#( he doesnt need anything regardless he has giorno ... )
kokoronohiroi · 7 months
all the art ive seen today for valentines day for okuyasu has been SOOOO sad this boy doesnt get NOTHIN' !!!
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thecrackshiphouse · 2 years
The D’Arbys enter the scene
Giogios babysitters. During the time that Dio didn't have access to his extended family or the pillarmen he still needed help in raising his son. He didn't trust many people easily but he was grateful when he met the D'arby brothers. The two men seemed to have traits that matched up with exactly what Dio was looking for. After a short time Giorno had grown attached to the brothers that became his baby sitters while Dio did his own work (and booty calls). In the time that the D'arbys had watched Giorno, Daniel had taught the young boy a few gambling tricks as well as how to keep a good poker face when needed. Those lesions may have been too good as Giorno in his adolescence became far too good at bluffing for his own good, at times beating his own father.
When it came to Terence, they have a closer bond with the games that they play. It started off with simple games to keep young Giogio occupied and out of trouble which quickly lead to weekly 'family' game nights which could hold many games such as Mario kart, Mario party, or Just Dance. Depending on the game Terence has to willingly lose, lest he risk the wrath of his employer, or the disappointed look in Giornos eye when he doesnt win. When Terence isn't babysitting or spending time with his dubbed nephew, he streams on Twitch and has gained a large following and sub count. Occasionally Giorno joins him for streams when hes suddenly asked to watch him or they simply want to spend time together. On those occasions they play Animal Crossing together or simple, non competitive games. As Giorno gets older Daniel teaches him more complicated ways of gambling, as well as ways to notice the flaws in others poker faces. These lessons helped Giorno very well when it came to the special 'tea' that Abbachio had given him and he made sure to thank his uncle once he was able to afterwards. Giorno cares deeply for both of his uncles, regardless of them being family or not. There have been a few times where Giorno almost beat Daniel in a round of poker, or texal holdem but he still has a long way to go before he properly beats his older uncle.
There are a few times where Dio gets jealous when Giorno spends time with the D'arby brothers, thinking that his son is choosing them over him, when that couldn't be farther from the truth. When Risotto enters the picture he's unsure of how to feel about the two. He does know never to make a bet with either of them after Daniel nearly took him out of house and home if it weren't for Dio making him return the winnings after everything was said and done. But he does enjoy watching Family game night when it comes to Just dance. Sitting on the couch behind Dio when he's up giving him the best view for what he wants to see.
When it comes to Mario kart, Terence is Toad, Dio is Princess Peach, Daniel always picks Mario for some reason, Giorno likes Rosalina (depending on which version of mario kart they play that time) and when Risotto plays he picks the skeleton koopa. In Mario party they tend to pick the same characters, except Giorno picks Daisy (unless its the more recent games) and Risotto watches and tries to keep Dio from punching either D'arby when someone steals his stars. The culprit is usually Giorno but he would never lay a finger on his son like that, so the uncles that have taught him all of their tricks get his wrath.
In Just dance, Dio always picks the Birtney Spears songs, or anything that will let him shake his ass for his lover in a teasing way, or try to entice him to join him in a round despite Risottos refusal for the most part. Giorno normally doesnt care what game they play, he's just happy that the people he considers family is together to play. Occasionally Bucciratti comes by with the gang to join in on game nights, leading to Risotto and Abbachio to both sit on the couch watching their respective partners dance, or play certain games with the others. These nights normally lead to Just Dance and or Mario Kart, and the most chaos and accusations of cheating. Dio (when he wants to cheat) uses the world to just slightly shift everyones finger to the side so it either slips off the button or analogue stick making them lose precious time in the game, usually allowing him to win when he's not having a good game. The only one who calls Dio out on this is Bruno, and this has lead to only one large argument that has caused game night to end early before someone actually got hurt. Afterwards Risotto. and Giorno talked them both down separately and came to an agreement for the next family game night and each one going forward. Things have since calmed down for game nights.
