#( dont feel obligated to match!!! )
yourgospel · 6 months
wow i got distracted. like for a starter?
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sepulchcrs · 5 months
closed starter — with @oftroje + @crimsonsbled + @hamartialed + ( 1 / 2 )
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— PERHAPS she should feel braver in the face of the anonymity the masks provide , excitement in the face of the opportunities such a night could entail , but in the shadow of an evening of loose tongues and unobservant eyes , the lady baelish feels only nervous in the corner she's hidden herself away in . a goblet of mead sits in her hands untouched , dulling the shine of the obsidian stones that decorate restless hands . the dark raven mask - excessive , even for her admittedly strange taste - only serves to shade hazel eyes , hiding the way they bounce tirelessly around the room , absorbing every detail as quickly as possible before moving on to the next - until they catch on a face much closer than the rest , and pause ; slumped shoulders straighten , careful smile is put in place , nervous fingers continuously twist silver rings . “ forgive me , i did not realize i was no longer alone . do not tell me i have been ignoring you . ” her tone is apologetic , though her eyes continue to dart around the room , attention drifting , without meaning to .
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apoapsis · 1 year
@harnessed-the-harness // ♥ [emperor verse]
            If anyone had told him it would be this relatively easy, he would have done everything his way from the very start.  
Sad, to think of all the time SIGMA had wasted, struggling to find things to re-enchant himself with the life he now lived, post-incarceration. So much time and potential poured into absolutely nothing at all. Joining TALON was a monumental setback under SIGMA’S stewardship– and yet under SIEBREN’S stricter discipline, now they receive all the things promised. And when he finally sets foot upon the COLONY once more to receive what was rightfully his, every fruit had been of his own labor– not SIGMA’S. As TALON began to take a better liking to SIEBREN instead for his combative prowess and superior performance within the field, SIGMA had been pushed further and further into the recesses of what had ultimately become just as much a prison in the metaphysical world as TALON was in the material world.  
            It had served him right; each and every success had been treated with only a stark, uncharacteristic indifference so very unlike his counterpart. As if nothing he achieved thereafter held any merit– it was only more fuel for the wildfire consuming him from within, burning everything he touches. By the time he had achieved what he truly desired, biting at the bit TALON had placed within his vicious mouth, his counterpart was already near-nonexistent. Hiding away from the atrocities he was committing by the day, the coward. The emotional abandonment only further feeds the vile, volatile beast of his ego, all-consuming and devouring any obstacle within his path. Without SIGMA’S moral restraint, all was now permissible. 
And he’s insatiable, consuming destruction with reckless abandon.
            His first course of action upon receiving council member status was to immediately part himself from the primary TALON facility he had spent the last few years growing stir-crazy within, instead setting his sights upon the COLONY he had retrieved the remainder of his research from a couple years prior. That would be his base of operations– far away from the wretched filth that had caused him so much grief over the last thirty years. Through SIEBREN’S tireless efforts and the new, expendable labor provided by his very own company of Enforcers, the COLONY is converted into an information hub, with thousands upon thousands of servers implemented for the archival of research and schematics– in addition to being fitted with newer, state-of-the-art surveillance equipment. Satellites, telescopes, and so much more– all at his command. He hardly has to lift a finger to get anything he wants; a constant stream of up-to-date, current information at his fingertips and a company of mindless drones to bring him anything he requested.
For the first time in thirty years, SIEBREN DE KUIPER has time to relax.
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             He resides in an atrium permanently overlooking the Earth, refitted to resemble a throne room of sorts to feed his delusions of grandeur and gargantuan ego. Settled upon this divine perch, with a mug of strong caramel coffee and a splash of expensive bourbon, SIEBREN allows his eyes to close as he basks in the midst of his accomplishments with gluttonous pride. It was perfect. 
… Or rather, it would be, had an odd, stray point of light not appeared within the sterile safety of his atrium without warning. The distortion is immediately palpable the moment he sees the point of light appear, filling him with a stark sense of dread– it resembled the gravitational waves of something he had not sensed in years, and would have happily gone his whole life without re-experiencing. And just the same, there’s a flash of blinding light– but rather than re-witnessing all that had came after, SIEBREN is, instead, met with the sight of another. 
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             Initially, he’s baffled as to who this could be– but as the figure turns to face him, he’s stunned as he’s met with the imposing, near mirror-image of himself. But the attire… The attire is so strange and militaristic. 
It’s…. A little intimidating, to be met with such a foreboding-looking counterpart of himself.
             “... Tch. You certainly know how to make an entrance.”
