#( and Takeru meets Hinata’s father )
hinataxsunshine · 1 year
Gay AF questions
🍋 Have they ever dealt with homophobia? If so, how?
|| ooc ; yes, Hinata has definitely dealt with Homophobia a lot growing up. Although his parents were .. fine with Hinata being trans, their words were ‘ if you’re was going to pretend to be a guy, at least act like one ‘. They expected him to half a girlfriend and had many more expectations of him. His father even said once in passing that he should take him to a club and learn how to be a real man and find a girlfriend.
The elders of the socialite world and classmates weren’t all that nice to him either. But he was used to it enough that honestly he tried not to let it get to him as much
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adarlingwrites · 3 years
After playing a game with two of The Beach's most dangerous members, the dormouse gets her tail caught by a tiger's paw.
He’ll make a wildcat out of her.
Author’s Notes:
You’ve reached the final chapter. To avoid spoilers, I won't be using CWs for this chapter. Disturbing and potentially triggering content are untagged. Readers have been warned.
cut through this razor wire | and dine on your heart | mine 'til the end
Lying on the floor and bleeding, Yamaneko calls out to Sunohara once again.
“Help me.”
The doctor springs into action, taking off her pristine white coat to press it against Yamaneko’s bleeding stomach. Then, she turns to the street artist. “You’re Hinata, right?”
Shaking and crying at the same time, the street artist nods. “Hinata, please apply pressure for me. I have to administer the antivenom. Can you do that?” Sunohara asks, brows furrowed in concentration.
The tan-skinned girl nods rapidly, crawling over to do as she’s told. As Sunohara excises the venom from Yamaneko’s hand with a scalpel, the militant turns to Hinata with a wry smile. “Well, welcome to the world of Heart games. It’s brutal as hell.”
“Would you please shut up? You’ve been bitten by a deadly snake and stabbed in the stomach. Please save your strength,” Hinata blurts, tears spilling from her eyes uncontrollably.
“You’re not my mother. Then again, I never really listened to her in the first place.” She tilts her head towards Mr. Yamane’s corpse. “Or him, for that matter.”
“You’re bleeding out but you still have the energy to joke?! You’re something else...”
“It’s how I coped with that bastard’s bullshit all these years, newbie.”
Needle sinking into her arm, Yamaneko didn’t flinch, unable to feel the pain at that point. As the last drop of the life-saving medicine leaves the syringe, the synthetic voice crackles from their phones’ speakers. “Game cleared. Congratulations!”
Yamaneko chuckles, which comes out as a garbled sob. “Congratulations, my ass. I don’t think I’ll make it.”
“Don’t say that. We’ll bring you back to the Beach for medical attention, okay?” Sunohara reassures her, bandaging her arm with a roll of gauze from the first aid kit that she always carries with her to the games.
“Let’s not fool ourselves,” Yamaneko slurs, head spinning. “Do you have anything I can write on?”
Hinata and Sunohara look at each other, then at Yamaneko. “I just need to leave a letter for my lover… in case I don’t survive this.”
With reluctance, Sunohara plucks her pen from the pocket of her bloodied doctor’s coat, while Hinata offers a notepad full of sketches, turning to a blank page and holding it for the wounded woman. Hand shaking, Yamaneko pens a hasty letter, tears the page from the notepad, and tucks it in her jacket.
“Let’s go.”
Palms cold and wet, Takatora waits outside Tokyo Zoo. His clothes are soaked with sweat, and his katana is soaked with blood, but there is barely a scratch on him. Tonight’s game has been a cakewalk for him.
He’s hoping the same for his lover.
Anxiety is radiating off of him, his face twitching every now and then from the subdued agitation he’s feeling.
“It’s too cold to be out,” Aguni calls out from the inside of the car, but Last Boss ignores him, opting to wait outside and greet Yamaneko once she emerges from the game venue.
Tapping his fingers against the dashboard, Aguni couldn’t help but be anxious too. “Yamaneko will be fine. She knows what she’s doing,” he mutters. Last Boss didn’t respond once again, but deep down, he hopes the chief is right.
So when Yamaneko emerges from the shadows, being dragged by two of her fellow players, he regrets not forcing her to adapt to his methods.
Long legs taking him as fast as they could to her, Last Boss catches Yamaneko in his arms, while Aguni near-smacks the car door off its hinges as he gets out of the car to look.
“Yamaneko.” There was a slight crack in Last Boss’ voice as he uttered his lover’s moniker. A bloody, swollen hand reaches out to touch his face. “Tora. My plan worked… but I think I should’ve gone with yours. I’m sorry. I was too stubborn.”
“Stop talking,” he hushes her, and carries her to the car.
Upon seeing the militants, Hinata panics. “Her father stabbed her, he wanted the antidote and she’s bleeding I-” she stammers, but Last Boss ignores her, laying his lover down.
“Explain later,” Aguni tells her, brusquely opening the door to the driver’s seat and twisting the car key into place. “You,” he addresses Sunohara. “Get in the backseat with them and help.”
The doctor nods, hopping in the car, and as soon as Hinata gets in the passenger seat, Aguni speeds off.
In the backseat, Yamaneko lies on Last Boss’ lap, while Sunohara presses her damn hardest on her stab wound. Despite the doctor’s best efforts and the vial of antidote, the combined injury and the effect of the venom on her blood is far too much. Blood painted the leather of the car seat, Sunohara’s hands, and Last Boss’ clothes.
“Hang in there,” the doctor near-cries. Her eyes meet with the tattooed militants’, and she gulps. “Don’t worry, once we get to the Beach, she’ll be fine-”
“Don’t make any promises you can’t keep.”
There is a subtle anguish hiding behind the militant’s deep voice. One large hand is cradling his lover’s head, while the other is gripping his katana, knuckles white from the tension.
A weak, broken chuckle escapes Yamaneko’s lips, and Last Boss turns his full attention to her.
“She’s just trying to make you feel better,” she croaks.
Glassy, bloodshot eyes met his, and when she opened her mouth to speak again, her teeth were stained with her blood. Last Boss couldn’t say a word, eyes wide and wet as he watched Yamaneko struggle to speak. Her tiny hand disappears into the pocket of her jacket, and she presses a folded slip of paper to her lover’s chest.
With cold, sweating hands, he takes it from hers, pockets it, and he goes back to cradling her. Shallow breaths kissed his cheek, and the wildcat’s eyes fluttered shut, which were heavy with fatigue.
