#( i’ll do more tonight or later in the week depends on how spooked i’m feeling for my upcoming exams )
lu-undy · 4 years
Request: Lucien tries to make mundy jealous, mundy tried to make Lucien jealous as a response, Ludwig/medic is somehow caught in the middle of this. Ludwig/medic did not sign up for this and Is very done.
Here we go for a bit of jealousy on both parts ;) ! I hope you’ll enjoy!
"Bonjour, two coffees please, a long one and an espresso. Thank you, Mademoiselle." 
Spy was at the counter, ordering from the waitress. Sniper looked at him from the table. The waitress was giggling and blushing, covering her mouth with her hand. What the hell was Spy telling her…? Oh and now she was showing him something, a piece of paper? And now she was scribbling on it?
The Frenchman sat down, a smile still lingering on his lips. That irresistible grin somehow stung the Aussie, in his chest. It was a delicious sight, the Frenchman's pearly white teeth flashing between his thin lips… But it hurt too! Knowing that the Aussie wasn't the source of that small burst of happiness, of the pink on Spy's cheeks. It made his eyebrows ever so slightly twitch. 
"Got the coffees?" 
Spy sat opposite his colleague. 
"Oui, they shall arrive shortly." He answered, his eyes never leaving the young waitress in her short skirt and work apron. 
"So, uh," Sniper tried to interrupt his staring. "Got any plans for today?" 
"Apart from sharing my breakfast with you, Bushman? Non, not really." 
The waitress came to their table. 
"Who's the long coffee?"
"My friend here." Spy answered. 
"So you're the espresso, right?" 
"Exactement." The Frenchman answered with one those trademarked smiles of his, those that made the clocks stop around Sniper.
Spy carded his hair back with a nonchalant hand, brushing through his salt and pepper silky locks. Something burnt inside Sniper and the waitress left them. Silence fell at the table and Spy was smiling to himself still. Sniper couldn't help but stare at him. He shouldn't because the longer he kept his eyes on him, the more painful it was. 
Spy finally broke the silence. 
"Actually, I might do something today." He said, his irises following the young woman. "It depends, it might be a bit foolish of me." 
Sniper downed his bitter coffee. 
"Roight, I'll be in the van." He left the table, fuming with - he would never admit it - jealousy. 
When he slipped in the van, he slammed its door shut and crossed his arms on his chest. His breath was fast and angry, dry and hot. He had never thought about it but now it sounded and looked obvious. If Spy always accepted his invitations to go to town, maybe it was just to get some fresh air. Maybe he just saw him as a convenient chauffeur, and a quite entertaining one at that! Sniper had always tried to make his small talk as interesting as he could… Bah, he had never been the chatty type, even though he thought his friendship with Spy was helping him on that front. Apparently not, or not enough. 
About a minute later, Spy appeared in the van. 
"I apologise if I put you late for something, Sniper." 
"Nah, it's fine." 
The van roared and off they went, on their way back to the base. 
Sniper was cold and distant. He didn't try to initiate any conversations, and kept answering Spy with one-word sentences. The Frenchman sensed the uneasiness, the discomfort. He decided against pushing Sniper. Whatever caused him to fall silent and frown, biting his cheek, wasn't something the Aussie looked ready to discuss. 
They spent the rest of their day each in their own world. Spy had stayed in the confines of his suite, while Sniper had hung out with the rest of his colleagues. 
At the dinner table, only Spy was missing. 
"You're not havin' dinner with fancypants tonight?" Scout asked Sniper as he sat down. 
"You got into an argument?" 
Sniper raised his eyes and their shine sliced the room. 
“Finish yer fries, laddie.” Demo interrupted them before Sniper murdered his young colleague.
Dinner was spent normally for most mercenaries. Only Sniper was staring emptily at his plate, but Demo noticed it. So after dinner, he went to his Australian colleague, drinking some beer on his own.
“Hey, lad.”
“What’s wrong? Wanna talk about it?”
Sniper looked left and right, making sure no one else would eavesdrop on them.
“Is it Spy?”
Sniper nodded, his head still lowered.
“Go on, tell me.” Demo got closer to his friend and talked low.
“He’s… It’s me, I got funny ideas again but it was all in my head.” He sighed.
“Oh, I’m sorry for you. You’re a good man, he’ll regret it.” Demo took a swig of his scrumpy.
“Don’t think so.”
“He uh… He met someone today and uh… I don’t want to sound weird but…”
“You can tell me, mate,” Demo said. “I’m just here to listen, not to judge.”
“Yeah, well. She’s young and a sheila at that. He didn’t stop staring at her, smilin’ like a bloody idiot. I saw him take his car and drive off a bit before dinner and uh…”
“You think he went to have dinner or something with her?”
Sniper turned to face the window. He could almost see it before his eyes. Spy and that young woman, on a table for two, a candle in the middle, his eyes shining and half-lidded, drowning in her eyes… 
“Ugh!” He shook his head and his shoulders, a shiver slithered up his spine.
“Sniper, look. I’m uh, yeah, I’m sorry for you. You liked him a lot, eh?”
The Australian smiled.
“Understatement of the century, yeah. He uh… He'd do nothing and I'd feel so good just looking at him. And when he looks back, Gosh… It's like gettin' punched but by his eyes."
"Woah, didn't know you liked him that much." Demo put a hand on Sniper's shoulder and patted him on the back. "Sorry it didn't go the way you want, lad…"
"You know what hurts the most? It's knowing that now, I can't see him the same. It's like… If I were to see him now, I'd feel the butterflies again and it's like he didn't hurt me at all. I'd uh… Bah, forget it." Sniper removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes. 
Demo was out of words, so he just wrapped an arm around his shoulders and tapped his shoulder. 
Unbeknownst to them, Spy entered the living-room and all his eyes saw was Demoman comforting his friend. Now Sniper was lowering his head and Demo hugged him. 
Spy's lips parted in surprise and his very bones froze, stinging everywhere. When his cigarette hit the floor, he was already back in his suite. 
Sniper's head jerked up. 
"What?" Demo asked. 
"Don't you smell it?" 
"Smell what?" 
Sniper sniffed the air left and right. He let the scent guide his feet until he arrived at its source. 
"What the… Where?" 
He looked down and Demo saw him pick something up from the floor. 
"What is it, lad?" 
Sniper turned to his friend holding a cigarette that had hardly been consumed. 
"What's the matter lad?"
"Don't you understand?!" Sniper almost shouted. 
"No, I don't." Demo frowned. 
"Look!" Sniper brandished the cigarette. 
"It's a cigarette."
"Yeah! But look at it! It's barely been smoked and have you ever seen Spy ever drop one?" 
Demo's eye went left and right, rummaging through his memory. 
"He was there a minute ago and left too quickly. Something's wrong, he'd never waste one of his cigs." Sniper puffed on it and his shoulders sank and relaxed. "Gosh it's really one of his…" He melted. 
"Sniper, look-"
"I gotta see what's wrong with him." Sniper turned on his heels, ignoring his friend and headed for the Frenchman's room. 
"No, wait!" Demo stood in front of him and blocked his way. "What's the matter with ya? One minute you're sad cause he left you and the next you wanna throw yerself into his arms?!" 
"Nah," Sniper looked down at Demo's eye. "I never stopped wanting to throw myself in his arms. That's my problem." And he pushed his colleague out of the way gently to knock on the Frenchman's door. 
"Go to hell!" Was the answer he received.
"Spook…" Spy's ears pricked up. He hadn't expected Sniper to come and visit him, not after what he saw. "It's me." 
"Did I stutter? Or perhaps you did not understand it in English?" 
Spy sounded furious, even through the wooden door with the knife symbol on it. How did Sniper dare show his face to him after he clearly had misled the Frenchman for weeks? Spy had always taken the time for him - no, actually, he had always made the time for him. He had accepted all the invitations that Sniper made to take him to town, have a drink, or something to eat. Hell, Spy even never dared suggest anything on his own, because he wanted the shy, antisocial and introverted Aussie to feel at ease with him, to take things at his pace.
And all these efforts amounted to what? Sniper hugging Demoman. Demoman of all people! Putain de merde! Was it not clear enough through their banter, through the nights spent under the stars in the cold, just to watch the stars with him? Ha! Talking about that, Sniper never realised that when he was busy unravelling the mysteries of the universe to Spy, the Frenchman was absorbed in the stars, but not those in the sky. He didn't raise his head that far up to see them, non, he only had to look in the depth of the Aussie's pupils, in his kind, lagoon irises. That was where the stars were, that was where they came from, the sparks that made Spy's body fizz up everywhere…
All that happened in the best and the worst of secrets, right under the Aussie's nose but never clearly enough for him to see it. 
"Spook, please." Sniper knocked again and Spy sighed. He pushed himself to stand and went to the door that he opened in a flash.
"What do you want?" 
"A-are you alright?" Sniper asked. "I found one of your cigs on the floor. It was barely lit and uh, I know you wouldn't waste them…" 
Spy raised an annoyed eyebrow. 
"... They're bloody expensive, eh?" 
Spy sighed and let Sniper in. 
"So, uh, what's the problem…?" Sniper asked while Spy crossed the room to sit back on his sofa. He lit a cigarette and stared emptily in front of him. 
