unfollowed. He just didn’t want to see them partying and shit so he’s avoiding it and not looking at it. He doesn’t have beef with everybody but they’re all a pack and a cult of their own so it is what it is. He has good people in his life and it is weird when you cut out 80% of the people he use to hang out with.
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Press/Gallery: How Elizabeth Olsen Brought Marvel From Mainstream to Prestige
“The thing I love about being an actor is to fully work with someone and try so hard to be at every level with them, chasing whatever it is you need or want from them.”
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Studio Photoshoots > 2021 > Session 008 Magazine Scans > 2021 > Backstage (August 19)
Backstage: Elizabeth Olsen grins widely over video chat when recalling many such moments on set with her co-stars. Yet, she can’t bring herself to divorce such a lofty vision of film acting from the technical multitasking it requires. The camera sees all.
“But then you move your hair, and you’re in your brain, like: OK, remember that! Because I don’t want to edit myself out of a shot. I know some actors are like, ‘Continuity, shmontinuity!’ But the good thing about continuity is, if you remember it, you’re actually providing yourself with more options for the edit.”
That need to balance being both inside the scene and outside of it, fully living it and yet constantly visualizing it on a screen, feels particularly apt in light of Olsen’s most recent project, “WandaVision.”
The mysteries at the heart of the show grow with every episode, each fast-forwarding to a different decade: Could this 1950s, black-and-white, “filmed in front of a studio audience” newlyweds bit be a grief-stricken dream? Might this ’70s spoof be a powerful spell gone awry? Could this meta take on mockumentary comedies be proof that the multiverse is finally coming to the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
The series’ structure, which branches out to include government agents intent on finding out why Westview has seemingly disappeared, calls for the entire cast to play with a mix of genres, balancing a shape-shifting tone that culminates in an epic, MCU-style conclusion. What’s key—and why the show struck a chord with audiences during its nine-episode run—is the miniseries’ commitment to grounding its initial kooky setups and its later special effects-driven spectacle in heartbreaking emotional truths. It’s no small feat, though it’s one that can often be taken for granted.
“I was thinking how hard it would have been to have shot the first ‘Lord of the Rings,’ ” Olsen muses. “Like, you’re putting all these actors [into the frame] later and at all these different levels. All the eyelines are completely unnatural. And yet the performances are fantastic! And technically, they are so hard. People forget sometimes that these things are really technically hard to shoot. And if you are moved by their performance, that took a lot of multitasking.”
As someone who has learned plenty about harnesses, wirework, fight choreography, and green screens (she’s starred in four Marvel movies, including the box office megahit “Avengers: Endgame,” after all), Olsen knows how hard it can be to wrap one’s brain around the work needed to pull off those big, splashy scenes.
“​​If you think about it, it’s, like, the biggest stakes in the entire world—every time. And that feels silly to act over and over again, especially when people are in silly costumes and the love of your life is purple and sparkly, and every time you kiss them, you have to worry about getting it on your hands. Those things are ridiculous. You feel ridiculous. So there is a part of your brain that has to shovel that away and just look into someone’s eyeballs—and sometimes, they don’t even have eyeballs!”
The ability to spend so much time with Wanda, albeit in the guise of sitcom parodies, was a welcome opportunity for Olsen. Not only did it allow the actor to really wrestle with the traumatic backstory that has long defined the character in the MCU, but having the chance to calibrate a performance that functions on so many different levels was a thrilling challenge.
“It was such an amazing work experience,” she says. “Kathryn [Hahn] uses the word ‘profound’—which is so sweet, because it is Marvel, and people, you know, don’t think of those experiences as profound when they watch them. But it really was such a special crew that [director] Matt Shakman and [creator] Jac Schaeffer created. It was a really healthy working environment.”
Related‘WandaVision’ Star Kathryn Hahn’s Secret to Building a Scene-Stealing Performance ‘WandaVision’ Star Kathryn Hahn’s Secret to Building a Scene-Stealing Performance Considering that the miniseries spans several sitcom iterations, various layers of televisual reality, and a number of character reveals that needed to feel truthful and impactful in equal measure, Shakman’s decision to work closely with his actors ahead of shooting was key.
“We truly had a gorgeous amount of time together before we started filming,” Olsen remembers. “Our goal was—which is controversial in TV land—that if you wanted to change [anything], like dialogue in a scene, you had to give those notes a week before we even got there. Because sometimes you get to set, and someone had a brilliant idea while they were sleeping, and you’re like, ‘We don’t have an hour to talk about this. We have seven pages to shoot.’ And so, we were all on the same page with one another, knowing what we were shooting ahead of time.
“Matt just treated us like a troupe of actors who were about to do some regional theater shit,” she adds with a smile.
That spirit of camaraderie was, not coincidentally, at the heart of Olsen’s breakout project, Sean Durkin’s 2011 indie sensation “Martha Marcy May Marlene.” As an introduction to the process of filmmaking to a young stage-trained actor, Durkin’s quietly devastating drama was a dream—and an invaluable learning opportunity.
“It was truly just a bunch of people who loved the script, who just were doing the work. I didn’t understand lenses, so I just did the same thing all the time. I never knew if the camera would be on me or not. There was just so much purity in that experience, and you only have that once.”
The film announced Olsen as a talent to watch: a keen-eyed performer capable of deploying a stilted physicality and clipped delivery, which she used to conjure up a wounded girl learning how to shake off her time spent in a cult in upstate New York. But Olsen admits that it took her a while to figure out how to navigate her career choices afterward. In the years following “Martha,” she felt compelled to try on everything: a horror flick here, a high-profile remake there, a period piece here, an action movie there. It wasn’t until she starred in neo-Western thriller “Wind River” (alongside fellow Marvel regular Jeremy Renner) and the dark comedy “Ingrid Goes West” (opposite a deliciously deranged Aubrey Plaza) that Olsen found her groove.
“It was at that point, when I was five years into working, where I was like, Ah, I know how I want it. I know what I need from these people—from who’s involved, from producers, from directors, from the character, from the script—in order to trust that it’s going to be a fruitful experience.”
As Olsen looks back on her first decade as a working actor, she points out how far removed she is from that young girl who broke out in “Martha Marcy May Marlene.”
“I feel like a totally different person. I don’t know if everyone who’s in their early 30s feels like their early 20s self is a totally different human. But when I think about that version of myself, it feels like a long time ago; there’s a lot learned in a decade.”
Those early years were marked by a self-effacing humility that often led Olsen to defer to others when it came to key decisions about the characters she was playing. But she now feels emboldened to not only stand up for herself and her choices but for others on her sets as well.
“[Facebook Watch series] ‘Sorry for Your Loss’ I got to produce, and I really found my voice in a collaborative leadership way. And with ‘WandaVision,’ Paul [Bettany] and I really took on that feeling, as well—especially since we were introducing new characters to Marvel and wanted [those actors] to feel protected and helped,” she says. “They could ask questions and make sure they felt like they had all the things they needed because sometimes you don’t even know what you need to ask.”
It’s a lesson she learned working with filmmaker Marc Abraham on the Hank Williams biopic “I Saw the Light,” and she’s carried it with her ever since. “I really want it to feel like we’re all in this together, as a team,” Olsen says. “That was part of ‘Sorry for Your Loss’ and it was part of ‘WandaVision,’ and I hope to continue that kind of energy because those have been some of the healthiest work experiences I’ve had.”
If Olsen sounds particularly zealous about the importance of a comfortable, working set, it is because she’s well aware that therein lies an integral part of the work and the process. As an actor, she wants to feel protected and nurtured by those around her, whether she’s reacting to a telling, quiet line of dialogue about grief or donning her iconic Scarlet Witch outfit during a magic-filled mid-air action sequence.
“Sometimes you’re going to be foolish, you know? And [you need to] feel brave to be foolish. Sometimes people feel embarrassed on set and snap. But if you’re in a place where people feel like they’re allowed to be an idiot,” she says, “you’re going to feel better about being an idiot.”
This story originally appeared in the Aug. 19 issue of Backstage Magazine. Subscribe here.
