#( i can't believe i made Another rp blog i'm Yelling
humblemediagenius · 1 year
i dont know a lot abt your ocs… can you tell me about the monitor?
ohohoho you have unleashed the beast (I am insane over the monitor) (this will be long)
OK SO The Monitor is a gigantic supercomputer built thousands of years ago (that's a story for another time) but only recently has been turned back on. It's incredibly powerful and capable, it knows Literally Everything (imagine like the internet but before the internet was a thing. And before humans could even speak modern language.) It can control/alter other pieces of technology, it's experienced with medical work thanks to the lab installed into its structure, it somehow even can connect itself to the minds of other organisms. namely humans. It's so advanced that despite not being built with sentience in mind, it almost immediately became sentient.
Of course like many fictional supercomputers, The Monitor SUCKS. I mean it REALLY sucks. Its a total asshole. Its self entitled and pretentious because it sees technology as better than literally everything and feels particularly disgusted that it got woke up after thousands of years to Human Society. So to feed into its already massive ego its decided to take over the world (and turn it into something much less organic). It's cruel, and isn't afraid to torture, experiment, manipulate, and brainwash its way into making people do its dirty work for it. Its also very egotistical and has a unshakable god complex (it literally believes itself to be a man-made god). And in general it's just... Not fun to be around. It is snarky, sarcastic and petty, and tends to resort to swearing and yelling at people it doesn't like (which is 99.99% of the human population). It can be a little silly and over the top when it wants! but when it gets in a mood... you do not wanna be around it.
One small problem for The Monitor: it can do everything but move. It's confined to its structure, even when its taken over other pieces of technology it can't actually do anything with those. But thankfully for The Monitor (and un-thankfully for the rest of the world), after being buried underground for so long, high profile tech company Startech built their HQ on top of it. so it basically uses all the Startech employees as a way to reach the outside world. Most specifically John (who I've talked about here before!) Their relationship is very complicated but John is basically The Monitor's favorite employee (by employee I mean unwilling minion). Will The Monitor actually take over the world?! Will it stop being such a little bitch?! That will all be revealed eventually ......
The Monitor is my worst OC unfortunately for everyone though it's SUPER fun to write and rp with so I won't shut up about it. I'm actually thinking of working on an ask blog with it (the account name is @the-monitor if anyone's wondering) Plus I like tagging any computer related posts with it. I think the below image sums it up pretty well:
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winterbranded · 4 years
[ ✮ ]
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26 - Brushing a kiss along the shell of the other person’s ear. 27 - Kisses exchanged while one person sits on the other’s lap. - Words: 404
Lokisses Mini-Imagine Series
Lokisses Masterlist
"Goodnight, little one," You whispered, tucking the baby into the blankets. You walked back to the bedroom and smiled at Loki.
"How'd it go?" He asked from his seat on the bed. You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Perfectly of course," You whispered, scooting onto the bed next to him. Loki chuckled and pulled you into his lap.
"Of course! My child after all," He smirked. You whacked his chest playfully, shaking your head.
"You're crazy," You teased.
"About you," He grins, leaning in closer, pulling you in and kissing you again. You hummed softly against his lips. He held you firmly against him, smoothing his fingers through your hair. "I can't believe we have a baby. We made a new life together," He whispered, eyes wide with amazement. You nodded, kissing his jaw and neck.
"All ours," You mumbled against his skin, working your way up his neck. "Ours to raise, ours to teach," You kissed just below his earlobe and around the shell of his ear. "Ours to spoil, ours to be mischievous with, ours to teach mischief to," You grinned. Loki laughed softly, hugging you tightly and kissing your lips.
"And how! I'm mischievous enough on my own, but you!" He laughed. "You're almost worse!" You scrunched your nose at him before burying your head in his chest.
"Stop!" You groaned, holding back giggles.
"What are you doing, love?" He asked, poking your cheek. You were silent for a moment before replying.
"Getting a better view of these beautiful tiddies," You said matter-of-factly, poking his pecs. Loki laughed heartily, your giggles unable to be held in any longer at the sound and feeling of his laughter through his chest.
Unfortunately, you were interrupted by a sad cry from the baby's room. "Oh dear, I'm afraid we need to check on our offspring once again," Loki sighed.
"It's a wonder we didn't hear crying sooner!" You exclaimed, getting up.
"Oh there was crying! Our child is simply too smart. I sent an illusion in early as a distraction and hopefully to fool the little one into sleeping again. But alas, we have been discovered."
"Loki!" You whisper-yell. He looks at you sheepishly, expecting you to be upset at using his magic with your baby. "You have got to perfect that illusion! We're going to need it!"
"Oh? Oh! Yes of course, my love! Just as soon as I can!"
Marvel (all characters, including Loki)
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thedetectiveofinaba · 2 years
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@chibitantei asked: Followed because you seemed like a cool Naoto mutual who wanted to take a chance on an RP scrub and another Noot writer, stayed because we roast Naoto day in and out, love Naoto and because you are a great friend.
tell  me  why  you  followed  my  blog  and  tell  me  what  made  you  stay. 
Thanks Liz uwu ✨ It really means a lot to me and I can't believe either that the casual Naoto writer friendship (aka yelling about Naoto and commenting on how she's a smart dumbass and also the best girl) grew to a close friendship and a sync on Naoto moods and OOC topics like gaming and shared interests. You're one of the people who I can trust to get me as a person & understand how Naoto is a perfect detective who also deserves every roast and 🤡 emoji thrown at her.
Writing wise the menace duo we have and the revamped twin AU is sth I'm really hyped for and want to plan a lot of stuff for both Michi and the new Multiverse Noot I'm thinking of adding to the roster.
As long as I have anything to do with this, you're not getting rid of me or my Naoto in interactions as long as I am in this hobby mood. Never doubt on that ✨
As the kids in 20s say: When in doubt, Naoto & Naoto is eternal.
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