#( cm : savage opress )
vendettavalor · 4 months
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Beast At Bay
⚔️ For @valorums who liked for a starter ⚔️
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It was never a matter of if but when.
Dathomirians were a vengeful people. Dooku had learned that firsthand and he had done well to warn the Council that Sidious would not be the only one to seek him out. Still, even he could not predict the reaction the Council would have to the name Savage Opress. The horned monster that had killed countless Jedi - and their Padawans - handpicked by and for Dooku himself, answering to him specifically for such crimes. It was just another of many acts during his time as a Sith Lord that shamed him, and that he would spend a lifetime trying to reconcile.
True to his warning, it was only a matter of time before the horned monster showed up. Foolishly, he thought himself powerful enough to storm the Jedi Temple alone. And to his credit, he had gotten very far in a very short amount of time. The dozens of dead guards and the three severely injured Jedi were a testament to his strength. So much so that Force-suppression cuffs were deemed not enough, and it was decided to collar and isolate him in a suppressive room as an added precaution.
And there he stayed. Day after day, night after night, glaring at any who came to pass him, never speaking unless spoken to. A few times, he had visitors who came to question him. But his answers were cryptic and vague and most suspected that was simply due to him genuinely not knowing. As it stood, everyone had failed to procure any information from about the identity or whereabouts of Darth Sidious, or Order 66, or the Sith in general. (Though in passing, he had revealed the continued survival of Darth Maul - a fact Master Kenobi found most distressing, especially given that Savage implied that said brother would be following him to the Temple any day now.) The one time they'd let Master Pta'hoa try to question him, he seemed to catch the scent of Count Dooku that lingered on her and flew into a rage that almost ended with her being choked by him. That was the last time she was allowed anywhere near him.
But if anything, it seemed to make Shi'al more persistent in trying to understand him.
She noticed he did not have any pertinent information, but that he spoke of another brother: Feral. Something about the recurrence of the name drew her attention. Fueled her belief that there was something good left in Savage. However, conversation about him was passive and quick to die. At least, according to the accounts given by others that had pressed him about said brother. A shame, given it seemed to be a lead of its own.
A lead in which she intended to follow. Starting with questioning the Zabrak himself.
When she appeared before him, his eyes seemed to narrow. An audible growl reverberated in his throat and he shifted his shoulders upward in an attempt to appear more intimidating towards her. It was a familiar response that he displayed with any returning inquisitor looking to grill him for answer. Well, at least she knew he recognized her.
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"What do you want?"
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vendettamuses · 10 months
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@maximuses said: The Second Sister was content that the rescue had gone well enough. There were some injuries to be shared among the Agency's forces, but they would all survive. Still, she couldn't help but notice a bitter taste in her mouth as she'd nursed Savage back to health. A tugging in her chest that'd ultimately made her more upset. Why did she feel so strongly? Why was she so drawn to someone like this? The last time she'd let herself get so attached to someone... Cere's name crossing her mind made Trilla flare with resentment. Even after the talks she'd shared with Rayn to come to an understanding of the situation. She knew Cere was only trying to save the Younglings. She knew Cere would never abandon her. She forgave her. But the Dark Side was powerful, and it kept a firm hold on Trilla's heart. Which is why when Savage had silently questioned the sudden influx of tension between them, she snapped. "You nearly got yourself killed. You weren't thinking of what could have happened rushing ahead of me like that." She watched him, eyes calculating as a cocktail of emotions built in her expression. She was regretting this already, but the words kept coming. "I'm more than capable of defending myself, you know. You were already injured! I could have-!" I could have lost you. "... We will work on your self preservation when you are ready to train. Rest." (muse almost got killed meme)
⚔️ Almost Killed Meme // ACCEPTING ⚔️
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Savage was not like his brother. He was not like Maul at all. He lacked the carefully concocted poise and subtlety that the former Sith possessed. He did not have wit and cunning in spades. Rather, Savage's strength was in his strength. Brute force, stamina, endurance. All that which made him a powerful, capable fighter. A Warrior. Yet at times, it still remained to be seen that there was some greater gentility that bled through the hardened visage of hatred that fed his power through the careful training of the Dark Side. Flickers of an old life in which his strength was used to protect rather than attack. Echoes of gentler, more considerate version of himself. Sometimes, it was more prominent than what he was now.
This had been one of those times.
