#( contact list // ricky bowen )
inspotlight · 2 months
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she     hadn't     meant     to     let     how     broken     she     was     show     like     this.     she     hadn't     wanted     ricky     to     know     this     was     what     her     life     had     come     to.     but     now,     talking     to     him     on     facetime     as     she     packed     her     things,     it     felt     good     to     be     seen.     they'd     made     the     plans,     talked     to     her     lawyers,     and     she     was     getting     out.     she     was     finally     getting     away     from     the     toxic     man     that     had     ensnared     her.     brody     had     convinced     her     she     was     unlovable,     had     broken     her     down     so     badly,     almost     completely     isolated,     nothing     more     than     a     pretty     piece     of     arm     candy     for     him     to     show     off.     but     she'd     gotten     out.     she     was     mere     hours     from     getting     away     from     him     and     she     had     never     been     happier.     
❝     thank     you     for     saying     that,     ricky.     it     really     doesn't     feel     like     it,     but     it     means     a     lot     that     you     can     see     some     kind     of     growth.     ❞     she     says,     stopping     her     packing     for     a     few     moments     so     she     can     focus     on     his     face     on     the     screen.     brody's     party     was     tomorrow     night,     and     that     was     when     ricky     would     be     coming     to     get     her     and     the     last     of     her     things.     she'd     leave     him     with     enough     people     around     that     he     wouldn't     start     a     fight     or     try     to     force     her     to     stay,     and     ricky     would     be     there     to     take     her     back     to     his     place.     she     was     excited     to     stay     with     him     while     she     settled     into     the     next     phase     of     her     life.     ❝     i     can't     wait     to     see     you     tomorrow.     ❞
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famefckr · 10 months
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❝    i'm    only    looking    just    to    live    through    you    vicariously.    ❞    she    sighs,    glancing    over    at    nini,    grabbing    their    drinks    from    the    counter.    ❝    i've    never    really    been    in    love,    not    seriously.    ❞    maybe    that'll    change    one    day.    she    hopes    it's    sooner    rather    than    later,    but    for    now,    she's    trying    to    focus    on    broadway.
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@melodyplucked 🎁    people    watching    —    conan    gray
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pcetstcrtured · 3 months
@famefckr liked for ricky!
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"are you going to keep looking at me like that or are you actually going to kiss me?"
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k1mpossibl3 · 2 years
❝    it    is    imperative    that    you    watch    out    for    anyone    with    pointy    objects    today,    okay,    ricky?    ❞    she    asks,    giving    him    a    look    that    says    ❛    just    try    and    defy    me    about    this    ❜.
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mayapenelopes · 2 years
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❝    psh,    no.    i'm    not    jealous    or    anything.    you    can    date    whoever    you    want.    ❞    she    says,    giving    him    a    look.    they    weren't    official.    they'd    met    at    a    party    a    few    weeks    ago    and,    sure,    they'd    been    nearly    inseparable    since,    but    she    didn't    own    him.    they    weren't    a    couple.    he    could    go    out    with    anyone    he    wanted.    ❝    besides,    the    daughter    of    the    dude    that    owns    kamachi?    your    career    would    flourish.    y'know,    even    more    than    it    already    is.    ❞    and    maya?    she    was    about    to    leave    new    york    for    a    shoot    in    milan,    and    then    head    off    to    fashion    week.    it    wasn't    like    she    would    be    a    very    present    girlfriend    if    she    were    his.    she    just...    wanted    to    be    his.    ❝    no    harm,    no    foul.    we    had    fun.    ❞    she    tells    him,    giving    him    one    hell    of    a    forced    smile.
