#( char ; madelyn . )
ryssabrin · 3 months
it's honestly ironic that the people responding to a post criticizing the fact that the character least tied to the main plot has the most content with "well he's a hot vampire twink duh" not only didn't get the op's point but also missed that said hot vampire twink's whole character arc is processing his trauma as a sex trafficking victim and literally has a line saying he doesn't want to be viewed in terms of sex?
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aaronhotchswife · 5 months
Behind the scenes
Drew Starkey X Female Reader
You and Drew catches feeling while filming a love scene
Warnings : mentions of sex
"I would get it if you say it makes you uncomfortable to do a sex scene with me," Drew said, looking at the ceiling.
I had invited the cast for a movie night. Everyone was mostly gone, leaving Drew in my living room, laying down on my sofa. I was sitting on the floor next to him, fidgeting with the glass in my hand.
"Not uncomfortable, just stressed," I answered, letting my head fall down to the sofa behind me. "I've never filmed a scene like that before, completely topless I mean, and plus, I don't really have a choice, Rafe and Charlotte are finally going to have sex," I laughed.
"True. After 2 seasons of hating me, you finally fell for my charm," he said dramatically.
"That must be it Starkey," I chuckled, rolling my eyes in the air.
As I got out of the shower, getting ready for bed, I hear my phone ding. I check it, seeing a text from Drew.
You ready for tomorrow ?
A bit nervous
You'll do good ;)
I smile to myself, putting my phone on my nightstand. I'll do good.
"Alright ! 3-2-1, action !" the director yelled.
Drew is walking towards me, in Rafe's character.
"You don't get it Charlotte," Rafe says, walking towards Charlotte.
"No ! I don't Rafe. I don't get it. I don't get why you can't let me flirt with other guys when you're the one who says that he was not interested in me."
Drew in his front of me, his hands grabbing my face.
"Fuck, I love you so much Char," Drew says, his hands grabbing my face, kissing her. "I'm sorry that I've acted like that, but I just wanted you for myself."
He led me on the bed, hoovering over me. His hands caress my body, lifting my shirt. He looks at me before taking my shirt off and unclipping my bra, his lips all over my mouth and my neck. His lips make their way to my breast, kissing them. I try to control myself, putting myself in character, trying not thinking that Drew's mouth is kissing my breast. I moan, as my character is supposed to do. I'm doing good. His mouth makes its way down my belly, his fingers working my jeans. He takes my jeans off and I can feel the camera being back to our faces. I kiss him, letting him the chance to place himself as he supposed to. To place himself as if he was going to have sex with me. He's kissing me everywhere in my face and in my neck, his finger making its way to my mouth, wanting me to suck it. I feel Drew moving his body to create an impression of us having sex. I can feel him against my core, his breath getting heavier. I moan, he moans. He looks at me and at that moment, I can see Drew's looking at me and not Rafe. It's Drew looking at me, with something different in his eyes.
"Fuck, Y/N..."
He says, before the director yells cut.
I finish the scene, a sick feeling in my stomach. Drew left the set quickly, nothing saying goodbye to anybody.
"Drew !" I yell, seeing him leaves his dressroom. "Drew!"
"What? I don't wanna talk," he says.
"What ? What's going on ?"
"You know what's going on."
"The fact that you moaned my name ? C'mon Drew, it's okay. It could happen to anyone."
He looks at me, his face breaking before leaving. I don't know what to do, but I know that he will come to his senses by himself.
A couple of days later
"...Hi ! My name is Y/N, and we're the cast of Outer Banks, answering fans questions !"
"So," Chase said, "the first question is: what is your favourite scene from season 3 ?"
"Mine would be when the Pogues finally found the gold !" Madelyn answered.
"True! Especially when you see them a couple of months later, where they all have what they wanted," I answered, getting a few approbations look from my castmates.
"Mine is definitely when Charlotte and Rafe had sex," JD said laughing. I can see Drew hitting him gently on the arm, making funny eyes.
"Omg true! After 2 seasons, it was time guys!" Madison laughed, looking at me and Drew.
I blush, feeling Drew's eyes on me.
"It is a great scene," Drew responded, his eyes still on me.
"Next question !" Lacia spoke, feeling something weird between me and Drew. "The most embarrassing moment you had on set."
Drew looks at me and I give him a shy smile, the question making us both very uncomfortable.
"I think mine would be when I had to run from the police for a scene and that I tripped, in front of everyone," I say.
"Yeah, that was funny. I mean, not really for you, because you had all your knees and elbows scratched," Drew said, smiling softly at me.
Because the interview finished a bit earlier, it was a great occasion of having coffee with the girls.
"Do you see how Drew looked at you ? He was blushing everytime you looked at him !" Madelyn asked me.
"What ?"
"So true! He couldn't keep his eyes off you during the interview! My guy was mesmerized," Lacia added.
"Now that he kissed you he can't stop thinking about you. I mean, I would be the same if I were him," added Madison.
"You're sweet," I say. "But, I don't think. I mean, sometimes I feel like it could be it and I would love I think but I don't know, I don't want to imagine things and get disappointed."
"Well, in my point of view you should definitely check his version because that man is hooked on you," Madelyn added.
I'm at Lacia's, a movie night going on. Since the movie is over, everybody's talking in different corners of the apartment, while I'm outside, taking some air, a drink in my hand.
"Can I sit with you ?" A voice asks
I look over, seeing Drew closing the patio door.
"Of course," I add, smiling to him.
"Having a good night?"
"Yeah, it's okay."
"Listen, I wanted to apologize for the way I acted these couple of weeks. I shouldn't pin it on you the fact that I got kinda excited during our sex scene...I'm sorry but I just cannot manage to make it through the day without thinking of you lately."
I look over him, my eyebrows scrunched together, as I'm trying to process the fact that Drew just admitted his feelings to me.
"It's true, Y/N," he says, his eyes leaving my gaze. I reach for his hand, this move forcing him to look at me.
"I feel the same," I answer before reaching his face to kiss him.
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zepskies · 6 months
And So It Goes - Part 17
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Pairing: Billy Butcher x OFC (Latina!OC)
Summary: As Madelyn Stillwell’s personal assistant, Helena Flores finds herself caught between protecting her job — and more importantly her life — or helping Billy Butcher bring down the supe who killed her best friend, Becca. 
AN: I have the entire week off work, so I'm catching up with my WIPs. 😜
Word Count: 5,800 Tags/Warnings: Angst, violence, more of Soldier Boy’s bad flirting, hurt/comfort, PTSD, explosions…
ASIG Series Masterlist
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17: Emotionally Deficient Men
Helena used an old bobby pin in the pocket of her jeans to break free of her restraints. It took her a while, but eventually the metal handcuff clicked open and she hastened to her car.
Butcher, Hughie, and Soldier Boy had maybe half an hour on her, but she could make up some of the time if she didn’t stop, only for gas halfway through the six-hour drive.
Vermont was lovely this time of year. The only sights she could afford to take in was the luxurious mansion owned by the infamous T&T Twins, who were hosting an even more infamous…party.
Oh fuck, not Herogasm, Helena thought, as she pulled up to the side of the road and parked her car. She zipped up her leather jacket against the windchill as she got out and surveyed the huge lot.
She’d heard about Herogasm, but she’d never had the misfortune to go to one of these events; she wasn’t a supe. And she was never more grateful for that as she took in the scene.
The mansion was already on fire. It was a clusterfuck of half-naked supes and working professionals fleeing, screaming, crying as they filtered out across the manicured lawn and back to their cars.
Helena’s eyes widened as she took in the half-demolished house, which looked like it had been blasted right through the front. Soldier Boy.
They must’ve already gotten here before her.
She was cautious in approaching the house, coming in from the back gate by the pool that was swinging open. She made it through the debris in the house with careful steps. It was quieter inside, eerie in a way. She avoided looking down at the bodies and held her breath at the smell of charred flesh.
She turned a corner of the house and stopped short. Her breathing shallowed with a gasp when she came face to face with the one man she’d hoped to never see again.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” asked Homelander. He looked almost as surprised to see her as she was to see him, and her eyes widened.
In her mind, his blue eyes flashed like a memory: of a hand around her throat, pinning her to the wall. A lazy, crazed look in his eye as he debated whether he was going to let her breathe again.
“I was…invited,” she lied on the fly. “I’m just a bit late to the party.”
Homelander’s smile was subtle, but telling. He didn’t believe her. He tilted his head and took a booted step forward into her orbit. Helena stepped back out of reflex, but when she turned her head, she realized she had unintentionally stepped into a battlefield.