There was no thought behind his actions. Only blind instinct. The old, almost primal urge to act in the defense of the Second Sister. Devotion in every swing of his lightsaber, ferocious protectiveness in ever snarl and swipe of his claws at the threat that persisted. He fought and fought, until he was disarmed. And even then, he fought on, until his muscles were taught with the grip of iron and rope, and he was forced to his knees. He bucked like a wild horse, refusing to break or be tamed, swinging his head about with such fury in the drive to catch something on his horns and gore them. Even in defeat, he refused to yield. The fight only left him when he turned to see that she had been left behind unarmed.
Only then did he allow them to lead him off like a lamb to slaughter. Docile. Unprovoked. As though he'd never been violent to begin with. Because as long as she was safe, his purpose was fulfilled. Damned be the torture, the starvation, and the cramped cage they left him to die in. Only when she came for him and he saw she was in danger again did the fight seem to return to him. Like a switch flipped on and off, a robot serving one purpose: to defend and nothing more. The drive, that devotion carried him until she was safe again. Only then did he allow himself to collapse from the exhaustion and the pain.
Awakening to her scolding was hardly pleasant. But comapred to how he'd been spoken to in the past, it was tame. He did not flinch, did not grimace. His expression remained blank and emotionless as she spoke. He watched her, blinking slowly, sluggishly. Allowing her her piece before response. "My job is to serve and protect you, Mistress. We are kin in our betrayal by the Sith, and so I give my loyalty and devotion to you. I am ready to give you my breath, my life."
The words might have been romantic. Might have been perceived as a confession of love if they weren't spoken so... plainly. As though he was simply stating a fact. As though the underlying subtext that he was nothing more than a servant, a tool, a weapon was normal. And perhaps that was what Savage saw himself as. Just another tool in someone's arsenal. A personal servant. A weapon with no other purpose than to simply destroy all who he deemed a threat. And at her dismissal, he leaned back and closed his eyes, thinking nothing of it. The switch flipped off.
The tool was put away for now.
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doorsclosingslowly · 7 years
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pose reference from some ad for a local radio station i saw on the way to uni, adjusted for height (which i actually looked up on one of those ‘visual height comparison’ sites. i know the cyborg legs made maul much taller but whatever)
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inthepurplefog · 7 years
I was tagged by @arwenkenobi48 like 10 days ago and somehow I missed it. ??? So here we go xD Name: Bori (bo-ree)
Nicknames: just Bori
Gender: female
Star Sign: Libra
Height: 5′11 (180 cm)
Sexual Orientation: bisexual
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor (according to Pottermore, I feel like a Slytherin honestly)
Favorite color: blue, green, red and black
Favorite Animal: dogs, horses and lions
Average hours of sleep: .7-8 hours
Cat or Dog Person: Dog
Favorite Fictional Characters: Sten(Dragon Age), The Arishok, The Iron Bull, Cassandra Pentaghast, Darth Maul, Savage Opress, Asajj Ventress, Ellen Ripley, Grommash Hellscream, Blackhand, Vol’jin, Sanguine (TES), Mulan, Gandalf, Arya Stark, Yasutora Sado and more, but they are the ones I’d most likely fangirl over :D
Number of Blankets I Sleep With: two, a thick and a thin one
Favorite Singer/Band: Disturbed, Apocalyptica, FFDP, Nightwish, Ensiferum, Finntroll, Korpiklaani, System of a Down, Rammstein, Manowar, Wardruna. Yeah I’m a metalhead :D
Dream Trip: New-Zealand, Greece and Turkey
Dream Job: Movie director or script writer
Favorite food: pizza, pasta and basically everything italian. Also crepes the “hungarian way”, rolled up and filled with jam, cocoa powder or sweet cottage cheese (sort of cottage cheese. It’s not actually cheese. I haven’t seen this time of dairy product anywhere else). The latter might sound revolting, but let me tell you, it’s fucking divine!
First Fandom: Inuyasha...? or Naruto...? It was an anime I’m sure, possibly it was Naruto
When was this blog created?: I...can’t really remember the exact date >.< Sometimes in January 2014
Current Number of Followers: 45, since I don’t post any original content, just reblogging everything random I like, it’s not surprising xD
When did your blog reach its peak?: I’m gonna ignore this question xD
What made you decide to make a Tumblr?: When Dragon Age Inquisition was in development, I wanted to get news and announcements as fast as I could, and tumblr was perfect. Stayed ever since because there’s a ton of good stuff here!