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famefckrmoved · 2 years
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❝    congratulations    on    being    born!    ❞    zenon    exclaims,    holding    out    a    cupcake    to    ricky.    she,    admittedly,    hadn't    baked    it    herself.    she    was    a    disaster    with    kitchen    appliances.    on    the    spacestay,    all    their    food    was    cooked    for    them.    ❝    how    old    are    you,    now?    eighty-seven?    ❞
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wylmn-archive · 2 years
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❝   you   wrote   me   a   song?   ❞   joy   overtakes   her   features   as   she   sits   down   on   the   couch   in   their   new   apartment,   pulling   her   legs   up   under   her.   she   smiles   sweetly   at   ricky,   wondering   what   exactly   he's   written   for   her.   she   had   never   been   very   lyrically   inclined,   despite   loving   music   all   her   life,   so   having   a   boyfriend   who   wrote   songs   was   something   that   intrigued   her,   as   well   as   being   so   touching   when   he   did   write   about   her.   ❝   and   it's   a   christmas   carol?   that's   so   cute,   ricky.   ❞
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calistyled · 2 years
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an   evening   out   at   her   favorite   nightclub   in   los   angeles   had   brought   ricky   bowen   tumbling   into   her   life...   well,   actually,   she'd   done   the   tumbling,   teetering   on   her   heels   half-drunk   in   vip.   she'd   mentioned   how   much   she   liked   the   song   that   was   playing   in   the   club,   and   he'd   told   her   he'd   worked   on   it.   they'd   been   practically   inseparable   since   then.   ❝   aw,   ricky.   i'm   crazy   about   you,   too.   ❞   she   says,   crossing   the   distance   between   them   in   her   living   room,   and   draping   an   arm   around   his   shoulders.   ❝   i'm   so   glad   you   came   into   my   life.   ❞
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winterswhumpblr · 4 months
Ricky Bowen Whump List
Played by Joshua Bassett
From the Disney+ show 'High-school Musical The Musical The Series'.
A/N: This whole show is based on the drama club at East High, so there is a lot of singing and performing. If you enjoyed Glee, you'll probably enjoy this show. If you're not into singing in media, however, then this isn't the show for you.
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S1.1: nervous, confused, upset, told upsetting news, (flashback: in shock) sad, annoyed, anxious, told potentially upsetting news regarding his parents, (flashback: in shock, eyes wide, stuttering, anxious) nervous, discussing strained relationship with parents saying 'I love you' to each other, upset, sad,
S1.2: upset, arguing with ex, looks sad, talks about how things at home are weird at the moment, looks sad
S1.3: sad, worried, upset, causes another student to bleed on their lip, feeling bad and guilty, told some harsh things, looking sad and upset
S1.4: upset, stressed, finally seeing his mum after ages, finds out his parents are divorcing and his mum is moving away, upset, emotional, sad, rushing to rehearsals, goes in late and gets told off, looks visibly not ok, talks about how his parents are splitting, upset, looking not ok, told to go home, stays the night at a friends, talks about struggling to cope when everything is different, struggling to sleep, staying over at his ex's house, looks on the verge of tears, upset, leaves and wanders around alone at night, ends up going home, upset, on the verge of tears,
S1.5: looking after his dad, clearing the house, lashing out at someone else, feeling bad, mentions of him liking theatre because it gives him somewhere else to go as a respite,
S1.6: stressed, gives an idea and it gets rejected by everyone, sad, stressed, upset he might not be able to continue the show,
S1.7: Mentions of his mum wanting him to contact her first, stressed, calls his mum and a different person answers, confused, stressed, anxious, being checked up on, discussing his feelings, stressed, anxious,
S1.8: spaced out, stressed, semi stressful back and forth with ex
S1.9: panicking, seeing his mum and her lover together, in shock, anxious, freaking out, anxious, concern for him, shaking, visibly looking unwell, freaking out, anxious, looking sick and pale, letting the understudy be the lead instead of him,
1.10: pacing, stressed, anxious, upset, confrontation with his mother, upset, sad, anxious, concern for him, "I'm really not my best", anxious,
S2.1: finding out they're moving houses, stressed, sad
S2.2: sad, told he's unreliable,
S2.3: sleepy, tired, running, stressed,
S2.6: anxious, concern for him, talks about not being able to handle changes, lashes out,
S2.7: feeling upset, fight with his girlfriend
S2.8: stressed, fighting with his gf, stressed, yelling, upset, hurt by his gf, mutually breaking up with his gf even though he loves her, sad, upset, crying, going to his best friend for comforting, sobbing, being comforted, silently crying,
S2.9: sad, depressed, wallowing in bed, giving little clues as to what happened with his gf to his mum, sad, discussing how his mum hurt him last season,
S2.10: concern for him, looking visibly upset and sad, looking super sad, putting himself down, talking about his feelings slightly and how he hasn't been looked at lovingly in a while, helping a friend make up with their bf, lifted from a wire high into the air, rope snaps, he falls to the ground, groaning in pain
