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/bows. Hello there, my name is Ryu Sera. I was just checking around and I noticed that you can manipulate the shadows. I can animate the shadows. Our powers are almost similar, aren't they? Well, it's nice to meet you. /bows again.
(/ blinks) .. Hello !! Animate shadows huh... that's cool * o* I'm Chi Hoon, Lee Chi Hoon. (/ smiles, bowing back) It's nice to meet you too!
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(/ reaches up to fix his hair, scowling) Y--you ... (/ splutters indignantly, for once not having a comeback ready) That wasn't even... ugh. (/ crosses his arms, a childish pout still on his face) Why are you even here? Wait -- (/ pales) You're in the Brotherhood? -- Shit. You are in the Brotherhood, aren't you.  (*・_・)ノ⌒* (/ throws the hopes of a somewhat normal life away) ... ; AAA;
oh my my my. well aren’t you just growing up so well? (/ snickers, digs her knuckles into his head before finally releasing him) i suppose everyone has to grow out of their awkward stage eventually, at least to some degree. guess all those times i worried about you were for not. good thing i didn’t decide to shove you into that room full of prostitutes to get you moving along, huh?~ ;D
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(/ watches here, is about to congratulate her on her skills when he realizes baby isn't stopping) don't ask me what to do !! (/ major hypocrite bc he usually acts as though he knows eeeeverythaang) ... (/ pokes Kyungsan on the cheek) STOP CRYING. (/ baby actually stops in shock for a moment before crying harder) ........ Here, let me try again. (/ reaches for baby and swings him around gently in the air, making cute airplane sounds) -- see look! (/ stops for a moment to talk) it's not that bad! he's actually pretty c -- (/ baby starts bawling again) ... 
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IT'S CRYING. WHAT DO I DO. SHIN YEONG-AAAHHHH. (/ picks child up holding him upside down) -- wait. I don't think this is right. (/ flips baby over, causing him to cry even more from sudden movement) -- WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME. (/ flips him back upside down) is this better? 
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... Brother in law ...?
OH! So does that mean I get to finally call you what Shin Yeong calls you? RIRI-OPPA ~~ !!! 'Hyung' is too masculine to say when speaking to you ♥ actually has no idea what brother in law even means. 
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xmen-minkyung replied to your post: SO. PLOT WITH CHI HOON.
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AND PLOT !! Doesn't have to be stuff on the relationship list! 8DD And uhh... message me! This derp face is harmless, and friendly B) 
Oh, and add me on msn! [email protected] 
Now I should shut up.
Chi Hoon: Do you always talk so much?
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_ Studiously Rebellious _
Training with Sungjoon. 9 am. Training.
Training. Training ... Training? (◕‿◕?)
It was 8 am. The underground hideout of the Brotherhood was somehow still annoyingly lit up by whatever form of light which had managed to penetrate through the ground, flooding the area and making sleep almost impossible for light sleeprs. Annoying. But within five minutes, Chi Hoon had managed to pull himself out of bed, plodding towards the adjoining bathroom and setting himself in front of the mirror, smiling at his own reflection. Flawless, as always, he confirmed in his head, rather liking the sight of his sleep ruffled hair. Briefly wondering what time it was, but not wanting to be bothered with walking out again to find the time, he quickly stripped, stepping into the shower.
The moment the almost scalding hot water hit his skin, he closed his eyes, letting out his breath in a short puff. Training. What did that mean? It had only been a couple days since he had been recruited, and he had yet to participate in what the others called 'training'. But yesterday, he had been approached by ... someone and given a slip of paper, indicating that he was to train with this 'Sungjoon' person. Whoever that was. He wondered if 'training' required as much work as what he had initially done to get into the Brotherhood. He was sure that tall guy with the 'scary' aura had explained it all when asking him if he was truly prepared to join the Brotherhood, but during that time, he had let his mind wander, trying to figure out what the other's name was 'Seven' and not 'Nine' or 'Infinity' or something. Surely using 'Infinity' would have been scarier. It /was/ a bigger number. Chi Hoon made a mental note to himself to ask about it later.
It took him a long time to finally get into motion, reaching for his expensive shampoo and lathering his hair with generous amounts - his hair was one of the most important things that he treasured. It took another long while as he waited for the conditioner to seep through, humming enough random songs to fill an album as he waited ever so patiently. Time never mattered when it came to personal hygiene and the visual components of oneself.
Finally stepping out of the shower, his hair elegantly wrapped within a towel, Chi Hoon frowned disapprovingly at the mirror, which was fogged up in multiple layers. Look like he'll have to wait a bit before he could tend to his hair. He got dressed first - gingerly attempting to put on a t-shirt without knocking over the towel he still had on his head. By the time he had the appropriate pieces of clothing on and dried his hair, the mirror was ready, and he once again stood in front of it, reaching for three different brushes - two brushes and a comb - and set about working his hair into the perfect shape. 
Needless to say, time dragged on. His hair - long in terms of length for males, but short compared to the length of most females - took an indefinite amount of time and care, and Chi Hoon, although confident that he looks good with any kind of hairstyle, needed it to be perfect. It could be said that his looks were the only thing he truly spent time and practice on. The same could not be said for his sparring abilities - with or without his power.
Finally finished, he strolled out of the bathroom, he decided that today, no matter  what, he was in a good mood. This thought remained, even as he looked at the clock that read 10:15. ... Oopsie. 
He finally made it to the arranged meeting spot another ten minutes later, looking around for the one called 'Sungjoon'.
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_ Reunion ; Post Mortem _
Eighteen year old Chi Hoon stepped out of the car that chauffeured him to and from school, calling out a cheerful goodbye to the driver while conveniently ignoring the driver's pleas for him to please stay in school and be here when I come to pick you up.
Whatever. Checking his expensive gold wristwatch - something he treasured as it was a gift from one of his elder brothers, he grinned. Nine o'clock. Time for school. ... Or not. Deciding that his classmates and teachers could survive one day without his godly presence, he turned on his heel and walked in the opposite direction of the gates that led to the school, hailing a taxi cab and climbing in, smoothly giving instructions for the man to take him to the nearest dance club. Night-time or not, he was always up for some loud music and a crowd of random strangers dancing. If club dancing could be called dancing. 
It wasn't uncommon for him to ditch school, especially now that he was in his last year of high school. He never really enjoyed showing up for school, but had put up with it for the sake because of his two friends - both who had been a year ahead of him. Hong Jonghyun and Kang Minkyung. The latter who had reportedly died last year, much to Chi Hoon's shock. He had gotten used to being in the presence of Minkyung, the two of them had, for the lack of a better word, trolled their way through the times in high school they had shared together, often working together as a duo to annoying the fuck out of Jonghyun. He missed them...
Shaking his head as though he could knock the thoughts out of his head, he sighed. ... Best not to dwell on depressing things. Emptying his mind - something he enjoyed doing often, much to the annoyance of people around him - he got out of the car as it pulled to a stop, stepping out into a rather dingy neighbourhood that seemed dark and gloomy, even though it was early in the morning. Oh well. 
He headed towards the dance club, only to be stopped by the sight of what seemed like a makeshift bed of sorts made by, obviously, some homeless person. He stared at it for a moment, as if he had never seem something like this before. Being the simpleton he was, he probably didn't even know that some people were homeless. 
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