Silence fell. Spy was furiously jealous of that embrace Sniper shared with Demoman. It made his heart shatter like glass, the shards of which he was now too old to pick up. He blew the smoke of his cigarette. 
"Are you going to stand awkwardly there?" He said. "If so, then you don't have anything to say to me, thus making your presence absolutely unnecessary. You know where the door is." 
Spy's voice was cold and scathing. Sniper took a deep breath as if to gather the strength from the air he pumped in his lungs, and he went to sit on the sofa too. 
"I don't have anything to say to you, I'm just here cause I know something's not right with you." Sniper answered and Spy felt the hint of some vexation in the Aussie's voice. "But if you're gonna be a mongrel about it, alright, I'll tell you what I think is wrong with you…" 
Spy raised a curious eyebrow and interrupted him. 
"Pardon? Something is wrong with me?" He asked, with a hand to his chest. "Non, Bushman, I think I have been perfectly honest and clear. For once, I did not mess anything up by lying or anything of the sort!" 
Sniper nodded with an almost cruel smile. 
"Oh so she stood you up? It wasn't just that she didn't like you back?" 
Spy frowned. 
"Pardon?" His native tongue came to him faster than English and he was too irritated to correct himself. "What are you talking about?" 
"That sheila you went to have dinner with! The one who gave you her number this mornin' at the café, cause that's what she wrote on that paper she gave you, wasn't it?!" Sniper was now angry. 
"Bushman, what on Earth have you invented?!"
"Invented? Me?" Sniper repeated, rage boiling inside him. "I saw it with my own eyes, you wanker! She gave you her number and next thing I know, you don't come out for lunch and drive off right before dinner!"
"So you conclude I went to have dinner with that woman?" Spy asked.
"Yeah, well, is there anythin' else I should get? Oh, yeah, actually, there is! You come back to the base so pissed off that you shout at me when I knock on yer door and you throw away one of your cigs! So yeah, I think she didn't wanna get a second date at the very least!" 
Spy sighed and facepalmed. His hand sank down his face. 
"Oh so you imagine I spend my time with someone I've hardly met while you -" Spy pointed an accusative index finger on Sniper. "You fall into Demoman's arms like that!" Spy snapped his fingers. 
Sniper's eyes opened as wide as planets and his pupils shrank to a dot. 
"But let us dwell on something else first, shall we?" Spy continued. "Why on Earth would you care if I saw that woman again?"
Sniper's lips parted but no sound came out. Yes he did care very much and it had ripped him apart on the inside when he had seen Spy exchange smiles and sweet gazes with that sheila… But wait, Sniper frowned as he found a come back to that. 
"Wait, hold on, you saw Demo with me?" 
"Anyone could have! You were in the middle of the living-room! And to think that I thought you shy and prude, you hide your true nature very well, I would be scared for my own position if not for one reason." 
"What you think I spent my day doing just shows how incompetent a spy you would be." Spy explained, his voice calming down.
"I'm not scared to lose my job. You're shit at aimin'." Sniper answered, just to have the last word. 
Silence fell. 
"You are an imbécile." Spy looked at the emptiness in front of him.
"And you're an idiot." Sniper tilted his head that he held low. 
"The waitress this morning, she didn't give me her phone number, and I didn't drive to her before dinner."
Sniper turned his head to Spy. 
"She complimented my looks and pointed out the fact that I looked like a certain actor, her favourite, she mistook me for him. She showed me a picture of him and I could see the resemblance but I explained she was making a mistake. I then asked her to write down his name, which she did. That is what she scribbled on this piece of paper." Spy retrieved it from his pocket and tossed it on the sofa. Sniper didn't need to look at it. Something in Spy's voice convinced him that he was telling the truth. "But what about you? And Demoman? Why would you invite me for drinks or to just stroll in the city if Demoman is close to you?"
"I… I was pissed off because I really thought that sheila just got you with a snap of her fingers. I was ventin' to him, I was telling him how - argh, anyway, I just talked to Demo and he was sorry for me. He just gave me a pat on the back, is all." 
Spy raised an eyebrow staring in his eyes.
"I swear, it was just that, nothin' more." Sniper insisted and Spy's eyes went to the floor. He was convinced. "But where did you fly off to before dinner then?" 
"I went to town to get this." Spy stood up and went to the TV, next to it was a video cassette. He came back to the sofa and handed it to Sniper. 
"What's that?" 
"A video cassette. It's one of the movies with the man who looks like me. I had hoped that you would accept watching it with me tonight. I was on my way to ask you and expected to spend the evening by your side, laughing at how you would mock him, or me, for our resemblance. I do admit it is one of those romantic movies that would make me gag otherwise. But…"
"But what?" Sniper flipped the cassette and observed it in his hand before raising his eyes to Spy. 
"But since a few weeks, even the atrociously cheesy songs on the radio make sense. Their lyrics get to me the way they do each time it happens."
"Each time what happens?" Sniper asked. 
"Each time I fall in love." 
The air stilled in the room.
"And since we are being truthful," Spy started and closed his eyes to push the end of the sentence out of himself. "The surprise of seeing Demoman's arms around you made me drop my cigarette. But that is not what made me spin on my heels and go back to my room." 
"What then?" Sniper asked. 
"Can't you guess?" 
"N-no, I don't know…" 
"I presume it is the same thing that made you leave the café hurriedly this morning." Spy said and Sniper understood. 
"Y-you were jealous?" The Aussie asked, not believing that the word was exiting his own lips. 
"As much as you were when you thought I was having dinner with that young woman." 
Spy crushed his cigarette butt in the ashtray on the coffee table in front of him. 
"Now you know everything of my whereabouts for today. You may leave if you so wish." 
Sniper looked at the cassette in his hand. 
"When you said you fell in love… was it…?"
"With you? Oui." Spy answered calmly. "But I can understand if the feeling is far from mutual. After all, you have seen me without my mask and thus guessed that my age isn't quite yours." 
"I know. It pains me to think that I used to be able to seduce anyone I wanted back when my hair was black. Now, I cannot even look you in the eye for too long."
"Neither can I." Sniper added. 
"You find me that repulsive then? Fine. I shall not bother you and take of your precious time any longer." Spy got up and went to the door. 
Sniper stood up and followed him. 
"I wish you a good night, Sniper." 
When Spy's eyes rose to Sniper, they were filled with heartbreak and grief. There was a form of defeat too. If Spy had always been a womanizer and a formidable love partner, his age now made him just powerless. He just had to accept that he wasn't attractive or charming anymore. He opened the door for Sniper.
"Right, I'll keep the cassette." The Aussie said. 
"Why?" Spy asked, confused.
"I don't want you to watch it with anyone else." 
Spy's eyes shone brighter and Sniper smiled. He pushed the door to shut it again, staying in Spy's room. 
"I wanna watch this bloke who looks like you with you. But uh, I'm not a big fan of movies… I just prefer the real thing." 
Spy bit his lip to contain his excitement as Sniper's grin widened. 
"What if we still watch it tonight?" Spy asked, almost too innocently for himself. 
"Yeah, I'd like that." 
Spy felt like he lost ten years. He took the cassette off Sniper's hand and put it on. When he sat on the sofa, Sniper was next to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. Spy felt warm and fuzzy on the inside. The movie started and he glued his eyes to the screen. Sniper, however, had his eyes on Spy. 
"Hey, Spook?" 
"Hm?" Spy raised his light blue eyes to him.
"I love you too." 
Spy gasped and covered his mouth with his hand. He was paralysed and stayed in that position for a few seconds, just to digest the words. It didn't fail to make Sniper a bit uncomfortable. 
"R-right, so, uh, the bloke, in the movie, uh… oh…" 
Spy leaned on Sniper's shoulder. He went to find his hand and held it, sliding his own fingers between the Aussie and clenching. Sniper clenched back. 
"I am in love as if I was twenty again." Spy said.
"Shame." Sniper answered and Spy raised his head. "I like'em old." 
"Rude, but appreciated."
Sniper rested his head on top of Spy's and their eyes finally went to the screen. 
"Hold on, that bloke, he doesn't look like you at all, in fact, he kinda looks like-"
"You, oui." 
"What the hell?!" 
Spy's chuckles against Sniper's chest had all kinds of effects on the Aussie. 
"I agree with you, Bushman. I am not a big fan of movies, I just prefer the real thing."
"You liar…" Sniper tightened his hug on his lover and Spy moaned. 
"Only when it gets me where I want, in your arms."
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mrsjaxtellerfan · 6 years
Coming Home (Jax x OC) (Chapter 9)
Hey guys! Co-written with @lookprettyliveclassyplaydirtyyt. Hope you guys enjoy!
Warnings: Mentions of attempted rape, violence, smut, language
This chapter does contain triggers.
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Chapter 9 ~time skip~
I can’t believe it has been 6 months since I ended up back in Charming. Jax has been great, him and Sophia have an amazing bond, you almost wouldn’t guess they’ve only known each other for 6 months. Abel is getting so big, I’ve become a bit attached. We have come up with an excellent routine for splitting time between Jax’s and Gemma’s. When Jax is on runs we stay at his house and I take care of Abel, when he is home, he brings Abel to Gemmas.
“Alright, you sure you’ll be okay with the kids?” Jax asks, bringing his bag to the door.