Soldier Boy stood mere feet away, suited up with his shield in hand. He regarded her with a half-smile in greeting, though his gaze was focused on Homelander.
“Out of the way, sweetheart,” he said. 
She wanted to be annoyed by the nickname, but she tried to oblige him. The last thing she wanted was to be caught between the past and present of dickhead supes.
But a gloved hand grabbed the back of her neck. She gasped, instinctively cringing and glancing back at Homelander. His eyes flicked down to hers.
“Oh, Helena,” he drawled. “Don’t tell me you know this guy.”
“I think we all saw him on the news,” she said, hating the tremor in her voice. “I’m surprised it took you this long to catch him.”
“What fucking rock did you crawl out of, I wonder,” he mused out loud. His hand tightened a fraction, making her wince and suck in a breath as she fought to remain still. “But I don’t think it’s a coincidence, do you?”
Panic welled in her lungs, squeezing around her heart like a vice. Her gaze darted to Soldier Boy. It was pure instinct, the plea in her eyes. He saw it, though he said nothing until his attention turned back to Homelander.
“Homelander, I take it.” Soldier Boy eyed the other supe with a quirk of his lips. He gestured to the long red and white cape hanging from Homelander’s shoulders. “Nice candy stripes.”
Homelander tensed, though Helena wasn’t sure if it was because of the other man’s taunt, or because Butcher stepped into the hallway beside Soldier Boy. Butcher’s eyes widened when he saw her, and he hardened when he realized her predicament.
He sharpened on Homelander, who was perceptive enough to catch the brief exchange. His gaze narrowed.
“William Butcher and Soldier Boy,” he remarked. “Of course, you’re behind this. This whole thing… It really is all about me.”
Bile rose up in Helena’s throat. Just the sound of his voice made her sick, but the sheer size of his ego was even worse.
“William, we made a deal,” he continued. “To fight to the death. You, and me.”
Helena’s eyes widened. What kind of fucked deal was this, and when was that bargain struck?
Again, Butcher glanced at her, but he focused on Homelander.
“This is cheating,” said Homelander. His brows pinched with a glare. “Deal’s off.”
He lasered at Butcher with his eyes. Helena screamed as the man went down hard on his stomach. She tried to go to him, but Homelander’s hand tightened on the back of her neck and yanked her back.
She gasped and was forced to look at him through tearful, wide eyes.
“What, are you on their side now? Are you helping them?” His hand moved into her hair and started to squeeze even tighter, making her unconsciously whimper and twist against him. Her nails bit fruitlessly into his hand.
The mania behind his eyes was familiar. It had been featuring in her nightmares. “Be honest, Helena.”
“Figures that you’d hide behind a woman,” Soldier Boy remarked.
It earned Homelander’s attention.
“Excuse me?” he asked. He took a step forward, dragging Helena along with him. Her boots scrambled for purchase over fallen debris.
Homelander had to chuckle a little. “You know, you were my hero growing up. I watched all your movies, hundreds of times. You were the only one that was nearly as strong as me.”
Helena bit the inside of her lip. She could tell, just by the look on the other man’s face, that that was the wrong way to endear himself. Soldier Boy’s ego was more than a match for Homelander’s.
“Buddy, you think you look strong?” Soldier Boy said dryly. “You’re wearing a cape.”
Homelander took in an irritated breath.
“You’re just a cheap fucking knock-off,” Soldier Boy added.
It made Homelander seethe. “Oh no, no, no… I’m the upgrade.”
He pushed Helena away from him and launched full speed at Soldier Boy, tackling him into the next room. And she was shoved against the wall hard enough to knock her clean out.
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Helena woke to a pounding in her head and a sharper agony in her ribs.
She uttered a pained groan, soon realizing that she was laying on a dingy bed with a ceiling fan turning slowly overhead. She tried to sit up, but that proved to be too much. She fell back with a gasp.
“Hey, hey, don’t get up,” said Hughie. He came into the bedroom with a glass of water and some pills in his hand. He helped her sit up enough against the pillows to take the meds and drink a bit of water. She thanked him, and moved her frizzy hair away from her face to meet his concerned gaze.
“Where the hell are we?” she asked.
“A motel just a couple hours south of Vermont,” he replied.
She nodded. She was still wearing her now dusty gray shirt, jeans, and boots, but her jacket had been draped on the far corner of the bed.
She looked past Hughie to find Butcher standing in the doorway. Hughie noticed as well, and he laid a comforting hand on her arm before he got up.
“Let me know if you need anything else,” he said. She nodded, though she could hardly think at the moment.
Butcher shared a brief, but meaningful gaze with the younger man as he left. Then he stepped into the room and sat down on the edge of her bed. He let out a sigh and reached for the side of her head, and she winced as his fingers brushed a tender knot there.
“Got your bell rung, didn’t ya?” he said.
It was her turn to sigh.
His eyes took her in; the pain in her face, the way she shifted to try and fail to get comfortable.
“You all right?” he asked. 
All Helena could manage was a jerky nod of her head, even as tears glistened in her eyes. Her hand reached up and shakily touched his chest.
“What about you?”
Butcher quirked a smile. “Had me a little supe cocktail, didn’t I?”
Helena let out a breath of relief. V24 was still untested poison, but it had saved his dumbass. And he’d saved her dumbass in turn…
“Does Homelander know I was the mole at Vought?” she asked.
Butcher’s expression dimmed.
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Hours ago…
Butcher got up, shaking off the feeling of a point-blank laser blast with a shrug of his shoulders thanks to the Temp V coursing through his veins. He rubbed the sting out of his chest and shook off the stun of hitting the ground so hard.
Butcher pushed off the ground, and the sounds of the nearby fight between Homelander and Soldier Boy reached him. But he also saw Helena just a few yards away, lying prone on the ground, twisted onto her back.
His eyes widened, and he went to her. He dropped to his knees at her side and brushed her dark hair away from her face with slightly shaking hands. Her eyes were closed, her body unmoving. He cupped her cheek and felt for her pulse at her neck.
The tension in his shoulders eased when he felt her heartbeat thrumming under the pads of his fingers. Fucking hell.
How the fuck had she broken free of those cuffs? And more importantly, why did she insist on putting herself in the line of fucking fire?
Butcher knew the answer, deep down, but he stowed that all away to ease her more comfortably on her back, untwisting her hips and legs. He hated to leave her like this, but he had no choice. He saw that Soldier Boy was having a hard time with Homelander on his own. 
So Butcher jumped into the fray, lasering Homelander from behind. The supe’s face betrayed his confusion, and even his anger in that tick in his brow.
“What have you done?” he asked.
“Scorched earth,” Butcher taunted.
But Homelander glanced passed him, at Helena still lying unconscious in the hall. It made Butcher tense and shift his stance, subtly putting himself in between.
Homelander smirked. “Wait, wait…you and Helena Flores? You have a thing, don’t you?”
His steps forward were somehow both lazy and measured. Butcher’s movements were even more calculated, stepping closer, but still blocking Helena.
“How long has this been going on?” Homelander asked. “Couldn’t have been very long. I mean, how did you even meet? She worked for us…”
Something seemed to don on the supe, and a sinking feeling churned in Butcher’s chest.
“Fuck me,” Homelander chuckled as a realization brightened his eyes. “You had an inside woman at Vought, didn’t you? Feeding information to you and your little rats.”
His grin deepened at the way Butcher’s smugness faded, and his expression became sharp and threatening.
Homelander wasn’t intimidated. Only pleased.
“Now everything makes sense,” he said. “Tell me, how long has she been servicing you?”
Butcher glowered, his eyes flickering with golden light. Homelander’s smirk raised higher.
“I’ll have to ask her about her hourly rate—”
That was the last quip the supe got out, before Butcher lasered him directly in the face. Homelander flew forward and met Butcher blow for blow, until Soldier Boy yanked Homelander down by his cape.
The fight began in earnest, with even Hughie joining in.
Unfortunately, Homelander slipped away at the last minute, leaving Butcher with the bitter aftertaste of an opportunity lost. And even worse, he knew, was the target now firmly painted on Helena’s back.
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Now, in the relative safety of a crusty motel, Helena tried to wipe the tears from her face as she took in a breath meant to steady herself. It didn’t work.
Homelander knew the truth, and she was deep in this shit now.
For his part, Butcher buried a hand in her hair and sighed deeply.
“For fuck’s sake. This’s why I bloody told you not to come,” he said.
“You didn’t tell me, you restrained me,” she snapped.
“For all the fucking good it did me,” he said, just as angrily.
She stared into his eyes and saw the depths of his concern behind the anger. She knew how to read through the cracks of his rough exterior, and despite the fact that she was still so unbelievably mad at him, for several reasons, part of her felt mollified. She knew he still cared about her.
