cor-lapis · 29 days
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If I had a nickel for every time a father in genshin was (suspected to be) involved in child human experimentation
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Links below cut:
Candace redesign: eternal-moss (tumblr)
Dehya redesign: ohhnorr (tumblr)
Cyno, Tighnari, and Collei: mine :)
Quest summary masterpost (needs updating)
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kuamiru · 1 year
The Golden Child Part IV
SAGAU & Impostor AU where the reader is the child of the actual creator.
Warnings: Blood, crying blood, mention of abduction and terrorism.
If you haven't read part 3 yet, you can find it here.
Please understand that I won't add new people to the taglist as it has become way too large now. I'm sorry if this causes any inconvenience.
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The acting Grand Sage was having a very, very busy week.
With his resignation coming soon, he wanted to finish every document that needed his immediate attention; somehow, his shift was never enough to finish everything on time.
Piles of documents that never seemed to end. Countless people needed his help that went from the most mundane things to twisted crimes that needed the immediate intervention from the Matra. In any case, once he started his working hours, there was no time to waste.
So, that was why the presence of the man in front of him managed to irk him greatly. There was enough time to be a nuisance at home, why did Kaveh feel the need to come bother him at work?
"But I'm telling you!" The blonde exclaimed. "There's definitely something weird about it!"
He sighed. "Well then, did it look like that child was being held against their will?"
"Well, no, but—"
"Then there's nothing I can do. The most I can offer is to send a Matra to investigate and/or interrogate that Lord. For all you know, they could simply be an Eremite's child."
Kaveh wanted to tell him that no, that wasn't the case, but in reality he didn't know that. There was just a feeling, a strange sensation that made him think that there must be something more about them. Kidnapped, an Eremite's child, the illegitimate Lord's child... No option sat well with him.
If Alhaitham saw that child, would he share Kaveh's thoughts?
Fuck it. If Alhaitham didn't want to help him, then he would investigate this matter himself.
Just as he was about to curse his roommate and storm away, the grand doors opened with a loud bang. Before seeing who intruded like that, they first heard the loud gasps and whispers of the scholars outside his office.
"Alhaitham!" The voice of a particular forest watcher resonated around the room. Both him and Kaveh were taken aback at the sight of the newcomers. They were bloody, beaten up, with bandages loosely covering certain areas of their bodies as if they only did it to stop the bleeding and not for properly treating the wounds. Collei was supporting both her weight and Tighnari's, as she was helping him stand and walk. "We need your help!"
The fact that Tighnari didn't refer to him as 'acting Grand Sage' denoted alarming urgency. He quickly rose from his seat and called for immediate medical help. Kaveh ran to his friend's side, gently removing him from Collei and letting him use his own body as support, earning a thankful glance from the girl. The wounds in his body started to bleed again, soaking the bandages and some of Kaveh's clothes in the process.
"What happened to you?!" The blonde asked in a panic.
Collei was still taking deep breaths, exhausted for having to carry her mentor all the way to Sumeru City. "The Ville! We were attacked!"
Alhaitham opened his eyes all the way thanks to his surprise. How come the Gandharva Ville had been attacked and he was only finding out now? By the look of the injuries, he guessed it must've happened yesterday.
"Wow, calm down! Breathe first." Kaveh said. "Explain what happened."
As the medic of the Akademiya arrived and started to treat Tighnari, Collei composed herself and started to explain everything from the beginning.
She told them about the child in the forest that was attacked by Eremites, with their family presumably dead by the Eremite's hands. How Tighnari heard them and immediately appeared to help the kid, safely escorting them to the Gandharva Ville so they could decide what to do next. She also explained how those mercenaries came back for revenge, attacking their Ville and abducting the child once every fighter was down.
Her words shocked the blonde. He looked at his roommate, half in disbelief that his own suspicions turned out to be true.
"You say they took them? Grabbed them and disappeared into the forest?"
"Yes, yes... I was knocked out and they managed to get to them...!" Collei cried. "You have to do something! Those Eremites killed their family and now have kidnapped them!"
The grand doors opened once again, and Tighnari and Kaveh both breathed a sigh of relief at the figure standing in the doorway.
The general Mahamatra had arrived.
"I heard there was a commotion here." Cyno spoke. Tighnari greeted him by saying his name, which made the newcomer turn his attention to him. When he laid his eyes upon the wounded fox hybrid and saw how beaten up he was, his blood boiled with deep rage. "What happened?"
Sensing danger from the short man, Alhaitham quickly composed himself and started to explain the situation. This didn't seem to help Cyno calm down. In fact, every word he spoke only served to fuel his anger.
"We must do something then. That child must be in danger." The general said. "We must rescue them. I'll also arrange for the other matras to track down and hunt those Eremites that raided the Ville."
Tighnari nodded. "Let's go."
"YOU won't go. The 'we' I was talking about is composed of Alhaitham, the Matra and I."
"What?!" Kaveh, Tighnari and Collei cried in unison.
"Regarding the seriousness of the situation, it's only natural that this matter is solved within members of the Matra and Akademiya." Alhaitham explained. "It could be extended to inhabitants of the Gandharva Ville, but the only thing they need now is a good doctor and a lot of rest."
"No way!" Tighnari shouted. "I have to get them back! I have to, I have to..."
His voice faded into intelligible mumbles, repeating again and again the same words. This was the first time Cyno had seen his best friend like this. What could have happened to make him act this way? Those damned Eremites... He would make sure they paid for what they've done.
Alhaitham and the grand general were quick to exit the office and start gathering people to accompany them to Alcazarzaray.
This matter had to be settled right now.
One of the people present also made his way to the exit, only that she did in the complete opposite way.
You were feeling very, very warm.
It was as if a giant marshmallow was enveloping you, gently offering a comfortable space to rest while you dozed off with a sense of security.
Suddenly, hand rested on your head, carefully caressing your hair in a loving manner. You opened your eyes, only to find a silhouette cradling you and watching you with hearts on their eyes.
"Keep sleeping, stardust." A soothing voice came out of their lips. "Once you wake, I won't get to hold you like this again."
The sadness in their tone made your heart ache. You gently raised your hand and rested it on their cheek, smiling when they wore a surprised expression.
"Tata..." You whispered. "Papa said they took you..."
You tried to keep smiling, you were seeing your parent again! But the thought of everything that happened only fueled the pain in your chest, making you let a sob out before starting to fully crying.
Your parent stopped the caressing to instead hug you tightly. Whispered sweet words in your ear. "You're too young for everything's that happening. How I wish I could still be hugging you in reality, and not just in this dream."
So this was a dream. Well, it didn't matter. This was the place your parent was, where you could touch them once again.
"Why did they do it...?" You could only ask between sobs.
You could hear your tata let a sigh. Both them and your father had tried to explain everything to you, at least the best they could to a little child. But maybe all you needed right now was the truth.
"I'm the one who created this world." They spoke. With a wave of their hand, something akin to stardust was born from it. It made you giggle a little. "And as such, I also wanted to live here as a mortal like everyone. Like your father, like you."
You looked into their eyes and saw all the love they had for you.
"I descended in a new body, with no powers and no memory. But the mortals and gods... Over time, they became obsessed with the idea of me. Of a being of pure love, power, and divinity. Being in a mortal body, I possessed none of that, so it was only natural that they thought I was an impostor trying to deceive them."
With each word, their tone became more and more solemn. "They... killed my body, so I now return to be a deity unapproachable by any of them. Any, except for you."
They kissed your nose gently.
"You are my child, my flesh and blood, and though I had a mortal body when you were conceived, my divinity still flows in you."
Their fingers brushed the cut in your arm, the one you got when you protected your father back in the Chasm. You averted your eyes from it. It only served to remind you what you lost that day.
"I want nothing more than destroy this world and the people in it for everything they've done to their own creator. But..."
Strangely enough, those words filled with hatred did not worry you in the slightest. Was it because it was your parent who said them? "But...?" You trailed on.
"But you and him still live here. And I do not wish for you both to feel anything remotely close to what I've experienced."
The hug enveloping you became a little tighter, as if your tata was trying to heal all their pain by embracing you.
It was a silent promise. One that said that as long as you both were alive, then the world would remain untouched.
"I miss you." You whispered, hiding your face in their chest.
"I miss you too, stardust. I hope you both live your life to the fullest before finally being reunited again. I love you."
You felt a warm and gentle kiss on your forehead and raised your head to see your parent one last time only to find a pillow resting above you, right where your tata had been. You let a sad sigh at the sight of an unknown bedroom and strange bed.
So, it really was just a dream. But it felt so real... you could still feel the tenderness of their touch and the tingle their lips left on your skin. How you missed your family...
Looking at the window in front of the bed, you noticed that the sun was already starting to set. It seemed that you fell asleep crying in your aunt's arms, how embarrassing. But to sleep all day? It really showed how your situation was exhausting your little body.
There was a small table at your right side with a plate of food on it. There was a note attached to it, with your name written on the upside. You took it and tried to read it, but the handwriting was very different from your parent's. You recognized some letters, but the words were pretty confusing.
Still, even if you couldn't read it, it left a warm feeling in your chest knowing that Dori cared enough to leave you some food and a little note for the moment you woke up.
With the piece of paper in your hand, you rushed to your backpack and took the stuffed animal from the inside, putting both items on the bed. They were your treasures now.
If only you had something from your father as well...