Trish meeting the D'arby brothers is an interesting thing. In such a short time she not only got new parents, but a brother, and uncles. At first she thought that Daniel was sketchy, but she felt comfortable enough around Terence to learn a few things about gaming from him. After a while she did warm up to Daniel, enough to learn how to gamble well enough to win Mista and Narancias entire snack stash for herself. Trish quickly became a true menace when it came to gambling since so many people underestimated her for her gender and appearance. With Daniels guidence she was able to win almost enough to get a regular student through the American college system with little need for loans or very little debt. Although once Risotto and Dio found out they had her save it rather than letting her spend it how she pleased. Then making sure either D'arby brother goes too crazy in teaching their kids any of their tricks for their respective forms of gambling.
Once Daniel took Giorno to a gambling ring, to see just how well he would do. He stayed in one bracket, to prevent the two of them going against each other too soon, and the two of them ended up meeting each other at the end before someone snitched about their 'relation' leading to them both being told to drop out or get kicked out. After some arguing they were both able to bluff their way out of getting into trouble and took home first and second place while the snitch got banned from playing there again.
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gogo-jojo-imagines · 4 years
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(A/n: hope this is ok and didn’t butcher the characters lol, it’s been a while
Spoiler warning for Part 5 at the end of Fugo’s ask )
Bruno’s the type of guy whose demeanour makes you feel safe, that if you follow under his wing, things are gonna be ok.
But since he’s doing the heavy lifting for his squad, sometimes a guy’s gotta have someone to do the same for him.
He wants someone that he can confide in, that cares for him in subtle ways and doesn't take his excuses for not taking a break for an answer - to an extent. 
More often than not you might leave him his lunch on his desk when he’s swamped with work. Or leave him his coffee, or a note, or a kiss on his temple. He’s simply putty in your hands when you do that. 
You still love him even though he’s got a schedule and a business to take care of, and even though he told you that at the start of the relationship, and you knew the challenges, even now you powered through because you love him so much and he might just float out of the chair and into the sky he’s high on love.
You’ll complain that he hasn’t been out of his study, that he’s missing on sleep, and he’ll tell you gently that he has work to do, but both of you know it's a front for his responsibility.
But if you tell him that you miss him when he really hasn’t taken a break, and then he decides, he really can’t just leave you waiting on him for too long now, can he?
You take care of him without complaints and still give him love, and he thinks you’re an angel from heaven 
Your efforts are not in vain; he’ll treat you so sweetly and intimately you’ll be wondering what you saw in your past loves and leave you spellbound
Abba’s the type where he used to have a twinkle in his heart, big sparkles in his eyes and an unbroken streak of loyalty.
But now that’s broken, and he feels unworthy, and he’s probably harbouring self resentment as deep as the ocean and who would love a broken piece like himself? Who would want to give him another chance?
Enter Reader - stage left
If you show Abba unconditional patience, he’ll come around, and he’ll absolutely flourish - even if he might come off prickly at the start when you meet him
Of course if he throws jibes and remarks at you at the start (which he might do since he’s acting on instinct and a knee jerk reaction with trying to protect himself from being hurt again), he needs someone to put him in his place, and tell him to shut the fuck up, and he’ll realise how he hurt you, and how much he cares, 
Will probably need some time to parse through his emotions, but if you wait for him, it’ll be worth while 
He loves your spontaneity, knowing you wont go overboard like Narancia on a sugar high to make him laugh - just enough to make him smile while taking things easy
He’s probably worried half to death about your safety in Passione, but if you’re a stand user he’ll chill out a little bit
Big ‘I’ve known Reader for x amount of time and if anything were to happen to them I’d kill everyone in this room and then myself’ vibes
Honey, you got a storm coming
Mista is your standard fuck boy for a first impression but he’s so well put together with everything else with his tastes that you wonder what the hell you did to impress him
Mista wants a companion, someone to treasure the world with - probably someone that likes to try new things, go new places, do stuff with him
Super chill, he’s very laid back - he probably needs someone to be a little switched on than him in his day to day life
‘Hey Mista, did you get that report to Bruno yet?” Will give you a big kiss and a thank you if you do so as he tears ass to get it done
He’s got a know how for good food, he cares about his appearance,, he obviously is proud of his dress sense - he needs someone that respects him and his lifestyle choices. 
