#( Marauders Era?? Never have I ever thought I'd one day make a starter like this for a Lucius but I'm hella down if you are )
lucindamned · 1 year
Lucinda couldn't help but overhear the conversation Lucius was having with their other classmates during class. She turned around, letting one of them continue their train of thought before joining. She knew she wasn't pure-blood like the rest of them, and while it hurt sometimes, she also recognized that didn't change their sharp knowledge of magic. @familyname
"Well then, what would you say defines magic as dark from light? How is it, that the Memory Charm is not considered a curse or dark in itself? Memory modification is practically stealing one's memories from them, and I doubt anyone would say that stealing is child's play."
At the mention of stealing, she thumbed her pendant, recalling a lecture of her grandmother... Thou shall not steal from thy neighbour. Then again, what define a neighbour? With the limits of such, did that imply that stealing was sometimes necessary?
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