Opting to occupy your mind to not get sad, you tried to approach the table with the snack before a loud bang resonated around the entire palace. It seemed that someone was knocking on the front door, really hard.
As you tried to peek outside the room to see what was going on, you were surprised when Dori quickly came in and pushed you inside, closing the door behind her.
"Auntie? What's happening?" You asked with a slight tremble on your voice. Had trouble come again? Could those people from Liyue have finally found you?
"Ah, that? It's nothing. Probably the Matra trying to arrest me again for 'alleged' scams." She laugh, clearly unbothered by the whole situation. "What do you have there?"
You looked where she was pointing, right at your stuffed animal. "Oh! That's my favorite plush. Tata made it for me for my last birthday."
She smiled and picked it up in her hands. "Look at this cute thing! Handmade goods tend to sell pretty well."
Dori put the plush back where it was and turned to face you.
"Well, I see that you still haven't eaten. What do you say we have dinner together? The chef prepares the best dishes in all Teyvat!"
You giggled. "Okay!"
"Sweet! Then we—"
She stopped in the middle of the sentence as the sound of the main doors opening filled the mansion. This set her right on edge, as the butler had strict orders to not open the door to anybody, not even for the Matra or Grand Sage himself. She pressed herself to the door of the room to hear what was happening in the main hall.
"Aunt Dori?" You were confused by the sudden change of demeanor. You grabbed the stuffed animal and held it to your chest, trying to get some sense of comfort.
"Shh." She motioned for you to remain silent, so you did. Voices could be heard, and even the distressed wails of the butler resonated around the halls. Whatever was happening, it was undoubtedly bad.
Dori looked at you, which made you startle a little. "Did something happen back with the Eremites?" She asked.
"Um, well..." You trailed off, nervous. "Back in the forest, a boy from a place called Gandharva Ville found me first. He brought me back with him, and those mercenaries had to attack the city because of that misunderstanding."
She pushed her head back as the voices got louder, undoubtedly investigating the mansion in the search of something. Someone.
"Fuck, those idiots didn't even bother to tell me anything. No wonder even the Grand Sage is here." The woman mumbled under her breath. She sighed and looked back at you. "Change of plans. We have to hide, or else I'll be imprisoned for terrorism and kidnapping. Those are things I don't plan to add to my record. "
Oh no, was this your fault? Was now your aunt in trouble because you didn't go with the Eremites right away? First, the nice people in the Ville were attacked, and now Dori was going to be blamed for it.
"Quick! Let's go through the secret passage!"
She locked the door behind her and rushed to the bed, pushing it to separate the furniture from the wall. You quickly gathered the plush and the letter and put them in the backpack before helping Dori move the bed. There was a different color right where the headboard rested, and the merchant wasted no time in tearing the wallpaper to reveal a small door beneath.
The Matra was getting closer, so Dori was in a hurry to get you both out of the house. She motioned for you to go first, so you crossed the small passage while she stayed behind temporarily to move back the bed to where it was.
You found yourself back at the gardens, just at the back of the manor away from the people that were surrounding the perimeter. Nobody seemed to have spotted you yet, so you waited for Dori to crawl from the secret passage before running away.
"Stay low. These guys are the real deal here." She whispered before taking your hand in hers and guiding you through the less visible parts of the lot.
You were almost at the entrance of the forest when a member of the Matra spotted you two and quickly gave the signal to his associates.
"There! They're trying to escape using the southern exit!"
It wasn't long before the rest of the Matra started to mobilize in your direction. Dori opted to stop hiding and run as fast as you could, as a last attempt to lose the officials.
You almost managed to reach the edge of the forest when the ground rose in front of you, forming a pillar made of dirt and stones that blocked the path ahead.
"Stop! Lord Sangemah Bay, you are under arrest!"
Turning around, a member of the Matra with a Geo vision was the culprit of your dead end. He was concentrating on maintaining the pillar as the General Mahamatra made his way towards you. Dori put you behind her, which didn't really help to cover you as your heights were not so far away.
"Lord Sangemah Bay." Greeted Cyno, though his voice was filled with nothing but disdain. "I knew you were a scammer, but I'd have never thought of you a terrorist. Have anything to say about this?"
She furrowed her brows but otherwise remained silent. So, he instead looked at you.
"So this is the kid that made you even attack Gandharva Ville to capture. Who is this? Why are you keeping them?"
You wanted to answer him, but the hold Dori had on your hand suddenly felt tighter as if she was silently telling you to keep quiet. Cyno sighed, knowing that he would not get anything out of the pair.
"I see how it is. You both will have to come with the Matra then."
The breeze picked up strongly.
A powerful burst of wind almost knocked Cyno off his feet; he even had to summon his polearm and nail it to the ground to remain in his place. Dirt and leaves started floating from everywhere, and you had to cover your eyes to avoid hurting them.
Only when everything calmed down you ventured to open them once again. You were now facing the back of a small man, with black and green hair and light green tattoos in the visible skin in his arms.
You had a very, very bad feeling about this guy; for the clothing he bore told everyone present that he was foreign to their nation.
"I'm afraid I can't allow to take this child with you."
The stranged summoned his own weapon; a jade colored polearm materialized in his hand as he took a more defensive stance.
"I know you." Cyno spoke. He regained his balance and also held his spear in his hands. "Liyue seems to be pretty far away from here, don't you think?"
This man was here to take you back. Because you were your parent's child, wasn't it? They wanted the child born from the divinity they were obsessed with.
Oh no, no, no, no...
You took one step backward but instantly froze when the boy turned his head to look at you the moment your foot touched the ground. His golden eyes bore right into yours, as if he was nothing more than a predator waiting for the best chance to strike.
However, he promptly returned his attention to the general when he saw that you were no longer moving.
"Heed my words, for this is the only warning I'll offer, mortal. Forget everything about this child, for they are now under the eternal custody of Liyue and the Geo Archon."
Cyno frowned. He still didn't understand the situation that well, but something about you was so special that even the Rex Lapis himself was sending his own acolytes to fetch them. Now, the attack on the Ville made more sense.
He didn't know who you could possibly be, but from the looks of it, you were terrified at the sight of the adeptus. Was this another kidnapping? For a god to step so low...
If anything, he only knew that you didn't want to go with him. So, you should stay here. Right where the Matra could protect you.
He took one step in the adeptus' direction, but the same strong wind from before returned and threatened to send him flying. He could only discern a green stream quickly making his way to where you were standing before vanishing, with the wind closely behind.
When he was able to get the dirt out of his eyes, only the sight of his fellow matra remained. Xiao was gone; you were too. He didn't see the Lord either, but he stopped paying them attention early on. Maybe they took this chance to escape the Matra and avoid any questioning.
His coworkers were quick to offer a hand; two of them helped him stand while the rest immediately started a search party for both Dori and the missing child.
Liyue, huh?
He had to report this to the acting Grand Sage.
There is no justice in letting a handful of people have his way with a kid. He would rescue them, even if he had to cross the whole land to get there.
"Isn't the weather beautiful today?"
The Fatui soldier didn't voice her answer, only nodded to maintain her silence. She had her head hanging low, for she was paying respect to the man in front of her.
You had to be always careful when in the presence of Dottore, after all.
"A little bird told me something funny today." His deep tone made chills run down her spine. His silhouette in front of the window gave an ominous feeling, the weather displaying a colorful battle of blue, purple, and yellow thanks to the storm outside. "It appears that the Creator themself descended a few years ago!"
"H-huh?!" She could not help the gasp of surprise that left her mouth but quickly returned to her position of submission when the mad man turned to see her.
Instead of getting angry, he smiled creepily. "Just as you hear. Our Divine Grace finally returned to this world, only that they did in a mortal body. That impostor that every soul on Teyvat made their goal to catch? It turned out to be the real and mighty Overlord!"
The Fatui raised her head in disbelief, watching him as he laughed like a maniac.
"But Liyue was the lucky winner; they managed to grab them and display their headless body for every habitant to see!" He took one step closer to the glass, smiling every time lightning illuminated the scenery. "It's just now that the other nations are finding this out... Inazuma might've been the first, as the only thing covering the skies are the mournful thunder and lightning from the lady that holds their power. Ah, she truly must feel like her heart is being ripped out at these news!"
As if agreeing with him, the sky roared a few times.
"She can grieve all she wants. Morax could've been the executioner, but the rest of them also raised their weapons and didn't hesitate to hurt the Divine One even when they claimed innocence asked for mercy."
She didn't know what to say. Was this true? Their almighty god, their benevolent and loving one... Had already descended and was killed because people simply didn't believe it?
"This is going to be fun." Dottore hummed. "I almost can't wait for when the other archons discover what transpired. Will they unleash their fury and sorrow upon Liyue? Hehe, I sure hope this storm marks the beginning of the end."
He turned around and started to exit the room, but not before giving the soldier under him his last command.
"Wait for the next ship to Snezhnaya to deliver a letter. Inform the Tsaritsa that even though her efforts to reach our Divine One to aid them were hindered by the other archons, this time we can all protect the most precious gift they've left for us."
She looked at him quizzically but made no comment to refuse him.
"That's right." He laughed. "We'll take care of them while the rest of the world crumbles and destroys itself..."
Hello! This is a taglist. Should you wish for me to remove you, you can ask for it.
I can only tag up to 50 people in each post, so the rest will be tagged in the reblog!