“Yamaneko?” the tattooed militant mumbles, lips twitching. He leans in to hear if she’s still breathing, and she whispers something.
Then, he hears it; death rattles, a telltale sign that she’s slipping away. The rest of the ride is filled with solemn silence.
It’s too late for her when they arrived at the Beach.
The speakers didn’t need to be toppled over for the music to stop. There were no shouts that instructed the sea of people to get out of the way. Conversations died to whispers as people saw one of the most dangerous members of the Beach with a woman curled in his arms.
“Shit, is she dead?”
“There’s so much blood…”
“Wasn’t she his girlfriend or something?”
“Did he kill her?”
“I bet he stabbed her. That guy’s a psycho!”
“That’s what you get for hanging around with those militants…”
The whispers didn’t bother Last Boss anymore, who disappeared into the building with the others.
All the color from Yamaneko’s face is gone, and it’s her turn to lie on a gurney in the makeshift morgue, the harsh lights making her look ghostlike. Members of the executive board and the people who were present during her death surrounded her.
“Did she carry out her task, at least?” the Hatter asks, his usual jovial air gone.
“She succeeded,” Aguni responds, eyes flicking from his dead underling’s body to the women she played her last game with. “On the way here, those two said that before his death, her father admitted to committing the murders.”
“It’s a shame it has come to this,” Ann laments, crossing her arms. “She was becoming an important asset to the Beach, despite her allegiance to the military sect.”
Mira tuts. “And a promising Heart player too.”
“Great. We’ll have to find a replacement for her now,” Niragi sighs, slinging his rifle over his shoulder.
“Is that all you view her as? Someone who you can use to bring you game cards?” Hinata speaks up, fists clenched. Niragi shoots a sour look in her direction. “People die every day on the Beach. What makes her any different? You barely even know her. Everyone here barely even knows her.”
“Yeah? What about him, huh?” Hinata retorts, pointing to Last Boss.
Silence had befallen the room, and all eyes were on the tattooed militant. The corner of his mouth twitching, knuckles white, Last Boss gives Yamaneko’s corpse a long, hard look. A cold, large hand caresses her even colder forehead, and brushes her bangs off of her face.
“I’ll burn her body once you’re done cutting her open.”
Then, he turns around, leaving the room without saying another word.
“See?” Niragi chuckles. “He just left like he didn’t stick his dick in her just hours before.”
This time, the normally calm and gentle Sunohara snaps. “Don’t make assumptions about how people process grief. You don’t know how he feels, none of us do.”
Before an argument can erupt in the morgue, Hatter raises an open palm. “What anyone feels about her death is irrelevant now. What was certain is she died a loyal member of the Beach. Ann, carry on with your autopsy.” Then, he turns to Aguni. “You’re her chief. Give her a proper send-off after Ann’s procedures, if you want.”
One by one, people left the room, leaving only Ann and Sunohara inside. However, before Hinata departs, she walks over to the taller women, biting her lip.
“Hey. I think there’s something you need to know about her. I think her boyfriend should know too.”
Later that night, heavy boots thumped against the hotel’s carpeted floor. Aguni opens the door to an exclusive suite, where the Hatter is waiting, with no bodyguards present. Just the two of them.
Takeru pours his friend a shot of strong whiskey, and the leader of the militants downs it in one gulp. The shot glass makes a clinking sound as Morizono slams it down the coffee table.
“Mori,” Takeru calls his attention. “How are you holding up?”
With a weary sigh, he turns to his oldest friend. “I feel like shit. I shouldn’t have given her permission to carry out her plan alone. I thought putting her together with the doctor is enough to keep her safe.”
Drinking a shot of his own, Takeru moves closer to him. “Do you feel responsible for her death?”
“She’s my underling. It’s only normal.”
“I know you better than that, Mori.”
Aguni turns to his best friend, eyes bloodshot and wet, but the tears didn’t spill. “Like you said before, she’s a stabilizing element. Hell, somehow, she managed to make Niragi back off from that new girl, and Last Boss is calmer around her. To think I planned to train her so she can help me keep the others under control in the future…”
“That’s the most I’ve heard from you in a while. You cared about her, didn’t you?” Takeru asks, taking a fat stick of cigar and lighting it. Afterwards, he pours his friend another shot of liquor.
A single tear falls from the normally stoic, brusque man’s eye. “Those eyes of hers when she looks at her father… I saw the same eyes in the mirror years ago.”
He pauses, and gives Takeru a soft laugh. “A part of me wanted to be the father she never had. Huh, am I even old enough for that?”
Patting Morizono’s back, Takeru blows smoke out of his mouth.
“There’s the Mori I know, a softie underneath that hard exterior.”
Meanwhile, the door to Takatora and Yamaneko’s shared room creaks open. On the table is the vintage sewing machine Yamaneko took from the antique store in Shimokitazawa, along with the other things they’ve brought back.
Takatora runs his fingers across the smooth finish of the Singer, then he picks it up and throws it against the wall. Various items got flung across the room, from the knick knacks they gathered together, to the hotel’s heavy furniture.
“You should’ve listened to me,” he says to no one in particular.
“Yamaneko, you should’ve listened to me! You should’ve just killed him,” he rasps as he picks up a lamp and throws it to the ground, shattering it into pieces.
By the end of the night, the room is in ruins. The wallpaper is shredded, the bathroom sink is in pieces, and the tattooed man sits panting on the floor, eyes frenzied. As his breathing evens out, he remembers the folded piece of paper his lover gave him, and with trembling hands, he retrieves it from his pocket.
Unfolding it, he starts reading the contents.
“Tora, if you’re reading this, it means I’m gone. I’m sorry. Remember the day I asked you to kiss me? What you said to me that day was beautiful, so I lived by it. I’m thankful for this world. I’m thankful for you. Please continue living free in this world without me. You never told me if you believed in an afterlife, but if there is one, I’ll come looking for you after you’ve returned to the soil. I’m yours forever.”
Then he reads it, the same words she uttered with her dying breath.
“I love you.”
Takatora screams, head between his hands.
After some time, he passes out on the floor, curled over pillows he grabbed from the bed. They still smelled like her.
The next afternoon, he awakens to someone knocking. After rubbing the sleep off of his eyes, Last Boss picks up his katana, and opens the door. Aguni stands on the other side, a neutral expression on his face. The chief’s eyes wander around the room and sees its disheveled state, and clears his throat.