“Jax, we’ve been doing this for months. If I need anything, I’ll call Gemma.” I say. “Sophia, come give daddy a hug.” I say, holding Abel.
“Alright, if you need anything, you call, I’ll head back. I shouldn’t be gone for more than a couple days.” Jax says, picking up Sophia. “I’m going to miss you, Phia.”
“Will you bring me another stuffed animal, daddy?” Sophia asks. Every time Jax goes on a run, he brings Sophia and Abel a stuffed toy, depending on what state he’s in.
“What would you like this time, princess?” Jax asks.
“Hmmm….” she pretends to think. “Elephant, Daddy!”
“Yeah? What color elephant would you like?” Jax asks, probably thinking about the growing safari she has in her possession.
“Normal color, Daddy! Animals should always come in the color they are supposed to be in.”
“Who told you that?”
“Darren. He said that if you get a stuffed animal, it should always be the correct color. Elephants can’t be purple daddy.”
“Nonsense, princess. You can have any color of animal you want. You have a bright imagination, Sophia.”
“I want a gray elephant.” Sophia says, looking down.
“Okay, baby, whatever you want.” Jax sighs, still working on reversing what Darren instilled in his baby.  After setting Sophia down, he turns to me.
“Jax, she will be fine. She just needs a little bit more time. With the way we are parenting her, and the things that Darren did to her, these things take time, Jax.”
“He broke her, babe. There are too many pieces, and I am afraid I’m not going to be able to put them all back together.”
“Jax. Remember last week, at Gemmas? Clay was gone, so he couldn’t check for monsters, and I hadn’t been sleeping, so Gemma drugged me. Sophia woke up crying because she remembered that no one checked for monsters. You were there, Jax, you didn’t scold her for being awake at 1 in the morning, you didn’t tell her not to cry. You wiped her tears, took Hank, and you checked for monsters. Then she asked you to stay until she fell asleep, and I found you curled up on the floor with her the next morning, Jax. Darren would have done the opposite. No matter how many pieces she’s broken into, she’s young Jax. There’s time for her to come back from this.”
“What about you, darlin’? Is there time for you to come back from this?”  Jax asked, putting his hand on my cheek before I flinched away. “You know I will only be gentle with you. I will never lay my hands on you in that way.”
“I know, Jax, I’m just not quite there yet.”
“I know.” Jax says, kissing Abels head and my cheek before opening the door and heading out.
“Soph, it’s time for school.” I say, hand rubbing my blushing cheek.
“What are you going to do while I’m at school, mommy?”
“Well, we need to eat, so I will probably go pick up one of the prospects, and then go to the store.”
“No, you need to wait, mommy. I want to go too. Phil is my bestest friend. Please wait, mommy.” She looks up at me, pouting.
“Fine, I will wait, but that means you have to be ready to go at exactly 11. Not a minute later.”
“I promise, I will be!” Sophia shouts, rushing back to her room.
“Phia, we gotta go!” I yell after her, putting Abel in his car seat.
“I can’t find my other shoe!” She yells back at me, before running into the living room. “Can you help me find my other shoe, mommy?”
“Yeah, baby.”
“Alright, Soph, have a good day. Remember be ready by 11.”
“I love you, mommy.” Sophia says, skipping over to Tommy giving him a hug before I have a chance to respond. “Well, baby, looks like it’s just you and I.” I say, carrying Abel back to the car. I’m so caught up in my own thoughts that I don’t notice the black car with the tinted windows following me.
“Hey, darlin’, how are things goin’?” Jax asked when I answered the call.
“Good. You never call me on runs unless it’s night to read to Sophia. Is everything okay?”
“Everything is fine. Can’t I call and check on my favorite lady? Also, I called because they don’t have any gray elephants. What color should I get her?”
“Um… purple, it’s her favorite.”
“I know. I swear, half of what she owns is purple.”
“She and Tommy are still together, Jax. Did you know that? They are going to be getting a pet together.” I joke, waiting for his reply.
“No. It’s too soon.”
“Hey, we had kids together and we’ve never even dated.” I joke.
“I’ll get you a hamster.” Jax growled.
“Trust me, the 2 kids are plenty. No pets are needed in my near future.”
“We can do it.”
“Jax. You killed a cactus, if you can’t keep a cactus alive, how are you supposed to handle two kids AND a hamster.”
“We can get the hamster for Phia, give her something to actually take care of. To feed, talk to, and play with. At least until Abel is old enough.”
“Actually, if we are going to get a pet we should get a cat. I know you are a closet cat lover. Plus, hamsters freak me out, you know that.” I laugh.
“I’ll take Sophia to the shelter when I get back and let her pick out a kitten. I gotta get this purple elephant and something for Abel. I love you.” He hung up before I could say anything else. I stand there for a minute question whether or not I just agreed to get a cat and realizing Jax said I love you and I was going to say it back.
“This is so strange.” Phil said, looking at the bottled water, Sophia in the cart.
“How is it strange, it’s just fancy bottled water.” I said, leaning down to see if I might have missed the regular water. “How do they not have cases of water? Dasani, or whatever it is Gemma buys.”
“What is that stuff floating in here” Phil asked.
“Flax seeds. It’s antioxidant water.”
“It’s nasty!” Sophia says from her spot in the cart, playing with Abel.
“You and your dad. It isn’t that bad.” I sigh, defeated.
“It looks nasty.” Phil said, putting it back on the shelf, his attention focused on something behind me.
“Fine, we won’t get the fancy water.” I break, putting juice in the cart for Sophia and pedialyte for Abel.
“I think we need to leave.”
“Why is that, princess?” say, looking at her concerned.
“I thought I saw Darren.” She replies, fear in her little face.
“Baby, Darren isn’t here. You didn’t see him. Let’s finish here, and we will go home and you can call daddy.” I soothe as she keeps looking around, panicked.
“Phil, I’ll pay for these, can you take her outside? That might help her feel better.”
“Yes Ma’am. I mean Ariana.”
“Thanks, Phil.” I finish shopping before paying and heading out.
“Alright, baby, let’s go home and you can call daddy.” I state, starting the car, before I pull out Phil comes to the window.
“If you don’t mind, I’m going to stay, just until tonight. Sophia seemed really frightened in there.” Phil said.
“Is that okay, baby? Do you want Phil to stay for dinner?” I ask Sophia, looking at her in my rear view mirror.
“Yeah mommy! We can play dinosaurs.”
“Okay, we will see you at the house.”
“I’ll follow you back. Make sure its all clear. The least I can do.” He says. I smile at him and nod, thanking him silently.
“Can I call daddy now?” Sophia asks, sitting in front of the tv.
“After dinner, baby. Now, come eat.”
“Ariana, may I talk to you for a minute?” Phil asks.
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“I told Jax that Sophia got spooked in the grocery store, and that I was going to be with you. He said it was up to you if you wanted me to stay tonight or come back in the morning.”
“We will be fine. Sophia was probably just seeing stuff, she’s been having nightmares lately. This isn’t the first time she thought she saw him, and Jax made sure he wasn’t around. You can come check on us in the morning. Maybe you can help me with drop off.”
“I’ll be here at 6:30 in the morning then.”
“Thank you for staying, Phil. You really helped her calm down.” I said to him after dinner before he left.
“It’s no problem, she’s a joy to be around. I’ll be back in the morning.” Phil says, walking toward his bike parked at the end of the driveway.
“Okay, Soph, let’s call daddy.” I say, after she brushes her teeth and gets ready for bed.
“Hey, babe, what’s up?” Jax answers.
“Daddy!” Sophia squeals.
“Phia, I have to tell you something. They didn’t have any gray elephants, so I had to get you a purple one. Is that okay?”
“But daddy.”
“No. No buts Sophia. It’s okay that it isn’t gray, not all stuffed animals are the right colors.”
“Okay, Daddy.” Sophia murmurs.
“Now, what story are we reading for bedtime?” Jax asks.
“Princess and the pea! The one we always read!”
“Why don’t you read it to me, and if you get stuck mommy can help you.”
“Okay, daddy.” Sophia says, before opening the book and beginning to read falling asleep before the book is even finished.
“Babe?” Jax asks.
“Phil said you sent him home, are you sure you don’t want Chibs or Juice there tonight? I don’t want anything to happen to you guys.”
“Nothing is going to happen to us Jax, and Phil said he would be here at 6:30 to make sure that Sophia gets to school on time. We are gonna be fine, promise. Now I am going to take a shower. I’ll call you tomorrow morning before Sophia goes into school so she can say good morning.”
“Hey, don’t tease me with the thought of you naked and wet in the shower, my shower.” Jax replies, smirk evident in his tone.
“Alright babe. Sleep well, enjoy your shower, and I’ll be home before you know it.”
“Goodnight, Jax.”
“Goodnight, Ari. I love you.”
“I love you too.” I reply hanging up before I realize my slip.
“Well fuck me.” I say, grabbing my towel and taking a shower.
A couple hours later I awake, not really sure why, and glance at the clock. 2am. As I’m about to fall back asleep, I hear a creak from outside the door.
“Sophia?” I ask, climbing out of Jax’s bed, pulling Jax’s shirt down over my panties.
“It’s sad that you didn’t listen to your daughter all those times.”