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ajaguirre · 4 months
closed starter for @ericanderson somewhere near the wave and save
If it were up to Alejandra, she would find any possible reason to never leave the house at all, let alone to have to make a trip out around the people of the town. Navigating already posed its share of difficulties for her now that she exclusively walked or biked everywhere. Toss in the challenges of actually getting around with her bad hip and a simple trip to the store was a chore that left her winded, pissed off, and ready to fight the next person she saw. She was hobbling her way out of the store with a few grocery bags for the family she was living with when she heard a very familiar, very troubling sound. There weren't many things that AJ knew about, but cars was it for her. Just a few seconds of listening to an engine and she could diagnose a dozen problems just from a subtle tick or an off rhythm thud and whoever was pulling into the nearest parking space was lucky their car was even still running.
Every part of her was telling her to just fuck off and not bother. It wasn't her problem, she didn't know the guy, and therefore she didn't care about the guy. But, the flash of what could happen if his engine blew at the wrong time had her stop, groan loudly, and let herself hobble over towards his door. It was probably a bit of a threatening look to have her charging towards the door he was just about to get out of, a thought that didn't occur to her at all as she approached. "Hey, yo! Do what you want with this, but your engine is fucked. So, you know. Whatever. It's not - the fix won't take a good mechanic long." It was a poor attempt at trying to be kind, something that AJ wasn't particularly good at, but the act of at least putting the warning out there felt like a kind enough deed for the rest of the week.
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tomasdiaz · 1 year
open starter! @aughtsstarters
the subway hummed along its course, the faint hum of the railway a familiarly quiet noise to Tomas and likely everyone else on board. it was a rare day that this car wasn't overly crowded - crowded still, mind you, but it had definitely been worse. there were a few empty seats littered among the occupied ones. still, Tomas preferred to stand, stabilizing himself with one of the poles that marked the middle of the space. better that than be up in someone's business, and thusly have someone up in his. but the subway decided to make his life harder today. generally he could handle the jerking stops and starts, but today it seemed particularly shaky along this route. every time the train reached a stopping point, Tomas felt himself nearly get thrown completely off balance. finally, after a particularly rough departure from a stop, he sighed and glanced to the empty seat just a few feet away, then up at the person sitting beside it. "mind if I sit?" he asked, nodding gently at the seat. "I won't bite, I swear."
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acidrcins · 10 months
𝐟𝐨𝐫    *    @rnalgnant tw: fire, death & mild nsfw
throughout her lifetime, seori has kissed a myriad of souls. there were boys in the shadows behind convenience stores, bartering intimacy for her meal of the day; soft strawberry-scented lips painting hers vibrant shades of pink; hushed whispers of indiscretions in darkened rooms far too illicit to ever see daylight. yet, in the vast collection of these moments, none held any significance. for fuck’s sake, she didn’t even need to wear a patch, because it had all just been so mindnumbingly placid and dull. another shade of dreary gray, blending seamlessly with the other, indistinguishable in its monotony. 
but sanghyun is different. sanghyun doesn’t hold her tight and ask her when is the next time he’ll see her. sanghyun doesn’t ask if he can use her lipstick with excuses veiled with a facade of innocence. sanghyun doesn’t murmur sweet, empty nothings that lose their luster when the lights turn on and the harsh glow illuminates their faces. no, in fact, when sanghyun kisses her for the first time, he breathes fire into her lungs. a smoldering rage that burgeons into a violent inferno that engulfs her being. 
(maybe it’s because it’d been amidst a taut, strained conversation laced with the venom of blame. maybe it’s because for the last two years, their interactions have been shrouded with an unsettling undercurrent of tension, masked behind polite passive-aggressive jabs. but most likely, it’s because it’s what she shouldn’t have, it’s noxious and lethal and she knows he could - and would kill her if he could. and nothing could make her want someone more.) 
her body pressed up against his, hands exploring his torso, he incinerates what little is left of her restraint. the news reports it as a freak accident. five people killed. seori and sanghyun never talk about it because fiction tastes better, a pill less demanding to swallow than the truth that it had all been because of a boy with a violent headache and an unruly heat vision, induced by a girl and her malevolent toxins.   
okay - seori lied. they do attempt to talk about it, but unsurprisingly, they speak the language of fervid kisses better. and within a matter of weeks, they concoct a clandestine cipher shared between themselves; a crimson-red code of uninhibited desire. objectively, it’s a bad idea. In every conceivable manner, it is a horrible fucking idea. but sanghyun’s a mercurial high, an all-consuming force she aches for. a ravaging of chaos, and lust that makes her meet him again and again and again. (seori is proud to say that they do better, though. no more casualties - just abandoned factories, barren land, junkyards. they’re good people.)  
tonight, it’s a housing estate to be demolished. a questionable setting for a tempestous fever dream of desire and destruction, but nevertheless, it ends with her patch ripped off her arm with his teeth, her body marked with searing scarlet remains of coveting. the air around them is smoky, ashy with charred debris wafting through the air. there’s an incandescent glow painting his face - makes him look softer than he actually is. she props her face up and traces his arm with a tenderness that neither of them deserve. “so, what’s next?" she asks, absentmindedly playing with a lock of his hair. "you blow up another house, or i kill you?" 