Due to the overwhelming support you've given me, I fear I might have forgotten some people who kindly asked to be tagged. If you do not find yourself here, please do tell me. I've saved every username but there's a possibility that I've missed yours when I made the list.
However, I don't know why I can't tag some blogs. I hope this reaches you well.
@cryastre • @someone-with-wild-imagination • @esthelily • @ursinaw • @shizunxie • @meep13r • @clayallor • @yuyuzi-ling • @atsukawolfcat • @yandere-city • @teethmunchertimes • @shinydrakeon15 • @d4ff0d1l14 • @thelonelyarchon • @shadowfoxey • @lunarianillusion • @sarah-saystuff • @scarletttcroww • @insomniackae • @mochicurls21 • @him3ru • @elernity • @d3sperate-enuf • @devils-blackrose • @heather-hutchcroft • @internet-4ngel • @crueldinasty • @yourlocaldrugdealerbutfancy • @almighty-raiden-shogunate • @itz-luna • @kaveh-is-pretty • @yuumaofc • @ratorose • @justlostintheinternet • @angelkazusstuff • @jellidecoffee • @deadflycomputerlogs • @valeriele3 • @no-regrets-just-confusion • @chidouna • @hikaru-exe • @leafanonsforest • @formacoon • @chuuya-brainrot • @fantsyland • @red1sg0n3 • @m3q3kic • @toodledoodl3 • @juuuuuj101010 • @fancyhawk45
@yuus3n • @bre99 • @sucker-for-angst-and-fluff • @nervouseaglelover • @kaoyamamegami • @nightmare-taco • @penguinbabeez • @tartarsaucechi1de • @randomnatics
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quirkycritters · 2 months
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“It’s getting worse again…”
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m1d-45 · 1 year
any chance of a part 2 of opportunities arisen? perhaps tighnari finds out who we are? or someone else comes after us? 👉👈 i love him sm and ur characterization of him is perfect, that fic is 100% canon in my mind for every imposter au now
prime fortune
a/n: hope this one didn’t absolutely destroy your expectations anon. it took a hard left turn halfway through and i couldn’t bring it back—
word count: 3.1k oh wow-
-> warnings: minor spoilers for sumeru archon quest (3.0-3.2), dubious medical facts that you should not follow, likely ooc cyno, excessive use of the word ‘something’ with little reasoning to show for it, cyno’s excellent humor
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3 || @shizunxie
<< part 1 || < masterlist >
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adapting to life in the forest was easier said than done.
you’re often paired with collei, who’s in the middle of a bad eleazar flare that keeps her confined to the village, and though she teaches you the different salves and plants, a lot of it goes over your head.
you’re interested, you are! the liveliness with which she speaks, and the animated gestures from tighnari as he explains proper safety when preparing medicine easily capture your attention, but when she hands you two mushrooms and asks her to tell you which one is morchella….
by some strange luck, you often guess correctly, your intuition knowing more than you do, but when she nods with a smile and asks you to repeat the differences…
your mind falls blank.
something about the density of the fibers inside the mushroom floats through your mind, but you can’t remember whether the true or false mushroom is heavier.
collei’s smile falters, and yours turns sheepish. when she takes you out on walks, slowly walking up the paths so you don’t strain your ankle, you can point at the differences between portobello and death caps, you can pick out holly and honeysuckle and marigold, but here…
you pass the field practice with flying colors, but your basic by-the-books forest ranger tests always end in failure.
tighnari picks out two plants from a small case, holding them up in front of you.
“you come across amir sitting just off the side of a path, clutching his stomach. after some questioning, you determine he has a stomach cramp from dehydration, and spot these two plants nearby. you’re about a 15 minute walk from the village; what do you do?”
one of the plants has many flat white flowers blooming from the top, with yellow centers, while the other has orange petals that form a ball shape on top. you know one of them is yarrow, but not which one…
you pick the latter on a whim, spinning it between two fingers as you think. “pick the petals and crush them into a paste, taking care not to overwork them. give him about a spoonful, which should be most of it, then help him up. report to shirin once we return.”
the blank mask on his face falls into confusion. “how do you even mix up marigold and yarrow?” he asks, picking the flower—marigold, you now recognize—from your hand. “you got the procedure correct, at least, but marigold is bitter and will only worsen his aches. oh, and additionally, the leaves of yarrow—however small they-“
the door to the cottage slams open, jars rattling on their shelves, and tighnari whips around to face whoever it is, one hand steadying a stack of reports.
“and just what do you think you’re- w- collei? is everything alright?”
collei’s violet eyes were wide, her shoulders heaving with breath, when she spoke, exhaustion was evident. “m-master tighnari! the matra are here on behalf of the akademiya! i tried to tell them to wait so i could get you but they just-..”
emotions flashed over tighnari’s face faster than you could catch, eventually setting on a sharp determination. “alright collei, calm down. go find amir and do your best to delay them, but don’t seem too suspiscious, okay? just remember what we planned, i’ll take care of things here.”
her eyes flicked to you, worry evident, but she quickly turned away.
the moment the door closed, you and tighnari sprung into action. he collected the plants from your test and tucked them into their proper places, you standing to help return a mint plant back to its place.
he caught your wrist, taking the pot. “don’t. take your bag and go, don’t worry about this.”
you hesitate for longer than you should, then nod. he lets you go and returns to his case, and you move to crouch by the bed. feeling under it, your hand eventually brushes against a cloth handle, which you grab. you take a step to unlatch the window with one hand and sling the pack over your shoulder with the other, leaving with your good leg first. as you carefully close the window behind you, you can see tighnari moving to hide all the notes you’d taken, the only sign of his worry being his tail lashing behind him and the slightest flick of his ears.
with a soft smile, you turn away.
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tighnari checked over his room once more, ensuring that every trace of your presence was scrubbed clean. your laundry was out and mixed with the rest of the rangers’, but your notes and records were carefully hidden under patrol logs and his own personal binders. he knew everything was tucked away, he had explanations lined up and answers to every conceivable question the akademiya could have, but his heart still beat frantically against his ribs. even as he pulled apart and neatened up a stack of patrol logs, repeating the action to look like he was doing something whenever the matra came to his hut, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he missed something crucial.
he had to fight to keep his tail from betraying his emotions, the energy not going into mussing up and then fixing the papers spent on hiding the symptoms of his distress. he knew he didn’t miss anything. the moment you told them the sages were on active lookout for you and he knew you weren’t a threat, he had memorized the plan. he was foolish to worry.
he hasn’t known you for long, barely over half a year, yet his mind is clouded with the same worry as when collei collapses out on patrol. the same numbing sort of adrenaline, the icy feeling in his bones even as his skin starts to burn up, the apprehension in every movement, as if at any moment-
somebody knocks on the door.
tighnari takes a steadying breath and fusses with the papers a final time. “come in!”
the door creaks open and he taps the papers on the table, turning slightly to speak over his shoulder. “sorry, you caught me in the middle of something.”
“no matter,” a familiar voice says, and he can’t stop the way his body freezes at the speaker.
he carefully tucked the papers into a folder, finally turning around. “general mahamatra. to what do i owe the honor?”
cyno crossed his arms, red eyes surveying the room. “oh, nothing at all. just somebody from vimara village reporting somebody that looked suspiciously like the primo fortuna walking around with collei when they’re supposed to be in liyue.”
tighnari stares. the primo fortuna…? he thought they were after you, but you couldn’t be…
“are… are you suggesting somebody is attempting to imitate the creator?”
sure, he wouldn’t deny you shared some features—you had the same shape of nose, you were around the same height and build—but for you to be the creator? no, it wasn’t possible. your eyes were much kinder, you stopped and helped nasrin when she couldn’t find the proper forms, you directed shirin to the area of the forest where you and collei found nilotpala lotuses, you were nothing like the creator he saw at pardis dhyai. you didn’t stare with glazed eyes as padisarahs and sumeru roses were brought forth, you listened in earnest when he spoke about the differences between the various kinds of ferns.
if anybody were to meet you, they’d know in an instant you were not the creator.
his heart itched within his chest. he ignored it as worry.
“that’s exactly what i’m implying. as i’m certain you know, their identity is hallowed, and anybody attempting to infringe upon it needs to meet justice.” the golden eye on his headpiece flashed, the sides beginning to narrow into eyes before he shook his head and it passed. “but in truth, that is not why i am here.”
tighnari stared. despite having a fondness for jokes, cyno was never one to laugh about his duties. “what do you mean? collei told me you were here on behalf of the akademiya.”
“the matra are here on behalf of the sages,” he clarified. “i… i am here for other reasons. personal ones.”
his eyes flicked around the room again, and tighnari’s narrowed. “well, don’t hide behind double meanings, then. what is it?”
cyno’s jaw flexed as he chewed at nothing, his arms uncrossing. his eyes focused somewhere around the bed, and he seemed lost in thought. whatever it was, it had to be a big deal, but for him to hijack the matra’s arrival instead of coming on his own time…
“the one on the throne is not our god.”
he said it with such conviction that tighnari found himself agreeing, waiting for whatever had gotten him worked up, and it was only when cyno’s eyes closed as he braced himself that it registered what he said.
“i have gathered evidence across many sources, both academic and religious, common and exclusive, and i can’t bring myself to kneel at their feet any longer. i have been ignoring my own mind for too long for the sake of my conscience, and i am confiding in you now what has been brewing in my mind for months.”
in the silence that stretched, tighnari almost wished he hadn’t spoken.
the way he spoke, from his words to his tone, reminded tighnari of when he reported to the sages, like he wasn’t tighnari to him and was instead an authority.