I’m tagging: anyone who wants to
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vendettavalor · 6 months
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⚔️ Miscellaneous Character Info⚔️
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Tall. Canon states he's 7'1". I headcanon him being even taller at around 7'5" with how he towers over others.
Savage couldn't care one way or another about his height. He appreciates it since it helps him appear large, imposing, and intimidating. But ultimately, even if he was short he would not care. His size is not what his enemies should be worried about.
▸      WHAT’S    THEIR    HAIR    LIKE?
No hair. Only his crown - the term by which Dathomirians refer to their horns. He's kind of meticulous about caring for it so it's 're basically hair though.
▸     DO    THEY    SPEND    A    LOT    OF    TIME    ON    THEIR    HAIR     /    GROOMING?
More than he'd ever admit. It was part of the culture. A Dathomirian male's crown is weapon and a symbol of his status. The bigger the crown, the more powerful, healthy, and therefore more desirable he is. But beyond the cultural aspect, good hygiene is just a requirement. After all, the individual horns aren't actually horns - they're antlers since they're made of bone and not keratin. Unlike antlers though, they keep growing and are nourished by blood vessels, meaning they never calcify and fall off. This means if they're not taken care of and maintained, any damage could mean a very painful and possibly fatal infection. Plus, it's just a point of pride for him.
Not really. Savage, like most males of his culture, views his very being as a tool and a weapon. His appearance doesn't matter. His skills are what count. He allows enemies to underestimate him at their own peril.
Outdoors. He prefers more temperate to hot climates like that of the Dathomirian village. Being inside for too long makes him feel confined.
Sunshine. Dathomirians enjoy sunning themselves. They're not cold-blooded by any means, but the sun is very pleasant on their skin. Granted, Savage doesn't mind the rain. He's liable to stand in it like a koala if need me, completely disregarding it as it drenches him.
▸     FOREST  OR  BEACH?  
Forest. The bogs and fens of Dathomir are familiar to him, and the forests are very similar. Though he might also enjoy the beach if he knew how to swim and also could get over how open it is.
Metals. It's not a matter of form but of function. Metals can create tools and weapons which are useful. Gems do not hold his interest unless they have some greater functional use to attract him.
Flowers. Dathomirians have sensitive senses. Savage is no exception. If anything, he's only more sensitive due to his alterations. He doesn't mind the scents of flowers. In fact, he even finds them soothing and pleasant. But perfumes are just a bit too strong for him. He tends to get headaches and gets very grumpy about how they make breathing a little bit difficult and his eyes water.
Savage does not judge by appearance. If that were the case, Kenobi would have killed him instead of simply taking an arm and the nibs of his crown spikes. He learned from his brother the mistake of judging someone by their appearance - quickly. He knows now to make judgment based on a person's personality. Their beliefs, their actions, their gestures, their habits. That's what he bases opinions on. It's also how he sizes people up to determine how best to approach them.
Depends on where he is in his journey. But for the most part, Savage prefers to be alone or only accompanied by his brothers. He's never had a strong sense of community, never had a circle of friends or companions. It's only ever been him and his family. Sometimes it's Feral, sometimes it's Maul. Ideally, he'd like to be able to go along with both.
Order. Savage grew up in a cult, and that is not an exaggeration. The Nightbrothers were a strict band of males who focused heavily on the very archaic, traditional beliefs that the males were made to fight and be selected as breeding stock. They existed as weapons and tools of carnage made to create stronger and more resilient offspring to continue the cycle. His life has centered around conflict and survival since the day he was born. That rigid structure and desire to fit into a specific role follows him everywhere.
Painful truths. Savage can handle the truth a lot better than he handles lies. He'd prefer people just be honest with him. Lies waste his time and infuriate him.
Magic. Mostly because that's what he was raised with knowing. The magick and the enchantments and the spells of the Nightsisters were a pivotal part of his life. He grew up knowing that his fate was intrinsically tied to the Witches of Dathomir and the Nightsisters. And also because, let's be honest - Savage runs on instinct. His skills of reason and deduction are weak at best. He doesn't know the first thing about science beyond the rudimentary basics of biology, physics, and engineering required to make blades, make bombs, and make babies. Maul was the brains of the operation for a reason.
Peace was never an option. This man was born and bred for conflict. Woe be unto anyone who forgets that for even a second.
▸     NIGHT  OR  DAY?