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lilmelvin · 8 months
@dementedspeedster cont.
Alright, a pinky promise is a pinky promise. You can't break that. Thad won't laugh at her or think she's dumb. She plopped down to join him, sheepishly showing her left hand. Two fingers had been splinted together with bright pink medical wrap.
"Okay, so I was playing in the Tower cause everyone was on call..." Boredom remained her biggest enemy more than any Jump City Villain. "And, I might have gone into Raven's room at some point to borrow one of her capes. And I know I'm not supposed to do that, because there's dangerous things in her room- but her cape is so much cooler than mine! It's swooshier," she spread her arms to demonstrate her arm twirling for maximum swooshinees.
"I thought I had more time before they came back. I guess I was having too much fun. So I was standing on the edge of the table to be super tall, wearing Raven's cape, fighting my pretend bad guys like 'POW' 'WOOSH'" she mock punched the air, "and then the door opened and it scared me.... I fell off the table on my butt. And a little on my finger." Hence her sad new accessory. Letting out a big sigh she shook her head, softly adding,
"I wish I hurt it doing something cool like actually punching a bad guy."
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ynwa-chiesa · 1 year
Ergo (the tags) this is not my fault at all but dalićs.... letting pricks and antivaxxers play... oh and guess what NATIONALISTS... letting these stellar players carry him through 10 matches of extra time.... who the FUCK wants to watch that??? Who wants to PLAY that game??? THIS IS WHY I NEED HIM TO BE FIRED
#Theres genuienly no joy in watching the croatian nt and idk if its because the absolute soullessness of dalićball or my personal identity#i literally never supported germany so i understand why i dont feel for it (i wasnt german in 2014#i literally do not remember winning the wc at all... and then in 2018 they were so shit i didnt feel any pride) but whyyy croatia???#The first football match i remember was the wc 2014 brasil match where we got fucked over by the ref#my family does not support any club (my dad supports hajduk split but its more his identity than love for the team)#BUT the nt so how is it that the imposter effect i usually have supporting clubs i in theory have no relation to#ALSO gets in my head when i watch croatia#the one single team my heart should feel for makes me feel SOULLESS#every second i watch croatia i feel like a faker im watching it to PROVE myself.....#theres no team (except maybe Germany nt) where i feel OBLIGED to watch .... idk how to explain it#Forever and always ill feel like an ant among termites... supporting Bayern (welllll....) and Spurs and Liverpool...#eating and gnawing away at the wood even though I'm not supposed to eat it....#yet the one Croatian fig I'm offered is rotten and moulded... and the wood it hurts and I cannot digest it#i don't even know how to bite through it ...#favourite#AM i favouriting my own vent post because of those last few lines? yuuuuup im afraid i ate!#anyways im scared and i just want to be SOMEBODY#sham!s rambles
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rnalum · 1 year
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@canonfoddcr continuing from here
there's a great gratitude as the teen makes her way inside, an awkward smile tugging at her lips.
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"i definitely, uh, don't remember. the last time we met, i mean." tugging the jacket (her father's, does he recognize it? would he know?) closer to herself, her eyes wander around the room, taking in every little thing that she could.
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"yeah, um -- we wouldn't want that, right."
the awkwardness clings to rosemary, like a second layer of skin. this was... odd (heh, that was putting it lightly.) this man had known her father, had supposedly even known her, and yet she didn't know a thing about him -- not even his name.
frozen fingers ache for the warmth of a tea cup, but rose stops herself from reaching for one -- manners, rose, her mother would gently remind her.
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"i... um, i have... some questions. if that's okay."
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justices-blade · 2 years
friends on the frigid frontier // seliph + edward
starter for @virtuoustyrfing
Setting up camp isn't that much of an ordeal when you're traveling with an army — Edward knows this. A sea of people, all under the same banner, marching feet thunderous in their numbers, advancing, advancing, advancing. A tidal wave, set to crash against shore and leave carnage in its wake. Individuals lost in the mass, amorphous and ravenous, a merciless beast with fangs and claws uncountable.
But even the largest of armies must rest, and in order to continue their march, camps need to be made quickly and packed up just as fast.
(And fugitives make do with even less.)
Not that their camp's complete yet, but they have tents, they have fire pits, and they have sleeping arrangements and patrols. Any extra touches can be added as they go, and taken down just as fast.
... It's weird, being out on the field like this. Not when he'd decided he never wanted to have to fight like this again. But this is why Edward came to the monastery, right? To make sure he can fight for freedom if he needs to.
Edward lies on his sleeping bag instead of in it, hands behind his head as he stares at the canvas of his assigned tent. Beside him, King Seliph rests — Likely needing as much rest as they can get in this dreamscape, if they can get any at all. Seliph's a king, but he's a classmate all the same, and... Micaiah always insists on not getting called a title around the Dawn Brigade, yeah? And Kurth's happier being Kurth. Seliph seems like a mellow sort — Reminds him, maybe, of Queen Elincia, dutiful and kind, but not quite as merciful. But his scope of royalty and nobles is small, and tends to either extreme, so who knows?