She was feeling petulant, however.
“You don’t have the right to lecture me,” she said. “Anyway, what the hell happened? When I got there, everything was already on fire.”
Butcher crossed his arms. “Yeah, Soldier Boy fucking snapped.”
Helena frowned. “What do you mean?”
“On account o’ his PTSD.” Butcher rubbed at his mouth and beard. “I think he blacked out. Same as Midtown.”
For a moment, Helena was in shock. “Shit. And this is the guy you want to make a deal with?”
“The deal’s been made, love,” said Butcher. He regarded her with more guarded eyes. “Only thing to do is keep moving forward.”
“Right,” she snapped. “Until you get killed.”
Helena shook her head and tried to sit up straighter. It caused a shift in her ribs that felt like white hot pain, a knife stabbing into her. She gasped and grabbed at her right side.
Frowning deeper, Butcher stayed her hand and lifted up her shirt enough to take a look. What he found was a large, yellowish bruise covering nearly half of her ribcage. It wasn’t dark enough to be internal bleeding, but he knew her tan skin would darken soon enough.
“Jesus,” he muttered.
“Is it bad?” she asked in worry.
“Is the pain dull or sharp?” he asked.
“Sharp,” she replied.
“Likely you’ve got a couple of broken ribs,” he said. “You can still breathe though. Nothing feels like it’s pokin’ ya, is it?”
She shook her head, relieving him further.
“You’ll probably be fine,” he said. You should get checked out at the hospital, though I doubt you’ll fucking take my advice. “They’ll heal up eventually.”
She frowned at him.
Maybe he should’ve made the hospital suggestion, because she shoved his hands off her and withdrew from him. He realized then how’d she’d taken his attempt to reassure her—like a lack of concern.
“Thanks, Dr. House,” she griped. “Your bedside manner is impeccable. Just leave me the fuck alone.”
Butcher held in a sigh. “Look, I didn’t mean it like—”
“I don’t care,” she said. Her tongue was sharp, but her eyes said that she was exhausted, in pain, and done with him.
So he reluctantly left her room and shut the door behind him. He eyed Soldier Boy, who sat on the couch, still in his supe suit while channel surfing on the TV. Hughie was trying to figure out on his phone where the closest fast food was.
Already Soldier Boy had given Butcher a list of possible safe houses to find Mindstorm: the second to last cast member of Payback. They were close enough to one of the addresses that it justified stopping for the night, but it also meant leaving Helena injured and alone with this radioactive boomer fuck, complete with PTSD and a taste for anything in a skirt.
Butcher grabbed Hughie’s arm and led him just outside the motel.    
“I’m gonna cross off the first safe house on the list,” he said. He jabbed a pointed finger in Hughie’s chest. “Don’t leave her alone with him, whatever you fucking do. And make sure he don’t fucking leave.”
Hughie was wide-eyed, but he nodded. “Yeah. Sure.”
Butcher raised his brows. I mean it, the gesture said. Hughie nodded, a silent agreement struck between them.
He soon went back into the motel while Butcher took off in his car.
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Hughie found the supe exactly where he’d left him: on the couch, watching reruns of Cheers. Soldier Boy didn’t look all that entertained, but his gaze slid over to Hughie when he came in.
“What’re you doing about food?” Soldier Boy asked.
Hughie blinked, and once again checked his phone. They were so deep in the middle of nowhere, no regular restaurant was going to deliver within an hour. There wasn’t even an Uber Eats or Doordash that delivered out here.
“That ain’t gonna cut it,” said Soldier Boy. His gaze was firm. “30 minutes or less. That’s what I’m’ giving you, before I go look for something myself.”
Fuck, Hughie thought. He couldn’t leave Helena alone, but he couldn’t have Soldier Boy taking off on him either.
“You can go, Hugh,” Helena said. He turned to find her standing in the doorway of her bedroom, looking worse for wear, but standing on her feet. She was leaning against the wall, and he immediately went to help her.
She directed him on where she wanted to sit: at the small, two-seater dining table.
She didn’t care what she ate, as long as it was hot, she told him. Though Hughie promised to bring her a soup of some kind, while Soldier Boy wanted “red meat.”
A burger it is, Hughie thought, internally rolling his eyes. He was still reluctant to leave, but Helena gave him an, I’ll be fine smile, weak though it was.
Hughie shook his head. Butcher was going to kill him, but he really didn’t have much of a choice. He left soon after, aiming to walk to the closest Wendy’s about half a mile down the road.  
Meanwhile, Helena let out a breath. Already she knew this shitty plastic seat at the dining wasn’t going to do it for her. She needed support for her back and ribs, but she also didn’t want to lay down in bed anymore.
It made her head swim and her stomach churn, but she slowly got up and moved to sit on the far end of the couch, where Soldier Boy sat. At least she’d be able to watch some TV and try to take her mind off her pain as she waited for the meds to kick in. However, it did mean trying her luck with the supe.
She glanced at him, giving a thin smile. Soldier Boy turned to her with a gaze that slowly took her in.
“This isn’t an invitation,” she said warily. “Keep your hands to yourself.”
His smile was lazy, with the confidence of a man who’d no doubt fucked his way through starlets, cabana girls, and certainly any willing supe.
“Hey, now,” he said with charm. “What kind of man do you fucking take me for?” 
A murdering one, Helena thought. But she didn’t sense a predatory attitude from him. At least, not in that sense. It didn’t mean she would let down her guard, but she did breathe a little easier.
“Besides. We both know that at some point,” he said. His voice lowered, like he was sharing a secret. His voice was deep and smooth, “You’re gonna get off your little high horse. When that time comes, I'll be more than happy to fuck you well and good, baby doll.”
Again, this man’s audacity knew no bounds. Helena’s brows raised high in shock. It took her a moment, but she eventually cleared her throat.
“Unlikely,” she deadpanned, despite her blush. “And who hits on someone with broken ribs?”
“They won’t be broken forever. And I can be…gentle,” he said. His eyes once again slid over her form, lingering on the hint of cleavage of her V-neck shirt. “Gentle enough, anyway.”
She couldn’t help but laugh a bit. This guy was too much.
“For the love of God. Enough, please,” she said. She shook her head, despite her incredulous smile. “I thought you said I needed a leash.”
She’d heard that little tidbit from the bug she planted in Butcher’s car.
Soldier Boy smirked. “Maybe. You are a bit fucking mouthy for my taste.”
That dimmed her amusement, into annoyance. There was that old-fashioned machismo that she couldn’t stand. 
“Welcome to the 21st fucking century,” Helena snipped. “There’s a lot more where I come from.”
Soldier Boy shot her a look, annoyed yet contemplative. “So what, you and Butcher had a thing?”
“Good use of the past tense,” she grumpily acknowledged. She took the remote that lied between them and started looking through the TV guide for something to watch.
The supe eyed her with a certain smile.
“What’s the fucking deal with him and Homelander?” he asked. “I mean, the guy’s a prick. But why does Butcher hate him so much?”
Helena paused in her channel search. For now, she landed on an old episode of The Mesmerizer.
She let out a deep breath, holding a hand to her side when that pained her ribs. She wasn’t sure that this was her story to tell, but maybe if Soldier Boy knew the truth about Homelander, he’d be even more motivated to kill the bastard, besides ego and jealousy.
“Becca. Butcher’s wife,” she began. “Homelander…”
 Helena paused. Even now, it was hard for her to say it out loud. She took in another steadying breath, and she met Soldier Boy’s green-eyed gaze.
“He violated her,” said Helena. “He ruined her damn life…and she died, because of him.” 
That fell between them with a stiff, somewhat awkward silence.
“And how do you fit into all this?” Soldier Boy asked, gesturing at her.
Helena inclined her head. “Becca was my best friend.”
She told her part of the story, after Becca disappeared. How she’d worked at Vought, and Butcher had come knocking on her door demanding her help. But once she was on board, she became committed to avenging her friend. Helena did omit any mention of Ryan, for his protection.
She gave Soldier Boy just enough of the story that it still made sense, down to her finally leaving Vought and giving the CIA as much intel as she could, while trying to keep her involvement with Butcher and his team a secret from her ex-employer (and Homelander, most of all).
“So you hooked up with your best friend’s husband?” Soldier Boy mused with a smirk.
Fucking figures. That was what he took from this conversation?
Helena gave him a shrewd frown.
“You’re taking the moral high ground here?” she volleyed back. “We didn’t get together until this year, if you must know.”
The supe shrugged. It led her to look at him with a little more contemplation. She asked a question she probably had no business asking, if she wanted to have some self-preservation. But her pain meds were kicking in, and it was giving her a high dose of fuck it.