“Patrol with me. Now.”
Not bothering to close the door behind him, the tattooed man follows, head hung low.
Truth be told, Aguni didn’t know what to say. He didn’t even know what the other man was thinking about, but judging the state of his room, he’s not handling Yamaneko’s passing well. People whispered about Last Boss as they walked through the halls, and Aguni grits his teeth at the inane gossip.
“He’s terrifying.”
“Maybe she tried to leave him and he wouldn’t let her go.”
“From what I heard, she said no to him and it made him angry.”
“What did she even see in him?”
To avoid the risk of Last Boss snapping, Aguni moves on from that place, leading him away from prying eyes. As they rounded a corner, they came face to face with Doctor Sunohara, whose lips trembled as she pressed a clipboard against her chest.
“O-oh. Hey. I’ve been meaning to look for you. Last Boss, was it?”
With a blank stare, he nods, and Sunohara takes a sharp inhale. “Our autopsy just finished. I think there’s something you should know as Miss Yamane’s partner.” The doctor turns to Aguni. ‘If you don’t mind…”
“I’m Yamaneko’s chief. I’m responsible for her.”
“I see. Well, there’s no use beating around the bush.” Turning to the tattooed militant, Sunohara presses her lips in a tight line.
“Your partner… she was pregnant at her time of death.”
Neither of the two men didn’t know what to say, and just glared at the doctor with their tongues tied.
“Are you sure about this?” Aguni asks, folding his arms.
“To be fair, I was skeptical too. It’s been more than two weeks since I prescribed her emergency pills and birth control, so she should’ve been protected. Before she passed away, she bled from her privates. I thought it was just that time of the month or some spotting, but I found out that she neglected taking her medications. The girl you two were with also told me about her symptoms. So Ann and I tested her… and, well, the results returned positive.”
Last Boss blinks a few times, knuckles turning white as he balled up his fists.
“...show me the baby,” the quiet man finally speaks up.
“At this stage, there isn’t a baby yet. There’s not even a fetus.”
“Then how are you sure that she was pregnant?”
The doctor fishes something out of her pocket, and hands it to the tall, quiet man. “It’s a pregnancy test. Look here,” she points to the two lines. “Two lines means positive.”
This time, Aguni expresses his skepticism. “But she was dead by the time you took this test. How do we know this is accurate?”
With a patient gaze, Sunohara continues explaining. “I was an obstetrician-gynecologist before I came here. The pregnancy hormone hCG can remain in a patient’s system from one to nine weeks after a miscarriage. From the levels we got from her urine, she’s been pregnant for about two weeks.”
Neither of them asked any more questions after that. The tattooed militant’s gaze is fixated on the positive test, mouth agape from disbelief.
Sunohara clears her throat. “I’m sorry. I… I’m sorry for your loss. When you’re ready, you can come pick her body up later. Excuse me, I need a smoke.”
Sunohara walks away, leaving the militants stunned at the revelation.
Both are at a loss for words. Aguni is trying to come up with something to say, while Last Boss’ thoughts are racing a mile a minute.
What would’ve happened if Yamaneko survived, and found out about her pregnancy? Takatora never even thought of having children, but he wonders what their child would look like. Would that child take after its mother, inheriting her dreamy eyes, small nose, and short height? Or would it take after him, and get his long limbs, pronounced nose, and sullen gaze?
But Niragi had touched her before he did. Did he use protection? Is it his seed that impregnated her instead? A twisted, selfish, and possessive part of him wanted it to be his, just like how he wanted Yamaneko to be his. The same twisted, selfish, and possessive part of him knew that Yamaneko would be terrified to have this child, but having it would help stake his claim on her.
Thinking about it seems so pointless now that she’s gone. Last Boss shakes the thoughts off, and focuses on his deceased lover’s last words, instead.
He’ll live free in this world without her.
Feet taking him back to his room, he gathered what’s left of Yamaneko’s belongings that hadn't been destroyed in his frenzy, and packed them in a rugged sack. That afternoon, he informs Aguni that he’ll be excusing himself from patrols, and the games. He must tend to Yamaneko’s body.
“Where will you bury her?” Aguni asks him.
“I won’t. I’ll burn her, near the place where I found her.”
“I’ll drive you there,” Aguni offers.
Wordlessly, he nods.
As the night falls, they load Yamaneko’s body in the back of the car, and Aguni drives. In the trunk are various pieces of wood, gasoline, and the rest of Yamaneko’s things. The chief raises an eyebrow as they stop outside a laser tag arcade.
It’s the place where it all began.
Retrieving the items from the trunk, Takatora builds his lover a pyre. Aguni watches from the inside of the car, allowing him to grieve by himself. Then, Last Boss walks back to the car to retrieve his dead lover’s body, wrapped in a makeshift body bag.
With uncharacteristic gentleness, he lays her down, and unwraps her. Just a day before, she was alive and full of enthusiasm as she made love to him in the antique store; seeing her lifeless and cold makes Takatora’s breath constrict in his throat.
It’s been more than twelve hours since her death; her limbs are relaxed now. Yamaneko’s body had been cut open and sewn back shut, stitches lining her body. Her skin is cold to the touch, all of its color gone. The tiger crouches beside his wildcat, and presses his warm, trembling lips against her cold ones.
Then, he pulls away, and douses her with gasoline.
Reaching in his pocket, he retrieves a lighter, and sets her ablaze.
The flames lick her skin, and he watches. One by one, he throws in the rest of Yamaneko’s possessions; fragments of the sewing machine, her sewing kit containing all her threads and needles, assorted pieces of stationery, various makeup, the positive pregnancy stick, and finally, her beloved jacket. Before he throws the last item in, he presses it against his face, taking in her scent one last time.
After those had been tossed in the flame, he reaches inside his pocket again, and takes out all the photographs he took of her just the day before.
Takatora has no need for the obscene pictures Yamaneko allowed him to take; it’ll only remind his body of what he had lost. They burned to a crisp as the flames touched them.
Then, he gets to the last two photographs. His favorites.
The enigmatic militant didn’t even notice the warm tear that landed on the picture of his lover’s smiling face.
Takatora adds that to the burning pile, as well.
Lastly, he takes out Yamaneko’s letter to him, and reads it again one last time, this time doing so out loud.
Smoke rose to the heavens, and the fire roared into the night, drowning out his voice.