“cyno, i don’t.. is this why you didn’t go when they were at pardis dhyai or sumeru city?”
he nodded. “i can’t be in a place where they’re being worshipped when i’m so conflicted. i thought about pulling you aside in the city, but…”
tighnari didn’t think he’d ever seen cyno so meek in his words, none of his normal power behind it. he’s… tired, a quality he knows he’s felt but has never seen on him, the almost nervous way he keeps glancing around the room edging on alarming.
“alright.. uh, moving past that for a moment, what does that have to do with why you’re in gandharva ville? wouldn’t you want to not be involved?”
cyno’s eyes dragged from where they were locked behind him with uncharacteristic slowness. “the person you’re hiding may be the real creator.”
the simplicity to his words had tighnari believing it, even as it didn’t fully register in his mind. he knew cyno attached a religious aspect to his work, to the point the people in sumeru city sometimes calling him an extension of their judgement—even as it was more like the akademiya’s, most time—so he knew that whatever he said on the topic was both well thought out and reliable.
which is why he was silent even after it clicked.
“what are you saying, cyno?”
“they’ve been staying here, haven’t they? in this room?”
“this is my and collei’s-“
“don’t tell me you haven’t been able to feel the difference in the air? the way it seems to flow slowly, lingering, like it has something to wait for? there’s no heavy blankets on the bed, and yet everybody else is talking of how cold the weather’s been lately.”
“that’s because this is an insulated room, and we’re right up against a cliff.”
the quick pace to his heart was back, this time less of worry and more of confusion. you couldn’t be the creator, not when you bore so little resemblance to the one on the throne. you were good at what you did, plants thriving under your care even if you forget to water them. call him selfish, but tighnari almost wished the creator could go back to wherever they’d been, since they’d been much kinder there, both to their vessels and the world.
you weren’t them. they weren’t even close to being you.
“you’re considering it.”
he crossed his arms, forcing himself to still. “i’ll admit—not that you didn’t already know it—that we have taken a refugee into the village, one the sages might call a criminal-“
“that’s not what i mean, tighnari, and you know it.”
“can you give me a minute? you can’t just drop a massive load of information on me like that and expect me to continue like it didn’t happen!”
“you’re reacting oddly.”
“well of course i am, you’re telling me the same person i took in and sheltered from your bosses is somebody you want to take away back to them, and that’s not even covering their injuries- they’ve barely been able to walk outside of the village, and you want to take them to the city?”
“when did i say anything about the sages?”
tighnari stopped, his chest heaving. his hands froze mid-air, his tail still flicking in a mix of irritation and stress, thoughts moving quicker than he could understand them.
“i never said anything about the sages. i never said i would take them.”
“w- well it’s implied, if not in your words then-“
“i don’t deal in implications. you know this.”
he did.
he knew cyno. he knew how he spoke and acted, he knew that the small emotion in his eyes was indicative of empathy and not ruthless justice. he knew he held reasoning in high standards, he knew that if he stopped and thought about the words coming from his mouth then he would agree.
but he couldn’t think.
all of his usual composure had faltered and faded, leaving him grasping for a hold as his thoughts swam like a raging river around him, even standing a struggle amidst the tide. all he could do was watch, his head racing and hands shaking, as cyno stood on the bank of rationality, with his crossed arms and cool eyes that dared him to step forward and sink beneath the waves.
he had no real reason to fear so much for you. by now you were gone, by now you were safe and far past the statue of the seven by the chasm, hidden in a place where even cyno would struggle to find you. you were crafty, clever, and you had more than enough supplies to last until he could go to find you.
he had no reason to be afraid.
yet his heart still raced a rhythm he couldn’t follow, his mind tripping and skipping with worry.
his tail wrapped around his side and he picked out a cluster of petals from it, mostly just to give his hands something to do.
as he did, he noticed it was a full flower, likely knocked off one of the samples on the desk. it was small, blue, with smooth petals, and he recognized it after a moment’s pause.
“this is a hydrangea. what is it used for?”
the flower quivered in your shaking hands. “root and stem are for… for medicine. petals are tea.”
collei nodded, smiling brightly. “exactly! you’re a quick learner, aren’t you?”
you smiled sheepishly, trying to hand her back the flower, but collei held up a hand, closing her pack with her other hand.
“no, you keep it. take it as a congratulations for all your progress!”
you were hesitant to accept it, that much was clear, and tighnari tied off the small parcel in his hands before speaking.
“you really have done well. you’ve only been here for a few weeks, but you’ve learned a lot.” he set down the packed herbs beside where he was leaning on the table, directing all of his attention to you. “i know it’s mostly for safety, and you’re not going to be a ranger-“ too much paperwork was required, he couldn’t risk it “-but still. i’m proud of you.”
you smiled.
it likely wasn’t the same flower—that ‘class’ was months ago, now—but it dragged a realization to the surface of his mind.
in the short, fleeting time he’d known you, he had come to care for you as he did collei.
even then, only after a week or two of you being there, a certain fondness had taken root in his chest. something bright, something that bloomed like a rose yet without any of the thorns. something that he watered every time you winced when you walked, something you fostered when you helped treat collei’s eleazar when he was out clearing a withering zone.
something that grew as he realized the poultice you had made had helped clear the pain faster than anything he’d made, even as you both used the same recipe, something that lashed out when kamran questioned your place in the village. something that spurred him to action when he thought you were in trouble, even if it was only cyno.
something that burned bright, something hot that blurred his reasoning even when he knew it was wrong, something that made him want to bare his teeth and keep you safe by his side.
something that should be impossible for him to feel towards you, as it was a golden and warm feeling that did not exist in teyvat, only ever glimpsed at altars.
tighnari looked up from the flower and into cyno’s knowing eyes.
relief washed onto his face, a small nod the only other sign that he’d heard.
“i’ll report nothing to the team—i trust you’ve gone over this, given your reaction?”
he let the comment slide. “yes, everybody here knows what to do in the case of the akademiya or the millelith coming here. it was collei’s idea, actually, and she took care to make sure that everybody had it memorized.”
cyno nodded, taking a step towards the door. “good. and if you ever need to collei matra, just get me instead.”
“do you get-?”
“i got it, cyno.”
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seabirdtxt · 1 year
Hello! Just recently found your blog, and I am in love with your fanfic, Glitch In Irminsul!
I honestly have no idea if I'm the first one to request on your blog, but I do hope this idea is okay with you!
May I request this: Reader who is a comedian with Cyno, Tighnari and Collei, reacting to Reader making Cyno's bad jokes (quote on quote) "better"? You don't have to find a joke for Reader if you don't wanna :)
I'm a little obsessed with their dynamic as of right now. If you do happen to take this request, thanks :D
Also idk if you wanna take Anons, but if you do someday, is it alright if I claim "🎪 Anon" as my alias? Sorry if I'm asking too much! I hope you have a great day :)
hi!! thanks so much for your request, and your patience!! 🩵 i had a good bit of fun writing this for you, i love bad jokes 🤭
WC. 1092
----- ⚘ -----
As the General Mahamatra, and having been personally assigned to your guard by Lesser Lord Kusanali herself, it is Cyno’s sworn duty to attend to every need and whim of the almighty Creator.
And when the Creator demands that you tell them your absolute worst joke, the one that nobody has ever even laughed at yet, well, who is he to deny them?
“- didn’t realize that, at that very moment, a Hydro slime was praying to meet a lone, stranded traveler.” Cyno finishes the joke with a straight face, at the exact same moment that the door to the hut swings open, revealing Tighnari and Collei with several bags of groceries in their arms.
“Oh, Cyno, not the slime joke again.” Tighnari groans over the sound of your absolutely raucous laughter at the horrible joke.
“But the Creator likes it.” Cyno protests, gesturing to you hanging part way off the table and clutching your stomach. You honestly don’t find the joke itself all that funny, but the sheer confidence with which he tells it paired with the completely deadpan expression he has is sending you into hysterics.
“They’re going to eat each other!” You gasp, trying to sit back properly on the chair. A few lingering giggles hit you when you see Tighnari’s deeply disappointed expression. “Hahaha… but slimes don’t have a mouth, do they? How would it eat the person?”
“Exactly!” Tighnari says, pointing at Cyno with the hand not holding the groceries. “It doesn’t make any sense! Slimes wouldn’t-”
“And what did the stranded traveler say in that situation?” You add, confusing both Tighnari and Cyno into silence. Cyno blinks a few times, visibly wondering if there was a part of the joke that he forgot to tell, and he’s about to ask for clarification when Collei beats him to the punch.
“Your Grace, the traveler didn’t say anythi-” Collie begins, but you’re already on a roll.
“He said, ‘it must be slime for dinner!’”
You can’t help but erupt into laughter again at seeing everyone’s reactions: Collei’s slow realization, Cyno perking up excitedly, and Tighnari imploding with exasperation.
“You see, because ‘slime’ sounds like ‘time’-”
“Yes, Cyno. Thanks. I got the gist.”
You’re still gasping for air, leaning back in the chair and bracing yourself on the wall behind you. Tighnari’s frown falters a little, your joy infectious even if the joke is terrible.
“Slime for dinner, and sand for dessert!” You add, and Cyno chuckles even as he brings out his wretched book of jokes and begins writing an annotation in the margins, which Tighnari is sure the librarian will greatly appreciate later. “Get it? ‘Cause dessert, and desert?”