He shouldn't disturb him. They both need sleep, and yet — Old habits win out (and oh, he misses Leonardo and Sothe and Nolan and Micaiah, they'd understand, they'd get it,) and he can't stand not being able to run his mouth for too long because he'll go nuts left alone, just alone, and he'd wanted to get to know the other swordsman better, anyways. And so, he talks.
"Liberation Army." He lets the syllables roll off his tongue, resists the urge to stick Daein to it. "Has a ring to it, huh. You ever been in one, Seliph?"
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iandores · 1 year
closed starter for: @diamcndgirl​ setting: a pop-up matcha place that i just made up ( sorry team )
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ian coming back to elias on what seemed to be a temporary basis had led to some interesting string of events making up his weekends. he almost had a list of requirements he needed to accomplish each time he came into town - people and places he needed to see, squeezing it all in three work days. one thing he made sure to prioritize every week was a visit with his friend penelope, whether it be to try a new place to eat or simply run errands together.
today was the former : some new trendy drink shop posted next door to minnie’s with a pink backdrop for all your instagram needs. but it wasn’t just the backdrop that was pink, no - it was the walls. the table. hell, it was even the matcha ( that was the trend ! ) needless to say, when penelope whipped out her phone to take a picture of him with the cup ... he almost felt silly wearing green.
❛ look, penny ... all i’m saying is if i had known there was a color scheme to this place, i might have worn my pink shirt or something. ❜ he sighed and held up the cup a little higher in attempt to pose. ❛ fine, you can take one picture - but after that, i have something to tell you. ❜
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monicahar · 6 months
“my wife.”
how they address you. why does it make your heart skip a beat each time?
characters; neuvillette, wriothesley
—female pronouns obvi, aaaa this is so random😭 fluff, tad bit of crack, has suggestive themes/dirty jokes cause that's my humor in general, just tryna get into writing again heehaa don't mind me ʘ⁠‿⁠ʘ
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NEUVILETTE always accompanies the term with unmatched affection. it rolls off his tongue perfectly like a match made in heaven, coupled with the serene image of you instantaneously appearing in his mind before he even thinks of the uttering the endearing term. he still finds it surreal that you are both even lawfully married, yet the way he calls you his wife is already on instinct. is it too presumptuous of him?
well, in the end, he can't find any means to worry about it when you seem to equally adore the nickname.
“ooohh, say it again, say it again!”
he can't tell whether he married a child or not, but he still obliges your request and calls you his wife affectionately once more.
meanwhile, furina nearly gags everytime she hears him say it so softly—like using any other tone when referring to you would land him in the hands of the fortress of meropide. sure—she might've been the one who set up both of you—but the drama and thrill akin to watching a romance film has delightfully ended, and she can only meddle so much in marital matters. the iudex just might actually have her head in a platter if she were to do anything mischievous at that point.
but while a happy neuvillette is running around announcing 'my wife' this and 'my wife' that, you are currently stuck on what to call him in return, sadly enough.
“at this point, i think i'm just going to call you daddy.”
it was unfortunate with the way he choked on some of the water he was drinking—well, thank goodness he didn't spill much as before. for this wasn't the first time you said something unprompted while he was in peace with his water—he can only internally sigh.
“and what exactly has influenced you to arrive at such a conclusion, my wife?” he does not miss the tiny shudder of your body that followed the endearment. your face burns a tad bit at that, and he softly chuckles.
“your effect on me is no joke, you know?” you pout at his amused smile, “the way you refer to me so sweetly makes me want to call you my dearest husband everytime.”
“i don't recall voicing any complaints. is something else holding you back from doing so?”
you nod solemnly in agreement at that, which prompts him to raise a brow in mild curiousity.
“thing is, i really like calling you by your first name. same with monsieur neuvilette. there's something mildly erotic within it—you get what i mean, hehehe...” he only stares at you, clearly unimpressed, and a bit concerned at the implication. you clear your throat, apologizing under your breath.
“still—it's such a devastating predicament to be unable to choose between the three.” you sigh defeatedly, moving to slump your entire weight on his lap. you mutter, “my dearest husband monsieur neuvillette...mmm, no, that's too long.”
chuckling at your dramatic antics, he plants a soothing hand on your waist, the other fixing your wrinkled clothing as you practically melt against his hold. “and you thought settling on daddy was the appropriate option?”
“i'm not hearing any objections.” you jest, feeling cheeky.
“please refrain from calling me such a thing in the eyes of the public atleast.”
“...huh? you're actually allowing it??”