Last Boss only got worse after that night. He killed with no remorse, and faced the game with no fear of dying, staying true to who he is, and to Yamaneko’s final words to him.
Some days later, the unthinkable happened.
With the Hatter dead, the Beach is falling apart. Aguni takes the helm, and the last numbered Heart game finally commences within the Beach grounds. As the announcement blares over the hotel’s speakers, Last Boss goes to the table to pick up a phone, which lights up and recognizes his face. The lobby is getting crowded, anxious players passing each other phones to prepare for the biggest, deadliest game yet.
It’s a witch-hunt of some sort. Burn the witch that killed the dead girl lying on the lobby floor.
As the people babbled about their theories about the witch, Last Boss grew impatient.
His past experiences proved again and again that the best solution is the most straightforward one.
So when one girl points her finger to the militant sect, Last Boss comes behind her, and plunges his katana through her chest. Several bystanders jumped away from the scene, mortified. The tattooed militant withdraws his blade, and opens his mouth to speak, a mad glint in his eye.
“How troublesome. Let’s just burn everyone we find.”
Across him, Niragi’s newest toy, some girl that arrived at the Beach days ago, looks at him with a horrified expression. The murmurs quiet down as the chief approaches, addressing the crowd. Last Boss didn’t even pay attention to what he said. The moment Niragi fires his gun, he joins the fray, killing anyone who got in the way.
Chaos erupts in the Beach. People ran, some hid like rats in their rooms. They need to be lured out, and Last Boss knows just how to do it. Niragi speaks to him through a walkie-talkie while he dragged canisters of fuel and kicked them over the storage room’s floor.
Flames erupt as he tosses his lit lighter to the floor. In the fire, he sees Yamaneko; her cold, dead body to be exact. He pulls his hood down, blinks a few times, and ultimately chooses to turn around and continue the witch hunt.
That night, he didn’t know that he’d be meeting her again so soon.
Last Boss woke up from a dazed state in a burning room, inhaling thick black smoke. He recalls the moments before he lost consciousness, and remembers going against a formidable foe; a woman trained in martial arts who managed to defeat him, and render him unconscious. Silently, he thanked that woman for paving the way for him. Thanks to her, he’s one step closer to finally facing death.
Ordinary people wouldn’t understand people like Last Boss, who embraced it. To him, this world is the one in its true form, without the illusions of civilization. Not even his own mother would have understood his philosophy.
But Yamaneko did.
And as the carbon monoxide-laden smoke continues to fill his lungs, Takatora sees her walking towards him, healthy and hale with her pretty smile, just like in the photograph he had burned weeks ago. There’s a slight bulge on her belly, made obvious in her usual Beach outfit.
“I didn’t expect you to follow so soon,” she greets him, sitting next to him in the burning building. “I’ve missed you so much, Tora.” His lover pats her belly. “We were waiting for you.”
Even in the foul smoke, he can smell her scent, and even in the blazing heat, her warmth is greater.
“Are you afraid?” she asks him, holding his hand.”
“No. I’ll embrace death.”
“Did you get to live freely?”
“Yes. I’m freer than I ever was.”
“Are you ready?” Yamaneko asks as she leans her head against his shoulder.
“I’m ready.”
Kissing him gently, Yamaneko sits in his lap. “Return to the soil with me, Tora.”
“I’ll be happy to.”
“I love you,” Yamaneko whispers, before closing her eyes.
Takatora closes his eyes, grateful for all the experiences he had in this beautiful world.
“I love you.”
Author’s Notes 2: Well, writing this was a journey. Hopefully I did the canon characters some justice, especially Last Boss. Imagining a character like him having a love interest is challenging, and this was fun to write. The last two chapters were taxing to write due to the research I put in about poisons, venomous snakes, and other medical stuff, but it was worth it!
I've debated for months on whether I should give them a happy ending... but in the end, the angst won out. Thank you for reading, and thank you for sticking with our dormouse-turned-wildcat anti villain protagonist till the end.
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sailor-cresselia · 5 years
The Great Ex-Aid Rewatch: Ex-Aid & Ghost, Part One
:grabs the popcorn:
This is gonna be hard, because I wanted to try and do this without in-movie spoilers. I mean, I’ve seen the entire show at this point, and if you’re reading my liveblogs, I’m basically assuming that so have you, so not touching on plot points is a little impossible, especially with my overbearing love for going into meta and theories.
Also, it’s going to be in multiple parts. This first post covers about twenty minutes of run-time over the course of several hours of real-time, and nine pages.
(links to the other parts will go here)
Okay, so. In the first two minutes, we have Dr. Pac-man’s three assistants start shooting up the GenmCorp lobby, and I’m pretty sure that the muscle guy broke a guards neck. And then they go after Kuroto, with a very… glitchy Dr. Pac-Man alongside.
We’re talking ‘pre-bugvisor Graphite’ visual glitching, here. As though he doesn’t quite have enough… I dunno, cohesion to stay intact on his own.
Thing is, Kuroto seems genuinely… if not scared, then at least shocked to see him. The dude’s supposed to be very dead, after all.
And seriously, why do people keep jamming proto-gashats into their bodies?! No! Don’t do that! Stop it! I don’t care if you’re a bugster or not, it doesn’t actually help you at all, it’s just going to make you physically unstable!
And here we have Tougo, victim of the day. I have to say, I’ve never liked him much. He’s… annoying. Also, I’m aware that the choice of color for his school uniform is most likely ‘because Pac-Man’, but that doesn’t change the fact that’s it’s ugly. The girls jacket is a nice dark tan, but the boys have this gaim-awful mustard.
And then the Pac-Viruses attack.
Emu’s such a good guy, helping one of his young patients out in both work and as a sort of mentor-friend. Pity we’re still very early in Ex-Aid, and he’s still a horrible klutz. There’s no time to be tripping over your feet, Emu! We’ve got people to save!
…oh no… It never quite clicked before, but I think Takeru had to repeat a year! He was clearly planning on going to university, if only because he and Akari are/were in the same year of school, and she’d never let him live it down if he didn’t. And here? His teacher, who’s practically mocking him for being six months behind, is asking whether he’s serious about his entry exams or not.
So. Since it’s December now, and it was early April when he came back, Takeru missed the entire last half of what was supposed to be his senior year of high school. So here, he’s probably about three months into what he missed before.
Akari, Onari, please don’t disrupt the class like this, they probably all think Takeru’s weird enough as is without him getting called out for superhero business.