Tighnari is about to snarkily reply, when a surprising sound catches his attention. He turns with a horrified expression to Collei, who has her hand over her mouth and eyes wide in disbelief.
“Oh no, Collei…” Tighnari says warningly, shaking his head, which causes the girl to snort again and she quickly puts down her groceries before she can drop them.
“I- I’m sorry, Master,” she fights through her giggles, which only spurs you and Cyno on. “It’s just… it’s so bad…”
“Come on, ‘Nari, it’s just a joke,” Cyno attempts to bring the Valuka Shuna in on the fun. “Think of it as a way to break the ice.”
“Yeah, Tighnari,” you add. “Snow fun otherwise.”
Collei lets out a full belly laugh, to Tighnari’s dismay and Cyno’s apparent confusion.
“You’ve never laughed at my jokes like that,” the general points out, and Collei can only laugh harder.
“We’re morally obligated to laugh at the Creator’s jokes, ‘lest Their Grace smite us with impunity.” Tighnari states tonelessly, completely opposing his own statement.
That’s about as much as you can take. You slide bonelessly off the chair, howling with laughter on the floor like some kind of hyena.
“Look what you did! You corrupted the Creator!”
“The Creator told that joke all on their own!”
While Cyno and Tighnari are bickering, Collei helps you off of the floor, steadying you in your chair as you both come down from your laughing. She checks you over to make sure you didn’t injure yourself on your way down, then grabs her bag and rummages through it before producing a shiny red apple.
“We brought snacks!” she announces, handing you the fruit proudly. “And we have the stuff for dinner tonight! We picked these fresh, though. They’re very sweet this season!”
You take the apple with a grin and rub it on your shirt to clean it before taking a bite.
“Wow, these really are sweet! Thanks, Collei!” You marvel at how good the apple tastes, somehow different from Earth’s apples, with a refreshing, sugary taste.
“You’re very welcome!” Collei beams at the praise. “I’m gonna go get Master Tighnari to stop griping and help me with dinner, now, though.”
You perk up at the mention of cooking. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Oh, gosh, no! You’re our guest, please let us take care of it!” Collei insists, then scurries over to the other two.
You decide to follow her just as she’s asking Tighnari for help with cooking. The botanist huffs with mild annoyance, his tail sweeping from side to side.
“I’m not sure Cyno needs dinner, Collei,” he states. “Since he wants to act childish, perhaps it would be best to put him in time-out for the evening.”
“That’s not very knife of you, Tighnari,” you say before you can stop yourself. “Why don’t you fork-give him for now so we can have dinner together?”
Tighnari squints at you, somehow sensing you’ve made a pun (or two) despite your straight delivery.
“... Are you going to stop with the jokes too, Your Grace?” he asks, his ear flicking.
“What jokes? Collei wanted to ask for your help with the cooking. How can you say no to dish face?” You sidle up behind Collei and use your pointer fingers to make her smile, which she tolerates with surprising grace. “Isn’t she adora-bowl?”
“...” Tighnari maintains his stance for a few more seconds, and then sighs in defeat. “I don’t have a counter to that. Very well, I suppose I can let it slide for tonight, since it’s for you, Your Grace…”
“Hehehe, counter,” you mumble, which causes Collei to erupt into giggles once more, and Cyno to look extremely pleased with your ability.
And Tighnari to make a noise of exasperation, throwing his hands up and stomping toward the kitchen on his own.
“That’s it! I’ve had enough! I’m leaving!”
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solverse · 9 months
Miscellaneous Stroll. (i)
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Quo; A scenario for Genshin characters! (SAGAU)
Characters; Al-Haitham, Cyno, Candace, Dehya, Nilou, Collei, Faruzan, Tighnari, Kaveh and Nahida.
Notes; Just a little something I wanted to post since this has been in my draft for quite some time.
Disc; Not a character study whatsoever. Just a self-indulgent piece.
The Creator/Guide is named Raphael.
[Miscellanous Stroll] ( ii )
Today was a good day. It was a really nice day with the beaming sunshine, the cool breeze accompanying them, the refreshing taste of the beverages, and delicious snacks occupying their taste buds. The ambient sound of peace, the gentle flow of leylines, chatters of birds along the trees. Surely, this was a–
–good day. 
“ OH, IT'S ON! ” The shrieking yell of Cyno's voice echoed through the space and Raphael smiled away that incoming headache knocking at their door like a bad tinder hook-up at 3 a.m.
Nilou eyed the general with a worried look, smiling awkwardly as she silently lamented the intense metaphorical fire appearing in his eyes. She fidgeted slightly, blue eyes flickering down anxiously. The object in her hand felt heavy for a moment as her body trembled. 
Faruzan watched her closely before her hand reached out, bringing forth an incoming doom as Kaveh and Collei gasped in shock. Tighnari raised an eyebrow, a neutral on his face. Although, if you look close enough, you can see the man holding back with all his strength. He then turned to Kaveh with a placating look. 
Kaveh blinked out his shock, “ Wow– Oh yikes. We are doing this, huh? ” He grimaced. Cyno's eyes sharpened even further when the blond made his move. The General Mahamatra laced his fingers, glaring at Collei who was starting to sweat anxiously. 
“ Cyno, stop that. ” Tighnari chastised and Cyno only huffed in response, tearing away his gaze as he chose to look somewhere else. Collei swallowed before she reached out to confirm her move. Everyone gaped at her and Dehya started laughing. Candace could barely hide her smile as she continued, gaining even more shocked looks. Cyno clenched his fist. 
All eyes turned to Al-Haitham. The man was in his own thoughts before he glanced at each of them and Raphael could see the gears in his head turned at an impossible speed. He glanced somewhere else before shrugging. 
Faruzan gasped, not able to hide the huge grin on her face. “ No way! ” 
“ Oh, we're continuing?! ” Kaveh laughed in surprise. 
“ Seriously? ” Collei muttered behind her hand, eyes wide. Tighnari snickered in amusement. 
“ Don't you dare. ” Cyno hissed out, holding out a fist as he clenched his jaw. Al-Haitham cocked an eyebrow, halting in his movement. He stared at the general, face serious and blank. Cyno doubled down on his glare. 
Al-Haitham moved very slowly, observing every part of Cyno's reaction. 
“ Do it, do it, do it. ” Dehya chanted with a cheeky grin and Cyno sent an irritated look her way. The mercenary just rolled her eyes, the mischievous smile still on her face. Candace watched with an almost sorry look. 
“ Al-Haitham, I swear– ” 
Al-Haitham did the exact opposite and placed down another 4+ UNO card on the stack of cards. Cyno stared in disbelief while everybody else burst out laughing. Dehya was full-on cackling, leaning against Candace, who was also laughing. 
Nilou was laughing like there was no tomorrow, body trembling as she attempted to stifle her laughter. But one look at the Cyno's face of despair, she failed to do so, joining Faruzan as the two women cracked up.  
Kaveh banged his fist against the table multiple times, burying his face in his hand as he silenced his laugh. Collei gaped with a look of awe at the number of cards Cyno had to take. What was even worse was that Cyno had one card left but now he was holding a whopping 23. 
Cyno, on the other hand, was downright murderous. 
Raphael watched from the side awkwardly, sipping on their tea with a bored look. Nahida happily hummed from the side, a cup of milk tea in her hand. 
“ Oh boy. ” The Guide muttered, sipping their tea as they sweatdropped, trying to ignore the incoming deathmatch. It was just UNO. They did not want to think what would happen if they started playing Monopoly. Oh, the divorce rate will skyrocket. 
Nahida giggled and Raphael huffed, the little gremlin– she knew. 
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lovesickeros · 1 year
ive been thinking about what characters would know sign language, bc despite never being mentioned i can't imagine teyvat wouldn't have an equivalent version.
alhaitham (partially deaf/goes nonverbal) obviously and by extension kaveh (kinda hard to chew out your roommate when they cant understand you), but also collei (goes nonverbal when triggered) would have been taught by tighnari (who knows it bc its useful for communicating silently w other rangers)
#sagau#genshin sagau#genshin impact sagau#self aware genshin#self aware genshin impact#alhaitham#tighnari#kaveh#collei#albedo absolutely knows it as well (he taught klee when she saw him signing one day and thought it was neat)#klee signs when shes really excited bc she knows if she starts talking no one will understand her bc shes talking too fast#amber knows it (similar reasoning to tighnari but she also works w kids a lot. probably taught collei a bit of sl during her time in mond)#cyno (same reason as tighnari + amber and again. helps 2 communicate w collei)#diluc & kaeya know it (they learned it as kids and thought it was super cool. used it like a super secret language between the two of them)#diluc uses it more practically now but still goes nonverbal sometimes and kaeya just Knows and immediately switches to sl too#lisa + by extension razor (lisa would have prob learned it in sumeru like alhaitham and is trying to teach it to razor)#mostly to fill in gaps of words hes doesnt know yet. so if he wants to ask for something but doesnt know the word he can sign it instead#childe. which may be surprising. taught by skirk probably but only barely. just enough to get his point across when he goes nonverbal#bc hes absolutely traumatized by his time in the abyss and is not handling it well!!#honorable mentions r ei + miko + zl#yoimiya + yelan + yanfei#baizhu + noelle#me?? projecting onto the characters by making half of them go nonverbal for x reason????? yeah :)#if u see me adding tags look away!!!#n e way do you think there would be different versions of sl for each nation bc........#i mean teyvat only has one universal spoken language (paimon mentions it bc traveler had to learn it)#so would there even be multiple sign languages?????#maybe bc asl + bsl are different but.