“Darren… ” I stutter, rushing to the bedside table before being grabbed from behind.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. All you have to do is come with me. One last time, babe, that’s all.” He says in my ear before pushing me over the side of the bed.
“Darren, stop!”
“It’s a good thing Sophia isn’t here to see this, but what she will see in the morning. Her mother's dead body, on the bed of the father who will never care about her.”
“He loves her, Darren. You never did.”
“I knew I should’ve hit her like I hit her mom, maybe then she wouldn’t cry like such a baby.” He rips my panties, pushing Jax’s shirt up.
“Stop!” I cry, fighting to get away.
“Isn’t this what you and what’s his name do? Trying to fake it, so Sophia doesn’t know that you don’t love her dad? He will never love her the way I did.”
“You didn’t love her, you locked her in the bathroom when she asked you to feed her. She was a baby.”
“Shut the fuck up!” He yells, hitting my face off the nightstand, wrapping his hands around my throat, squeezing.
“Don’t do this to Sophia.” I cry, trying to get him off. He goes to push in, but I throw my head back, smacking him in the nose, using his surprise to get away and grab Jax’s gun he keeps under the bed.
“You fucking bitch! You broke my nose! You’re not going to shoot me you pathetic little bitch. You are too scared.”
“Just leave! Please! Don’t make me shoot you.” I beg, gun shaking in my hands, tears running down my face.
“Where is Sophia? And the baby? What's his name would hate you if anything happened to his baby.”
“Stop, I’m begging you.” I cry.
“You will always be the scared little bitch that lets people walk all over her. You are an insecure bitch who jumped into bed with me, and then left me to jump into bed with the big guy, and then the daddy. I will kill you and then I’m going to go in there and do to Sophia what you stopped me from doing to you.” He sneers.
“Not anymore.” I pull the trigger, thanking Jax there was a silencer. 3 shots, two in the chest, one in the head. He falls, bleeding out on the bed.
“Please answer, please.” I cry, calling Jax.
“Hey, it’s Jax you know what to do.” I cry, throwing the phone across the room before dropping down on the floor in the corner, clutching the gun, and letting the tears flow. I don’t know how long I sat there staring at Darren’s lifeless body. The whole world drowned out by my own beating heart.
“Ariana.” I hear Phil say, coming through the door, gun out and ready to hurt anyone who might have tried to hurt me or the kids. “Are you okay.” I look up at him. “Oh my god! What happened?” Phil exclaims checking the body before tucking his gun away. I can’t hear a word he says, too numb to even react.
“Jax! There’s been an accident!” Phil yells, Jax picking up on the first ring.
“What happened?” Jax growls, pulling his kutte over his shoulders and heading to the other rooms to get the guys.
“There is a dead man in your bed. I think he tried to hurt Ariana and the kids. Ariana isn’t responding, her clothes are torn, and she’s clutching a gun.”
“Fuck! She might be in shock. I’ll get home as soon as I can. How are the kids?”
“Call my mom. Tell her to take the kids to her house. Try to get Ariana to go, if she won’t, have Chibs stay with her, and you go with Sophia. Whatever you do, don’t let Sophia see anything. Clay! Get up! Ariana’s been hurt!” Jax yell banging on his door, hanging up on Phil.
“I won’t let Sophia see anything.” Phil says to himself, calling Gemma before going into Sophia’s room to wake her up.
“Gemma, Jax says you need to get to his place, something happened last night, and you need to take Ariana and the kids.”
“Are they okay?”
“The kids are fine. Ariana, not so much.”
“I’m on my way.”
A couple hours later I’m still clutching the gun, sitting on the floor with Chibs next to me, when Jax bursts through the door.
“Baby.” Jax says, taking in the scene before him. Darren is dead on the bed, pants still undone, I’m cowered in the corner basically naked, a blanket wrapped loosely around me, gun clutched in my hand, and Chibs sitting next to me. Jax crouches down next to me taking the gun. Before wrapping me in the blanket and carrying me to the shower.
“He said he was going to rape Sophia. And then he would kill Abel. I couldn’t let him hurt the kids.”
“He can’t now. You took care of him baby, he will never hurt you again. I have to ask, did he rape you?” Jax asks, sounding pained.
“No, but he tried. Where are the kids, Jax?”
“My moms got them, Phil is there.” Jax sighs, pulling me into him before helping me remove the tattered shirt and starting the hot water.
“Let’s get you clean.” Jax says, taking in the bruises on my hips, thighs, and neck and the gash on my forehead.
“I was. I don’t know if I ever will be again, Jax. I killed someone.”
“It’s going to be okay baby, I promise.” Jax replies. “Now, get in the shower and I’ll get you some clothes.”
“Don’t leave me.” I cry, pulling him back into me.
“Baby, I’m never leaving you again.” Jax replies, running his hands down my back pulling me closer. “I’ll have Chibs bring in some clean clothes.”
“Let’s get you in the shower.” Jax says, pulling away, moving me toward the shower.
“Get in with me.” I say, still clutching him.
“Okay. Whatever you need.” Jax replies, stripping his clothes off and helping me into the shower, wrapping his arms around me under the hot water while I let the tears out that won’t stop coming.
“Stay with us at Gemma’s. I don’t want to be away from you.” I say, once the tears subside and my breathing evens out.
“I’m not going anywhere, baby.”  Jax replies, helping me wash my hair.
“I didn’t get to see Sophia or Abel this morning. I just want to hold my babies and never let go of them ever again. He said he was going to hurt them, Jax. He could have killed them.”
“He will never hurt them babe, no one will. Not with a badass mommy like you.”
“I don’t feel so badass right now.” I respond, leaning into his touch.
“I love you.” He murmurs in my hair.
“I love you too, Jax.”
“Can we give this family thing a shot?”
“I thought we already were.” I reply.
“I mean this mommy and daddy together thing. You and Sophia living here, and me getting to sleep next to you every night, for the rest of our lives.”
“I’d love nothing more.”
“Let's get dressed and go see our babies. I bet Phil could use a break.”
“Okay.” He helps me dress before we make our way out of the bathroom, I glance into the bedroom, Darren’s body still laying there.
“What’s gonna happen, Jax? How am I ever going to be able to come back here?”
“It’ll be okay. We will figure it out.” He steers me out of the house and toward his bike.
“Can we take the bug? I don’t trust myself to hold on tight enough with how bad I’m still shaking.”
“I’m not driving that. Why don’t you get a bigger car? One that has room for her booster and Abel’s car seat.”
“I’m kidding, we can take the bug.”
“And you’ll drive?”
“Yes babe. I don’t think we would make it to the corner without you hitting something, if you drive, because of how bad you’re shaking right now.” He says pulling me into him before leading me to the passenger seat, getting in and heading toward Gemma’s.
“You know, Sophia is gonna be 6 in a few weeks.” I say, trying to change the subject.
“She’s getting so big.”
“Yeah, she is.” I look up at him. “Opie didn’t get to finish teacher her how to ride her bike because she fell off. Maybe you can try?”
“Yeah, but let’s focus on you right now. Are you doing okay?”
“Jax, I’m trying to change the subject for a reason. If I focus on what happened I’m going to keep reliving the moment I watched the life drain out of his eyes, and Jax, I don’t think I’ll make it through this if I do.”
“How did you get him to the bed? The blood spatter indicates he landed in the hall when it happened.”  Jax says
“He was in the hall when I shot im him the chest. He just kept coming. I shot him 3 times. The head shot was as he got to the bed and he fell forward.”
“That’s hot, babe.”
“Jax, shut up and drive. I wanna see my babies.”
“Our babies.” Jax responds, squeezing my hand.
“Yes. Our babies. Maybe now Sophia will quit nagging me about wanting a little sibling.”
“Oh baby, that isn’t going to change. She nags me about having a baby with you. She wants lots of siblings.”
“She does? You never told me that.”
“She swore me to secrecy. She was afraid you’d get upset with her for asking me.” He responds, ending the conversation, putting the car in park and turning toward me. “Sophia is going to be confused, and probably ask a bunch of questions. You sure you’re up for this?”
“I’m up for it. Can I have that kiss now, Jax?” Jax grins, wrapping his hands around my neck, brushing the bruises on my neck lightly, and tangling his fingers in my wet hair before pulling me toward him connecting our lips.
“I love you.” He says, pulling away from the earth shattering kiss, the need of air too great.
“I love you too.” I reply, pulling him back in before leaning back and smiling at him.
“Ready to see the kids?” Jax asks.
“Let’s go.” I respond, turning and climbing out of the car, taking a moment to compose myself before making my way to the door.
“Mommy!” Sophia yells, running to me and wrapping her arms around my legs.
“Sophia!” I exclaim, tears coming to my eyes as I pull her up, kissing her head, and clutching her to my chest.
“Are you okay, mommy? I didn’t get to see you this morning.” Sophia says, pulling back a bit, wiping the tear from below my eye.
“I’m just fine, baby. Were you good for Grandma and Papa?”
“Yeah! Papa and Phil played dinosaurs and princesses with me in the backyard.”
“That explains the boas.” I say, letting out a small laugh as I look up at Phil and Clay and smiling. “Sophia, we are going to be staying here for a while, but daddy and Abel are gonna stay with us.”
“I’m going to go check on Abel. You go play.”
“I’ll come with you.” Gemma says, walking into the room.