Night. Sensitive eyes see better in the darkness. It's cooler and more temperate but generally not too cold and he just enjoys the feeling of an evening breeze and the moonlight highlighting his surroundings. It speaks to his inner beast. He's a Nightbrother after all.
▸     DUSK  OR  DAWN?
Dusk. See above. And also, weirdly tender as it is, Savage enjoys the sunset more than he enjoys the twilight.
▸     WARMTH    OR    COLD ?
Warmth. Again, Dathomir leaned from temperate to a tropical in climate. Heat was more common than cold and he enjoys that a lot more. He doesn't claim to have an intolerance but... he definitely isn't fond of the cold.
A few close friends. Not even that actually. Just his brothers, thanks.
▸     READING    OR    PLAYING    A    GAME?
Reading. Savage has never played games. Not even as a child growing up. The closest thing to games was grounding Feral and calming him down whenever he got scared or whenever he panicked and started scrambling around looking for baby Maul because he turned his back for two seconds and saw he'd disappeared from the mat where he left him. At least reading makes him feel smarter and more prepared for things.
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    OF    YOUR    MUSE’S    BAD    HABITS?
Savage has a tendency to stare. Very, very intensely. He was never taught manners to be fair. His natural inclination is to assess people, analyze how much of a threat they are, and watch closely for any sign of danger. This leads to his staring long and hard for inappropriate amounts of time.
Another habit he has is tapping his claws or shifting position often. Folding and unfolding his arms, flexing his fists, cracking his neck, rolling his shoulders. Despite the transformation, he has a lot of pent of energy. He feels the urge to constantly be moving, constantly be looking and patrolling for threats, scouting out danger or watching the perimeter of his "territory." He sometimes has to be refocused.
Mumbling. Savage has a very low voice and while he can project it, he leans towards being more submissive despite his size. Thus, he speaks quietly and softly - unless he's facing an adversary. This means that, at least around Maul and Feral, he tends to mumble.
Rubbing his crown against surfaces. As mentioned previously, he's a little bit obsessive about his crown. He tends to it incessantly when he can and that means whenever he makes himself at home in a new place, he frequently rubs the spikes against surfaces. It has a dual-purpose, sharpen them up a bit and keep the circulation good, and also to leave his scent and let others know that this is his territory.
Nightbrothers are told not to form attachments. They're soldiers, weapons. Weapons can't feel. But oh, Savage feels. He feels more than either of his brothers, and no amount of transformation can take that from him. He does not remember his mother, but he remembers Maul and Feral. He remembers raising both of them from the time they were infants and while he himself was still a child. It was brutal, unforgiving, but beautiful - and he would not trade those days for the galaxy. He did not show it, but when he killed that construct of Feral the Nightsisters conjured, he genuinely though he had killed his brother. And he sobbed. He snapped out of that spell just long enough to weep. He was devastated at the realization that he thought he had murdered his own brother. And when he came too after the fight with Palpatine and Maul wasn't there? He cried even harder, because he loved Maul, he found him, and he lost him again. He thought he'd failed to protect him. And that hurt him more than the thought that he was alone and had no one now ever could. (At least there is a small comfort in the fact that it was Feral who found him, so not all hope was lost. But God, losing Maul altered him. He regained some of his previous heart. The softer, more sensitive bits of himself that the spell repressed.)
Savage's fondest memories come from his brothers in their childhood. Carrying Maul on his back and Feral in a pouch slung across his chest while out foraging in the fens. Teaching Maul how to talk and walk. Teaching Feral how to tend to his little nubbins. Teaching both of them to fight using sticks. Teaching them how to climb and having to be the one to help them jump down when they got stuck. Teaching them how to hunt small game and prepare it for meals. Hands down his favorite memories are the ones where both of his brothers are snuggled into him and dozing off while he lays back and watches the stars above them.
It's harder for him not to.
No one will ever see it. You will never know if Savage is deeply and truly upset. He's too good at playing the stoic facade. Not even his brothers have seen him cry. He waits until he is well and truly alone and even then, he fights the tears. Tries to wipe them away and just sniffles as he does. But when he is well and truly at his limit and the burden on his heart becomes just too much to bear any longer, he falls to his hands and knees and just sobs. It's not pleasant to hear. It sounds like a wounded animal screaming out. The tears come fast and free and his teeth are bared like a snarling wolf's. He claws at the ground and just screams until it all comes pouring out of him like a fountain of emotion. And once his vocal chords are raw and he has nothing left to wail out, once his chest is empty, he heaves in breaths, picks himself up, wipes himself clean, and carries on like nothing happened.