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dreampearls · 6 months
head in my hands collei and cyno head in my hands in my HANDSSSS
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sleepy-apparition · 1 year
Thinking about self-aware genshin. Not the not the regular isekai sagau, just the characters realizing they're in a game. How horrifying that revelation could be for them.
Collei is helping a lost kid back to Ganharva Ville, when a sudden feeling of realization shoots through her. She brings herself and the kid back, only to realize nobody's there. Only holograms in place of people she once knew. Even Tighnari, her beloved master that's done so much to help her, is now a simplified version of a once living person. And the worst part is that there's nothing she can do. She's tried, oh has she tried. To hiding things, to being intentionally clumsy, to acting, all, just to see if someone will do something, but nothing has worked. Now, Collei's stuck. She can't leave because what if something finally happens when she does? What if she can't get back in time? All she can do is drag her feet through each monotonous day, and cry at the end of them. (One day Tighnari will realize that their world is fake. And find himself horrified by the all the suffering Collei's been going through. And Collei will be relieved. A bit guilty for it, she but so relieved. She's finally not alone anymore.) Thoma wakes up to a busy estate and a long chore list, but there's nothing to do. Everything is clean, in fact, there's nothing so much as out of place. Despite this, he still goes out of his way to complete the list. Maybe he does it to regain a sense of normalcy, or maybe it's to distract from the fact that everyone is doing the same things they did yesterday. What ever the cause, it never can never cover up the empty feeling in his chest when he has to listen to Ayaka do and say the same things day in day out. He doesn't get to see Ayato often, but when they do get the chance to chat, his words are dull and scripted. It pains him to the people he cares about get reduced to nothing but lines of code and cheap dialog. Thoma tried to tell them the world they were living in wasn't real, once, but they just stared blankly and stopped responding to him. Come the next day, neither of them had any recollection of Thoma's admission from the prior night. The minds of mere game characters aren't made to hold such knowledge, after all. I would thank @bread-knife for inspiring me to write this out!
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anemoflower · 1 year
✦ Nerina [S/I] ✦
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(Just a sketch for now, I might draw something more fancy sometime)
✧ Name: Nerina
✧ Birthday: 6. February
✧ Element: Anemo
✧ Weapon: Catalyst
✧ Born in Mondstadt
✧ Loves art and often takes a sketchbook with her to sketch landscapes, animals etc.
✧ Good friends with Sucrose and Albedo, sometimes they make art together
✧ Sometimes looks after Klee for the Knights of Favonius
✧ started travelling Teyvat for commissions from the Adventurers' Guild (and to explore because she’s super interested to see more of the world)
✧ Had a crush on Childe, but got her heart broken after what happened in Liyue
✧ Found her true love in Thoma when travelling to Inazuma
(more to follow, when I have more progress in game...)
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blubujollyrancher · 7 months
okay i just realized collei and wanderer meeting would actually be so fucking funny bc wanderer would absolutely remind her of her younger self and collei HATES her younger self, refering to her as childish and even funnier implying she thinks she was CRINGEY
like she has that voiceline in which she quotes lines from an inazuman novel and then goes on to say its "too cringey" and she "cant read any more" of it
but BUT in one of her character stories it quotes the same lines from said novel and says that after reading she then couldn't sleep all night bc (its implied) it reminded her of her past self
so basically collei meeting wanderer would just be "this guy is so much like me when i was younger and i HATE it he is so fucking cringey i can't take it" like wanderer says some wanderer shit and collei is just visibly wincing behind tighnari bc of the pure unfiltered amounts of Fucking Cringe Vibes she's getting from this old man
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enden-k · 1 year
congrats on ur abyss run! i didnt even know they gave u a little message at the end lol (perpetualy 27 star-er here)
im rlly curious tho, if u dont mind me asking how long did it take?
oh ye it always gives this message when you went through all floors and continue
uhh not too long, first floors are always very fast to do if youre putting effort into doing it quick. i was streaming and fooling around a little, redid one floor twice and enjoyed free haitham whump three times so it was like an hour-ish doing all.
(in the first years i was always very try hard with abyss but rn i just feel tired and old LMFAO so im very chill with it and rlly just mess around and do the barest minimum. basically how i live my life ig)
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kuamiru · 1 year
The Golden Child Part II
SAGAU & Impostor AU where the reader is the child of the actual creator.
Warnings: blood, panic attack, mention of suicide.
If you haven't read part 1 yet, you can find it here.
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Humidity felt awful. The tall and wet grass gave an uncomfortable sensation every time you walked another step. The tall trees blocked your vision; it was impossible to see what lay beyond the forest. The flora and fauna were drastically different from what you knew in Liyue; no matter how hard you tried, you could not recognize a single animal or plant.
Your eyes were focused on the road ahead, simply watching the dirt below your feet as your mind wandered about the events that led you to this situation. You no longer had any tears to cry, you spent the first hour of your walk weeping and mourning for the life that you lost.
Now, you could only move forward.
The sun that once stood on top of the sky was starting to slowly disappear into the horizon. It wouldn't be long before night arrived, and you had yet to find some sort of civilization to ask for help.
Strange noises managed to snap you out of your thoughts. As you weren't paying attention to your surroundings, you failed to notice three strange persons standing right in front of you, blocking your path. Two buff and strong men and a tall, slim woman looked down at you menacingly. As they bore similar clothes colored red and gold, it was safe to assume that they all were in the same group or clan of some sorts.
You immediately stopped walking and moved your backpack to the front to hug it in your chest as a way to both have a false sense of security and an easier access to the dagger hidden inside.
"So is this it? The shrimp we were tasked to retrieve?" The woman asked as she crossed her arms. You could not see her eyes as they were covered by a red cloth, but it was evident she was raising a brow.
"Watch your mouth." One of the men spoke. "Remember what we were told: safely secure the child and not do anything that could upset them."
So, were these strangers planning to take you? Did they have any connections to that archon that fought your dad? Was that why they were there, to bring you back to Liyue?
Impulsed by your fear, you took one step backward.
The other man seemed to notice this, for he approached you in just one big step. He crouched to look at you in the eyes in an attempt to look less intimidating. It didn't quite work as planned as you just flinched. "Hey it's okay, little one. We won't hurt you. We are here to take you to Lord Sang—"
"Stop right there!"
The man was interrupted by an arrow impacting right in front of his feet, surprising him and making him stand up in alarm. The other two were also alerted and readied their weapons; a bow and two swords were in hand to fight whoever was attacking them.
A young boy descended from the tree on top of you. He landed unscathed in front of you, between the man that previously approached you and your smaller form. His fox-like tail was tense behind him, simulating that of the wild animals when they were alert, ready to strike. His long and fluffy ears twitched at every sound his enemies made, taking advantage of his animal blood to have the advantage on this situation.
"I didn't know Eremites would step so low as to corner a lonely child in the forest." He said, drawing his bow and aiming it at the stranger in front of him. "I'll give you this chance to leave. If you do not, I won't hesitate to throw you out by force."
The group looked at each other. However, none of them put down their weapon.
"Sorry, little forest watcher. We have a job to do." The woman warned.
"We advise you to step aside." The man with the swords said.
Those comments enraged the newcomer. From his point of view, these Eremites were picking on a kid just to rob them. Maybe even something worse.
"Don't say I didn't warn you."
Before you had any time to react, both the fox boy and the three mercenaries started to attack each other. Arrows and strikes started to flow from everywhere, making you crawl to safety behind the thickest tree around. You closed your eyes tightly and covered your ears with your hands. The sound of fighting reminded you of what transpired earlier in The Chasm... It was just like that time when your father and that archon exchanged blows, one determined to get to you and the other to protect you.
It was just the same.
The clashing didn't stop. Your heartbeat increased with each parry that resonated behind your hiding spot. Soon, all you could hear was the thump of your heart hitting your ears, the fight long forgotten as you could not even remember it was happening thanks to the desperation you were starting to feel. Your breathing got out of control, and your chest soon started to hurt, too. If felt as if your heart wanted to devour your whole body and you could do nothing to stop it—
"Breathe, kid. I need you to take a deep inhale and hold your breath for a second before exhaling. Inhale, exhale."
You didn't know who was talking in front of you, their muffled voice barely reached you through the loud thumping in your chest and ears. They repeated the same words over and over again, and soon you started to obey them in hopes of stop hurting. Inhaling, exhaling. It took a few tries, but your breathing soon became more and more stabilized, and your heart wasn't so loud anymore.
The person crouching in front of you breathed a sigh of relief, and you didn't even know you were crying until they wiped a tear escaping from your left eye. Now that you were calmer, you noticed that your vision was also blurry, however, it was also getting better.
"There now, you're alright." The boy in front of you said. His silhouette was now familiar as you recognized the fox-like features in his body. "Feel any better?"
You nodded rather uncertainly. You still felt agitated, but it was certainly better than a minute ago.
"That's good." He smiled. "You're safe now, okay? Those Eremites can't hurt you now."
He took your little arms in his hands and made you release the backpack you were still clinging to. As you let it go, you noticed how red and swollen your hand and fingers were. It seemed that you were grabbing it with too much force.