Press/Gallery: How Elizabeth Olsen Brought Marvel From Mainstream to Prestige was originally published on Elizabeth Olsen Source • Your source for everything Elizabeth Olsen
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wydmariana · 5 years
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         hi my loves  !  dani   here  ,  i  also  play  our  hailey  fc  alanna  !  i’m  bringing  back  my  bbyg  mariana  !  she’s  my  original  wealthy  character  &  i’ve  had  her  for  like over  3   years   ,  i’m  super  excited  2  be  playing  her  again  &   i  hope  u  guys  rly  like  her  !   i’m  gonna  put  all  the   tea  on  her  under  the  cut  &  if  u  wanna  plot  like  this  &   i’ll  come  bug  u  ,  i  rly  always  need  connections  n  love  plotting  ♡
new york’s very own mariana  cavello  was spotted on broadway street in nike air force ones . your resemblance to selena gomez is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty fourth birthday bash . while living in nyc ,  you’ve been labeled as being reticent  , but also kindhearted . i guess being a gemini explains that . 3 things that would paint a better picture of you would be   fishnets ,  notebooks filled with lyrics , the lingering smell of weed . ( i deafened a girl in a fight when i was 17 )  &  ( cisfemale & she/her  )  +  ( dani , 20 , she/her , est . )
╰ ˚・゚ ♡  STASTITICS   :
full name: mariana marisol cavello
nickname(s): mari, 
age: twenty four
date of birth: june 4th
hometown: new york city
current location: upper east side, new york city
ethnicity: half mexican
nationality: american
gender: cisfemale
pronouns: she/her
parents names: alexander hastings, liliana cavello
orientation: pansexual but she doesn’t like labels
religion: grew up catholic, undecided
political affiliation: democrat
occupation: singer/songwriter
living arrangements: lives in her own mansion in the upper east side
language(s) spoken: english, spanish
accent: american
face claim: selena gomez
hair colour: x (most basic/accurate/but it changes)
eye colour: brown
height: 5″5
weight: 113lbs
build: petite
tattoos: mostly selena’s canon, but x instead of the music note
piercings: x (both ears)
drugs/alcohol/sex: yes/yes/yes
pets: one cat, 5 years old, named sergio - x
astrological chart: gemini sun, libra moon, leo rising
╰ ˚・゚ ♡  BACKSTORY  &  ABOUT   (   tw  :  abuse ,   violence  ,   sexual  assault .  )  :
ok i changed her around quite a lil bit so i’m excited to rEdevelop !  :~)
mariana was born into a seemingly perfect family ,  her older brother &  her having been born heirs to alexander hastings , billionaire hotel & business entrepreneur , shark-tank cast member  ( think kevin o’leary vibes .. yeah . ) &  liliana cavello , legendary supermodel  ( think cindy crawford )
she was spoiled bc they were rich af , so like she never NEEDED for anything , except LoVe :) 
mari was quick to blow her dad’s money but did he notice ? no
she still is kjdfnsjdf
mariana was a happy child, but growing up in a household with her father quickly became toxic
she started noticing it when she was around 10
his yelling , his anger against her mother , the hostility towards the entire household
the relationship between her parents always had been toxic but now that they had kids it was quick to spread through the whole household
as mariana grew older and started high school , there were times where she would sit in one of the offices of her father’s buildings and do homework while she waited for him to finish so they could go home
at the mere age of fifteen was the first time one of her father’s co-workers sexually assaulted her in an empty conference room after everyone else went home & she’d be waiting for her dad
this continued for a little under  2  years .
this is when her behaviour at school started to get out of hand, she’d start skipping class, get caught smoking pot, talking back to teachers, etc
it went on for months & mariana suspected that her father knew and wasn’t doing anything to stop it
when she turned 16  &  got  a  boyfriend  , it started affecting her even more . she was struggling w being intimate bc of these things that  were happening to her
which is when she eventually  confronted him about it , in tears , in the kitchen with her mother
it resulted in a screaming match 
mariana’s behaviour completely went off the rails after that day & she went to school one day & got into a fight with this girl who was taunting her
they fought and mariana’s anger got the best of her &  she ended up beating the girl so bad that she became deaf in one ear
shoutout to degrassi for the idea Ok female sean cameron in the house
( i needed a secret for mari n i was watching this so i was like .. ok why not lol )
she turned 17 shortly after this argument and by some miracle ( aka money ) her dad was able to keep her out of juvie despite the charges that were brought against her
this is mariana’s secret!!!!! 
anyway now , she doesn’t talk to her father really , at all . unless her mom ambushes them into the same room which sometimes happens jkfnsf
mariana moved out on her 18th birthday ,  still has a good relationship with her  mom and brother  &   extended family
when mariana turned 18 was also when she started her career !! she started out as an actor in a few different movies 
she got her big break when she starred in a ‘riverdale or like , grey’s anatomy’ type of show a few years ago prob when she was about 19
and that went on for 2 or 3 seasons before she stopped it to pursue music bc !
writing and singing and performing have always been Mariana’s passions & emotional outlet
anyway , she dropped a single while on the show & it did well so she proceeded to drop an album which also blew up 
she is now rly successful w her music career and loves it sm , like it’s literally her dream come true ok
it’s the one thing that makes her happy
so yah , if ppl knew she deafened a girl totally wouldn’t b all sunshine n rainbows :/ hehe .
╰ ˚・゚ ♡  PERSONALITY  (   tw  :  drugs  )  :
mariana is very lowkey crazy
like she knows how to hide it but girl , it’ll come out
she can definitely be a brat , she wasn’t raised with proper consequences & often thinks she can do whatever she wants , has a bit of an attitude about it
she hates being told what to do 
and will voice her opinion
she is also the most loyal & loving person you know , but the thing is it’s very hidden deep down rn . she is completely walls up , doesn’t wanna let anyone get close to her bc she’s a PUSSY
and like , she hasn’t worked through her trauma & probably never will
she’s lowkey based off meredith grey a little bit ? just less ... extra 
she’s also based off serena van der woodsen a lil bit 
the only opening up she does is when she’s writing music
daddy issues galore over here
but she’s a lowkey softie when she  waants 2 be
when she loves someone she loves fiercly !!
mariana . is a  . party . animal
it’s basically all she does
like every night , her stamina is insane bc she can go out every single night until 3 am if she really wants to .
and she’s fun too , if she’s going out she’s getting WASTED
she’s the type of drunk girl to make out w  all her friends 
she loves cocaine, is most definitely an addict (   but who isn’t in this city  ), tequila is her alcohol of choice, but she’ll drink anything you give her & weed is her creative saving grace
we luv a bitch who doesn’t care abt her health !
u will most likely find her in sweatpants and a hoodie or a big tshirt
she will dress up to go out & luvs lookin cute for paparazzi & career stuff 
um , she listens to a lot of rap and just lays in bed  w her cat smoking blunts
um n ya  .. sad bitch vibes :/ 
i have  a wanted connections page here  &   a   wanted  tag  here  !!!  i need & want every connection so pls hmu ! like this  &  i’ll come to you . 
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frozenmiwa · 5 years
Review: Rise of the Turtles part 1 (TMNT 2012)
I know, I know I promised to post this during summer but instead I ended up editing my TMNT 2012 fanfiction. I ended up having some technical difficulties with this post. I did watch the episode but somehow all the screen shots I took just vanished. My guess is some form of Windows update happened and poof, all screen shots were gone.
I actually just got the first season on DVD yesterday – I finally ordered it online three or so weeks ago, I’ve been looking for Finnish release of the show ever since 2014 when it started to air in Finland but we got nothing. Not that I minded, the dub was decent but definitely lot worser than the dub 2003 series got from the group called Dubberman. So I’m more than happy to have the UK release of the first season.
Firstly I’d like to address one thing: I was hesitant to watch this show because I don’t like CGI that much anymore since it’s everywhere these days, but I was interested in it after scrolling some Turtlepedia especially after I saw one of my absolute favorite character from the 2003 show, April. When I read about Donnie’s crush on her, I recalled their relationship in the 2003 series – seeing Donatello and April interact was one of my favorite things about the show so naturally I was interested to see how well 2012 series pulled that off. Then I had this boring weekend and I decided to give it a try. I did and absolutely loved the show, I loved the turtles, I loved what they did with Splinter, I even loved this one character I thought I wouldn’t, what I didn’t love however was April – instead Karai became my favorite character.
But we get to that when we get to that. Let’s start this thing!
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Like with the previous post I’m not going to do full plot summary here, instead I’m doing this brief summary. If you are interested in full summary please go to sites like Turtlepedia for that!
Now this episode starts similarly to the 2003 series. We are introduced to our main characters as they are in training session. It turns out the turtles are celebrating their fifteenth birthday today and wish to go top side for the first time even though Splinter is hesitant to let them go. Eventually he does and the turtles get to see the what the world looks like outside sewers. It seems to be full of wonder… and dangers. Turtles witness a family of two, father and daughter getting kidnapped by a group of identical men, but are unable to rescue them due to their inability to work as a team. And Mikey finds out those men weren’t exactly human… but no one believes him. The group returns to the lair and they get scolded by Splinter for letting the kidnappers getting away because they couldn’t work as a team – then again, he does admit it’s partially his fault as he never trained them to fight as a team. While Splinter suggest they have another year to wait until their next visit to the top side, Donnie isn’t having it as he wants to save the poor kidnapped girl, he fell in love with at the first sight. After some convincing Splinter agrees to let them go and save her. Before they go however Splinter makes Leonardo their leader – the group does need a leader in order to function correctly after all, but as to why he chose Leo, isn’t clear. So, to the back side we go, after some time they manage to find one of the kidnappers and chase him until his car falls over. When Raph opens up the back door to the car a mysterious cannister filled with green ooze rolls over – looking a lot like the one broken cannister the turtles have in their lair, the one that had something to do with their current forms. And with that the first episode ends.
What I liked about the episode
+ Turtles actually acting like teenagers. I don’t think we have seen that in any other incarnation despite the show being called “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”.