It doesn't matter if you’re a chill person or someone that’s really stressed out,  as long as you let him be himself and enjoy life with him, that’s the type that Mista is on the lookout for
You might be shy or flustered about whatever and he’ll always have this dopey smile on his face because he loves you so much 
He’s a big romantic at heart though, he will absolutely wine and dine you
If you have a connection with him, he’ll encourage you to be your best
(If you ground him when he’s having a 4 phobia freakout, he might just think about marrying you)
Meme machine extreme
He’s not afraid to voice his opinions and get into fights - it's how he was raised on the streets
He’s opened his heart too and been abandoned, so sometimes the way he acts is a way for his survival
It’s a man eat man world out there, so he lashes out, gets into fights, and is triggered when his vulnerabilities are made fun of
He needs someone that takes care of him and gives him plenty of affection and encouragement, head pats, kisses on cheeks, encouragement when he gets something right
He’ll be super sceptical at first, Like.. seems fake but ok
Once he knows you’re the real deal he’ll be so excited to show you around and tell everyone all about you
This little orange is vibrating something fierce  
Someone that gives affection, heaps of patience, and someone that doesnt mind teaching him some basic math - you’re way nicer than Fugo anyway
You give him a kiss on the cheek and suddenly he’s blowing past year 3 math like a speedboat in water
Probably someone that can keep up with him too, he’s excitable and you gotta have enough energy to follow with whatever he’s got going on in his head
Heartfelt and sensitive, he’ll take good care of you Anon
Someone that understands his background. You don’t have to come from a similar household that Giorno did , but if you do it’s an extra plus
If he finds out that you went through hell, and still managed to hold onto a positive outlook, he’ll be drawn to you
It’s a little difficult because, Giorno is the type of person who will bring ease to everyone, like Bruno, but he also has this magnetic quality about him that draws people to him
But he’ll know if you’re special just by a single glance
It's more of a slow burn with him, but for him he’s trying to figure out if he can trust you, and figure out how you tick on the inside
He enjoys figuring out how you think, not in a creepy way, but he’s fascinated by your experiences, your thoughts, and your actions
When he establishes a baseline of trust with you in a fight, that's when the relationship really begins to flourish
If you have his back during a stand fight, or an argument with someone else, he’ll definitely notice it
And when you trust him completely, even when he’s got a batshit crazy plan, he knows he’s got a partner for life by his side
Despite being known for having a short fuse, Fugo is a pretty emotionally sensitive guy
Someone that’d supports him unconditionally definitely helps, and makes him feel like he’s not up against the world by himself with the lot that he’s been given in life
He’s not a villain in your eyes, when he runs away from the gang before the fight with Diavolo, 
You’re with him through thick and thin, and you’ll never know how much you truely helped him during that crossroads in his life
Fugo appreciates someone that’s intelligent, and he’s not afraid of asking questions that pique his natural curiosity
If you’ve got a special interest, or if he has knowledge in an area, he’s happy to either talk about his interest if you ask  him, otherwise he’s happy to hear you talk about whatever you’re into at the moment
He’s alike to Abbacchio that his anger manifests itself for a myriad of reasons, but he’ll be drawn to you regardless if you’re there by his side and give him patience
He’ll be drawn to a gentle presence, someone that’s calm, an antithesis to the storm raging inside him
He’ll appreciate everything you do for him, and the amount of time you stick by him, even if you’re being a comforting presence
-Gyro mod 
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