You know, Akari reminding Takeru to be careful, because he’s got a regular body now, implies that he hasn’t been careful. Maybe not as Ghost, but… you know, in regular exertion stuff. (And as Ghost, because there’s probably a number of times he’s had to help Alain with. Like. Less-than-satisfied court members or something over in the Ganma world.)
So, both teams are here at the outbreak site. Team Ghost, consisting of Takeru, Akari, and Onari, and team Ex-Aid, consisting of Emu and Asuna. Both of the lads put on their drivers, and simultaneously notice the other one there.
They didn’t meet outside of the suits in Ghost’s final episode, which was an epilogue to his story and a Bonus Sneak Preview Of The New Challenger, so it makes sense that the drivers – both of which are very distinct – would be how they recognize each other.
Of course, that gets us into the slight issue of ‘when does Ghost ep 50 take place.’
See, it’s implied in-show that it’s not long after Takeru comes back to life, which puts it in early to mid-April. He has a line about ‘are we really going to celebrate my birthday twice from now on?’, to which the answer was a definitive yes, so it makes logical sense for it to not be on his original birthday in October.
Except for how Emu couldn’t show up for his Big Damn Heroes moment if it were in April, because he didn’t put on the Gamer Driver until October.
So, when Emu comes to try and get the Shakariki Sports gashat from Ayumu, it isn’t quite chronologically possible… unless you take into account who Ayumu is.
He’s Takeru’s son. From the future. Meaning he time-traveled to get there.
It’s not even unprecedented for the season – Takeru’s father opened the portals that brought Takeru and Shinnosuke back and forth from 2005 in the Ghost & Drive movie, after all. So, it stands to reason that the portal ability, which Ayumu also shows, is a familial power.
What I’m positing is that Emu traveled back in time, and probably didn’t even know it.
He goes to the game worlds and battle stages fairly often, and since suddenly being in a different location isn’t exactly new to him… it would only makes sense for him to not realize that he’s in a different month, too. Especially when one of the stages looks just like the forest behind Daitenkuu Temple, and he has all sorts of flashy light effects going on all the time. An eye-shaped portal could totally just be another one of the standard special effects.
Yup, nothing unusual here.
Okay, that aside, nobody actually gets to transform just yet, because the whole group is swarmed by Pac-Viruses before either of them can activate their drivers, with the viruses quickly singling Takeru out and chewing into him.
He doesn’t get hit with the literal fever that everyone else they’ve done this to are suffering from. No, in Takeru’s case… the Ghost Driver disappears. He pulls out his eyecon to try again… and it clicks uselessly.
Onari suspects it might be because he ‘hasn’t transformed lately’, adding more credence to his and Emu’s encounter being more than two months ago.
Since nobody else here can… time for Ex-Aid to make an appearance.
In level one.
Cue Opening Credits.
So, Emu can’t so much as dent the Pac-Viruses, and then two of Zaizen’s lackeys show up. The man, apparently named Kazushige Ryuzaki, uses the Drago Knight Hunter Z proto-gashat to turn into… (quick search of the wiki) the Doral Bugster. Since I don’t feel like typing out his name, and it’s never said in show anyway, I’m just gonna be calling him Doral from here on. Similarly with the woman, Ageha Takeda, who uses Giri Giri Chambara to become the Giril Bugster.
So, you know, of course the one with a sword is the one Takeru faces off against. Why not? Not like he’s probably got some incredibly justified trauma relating to them. Not like it’s not actually incredibly ironic that his first heroic Eyecon arms him with a sword. Why not re-open some old less-than-metaphorical wounds right off the bat?
Doral basically corners Emu into the parking garage that Takeru and the others tried to bring Tougo through. Oh, yeah, they were trying to get that guy out of the area when he collapsed. I didn’t mention it because he’s not a good character, and exists primarily to guilt-trip Emu. So, yeah. Doral and Giril knock both our heroes down, breaking Emu’s level two transformation in the process, and here comes Dr. Pac-Man, being all ominous and glitchy, saying that he’s doing this for ‘revenge on humanity’.
Suuuure, that’s how you wanna spin it. Humanity in general. It’s totally not against a few very specific humans, one of whom you’ve recently had held at machine-gun point, and the other who has no idea what’s going on.
They use the scene of bringing Tougo into CR for a brief exposition dump – which is fair, both in-universe and out. Takeru’s team wouldn’t know what’s going on, and it helps just in case the parents in the audience haven’t been following what their kids have been watching. It just gives us that little bit of elaboration on the bugster virus, enough so that people aren’t completely lost.
Tougo’s – oh, wow, his ‘infection ratio’ is already at 63%. Usually when they get someone in here, they’re only in the 30% range. But, of course, there isn’t any data to define what’s going on, because this isn’t one of the normal bugsters. There’d be no reason for Pac-Man to be programmed into a Genm Corp system.
(Which actually raises the question of how they were able to see an icon for Burgermon in episode 17, since he wasn’t supposed to be a Bugster, either. Then again, he is from a game Genm Corp was developing. But I digress.)
Anyway, Emu’s justifiably confused as to why Takeru doesn’t seem to be having any of the usual symptoms of an infection. Oh, sweetie, if you only knew- :ahem: sorry, distracted.
Takeru says that no, he’s not feeling any sort of fever, he’s doing fine.
Onari reminds him that ‘he’ll only get hurt if he pushes himself’, and Akari feels his forehead to make sure he’s telling the truth.
Once again, we’re getting the implication that Takeru has developed a habit of going too far.
upstairs, we’ve got a conference call with Secretary Hinata, the Official CR team, and the Ghost team. Onari bursts out laughing at Poppy’s last name – and freaks out when she hops out of the arcade cabinet.
Both of these are understandable reactions, but maybe don’t immediately declare this a supernatural phenomenon? You know, since a government official was the one to first address her.
I will always be frustrated at the reverb effect they gave Poppy’s voice in this movie. There was no reason for Toei to do that, it’s just excessive, and it’s not like they did it in any of the promo materials or shorts, to say nothing of the show itself. Actually…
I wonder if some parts of this movie draw from early planning stages of Ex-Aid? Like, there’s no explaining the voice thing otherwise, and Emu was pretty close to freezing up for a long time in here… despite the setting for it being explicitly between episodes 10 and 11, at which point they’ve already faced an approaching pandemic, with what Graphite pulled in episodes 9 and 10. So, either the team just didn’t think of that, or there were aspects that got… left over.