“How long were you with Crimson Countess? You know…before,” she asked.
Soldier Boy’s expression dimmed, with a bitter edge.
“Too fucking long,” was all he said, crossing his arms. “She was always a raging bitch.”
Helena wanted to roll her eyes, but she supposed his vitriol was understandable, given that the woman had helped gift wrap him for the Russians, along with the rest of his team. She truly must have hated him.
“Did she participate in Herogasm too?” Helena asked. Or was its founder the only one allowed to fuck other people?
Soldier Boy quirked a brow at her, but she held her ground. She’d heard about that particular tidbit when she still worked at Vought. 
“She knew better,” he replied. It made Helena chuckle.
“Right. I just wonder if maybe Countess was a little bitter,” she mused. “I mean, her man is over here having frivolous orgies while she’s expected to be the Virgin Mary.”
Soldier Boy frowned in earnest now, with irritation and a hint of warning behind his eyes. Helena was too buzzed on her meds to heed that warning. Fuck, what the hell did Hughie give me?
“I was dedicated to our relationship,” Soldier Boy argued.
“In the viewing public, sure,” Helena retorted. “Vought’s poster boy committing serial adultery would’ve probably been frowned upon.”
She worked with supes for ten years. She knew how their marketing worked, especially with their “relationships,” fabricated for PR or otherwise.
Now, however, Soldier Boy turned to her with a sharper warning.
“You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about,” he raised his voice.
Helena paused with a small flinch. But she hid her apprehension.
“There’s no need to get loud,” she said. 
“There’s no need to be a smart-mouth bitch,” he shot back.
Her eyes narrowed at him. “I take that as a compliment, comrade.”
Soldier Boy didn’t know whether he was more irritated or amused by her audacity.
“You must really wanna end up over my knee, sweetheart,” he said snidely.
His arrogant face was insufferable, Helena thought. But he’d made no move to “put her in her place.” Maybe because she was injured. If she was a supe, or even a man, she didn’t think he’d be so lenient.
She smirked. “Or maybe….maybe I’m just high. Jesus, how many milligrams did Hughie give me?” 
She tried to shift into a more comfortable sitting position on the couch, but it only disrupted her ribs, with a sharp flare of pain that made her wince. Her head ached as well, cutting through some of her brain fog.
She needed a shower, food, and sleep. The shower would have to wait, but Hughie had better hurry the fuck up with the food.
She was so preoccupied with her discomfort that she didn’t notice, at first, how Soldier Boy was looking at her. He still seemed irritated as he took the remote from her.
“You should probably shut the fuck up then. Get some sleep. Maybe then I’ll get some peace and quiet,” he said.
Helena raised her brows. “Wow, you are a delight.”
Soldier Boy rolled his eyes.
He was an asshole. In fact, he’d just caused a hell of a scene, had apparently blacked out, and as a result, had even killed a handful of people in the process of getting revenge on the T&T Twins.
And yet…
Get some sleep, he’d said.
He seemed to have a tiny sliver of decency. Helena only detected it because she was fluent in the language of emotionally deficient men.
She considered getting up to take his “advice,” of getting some rest, but he managed to find Lethal Weapon playing on one of the movie channels.
“Oh, that’s a classic,” she told him. “From the late ‘80s…you probably just missed it.”
Soldier Boy frowned at her, but he didn’t turn the channel. They watched the movie from then on in a strangely companionable silence.
But of course, the peace couldn’t last for long.
There was a shootout on the screen; predictable for an action movie. Helena had seen this scene half a dozen times, but she heard a hitch of breath. She turned to her right and saw that her companion’s gaze was glazed over, unfocused.
Soldier Boy sat stiffly, blinking, with a subtle shake of his head, like he was trying to get rid of a ringing in his ears.
“Soldier Boy?” she tried. He didn’t seem to hear her.
Oh fuck. She paused, realizing what was happening.
Though it pained her battered ribs and head, she pulled herself up straighter and scooted closer to him on the couch. When she touched his shoulder, his gaze snapped up to hers. She tried not to flinch.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
“…I don’t know,” he gritted out. 
Her breath shallowed along with his. Even if she tried to run, she doubted she’d get very far if he freaked out and blasted this motel off the map.
“Okay, it’s okay. Soldier…what’s your name?” she asked. 
For just a moment, her question managed to split him out of his disassociation. 
“What’s your name?” Helena repeated. 
He blinked like he had something in his eye, though she knew he was trying to concentrate on her. At the same time, she seemed to be irritating him. 
“Soldier Boy,” he said. 
“No, not that bullshit. Your real name,” Helena insisted, and she squeezed his shoulder. It was unnaturally warm.
She couldn’t know that her words kicked the man back into his memories—before Russia. Before even Payback.
Behind his mind’s eye, he saw the tall, stoic, imposing figure of his father. The floral print of his mother’s Sunday dress when he was a kid. Her smile when she touched his cheek.
“Ben,” he gritted out. His chest was started to burn and glow from the inside. He was fighting it tooth and nail as his gaze flit over the woman next to him. Run, you fucking idiot.
“Ben,” Helena repeated. Her concern was in her eyes as she chanced lowering her hand, from his shoulder to his arm. “Stay with me, Ben. Can you breathe through it?”  
“Shut the fuck up,” he snapped, shutting his eyes.
He wanted to tell her to stop touching him like he was some weak piece of shit. But the pressure was building beyond his control. 
“Ben?” she prodded weakly. Even through his super suit, his arm became too hot for her to touch. She gasped and was forced to release him. She saw the glow of his chest through his suit and tried to back away, but her shaking body was frozen in fear.
Her wide eyes met his.
Ben had just enough presence of mind to push her away from him, just before a burst of nuclear power escaped him. With a rough yell, he tried to angle it upwards. The beam tore through half of the motel room and escaped through the ceiling.
Afterwards, he was breathing hard and staring into a midnight sky through the large hole his power had created. The distant sounds of screaming and car horns blaring was familiar, though he grimaced.
Fuck, he thought. He looked at the carnage wrecked through the rest of the motel room, though he didn’t remember creating it.
Belatedly, he remembered Helena.
She had been tossed to the floor, onto her back. Ben hesitated, but he slid off the couch and went to her, taking a knee on the ground beside her prone form. He brushed some plaster dust off her face and checked her pulse at her neck.
He nodded at the feel of her pulse thrumming under the pads of his fingers. Then, he surprised himself by sliding and arm under her back and propping her up against him. He tapped her cheek.
“Hey, wake up,” he prodded.
She didn’t oblige him just yet, making his brows furrow. Ben had a moment to take in her dark lashes that matched her long, dark hair of loose curls. (He could imagine wrapping them around his hand.)
Though her face was pale at the moment, her skin was tan and smooth, with full lips he couldn’t help being tempted by. Through the sweat and dust, he could even detect an earthy, floral scent. Maybe it was her shampoo.
“Helena?” Butcher’s voice made Ben raise his head. He frowned, mostly because he hadn’t heard the man coming. His ears were still ringing a bit, though he wouldn’t acknowledge it.
Butcher got down on her other side and took Helena from Ben’s arms, quickly, but still with care. Butcher touched her clammy cheek, then glared at the supe.
“Get your Wonder Girl powers in check before you blast us all to hell!” he snapped.
“Watch your fucking mouth,” Ben barked back, as he stood. “Without me, you’ve got fuck all.”
Butcher seethed; both because he was furious, and because he knew Soldier Boy was right. They still needed one another to accomplish their respective agendas, and that was the bitch of it.
Butcher got back onto his feet with Helena in his arms. He ignored the supe for now, and brought her to the bedroom, which had mostly remained unscathed.
He laid her down on the bed and surveyed the damage, even lifting her shirt to make sure she wasn’t visibly bleeding. She really should’ve been checked out at a hospital…
Just as he almost resolved to do just that, she started to wake, with a moan of pain. Butcher softened. He rested a careful, and surprisingly tender hand against her cheek. He held his breath, waiting for the moment that she blinked awake, revealing those honey brown eyes.
Helena bit her lip when she saw him, leaning her cheek against his hand. She was still full of painkillers and brain fog, and all she really wanted right now was some comfort. The thought made her eyes sting with tears. She held his hand against her face.
“You gotta stop doing this to me, love,” Butcher muttered. His thumb caressed her cheek.
She smiled, because this was the man she knew. She missed him so damn much. 
“I thought you hated being bored,” she rasped.
Butcher let out a long breath while his thoughts darkened. Might just kill that prick after Homelander.
Her gaze narrowed a bit.