+ What they did with Leo’s personality. I was so used to Leo being this perfect serious leader who’d win any training session against Raph, seeing Leo actually losing against Raph not to mention having this kind of geeky awkward side to his character was refreshing to see.
+ Master Splinter. I liked how he looked nothing like his former counterparts, I loved how they brought up his personality and most of all now he actually felt like a caring father to the turtles instead of being just their teacher. Not to mention how cool his design looks in this show!
+ The plot in general. For a pilot episode it did good job at presenting our four main characters, showing they, each have different personalities without spending too much on that. It had this sense of wonder when we see the turtles discovering the world for the first time. And there was action included as well but not in a way that our heroes just swoop in and save the day, I liked the fact they messed it up on their first try. I also liked how the episode didn’t end with turtles saving the day but rather with a cliff hanger because that would get viewers to want to catch the next episode – unlike 2003 series where it just ended, personally I wouldn’t have waited to see the next episode, unlike with this 2012 show.
+ Interaction and comedy between the turtles was well done, I definitely did have some laughs here and there.
+ The way flashbacks and ending stills are done in this version. What can I say? I just love the comic book style they went with!
What I didn’t like about this episode
- Well in general I liked this episode fine; it really didn’t have much to complain about, characters were solid, their backstory was solid, story was solid and the action was solid. Over all I’d say it’s a good episode. But if I had to pick one thing I did not like; it would be the way April was presented. Unlike the turtles she didn’t seem like a character, just a pretty girl shown to our faces who needed to be saved. I know that’s how it was intended but if I’d have to pick one thing I didn’t like about the episode, this would be it.
And now let’s say few words about the dub my country eventually got...
When this series finally started to air in Finland you better believe I got up every Sunday to watch this show, not because I hadn’t seen it, it was January 2014, I had already seen the episodes couple of times in English but I wanted to check out the dubbed version especially after seeing the voice cast. Just by looking at the voices seemed like this dub would go either way. It could be good or really bad. Like with seasons 3-4 and 6-7 of TMNT 2003 a group called Dubberman. And I wasn’t completely trusting for the fact they would do the show justice. I mean they did skip over the season 5 in 2003 series – and later season 3 in 2012 series so…
The dub was decent, not great, not the worst we could have gotten but decent. There were some errors like they called Raphael “Rafaello” or “Rafa” for short like in the dubbed VHS/DVD release of 1980 series – luckily, they stopped doing that after few episodes because it bothered me a lot. Another thing was how those Japanese phases were pronounced – in this episode by Leo. They didn’t sound right at least when you compare to the original version.
The voice cast was okay. It consisted of some familiar and great voice actors like Jon-Jon Geitel as Leo who has also voiced characters like Jack Frost from the Rise of the guardians or Jake Long from American Dragon: Jake Long – I think this is where I first heard his voice acting. More recently he voiced Aladdin in the live action version from 2019. Another familiar voices we had were Aksu Palmén as Donatello who had voiced characters like Hiccup in How to train your dragon, and Markus Bäckman as Master Splinter – It’s better I won’t go in too much details on his voicing career because he has done a lot of good voice acting in TV and Disney movies. These two were probably the most suited for their roles. Especially Markus Bäckman as Splinter. He sounded just right for the part. Then there was Henri Piispanen who I hadn’t heard much voice acting from before TMNT. I think he was solid pick for Raph – not as good as Sean Astin but they could have gone for worse. Then there were couple unknown actors Miro Loopperi who voiced Mikey and Ella Jaakkola who voiced April.
Miro Looperi did fine job as Mikey but he didn’t really sound like him. This reminds me of 2003 series as Mikey had a voice actor in the Finnish dub that I liked, but one that didn’t sound like him when compared his original voice. This has the same feeling to it. And now Ella Jaakkola, she had this high-pitched kind of bitchy voice I found annoying but at the same time I thought it kind of worked for April’s character because I knew what would become of her character in season 2. I remember thinking: “I can’t wait to hear this voice in Mutation Situation!” – Too bad they changed her voice for season 2.
Now, don’t expect me to do this thing for all the episodes where I talk a little bit about the Finnish dub as I’ve only seen the first season dubbed – I don’t even know when season 2 aired. And I don’t have many notes about the dub. Nor do I remember much of it. I have notes for I think five or so episodes and very good memory for Karai’s debut episode but that’s about it. As I said earlier so far now DVD releases have been made in Finland so I would only have access through streaming services to seasons 4 and 5 – which I haven’t even watched completely yet. I can only hope Netflix or Viaplay would upload the dubbed versions of TMNT to their servers but as we lack DVD releases or reruns of seasons 1 and 2 and season 3 in general that’s very unlikely.
And now some screenshots!
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Would you look at that? Leo actually lost to Raph.
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Is that supposed to be Splinter? He looks kind of cool - were my first thoughts when he appeared on the screen.
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Happy Mutation day! I just love their expressions here.
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And it’s flashback time! I really love the way they did and animated the flashbacks in this version.
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Splinter holding the broken mutagen canister.
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...And Mikey giving it a hug.
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They are finally able to go to the top side. Look at how happy they are - I mean even Raph is smiling.
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Well I just like this shot of Splinter.
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Leo and Space Heroes. I love how proud he looks here.
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“Hai, sensei!” - This is probably one of my favorite scenes in this episode. It shows that over protective side of Splinter which is one of the many things I love about the show.
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Turtles entering the top side for the first time.
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Donnie geeking out at computer stuff while Raph is not interested. Personally being a geek myself, I see lot of myself in Donatello during this moment.
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Turtles are about to find out what pizza is.
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Oh, look at that it’s a love interest... I mean it’s my least favorite character... I mean it’s April.
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And Donnie is in love with her. Just like that.
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I know April is supposed to be scared here but I find her expression hilarious. It cracks me every time.
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Fighting is not going too well here.
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Or here.
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Saving April.
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I really like this shot of Donnie smiling. He looks kind of adorable. I mean who would scream after seeing that adorable face?
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April of course!
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I find Donnie’s reaction and posture here priceless, it’s like: “Oh my god, what did I just touch?”
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April is being cornered by creepy men.
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And Donnie’s offering to help her.
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But that doesn’t really work out. Mikey looks adorable though!
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I guess The Kraang didn’t fancy April’s screaming either.
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And here’s Mikey, facing a suspicious man all by himself.
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...That is not a man at all.
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Okay what the hell is that thing?
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You know what Mikey, I totally agree with you.
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Turtles are having a conversation about the leader stuff. And they all can’t believe what they just heard.
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Here is Leo facepalming. One of my favorite scenes in the episode.
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“I thinking of something green. Green.” “Is it Raphael again?”
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Cornering Snake.
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Ending still.
Anyway, this was my review for the first episode of TMNT 2012. Next time I think I’m doing review for the second episode of 2003 series, so stay tuned for that. Or something.
3 notes · View notes
galadrieljones · 5 years
The Lily Farm - Chapter 24
Formerly A Funeral.
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Fandom: Red Dead Redemption 2 | Pairing: Arthur x Mary Beth | Rating: Mature
Content: Existential Angst, Friendship, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Nature, Touch-Starved, Humor, Fluff and Humor, Fluff and Angst, Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Fake Marriage, Epiphanies, Backstory, Banter, Deep Emotions, Sharing a Bed, Swimming, Arthur to the Rescue, Forests, Abduction, Angst, Heavy Angst, Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers, Sexual Content, Sexual Themes, Adult Content, Canon Divergence, Found Families, Brotherhood, Fatherhood, pregnancy, Drug Use, Past Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Protective Arthur, Minor John Marston/Abigail Roberts
Summary: To help her process Sean’s death, Mary Beth asks Arthur to take her on a hunting trip, somewhere far away. He agrees, and on their journey to the north, they find quietude and take comfort in their easy bond. They’ve been friends for a while now, but life, like the wilderness, is full of uncertainty and complications, and in their desperate search for meaning together, they endure a number of trials, some small, some big, all of which bring them closer to one another, as well as to their future. But they’ve fallen in love during hard times. With the gang tipping dangerously close to a breaking point in a changing world, Arthur must make a difficult choice. Can he escape the past, as well as the outlaw life and start over, building a family of his own? With Mary Beth by his side, one thing is certain: redemption and second chances finally seem within his grasp.
***For the rest of this story, you can visit the masterpost or AO3, both linked in the replies to this post and also at my blog ^_^***
Chapter 24: The Heartlands
In any case, I have grown tired in ways I cannot rightly explain.
I’m not sure what might have happened to Kieran. Most likely, he ended up out on a fishing trip, or a gallavant that simply extended beyond his original intentions. Diana could have spooked and tossed his ass and hightailed it back to camp without him. It could be anything. Mary Beth wants to come along and I had no choice but to let her. I ain’t her father. And I know she can do okay in a whole host of situations, but if it comes to shooting I don’t know. She may be a damn good conwoman and a savvy pickpocket, but she ain’t no killer. I love her. I’d do anything to keep her safe, and in any case, I guess I’m just afraid. I can’t shake that part of myself. I fear it will always be there—after everything. She knows it. I just don’t know how to protect her and how to keep making this life work no more. And Jesus Christ I have been so careless. We’ve been. Careless. I don’t know why. It just feels right, letting go inside her like nature running its course, like the way it’s supposed to be but shit. If she gets pregnant while we’re still here, toiling in this war of ours…I’m right terrified. I don’t know what to do. I should’ve said no to Dutch, and yet, I did not. Hosea was right, as usual. I need to use my goddam head.
