#( cultural exchange ) // demihuman verse.
slicing-clovers · 1 year
HUMIDITY || @monmuses, continued from here.
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A LOW CHUCKLE filled the humid air, as Kairi let her arachnous legs gently step over to the shower entrance. While Pandora was just draping a towel about herself, the arachne was quick to push a dulled chitin claw against a lower strand of her beloved's hair, tucking it behind their ear with utmost care.
There was a glow rising in her six eyes, one that was eager, longing even. Though the fanged smile beneath them was itself rather gentle, there was no denying that she saw in her dear Pandora some form of pure, glowing, radiant beauty... and she was wanting in on it.
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With how much it was making her breaths deeper, her heart beat faster... so much for making webs, gosh darn it, for this succubus caught this arachne three times her size without one.
"On that, goodness, you're damn right," she purred, her tone rich and deep, as she let Pandora's light kiss warm her cheek. "It's taking everything I've got in me not to treat you too much like outright prey... but, if you're alright with me letting a little bit of that go—"
She placed a couple of her claws beneath Pandora's chin, gently lifting their face upwards. A soft gaze, and a ravenous one, meeting in an air so thick and seeping with desire... it was killing her not to act.
"—perhaps you can show me just what I've been meaning to find, koibito."
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butane-muses · 1 year
For this blog's use, only. Please don't reblog this.(
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slicing-clovers · 1 year
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@monmuses, continued from here.
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The arachne's distress that night wasn't as vocal as it was... quiet. Indeed, a full moon was sitting right in the sky, and the surrounding clouds were enough to obscure it... but the feeling of dread that slowly settled upon her shoulders, ached in her eyes, told her that what fleeting moments of peace were left for her that evening were not to last.
She could feel four of her six eyes closed, then– not shut tight, as that still felt quite uncomfortable. Yet still, the moonlight was still shining its way into her final two half-open sockets— goodness, the sensation of it creeping into her head was horrid.
It only got worse as the clouds began clearing away. She didn't have long before reason left her, before her eyes would be set aflame, before her body would burn under the cold gaze of the moon—
What shine there was in her hazel hues would melt, leaving in its place the maddened luster of gold—
...but not if Pandora had anything to do about that. Right on cue, as if sensing the height of her love's panic, the Succubus quietly pulled Karen down by the neck, leaving the latter just surprised enough to take a full, firm, assertive kiss right to the lips.
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Just as surprising was how she felt no surge of lust from the point of contact, even as it deepened. No, instead... instead, there came a sense of calm, of assurance... of safety.
It was by then that she felt enough at ease to open all six of her eyes. She raised her clawed hands to her upper face and forehead; the ache yet lingered in each of them... but they didn't burn. Upon shifting their collective gaze to her surroundings, she noticed that the two of them, merely laying in their shared hammock, were completely bathed in silver light.
The fear and apprehension she expected upon being 'taken' by the moon was also... absent. Even as she felt the oncoming pulse of strength entering her limbs and body, forcing her muscles to twist and turn and expand beneath her chitin shell, her senses... never left her.
How strange, that a kiss could tame more than only hearts. The arachne could feel a gentler, fanged smile pull at the edges of her mouth, pincers gently clicking in appreciation, as she held her arms around Pandora.
"It takes a certain courage to catch a spider in their own web. But, yes... I suppose I can– and now, you've certainly caught my attention," her voice dripped, as she gently pressed her claws into Pandora's back.
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slicing-clovers · 2 years
DEEP-FRYING A... wait, deep-frying a what || @monmuses​.
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There was no sugarcoating it. This... well, calling this new for Kairi would have been quite the understatement. A full cup of coffee was usually more than enough for the jorōgumo to get sloshed off her rocker, but in her inebriation this evening, she had managed to get her hands on two.
And here she was, the room around her an absolute cloud of a mess between each of her six eyes. The massive demihuman awkwardly slumped sideways against the lower cupboards of their kitchen, her chitin-covered elbows doing their best to support her weight. Thankfully, nothing important had fallen over in the impact.
...to say nothing of her composure, at least. Upon seeing her dearest’s justifiably concerned expression, Kairi felt something turn against her heart. Her already-rosy face got even rosier then, and she began to sputter frantically.
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“Ah. Right, itsh... yeah...! Burny thing, gotcha, two ‘em– can’t do that, right... houseould— would blowwup! Wait, oh. Don’t wan’that– oh gods. P-Pleashe don’t be mad, hon—hhomie. Rookie m’stake. E-urgh... ...sobur’s far away, innit. Coffee, though, alcahoul‘sdifferent...! Not had... whawazzint... didn’t have that, no-sssirree...“
Alas, she tried to push herself up from her leaning position against these darned cupboards, but when she managed some height, she almost felt her arachnous legs giving out from under her, making her scramble back into place upon the tiled floor.
The shock kicked in a half-second too late, but her position was stable again. Her face faltered into a mess of drunken embarrassment, guilt, and pleading, all at once... but if it was any consolation, it was enough for her to take a moment, and force something legible out of her mouth.
“...Help. Please.”
It was a miracle that she hadn’t simply passed out yet. It must have been her sheer size...
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