“I know that look. Believe it or not, this was him saving me,” she said, with a sigh, briefly closing her eyes. “The Russians pulled a fucking number on him.”
“Yeah. He’s got a few fucking screws loose, don’t he?” Butcher replied. 
Helena tugged him down to her by his collar and touched his cheek.
“Come with me, Billy,” she all but pleaded. “You can still let this go…”
She leaned up enough to nearly press her lips to his, but Butcher held off. His eyes roamed over her face, concentrating on her lips. They both knew he wanted this…
But he wouldn’t let himself. Her tears dripped down the corners of her eyes when he gently pulled her hand away. He leaned back and sat up on the edge of the bed.
“We’re gonna have to move,” he said. “Just rest there a tick, ‘til we get all squared away, figure out where we’re going. And where the fuck is Hughie?”
The latter he asked to himself, but Helena couldn’t be bothered to answer him. She wiped at her face and tried to bury her hurt and dismay, deep under a layer of anger. She forced her body to sit up with a whimper.
“Ey,” Butcher protested. She ignored him.
“I know where we can go,” she said, meeting his gaze. “It’s safe, and neither Vought or Homelander know where it is.”
He was confused at first, but he was too smart not to know where her mind was headed. Her house was close to the city, but still far enough to give them cover. And only Helena, Butcher, and Grace knew its location.
Butcher frowned.
“No,” he started to say. Before he could get going in earnest, Hughie stepped into what was left of the motel. They saw him through the gaping chasm—of what used to be a wall between the bedroom and the front door. He nearly dropped the Wendy’s bags.
“What the shit?!” Hughie exclaimed. “Where’s the roof?”
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AN: 😬 Okay, so a lot of Soldier Boy being an ass in this chapter lol. (As usual.) And now these four are headed to Helena's house. What could possibly go wrong? 😂
Next Time:
Maybe I really do have a death wish, Helena thought, as she let the most wanted supe alive into her home.
Butcher and Hughie joined him, with the latter taking in her two-story house for the first time.
“Nice,” Hughie said with a nod. “This place is beautiful.”
Helena gave him a small smile. “Thank you.”
Though she gave Ben a pointed look. “Try not to break it, please.”
He shot her a raised brow, but didn’t comment. Instead, he watched her turn and show them one of the guest bedrooms on the first floor. Meanwhile, his gaze lingered on the curve of her ass in those jeans.
Butcher caught the supe’s lazy perusal with a sharp eye. Ben felt his stare and had the gall to shoot him a wink with his smile. His steps had a certain swagger as he followed Helena down the hall.
Keep Reading: Part 18
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The Boys Masterlist
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Ko-Fi Me ☕
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estelle-petty · 3 days
I wanted to do something for Rogue/Gambit week, but all I have is this unfinished *gambit lives* WIP. So here goes.
When the rest of the team finally gets clearance to touch down in Genosha, Rogue is still in her tattered dress, wearing Gambit’s coat, muscling through rubble. They hold her and she barely flinches, as if it’s happening to someone else.
It’s her third day without eating or sleeping—just searching. Clawing.
The last place anyone saw Gambit was at the bar.
Magneto and Madelyne succumbed to the green flash.
The Godzilla sentinel was defeated by one of the dancers in the marketplace, a humble Omega named Exodus.
Mutant art, Rogue considers.
They sift through the fledgling nation’s ashes with the other helpers.
Survivors are found, but not enough.
They freeze in their tracks when a young girl and her winged mother ask the searchers if they’ve seen “the card trick man.”
A shrill gasp. Rogue bolts to her level, holding her shoulders as gently as she can. “When did you see him, sweet thing?”
“At the Xavier. He saved me and my mom. He said ‘be brave, Cher’ and I said ‘I’m not Cher but I know her songs.’”
A blip of a smile breaks through on her lips for the first time in days. “We’re gonna find him, babygirl, I promise.”
This promise carries her until she finds a charred Queen of hearts in the wreckage of the Xavier Regency’s courtyard.
Then she goes feral in her search.
Every now and then she calls out his name. Sometimes it’s barely audible, sometimes she screeches like a tea kettle.
It still was possible he’d been vaporized to a green mist after saving the girl, but her vague awareness of this means little.
If she never accepts it, maybe this effort will never shift from rescue to recovery mode.
Storm moves her knotted hair away from her face. “Rogue, love—you have to stop and rest. Let us take over.” Storm knows this won’t be easy. She remembers Hank’s account of Rogue peeling open the Asteroid escape shuttle like a can of sardines to find Gambit at just the sheer possibility of him being hurt.
Rogue’s shakes her head in a barely visible twitch and clutches the lapels of the coat. “Rogue always comes to Gambit’s rescue,” she quotes, choking on tears. “I know he’s out here. I feel him.”
“As do I. But he needs you to come to your own rescue first.”
Rogue shakes her head with a trembling sniff. “I have to tell him the truth. I don’t care what happens to me if I can’t.”
“We do. We love you. Here.” She hands her a canteen and Rogue submits to it with dribbling gulps. “There. For Remy, right?”
“For Remy.”
The afternoon shadows get longer and Rogue relents to sleeping against Kurt’s blanketed shoulder for a little while, her face streaked with dried tears.
Jubilee accosts them at full speed, her boots kicking up dust. “The telepaths, they found someone alive!”
Rogue’s voice is like static, but audible. “Oh my lord, please.” They rush after the clusters of people standing around the site.
“It’s a low level empath,” Jean says. “Mind is very hard to breach—”
“If that ain’t Gumbo, I’ll eat dirt,” Logan says.
Rogue holds her breath. Jean raises the figure from the wreckage, his white suit battered but intact, his eyes closed as if asleep, his body glowing pink as if charged.
Rogue squeals through her tears with a hand over her mouth, feeling like this is all a fever dream. “He’s—”
”Fascinating,” Hank says. “A latent mutation triggered by duress. A biokinetic shield that protected him from the falling building–”
He doesn’t get to finish as Rogue plows through and bridal carries Remy in her trenchcoated arms, sobbing. He’s breathing, slowly but surely, like he’s suspended in time. “I knew it. Goddamn you, sugar. This is your best trick yet.”
The rest of the team indulges in their own delighted tears. Storm breaks out with a triumphant laugh.
Jubilee flips her glasses over her eyes from the brightness. “How do we wake him up out of the glowy shieldy chrysalis thing?”
Wolverine groans at Rogue, who looks like she’s going to zip herself inside the chrysalis thing. “Uhhgh. Let me guess, with the power of love?”
Morph rolls his white eyes. “We can discuss your affinity for Celine Dion later, Canuck.”
“We have to proceed carefully,” Beast says. “We don’t know the extent of his injuries before the shield kicked in.”
A shield, Rogue muses. The aura around him beckons her, like a certain electromagnetic energy once did.
Her glove drops to the ground.
She follows her sudden instinct and slowly grasps Gambit’s face, spiking up not a single vein, absorbing nothing. Everyone gasps.
“Stars and garters,” Hank says. “Gambit has held the link to nullifying your touch all along.”
“C’mon, Sleepin’ Beauty. Make a gal feel welcome,” she trembles, and kisses his lips tentatively, then with all the determination on this broken island.
And he blinks awake, still glowing.
“…gambit not even gonna question this.”
She pulls him in close by his violet scarf. “Makes two of us. I love you, you damn fool,” she shivers through her tears, kissing him desperately.
And there it is, light as a flutter of cards. Nothing close to a burden.
“Something tells me our friend is never turning that shield off,” Beast says.
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baalmuses · 9 months
gente, um tempo atrás eu abri algumas prompts de starters, mas acabei postando só na taylor e na carol. demorei demais com o levi e nesse meio tempo alguns chars que pediram starter com ele acabaram levando unfollow, então essa masterlist é principalmente pra usar com ele, e também pra liz porque praticamente não joguei com ela desde que entrei.
MAS, deixo avisado que se tiver alguma prompt específica que vocês queiram com outro char meu, podem escolher sem problemas !
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se quiserem ler a bio de cada um deles pra ter uma noção do que escolher, vou deixar aqui a de cada um:
CHARS: taylor sykes (madelyn cline) / levi king (logan lerman) / caroline prado (ana de armas) / elizabeth seydoux (leighton meester)
that wasn't supposed to happen .
where is all this coming from ?
did you ever tell anyone ?
can we stay like this ?  just for a little longer .
are you drunk ?
i did what i had to do .
based on this.
based on this.
❛ c’mon, we’d look cute together. ❜
sometimes a second chance is just another chance to get it wrong.
based on this.