It never really helps though.
Yes. But only a select few. You'll never guess - his brothers. His kin are the only ones he truly and completely trusts his life with.
Stupider than usual. Savage does not understand the concept of attraction or romance. Those just don't exist in his society. He was raised in a cult where he was viewed as breeding stock and nothing more. Any coupling that occurred was for the express purpose of producing strong offspring. There was no love or romance and affection or connection. No deeper emotional attachment to it.
He doesn't believe that someone would or could have feelings of romance or affection towards him. His mind can only comprehend the idea that they might be experiencing physical attraction and want him to be the sire to strong children. Emotional sentimentality does not make sense. Likewise, any attraction he experiences is strange and confusing. He understands only that he might be having a biological response to physically attractive qualities. That doesn't get him to act. He just waits for it fizzle out.
The worst part is when it persists and becomes an emotional attachment. That's when the confusion becomes frustration. He doesn't things anymore. Doesn't understand why he wants to be near the person more. Why he wants to hear their voice. Why he suddenly feels so protective over them and thinks about being aggressive towards people that engage with them, even if he's familiar with them and would never think so otherwise. All he knows is that when he's with them, he feels comfortable. Soothed, even. And he doesn't know why. Nor does he seek to know why. He just sort of keeps an eye on it and waits for it to pass because, per his culture, it's not his place to engage. Man will pine forever and never even realize it.
And flirting? Don't even think about it. He doesn't know what flirting is and any sort of flirting or even bold displays of romance will go right over his head. Go ahead - give him a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolates and kiss him directly on the mouth. He has no idea what you're on about. This could be a sign of friendship for all he knows. Unless you're going to sit him down and tell him directly and to his face that you're in love with him and want a relationship with him, and then take the time to explain what that means in detail with comparisons to his culture, he is lost. He's that dense and inexperienced.
Because why would a weapon need to know what love is?
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Tagged by: @mayxthexforce
Tagging: @tacticalvalor (Ghost), @ambitchouss @valorums @fledermuse (Jane) @rathalascendant @calibratedafflatus (Dani) @heroinesjourncy (Doc Ock) and anyone else who feels up for it!
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vendettavalor · 4 months
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toothy grins, stories around the campfire, clothes covered in pet hair, hot temper, old jeans, heartbeat in head, potatoes and steak, beaded jewelry, bruises like galaxies, mementos, backpack stuffed full, craigslist furniture, spontaneous road trips, air ripped from lungs.
homemade bread, white lies, easily excited, trying on hats, band geek, pep talks, no impulse control, sunsets, vintage fashion, long showers, selfies, following dreams, rosy cheeks, song mash-ups, pink lemonade with tequila, loves easily, animated storyteller, full of comebacks.
list of wishes, biting their tongue, band-aids and neosporin, shoulder to cry on, morning sun, necklaces, trial and error, homemade quilts, formal clothing, astrology fan, messages in bottles, pleated braids, speaking up for friends, feathers, motivational quotes, vivid dreams.
bird watching, shy kid, wind chimes, trying to whistle, summer camp, apple orchards, lost in their head, glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling, hoodies, thrift shopping, saving worms off the sidewalk, pig latin, bare feet, thunderstorms, numb fingers, braided hair, naming potted plants.
goose bumps, leather jackets, adventure, chewing nails, cares deeply but can’t show it, bronze locks, no sleep, taste of iron, netflix binges, never forgets, combat boots, stories behind scars, table for one, official soundtracks, sore calves, trusts themselves the most.
always trying to be better, wanderlust, meditation, sweat pants, old photographs, yoga, sleeping in hammocks, nostalgia, minimalist design, breath of fresh air, baby animals, volunteering, perfectionist, doesn’t care about fashion, healthy snacks, noticing the little things.
school uniforms, thick jackets, sleeping with the windows open, logical advice, scrapbooking, compasses, i fight for my friends, sculpture gardens, cold morning air, big soul, likes routine, secret romantic, last to get jokes, sunflowers, practical presents, misty weather.
herbal tea, smell of rain, blinking away tears, camping trips, collecting bones, swiss army knives, first impressions, anxious thoughts, bobby pins, burnt marshmallows, too competitive, clothes lines, messenger bags, holding grudges, gets along better with animals than people.