S2.11: wearing a wrist brace, stressed
S2.12: sad, sweet moment with Ms Jenn, looking dejected
S3.1: upset, in an argument, leaving,
S3.3: startled, scared, screaming,
S3.4: upset, argument, storms off
S3.5: told to act like a 'jilted' ex, acting up, mentions of him looking genuinely heartsick, discussing how he struggles saying what he feels, mind blown, gets filmed talking about his crush on someone,
S3.6: startled away, panic mode, rushing to fight what he thought was an intruder, concerned, helps his crush plan a surprise for her bf, looking dejected, crying silently in bed, turning away from others, looking sad, concern for him, wiping his tears
S3.7: forcing himself to eat 3 whole pizzas back to back for his birthday bucket list, in shock, throws up offscreen, not confessing his feelings for his crush for her sake,
S3.8: woken up startled for his birthday (super cute), upset, pissed, watches the trailer of the documentary, shocked,
S4.1: stressed,
S4.3: visibly looking stressed out about his future/college, visibly looking anxious,
S4.4: upset gf hid that they were dating in front of her mom, storms off, sad, upset, asked if he's okay, stressed, sweet moment between him and miss jenn,
S4.5: pacing, stressed, anxious, mentions of him looking terrible, looks like he'll have a panic attack any second, concern for him, ranting about all his struggles, super anxious, venting, "I'm tired of losing people", given advice and there's a mention of how a lot of people are worried about him but he never lets them and reach out too, crying, getting soaked with rain, sad, upset,
S4.6: sad, crying, told he'll need to work super hard to get into college, stressed
S4.7: pacing, practicing his speech to FL, finds out upsetting news, anxious, hurt
S4.8: anxious, out of it, concern for him, anxious, looks visibly not okay, panicky, pale,concern for him, talking about how happy the theatre has made him, crying, emotional, sobbing, stressed,
Side note - Genuinely, Ricky has become one of my favourite comfort characters. The acting for his character is superb, and his struggles are super relatable. It's a good show that deals with a lot of mixed topics, and there is whump for other characters too, but Ricky is the main whumpee who goes through it consistently.
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plutosresources · 2 years
ricky bowen’s divergences:
so as stated on the page, my ricky is completely divergent following the end of season 1. this is just a little thing put together to give an idea of what those divergences look like, though in general i’m just very loosely following canon events. like - basically just the very basics of canon events. you can always message me or send in asks if you have more questions though. 
(all mentions of nini here are @ofsweetness’ nini, these have all been talked about, decided upon and discussed with her)
season 2
- ricky and nini do not break up, nini does not go to yac
- ricky doesn’t play beast in the play, instead he plays chip. some of the other roles to correspond with this: ej plays beast, kourtney plays belle, ashlyn plays miss potts, seb plays cogsworth. (the dude who auditioned for the musical with ‘wondering’ plays gaston)
- ricky does not go to visit lynne for spring break, in my canon lynne and ricky’s relationship is slowly becoming very, very strained. i will eventually type a whole headcanon/meta type thing up on this, but a tl; dr version for now is that after ricky declines an invite to lynne and todd’s wedding, lynne spends several months not speaking to ricky. and it just eventually leads to a falling out between the two and ricky cutting off most contact with lynne
- obviously since ricky and nini don’t break up, nothing happens between ricky and lily, and most(?) ( i haven’t actually watched the scenes) of the opening night drama doesn’t happen with ricky - not playing beast
season 3
- nini does come to camp with the others
- ricky doesn’t play kristoff in the musical, instead he is a part of the ensemble with nini (does some tech stuff as well)
- again since ricky and nini don’t break up, nothing happened between ricky and lily over the rest of the school year, and nothing happens with ricky and gina
- i’ve had my ricky’s birthday headcanoned for like 2 years now (march 15th) and i plan to keep that, so - the ‘bucket list’ stuff and ricky turning 18 at the end of the summer also does not happen
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hsmtmts-fangir1 · 4 years
Just For A Moment part 9 (Ricky Bowen x Reader)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / PART 9 / Part 10 / 
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For the rest of the break, Y/N has been Joe to hang out with Ricky, which had Ricky over the moon. Since it kept his mom off of his mind. When they went back to school. Ricky waited outside for Y/N to arrive. When she saw Y/N walking up to the school. Ricky stood up straight and walked up to her. “Y/N” Ricky called out, “Hey,” Y/N said. “I want to say thank you” Ricky spoke walking with her. “For what?” Y/N questioned. “For taking Joe over to my house last week every day and keeping my mom off my mind.” Ricky answered. “It was nothing.” Y/N waved it off. “It was everything for me. So just take the thank you” Ricky replied making them laugh. They met up with the rest of the theatre kids. They all walked into the auditorium, to see everything was wet.