I just always want to believe. I’ve been so blinded by my desire to just…please Dutch. It ain’t fair no more. I’m still out on this limb, and now Mary Beth is out here with me. And if we keep making it like we do, soon it’ll be an innocent among us and I ain’t letting no more of my own blood spill into the earth. I ain’t doing that. Not again.
Dutch thinks we can get money out of this Bronte fellow. He talked to me about it last night, after that fool’s party we attended. Something about a trolley station. A poker game on a goddam river boat. I see things differently, and Mary Beth confirmed my suspicions. Of course, she did it with intelligence and grace, whereas my thoughts tend to come out as gravy these days. Mary Beth was a sight to see with Bronte. Once again she’s proven she’s too good for me, and yet here we are. We’re getting married. Still ain’t told no one—not sure why. It just don’t feel right yet to make a big deal. But I do know that it ain’t like last time. It ain’t Mary. Mary could not commit to huge parts of me, my life. With her, I was a fool. But Mary Beth’s love for me feels…honest. It’s for the right reasons. She is loyal to me. I don’t know what I have done to deserve this bounty she brings, but I ain’t letting it get away.
We are setting out to find the O’Driscoll boy as soon as this storm clears. It rains so goddam much down in this hellhole state I have forgotten what season it is. It’s perpetually the hottest it’s ever been, and I will say, I miss the fresh air to the north. She does, too.
They rode out of Shady Belle at about four o’clock. It was later than Arthur had hoped for, as this meant they would most definitely be gone into the night, but putting things off would have been worse. The rain had brought a chill to the air that made everybody uncomfortable. It was a damp chill. Mary Beth wore a brown leather scout jacket with an ornamental purple tether around the waist. It had a hood, which she kept fashioned over her tightly braided hair. Arthur outfitted her with that same shotgun from their trip to the north and a whole shitload of slugs. She wanted the gun, and it was the right choice. But once again he told her: “Do not use that gun unless you absolutely must. Understood?” by which he meant: “Do not use that gun unless you have reason to believe that I have died or will soon be dead and cannot defend you no more. Understood?”
Charles led the way to Rhodes. It was easy business, tracking Kieran at first. The clouds had gone on and most of the the townspeople were back outside and about their business. It looked like a big wind had come in and blown over a carriage full of feed corn right outside the train station. A couple of working boys were hustling to pick it all up, but the axel on their carriage was broken, and the the job looked too big for just the two of them. Arthur and Charles gave them a hand while Mary Beth went to the saloon to inquire upon whether anyone had seen a young man fitting Kieran’s description.
“He’s got long brown hair, to his shoulders,” she said, “a little scraggly, about this tall, has a scratchy voice. He would have been wearing a straw type hat, cowboy boots, dressed like a rancher, riding an Ardennes. He’s twenty years old.”
“May I inquire upon how you know the young man?”
“He’s my brother, sir. Been missing from our ranch in Scarlet Meadows for three days. Mama and I can’t make ends meet without him.”
The bartender was taken with Mary Beth. He did not even require payment for his information as he wiped down a glass with his linen towel. “I think I seen a boy like that,” he said, leaning in on his elbow. “Was in here two nights ago, waiting out the storm. Sat by himself, caused no trouble. Ordered a glass of milk.”
"That’s him,” she said. “Did he say anything about where he was headed?”
“No, ma’am,” said the bartender, topping off her glass of rose. “But toward the end of the night, a couple boys crowded him in the booth, right over there. They all left together. It was sudden.”
This was alarming to Mary Beth. “Do you know who they was?”
“Didn’t talk like they was from around here,” said the bartender. “Yankees. I heard one of them mention that they was headed in from Riggs Station, way out in West Elizabeth, if that helps.”
“It does,” said Mary Beth. “Thank you, sir. Thank you so much.” She finished her wine and left a generous tip. He tried to talk her out of it, but she insisted. She then went to wait for the boys in a booth at the front of the saloon. It took about ten minutes before they arrived, and she told them all about her findings.
“He said it was Yankees?” said Arthur, smoking, sitting next to her, wearing his hat with the pretty brown feather.
“Yes,” she said. “Said they crowded him and left all of a sudden.”
Arthur glanced across the table to Charles who became apprehensive.
“You think it’s O’Driscolls?” said Arthur.
“Sounds about right,” said Charles.
“What would they doing in Lemoyne?”
“Could be they tracked us here, after that nasty shootout with the Grays, then ran into Kieran by mistake, maybe took advantage of an unlucky circumstance.”
Arthur swore under his breath, looked around, smoked. Then he looked back at Mary Beth. “Mary Beth, I think Charles and I ought to finish this one alone.”
“What?” she said. “No. I got the information. I’m coming.”
“It ain’t safe,” he said. “I’ll ride with you back to camp.”
“How do you know it ain’t safe?”
“Because I just do,” he said. “I got a bad feeling. And my bad feelings got a bad habit of coming true.”
“He’s right, Mary Beth,” said Charles. “If it is O’Driscolls, there is bound to be bloodshed.”
"I ain’t scared,” said Mary Beth.
Arthur shook his head, serious. “Please,” he said. “This ain’t for you. Let me take you back.”
She stared at him in defiance. “You know what else ain’t for me?” she said. “Hitting a man over the head with a frying pan, saving your life. Or getting carried off by Murfree Brood in a thunderstorm. Or shooting a wolf mother in the face.”
Arthur sighed.
“What’s she talking about?” said Charles.
Arthur ignored him. “You near on shot me with that gun of yours in a panic,” he said to Mary Beth. “You’ll be in danger. These boys, they ain’t no turtles in the marsh.”
“Oh please. I didn’t shoot you,” she said. “I listened to you. Granted it took me a moment. But I can listen.”
Arthur shook his head. He didn’t mean to, but all this made her feel small. “I don’t know,” he said.
“Please, Arthur. I can’t sit back at Shady Belle, just waiting on you. I can’t. Don’t make me.”
There was a commotion then, as two people walked into the saloon, coming through the doors with gusto. At first, Arthur didn’t know what was going on, but then he recognized their faces right quick. “What the hell?”
“Dutch and Sadie?” said Mary Beth standing up to see. “What are they doing here?”
“Only the lord knows,” said Arthur, getting up to tip his hat and address them. “To what do we owe this fine pleasure?”
“Sit down, Arthur,” said Dutch, pushing in next to Charles. He was looking serious. “We need to talk.”
Arthur glanced at Mary Beth. She was apprehensive. A hush came on down between them all like a big old curtain. Then Arthur looked at Charles who had stuffed a fat wad of dipping tobacco into his lower lip, and he was spitting said dip into a wine glass, and he shrugged.
“What’s going on?” said Arthur. He pulled up a chair. Sadie gave him a polite but serious nod and sat down in the booth next to Mary Beth. She was wearing a tough yellow blouse that made her look like a cowgirl.
“Sadie here tells me that Diana showed up at camp this afternoon without her rider,” said Dutch, real quiet.
“That’s right,” said Arthur, lighting a cigarette. “Kieran’s missing.”
“How long.”
“He went missing a few days back,” said Arthur. “Day of the storm. We’ve tracked him through here, all the way out to West Elizabeth—near Riggs Station. Mary Beth here got the information. We think it’s probably O’Driscolls.”
“Good work, Miss Gaskill,” said Dutch, nodding. This made her feel tremendous pride. “And, Arthur, it is O’Driscolls, but it ain’t just O’Driscolls, boy, and that is the reason we are here.”
Arthur smoked. “I don’t catch your meaning.”
“It’s Colm.”
Everybody straightened up. Dutch had his whole, massive hands splayed out on the surface of the table in front of him. The room became heavy and distant all around them. Dutch had a way of doing this, making any and every space into his own.
“Colm himself?” said Arthur, shifting in his seat. “How do you figure that?”
“Because,” said Dutch, staring down at those hands. “The last time a horse showed up to my camp without its rider, it was in Denver, Colorado, and it was Annabelle’s.” Then he looked up at Mary Beth, looking sad in the low light from the saloon. It was a strange sight to see. “A pretty little spotted Apaloosa, just like yours, Miss Gaskill.”
“Annabelle?” said Mary Beth.
“That’s right.”
“You think this is a trap, Dutch?” said Arthur, tense. “You think it’s Colm, trying to lure you in again?”
Dutch puffed up. “I don’t know. But this certainly ain’t no coincidence. We ride. Tonight.”
Arthur became tense. “I ain’t riding the women into no trap, Dutch.”
“Calm down, Arthur,” said Dutch. “We don’t know what we’re dealing with just yet. For now, we’ll get as far as the Heartlands and make camp. Tomorrow morning, we head into West Elizabeth and…see what we can see. Sadie and Mary Beth can be of use to us. They can get information where we cannot. Comprende?” He looked around to wide gestures of agreement.