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WRIOTHESLEY on the other hand, says it as if he's flaunting. it leaves his lips like a taunt each time, indirectly telling the other party 'i have a hot wife and you dont' even though most of the time the people he mentions you to don't even know what you actually look like. it's silly, childish even, but you still love it nonetheless.
sigewinne and the other inmates have collectively told you that ever since you got married, he has never uttered your actual name to anyone else. some find it weird, some find it somehow disrespectful, and some are now convinced he's crazily obsessed with you, and now he's showing it off every chance he gets, much to everyone's dismay.
it's arrived to the point where a small percentage of people have actually forgotten about your name, and now refer to you as the duke's wife, or even duchess, to which you made a face at. that's kind of pushing it by then.
anywho, in the end, it's funny and endearing, maybe even makes you a bit giddy, but there is no way you're telling him that. the situation might escalate even more if possible.
“you know, my wife is very mean to me today.”
as a pair of strong yet gentle arms wrap around your waist, you resist the growing smile on your face, deciding to mess with your husband for a bit.
“is that so?” you continue your chores without a care in the world. he huffs.
“mhm. she won't look me in the eye the whole day, even though she seemed sooo happy last night.” face instantly burning, you hiss as you slap his arm in a fit of embarrassment, pulling a hearty chuckle from the man behind you.
“—and now she's hitting me as well. i can't believe this.” you both know very well he was not fazed in the slightest bit.
“if her husband wasn't such a pervert then maybe—”
his facade cracks as he forces out an awkward laugh, “hey now, baby, you know i'm nothing like that.”
he clears his throat awkwardly, “okay, maybe a little. it's exclusive for you though! my wife doesn't have to be so mean about it, you're making me reallyyy sad here, y'know?”
there it is again, you think. that nickname. that damned word that makes you want to turn around and smash your lips against his and—wait, hold yourself together! don't forget the reason you're being cold to him!
“you deserve to feel remorse. i've been struggling to even move the whole day because of you.”
you go rigid.
you didn't mean for that to come out so bitter...oh no.
“oh. so that's what this is about.” you don't even have to turn around to know that there's a smug look on his stupidly handsome face, his grip on your waist turning into soothing circles as he presses a kiss to your neck.
“if my wife wanted a massage, she could've just said so.” it's husky when it leaves his mouth, leaving you to shiver with the chills he enunciates.
flustered, you completely disregard the way your knees buckle at the endearment laced with that low voice of his, hitting his arm once more, earning a tiny 'ouch' from him.
“pervert. i want rest, not another round!”
“heh, i didn't say anything about another round, my perverted wife.”
“you—” you are abrupt cut off as you yelp in surprise when your feet are raised off the ground, your face now much closer to your husband's as he carries you gently in his arms.
“shhh, just let me take you to bed. if my wife was feeling terrible the whole day, she should've just told me in the first place so she could stay in, don't you think?”
he's right, but you're still angry. “shut up.”
“just letting you know i'm not completely at fault, wife.” you attempt to ignore the furious beating of your heart, face burning at his smug expression. “i'm not the only one who wanted it.”
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hsr version...? if i feel like it...🤔🤔
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uuponastarr · 2 years
( closed starter for @lullabiesofwoe ) * calix
location: the woods. 
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tiny flower buds and lush green grass peeked from the ground as the goddess, ran her fingers atop the bare ground. in the midst of her boredom so did the one thing that she loved most, creating little plants and flowers. as her fingers twirled around a little blade of grass, a deep red rose suddenly sported out from the ground causing a smile tp pull at her lips. there was something about roses that she found extremely stunning. plucking the rose from the ground she leaned forward to get a whiff of it’s soft aroma, when the sounds of a rustling bush nearby caught her attention in the process. the sudden surprise caused her to wince slightly, as her eyes fell on the figure who had appeared beside her, finding them all too familiar. calix was someone she had spotted before, but only from a distance, her mother always warning her to stay far away from the ruler of the underworld and by association his children. still, there was something about the other that intrigued her, so much so that she completely forgot about the flower in her hand, causing her finger to graze upon one of the flowers thorns. a small yelp escaped persphone’s lips as she glanced down at her now blood tipped finger. “ my goodness... “ she spoke aloud, suddenly feeling very embarrassed for being so carless and distracted. 
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homicidal-lingonberry · 4 months
a thought about kabru and mithrun and their time in the dungeon. (I love kabumisu but this is more about their canon relationship)
I have seen several people say that they dont think that kabru really cared about or liked mithrun. that he was just doing things cause he had to, etc. but I feel like this ignores something pretty cool about kabru. Kabru always has an inner monologue going on, one that we get to see.
several times when we see kabru doing nice things we can see that his inner monologue doesnt actually match. we see him kindly doing things that actively distress him several times. we as an audience are made very aware when kabru is doing something he doesnt really like.
so what kind of an inner monologue does kabru have when he performs caring tasks for mithrun? does he think about the advantages of having mithrun or the canaries on his side? does he think bitterly of mithrun? does he think about how much he hates this? the worst he thinks is "to think I'd get roped into this for the sake of that lot." and "this isnt seeing to his needs, this is nursing!" pretty early on in their journey together. this is while he is still digesting the full picture of mithruns condition and all the things hes going to need to do, the full weight of the situation now apparent.