“Oh, my gosh, what happened?” Nini asked, looking around.“It’s okay. Nobody was hurt. There was a small fire in the theater over the holiday and the sprinklers did their job.” Miss. Jenn walked up to us. “We’re almost done in here, just have to finish in the faculty room next. Some circuits blew in there over the break. Unfortunately, the show cannot go on.” The fire woman spoke walking up to Miss. Jenn. “What?” Miss. Jenn questioned. “Fire ripped through half of your costumes and the sprinklers ruined a bunch of your sets. I’m sorry, but I’m gonna have to red tag the entire backstage area for a month at least.” The fire woman replied. “Did she just say costumes?” Kourtney spoke. “Okay. Okay, listen up. Hug your neighbor, take a moment, and let’s reconvene in the cafeteria after school to talk about options. Nini and Ricky spread the word.” Miss. Jenn spoke. “Got it. Yeah, of course.” Nini nodded. Miss. Jenn looked at Ricky, who was on his phone. “Ricky?” Miss. Jenn called. “Hun? Sorry. After school in the cafeteria. Got it.” Ricky looked nodding.
They went to their classes. After school, They were waiting in the cafeteria.  Y/N was talking with Nini and Kourtney about what to do with the costumes. “We can bring some clothes from our houses and we can see what we need.” Y/N suggests making Kourtney nod. “Hey, can I borrow Y/N for a minute?” Ricky asked nervously. “Yeah sure,” Nini nodded. Nini and Kourtney walked away. Y/N turns to Ricky. “What’s up?” Y/N asked. Ricky just sighed and looked at his phone. “Have you talked with Gina?” Ricky asked. “No, I've been texting her ever since the party at Ash.” Y/N answer. Ricky nodded and sat on the table’s seat next to her. Ricky’s hand started to shake. Y/N slowly grabbed it. “Hey, we will get in contact with her.” Y/N whisper. Ricky nods and smiles at her weakly. “Okay, guys! wait, where’s Gina?” Miss. Jenn asked. “I think she’s going through a family thing right now,” Ashlyn answered. Y/N was about to pull her hand but Ricky held on a bit tighter. “Okay, prayers to our Gina. I’m really not sure what to say. You’ve all worked so hard. I’ve seen all of you grow so much. But if we don’t have a theater, we don’t have a show. “ Miss. Jenn spoke, making everyone start to talk. “Come on, Miss. Jenn, we’ve gotta do something.” Carlos spoke. “I think we... I don’t know, I guess we could consider other venuses?” Miss. Jenn replied. “What about the old Kingston downtown?” Ashlyn suggested. “It’s condemned” Miss. Jenn answered. “The Lucky Ducky Puppet Pavilion? “ EJ suggests. “It’s a massive Starbucks now” Miss. Jenn answered. “How about the El Rey?” Carlos suggested. Everyone started to agree. “Any other ideas?” Miss. Jenn making everyone confused. “Miss. Jenn, I feel like you just had a really weird reaction to what I just said.” Carlos spoke. “Sorry, what did you say?” Mis. Jenn asked. “Carlos is asking if we can try and use the El Rey Theater,” Nini answered.  “My uncle Ruben is the listing agent, and the last thing they had in there was a fashion show, like, four years ago.” Carlos stood up.
Once we got the yes from Carlos’s uncle. We started to load everything up. Ricky and Y/N were carrying some boxes. “Are you sure you can carry those?” Ricky asked, looking at two boxes Y/N was carrying.  “I will have you know Ricky, I’m not as weak as I look.” Y/N replied nudging Ricky softly. “Right. Sorry, my bad” Ricky smile. Before they could get back inside of the school, Ricky grabs Y/N’s hand. “I was wondering if we could go after practice to eat?” Ricky questioned. “Sure, mostly after practice Joe already” Y/N nod but Ricky shook his head. “I was hoping it was just two of us, like a date” Ricky spoke shyly. “What about Nini?” Y/N asked. “What about Nini? Last time I heard, she and EJ are back together. They got together at Ashlyn's party” Ricky answered pointing where Nini and EJ were hugging. “Ricky, the whole reason you joined the musical was that you wanted to win her back. “ Y/N answered crossing her arms. “ Yes you’re right but…” Ricky started but Y/N spoke. “Also you might have feelings for me because I’m the mother of your son. Which is normal” Y/N'' question.  “That is not true. I realize I liked you before thinking that Joe was mine. Please give me the chance to show you that this isn’t about Joe. I don’t have feelings for Nini or anyone.” Ricky grabs her hands holding them to his chest. “Let me think about it,” Y/N answered, walking away.