Arthur hesitated, but he eventually played along, sighing, finishing his cigarette and tossing it to the floor where it burned out into black.
Riding out, for a long time, it was silence. The sun started to melt off over the horizon at some point, and the air got crisper, and there were coyotes, it seemed, everywhere, and wild horses hustling out to the coast. Around the time they they were passing through Scarlet Meadows, Mary Beth rode up beside Arthur and asked him to hang back. Arthur obliged. They slowed considerably, making sure they could still see the rest of the group up ahead, but far enough behind to stay out of earshot.
“Arthur,” she said after a little while. The air was purple. It was getting past dusk now as they crested into the Heartlands. Soon, they’d need to make camp.
Arthur wouldn’t meet her eyes. “What is it, Mary Beth.”
“I know you don’t want me here.”
This broke him. He shook his head. He felt bad. “That ain’t it, Mary Beth. Of course I want you here. I always want you here.”
“Okay,” she said, looking around with her hood up. She looked sweet and kind. She looked like his girl. “Then I know you’re freaking out.”
“Excuse me?”
“We don’t even know what we’re up against yet,” she said. “Just give me a chance. You were willing to do that a few weeks ago, when we left for our hunting trip. What’s changed?”
“You know what’s changed,” he said, looking at her, lowering his voice. “I took a leap. I landed on my feet, somehow, and now I’m looking around, and I see us going backwards.”
He took a deep breath, looking down at his hands on the reins. “We ain’t been thinking.”
“How do you mean?”
“I mean, we got real deep, real fast, before we paved our exit. Putting you in danger, with so much goddam uncertainty? It’s making me crazy, Mary Beth. And Dutch, well.” Arthur laughed, cynically, under his breath. “Well he’s making me crazy, too. First that god forsaken party, Angelo Bronte, and now all this nonsense about Colm O’Driscoll. He ain’t even explained what the hell he’s going on about yet. Just expects we ride along with him, and look at us, doing exactly as we’re told. I’m a goddam fool.”
“You’re talking in code, Arthur,” said Mary Beth, pulling Watson up a little closer. “What the hell are you saying?”
“I don’t know,” he said, shaking his head. “I just—”
“You said you talked to John,” she said. “Last night, before we went to sleep. Has he made up his mind?”
“Yes.” Arthur nodded. “They’re in. He’s just waiting on me.”
“Good,” she said. “He should be. You know what to do, Arthur. You need to stop second-guessing yourself. And try to just…breathe. I wanna get outta here, too. You know I do. But we gotta get Kieran back. He’s put in his time, and his heart. He’s one of us, and we owe him this. And you gotta deal with Dutch, Arthur. We can’t—there’s too much at stake.”
“I know,” he said. He closed his eyes, thinking. “I just—I know I’m talking nonsense, Mary Beth, but the more time we spend, heming and hawing in the swamps, the more foreboding the feeling in my gut. Like, the longer we wait around, the closer we get to the end. I can feel it. And riding out with you tonight, it’s bringing all that to the surface.”
“The end of what?” she said, watching him in the coming darkness. “What are we getting to the end of, Arthur?”
Arthur sighed. He shook his head again and again, staring off into the darkening path ahead where Dutch rode his pretty white horse at the helm. “Everything,” he said, real low and mean. He looked at her. He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to remember what it felt like to be free. “Come on,” he said, opening his eyes again, picking up the pace a little. “We can talk more later. I’m good with you being here, I just—I need you to listen me, okay?” he said, switching gears, looking at her. “Whatever happens, Mary Beth, when we get wherever it is we’re headed, I need you to listen to me and listen to what I say to you.”
“Okay,” she said, earnest.
“I’m serious,” he said. “And I ain’t saying this because you’re a woman, and not because I love you and I’m terrified that something might happen to you. Or, maybe that second one, just a little, but mostly I’m saying this because you ain’t never been out on a job like this before. Because you’re a rookie, and I’m your lieutenant, and I need you to do what I say when I say it, or else we ain’t standing a chance. You understand?”
“Yes,” she said, becoming eager. “I understand.”
“Good,” he said, and he gave her a strong nod, and then he led the way out ahead so they could catch up with the rest of the gang.
She felt validated by his pep talk. He didn’t altogether know how much she aimed to be strong.
They rode till they found a good valley to camp in south of the Heartlands, not far from the lake. The scenery, even in darkness, reminded Mary Beth of Clemens Point. She became full to the brim with sadness and nostalgia. She almost started crying. The romance of it all, its highness and mighty feelings, had started wearing off, and now it was just her and Arthur, and she looked at him, stoking their fire, and she felt such love in her heart so as to help her do anything. Such fortitude. But everything seemed much easier when they were up at Deer Cottage, all alone in what had felt like a primitive world.
At some point Dutch Arthur and Charles grouped up beneath a nearby tree smoking and discussing their manly options for the next day. Sadie and Marybeth were aced out of this conversation, left to their own devices at the fire where Sadie was cleaning her sawed-off, and Mary Beth was making them a batch of whiskey tea.
"What do you think they’re talking about?" said Sadie.
"Who knows," said Marybeth.
"Fucking egos," said Sadie, looking crass. "The only reason Dutch brought me along was because I made a goddamn stink in front of everyone. For such a drama queen, he sure don’t like it when others cause a fuss."
Mary Beth laughed. "I know what you mean," she said. "You want some tea?"
"Sure," said Sadie.
Together they sat, by the fire, sipping their tea and looking at their boots. Sadie drew real quiet. She held her cup with two hands, looking down into it like it was no tomorrow. She took it down in three gulps. Mary Beth offered her some more. Sadie nodded and held out her cup.
“I hate this damn Heartlands country,” said Sadie. "It smells like fish and buffalo shit. Where are you from Mary Beth?
"Kansas," send Mary Beth.
"Do you miss it?"
"Not really."
"Why not?"
Mary Beth took a long drink of her whiskey tea. It was strong and dark and tasted good. "Too many reminders," she said.
Sadie laughed to herself, sounding resigned. “I hear that."
Mary Beth looked up at the wide open sky. The clouds had exited. The stars we’re bright and swimming like fishes. “Why did you want to come anyway?” she said.
Sadie swallowed down that second cup of whiskey tea. She set down the cup and went back to cleaning her gun, polishing it with a dirty linen rag. At first, she didn’t say anything. She just sat there, sullen with her eyes downturned. But sooner or later she spoke.
“I ain’t ever known a man as good as my Jakey,” she said, subdued. “Colm O’Driscoll took him away from me. I want my revenge.”
She said this with such clarity of mind. Such purity of darkness inside her. Mary Beth could feel the whole world narrowing around them, becoming a tornado, crushing into the walls ahead. She sighed. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I can’t even begin to understand what you been through.”
Sadie looked up, surprised. She ceased cleaning that gun. “Sure you can,” she said.
“What do you mean?”
“You been in love,” said Sadie. “If somebody shot Arthur dead and left his body for wild animals to come and scavenge in the middle of a fuckin snowstorm, wouldn’t you do anything to watch them burn?”
Mary Beth got quiet after this. She was listening to the crickets. She looked down at her freckled hands, and then she closed her eyes.
Sadie swore under her breath. She seemed filled with remorse by what she'd said. She realized it was unforgivable. She set down her gun and leaned forward with her elbows resting on her knees. She dropped her chin to her chest. “Fuck, I’m sorry, Mary Beth,” she said. She placed her hand on Mary Beth’s hand, just for a second. “I shouldn’t have said that. I just get so…mean sometimes. Without him.” She kind of sniffled, looked away like she was crying. “So angry. It makes me say and do terrible things.”
“It’s okay,” said Mary Beth. “You don't have to explain.”
“It ain’t okay,” said Sadie, wiping her tears on the back of her hand. “After Jake, up in Colter, you was nicer to me than anyone. You and Arthur, I mean. And here I am, scaring you and making you feel bad.”
“You ain’t. I promise.”
Then she pulled herself together and looked back at Mary Beth with a whole lot of resolve in her face. “Arthur is strong,” she said. “He’s a survivor. He knows what he’s doing, and he loves you. That much is clear. You got nothing to worry about.”
Mary Beth nodded. She took another long drink of her tea. It was starting to cool.
Together, they watched the boys talking under that tree.
“Is he your first love?” said Sadie, getting dreamy.
Mary Beth smiled. “Mostly,” she said. “I mean, I had puppy love once. With a boy back in Kansas City, but it wasn't nothing like being with Arthur,” she said. She didn’t know how old Sadie was, but she figured she was at least enough older to be able to understand what it was she was saying. “He gets real protective sometimes, you know? But I don’t want him to think I’m weak.”
“He don’t think you’re weak,” said Sadie.
“How do you know?”
“Because he knows you, and you ain’t.”
Mary Beth watched Arthur, smoking, listening to Dutch, flexing his jaw like he was thinking real hard. She nodded, following Sadie’s gist. She was pretty sure she understood.