flirtatious sarcasm, candid photos, lost phone chargers, adrenaline rush, picking dirt out from beneath their nails, social chameleon, clashing clothes, self-deprecating jokes, claw machines, sits in chairs wrong, smudged eyeliner, has too many sunglasses, eats nothing or everything.
infectious laugh, family trees, shivers down their spine, lipstick and roses, mood swings, clumsy, believing in destiny, high expectations, sleeping in darkness, collection of nail polish, passionate, good grades but never studies, poetry books, blowing kisses, not knowing their own strength.
knowing everyone’s secrets, backpack covered in pins, envy, being in walmart late at night, earl grey, selective memory, conspiracy theories and cryptids, keysmashing, need to know basis, can’t cook, bags under eyes, experimental art, flickering bulbs, black clothing all year long
piles of textbooks, cat in lap, keeping a diary, indecision, scented candles, studying alone in a café, lingering touches, museum dates, unanswered questions, taking on too much responsibility, collections, chalk dust, comfy robes, unnecessary apologies, coming home after a long day.
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TAGGED BY: @mayxthexforce
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vendettavalor · 7 months
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@mayxthexforce said: "that could have been worse." (From Feral to Savage)
⚔️ Can We Talk About What Happened Prompts // CLOSED ⚔️
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"That could also have been a lot better," Savage huffs, dusting himself off as he steps out of the battered and bent exit of their (stolen) ship. As soon as they are far enough away, the near-empty fuel tank which had been billowing smoke and gas suddenly explodes. The entire vessel is engulfed in the prismatic flames of the rhydonium-based fuel, leaving it as little more than a smoldering pile of scrap metal and wasted potential.
As was to be expected. After all, Savage was a warrior. Not a pilot.
He doesn't seem all that dismayed despite the circumstances. They'd find a new settlement with new people and new ships. And inevitably, they'd find no new leads. Thus, they'd steal another ship, slip away, and continue on their never-ending quest for answers. Their quest for their other brother. Mother Talzin had been cryptic and vague about where or how to find him. But so long as they had the amulet around his neck, they had at least a rough idea of what to do or where to go.
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"My talents are wasted trying to navigate in these giant cages. The sooner we are reunited, the better." He grumbled, blindly leading their way into the dense underbrush of their latest crash site.
Oh what an adventure they were on...
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vendettavalor · 7 months
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@sithsjedi said: "Women confound you, don't they?" — Shi’al to Savage LMAO
⚔️ Curious Sentence Starters // CLOSED ⚔️
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The question seems to puzzle Savage more than anything. It’s not immediately evident. But those who have studied him long enough recognize his confusion by the slow blink and the blank stare he offers as the question seems to sink in and actually process. His brow furrows a bit, creating a deep fissure in his forehead as he ponders on the deeper meaning of the question. A meaning he cannot interpret with his current frames of reference.
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“My knowledge of females of other species are limited.” He finally states, flat and calm. “Where I come from, women are witches. They spend their lives away from males training to perfect their understanding and abilities with magicks. That is what I grew up knowing and that is what I carry with me.”
It’s… a simple answer. No greater nuance or more subtle meaning interwoven into the words. There is no anger, no resentment. Just the understanding that the Nightbrothers and Nightsisters were what they were. He didn’t recognize them as a cult. He didn’t recognize the way he grew up as being abnormal. He didn’t see anything wrong with the fact he was raised apart from his mother, or that he alone was responsible for the care of his siblings. He didn’t see anything wrong with the fact that his existence centered around being a great and powerful warrior. That violence was all that he knew. That he was crafted as a weapon of conflict.
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“I feel I am no more confounded by women than I am by any other being.” It’s not a statement of confidence or arrogance. He didn’t mean it in the sense that women were simple creatures as easy to understand as any other. No. He means it as: I understand women about as much as I understand any other living thing - very little, because I have very little experience engaging with anything outside of the understanding of allies or enemies by which I categorize things in my mind. Life is an endless fight for me, and I cannot afford to devote deeper thought into anything that isn’t perceived as dangerous.
It’s perhaps in this moment that Savage makes it very clear that his mind has been permanently placed in a mindset of survival. He is not living. He is merely keeping himself alive as best he can given the circumstances. But then again, can anything more truly be expected of a man who has lost everything?