❛ Let’s play a game of whose life sucks the most. ❜
❛ If you knew this was your last day on earth, how would you want to spend it? ❜
❛ We should pretend it never happened. ❜
“I had this dream where you kissed me, and I kind of want to try it now.”
“Are you trying to turn me on?”
“I’m personally offended that you didn’t get me to be your fake date.”
“never knew i was a dancer.”
“If you’re so excited, why don’t you finish it?”
“You actually think you have a shot with her?”
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ninthads · 8 months
could we get ur mw chars n mfcs please !!
most wanted characters : peter pettigrew , molly prewett , rodolphus lestrange , arthur weasley , lucius malfoy , rabastan lestrange , tilden toots , evan rosier , severus snape , greta catchlove , lorcan d'eath , kingsley shacklebolt , & amycus carrow !
as for wanted faceclaims , i'll go ahead & put them under a cut so that this ask doesn't get a million miles long !
most wanted females : duckie thot , zion moreno , jennie kim , madelyn cline , kelsey merritt , khadijha red thunder , tati gabrielle , alexa tiziani , park sooyoung , ryan destiny , aj clementine , savannah lee smith , joanna pincerato , & phaith montoya .
most wanted males : desire mia , vinnie hacker , kim taehyung , jonathan daviss , bright vachirawit , zethphan smith - gneist , josh heuston , caner topcu , charles melton , lee juyeon , nijiro murakami , hero fiennes - tiffin , ryan manick , & kim sunwoo .
most wanted non - binary : chella man , dreamer isioma , sivan rose , jade willoughby , lizeth selene , donte colley , harper watters , jesse mei li , ricky thompson , kehlani , shamir bailey , alex newell , keiynan lonsdale , poppy liu , tyler ford , & jo kwon .
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amerie-wadia · 1 year
meg’s obx s3 thoughts (don’t read if you enjoy jiara or don’t want to read spoilers)
overall thoughts:
plot—i’ve said it once and i’ll say it again, i do not care about the gold plot. i like obx for the fun and goofy summer teen vibes with some messy romance and that silliness that we haven’t really seen since season 1 despite tiny one or two line teases of it every so often. i don’t care about the gold and i don’t think anybody should be that rich to have that gold and seeing the kids at the end with all that money just felt SO weird in like a fanfiction i wrote at 13 sort of way. secondly, too much adults this season. yeah i’m an adult and i usually enjoy a good adult pov in a teen show but these adults are off the rails so it’s not like a splash of maturity and groundedness it’s just straight up murder and child ab*se. the only good adults on this show are the heyward parents and we barely got to see them but i’ll give the writers what we did see was so warm and inviting and felt like the only safe space of this entire series. finally, although there’s so much to touch on, the poguelandia bit really broke my suspension of disbelief bc where was the body hair and grease and sunburn?? i know this show is written purely to be a male fantasy but let’s be real.
pope—number one character third season ina row!! he was amazing and is always amazing. it hurt seeing how pope was hurting because of his breakup with kie but i’m glad they didn’t brush it all over and pretend it was nothing to him the way they wrote it for kie. it also felt realistically in character for the academic burnout and perfectionism to spiral when pope got back and temporarily drops out of school, but i’m so happy that it quickly got resolved of course with the help of popes loving support system. slay baby!!
sarah—babygirl was a standout to me this season. i enjoyed her in s1 and was extremely bored of her in s2 but she came right back around and basically took all the screen time and did not disappoint. i mean, she did cheat on john b and that’s icky but i’m not saying she’s a good person her character was just really fun to watch if that makes sense. i’m still waiting for us to learn ANYTHING about sarah (or kie or any woman on this damn boat show) because right now sarah cameron is just an enigma and not much a human person. but madelyn can act!!
kie—well, i really enjoyed kie in season 1 and i kind of felt meh in s2 and this season i’m just not able to enjoy her character anymore. the rich girl who wants to be edgy thing is getting old and like yeah i get feeling connected to your friends but babes being a “pogue” (i cringe every time i hear it especially at this point in the show) is about growing up with all the cards stacked against you and being a poor kid on a super rich touristy island and like yeah the “kook” kids are rich assholes but kie needs to stop getting so heated when people call her a kook because she is. anyway. i’m sorry but kie is just such a missed opportunity because the writers refuse to give her any sort of dimension besides being a not-like-other-girls girl and literally all of her scenes were either being an unhinged 16 year old trying to go dangerously flee to south or central america or jiara or with rafe cameron and i just couldn’t enjoy any of her scenes. i’ve given up on obx writing even one decent female character.
jj—i can’t stand him anymore. i know, i know, he’s the boy of the moment but at this point he’s gained zero character development and all the other characters are off the rails so he feels so much less banana pants as he did the first season. and again, with no time for goofy silliness his character just faded into the background for me. i would’ve loved to see literally anything in the way of character growth, like he could’ve have a good going back to school ark alongside pope or maybe gotten at job at heywards or anything but all of his scenes were either jb side kick or jiara and his actual character just fell flat for me.
cleo—i want a flushed out female character SO badly!!!!!!!! i can’t wait for fanfic writers to give her some personality of her own because she and pope have fabulous chemistry and i’m rooting for them but i barely know who she is.
john b—he got absolutely played this season. he’s grown on me a lot since season 1 but then he started to beat topper into oblivion and it really brought me right back to not liking this kid. i mean get that he’d just seen his dad murder people and that’s super traumatic but like this show is already enough toxic masculinity and i just need him to find a different way to express himself. i know obx writers are not at all concerned with being socially progressive or conscious in any way shape or form but watching this show as an adult woman is just ~shakes head~
sarah and john b—are they married? lmao i don’t remember this at all. the wiki page says not legally so i don’t even know but that seems on brand for the level of chaos that is this show. i feel like they’ve reached a point where they don’t need to be together. like, i’m sorry but if sarah or john b were my friends i’d give them the advice to break up. like jb she cheated on you with an ex at the very first fight. and sarah, please just get with a guy who’s stable and kind and not physically or verbally violent with you or anyone else. plus the chemistry was all off this season so even in their good moments it just felt like a sinking ship to me.
jj and kie—if you follow my blog you know my take on this ship. i tried to go in open minded but the writing was so poor that it didn’t feel natural at all. the thing that really got to me was the “jayj” nickname. i know it was all fanservice and the nickname is popular in the fandom but kie nor anybody else has EVER called him that prior to this season and it just felt so forced and weird. like she’s always called him jj and that’s already a nickname. whatever. i also wonder what actual jiara shippers think because i thought any natural chemistry was crushed with how awful the writing was. don’t get me started on the entire weird dynamic with jj breaking her out and driving her around on his dirt bike in a high speed chase without a helmet on.
pope and cleo—fantastic natural chemistry and probably the most likeable couple this season imo. i wish cleo was flushed out and had her own characterization and layers because they have a lot of potential. they’re fanfic-trope heavy as well but with tropes i like so i’ll allow it. cleo getting along with popes family was so cute to watch and the way she and popes dad joked around was so natural and sweet.
final thoughts:
this was pretty negative and yeah i didn’t know if i was going to even watch the new season because it feeling kind of bored and meh after s2, but i needed something lighthearted to watch and i wanted to see where they were going to go with the story, especially for pope because he really is one of my favorite characters atm. regardless, at this point i don’t know if i’m gonna stick around for the next season or not. it’s really hard to watch a show that is as strong of a male fantasy as this one. like there are no fleshed out female characters, no queer characters, and it’s so hard to relate to what any of these characters are going through because they’re living on deserted islands with shaved legs and bumping off of yachts to and from central and south america to go fight mob bosses and find an ancient city that was so easy to find i was shed of my suspension of disbelief. last thought, the dynamite scene was so wtf because why’d he bring it (1) and (2) for that much money people could just absolutely mine that mountain, so it’s absolutely not “giving up the gold for his son” kind of redemption arc that isn’t possible for his character after all big john has done.
those are my thoughts. argue with me if you want but if you follow my blog you likely agree with some of these takes.
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greencruz · 11 months
5, 11, 16, 22, 25.