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inspotlight · 3 months
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the    night    had    been    long.    she'd    tossed    and    turned,    struggling    to    fall    asleep    while    her    mind    raced    with    thoughts    of    everything    that    had    happened.    jude    had    been    in    her    pack    and    play    for    an    hour    or    so,    but    eventually    she    couldn't    take    it    anymore    and    had    grabbed    her    baby    up    to    snuggle    her    in    bed.    ❝    hey...    ❞    nini    says,    giving    ricky    a    soft    smile.    she    had    jude    on    her    hip,    their    daughter    still    sleepy    from    the    night    before,    rubbing    at    her    eyes    and    yawning.    she    still    couldn't    believe    ricky    knew    now.    they'd    have    it    confirmed    soon    enough,    but    he    knew.    it    felt    good.    ❝    i    need    to    go    to    my    moms'    and    grab    some    stuff    for    jude.    do    you    want    to    go    with    us?    or,    uh...    would    you    wanna    keep    her    here?    i    don't    know    if    you're    comfortable    with    that    or    if    we    should    maybe    have    a    crash    course    in    parenting    or    somthing...    i    just    wanted    to    ask...    ❞
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famefckr · 4 months
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❝    it's    not    much,    but...    close    to    my    dad    and    your    moms,    and    to    a    couple    good    daycares...    ❞    it    felt    a    little    weird    to    have    nini    here.    she'd    never    been    to    his    apartment    before,    and    even    though    she    would    always    be    welcome    in    any    home    of    his,    it    was    weird    knowing    they    had    only    just    started    to    really    talk    again.    he    cradles    greer    to    his    chest,    standing    awkwardly    in    the    living    room.    toys    were    scattered    around    the    room,    a    good    visual    representation    of    how    much    fun    they'd    been    having    earlier    before    they'd    gone    to    pick    up    nini.
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pcetstcrtured · 3 months
@famefckr liked for ricky!
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"i don't know. shut up. i'm not blushing."
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k1mpossibl3 · 2 years
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she     laughs     nervously,     a     hand     rubbing     against     her     own     arm     as     she     stands     near     the     wall.     school     dances     were     interesting.     she'd     wanted     to     ask     josh     mankey,     and     then     ron     had     bailed     on     her,     too,     and     she'd     ended     up     alone.     bonnie     had     already     made     a     quip     about     it.     it's     not     possible     to     get     a     date     for     you,     is     it,     kim?     she'd     had     to     refrain     from     rolling     her     eyes     at     that.     ❝     yeah,     well,     school     dances,     right?     ❞     she     asks,     shrugging     her     shoulders.     ❝     did     you     get     ditched,     too?     ❞
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princesstejada · 3 years
Honey puts a pot of gumbo on simmer before wiping her hands carefully, making sure her nails don't get caught in its terry cloth fibers. Honey leaves the kitchen and goes to the dining room to make sure place cards were in order.
Place cards for Anna, Blade, Bowens, Bunny,  Caster, Ego, Hobbs, Hook, Isaiah, Jade, Jungle Boy, MJF, Marq, Scorpio, Solow, and Sonny. Right at the very top of the table was a place card for Ricky and right between him and Hobbs was Honey's place card.
Tonight was all about Ricky. To celebrate his hard fought return to the ring and just for Honey to show him how proud she was of him. It should be fine. She made sure to keep the guest list small and make sure nobody was there that had beef with another guest.
She didn't need an incident like what had happened at her party. That was a war zone and she'll be damned if she lets it happen at another function she throws. Honey back into the kitchen to check on the food. She made some of Ricky's Cajun favorites. His granny's gumbo a regular version and a small vegan batch for Bunny, crawfish, and red beans and rice.
She checks the clock on her phone, almost 7:30. Their guests would be here soon. Honey went upstairs and started getting ready and goes back downstairs. Honey starts whipping up Hurricanes.  She's pouring them into glasses and setting them on a tray when people arriving.
Honey carefully grabs the tray and goes to the door letting her guests in one by one. "Hey! Come in. Good to see you. You look good. Have a hurricane." She tells the guests, even Caster, one by one as they arrive.
Once everybody was there, Honey grabs a hurricane for herself and wait by the front window for the Bentley, chatting with guests as she does so. A few minutes later, the car pulls. "He's here. Come on y'all." Honey waves them into the foyer.
She grows more excited as she hears footsteps coming up the drive way. The opens "Surpri- What the happened to you?" Honey gasps upon making eye contact with Ricky's disheveled appearance. He had dirt on his vest, shoulders, and the bottom of his pant legs, he wasn't wearing shoes, and he was all sweaty like he had been running.
This was about to be a long night.
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