#( i had a big brain moment w the last one JFHFJHDJFH )
tierra-paldeana · 5 months
hc + 😡 for a headcanon about something that makes them angry
hc + 🚬 for a headcanon about a bad habit
hc + ❓ for a headcanon of the receiver's choice
hc + 😡 for a headcanon about something that makes them angry
// hearing people shit on people she loves. backhanded compliments. bullies. people who neglect their loved ones. larry's attitude and lack of interest in anything she or the rest of the elite four have to say. she's usually very peaceful and laid-back and is overall a feel-good kinda person that doesn't get legitimately angry often... but even someone like her has her limits.
hc + 🚬 for a headcanon about a bad habit
// she used to smoke as a teen because it made her ''look cool'', but stopped because it bothered geeta. she had some degree of withdrawal from it upon stopping, which eventually led to her developing a mild chewing habit after getting over it.
she nibbles her popsicle stick after eating it, during her stay at naranjuva she gnawed on pencils, and if it weren't for her gloves, she might even nibble her knuckles a little bit. granted, she has it under control mostly now, but specially when stressed out/inconsolably non-verbal, she often calms down by nibbling on some chewelry toys she's got.
don't worry, it never goes beyond nibbling (aka, she doesn't masticate or swallow anything). it's just a comfort thing that she may do for a few minutes-
another bad habit of hers is that she tends to slap her own cheeks when super stressed out in an effort to calm down, specially when she's feeling fear, as a way to 'go back to reality' and ground herself. she really wants to stop doing it, but it's still a while 'til she gets there-
hc + ❓ for a headcanon of the receiver's choice
// due to living and growing up in a clodsire/wooper pond, she's witnessed many things go down in that environment. particularly, she was familiar with things akin to family dramas within the pond - and even rivalries between separate bodies of water! she's witnessed many fights breaking out due to mating season disputes, intruder clodsire trying to ''dethrone'' the largest male of the pond to take his place, fights for any reason...
thankfully, because clodsire and wooper are squishy eclairs, she never saw anything graphic, like pokemon dying or anything (though she's saved wooper from predators and intruding clodsire on more than one ocassion), but the things she's seen are things she's 100% sure if she told anyone else, they'd say she's insane or making it up. but no. she saw it all. she was there. she's witnessed the clodsire equivalent of warriorcats (albeit less violent) with her own eyes.
the pond she inhabited was very warm and welcoming with her and due to the bond she had with it, the wooper of the group made extra sure to make her feel at home and keep her well fed with what they could find, like berries and such. they also protected her from pokémon that could potentially hurt her while in the pond... though whenever she was back home or far away from the pond, sadly, they couldn't do much :')
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