I mean, it’s not nearly as inexplicably different as the entirety of the OOO section of OOO & W, but it’s not exactly fitting with where Emu would be even just in the first few episodes.
And yes, I’m aware that OOO & W was made when they had one whole episode of OOO to go off of, but that’s why I think there might be artifact plot elements in here.
Okay, back to the film itself. Again. Emu – Genius Gamer M – uses his genre savvy to realize why he couldn’t damage the Pac-Viruses. If, like some of the other bugsters, they’re operating on the logic of their game, then the only weakness they would have would be ghosts. AKA, instead of infecting Takeru, they burned out his ability to transform into Ghost, thus removing their biggest threat.
I mean, only some bugsters use their games that heavily. Motors, for one, the bugster from Bakusou Bike, is ‘prone’ to racing, and technically speaking, Emu and Kiriya cleared the game before destroying him, by beating him in a race. And the Doremifa Beat Collabos bugster was using music just like it would have been in the game itself – if you miss the notes, you get punished. In game, that’d just be a bad score. In the real world… painful explosions. Poppy, the actual bugster from Doremifa Beat, can’t sing without a backing track. And then there’s Burgermon, who was cleared in the same method as beating a level in his game – making a burger for him.
So, yeah, the Pac-Viruses might be in that class of bugster.
Anyway, enter Dan Kuroto and Hanaya Taiga.
Taiga’s all “No, I’m totally not here to help you guys, I’m just not letting these freaks run loose.”
Kuroto tells the ensemble that they stole the ‘heavily guarded’ proto gashats.
If by ‘heavily guarded’ you mean you were clearly reading their data out in the open, in your office. Again. And by ‘stole’ you mean “They had two machine guns pointed at me, and a sword, and I’m not immortal just yet! What was I supposed to do?! Just not hand them over?!”
…Yeah, he may be an evil bastard, but he didn’t exactly have a choice even if he wasn’t trying to keep up his ‘benevolent CEO’ facade.
Taiga’s comment of ‘those gashats are very dangerous’ is not only an understatement, but also… it’s foreshadowing. We know that Kuroto’s been using Proto Mighty Action X, and that it’s slowly wearing him down – Parad told us as much in episode 8 or 9. We know that Drago Knight was actually hurting Graphite, and he’s from there.
And, although we haven’t seen it yet, Taiga also has experience using them. Proto Bang Bang Shooting is what he originally used as Snipe, back in 2011. But we don’t know that even outside of the show just yet.
This movie came out in theaters in December 2016. We found out that the proto-gashats were involved during the Snipe Episode ZERO specials… the first of which wasn’t released until April 2017.
So… here, have some foreshadowing, I guess!
Emu asks if Kuroto has any idea who the culprits could be… and Kuroto pauses before saying he doesn’t. There’s a… not a scare chord, but a ‘you should be really, really suspicious right now’ sound effect when he says that.
I can’t tell if Emu looks disappointed or suspicious.
…Disappointed. He didn’t believe Kuroto could be evil until he revealed himself, so… yeah.
At the totally not sketchy base, Dr. Pac-Man and his lackies are planning something. They’re waiting for Tougo’s symptoms to break out – he was the one they were targeting, after all. I think the Pac-Viruses went after Takeru on their own. They’re also working on something called the ‘genome graph’.
Complete with a diagram of a human gene… that starts off normal, and then becomes blocky… pixellated, almost.
So that’s not sketchy at all.
…oh what the heck. The next scene is the next day. How can I tell? Everyone is in different outfits. It’s not just how Takeru is noticeably no longer in his school uniform, and back to his normal wardrobe. Akari and Onari are in different outfits, too, and Emu was wearing his yellow binary shirt, but now he’s on one of his dark blue ones.
How long does this movie take place over?
(No wonder Haruto was able to show up out of the blue! It’s been at least a day, so he’s had time to find out about this!)
Anyway, Tougo (finally) wakes up, and Emu and Takeru both start questioning him as to why the people in white were after him. Well, Emu’s telling him to go lay back down, because he can barely stand for more than a few seconds without wobbling, and Takeru’s asking questions.
Tougo cares not for your platitudes and worrying about his health, he’s got school and game development to do! Both Emu and Takeru take incredibly personal offense to this attitude.
Casual reminder, both of them were 18, the same age as Tougo, when things went wrong. Well, went wrong a second time in Emu’s case, when he went and decided that he needed to focus on his studies after… well, as we find out later, doing almost exactly what Tougo’s doing. Neglecting his own well being in order to do what he loves – games.
…ohhh no Emu is same hatting really hard with this guy.
(Listen, Tougo, as long as you don’t start identifying with the primary game designer in this show, we’re set. Just accept the fanmail gracefully, and everything will go much smoother.)
But, as Hiiro points out, they technically can’t force treatment on him. But also… well. There are some pretty nasty folks after Tougo.
On the roof, Takeru and Emu have a little chat. They’re both basically going ‘how on earth are you handling the Rider thing?’ to each other’s situations.
Pulling out the Ex-Aid Eyecon, Takeru says that he couldn’t have imagined that the rider that gave it to him is a doctor. He was just so incredibly neon. But the fact that ‘Doctor Emu’ is saving lives as both a doctor and as a Kamen Rider… that really impresses him.
(Please note that Takeru consistently uses “Emu-sensei” to refer to Emu both here, and in HeiGen Final. No, there’s no hero worship going on here, what are you talking about? That’s silly!)
Similarly, Emu’s incredibly impressed by Takeru’s resolve to have kept fighting after dying, and speaking as a doctor, can’t even begin to imagine what that takes.
And then here comes Kuroto, asking to see Takeru’s Ghost Eyecon to analyze it, so they can make something that will effect the Pac-Viruses.
Since Takeru agrees, it means that he’s not tied to it the way he was in the series. It’s probably a different Eyecon completely – seeing as in-show, the Ore eyecon was literally him. Technically, the Takeru we saw was almost a projection – his tangibility depended heavily on his emotional state.
(There’s a reason I occasionally joke about Ghost’s Eyecons being ‘Soul Gem Two: Spooky Boogaloo.’)
(Also, Yurusen shares a VA with Madoka, and that just drove the joke home. Turns out Meduka Meguca is the cat, after all!)
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Hatesate Puzzle is an Android game – you can tell, because the list of files includes four different .apk files. Also, it’s up to version 7.21.