“Daddy! Come play with me!” Sophia says, running back toward us and grabbing his hand.
“You going to be okay, darlin’?” Jax asks.
“Go play with Sophia. I’ll be fine.”
“You sure?” He asks, putting his hand on my neck and kissing my cheek.
“I’m sure. Also, it’s rude to leave the princess waiting.” I say, looking down at Sophia, who is staring up at her daddy, waiting for him to move. They make their way to the backyard, Jax glancing back at me, smiling before closing the door behind them. Gemma pulls me in for a hug. I break, sobbing into her shoulder as she holds me.
“What happened, baby?” Gemma asks, squeezing me tighter.
“He came in while I was sleeping. He tried to rape me, Gemma. I got him off and he just started going on and on about how he was going to rape Sophia and kill Abel. I couldn’t let him hurt my babies, so I shot him.” I cry.
“You did the right thing, sweetheart. 3 shots? Like Jax taught you?”
“Yeah.” I respond, pulling back to wipe the tears that just keep coming.
“It will go away, the shock. You did it out of protection, babe. I don’t want to imagine what would have happened if you didn’t.” Gemma leads me to the couch to sit down. “But I do know that little girl running around outside, her daddy, and even Abel, wouldn’t be the same. Her little spark has changed these guys. Chibs taught Jax how to braid, so he could do her hair. She brightens everyone's day. Some of these guys, like Happy,” She said, gesturing to SAMCRO coming in the door until everyone was there, “barely smile. But whenever Sophia comes around, things change, these guys are on the floor with her, they’re chasing her around. They play princess and dinosaur, they make sure Hank is always cleaned off when she drops him.”
“We are all glad you came back. While it might be hard to come to terms with it for a while, every time you look at those babies out there, I want you to remember that you saved them. Not Jax, not Phil, not the cops. You did, and that’s why Sophia is out there running around with her dad chasing her, why Abel is out there playing with Juices keys. Because you did what you had to do to protect them. Even if they never know you did it, you will always be glad you did.”
“Gemma, I-I I’m so sorry I left. I should never have left and took Sophia away. I can’t help but think about where we’d all be at now if I hadn’t left. Jax and I would have hopefully been together sooner, Sophia would have grown up with all these people that love her, you would have gotten to see her grow up, and I wouldn’t have let Darren hurt her. I broke her Gemma. I ruined her, and it’s all my fault. I was so angry at Jax, and I let that anger destroy the person I love most in this world. I’m so sorry.” I cry, she pulls me into her arms again, rubbing my back.
“Baby, even if you left for the wrong reasons, you thought what you were doing was right. You did everything you could to protect that baby and you got her out of there. You did everything a mother should. I love you, and I don’t blame you for anything that happened in Sophia’s life. You did the best you could. You were a child yourself. You didn’t know any better but you went out of your way to take care of her. As for you and Jax being together sooner, yeah, it would have been nice. Who knows where you guys would be now, but you guys have another chance. You have those two beautiful babies, and you guys have each other, and when you decide to take the leap and let him in, I know he is going to do everything he can to take care of you and show you the way you deserve to be treated by a man. He will be an idiot at times, you guys will fight over stupid stuff at times, but no matter what you guys will work it out. You and Jax are meant to be.” Gemma replies, wiping my tears.
“Gemma, I told Jax I love him.”
“That’s so good baby.”
“This is gonna work, Gemma. It might be nearly 6 years too late, but this will work.”
“Baby it’s never too late to find love. You know, I noticed the change, back when you were 17, when Jax started seeing you different, he looked at you with these eyes that held so much love I don’t think even he knew what to do with. Jax has loved you since he was a kid, even if it was in the romantic way. I always saw you two growing up, getting married, having babies. I’m so glad it’s happening, even if it’s not exactly the way I thought it would happen.” Gemma smiles, pulling me back in for another hug. “I knew you were in love with him too, even if you refused to admit it. You always lit up when Jax entered the room. When your mom left, no one could console you besides Jax, when your dad died and you clung to Jax for weeks, and every other time you needed someone you always turned to Jax. I’ve known you were in love with him for years. Even when you came back acting like you hated him.”
“I never hated Jax. I couldn’t. I’m just glad Sophia knows the truth. I’m gonna go play with Sophia, Jax looks tired. Thank you, Gemma.”
“Anytime, baby.” She replies, kissing my head before releasing me from her grip.
“Alright Soph, tell grandma and papa goodnight. It’s bedtime.” I say, picking up her toys.
“Night! Love you guys!” Sophia yells, hugging Clay before hugging Gemma, with a yawn.
“Come on, Daddy! You and Hank have to check for monsters!” Sophia yells, pulling Jax by the hand, he hands Abel to me, allowing himself to be pulled to the bedroom.
“You going to be alright, baby?” Gemma asks, standing up to take Abel from me.  “I’ll put him to bed for you guys.”
“Thanks, Gem.” I reply, standing up to make my way to Sophia’s room, Jax had already done monster check and was talking to Sophia.
“Hey guys, any room for mommy?” I ask, peaking into the room.
“There’s always room for you, mommy. Right daddy?” Sophia asks, looking up at Jax.
“Of course there is. Get over here, darlin’.” Jax replies opening his arms up to me.
“You’re still warm. How are you always warm, Jax?” I ask, cuddling up into his side.
“What can I say baby, I’m hot!” Jax laughs.
“Sophia, have you and Tommy picked a pet yet?” I asked her, knowing Jax doesn’t like this Tommy character.
“He wanted to get a bird, but I told him I was scared of them. He told me that birds aren’t bad, and that they are protectors.” Sophia looks up at me and Jax. “Can we go see the birds at the zoo, daddy? I want to see them.”
“If you want too, sweetheart. You can hold my hand, and whenever you get scared, just let me know and we can leave.” Jax says, using his hand to tuck her hair behind her ear, like he used to do to me when we were kids.
“I’ll ask grandma if I can see her birds tomorrow.” Sophia smiles, cuddling into Jax.
“If you feed them, they like you. Just like your mommy.” Jax says to her, smiling.
“Hey, everyone knows the way to my heart is through my stomach.”
“Yeah. Hot pockets.”
“No, Jax, that’s you. I like a good chicken cordon bleu, with mashed potatoes, Mac and cheese, and green beans.”
“Why are you so expensive? You can buy hot pockets for $2.”
“Since when do you care how much I spend on food? We have kids, Jax.” I say, giggling.
“I know.” He laughs, looking down at Sophia who had passed out.
“She’s out. Wanna sneak out?” He asks.
“Yep.” I reply, moving carefully out of the bed, waiting for Jax to get up. “Can I tell you a secret, Jax?”
“Anything, darlin’.” He says, leaving Sophia door cracked so we or Gemma can hear if she wakes up at night.
“The sex with Opie wasn’t actually that great.”
“What?” Jax asks, confused.
“I mean, in case you were wondering, the sex with Opie wasn’t as great as he made it seem. Actually, I haven’t ever had an orgasm, I faked it. He was just trying to make you mad.”
“What brought this up?” Jax asks around his toothbrush.
“I just wanted to clear things up.”
“Wait… never?” Jax asks, realization dawning on him.
“No… don’t make fun of me.” I mutter, blushing.
“Not even by yourself?” Jax asks, dumbfounded.
“Nah, never really been my thing.” I mumble, blush deepening.
“Wait... you faked it the first time we had sex?”
“Maybe… I didn’t want to make you feel bad. You were always bragging about your ‘abilities’.”
“Wow…” Jax whistles, trying to get over his shock. “Why didn’t you just tell me? We could have made it better.”
“I was embarrassed and it was my first time, so I wasn’t worried about it.” I mumble, going to side step him to go to the bathroom from the bedroom to change in to my pjs, his shirt and my panties.
“Not so fast, darlin.” Jax says, stopping me from hiding in the bathroom.
“Jax.” I mumble.
“I need you to do me a favor.”
“You need to be 100% honest with me when we start having sex. If you aren’t enjoying yourself, tell me, we can change it up.” Jax smiles.
“Okay, I promise.” I smile back at him.
“When you’re ready, I’ll show ya how a man should treat ya.” Jax winks, smacking my ass. I walk on into the bathroom smiling. The more I think about Jax’s offer the more I consider it. What’s the harm? I spend a couple extra minutes in the bathroom after showering, shaving my legs (and other regions), put on the perfume I know Jax likes, my panties, and take a deep breath thinking about what I want, before throwing open the door without a top on. Jax doesn’t notice me at first.
“Jax.” I say coming out of the bathroom. “I want you to show me how a man should treat me.”
“What?” Jax asks, confused before looking up from his phone seeing me standing there in just my panties.
“I want you to show me how a man should treat me, and I want you to help me erase the last memory I have of anything like this. I don’t want my most recent memory to be of what Darren tried to do.” I murmur, regretting my decision, I cross my arms over my exposed chest. Jax gets up and makes his way over to me, uncrosses my arms, and grabs my face delicately.
“Baby, don’t ever be ashamed of this beautiful body. You are gorgeous, and I will spend the rest of my life showing you just how gorgeous I think you are. Are you sure you want to do this? Don’t feel like you have to just because I want to. You went through something traumatic, and I know that can cause someone to turn to sex to feel better. I don’t want our second first time to be because you feel like you have to.” Jax says, looking into my eyes intensely.