That night, in their tent in the Heartlands, Arthur and Mary Beth lie side by side with a little lantern lit up by their faces. Mary Beth was reading her Yates while Arthur was drawing something in his journal and chewing on a toothpick. Outside of their tent, it was a quiet world. All was calm except for Charles out by the fire, sharpening his knife.
“What are you drawing?” said Mary Beth after a little while, turning her head to look at Arthur.
He took a deep breath, studied his work. “You,” he said.
It was a surprise. Mary Beth felt herself kind of pluck up and blush furiously. She straightened and closed her book and asked if she could see.
“Sure,” he said.
He showed her.
It was two pictures. One of her eating a peach, wearing a dress, sitting on a blanket by the river. The other one was her with that shotgun, shooting a turtle. She laughed. “Arthur!” she said, wacking him on the shoulder. “Not the turtle again.”
He laughed, too. “What’s wrong with the turtle?” he said. “I like that turtle. I like that day. I don’t wanna forget.”
“Me neither,” she said, gazing up at him. She felt that whole host of romantic dreams returning to her. Then she kissed him, getting breathless.
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crollalanzaa · 7 years
Murder on the Orient Express - my thoughts
This review is mostly spoiler free as in I won’t reveal the murderer, but I might discuss some discrepancies, so if you don’t know the story and don’t want to know anything about it, then don’t click below the cut.
I will start this by saying that I am a huge Christie/Poirot nerd. I read practically all the books one summer in my early teen years, and also loved the original film which has been shown on UK TV several times. The original film is star-laden with Hollywood heavyweights like Lauren Bacall, Sean Connery, Vanessa Redgrave, Anthony Perkins, and, of course, Peter Ustinov.
I will also add that my favourite ever Hercule Poirot on screen has been David Suchet who brought the vain, but brilliant and eccentric detective to life. 
So, how does Kenneth Branagh do? Hmm, it’s difficult. I was aware I was being picky from the trailer, but Branagh’s hair and moustache are the wrong colour. They’re salt and pepper grey, and it might be seen as ridiculously picky, but Poirot was a character who even when he was in his seventies dyed his white hair and moustache jet black because he was vain.(and the tiny goatee is a real no!) It’s a HUGE insight into his character because he always talks about how clever he is and how he uses ‘his little grey cells’ to solve crimes. The fact that Branagh didn't keep that style choice told me that he was going to do something different.
And he does.
It’s not radically different. The start had me thinking, ‘okay, this is fun, this is Poirot’ but that dapper, fussy man who needed symmetry and order really didn’t seem to appeal to Branagh and his Poirot became far more concerned with the ugliness in people’s souls (yawn) and turning down a job because he didn’t like the man’s face - the presumption being that he didn't like the scar over one eye, and not because he wasn’t a nice man. 
The other members of the cast are great. This version is again star-studded, with Leslie Odom Jnr, Daisy Ridley, Olivia Coleman, Michelle Pfeiffer and Judi Dench to name a few. And they’re all good, honestly, the acting, the action and the cinematography are fabulous. And yet ... it left me feeling something was lacking.
I went to the film with two people who don’t know the book or the film, and they were asking me ‘Well, why did that happen? Why was he there? Why Why Why?’ And it’s not because they can’t work it out, but because in plumping up Poirot and giving him a backstory (which we really did not need!) the film took away from several other characters.
Odom and Pfeiffer were excellent in their roles. Ridley was engaging and intelligent, Dench was underused, but very nearly stole the show (as she is wont to do) with a line that damn near broke my heart. No one does understatement and stifled emotions quite as brilliantly as she.
Olivia Coleman’s character was negligible in the film, which was such a shame as it’s a good part.She played it well, but there was just no given reason why she’d be there (and Poirot’s deduction based on one sentence she uttered was ridiculous), and it was the same with Manuel Garcia-Rulfo, who in the book and the first film had a good motive to be there, but here it was bundled into one sentence (that the two people with me missed). 
The backstory they gave Poirot, btw,was a lost love. A girl who he had loved, who’d presumably died young and who he talked to when he was troubled. And this is ... no. Come on, Poirot, Sherlock  and Miss Marple are not detectives who have love interests. They are dispassionate and observe so well. He didn't need this lost love. It just didn't add anything, and it took screen time away from other stories that are far more important to the plot. Why do we feel we have to sex everything up? Why was it important for him to have had a girlfriend? It really wasn’t.
And then, there was a dumb, dumb part of the plot with a red kimono. In the book and old film, this is important. It’s a clue that works and the reasoning behind it is integral to the plot. Here it’s throwaway. It’s not even useful as a red herring because it’s just stupid. Poirot doesn't make the assumption he’s supposed to make, and so you're left thinking ‘What was the point of that?’. 
The end of the film, the denoument, the big reveal is very good. I still love the story so much, and the acting made the central story heart-rending. And even though this Poirot deviates from the book character in his delivery, it did work and I had tears in my eyes. 
I left the cinema having enjoyed the film - to a degree. It honestly felt like a story written for A03, where you start posting and then realise you’ve mentioned something in the early chapters (in this case the red kimono) and you’ve forgotten why it was there, so you have to make up a reason. The thread had been lost at that juncture.
So ... a good film, but it wasn’t Poirot. 
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eddycurrents · 5 years
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For the week of 12 August 2019
Quick Bits:
Absolute Carnage: Scream #1 begins a three-issue tie-in to the larger “Absolute Carnage” event, from Cullen Bunn, Gerardo Sandoval, Victor Nava, Erick Arciniega, and Cory Petit. It spotlights a trio of former symbiote hosts, including the titular Scream herself, who was dead. It’s interesting to see the length that Carnage’s influence can have as he tries to prepare the world for Knull.
| Published by Marvel
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Absolute Carnage: Separation Anxiety #1 is a one-shot dealing with the other four symbiotes that resulted from the same experiment as Scream from Clay McLeod Chapman, Brian Level, Jordan Boyd, and Travis Lanham. Regardless of whether or not you’re reading the broader event, or know anything about the symbiotes’ history, this is a damn good horror story. It focuses on a family going through the nightmares of a separation and what happens when another horror is brought in from outside. The artwork from Level and Boyd is perfect and terrifying.
| Published by Marvel
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Age of Conan: Valeria #1 begins the next Age of Conan mini-series focusing on the wider world of characters in Conan’s canon, from Meredith Finch, Aneke, Andy Troy, and Travis Lanham. This one expands on Valeria, from the Howard novella “Red Nails”, giving her a backstory and quest in finding her brother’s murderer.
| Published by Marvel
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Analog #7 somehow manages to up the level of intrigue further as seemingly everyone alive that knows Jack tries to kill him, while Sam and Oona try to get more information on Oppenheimer. Great action scenes with the usual amount of black humour here from Gerry Duggan, David O’Sullivan, Mike Spicer, and Joe Sabino.
| Published by Image
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Batman: Universe #2 continues reprinting the previously Walmart-exclusive story by Brian Michael Bendis, Nick Derington, Dave Stewart, and Josh Reed. It’s great. The humour is a wonderful touch amid a bevy of so many dark and grim Batman stories out there right now and the art from Derington and Stewart is amazing.
| Published by DC Comics
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Batman & The Outsiders #4 is mostly a tale of preparation as both sides gather themselves and get ready for confrontation. It’s somewhat disturbing as to how easily and quickly Sofia has fallen under Ra’s al Ghul’s influence. Great art from Dexter Soy and Veronica Gandini.
| Published by DC Comics
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Black Hammer/Justice League: Hammer of Justice #2 continues this wonderful crossover from Jeff Lemire, Michael Walsh, and Nate Piekos. There’s something very compelling about a Bruce Wayne who can’t stop being Batman even in a world where there’s seemingly no crime and disturbingly hilarious when Gail flirts with Aquaman.
| Published by Dark Horse & DC Comics
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Captain Marvel #9 broadens the mystery in part two of “Falling Star” as Carol tries to track down Dr. Minerva and find out what’s going wrong with her powers. The conspiracy and secrets that Kelly Thompson is seeding into the story are wonderful.
| Published by Marvel
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Catwoman #14 begins “Hermosa Heat” from Ram V, Mirka Andolfo, Arif Prianto, and Saida Temofonte. It sets up a heist that pegs Catwoman as a number one target for assassination from a united group of crime families and it’s a great start. Nice use of a number of DC’s villains and gorgeous artwork from Andolfo and Prianto.
| Published by DC Comics
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Collapser #2 continues the brilliant madness from Mikey Way, Shaun Simon, Ilias Kyriazis, Cris Peter, and Simon Bowland. This issue tries to explain away Liam’s problems as schizophrenic hallucinations to disastrous results.
| Published by DC Comics / Young Animal
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Critical Role: Vox Machina - Origins Series II #2 continues the quest to rescue Grog as Pike joins the party. The artwork from Olivia Samson and Msassyk is gorgeous. Especially the undead action scenes. Jody Houser again captures a lot of the humour and fun of the voice actors’ characters here.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Detective Comics #1009 kicks off a pretty interesting predicament for Bruce in this airplane crash tale from Peter J. Tomasi, Christian Duce, Luis Guerrero, and Rob Leigh. It’s good to see Deadshot again and you’ve got to wonder who he was targeting among these businessmen.