after this, all we see is compassion. him thinking he would like to make mithrun something nice to eat, even if it wouldnt matter to him. him empathizing and reflecting on how not having desires would be really rough. him coming to understand where some of mithruns quirks, like his sense of direction, come from.
by the end, he has trusted mithrun enough to tell him about laios, and mithrun has given him all the information he has been searching for for YEARS.
and this is just the dungeon. kabru continues to involve himself with mithrun when its not his problem anymore. when really, he should be doing anything but. and after everything is done, if he truly did not care about mithrun, he has NO reason to do anything he does in chapter 94.
they are FRIENDS okay??? Kabru cares about him. it isnt just obligation. ty.
as far as mithrun goes, he gives kabru information, he asks him what he wants to do with that little smile (doesnt wait for his squad), slaps him out of his panic attack, and then kabru is the person he eventually confides his true desire to.
theyre FRIENDS and Im tired of people acting like they dont even like each other just bc they dont like the ship. you dont have to ship it, but if you think these 2 didnt drastically change each others lives in a positive way and that they dont care about each other...you maybe need to read again.
and also I think a lot of these takes veer on dehumanizing mithrun. like how could kabru even like him or see him as a friend when hes like that. like do yall forget mithrun was busy keeping kabrus ass from getting killed. or the way he perceptively sees straight through kabrus bs every single time until kabru finally tells the truth? I know kabrus confession to laios is a lot more emotionally intense, but laios isnt the only character that forces kabru to be honest.
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midnightblues444 · 9 months
Two man job |
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College! Geto and Gojo x fem! Reader
Part one here
Warning: smut, m oral, and guided masturbation, threesome, nastiest thing I've written
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"I've never gone this far with a guy before"
a term you found is a key to wrapping them around your fingers .
You've said this to both Gojo and Geto in the last 4 weeks of seeing them. each on different occasions that you carefully planned out.
Fucking around with best friends is no easy job, theres always risk that the other will find out. Yet so far theres no sign that either knows.
You usually meet up with Gojo in his car, driving around in the late hours of the night.Gojo was the faster of the two, almost so rabidly horny it was cute. He would always attach pictures of him in his boxers to all his messages.
Sometimes sending ones with his print as the focal point. This is where youd use your innocent persona saying you're blushing or something like that.
Leading Gojo to believe he taught you how to suck dick. You gave him a nervous whine, and look up at him and said: "I dont know how Toru"
"You'll be fine" he encourage, throwing his head back as you eased him down your throat. His sheer size made you feel like a true virgin again, struggling to take his length drooling all over it.
"just like that" he'd huff, guiding you with a gentle push
His groans, and thrusts picked up as you started tearing up. As he got closer and closer he let out deep whiny moans, making your clit throb. Hes needy and his pale face is flushed pink as he leaks into your mouth.
Geto on the other hand is, sensual and extremely domineering. He'd usually invite you over, and his place was clean and always prepped for you. He would ease into everything he did with you.
Passion in all that he touches, you usually dont have to crank up your innocent act because he makes you nervous enough.
"You ever touch yourself" he'd whisper in your ear
"Well I try to but cant finish" youd admit embarrassed
"I'll show you how then"
Seating you in his lap, his hand over your own as his thick fingers working themselves in and out of your wetness.
Hed coopraise, as you sigh and moan his name. Arching needily into his touch, working another finger in even when you whine that two's too much. He drooling at how slick you are, living for every sound you make for. That you shake and beg for him as you came all over his fingers.
A steady stream of links with both, you find yourself getting too comfortable that's probably why you dont check if they're together when you text them anymore.
The next thing you know, Getos asking you to come over.
You're nervous but excited, skipping to the familiar building. Pressing the elevator for his floor, with giddy butterflies flooding your stomach (and coochie)
You add a cute flare to your knock, adjusting your skirt and everything. You even baked cookies for this link.
Geto half opens the door, smirking down at you with a look you've never quite seen before. You smile at him.
"I baked us some cookies" you presenting him the box
"Is there enough for me"
The door opening fully, to reveal Gojo in all his glory.
"What you say (name) is there enough for three?"
They both laugh at your defeated look, you feel obligated to walk in. Shifting awkwardly on the couch, shrinking into the cushions. The loud sound of them chewing the cookies you baked fills the silence.
"You know what, I'm outta here" you say, standing abruptly. Mustering as much confidence as possible.
"But we just started" Geto feigns sadness
"Take a cookie" Gojo offers amused
They're worse when they're together. Matching cruelly unserious smirks as the play with you.
"Look, if you want an apology.." you start,
They laugh in a weird unison, looking at each other with mischief
"Suguru, you want an apology"
"That depends on how she apologizes, Satoru"
They look to you, expectedly, you can only shrug your shoulders unsure to what they're playing at. Studying they're expressions you cant seem to read.