“I want this, Jax.” I reply assertively. “Nothing but my want for you is causing this. If we are being honest I’ve wanted this for awhile.”  I reply, putting my hands over his that are still on my cheeks. He searches my eyes for a minute, before leaning in and kissing me.
“We can stop any time.” Jax replies, pulling me in for another, more passionate, kiss. I moan into it, as Jax picks me up by the back of my thighs, walking toward the bed.
“Are you sure you want this? Do you want to use a condom this time?” Jax asks, looking into my eyes, searching for any kind of uncertainty or hesitation.
“I want this, Jax. I want you, all of you.” I pull him back to me, locking him in a kiss.
“You asked for it, darlin’.” He pulls away and begins kissing down my jaw to my neck, leaving a trail of hickies in his wake.
“Jaaaaaaaaax.” I moan out as he begin to nibble on the patch of skin where my neck and chest meet.
“Ari. I know you want this, but this is about you feeling good. Do you trust me?” Jax asks, leaning back to look me in the eyes.
“More than anyone.” I reply, pulling him into a kiss. Jax moans, biting my lip as he pulls away. He brushes his fingertips gently over the cut and bruise I got from the nightstand.
“No one will ever hurt you again, as long as I’m alive.” Jax says, seriously.
“I know, baby.” I reply, pushing his hair out of his face, pulling him in for a tender kiss. He runs his hands down my exposed sides causing me to shiver.
“You. Are. So. Beautiful. Babe.” Jax says between kisses, peppering them down my neck and to my exposed breasts. “I’m not going to pretend like I don’t know some of the things you like, baby.” He says, before taking my right nipple into his mouth gently biting and sucking and using his thumb and forefinger to roll my left nipple.
“JAX!” I cry out as he bites down a bit harder on my sensitive nipple. He pulls away.
“Baby, even though I would love to hear you scream my name, you gotta stay quiet. Wouldn’t wanna Gemma and Clay to hear, would we?” He smirks, switching to my left nipple showing it the same attention. I bite back a moan, pulling his hair, causing him to groan into my skin. He kisses down my stomach, paying close attention to the bruises that were left by Darren. I move, uncomfortable with the attention to the part of me Darren marked up.  “Stop, you’re beautiful.”  Jax sighs into my skin, he bites at my hip bone, causing me to moan, I can feel his grin against my skin. After he has thoroughly kissed the bruises on the exposed part of my skin, he works his way further down, ghosting over my panties before moving onto my thighs.  
“Jax, please.” I beg, trying to pull his head back up where I want it.
“Patience, baby.” Jax smirks, kissing down to my knee leaving little love bites along the way.  I let out a frustrated moan, causing him to grin up at me.  Once he gets to my ankles, he works his way back up.  He spends a lot of time kissing and biting at my inner thighs, getting close to where I want him but not actually making it there.  After a couple minutes of his teasing, he finally hooks his fingers in the band of my soaked panties, looking up at me with questioning eyes, “You sure you want this?”  Jax asks, stopping every move.
“Please!  Don’t stop!”  I moan, pulling his hair.
“You might want to cover your mouth or  somethin’, darlin’, wouldn’t want you waking the whole house.” Jax grins, before pulling my panties down my thighs and throwing them across the room.
“If you’re not careful, I’m gonna bite you so hard Sophia is gonna ask why you have a booboo.” I retort, feeling shy when he spread my legs, taking in my soaking core.
“Bite away, baby.” He smirks, before licking a stripe from my entrance to my clit, pulling my clit into his mouth and giving a slight suck, before moving back down to my entrance.  He teases my entrance with his tongue, causing me to twitch a bit, letting out a small moan.  He start lapping at my core, making sure to miss my clit each time he goes up and then everyone in a while, throwing in a suck directly on my clit. He continues this pattern until I can’t take it anymore.
“Jaaaaaaaax. Please, stop teasing!”  I moan, tugging at his hair.  I feel him smirk against me.
“Beg for it, baby.” Jax replies, pulling away completely.
“Jax, please, make me cum.”  I beg, staring at him with lust blown eyes.
“Tell me what you want me to do, darlin’.”  Jax teases, gently running his fingers over my clit.
“I want you to make me cum with your mouth on my clit, and your fingers buried in my cunt.”  I moan as Jax wastes no time thrust 2 fingers into me, latching onto my clit with his lips and teeth.
“Oh, god! JAAAAXXXX!” I yell out, forgetting to be quiet, moans falling from my lips.
“Baby, you gotta be quiet.” Jax reminds, still pumping his fingers into me, taking a moment to add another finger.  I moan again, grabbing the pillow and biting down on it, trying to quiet myself as my hips stutter off the bed when he wraps his lips around my clit biting gently.  He continues his biting and sucking until I start feeling a coil tightening in my stomach.  
“JAAAAAAXXX! I think I’m close!” I moan, tugging his hair harder and grinding my hips down.
“You gonna cum for me babe?” He asks, pulling his face away from my clit, continuing to pump his fingers, curling them, and hitting a spot I didn’t even know existed, as his lips wrap around my clit sucking hard.  I let out a scream of his name, throwing my head back as I have my first orgasm.  My hips have a mind of their own and begin grinding hard on his face.  He continues his actions well after my orgasm ended, I start feeling another one coming on.  He keeps going until I’ve came three times by his skilled mouth and fingers.
“Stop… Jaxxx stop!”  I moan, pushing his head away from my oversensitive clit. Jax stops, a smirk on his face, and kisses his way up my body, pumping his fingers slightly still.
“You still up for more?”  Jax asks, kissing my neck waiting for my response, his fingers still pumping.
“Please, Jax.” I moan, clenching around his fingers as he pulls them out, suddenly feeling empty.  That doesn’t last long as Jax removes his sweats, his cock, springing up and hitting his stomach, leaking precum. “There is no way that is all gonna fit.” Jax lets out a full body laugh, his cock bouncing as he throws his head back, before fitting himself between my legs, wrapping one around his hip.
“Baby, I promise, it’s going to.” Jax laughs, rubbing it against my dripping core.
“But what if it doesn’t?” I moan.
“Do you trust me?” Jax asks, slightly rutting his hips against mine, his cock slipping through my folds and hitting my clit.
“Yes.” I moan, thrusting my hips toward him on instinct.
“Then trust me.” Jax replies, moving the head of his cock to my entrance.
“I trust you, Jax.” I moan as he begins pushing into me, going a bit in before pulling out and moving back in, slowing repeating the action until he is balls deep.  I let out a moan at the feeling of being so full.  
“Tell me when you are ready.”  Jax moans, trying hard not to move, my cunt squeezing him tight.
“Okay, you can move.”  I moan, wrapping my arms around his shoulders, kissing his neck.  He begins thrusting lightly, basically just grinding against me, his pelvis hitting my clit. I moan out, digging my nails into his back.  “JAAAAXXX.”
“You’re going to have stay quiet, babe.” He moans, his head in my neck, stopping his movements.
“How do you suggest I do that, Jax?” I whimper, panting.
“I don’t know. Bite me.” Jax pants, fighting hard not to move too much.
“Jax, would you please just fuck me.” I groan, tightening my legs around him. He begins thrusting, pulling almost completely out before thrust in slow and deep.  I moan, thrusting my face into his neck, trying to quiet myself.  
“Ari!’ Jax moans, thrusting a bit harder, biting at my shoulder.  I squeal in response.
“I told you, you can’t be loud. You could wake up Sophia. How are we going to explain this to a 5 year old? Plus, what if Gemma and Clay hear, you are going to be embarrassed.”  Jax thrusts a bit harder emphasizing his point.  I bite down on his shoulder where his neck meets his shoulder.  “Fuck. I forgot how hard you bite.” Jax moans.
“Sorry.” I pant, digging my nails into his back.
“I didn’t say I didn’t like it babe. If it’ll keep you quiet, then bite away.” Jax moans, thrusting his hips a bit harder and pulling my leg higher up his waist, going deeper.  
“Fuckkkk!”  I pant, moving my hips to meet his, our pace picking up.
“You feel so good.” Jax pants in my ear.  
“Harder!” I moan, biting down on his shoulder again.
“Baby, I don’t know if I can handle harder. I’m so close.” Jax moans, hips faltering a bit.
“Please!” I moan, reaching between us to rub my clit.  Jax knocks my hand away, bringing his own callused fingers to my clit rubbing it in fast, tight circles, speeding his hips up and pounding into me harder.  
“OH GODDDD, JAAAAXXX!”  I scream, completely abandoning being quiet, throwing my head back, digging my nails in his back and dragging them down. I squeeze his ass, feeling the muscles clench and unclench with each thrust.
“Ari.” Jax moans, biting down on my neck. “I’m s-so close!” He groans.
“M-me too, Jax. Oh god!”  I moan, feeling the coil tighten almost to breaking point.  I gasp as his fingers rub my clit harder and his thrust speed up and get harder.
“Let go, darlin’, let go.” Jax pants, his face scrunched up in ecstacy.  I throw my head back letting out a loud moan, sure to have woken the whole house.
“JAAAAAXXXXX!!!” I scream, my hips stuttering and grinding harder, my legs tightening around him as I cum.  Jax thrusts a few more times before his hips stutter and he buries himself deep inside of me, his hot seed spurting inside of me, he rides out both of our orgasms before stilling.