But the programming screen? Uses the same stupid block of text that all of the programming screens use in this show. Like, it’s even more egregious this time, because it’s shown very clearly, in decent lighting, unlike in Kuroto’s assorted lairs. Also, it talks about game physics such as collision detection for the ground.
This is a match three game.
Anyway, turns out Hiiro’s idea was to allow Tougo to leave the hospital, as long as he was still being observed. There’s a hundred thousand people infected right now, and the people who did it want him. So… Tougo is bait.
Needs of the many, blah blah blah you could have at least run this by someone, Hiiro. I get not telling Emu. But Asuna should have been informed, at least.
Almost immediately after Hiiro takes his leave, letting Emu take over, we hear static as Tougo staggers backward in his seat and passes out.
We come to a busy office – a busy police barracks. Team Ghost waits anxiously on a visitors couch.
“I’m glad to see you’re back.”
Enter Officer Tomari Shinnosuke: Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department (active duty); Kamen Rider Drive (inactive).
Takeru and co had called in a favor, and Shinnosuke was only all to willing to help cover this case. Not only is it rider business now, but they’re threatening the city. Not to mention the police squad they destroyed yesterday – handily confirming that a day has, in fact, gone by – means Shinnosuke really wants in.
Turns out the three they’ve seen the faces of were all researchers into genetic therapy with the Next Genome Institute. Doctor Pac-Man is ‘most likely’ their boss, Zaizen Michihiko. Unfortunately…
They’re all supposed to be very, very dead. They died six years ago, as a matter of fact.
Most of the institute’s data was destroyed when the facility was sealed, but there’s a bit of closed circuit footage remaining of the event. Only a few seconds, but it’s enough to show them standing over an operating table, as orange lights encase and dissolve them, squares of light patterning the floor and walls.
Squares of light eerily similar to what they just say the other day, when people were activating Gashats.
Bugster work isn’t the only sketchy thing they’ve done – there were rumors of the institute working with cloning, creating mutants… basically, as Akari says, mad scientists.
(Anyone want to place odds on them being funded by Foundation X? No? Just me? Okay then.)
Emu and Asuna are with Tougo as he wakes on a bench. THey’d moved him somewhere out of the sun, and he’s… An asshole about it. He never asked for their help, and he’ll die when it’s time, anyway, so why are they bothering?
Doctor Pac-Man, still very glitchy, strolls up. “He’s right. None of you are needed here. Why not just hand him over?”
Running time!
Back at the precinct, Shinnosuke promises that he’ll let team Ghost know as soon as they find where the Next Genome researchers are hiding.
Y’know, except for that part where he’s too late, and they’re already going after Tougo, and by extension, Emu.
Shinnsouke’s fired up and ready to go after them.
Y’know, except for the part where Krim locked all of the Drive tech in his depression garage the Drive Pit at the end of the season, and Shinnosuke can’t transform, which Takeru points out, saying that it’s too dangerous for Officer Tomari to go.
Of course, Onari, logically, tries to point out that Takeru’s in the same boat right now, to which Takeru hurriedly shushes him.
Takeru and his team run off to deal with the situation.
Sad music plays as Shinnosuke laments his lack of belt.
And here’s where I decided I had to cut the liveblog for now! Because again, twenty-some minutes, and nine pages of text. This is going to take a while.
See you next game
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heartythrills · 6 years
Haikyuu Stage - to note all that’s left of my memories, however little
On the first day of the stage, my sister and I were seated on the first floor, last row on the right. It was a bit far for me as I am not farsighted, but it wasn’t bad. I have vague memories of the show since it’s been like a week since I last watched it (even though I watched it 4 times ><; 
 But here are some things I remember...the stage includes: (spoilers ahead)
-when Hinata and Kageyama meet Ushijima at Shiratorizawa. 
-when Hinata saves Kiyoko from Johzenji 
-Johzenji’s game (their theme reminds me of DDR. It was really fun to watch) 
-Tanaka and Noya wanting Kiyoko to hit their behinds 
-Hinata being Spiderman (Kenta literally had the string spray) 
-Kageyama’s nosebleed, and Tanaka offering himself up for a punch from Noya when Kiyoko took care of Kageyama 
-Sugawara’s synchronize attack 
-After Johzenji’s game was the Fukurodani vs Nekoma game. This came to me as a surprise. It was done so well, it’s actually my favorite game of the stage this time. I didn’t particularly pay too much attention to the game when reading since I’m not a huge fan of Nekoma (or Kenma), but I did like the game because Fukurodani is one of my favorite teams. But the integration of this game is just amazing, and the soundtrack. OMG, THE SOUNDTRACK. Anyways, Kenta switches out from Hinata to an announcer as mirrors are brought onto the stage to give you that illusion of a full stage. He announces Nekoma’s entrance first. Kuroo throws his robe up in the air and completely misses it. On the first show, it looked like it was an actual accident, but he did it again in the following shows. Kenma had asked if he was nervous, in which Kuroo responded ‘of course’ he was and took Kenma’s robe and left the stage. Fukurodani was announced next. Takumi is much thinner than Kouki, and he was definitely nervous for the first show, but I think he played Bokuto well. When he threw his robe, Akaashi caught it, obviously. Then all the guys holding the mirrors started chanting Bokuto’s name. It really gets you hyped up. There’s a coin flip to see who goes first, and Nekoma goes first, but before the game can actually start, Kenta comes between the two teams to stop them so they can take a break, pointing to Kuroo’s ‘1’ and Kenma’s ‘5’ as they turned their backs to show the 15 for the intermission. 
-Oh, another other thing I forgot to mention was then Tanaka said that he could become captain, but then you get the first years walking by in the back with signs. I couldn’t catch what the signs said T-T 
-At the beginning of the second half, the family of Takeru Nakashima (Wakunan’s captain) comes out first, introducing themselves as the father, mother, brother, sister, and baby brother (5 of the Johzenji casts were playing the family). The mom then asks for a favor from the audience and taught us a chant. “Wakunan, Wakunan, Waku Waku” clap clap “Wakunan, Wakunan, Waku Waku Go! Go!” Which obviously, we all made the mistake of clapping when the Wakunan portion was repeated. It was really fun. We practiced a few times, making the expected mistakes since they were prepared to correct us, before the music came on and Wakunan came running through the aisle from the right. I wished I had seats in the first sections instead. Shimada, Yachi, and Saeko got on stage and taught the audience Karasuno’s chant, and as you would expect, Karasuno came running through the aisle from the left. Naoki (Suga) actually made it up to a few rows in front of us before going on stage. 