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vendettavalor · 4 months
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@tacticalvalor said: Y'know what, I'll bite by bringing up a DM idea: My Paz to your Savage (for the suggestions meme) 😎👍
// do you understand that i am going to kill u? do u understand that i know where you live and i am hunting you down as we speak? as a matter of fact, do you udnerstand that i am inside your walls- /j
⚔️ Romantic Candidates Meme // CLOSED ⚔️
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The suggestion draws a blank stare from the Dathomirian. He looks to Paz for a moment, studying him. The way his armor clings to his broad body, the way he handles his heavy-artillery weapon as though it is an extension of himself, the way he barks orders at others around him with one noticeable exception and stands alone; a solitary sentinel, ever watchful and attentive of his clan. He is powerful. He is loyal. He is devoted. He carries himself well and shows mastery in combat both with and without weapons. He is everything to desire in a Dathomirian male.
"He... intrigues me..."
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There is only one problem.
He notices the interactions between him and Bo-Katan. For a moment, he feels his blood boiling at the very sight of her. She is a traitor. But he is quick to recall that this is not Mandalore, and she is no longer an enemy. Then come the familiar feelings of wanting... something. What, he does not know. And where once he only felt it when observing the former ruler of Mandalore, he now realizes it gravitates towards both of them. Odd. He dismisses it quickly enough though it nags at him...
Instead, he notes the way Paz's shoulders tense when she approaches. His attention is fixated on her, even through the helm he wears, and she seems to size him up in response. Its a gesture familiar to the Zabrak; like the posturing done by Nightbrothers to show deference to Nightsisters in hopes of earning their favor and being chosen as a mate.
After a moment of watching them square up the two of them both seem to relax before turning and disappearing together. The subtle way Vizsla's hand ghosts over the small of Kryze's back does not go unnoticed either. A small part of him is disappointed. And it shows in the minute way his shoulders seem to sag. He feels... jealous for some reason. But he doesn't know why.
"It would appear he already has a mate."
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vendettavalor · 4 months
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@valorums said: “  i can’t make you trust me. but i’m gonna stick around long enough for you to realize you can.  ” [ SAVAGE ]
⚔️ Prompts for That Specific Brand of Ship // CLOSED ⚔️
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He regards her words as a stray animal might. One who has only ever known the streets to be cold at night and hot during the day, populated with people who might see him as deranged and dangerous and throw things at him to scare him off. One who has only ever known sustenance in the scraps he scavenges from the garbage receptacles, and only ever known love in the form of solidarity shared with his own kin. One who knows better than to trust anything that isn't himself or his brothers.
"I have no need to trust you." He growls in response. "You are not my kin."
Fingers curl into loose fists which tug at the Force-suppression cuffs and collar place on him, keeping him chained like a wild dog poised to bite any that get too close. He follows her only with his eyes, but it is clear to see from the tension in the shoulders and the way he bares his teeth that he is filled with hatred. More than perhaps any other Sith before him has ever possessed. It's frightening, and heartbreaking. It haunts one to imagine what he has been through to become this being of rage, seemingly only contained because he allows himself to be.
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"You are wasting your time. Not to mention irritating me." It was left unspoken, but the subtle warning in his tone betrayed that he meant that as a very dangerous thing to do. "I am nothing like my former master. And I will not hesitate to kill you at the first opportunity I am afforded."
Dooku. He meant Dooku.
True, he had none of the redeemed master's patience or grace or... any of his positive qualities really. Savage was coarse, unrefined, erratic, impulsive, and very very vengeful. Yet, if Dooku had taken him on at one point, it must have been for a reason. He must have had some potential. That and his sense of loyalty revealed that there must have been some part of him that was good and kind. A part of him that could be used to pull him back to the light and redeem him as Dooku had been redeemed.
And perhaps that had something to do with these kin he kept mentioning...
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vendettavalor · 5 months
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@valorums said: 💘 - What do they find attractive about their partner(s)? [ SAVAGE ]
⚔️ Misc Asks Meme // ACCEPTING ⚔️
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// Savage's preferences for partners is a complicated subject that I can divide (very) roughly into two groups: instilled and inferred. And they are exactly what they say on the tin babeyyyy
// Instilled preferences would be the ones that were hammered into him during his time as a Nightbrother. It's... limited, to say the least. Because on Dathomir, the choice on who to take as a mate was not up to him. He was on the opposite end of that rope. But that still created something of a rough template of what to desire in his mind. Both for males and females. For females, it's someone on the taller side. Lean, lithe, graceful, enduring, flexible, agile. Large eyes with pale colors. Able to handle weapons easily. Someone smart. Doesn't need to be kind but that's a bonus. The bar is basically in hell. For men, it's a bit more comprehensive. Tall, broad, muscular, powerful, good provider, large horns, bright eyes, obedient, agile, resilient. Able to take a beating and get back up. Able to handle multiple kinds of weapons with proficiency. Loyal as hell. Willing to die for him. The bar is unreachable king, you gotta lower your standards a little.