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o fc que você não usa com frequência, mas queria.
madelyn cline! eu gosto demais dela. na verdade, eu gosto muito do cast de outer banks, então também coloco aqui meu tchutchuco jonathan daviss.
que tipo de criadora você é? aquela que protege o char de tudo ou a que gosta de ver o char se ferrando?
meio a meio. eu sou mega meh com sofrimento de graça, sabe? só pra estar ali e acabou. então eu tento justificar direitinho o motivo de um personagem passar por um problema que vai desalinhar os chakras dele. mas eu também não gosto de situações onde tá tudo bom tudo certo e fica um tédio, até porque a vida não é fácil pra ninguém. além disso, o plot manda muito também nessa parte! se é mais pesado, então o personagem passa por muito mais problema, agora se é um plot mais tranquilo, eu não gosto de só sei lá tirar meu personagem de um parquinho colhendo flores pra sei lá, jogar ele numa floresta escura cheia de perigos sem que haja um bom motivo pra essa mudança. o contrário também não. então assim, é uma questão de equilíbrio, eu não consigo jogar em plot só com desgraça nem só com alegria.
um fc que você adora ter como opp. (ou que gostaria de ter como opp)
todos <3 amo meus opps ! agora, um fc que eu daria um olho em troca de ter como opposite (lá vou eu de novo) é o rudy pankow! sério.
prefere ter chars mais extrovertidos ou introvertidos?
inevitavelmente eu faço personagens mais extrovertidos, chega ao ponto de não ser nem algo uau uma escolha, meus personagens, até os mais na deles, acabam saindo meio extrovertidos.
tem algum plot que sempre quis fazer e nunca conseguiu?
eu mato, morro, ressuscito e morro de novo por dana scully e fox mulder. eles são o ápice pra mim, sabe? dois investigadores de casos sem resolução que vão atrás de descobrir a verdade, e todos são ligados a ficção científica! tem tanta coisa pra fazer com isso (e foi feito né o negócio tem mais temporadas que tudo). e né, depois de doctor who essa é minha série favorita, choro muito mesmo.
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hermitwrld · 2 years
olá, eu sou a hermit e tô brotando aqui para oferecer minha humilde parceria para jogos. tenho alguns personagens em aberto com background prontos, que não tive a melhor oportunidade para desenvolver e queria mudar isso. também tenho algumas ideias em aberto, sem char definido, então podemos combinar e resolver da melhor forma. pra finalizar, deixei minhas regras (bem poucas) no source para facilitar a vida de todos. curte ou me chama no chat se tiver interesse em algo. tnx!  🖤
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open characters:
summer-rain bagshaw. 22 anos. universitária e babá. faceclaim: madelyn cline.
summer-rain é filha de uma atriz frustrada que nunca alcançou o estrelato e precisou voltar a trabalhar como cabeleireira. desde novinha, a summer precisou se virar e ser independente, já que a mãe não era de instinto materno muito desenvolvido. na verdade, a mulher só cobrava da filha desde nova que seguisse uma carreira artística como ela. quando terminou o ensino médio, a summer só meteu o pé da cidade onde morava e foi morar no campus da universidade dela (que tá usando financiamento estudantil pra conseguir estudar), precisando se virar nos 30 pra ter dinheiro e conseguir ter uma vida no mínimo confortável como estudante, já que a mãe não tem dinheiro pra bancar. 
( STATUS: ocupado. ) stephen kwon. 23 anos. estudante de engenharia de software. faceclaim: jung jaehyun.
stephen é a definição de “pobre menino rico”. cresceu com tudo que o dinheiro podia dar, menos a atenção dos pais. porém, ao contrário de uma grande parcela, isso não fez com que ele se revoltasse. na verdade, ele apenas direcionou a frustação para os estudos e passou a ser um ótimo aluno em tudo que participava. o amor pela tecnologia veio desde cedo, então não foi surpreendente a escolha de curso. gosto de definir ele como o nerd descolado, já que ele tem uma vida social bem ativa para um garoto que se tranca no quarto pelo menos três vezes por semana para jogar league of legends ou só sabe falar do novo projeto que tá fazendo no clube de robótica. mas um fun fact é que ele nunca namorou sério porque tem medo de chegar nas pessoas e precisar demonstrar interesse.
menina certinha e prodígio. precisou lidar com a pressão dos pais desde que eles perceberam o potencial que a filha tinha, então passou toda a infância e adolescência participando de campeonatos e concursos que comprovassem todo o conhecimento acumulado. quando foi aceita no mit com só 16 aninhos, ela pensou que teria liberdade pela primeira vez na vida e moraria sozinha em outro país. enganada estava ela, os pais largaram tudo na coréia e foram para os estados unidos para garantir que a boram não perdesse o foco ou esquecesse seus objetivos (que eles mesmo traçaram). após a formatura, ela acabou tendo uma briga com eles por não querer voltar para a coréia, já que tinha recebido uma oportunidade de trabalho muito boa em uma multinacional. bônus: tenho já um plot dela voltando para coréia, mas também podemos permanecer nos eua, como for sua preferência. 
( STATUS: ocupado. ) min boram. 24 anos. desenvolvedora de sistemas. faceclaim: arin (choi yewon).
open plots:
( STATUS: ocupado. ) um friends to lovers, mas totalmente inspirado em mondler. ambos fazem parte de um grupo de amigos, mas se conhecessem há mais tempo por muse a ser melhor amigo do irmão mais velho de muse b. demoram anos e algumas bebidas a mais no casamento do irmão para o interesse nascer, mas depois disso é só felicidade e coisinhas de casal. 
( STATUS: ocupado. ) em contrapartida, também quero um enemies to lovers, mas “real oficial”. nada de rivais de trabalho ou universidade, queria algo bem vilão contra herói e com embates de verdade entre eles, sem ambos nunca entenderem por que não dão fim um ao outro. também não necessariamente precisa ter um bonzinho, mas pessoas de nichos diferentes que precisam se derrotar para enfim terem paz. 
( STATUS: ocupado. ) fake dating em geral, mas tenho preferência pelo nicho de celebridades. o relacionamento sendo público para ajudar na divulgação de um trabalho ou até limpar a reputação de um dos envolvidos. não precisam se odiar, mas serem de personalidades opostas já é maravilhoso para ser difícil entender como vão se apaixonar.
recentemente, ganhei teto para dois, um livro de romance que acabei devorando em dois dias de tão delicinha que foi. queria um plot inspirado no mesmo, onde os dois personagens dividem um apartamento (e uma cama), mas nunca de fato se encontram devido a diferença de horário e coisas da vida. por conta disso, eles se comunicam por meio de bilhetinhos deixados ao redor do apartamento e assim vão conhecendo e se conectando. 
( STATUS: ocupado. ) plots no universo de percy jackson ou que apenas envolvam mitologia grega, por favor. morro de vontade de fazer uma ninfa ou uma filha de afrodite (que odeia ser sempre taxada só como bonita).
aviso final: se nada te interessar, mas você tiver algum plot em mente que quer muito desenvolver, também pode me chamar ou curtir aqui. como estou começando agora, não estou tão seletiva assim quanto a temas e quero jogar o máximo possível. 🖤
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spoilertv · 1 month
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ryssabrin · 11 months
so i've been watching the other romances and such on yt and reading comments about them and it's kind of blowing my mind how much people act like panam and judy's romances are automatically "better" because they have the "happier" star ending option. like that means the writers cared about them more and gave them more focus and development? which isn't true at all lol. all of the romances aside from panam feel like they were added as an afterthought but each of them is at least consistent to the characters. and not every player is looking for a nice neat happy ending and having one doesn't automatically make it better lol.
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wealthtv · 2 months
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GOOD  AFTERNOON  PASSENGERS,  this is an annoucement  for  flight  AA118  to  NEW  YORK  CITY.  this  is  a  boarding  call  for  the  following  passenger(s):  JULIEN SINCLAIR, COLETTE ITO, JAMES COLTHAM .  please  proceed  to  gate  42A  immediately.  please  have  your  boarding  pass  and  identification  ready.  the  captains  will  order  for  the  doors  of  the  aircraft  to  close  in  approximately  24  hours  time.  thank  you.
𓏲  *   ( madelyn cline, demigirl, she & they, reneé rapp cc )   ⸺   pictures of julien françois sinclair,  the  twenty - six  year  old  singer & actress,  have been showing up all over my feed, and considering the last time they were #trending, it was due to them being filmed snorting a line in a club — i’m not likely to unfollow anytime soon. with their lace dresses and oversized leather jackets, they’ve managed to garner a reputation for being more debonair than unscrupulous. their critics say that they’re more reticent than effulgent when they aren’t too busy focusing on their elegant tasteful surroundings that people flock to all wrapped up in the utter feeling of loneliness, unhinged laughter echoing somewhere far and distant in an unwelcoming darkness : implicitly beautiful and captivating, a golden cross pendent dangling down representing someone long lost. reputation.com has taken to calling them ugly duckling in order to avoid a lawsuit ( again ).  ──    robin,    twenty7,    pst,    they/them,   n/a.