“We are gonna work on keeping it down. I forgot you were a screamer.” Jax pants, still resting over my body, his softening cock still inside me.
“Those were real screams though, the last time wasn’t.”  I breath, still trying to come down from my mind blowing orgasm.  
“Baby, the real ones were hotter.  I just hope we didn’t wake anyone up.”  Jax laughs, pulling out of me and moving to leave the bed.
“I guess we will find out in the morning. Where are you going?” I ask, too much like jelly to pull the covers over myself.
“Just getting a washcloth to clean you off, baby, don’t worry I’m not going anywhere.”  He disappears into the bathroom, the water running, and then he’s back, gently wiping between my thighs. I groan at the feeling of the rough washcloth against my over sensitive parts.
‘Sorry, baby.”  Jax whispers, throwing the washcloth in the hamper before joining me on the bed, pulling me closer to him, my head resting on his chest and my legs wrapped around him.  
“How was your first orgasm?” Jax asks, smirk evident in his voice.
“Fucking unbelievable.” I laugh, wrapping my arms tighter around him.
“Good, expect more where that came from.” Jax replies, planting a kiss on my sweat soaked forehead.  “I love you, Ariana.” “I love you too, Jackson.” I reply, dozing off.
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voightsgirl · 7 years
crossfire: volume i - chapter 16
a/n i’m not a fan of this chapter, but it’s important and i wanted to have one more from jay’s perspective!! sorry for the cliffhanger, though!! i will try to upload another chapter this evening because i’ve been a little behind this week and next week i’m not at home for much of it, so i’ll make up for it!! :)      & previous chapters can be found here
☆ fight for her ☆
"So that's it?" Erin asked, her eyebrows arched slightly. "No more paperwork or anything?"
The social worker, Sharon Macintosh, sighed. "It depends what you mean by 'it', Detective."
When Erin didn't respond, she continued.
"Since Avery is only in your custody for protective measures, yes, it is a significantly easier arrangement than should you be deciding to foster her for the first time, but you're not in the clear yet. I spoke to your Sergeant, and he's agreed to let me sit in at the district for a few hours each week when Avery is there – just so as not to spook her out or draw any attention to your residence while you're still working the case."
Erin nodded, trying to keep up with what she was saying.
"Speaking of your residence, I understand that you are cohabiting with your boyfriend, a … uh…Detective Jay Halstead?"
"I – yes. That's correct," Erin replied.
"Well, then, I'm going to need to meet with him separately before anything is set in stone."
"Okay," Erin frowned. "I don't see…"
"Ms Lindsay, you have to understand – normally, I wouldn't even consider this as a suitable placement for Avery. Leaving a fourteen year old witness to a murder with an unmarried couple who both work full time, long hours, one of which has a history of substance abuse and the other, not too long ago, was booked into the Chicago Med psychiatric ward for PTSD. Now –" she saw the brief anger flash across Erin's features and hastily continued before she could be interrupted, "-I've been doing this job for long enough now that I know that there's so much more to a person than what's on paper, and I can see that you and your partner are good people and that you want what's best for Avery. I have placed this girl in twelve different foster placements in the past four and a half years, and none of them have been so eager to actually help her as you seem to be. So for that reason, and that reason alone, I'm going to ignore what it says here," she tapped the brown folder containing all of Erin and Jay's information that she held tightly to her chest, and smiled at the detective, "and treat you as just another client."
Erin didn't even realize that she had been holding her breath until it freed her lungs and released a shaky breath.
"That being said, I'm going to need to keep a close eye. This placement may be only temporary, but I will not hesitate to withdraw my blind-eye and remove Avery from your care at the first sign of trouble, do you understand me?"
Erin nodded. "Yes, of course," she agreed. She made it look as though she had utter confidence in herself and her abilities to care for a deeply troubled fourteen year old, but she was so nervous inside that her palms had become all sweaty and she could practically hear her nervous heart ferociously pumping blood around her tensed body.
"You've spoken to your sergeant about arranging a placement at a new school for Avery, I hear," the social worker prompted.
"Yes," Erin told her. "I think that would be the best for her. A fresh start, you know?"
She nodded.
"Besides, I think I'll rest easier when I'm working if I know that she's surrounded by a safer environment and responsible adults," Erin added.
"What school are you planning on sending her to?" So many questions.
"Voight knows the Principal of Saint John's, and he owes him a favor or two."
"Saint John's, huh? That's expensive."
Erin shrugged. "Like I said, he owes Voight a few favors. Anyway, like you said, it's only temporary, right? I would never dream of sending Avery there long term – frankly, I think she'll hate it – but she needs the structure and discipline of a school like Saint John's, at least at first. Voight's arranged a place for the first few months. It's hers if she wants it. I'll drop her off myself each morning and I've asked the Principal to make sure that she won't be allowed to leave without either me or Jay there."
"And what if you or Jay can't make it?" she asked. Erin wondered if this was what it was like to be on the other side of an interrogation.
"Uh, one of my colleagues should be able to take care of it. Voight, maybe, or Burgess, if he's busy."
"And if you're all out somewhere on a call?"
"Sergeant Platt should be able to take care of it, or…" Erin thought for a second. Of course! She nearly slapped herself at not having thought of it sooner. "Will. Jay's brother. Or his fiancé, Natalie."
"Okay," she seemed satisfied. "Can I ask you to fill out these emergency contact forms for me?"
Erin raised an eyebrow. "I thought you said no more paperwork?"
To her surprise, the social worker laughed. "There is always more paperwork. You should know."
Erin grinned; Sharon seemed to be warming up to her. Taking the pen, she filled out a form each for Natalie and Will – thanking her lucky stars that her friends were doctors, and hoping that Sharon would be impressed – as well as one for Voight, one for Burgess, and, for good measure, one for Gabby and Casey, hoping that their experience with DCFS and the foster system from back when they fostered, and nearly adopted, Louie, would earn her a few extra points.
"Here," she handed back the forms, and Sharon took them, her narrowed eyes scanning the page to see that she;d done it correctly, before placing the papers inside her brown folder and snapping it shut.
"All done," she said lightly.
Erin breathed another sigh of relief.
"Oh, and one more thing."
Erin stopped short, nodding nervously.
"I think we should all go out for dinner tonight. You, Avery, Jay, and I. I'm going to stop by the district later to talk to Jay, but I think it's important to make sure Avery doesn't feel like everything is going on behind her back and that she doesn't have any control. I know I said I'd cut back on the normal house visits, but as long as you and Jay are there – you can ask your Sergeant to count this as overtime, bring your badges and your weapons, whatever – it shouldn't be a security problem, right? I've known Avery for years, so she's comfortable around me, and I just think getting her into a more neutral ground, such as a restaurant, is a better idea than anything on familiar territory, you know?"
Erin nodded. "Okay, but I'll have to swing it by Voight first. No promises."
"Thank you," Sharon said. "And just so as you know, I don't usually ask foster parents to bring guns to dinners out."
Erin laughed lightly, but stopped herself when she realized that the social worker had referred to her and Jay as 'foster parents'.
"Uh," she said. "We're not…foster parents. At least, not at the moment. We're just cops, doing our jobs, helping a person of interest in protective custody, right? Like you said, it's only temporary." But her voice was small and uncertain, and, in spite of herself, Erin found herself wishing otherwise. It's only temporary, she'd said, but she knew that she was reminding herself more than Sharon.
Something told her that the social worker was very, and happily, aware of the transience of the situation.
"Jay Halstead?" A voice from behind the detective made him jump slightly and he nearly spilled the coffee that he had just made himself all over his hand.
"Yeah…?" he said slowly. "Who's asking?"
"Sharon Macintosh, from DCFS? I'm here to talk to you about Avery Murray."
Jay remembered the phone call from Erin earlier, warning him, and he jumped into action. "Of course!" he beamed. "So lovely to finally meet you," he offered her his hand and she took it gingerly.
"Mmm," was her only reply.
Damn, he thought, Erin had said she was cold, but…
"Well, can I get you anything?" he asked. "Tea? Coffee?"
"Just a glass of water will be fine," she said pointedly.
When they had settled down at the table in the breakroom like a proper interview, Sharon started asking the questions.
"So, I get the impression from Erin that this whole situation has been initiated by her?"
Bam! There it was. Straight in there, Sharon, don't hold back, Jay thought sarcastically.
"She was the one who extended the offer of help – and she came up with the idea of Avery coming to live with us, yes," he told her. "But she asked me how I felt about it before she made any decisions, of course."
"And what did you say?" she asked, after she had scribbled something down into her notepad. Jay tried to read it upside down but before he got a good look, she leaned forward on the desk, covering her notes with her elbows as she shifted her weight towards Jay and clasped her hands together. She had a tiny shrug to prompt his answer.
Jay swallowed. "I said that I support her no matter what, and that if she feels that she – we – can make a real difference to Avery, then I'll back her decision a hundred percent."
"Even though it could mean a thousand new problems for both of you, as well as all the strain that it would put on your relationship?" she raised an eyebrow.
Jay stared at her. This felt an awful lot like an interrogation. What did she want from him? "Trust me, I can handle a teenage girl. And trust me, Erin and I are not going to have any…tension because of this. Like I said, I support her no matter what."