"I'm sure this was frightening to such a young kid like you... Judging by the way you dress, I assume you're from Liyue, am I wrong?"
You shook your head 'no'. He smiled, content by your response.
"And what about your parents? Are you all merchants? That's why those mercenaries attacked you here in the forest?"
You knew he didn't have any bad intentions and was just asking in hopes of helping you, but it didn't make it hurt any less the mention of your parents. You raised your knees to your chest and hid your face in them. The boy visibly saddened thanks to your action. In his eyes, those Eremites attacked your family in hopes of robbing you and ended up killing your parents when they struggled. He couldn't think of anything else.
"It's okay little one, it's okay now..." He sat beside you and surrounded your shoulders with his left arm. This helped him bring you closer to his body, using his fluffy tail to bring some comfort by gently caressing your back. "You're safe."
The tickling feeling of the hair of his tail going up and down your back brought a positive reaction out of you. It made you involuntarily laugh, and he seemed pleased by this.
"How about you tell me your name, hm?" His kind eyes complemented his soothing smile. You shyly offered your name, and he seemed to shine brightly at the achievement of finally hearing your voice. "That's an absolutely beautiful name! Mine's Tighnari, though I fear it pales in comparison to yours."
You giggled at his words. "But I like your name. It's pretty."
Tighnari ruffled your hair with a laugh. "Well thank you, little one. That's very kind of you."
You were now relaxed, you even had a small smile on your face. This was the perfect opportunity to exit the forest and return to Gandharva Ville; he would think of what to do next once he got you to safety.
He stood up and extended his hand in your direction, helping you stand up once you took it in your smaller hand.
"We'll go to the ville I live, okay? Once we're there, you can get comfortable and tell me everything that happened." He promised. You nodded once more, and, still hugging your backpack with your free arm, you let the young archer guide you through the forest. He started to walk in the opposite direction of where the fight happened, but curiosity got the better of you and turned your head briefly to see what was left of the fight. You barely got to see the three unconscious bodies before the trees blocked your vision.
You were sure you would never be able to see such settlements back in Liyue.
The large trunk of a tree was the base of a little ville hidden in the middle of the forest. The place was filled with forest rangers patrolling the nearby areas, all of them greeting Tighnari once you both appeared right at the entrance.
Being around so many strangers filled you with uneasiness, so naturally, you clung to the only person you knew. Tighnari didn't seem to mind; in fact, it was as if the hold gave him a new surge of energy, for he increased the speed of his walking and returned every greeting with excitement. He even took this opportunity to wrap his tail around your torso.
The road ended in front of a wooden cabin. You stared at it for a moment, thinking about your current situation. Was this okay? This boy certainly promised to help you, he even rescued you from that scary people back in the forest. 'Don't enter a stranger's house' your parent would always tell you...
But did you have any other option right now?
Tighnare looked back at you and offered a gentle smile. "It's okay, I'm with you."
He gently tugged your arm, and you started walking again. You both entered the tiny house, surprised to see a girl already inside, seemingly writing in a notebook while sitting on the desk.
"Collei, I'm back." Tighnari said, and the girl turned to face him once she heard his voice. The big smile on her face quickly morphed into a semblance of pure confusion.
"Oh, who is this?" Collei approached you, kneeling in front of you before offering you a small smile. "Hello little one! My name is Collei. You are not from around here, are you?"
You instinctively hid behind Tighnari. He laughed. "No, they are not. I fear their family might have been a victim of Eremites."
"But I thought Eremites were just mercenaries? Did someone hire them to attack their family?"
He shrugged. He really didn't have a clue. If this child's parents were wealthy or renowned merchants then it would make sense for someone to have a grudge on them.
You slowly revealed yourself from behind the boy. This girl seemed friendly enough.
"Hi Collei." You offered. "Nice to meet you."
Collei gasped. This child was so cute! And so polite, too. She couldn't fight the impulse of hugging you, in just a second you were scooped into her arms and away from the archer, a meter above the ground.
For Tighnari, that small action made him feel like his world was crumbling... Suddenly he felt alone, suffocated, overwhelmed by anguish. The moment he stopped touching the child he swore he could sense his heart breaking in a million pieces.
No, no!
He didn't even realize what he had done until he heard Collei say his name and the pained whimpers of the child. He was grabbing your small arm rather roughly, for he could see the redness of the skin below his hand. Collei was doing her best in trying not to drop you, as he was trying to bring you closer to him not really caring that you were in the arms of another person.
"Ah! Sorry, sorry...!" He excused himself quickly. He let go of you, and guilt was born in his heart when he saw how you gently rubbed the area where he held you.
Collei was staring at him with a worried expression, but Tighnari didn't really care. He looked at the hand that was used to grab you.
He was certain he didn't imagine it. Every second he touched your small frame... he felt full of life, vigor, energy. A newfound euphoria that made him believe he could achieve anything in this world. He could think of the happiest day in his life and how he felt then would never come close to the way you made him feel.
He raised his eyes and his heart dropped when he found yours full of tears. Oh, this was bad! Please, please don't cry! He'd rather kill himself before being the cause of your weeping—
He was just about to drop to the floor and apologize when a forest ranger entered the cabin in a hurry. She was out of breath, as if she had been running from the edge of the forest to here without taking a break.
"Tighnari, we- we have problems!" She said as best as she could. "Eremites! A group of Eremites is attacking Gandharva Ville ad nauseam!"
"What?!" Both Tighnari and Collei exclaimed. They exchanged a glance between each other, a silent form of communication that only they could understand.
"They're here for them..." He gritted his teeth. What could possibly a group of mercenaries want with a little kid?! Even worse, behind them was a mysterious employer... Someone who was adamant about taking this child. Just the thought of it made his blood boil. "Stay here with them! I'll kill those damn Eremites for trying to harm this one!"
The rage in his voice made the girl give a step backward in shock. She has never seen her friend that angry before... no, he wasn't angry; he was furious.
He wasted no second in summoning his bow and following the fellow forest ranger in the fight outside.
Had you heard right? Were the people from the forest back for you? Ah, the thought of it made you feel sick... What did they even want from you? Could they've been sent from those archons to capture you? Was taking the lives of your papa and tata not enough?
You started to move in Collei's arms, demanding to be put down. She obliged your silent request and carefully let you go from her arms. However, the moment she let go, it felt as if someone tore her heart from her chest and crushed it before her eyes. No way, could this be what Tighnari experienced and made him react that way?
She summoned her bow and shouted your name when she saw you run outside to see what was happening.
The entire ville was replete of Eremites clashing weapons with forest rangers and even some forest watchers. The few civilians that lived there tried to escape through secret passages or deserted places, just to be stopped and apprehended by the invaders.
Collei barely had any time to reach you to pull you inside when an Eremite spotted you two. "There! I see the child!"
Tighnari snapped his head from where he was fighting to look at you, every hair of his body standing up with the rage he was feeling. "DON'T YOU DARE!!" He shouted before firing an arrow at his opponent, piercing their stomach without effort. He needed to get to them, he couldn't let these damn Eremites steal you and take with them all the euphoria and joy he felt.
As he started to hop on the stairs to stop a man that was rushing to the cabin, he failed to notice a woman pointing her own bow and arrow right at him. And just as he was about to grab the man, a sharp pain made him stumble and fall as he clutched his side. Crimson flowed from the wound the arrow had made. Fuck, he would need medical help soon.
He shouted your name, trying to see your small from where he was lying. This proved to be futile as the woman who had shot him moved to stand in front of him, between him and the cabin.
Collei managed to pull you back inside just as the man appeared on the entrance. The girl stood protectively in front of you, having drawn her bow as a way to defend both of you. The Eremite, however, didn't move to attack her. He approached you both and didn't seem to be intimidated even when Collei's arrow was pointing at his head.
"You." He said, looking right at you. "We've come for you."
"You'll have to get through me first." Collei warned.
"Oh, please." The man laughed. "We have orders not to kill anybody, but we certainly can use force to take them with us."
She didn't know what to do. This man seemed way stronger than her. Could she even defeat him in a fight?
"Wait, don't- don't hurt her!" You exclaimed behind her form. You clung onto her scarf tightly, terrified of the situation you were in. You could not let any more people be hurt to protect you! You had to be strong; your father and your parent would've wanted you to be brave. "Please stop attacking the ville, they have nothing to do with me..."
"Certainly. If you come with us we can end this without hurting anyone else. What do you say?"
Collei refused fiercely, but you didn't share her thoughts. You nodded and slowly separated from her body to approach the waiting man. This sent Collei in a panic. She tried to grab you by the neck but was promptly stopped by the handle of a polearm hitting her stomach. She instinctively grabbed the area as she fell to the floor, the impact having made her lose her breath.
"Ah, Collei!" You tried to go to her to see if she was okay, but the man managed to pick you up from your clothes and throw you in his shoulder.
"Worry not, little one. We didn't hurt anyone severely. Now let's go, Lord Sangemah Bay is waiting for you."
Wait, Lord Sangemah Bay? That was the person your father wanted you to find. So these people were sent by them to retrieve you? Had you known beforehand, you would've gone with them back in the forest. Without having to hurt anyone here.
The man brought you outside and whistled. The remaining Eremited heed his call and promptly evacuated the ville, the wounded helped by the stronger members.
The man also took off with you still secured in his shoulder, and you barely could hear the shouts of your name coming from the ville as you got farther and farther away.