"Maybe she could beg?" Gojo circled around to sit on your left
"Maybe she could get on her knees, do what shes good at" Geto sat to the right
You're their prey as of now, catching on to what they want from you. You fight back a smirk, it's been hard to conceal that your lowkey into the corruption aspect of this affair. You liked pretending to be a lamb and them the big bad wolves.
"I'll do anything you ask" you say
°《♡•`*☆》° °《♡•`*☆》° °《♡•`*☆》°
Sandwiched between the two men, you feel as though you'll explode right there. 3 orgasms in, Geto fucks you from the front and Gojo in the back. Harshly thrashing in and out of you.
"Too rough" you sob out incoherently, feeling like they're in your stomach
"Aww shes cryin" Gojo pinches your nipple, Geto kissing your tearful cheeks
The masochistic assholes, folding you in half are mean. Getting off to your tears, I mean you hurt their pride and now it's getting taken out on you.
You can feel their collective throbbing, they've switch positions after each rounds. Both taking turns between your cunny and ass.
"Fuck shes so tight, I'm gonna bust" gojo groans as he finishes and it leaks down your ass
"God shes perfect" Geto huffs out, you cant respond your too drunk on the sensation. Your g spot Perfectly getting hit each time, as Gojos slender fingers circle your abused clit roughly.
You can feel that knot inside you tear, almost painfully as you gush. Your eyes roll to the back of your head and you fall limp on Gojos chest.
Uncontrolled and messy,
"Dude no way"
"We should make her do it again"
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slutforgarlogan · 7 months
First time | Pre death Kyle Spencer x F! reader
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Summary: Kyle and reader have been seeing each other for a while and the reader loses her v card to him
Warnings: smut, p in v, hair pulling like once, praise, first time, pretty basic vanilla shit its just Kyle being adorable, oral (f recievering), kinda rushed at the end i have 3 overdue assignments to attend to
His lips softly meld with yours and his tongue darts out his between his lips, swiping over your bottom lip as a silent request for you to open your mouth. You obliged, and your tongue slips into his mouth too, wrestling for dominance.
You and Kyle had known each other for almost a year now, you'd met him at one of his frat's parties, and you fell for him instantly. Making out was a regular thing for you both, though you'd never taken it any further - you were a virgin. You weren't ashamed of it by any means, you just weren't interested in losing it to someone who didn't mean anything to you. But it was moments like these with Kyle that you wish you had just a little bit of experience. Just to be confident enough to take it further.
His hands run down your body, tracing your figure, and he stops when they're cupping your ass to squeeze it a little. His tongue is still exploring your mouth, winning the battle for dominance as you keep your arms tightly wound around his neck.
Eventually you broke apart for a second, locking eyes breathlessly. He gives you a soft smile, before moving in to kiss you again, one hand holding the side of your neck in a way that made you want to take him right then, and the other on the back of your head, tangling his fingers in your hair as he kisses you. You instinctively wrap your arms around his torso, pulling him closer to you.
You match the rhythm of how he's kissing you, and you feel his hand tug at your hair. You let out a small whimper by accident, and you feel your face flush out of embarrassment. He moves the hand from your neck down to your shoulder, pushing one of the straps of your dress down your shoulder as he pulls away.
You look at him, not sure what you can say, but he opens his mouth before you can, smirking "Oh? You like that dont you?" You just look at him doe eyed and nod meekly. He lets out a soft chuckle, continuing what he was doing, reaching his hand out to push the other dress strap down.
You watch his hand, not saying anything for a second and not daring to look him in the eyes as you regain the ability to speak, though your voice comes out as barely a whisper "Kyle"
His eyes flick up to look at your face again, and you still don't dare to lock your eyes with his. He hums a little "mhm" in response, waiting for you to speak. You feel a little embarassed, and you look at the little space of floor in between the two of you's feet, tone still hushed. "I've never.. I'm a virgin"
He puts his finger under your chin, and tilts your head up to face him. You reluctantly let your eyes lock with his, and his gaze is soft, a small smile painted on his pretty face. "We don't have to do anything. It's up to you, really"
"No no, i want to" you almost stammer it out. You'd been longing for something more for a while, but you were scared you would mess up and you would hate to embarass yourself in front of Kyle.
He raises an eyebrow, keeping his expression soft and warm, and the comforting smile never left his lips "You sure?"
You nod, and he smiles, slowly moving his hand back over to pull your dress down and moving back a bit to let you step out of it yourself. You do so, and you feel a little self conscious stood in front of him in just your bra and panties. You look at his face, and you can't actually read it. Your mind is racing, overthinking like crazy, but Kyle smiles and whispers lowly "You're so beautiful"
You exchange a small and cheesy smile with him as your cheeks turn pink once again, and he points at his bed behind you. "Sit, let me take care of you" You back up, sitting down when you feel the side of the bed against the back of your legs. You're already soaked through and he's barely touched you yet - you can feel it too, your body aching deliciously for him to touch you.