| Published by DC Comics
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Elephantmen 2261: The Pentalion Job #4 concludes this series in a rather interesting way. Definitely not what you’d expect. Wonderful art from Alex Medellin.
| Published by Comicraft
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Event Leviathan #3 spends its time telling us why the Red Hood isn’t Leviathan while expertly evading the assembled detectives. Interesting that he outsmarts Batman and Robin here, let alone the rest of them. You’d think that this rather measured, slow pace of unveiling the mystery and telling the story would possibly be frustrating or boring, but it’s not. It doesn’t feel like a point extended and belaboured in usual decompressed stories, but rather natural elimination of suspects and events. It also helps that Alex Maleev's art is phenomenal and there are some genuinely hilarious zingers from Brian Michael Bendis. 
| Published by DC Comics
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Fantastic Four #13 concludes the Hulk vs. Thing fight. The artwork from Sean Izaakse and Marcio Menyz is phenomenal. Beautiful layouts, incredible action, and stunning colour work.
| Published by Marvel
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The Flash #76 gives us part one of “The Death of the Speed Force” as it picks up on the previous threads of the new forces and attempts to start putting the family back together. Great art from Rafa Sandoval, Jordi Tarragona, and Tomeu Morey.
| Published by DC Comics
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Ghosted in LA #2 is a bit of a weird one. The banter with the ghosts is wonderful, the art from Siobhan Keenan and Cathy Le is perfect, but how the story deals with a negging asshole is very odd. Especially as Daphne is then later castigated for bringing a guy back home, effectively breaking one of the terms of her staying at the house true, but he was prepared to rape her. It’s just...odd. Seems to be blaming the victim, framing them as her bad decisions in reacting to her ex seeing someone else, rather than anything else.
| Published by Boom Entertainment / BOOM! Box
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Gideon Falls #16 takes a huge step with Norton, as he arrives in the farm town reality of Gideon Falls, and is essentially identified as Clara’s missing brother, Danny. It’s a very emotional issue from Jeff Lemire, Andrea Sorrentino, Dave Stewart, and Steve Wands, even as it gets even more disturbing.
| Published by Image
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Gwenpool Strikes Back #1 is the very entertaining, funny debut of this new mini from Leah Williams, David Baldeón, Jesus Aburtov, and Joe Caramagna. It’s basically memes and shitposts as Gwen tries to figure out how to get a superpower in order to stay relevant in the 616. It’s hilarious.
| Published by Marvel
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Hawkman #15 continues Carter’s problems with the Shadow Thief as he seeks help from the Shade. I love revisiting anything from James Robinson’s tenure on Starman, so it’s good to see Shade. The art from Pat Olliffe and Tom Palmer is a bit scratchier and looser than usual, but it fits the darker, shadowy aspect of the story.
| Published by DC Comics
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Invaders #8 continues “Dead in the Water” from Chip Zdarsky, Carlos Magno, Butch Guice, Alex Guimarães, Dono Sánchez-Almara, and Travis Lanham. This one explicitly lays out what’s wrong with Namor and it’s fairly tragic.
| Published by Marvel
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Justice League Odyssey #12 is the culmination of Darkseid’s plans from Dan Abnett, Will Conrad, Rain Beredo, and AndWorld Design. It’s bleak as it sets up Darkseid’s new Apokolis of Sepulkore, drastically changing some characters in the process. I don’t know how or if they’re going to get out of this.
| Published by DC Comics
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The Life and Death of Toyo Harada #6 is an interesting “now here’s what really happened” ending for this series from Joshua Dysart, CAFU, Doug Braithwaite, Andrew Dalhouse, Diego Rodriguez, and Dave Sharpe. It’s interesting to see how Harada survived and his mindscape confrontation with the kinds of creatures that currently possess Angela.
| Published by Valiant
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Loki #2 is even better than the first issue, building out a very interesting quandary as Loki tries to figure out who he is now beyond ruler of Jotunheim and “Thor’s brother”, as he contemplates a status as “god of nothing”. Daniel Kibblesmith, Oscar Bazaldua, David Curiel, and Clayton Cowles lead us on a rather humorous journey with a very interesting cliffhanger. 
| Published by Marvel
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Miles Morales: Spider-Man #9 may be the strongest issue to date, which is saying a bit since this series has been solid since day one, as Miles’ dad and uncle stage a plan to rescue him. Saladin Ahmed, Javier Garrón, David Curiel, and Cory Petit deliver an emotionally rewarding tale, with some very impressive layouts and action, particularly as the rescue kicks off.
| Published by Marvel
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Oblivion Song #18 continues the confrontation with the Faceless Men. It’s less than positive. It’s interesting how this has gone south faster than expected, developing the previously unseen rivals on Oblivion fairly quickly and in rather surprising ways. Robert Kirkman, Lorenzo De Felici, Annalisa Leoni, and Rus Wooton continue to regularly upend the status quo with each issue.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Once & Future #1 is a thoroughly excellent debut from Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, and Ed Dukeshire, blending offbeat characters, humour, and British folklore.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Outer Darkness #9 is another highly entertaining issue as the crew comes across a science station whose staff have been driven to murder one another. I’m still loving how John Layman, Afu Chan, and Pat Brosseau are playing with mixing different conventions of horror, sci-fi, and episodic storytelling to build this narrative.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Punisher Kill Krew #1 is another spin-off from War of the Realms, cleaning up loose ends from Malekith’s forces’ spree on Earth from Gerry Duggan, Juan Ferreyra, and Cory Petit. It’s bizarre and hilarious to see Frank Castle continuing on against monsters, but very entertaining. Also, Ferreyra’s art is gorgeous.
| Published by Marvel
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Punk Mambo #5 concludes this series with a confrontation between Punk Mambo and Azaire. The artwork from Adam Gorham and José Villarrubia is gorgeous, with very impressive attention to the different loa.
| Published by Valiant
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Reaver #2 expands upon the party, allowing them to bond a bit and develop the characters a bit more. Some things definitely don’t seem to be as they seem. More low magic fantasy fun from Justin Jordan, Rebekah Isaacs, Alex Guimarães, and Clayton Cowles.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Red Sonja #7 continues on from the shift in the Lord of Fools one-shot, with Bob Q providing line art, as Sonja tries to outthink and outmanoeuvre Dragan’s forces. It’s interesting to see the tactics involved here, especially as Dragan seems to be losing more and more sanity.
| Published by Dynamite
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Road of Bones #4 is the disturbing end to what has been a brutal horror story from Rich Douek, Alex Cormack, and Justin Birch. It definitely makes you think about how far someone will go for survival and possibly even what lies they tell themselves in order to carry on.
| Published by IDW
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Rumble #15 concludes the “Last Knight” arc in a very interesting way. Interesting bits about sacrifice and family, even as the void begins consuming all. Gorgeous artwork from David Rubín and Dave Stewart.
| Published by Image
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Second Coming #2 continues to be an interesting mix of dark humour and social commentary as Sunstar continues to go horribly, horribly awry in try to teach Jesus how to be a superhero. Mark Russell, Richard Pace, Leonard Kirk, Andy Troy, and Rob Steen are telling a very interesting story here.
| Published by Ahoy
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She Could Fly: The Lost Pilot #5 brings this second story to an end as Luna finds out what actually happened to the pilot. It’s actually surprisingly normal given all of the oddity that has taken place in these series. Great work from Christopher Cantwell, Martín Morazzo, Miroslav Mrva, and Clem Robins.
| Published by Dark Horse / Berger Books
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Silver Surfer: Black #3 gets a little bit trippier as Silver Surfer tries to help Ego with a little infection problem. The art from Tradd Moore and Dave Stewart is gorgeous.
| Published by Marvel
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Sonata #3 reveals more of the planet’s secrets and the peoples’ various mythologies about it. It’s interesting to see two different groups of people lay claim to an individual place and incorporate it into their religion in a sci-fi/fantasy story. It’s somewhat similar to how divergent faiths lay claim to Jerusalem. Beautiful artwork from Brian Haberlin and Geirrod Van Dyke.
| Published by Image / Shadowline
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Usagi Yojimbo #3 concludes the first arc published by IDW, “Bunraku”, and it’s damn good. It’s taken me a bit to get used to the series in colour, though Tom Luth is doing a great job, but the story and art from Stan Sakai have remained fantastic regardless.
| Published by IDW
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The White Trees #1 is a very haunting, moody fantasy tale from Chip Zdarsky, Kris Anka, Matt Wilson, and Aditya Bidikar. The artwork is astoundingly beautiful as three parents, legends from a past war that seemingly fractured their friendship, search for their kidnapped children.
| Published by Image
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Wonder Woman #76 sees a fair amount of reunions as Themyscira and Earth are bridged again allowing for passage. Very nice art from Lee Garbett and Romulo Fajardo Jr. Also, one killer of an ending.
