#( welcome to the vandelay campus ) // main hi-fi rush verse.
butane-muses · 1 year
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NEWHIRE || closed, with @redgentleengie.
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"JUST MAKING sure to remind you, Ma'am," a diligent voice spoke. "The escort's on its way to your office, as we speak– just as ordered, one SBR-001 and one registered human... estimated time of arrival is one-point-five minutes."
"Copy that—" a more commanding one called. "Already have my eyes on them, so I'll be taking it from here. Starting from their arrival, I expect consistent status reports throughout the hour. Are we all clear?"
Of course, a chorus soon erupted from the robotic VA-SER units before her: "We follow, Miss Korsica!"
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As the burst of enthusiasm filled the air, the woman in question smirked with approval. "Just what I like to hear. Thanks for your hard work, everyone– let's keep this up."
Indeed, it was about time things got rolling. On a nearby hard-light surveillance screen, the pair of blips marking the escort were quickly making their ascent towards the office. With a sharp breath, she rose from her seat behind a trio of monitors, taking a warm mug of decaf coffee in one hand, and a page-filled clipboard in the other.
After a quick sip, and an equally quick skim of the documents' details, she slipped the mug back onto its coaster. She soon straightened herself, and got moving; her white leather boots calmly clattered against the stairs leading down to the center of the dome-shaped room, as she pulled off some small shoulder stretches on the way there.
She briefly loosened her posture, and exhaled... Back straight. Neck adjusted. Legs and feet standing shoulder width.
...only for nothing but silence to follow for the next minute. Odd. Another glance at one of the overhead displays informed her the marker-blips were indeed at the front of the office door, and– and staying still? "Ehm... someone tell me, what's keeping them?"
"Ah, uh... sorry, Ma'am, it's— ah, it's gotta be here—" Another VA-SER unit stammered a little, hurriedly pressing a few buttons on their assigned dashboard. Soon, a new display blinked to life in Korsica's full view, indeed showing the front door to the office...
"–it's the sign, Ma'am." The camera feed tilted back up to highlight the culprit. A pair of notice boards loomed over the entryway, shining with a blazing neon-pink background to yellow lettering: 'DO NOT DISTURB! Knock on my door and you're getting transferred!' 'Head of Security: Korsica' The woman felt her expression fall a little flat, as her free hand flew over to the bridge of her nose in frustration. Of course it still had to be there, on the one day where she— ah, well. "Alright, okay. Go ahead and get that door open...!"
...Regardless of that, she was quick to resume her previous posture upon hearing the familiar hiss and slide of the mechanical doors. The arrivals were just as she expected– an SBR unit, and for the first time in ages, the latest human to join the company. Upon thanking the former for their diligence, and dismissing them... finally, there came the time for pleasantries.
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"So... 'Jonathan Ironwright,' I take it? Congratulations on passing the application process, and welcome to Vandelay Technologies— or, in the least, its very own Security Division," she grinned, raising a hand to shake in greetings.
"I'm Korsica, Head of Security... and unless my reading skills have deceived me for the past few weeks now, sifting through all those documents," she chuckled dryly, tapping a knuckle to the clipboard as if to chastise it, "you are our new Personnel Technician."
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butane-muses · 1 year
For this blog's use, only. Please don't reblog this.(
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