-During the Wakunan game, the kids show up and entertained the stage with Ukai in a beard. 
-There was a switch back and forth between the Wakunan game and Fukurodani vs Nekoma game. Wakunan’s theme is more rock-ish with really strong dance moves. They also have a kind of dance battle moment towards the end. 
-Fukurodani vs Nekoma game included Bokuto’s weakness #37 moment. This was done absolutely perfectly. Shungo played Akaashi so flawless during this moment; I swear Akaashi was there on stage for real. They made me love Bokuto and Akaashi more than I already do. 
-Enoshita’s moment! After Tanaka and Daichi crashed into each other and Daichi had to be sent to the infirmary, Enoshita covers as the main defense. His memories of running away from volleyball are projected on the back screen. This was also done beautifully. 
-Yamaguchi’s pinch-serve. The way it was done, just wow. I think there were 4 or 5 volleyballs hanging from the ceiling that would light up and they would move the net to emphasize on where the ball was to the net as Yamaguchi doubts himself. 
-Toward the end of the game, there’s this moment in which Karasuno does a kind of remix dance that included dance moves from all the teams they’ve encountered. This scene reminded me of power rangers because of the different colored lights circling around. You’ll get it once you see the stage. 
-After the game, the beautiful game comes back on and we get Yamaguchi wanting another chance, we get Wakunan crying, see the filmed game between Aoba Johsai and Dateko. Then they do the credits before Hinata and Kageyama sees Ushijima again at the end? And then another credit…I’ve seen it so many times, I’ve gotten confused. 
-Curtain call. I’ve mentioned this in my tweet, but Kenta took a moment to talk about Kouki’s injury and put the spotlight on Takumi as the stand in. Kenta felt that he had to address it and talked about taking care ones health, and several other things that I couldn’t quite catch. And when he called Takumi, Takumi started crying and walked backstage. Shungo and Kenta went back to get him of course. It was just a really touching moment. I think that Kenta is truly a blessing as he takes into account all the things that happen surrounding the stage. 
There were some differences in the 4 shows we watched. 
The first, second, and last show, Kenta and Tatsuya came out for curtain call. The third show, however, Kazuma was the one that came out with Kenta, while Tatsuya is peeking behind them in the back. The crowd went wild when we realized it was Kazuma instead of Tatsuya. It was a special one time thing to never happen ever again, Kenta says. 
On the last day I went 5/5, Kenma and Kuroo were actually standing in the wrong spots and instead of 15 minutes, it became 51, in which Kenta was like…51? How’d it become 51 minutes of break? Wakunan mom was also really worked up that day lol since most audience knew about the chants by then so Wakunan mom started nitpicking and saying that we were slacking or not paying attention for doing the wrong Go! Go! Hands (it’s supposed to be left fist pump, right fist pump) and Wakunan dad and brother had to calm Wakunan mom down lol. It was beautiful 
I can’t seem to recall much other differences so I’ll leave it as this for now. 
Overall, I may be a bit biased since this is the first Haisute I’ve seen, but I think this has to be one of the best Haisute for me. I’m thinking I like the one with Dateko most and then this one second. But the soundtrack of this one definitely wins. EVERY SONG WAS GOOD! I felt like none of the stage actors (ok, shouri a little) was being extra. Everything was just perfect. There’s just so much that I can’t even begin to truly describe how much of a masterpiece this stage is. I just want to say that you definitely, DEFINITELY HAVE TO BUY IT! Don’t wait for someone to put it up online. You just need to buy both the DVD and Soundtrack. You won’t regret a single thing, I promise.
Here’s the link on Amazon.jp to pre-order.
What I recommend is that if you haven’t read the manga and don’t understand Japanese, now’s the time to read that manga so you’ll understand what’s going on during the Fukurodani vs Nekoma game.
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ao3feed-kage-hina · 6 years
Meeting Memories
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2GteUgv
by PsychologicalColors
Shōyō is five when his mother told him he was going to be a big brother.
Natsu is born after Shōyō turns six.
It’s late August and the afternoon has barely begun when Shōyō goes to visit his mother. He’s holding his father’s hand as they walk through the corridor. When she looks up she smiles at her husband and son and beckons them over quietly.
Words: 6743, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Hinata Shouyou, Hinata Natsu, Kageyama Tobio, Hinata Shouyou's Parents, Kageyama Tobio's Parents, Tsukishima Kei, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Karasuno Volleyball Club, Oikawa Takeru, Takeru (Haikyuu!!)
Relationships: Hinata Shouyou & Hinata Natsu, Kageyama Tobio & Hinata Natsu, minor Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio - Relationship
Additional Tags: Haikyuu!! Brofest 2018, Rookie Tier, Growing Up, Character Study, Hinata Shouyou is best bro, Kageyama is an awkward bro, Takeru and Natsu are besties, the year i do rookie is the year I write over 5k
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2GteUgv
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hinataxsunshine · 1 year
“Hi, I’m Narumi . I think the news thinks we’re meant to be nemeses.”
news & paparazzi starters
Hinata leaned against the wall, playing with a strand of his freshly dyed tips of his hair. His father made him join some stupid modeling competition, and that meant he couldn’t have the support of his only two friends. Because no way in hell was Hinata going to involve Takeru and Aguni in this hellish life of his. That world and this one would stay separated.
Apparently, it was making the news. And oh boy, did the gossip hungry reporters love creating drama. So it was no surprise that they created fake headers for the papers.
“Aikyo Hinata jealous of his new modeling partner?”
“Narumi and Hinata’s first meeting went terrible!”
“What does this say about the Aikyo Enterprise?”
Terrible. People were terrible and Hinata knew his father wasn’t going to be happy with this. But how was it his fault? He had no social skills and when he first met the girl, he brushed her off cause he was late to see his friends.
Hinata was surprised though, when Narumi walked up to him. She was smiling brightly and grinning “Hi, I’m Narumi!” She said. Hinata bit his tongue to interrupt and say that he already knew that. But he couldn’t be rude. She seemed nice. “I think the news thinks we’re meant to be enemies”
Laughter escaped his lips, before a grin appeared on his face as well “Yeah. They always like stirring up drama. Gives them more fuel to make more drama. Then that gives them more sales.” He said, and hums “Hinata. Nice to properly meet you”
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