He sits on the floor in front of you, on his knees, and he presses an open mouthed kiss on your chest, in between your boobs. He trails kisses down your torso, softly sucking on the skin a couple times, leaving light marks that make your breath hitch. Your eyes stay trained on him as he gets closer to the place you need him most, and he gently hooks 2 of his fingers over the waistband of your underwear, looking up at you with a soft gaze. "Is this okay?" he asks, just to give you the opportunity to back out if you weren't sure. You nod a little at him, and he notices how quiet you've been the whole time, not taking the small nod as a real answer. "Words baby"
Your eyes are still trained on him as you reply softly, and you can hear a bit of desperation in your voice. "Yes, Kyle please"
He's clearly satisfied with that answer, as he pulls ur panties down your legs, watching a string of your arousal connect from your core to your panties for a second before it breaks. You're absolutely soaked, and Kyle is obssessed with the effect he has on you. He grins to himself as he tosses your panties to the side, not commenting on how wet you are in case he embarrases you.
He uses his big hands to carefully push your thighs apart, putting them over his shoulders as he teasingly blows air onto your core. You mewl quietly, looking at him with desperate glossed over eyes. silently begging him to not tease you. He lets out a quiet breathy chuckle, and licks a stripe from your hole to your clit. You take a sharp breath in, arching slightly. "Kyle please dont tease"
He is relishing in how desperate you are for him, and he wants to tease you more but he decides to be nice since its your first time. He dips his head down fully, and presses a feather light kiss to your clit, and then kitten licks the sensitive bundle of nerves. Your hands fly into his hair, tangling your fingers in his soft blond locks as he licks and sucks your clit.
He moves a hand down too, pressing a finger to your hole and slowly pushing it in, before pulling it back out and pushing it in again, continuing to pump it at a steady rhythm. Your breathing starts to get heavier, as you let out quiet moans and whimpers arching your back on his sheets. He adds another finger, stretching you out ready for his dick, scissoring the two fingers inside you, and then curling them upwards to his the spongy spot inside you that makes you moan out.
"fuckk Kyle, right there" He smiles againsg your pussy as you moan. He latches his mouth on your already overly sensitive clit, sucking it quite harshly and tears threaten the corners of your eyes at the heavy stimulation. You whimper out a string of curse words along with pleas of his name "im so close"
He brings his other hand off your thigh to press your abdomen, sucking your clit harder and keeping the pace with his fingers. You feel the coil in your stomach start to tighten, and it snaps with a particularly harsh suck on your clit. Your legs tremble a little around his head and you snap your thighs shut, locking his head in place as you moan out his name like a mantra, walls clenching as you cum around his fingers.
He pumps his fingers in and out a couple more times as he pulls his head away, letting you ride out your high. "Good girl, you did so well for me. Do you think you can do another?"
You take a second to catch your breath, and then nod at him "mhm, want you inside Kyle"
He smiles again, unbuttoning his trousers in a hurry as you unclasp your bra, throwing it across the room. He crawls onto the bed, hovering over you as he takes his shirt off, tossing it across the room, and you can feel his dick brush against your thigh.
He looks down at your face as he lines himself up with your entrance, smiling softly and pushing himself in. He bottoms out, stretching out your walls and then stills, looking at you for a signal to move. It hurt a little bit, but the pain was bareable, and a bit pleasurable. You nod gently, breathing out a small "please"
He gives you a gentle kiss on your forehead, thrusting in and out of you lovingly at a pace that wasnt fast by any means, but it wasnt slow either.
He picks up the pace after a while, kneading your breast with one hand. Kyle lets out a low moan, eyes fluttering shut, "Fuckk baby, you feel so good" you just whimper in response to it, still feeling sensitive from cumming not long ago.
Kyle snakes his hand down from your breast, moving it down to your clit to rub soft circles on it, thrusting into you harder and faster, making you moan and whimper underneath him. He's getting closer, and he tries to concentrate on not cumming - wanting to get you to finish before he pulls out. His dick twitches a little and his thrusts become just the slightest bit sloppier. He puts pressure on your clit with his finger, and you whimper out a string of desperate pleas.
He leans down to place a kiss on your shoulder. "I know baby, let go" You whimper, and pulse around him, cumming all over his cock. "Good girl" his voice comes out as a broken moan. He pulls out at an insane speed and you whine at the abrupt loss of contact.
You watch him as he gives his dick a couple pumps before he spills his load onto your stomach. The noises he makes are nothing short of sinful, the sight and sound of him making your aching and sensitive cunt clench around nothing and he collapses down next to you, kissing your shoulder as he does so, catching his breath for a second.
"I love you Ky"
He smiles at you softly, reaching his hand out to rub a thumb over your cheek as he locks eyes with you. "I love you too"
He stands up off the bed. "Lets get you cleaned up baby"
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