// Inferred preferences are exactly what they sound like - preferences he's developed outside of Dathomir. There's not much to be said about this because Savage's goal post-Dathomir has never really been to develop his own taste in partners and seek out the perfect one. It's been to serve and protect his remaining family - namely Maul. To be a good, loyal apprentice, mastering the ways of the Dark Side or helping him commit war crimes. Though even still, his time away from home and meeting others has sort of led to him shifting his tastes. Particularly, on Mandalore. He thought Satine was pretty. But he definitely had eyes for Bo-Katan. She ticked a lot of his boxes. Tall, enduring, flexible, agile. She didn't have Satine's grace and she wasn't as slim as a witch, but tbh, he liked the fact she carried a lot more muscle. He liked watching her fight and contemplated trying to court her several times. So suffice to say, he likes muscles. But ultimately, his tastes aren't developed too far beyond that because he has never really developed any bonds beyond his canon relationships that would shift his perspective of an ideal partner.
// He also had a thing for Pre Vizsla but we’re not gonna talk about that-
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vendettavalor · 5 months
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⚔️ What Character Archetype Are You? ⚔️
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the Lionheart.
The loyal one, the stubborn one, the one who fights for others. The guarder, the watcher, the brave, foolish, valiant person who is not the same person by the end of the story
// Yeah I could see it. Savage is stubborn as a mule but as loyal as a dog. Despite being kicked by so many people, he is doggedly persistent in finding the people he feels he can rely on in a galaxy that has otherwise neglected him. And while to us he seems the antagonist, to his brothers, he is the guard and the watcher. He’s brave, often foolish, and valiantly in defending them from all harm. If he had gotten a redemption arc, perhaps he would have changed and become the galaxy’s hero rather than die as its monster.
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Tagged: @mayxthexforce (thank u!)
Tagging: Anyone who’s up for it!
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vendettavalor · 5 months
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@valorums said: [ TWENTY-FOUR ]  Savage is in a vengeful rage because of something that happened to Shi’al.  Shi’al gently approaches to calm him down saying this isn’t what she wants. (*grabby hands for threads with them!*)
⚔️ You Can Kill Me But Don’t You Dare Touch Them Prompts // CLOSED ⚔️
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He fights like an animal.
It was something Alfie had said once while watching recordings of him captured by clone troopers that had been spared a few precious seconds and took the opportunity to capture their assailant to warn others. With a saber, he swung widely. For he was trained well in form but still lacked the discipline and devout training to wield it with a finely tuned balance of both confidence and strength. His movements were wild, feral. The slash of claws, the baring of teeth, the snarling and jerks of his head to reveal horns poised to gore anything that came close enough. He stumbled about with the wide, low gait of a wild beast. Unruly, untamed, untrained - for he was only ever meant to be a prop on a cold iron leash. Set to be destroyed when his usefulness ended.
He is an animal, so easily provoked. So mindless and instinctual.
Even now, surrounded by those who could kill him with such ease and yet afforded him such grace as to keep him alive at the behest of the girl and the Jedi who acts as her maternal figure.
It was hard to say what started it. For those walking in, at least. The trigger was little more than one of the more pushy senators getting Shi'al's attention. The conversation was pleasant enough - until it wasn't. Savage could not say what came over him, but the sudden shift of her posture, subtle - glancing askance seeking an out from the arm pressed against the wall beside her head and the way the man leaned closer and invaded her space with honeyed words - the sudden realization that she was uncomfortable made his blood boil. Made him fly into a rage.
Suffice to say, the Senator ended up thrown through a window (and luckily ended up on a balcony rather than the cold concrete ten stories down) and Savage surrounded by senate guards looking to skewer the beast on their lances. The footage portrayed him quite accurately - his wide stance, his low posture, his snarling, his bared teeth and claws as he looks about with a wildness in his eyes.
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He really is just an animal.
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