𓏲  *   ( sana minatozaki, ciswoman, she/her, tbd   ⸺   pictures of COLETTE ITO,  the  twenty eight  year  old  singer/actress,  have been showing up all over my feed, and considering the last time they were #trending, it was due to tripping and almost falling off stage — i’m not likely to unfollow anytime soon. with their signature little black dress and red pumps, they’ve managed to garner a reputation for being more assiduous than finicky. their critics say that they’re more fussy than pleasurable when they aren’t too busy focusing on their ribbons tied in hair, faint blush on cheeks, first bite into a ripe cherry. reputation.com has taken to calling them CHERRY RIBBON in order to avoid a lawsuit ( again ).  ──    char,    28+,    CST,    she/her,  n/a. *  could  we  get  another  career  claim,  someone  else  was  first.
𓏲  *   ( tbd, cis man, he/him, harrison ford cc )   ⸺   pictures of james "colt" coltham, the thirty-eight year old oscar-nominated actor and producer, have been showing up all over my feed, and considering the last time they were #trending, it was due to being in a car accident after which he was in the hospital for two months and spent another six at home while he regained his ability to walk — i’m not likely to unfollow anytime soon. with their ankle-cropped jeans, worn cowhide belt, linen blend button up and wire-rimmed glasses, they’ve managed to garner a reputation for being more composed than heedless. their critics say that they’re more vain than unstinting when they aren’t too busy focusing on their solemn mouth, all 43 sinewy muscles playing that public-permanent frown. there is so much self-possession found on that tender seam, where aloof meets unflappable. is there anyone worthy enough to see that child's grin?     /     callused hands reaching for obsession, and nothing less. there is a great, restless dissatisfaction in being given everything one asks for, and giving back so little.     /     patience that runs thin, reflexive, silent. rope bound the to mindless vanity of a creature born to satisfy, never satisfied. reputation.com has taken to calling them professor in order to avoid a lawsuit ( again ).  ──    meg,    28,    mst,    she/her,  disordered eating and self-harm.
*  could  we  get  another  faceclaim,  someone  else  reserved callum  first.
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silencehq · 6 months
Boa noite, semideuses! Vamos aos avisos de liberação de reservas?
Primeiro de tudo, não precisam esperar a gente liberar, quando der 20h, podem enviar ATRAVÉS DO CHAT e exclusivamente do chat. Porque só assim saberemos com certeza a ordem de chegada das reservas.
Nesse primeiro momento só será permitido UMA RESERVA por player. "mas gente, posso reservar pra ume amigue?" pode, claro que sim! Basta enviar o apelido delu junto.
MODELO DE ENVIO: Por favor enviar duas opções! Pois se sua primeira opção tiver sido reservada antes, nós partiremos pra segunda. (se quiser enviar uma terceira opção, fica a sua escolha!)
Boa noite mods, gostaria de reservar: OPÇÃO 1: Vaga de filhe de DEUS ESCOLHIDO + FC + PODER+ Cargo (se tiver) + Vaga na EQUIPE TAL (se tiver) + líder do ESPORTE TAL (se tiver) + Vaga de benção OU maldição (se tiver)
OPÇÃO 2: Vaga de filhe de DEUS ESCOLHIDO + FC + PODER + Cargo (se tiver) + Vaga na EQUIPE TAL (se tiver) + líder do ESPORTE TAL (se tiver) + Vaga de benção OU maldição (se tiver)
Na prática poderia ser assim:
Boa noite mods, gostaria de reservar: OPÇÃO 1: Vaga de filha de ATENA + MADELYN CLINE + Visão noturna + instrutora de combate corpo a corpo + Vaga nos ESTRATEGISTAS + líder da CANOAGEM + Vaga para maldição
OPÇÃO 2: Vaga de filho de APOLO + TOM HOLLAND + cura através de comida + instrutor de Mitologia Grega.
NÃO RESPONDEREMOS DE IMEDIATO para não atrapalhar a ordem de chegada das reservas, não queremos prejudicar vocês então vamos esperar 15 minutos antes de começar a dar retorno ok? Não se preocupem, semideuses, não iremos sumir nem nada, só vamos esperar o fluxo (que tenha um fluxo por favor pois vocês nos animaram muito ajaksks) diminuir e então daremos as respostas.
Assim que a primeira leva de reservas for postada, vamos anunciar um horário específico para a reserva do segundo char para aqueles que desejam, pra ficar mais justo pra todo mundo. Será ainda hoje, não se preocupem!
Enfim, ficamos muito felizes com a resposta positiva de vocês, queremos MUITO que o jogo vá para frente e dê tudo certo. Estamos com o chat aberto para qualquer dúvida ok? Não se acanhem, estamos aqui pra ajudar vocês em cada passo.
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inpryno · 10 months
❛ was it you? did you do all this? ❜
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𝙰𝙲𝙲𝙴𝙿𝚃𝙸𝙽𝙶    ›    words    e  c  h  o    in  the  forefront  of  her  mind;  surrealism  swirling  about  ⅋  making  her  dizzy,  the  stench  of  flames'  𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴-𝗱𝗼𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀  making  her  stomach   ...   uɹnʇ.  blinking  back  tears,  hands   𝓇𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚡   from  their  shaking,  balled  position.. 
fermented  with  a  mixture  of  charred  sanguine,  agony  ⅋  dirt...  the  once,  composed  keeper  of  limbo  now  stood,   𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘥  -  𝙻̶𝙾̶𝚂̶𝚃̶.  
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ᵍˡᵒʷᶦⁿᵍ  aͣmͫbeͤrͬ  ᵉʸᵉˢ,  looked  down   -  -  -   ⅋  then  around.  it  was  ...  𝘢𝘴  𝘴𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘺  𝘱𝘶𝘵  ...  a  𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐙𝐎𝐍𝐄.  buildings  appeared  to  be  toppled  BΞYOND  repair,   grass  ⅋  trees  burned  to  a  ƈᶉỉᶊƥ  ⅋  replaced  with  saͣndͩ  ⅋  𝑏r𝑜k𝑒n  𝑔l𝑎s𝑠,  f ͥ ͬ ͤs   ͦf   ͪ ͤll  still  burning,  air  thick  with  sᴍᴏɢ  ⅋  sᴏʀʀᴏᴡs  she  dealt  :   ∗  a   wasteland.   without  a  single  soul  to  it's  name——besides  𝗊𝗎𝖾𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀  ⅋  𝙩𝙝𝙚  𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙙.  ⅋  she  didn't  know  what  caused  it.  madelyne  finally  croaked  out  something  damning.,  “  𝑖——𝑖  𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡  𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤.  ”
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she  had  no  recollection  of  the  events  that  transpired  ;  maybe  her  mind  didn't  want  the  queen  to  remember  𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐑  𝐎𝐅  𝐒𝐇𝐄———⅋  who  could  really  blame  her...  .ᐣ    ∗   would  you...  .ᐣ  
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youngbloodhqs · 1 year
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é sempre bom ver você por aqui! os players dos seguintes chars tem 24h pra enviar o tumblr das personagens, ou os skeletons serão reabertos:
eu juro que vi SKELETON 16 lá no píer de santa monica! PENELOPE FITZSIMMONS é uma MULHER CISGÊNERO de 23 anos. pelo que eu soube, ela estuda PSICOLOGIA na universidade. dizem que POPPY é muito ESPONTÂNEA, mas também pode ser um pouco TEIMOSA. na luz do sol da california, se parece bastante com MADELYN CLYNE.
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BEN BRODY is looking for their SISTER. More details can be found under the cut →
NAME SUGGESTIONS: Paige [two middle names] Brody; this is negotiable/UTP though.
AGE RANGE:  Char should be around 28 years of age. She's four years younger than Ben.
FACECLAIM SUGGESTIONS: Natalia Dyer, Maya Hawke, Florence Pugh, Skyler Samuels, Saiorse Ronan, Kristine Froseth, Madelyn Cline; Sam Claflin is of English decent. It's possible a sibling was adopted, but would require a lot of tweaks to his history, so contact me if you have someone else in mind and we'll see what we can do!
ADDITIONAL DETAILS. The Brody parents, while well-off, were also hands-off. Around the time Ben was old enough to drive, they stopped employing a nanny for either of their children. Ben has always super-loved his little sister and, however unintentionally, filled the emotional gap left by their parents to the best of his ability. He learned to drive specifically so he could take his sister to her swimming (or other) lessons. Though he made a lot of mistakes in his own life and grew up way too fast, the most constant thing about him has been his care for his sister. I don't imagine this relationship having ups and downs outside of the normal sibling stuff, but instead it's fun and warm and caring, a refuge for the two. This would be open for plotting, though. Comes with a built-in connection to Ben's long-time wife, Lale Kaplan-Brody as well.
CONTACT INFO. Please contact mj on discord pbnj#5309 to discuss this connection.
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