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hwaitham · 6 months
im feel ( ྀི ˊ͈ ᵔ ˋ͈ )
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m1d-45 · 1 year
summary: some words on the characters’ thoughts on their constellations, or lack thereof. here are my thoughts on how constellations work in sagau btw
word count: ~2k
-> warnings: spoilers for character lore, names/titles of places and people. based on my team, my characters, and my constellations.
-> gn reader (you/yours) ft. barbara, thoma, heizou, collei, kujou sara, sucrose, candace, n ganyu, in that order
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3 || @shizunxie || @boba-is-a-soup || @yuus3n || @esthelily || @turningfrogsgay || @cupandtea24
< masterlist > || bonus >
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barbara takes great pride in her job as deaconess, a feeling that only grows as more of her stars are lit up. the small blue lights are typically hidden, tucked behind her vision and inlaid within her holy book, but she knows they’re there.
she knows, in some quiet part of her subconscious, that she wasn't meant to be wished upon. she knows that the stars cast were meant for another, that they’d brushed by their intended destination and landed in her palms instead, but she doesn't mind. what matters is that her stars glow brightly, lighting up the wings of her vision's frame, six blue stars denoting the highest level of trust from her god.
they weren’t meant for her, but yet they didn’t go to another. she wasn’t intended to be blessed, and yet she was still chosen as a recipient of heaven.
to her, they are a symbol of her devotion nonetheless. to her, little things are truly accidents; maybe her intuition is in fact her insecurity, or maybe even gods miss their mark. maybe it’s neither. maybe it’s both. who is she to decide the intentions of the divine?
whether made for her or not, at the end of the day she was still chosen. and for barbara, this is enough.
thoma wears his one star with immense pride, a smile crossing his face every morning when he sees it glitter in the dark of his room. the sun hasn’t even risen, but he doesn’t need the light to brush his fingers over the extra glow to his vision.
yes, there are others with more, but he never expected to be a vessel at all, let alone to be gifted another star. he sees the unlit lines upon his lord and lady’s vision and wonders why he was chosen instead of them, he sees the slight envy whenever they ask where his travels have taken him.
he sees, and he understands. he’s a housekeeper, not the head of the yashiro commission. he’s thoma, not the shirasagi himegimi. but still, he didn’t make the choice, so it was useless to feel apologetic for it. it wasn’t his fault, and neither was it theirs.
he clipped his vision onto the knot at his side, continuing to get ready for the day. perhaps he’d go into the city today, get some of the shopping done. as housekeeper, this wasn’t technically part of his duties—there were other servants able to do so at the estate, but none were quite as popular as he was.
and if some of his notoriety was from the extra glimmer at his hip, thoma kindly pretended not to notice.
heizou treasures each lit star within his constellation, sometimes tracing over the barely-there outlines of them when he’s thinking. everybody praises his intuition—himself included, on occasion—but it’s comforting to know that somebody has genuine, heartfelt faith in him sometimes. to know that even when he slips up or acts too rashly, there’s a net for him to land in.
he knows that he’s the star detective, the brilliant doushin of the tenryou commission, but even he doubts his own abilities on occasion. yet, every time he tries to hint at asking for help, hes met with the same thing every time.
“but you’re detective shikanoin! surely you’ve got it handled.”
it’s… tiring, to say the least.
but at the end of his shift, when he can lock his door behind him and allow the mask of confidence to fall, he always pauses when taking apart his uniform to stare at his vision.
the brilliant detective, doushin shikanoin, names and titles hes remembered and lost… but to you he’s simply heizou. heizou, who slips from the station during lunch to eat at a food cart instead, heizou who’s overconfident and yet still unsure.
your heizou, the one you granted six teal stars. heizou, who can lean on you and know he won’t fall.
collei has a nervous habit of playing with the cloth leading off her vision, twisting and threading it around her fingers until the glass of her vision is pressed tightly to her palm. her thumb outlines the glittering stars of her constellation, having long since memorized the lines between them.
she doesn’t know what she did to deserve them, not when tighnari didn’t have any extra stars and cyno’s constellation wasn’t lit up at all. she wasn’t particularly smart or helpful, typically delegated to tighnari’s assistant due to her eleazar. even after, when the traveller came and went, when she’d been able to take on more tasks… one star she could understand, but six?
her attention is drawn by another forest ranger, waving her over with an important looking paper in hand, and she quickly slips her fingers from the cloth, letting them hang at her side.
collei doesn’t know what she did to deserve so many stars. she doesn’t know why she was chosen over tighnari, or even the other watchers with visions.
but as she gives her advice to the ranger, as his eyes light with understanding and she’s thanked with a smile…
maybe it didn’t matter what she did to get them, as long as she used them for something good.
kujou sara knows she shouldn’t be resentful. it’s not her place to decide what a god should and shouldn’t do, it’s not her choice where the stars of heaven do and don’t fall.
but seeing the six glittering stars on heizou’s vision, shining in the sun as he tucks away his baton with a flourish… had she done something wrong, to not have so many? was she lesser?
her hand lifts to the vision tied tightly to her hip, to the one star she knows is lit up on it without even having to look. she should be grateful for it, she knew she should, she had no right to complain when the raiden shogun herself had yet to have a star cross her skies. she should be thankful, yet…
sara watches heizou walk into the police station with his regular flair, dropping off yet another solved case, and her eyes sink back down to her paperwork.
she shouldn’t let this distract her. worrying about the mechanics of the divine would only lead to headaches and prayers unanswered. she has responsibilities, ones she can’t let down, and trivial things such as jealousy won’t do anything but distract her.
sara picks up her pen once more.
maybe, if she works hard enough, she'll earn another star.
sucrose wasn’t sure why she had an extra star, not when albedo didn’t have any and he was firmly her senior. she wasn’t as dedicated to the art of alchemy as he was, and applied herself to biochemistry instead of his research in ley lines. he was older, more knowledgeable, had far more patience with timaeus than any other knight could; yet she was the one with a bright blue star.
still, speculation would get her nowhere. she had if, and she knew she had to work hard to prove herself worthy of it. even though she was still relatively young and inexperienced compared to some of her colleagues, she was determined to make her mark on the world of alchemy.
even if it meant she didn’t understand when albedo complained about unstable flows beneath the earth. even if it meant working entirely at nighttime for weeks on end to see if her lamp grass alterations paid off.
on one of these late nights, she pulled her vision from its clasp, flipping it over to admire the gleam of her extra star. maybe it was just a fluke, in the end, a star twisting for another but missing. or maybe she had done something, maybe some experiment of hers warranted reward in a way she didn’t understand.
either way, she was determined to make the most of it.
candace was perfectly content without her constellation lit up.
she’d heard, through one way or another, of tighnari’s newfound abilities. how his arrows were sharper than any blade, how his affinity for dendro had grown, the withering zones that once took a whole fleet now only required him and collei, fungi falling easily when faced with their twin bows.
but life in aaru village was simple, the days spent tending to the plants and people in the village, and the nights watching for dangers. she didn’t need to go on epic journeys or to slay devils, she just needed to protect her small oasis.
she didn’t…
but she couldn’t deny the exhilaration that coursed through her during her trial, the glimpse of divine power driving her polearm with more strength than she’d ever witnessed. hydro swarmed around her, more than she could need at her fingertips, leaving her with more questions than answers once she was let back down into her village.
candace didn’t need that sort of power. she and the rest of the village had been and would be fine without a blessing from the stars. they’d managed before, and they would be again, and she told herself that while that would help, it wasn’t a requirement, and she shouldn’t spend her time wishing for something that may never come.
…but on particularly clear nights, when the moon sang bright and she was out on watch, who could blame her if she was caught in a memory?
ganyu tells herself she is fine without being chosen. that the blank lines on her vision don’t mean anything, that they don’t say anything about her or her work ethic.
they don’t, not really. keqing’s vision, as tight to her neck as it is, hides a bare back. if she, the yuheng herself, can have no glow to her constellation, then surely it doesn’t mean anything that ganyu doesn’t either? yes, the tianquan was gifted an extra star atop her shimmering constellation, but that didn’t mean anything about her, did it?
maybe it was selfish to think like this, to judge herself against a metric assigned to another. but no matter how hard she tried to drive out this line of thinking, it persisted.
was it because she was half-qilin? no, yanfei was chosen, and even occasionally utilized as a vessel. was it because of her form of worship? no, because that harbinger had inexplicably been gifted immense strength—though thankfully his bloodlust was kept in check by the frequency with which he was used as a vessel.
that detail had made her pause, when she found out. did her god pick people who were led astray or had fallen from favor, as a way to correct? did that mean she was doing something right, then, by not being chosen?
but the crux fleet has been more prosperous than ever, but the tianquan’s notoriety has only grown after the receival of an extra star. but wanmin restaurant was still flourishing, but yaoyao, as young as she is, was still praised and blessed.
whatever divine criteria there is, ganyu has failed to meet it. yet, despite the conflicting emotions in her chest, she still tells herself she’s fine without recognition from the stars.
(if she had the chance to ask her god one question, what would it be?)
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wakingworldofdreams · 2 years
Collei: So we both have dendro visions
Tighnari: Yes
Collei: And we're both bow users
Tighnari: ... Yes?
Collei: So does that make us...
Tighnari: Don't you dare-
Collei: *finger guns* Dendr-bows
Tighnari: I'm sending you back to Cyno
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