| Published by DC Comics
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Other Highlights: Amazing Spider-Man #27, Conan the Barbarian: Exodus #1, Doctor Strange #17, Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor #11, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #10, Go Go Power Rangers #22, Gogor #4, Hit-Girl: Season 2 #7, House of Whispers #12, Infinity 8 #14, Immortal Hulk: Director’s Cut #1, Ironheart #9, James Bond: Origin #12, Joe Golem: Occult Detective - The Conjurors #4, Orphan Age #5, Powers of X #2, Sharkey: The Bounty Hunter #5, Silver Surfer: Prodigal Sun #1, Star Trek: Year Five #4, Star Wars: Target Vader #2, Star Wars Adventures Annual 2019, Sword Master #2, Symbiote Spider-Man #5, Titans: Burning Rage #1, The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #47, Unearth #2, Unnatural #12, The Warning #10, Xena: Warrior Princess #5
Recommended Collections: Amazing Spider-Man: Hunted, Archie by Nick Spencer - Volume 1, Asgardians of the Galaxy - Volume 2: War of the Realms, Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II, Elvira: Mistress of the Dark - Volume 1, Guardians of the Galaxy - Volume 1: The Final Gauntlet, Lightstep, Mr. & Mrs. X - Volume 2: Gambit and Rogue Forever, Ninja-K Deluxe Edition, Sideways - Volume 2: Rifts & Revelations, Sparrowhawk, TMNT: Urban Legends - Volume 2, Vampirella vs. Reanimator, War of the Realms, Xena - Volume 2: Mind Games
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d. emerson eddy might be a vampire hunter.
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greggsdiabetes-blog · 8 years
The Secret Foods Elite Athletes Eat
New Post has been published on http://www.greggsdiabetes.com/the-secret-foods-elite-athletes-eat/
The Secret Foods Elite Athletes Eat
Clare Gallagher, who won the 2016 Leadville Trail 100, began her ultrarunning career while undergoing a teaching fellowship in a rural corner of Thailand. There wasn’t a single sport-specific gel packet or PowerBar within a hundred-mile radius of her town. Gallagher, now 25, improvised, sucking down Coca-Cola, Thai milk coffee, pure sugarcane, and lots and lots of packets of sweet sticky rice.
Not only did Gallagher feel fine eating this unorthodox combo, but she also started kicking ass, winning her very first ultra. Now, when Gallagher looks at the prices of sports nutrition products, she rolls her eyes: “Westerners are so self-righteous with our extravagant nutrition strategies that cost more than a month of student loan payments—for one race,” she says.
Plus, gels, bars, and powdered sports drinks are not exactly fine dining—especially in large quantities, when it feels like your taste buds are being assaulted by pure sugar. This is why more endurance athletes these days are eating real food while training and racing. “It gives me something to look forward to,” says ultrarunner Dylan Bowman of his favorite salted fudge brownies.
We caught up with six athletes to hear about their favorite unorthodox fuels, and then asked Cara Anselmo, a New York–based registered dietitian to weigh in on what, if any, benefits these foods might convey. (A necessary disclaimer: Not every workout requires this kind of fueling. If you’re going out for under two hours, we suggest you stick with water and maybe a gel.)
Clare Gallagher, Ultrarunner
Favorite Race Food: Frosting and Sour Patch Kids
The Backstory: “When packing my fuel for Leadville, I was completely disenchanted at the thought of buying 20-plus gels, and I am a sucker for frosting anyway. It occurred to me that I’d actually like the frosting better than gels,” Gallagher says. “Same with Sour Patch Kids. I could buy endurance-specific gummies, or I could buy 1.9 pounds of Sour Patch Kids and have plenty to share with my crew for the rest of the weekend. I hate to think my genius frosting idea was born out of me being cheap, but it really was just that.”
The Result: Gallagher’s Leadville win, which was the second-fastest female time ever, speaks for itself. Still, though, observers gawk. “People say my diet is appalling and unhealthy. To them, I say, ‘I think I’m doing just fine, thank you very much.’ I can’t eat gluten. I eat very little meat. I avoid dairy because I also have Hashimoto’s disease. If someone has evidence that eating frosting and Sour Patch Kids instead of some $300 baby-food vomit formula repurposed into Premium Fuel for Endurance Athletes is going to kill me, then I’m all ears.” Plus, Gallagher is now officially sponsored by Frost’d, a coconut oil–based frosting company founded by fellow ultrarunner Jessica Hamel.
Anselmo’s Take: Frosting has simple carbs for quick energy and no fiber to wreak havoc on the GI tract, and it’s easy to eat. No chewing required.
Dylan Bowman, Ultrarunner
Favorite Race Food: Salted fudge brownies
The Backstory: “In 2013, my girlfriend, Harmony, and I had to do about six months of long-distance dating. One weekend, we met in Malibu, where I was running a 50-mile race. We hadn’t seen each other in more than a month, so she surprised me at the airport with a fresh batch of my favorite brownies. Up to that point, the brownies were a special indulgence, but in the context of the race that weekend, it dawned on me that they’d be a good addition to my nutrition arsenal. I didn’t bring enough gels to get me through the whole race, so I had Harmony give me a Red Bull and brownie bag at an aid station about halfway through the race.”
The Result: “There were probably seven brownies in the bag, and I ate them all over the course of about 20 miles. I ended up winning the race, which seemed to validate this new and unfamiliar nutrition strategy. I’ve had her make them before important races ever since.”
Anselmo’s Take: “These have quick simple carbs, plus chocolate gives a bit of caffeine, which, in moderation, can enhance energy and athletic performance. They are also likely have some sodium and potassium for electrolyte repletion.”
Amelia Boone, Obstacle Course Racer
Favorite Prerace Snack: Cinnamon Roll Pop-Tarts
The Backstory: “I ate one before the Spartan Race World Championships in 2013 and won the race. So now it may be semi-superstition-related, but I actually find they sit really well in my stomach.”
Also on the Menu: “My diet sounds like the standard American diet for kids. During races, I’ll eat gummy bears, baby-food squeeze pouches, and peanut M&M’s. After races, I house pints of ice cream; it’s the only thing I can eat for about 12 hours. My stomach tends to be in knots an unable to take solid foods after really long races—I mean, go figure, given what I eat during.”
Anselmo’s Take: “Pop-Tarts are my prerace fuel, too. They’re perfect for quick simple carbs, and there’s no fiber to cause gas, bloating, or diarrhea. Also, they’re a total childhood comfort food, which might help calm nerves prerace. I’ve brought them with me when traveling for races because they travel well and never go bad, which is kind of gross but kind of great.”
Phil Gaimon, Retired Pro Cyclist
Favorite Midrace Fuel: Chocolate croissants
The Backstory: During long stage races in Europe, Gaimon and his teammates would often grab extra pastries from the hotel’s breakfast buffet and save them for later in the day. “There wasn’t a moment in the race when I wasn’t counting down to unwrapping those things,” he says. “I remember a moment where I went nuts for ten minutes to pull back the breakaway on a climb at the Tour of Provence. So I started to eat the pain au chocolat, but I was out of breath, and then the descent was insane, but I wasn’t going to spit it out and waste it, so I did a 20-minute technical downhill just holding it in my mouth.”
Also in His Pockets: Gaimon is a certified cookie monster, and his fans know it. Sometimes, before races, people would hand him wrapped cookies.
Anselmo’s Take: “A chocolate croissant has carbs as well as some fat, which you’d need during multiday events. Also, the sheer deliciousness factor makes it appealing. It’s not cloyingly sweet like some other treats, so it’s good for someone who likes less-sugary things.”
Sean Burch, Mountaineer
Favorite Expedition Food: Peanut butter
The Backstory: “I’ve always loved peanut butter, ever since I was a kid. I started letting myself eat a little more of it, and I thought I’d gain weight, but I didn’t. Pretty soon I was eating more and more. Now I eat a pound a day. On expeditions, I make sure we bring peanut butter because I don’t trust that I’ll be able to get it there. And I crave it. I look forward to eating it every single day.”
The Result: It has become an obsession for Burch. “If there’s a sale on all-natural peanut butter, I buy the store out of it—the cashiers at my local store know me,” he says. “I wish I had a sponsor for peanut butter. I spend a fortune on it. But I’m willing to spend the money because it’s an investment in myself and my health.”
Anselmo’s Take: “It’s a great, no-chew food that’s full of protein.” Plus, Burch says he only buys the all-natural variety, so it has no added sugars or hydrogenated oils.
Aaron Gwin, Red Bull Mountain Bike Racer
Favorite Between-Ride Snack: Pancakes
The Backstory: “I make a batch of pancakes at home in the morning, and then bag up two to six of them, depending on how much riding I’m doing that day. I make them pretty healthy, adding protein powder to the batter so I get all the nutrition I need. I keep experimenting and adding new things. They’ve gotten a little out of control the more that I keep adding ingredients—things like sweet potatoes, bananas, peanut butter powder, and oats—but I dig them. Pancakes give me a good base of carbs and protein for training days to keep me going without having to stop for long periods of time to eat, plus they’re easy to pack and digest, and I like the taste of them plain.”
Anselmo’s Take: “Pancakes have carbs galore, plus the little extra protein is probably good for muscle recovery after an intense and long workout.”
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