The social worker shook her head. "It seems to me," she muttered. "That you two haven't thought this through at all."
Jay stared at her again. "Excuse me?" he asked, stunned. What the hell?
"Neither of you have the faintest idea what you're doing. I'm sorry, but I can't let Avery stay with you just because you want to help. She isn't a piece of furniture, you can't just fix her up using an instruction manual and then go on your way. And especially given your history, and not to mention Erin's –"
Jay was furious. His fists had balled at his sides and a vein throbbed in his neck, his jaw clenching and unclenching as he tried to control his temper. "And what is that supposed to mean?" he demanded quietly, avoiding eye contact with her.
"I mean," Sharon sighed in exasperation, "that you can't seriously expect me to leave a fourteen year old girl in the custody of an unmarried, full-time-working couple, half of which is a recovering drug addict with priors such as possession and solicitation, whose mother is a convicted murderer, and the other half is a mentally ill cop who has also had restraining orders and allegations of excessive force!"
She was near shouting at him now, and Jay was absolutely fuming. The rest of the unit, who had previously been sat outside, engrossed in phone calls and paperwork at their desks – or pretending to be, at least, while they attempted to eavesdrop like the nosy cops they were – had now dropped any pretense and were openly staring at him through the glass.
"I'm sorry, Detective Halstead, but I just can't, in good conscience, grant you and Detective Lindsay custody of Avery."
She packed up her things, and opened the door, leaving it slamming shut behind her and Jay's heart breaking and stomach sinking because he really, really did want to help Avery out – seeing her shivering and sobbing and shooting up the previous night had been enough to convince him that she needed their help – but also because he couldn't bear the thought of having to tell Erin that it was his fault she'd have to send Avery back into the system again; his fault that Avery would think she'd been right the whole time when she said that they'd just spit her back into the system when they were done with her; it was his fault that Avery would lose hope and go back to hating the one person who was truly willing to fight for her.
Fight for her.
That was it.
Jay saw Sharon crossing the bullpen, and he saw his colleagues' eyes following her as she went, and he knew Voight was in his office next door and would see everything – and he didn't care. This was his only chance.
He flung open the door and stepped out into the bullpen.
"You're wrong," he spat. "You're wrong."
☆ ☆ ☆
thank you all so much for reading and supporting this fic!! if you’d like to be notified when it’s updated either head over to my ff.net account or message me and i’ll tag you at the end of the post :)
@allenting @sophiaxjesse @writteninthestarsandthesky @riverdaleangels@chillmydude @halsteadpd
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puppyeoll · 8 years
Devil in Disguise
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Joker!Baek (some good visuals in his tag for this particular piece)
AU list
word count: 4054 (ohmyyy!)
Fate had not been so kind. Or maybe this was for the best and it was only you who thought it to be unkind. That night on patrol was just another boring night; no special appearance by the Joker, or anyone for that matter. When Batman joined you later that evening to finish the watch, he commented on your seemingly low mood. It took you a moment to maintain composure so he wouldn’t suspect anything but in the end you tell him it was just another boring night. He laughed, and you sensed his relief that this was the worst of your problems at the moment, or so he thought. He never asked how you spent that afternoon and you made no effort to tell him of those few hours you spent with the Joker. Those few hours starting to feel like a dream and not a distant memory.
It’s been weeks since that day and you haven’t seen or heard of the Joker since. You were starting to think that maybe the boy you spent time with that day wasn’t him at all. Of course, that couldn’t be true because he told you things only he would know, but that didn’t stop the seed of doubt from growing. And then, the worst possible thing started to happen.
You were worried about him.
Worrying about a boy who had been taken in by a fiend made of living nightmares. A boy who was bred to strike fear into others with the devil’s grin. A grin so beautiful, you couldn’t find it within yourself to call it evil. And it was possible he wasn’t all evil. You had never even witnessed him do anything evil. Besides the fight you had when you first met, he’s been off the grid. But you couldn’t forget that certain gleam in his eyes that was an obvious sign that his moral compass was broken. What started out as defense slowly turned into a craving for that rush of adrenaline.
I wont hurt you… because I like you, little bird.
He said those words to you. In his struggle to not tip the delicate balance that was his mental state, he said he didn’t want to hurt you. Your biggest debate was whether you wanted to believe it was a true promise.
Batman called you down to the batcave one morning for a briefing. When you entered, he waited by the table with two very odd things. An elegant dress and a slip of paper in his hand.
“It’s about time you show some appreciation for me.” you say. He actually cracks a smile.
“As much as I do owe you, Robin, this is not for fun.” he walks over to hand you the paper.
“An invitation? I didn’t know the Batman goes to fancy parties.”
“He doesn’t. But he shows up when he needs to.”
“And Robin?” you ask, reading over the invitation. Judging by the name of the host, this was going to be a big deal.
“Let’s Batman know if he needs to crash the party.”
You give him an amused look, but as he stared back at you, he knew your thoughts.
“I’ll be there with you, don’t worry.” he turns around back to the table and from behind the chair, he pulls up a three piece tuxedo.
“As excited as I am to see this, what’s the real reason we’re going. I don’t remember the last time the heir of Kim Enterprises made an appearance without an ulterior motive.
He gave you an approving nod. “Perceptive as always, Robin. I have reason to believe the Joker will also make an appearance here.”
“The old and dead one, or the boy who was so lucky to inherit his title.”
“Doesn’t matter.” Batman said.
“Yes it does! They are two different people. Two different levels of destruction. Mind you, one isn’t even alive.”
“We don’t know that.”
You give an exasperated sigh. Batman had every reason to be paranoid that the Joker didn’t truly perish, but no news is supposed to be good news. And as you’ve thought about before, the new Joker didn’t seem like a true villain.
Getting dolled up was a lot more fun than expected, especially since being a vigilante wasn't always the most glamorous job. As you went about your day, you couldn’t help but have this terrible inkling in the back of your mind. Something was going to go horribly wrong. No matter how hard you wished for it to go away, the thought made a permanent stain amongst your thoughts. The faux date that was a couple hours of ice skating with the Joker couldn’t quell the impending storm you felt was coming.
The limo pulled up to the grand building where the event took place. The host was a new up and coming architect and wanted to show off what he could do. So far you were impressed, which meant the inside could only be that much more incredible. At the entrance was a bouncer, to which your invite was given to.
“Kim Junmyeon, and guest.” your partner spoke. The bouncer skimmed his list and checked off the name, motioning that you two could go in.
“And guest? Really?” you poke at him.
“You’re much more than that. You know that.” he soothed. You hated how he always knew what to say.
As he led you further into the building, you gripped his arm a bit harder, which didn’t go unnoticed by him. The interior was just a stunning as the exterior, putting you in awe as you made your way in further. Aside from the building, all the guests were stunning as well. Floor length gowns adorned all the women with the brightest and shiniest of jewels hanging from their necks and ears. Men were in tuxes of varying color, depending on who was sporting them, but still all equally handsome. You couldn’t help but pay special close attention to them because, just maybe, the Joker was amongst them. It was no doubt a recipe for trouble but it was still a thought in your head.
“Looking for someone?” Junmyeon whispered, noticing your glances around the room.
“Nope. Just admiring all the beautiful guests.”
He too looked around, nodding his head in agreement.
“Feel free to mingle. But be discreet.”
“You mean don’t tell them I’m Robin.”
He instantly pulled you closer, giving you a warning. Before he could say more, someone approached the two of you. You smiled widely.
“Minseok!” Junmyeon happily greeted. The other man smiled equally wide and shook both your hands. “Glad you could make it.”
“I couldn’t miss out on such a party.” he replies, pushing his glasses up higher on his nose.
“We’re always happy to have you visit.” you tell him. He gave you a wink, easily making you blush.
“Hopefully tonight will be just for fun.”
You turn to Junmyeon, looking puzzled.
“Did you call him?” you immediately deducted.
“I… told him it would be good to see him and asked if he was interested in joining us here.”
You give a skeptical look to Minseok.
“I can’t say no to Batman.” was his answer.
“Yeah okay. I don’t even wanna know what window you came through to get in here.”
They both laughed, so you took your cue to leave the heroes to talk business while you scoped the place out.
The party went on just as expected. You mingled a bit, keeping your story short since you hadn’t had much time to prepare much of a profile other than being an assistant to the Kim Junmyeon and working at Kim Enterprises. Other than that, nothing else seemed out of place. The host and star of the night gave a speech, explaining his story and then gave a toast to great company and gratitude for the great turn out. He was a young and genuine man. You were kind of hoping to get a moment to talk with him and at least congratulate him on his accomplishment. But of course, he was the popular guy tonight so getting him alone was proving to be difficult.
You went to get a drink, just some water after you noticed Junmyeon have a glass or two of wine. Someone had to be the sober one. As you pour yourself a glass, a sudden feeling takes over you. Someone was watching you. Casually, you look over your shoulder but see no one was within a few feet of you and most people had their backs turned. You turn around and lean against the table, feigning boredom, as you scan the crowd. People were mingling, dancing in the center under a grand chandelier, walking around admiring the building like it was a museum. But no one in particular paid you any attention. You shrug and sip your water. To your left, someone clears their throat. It spooked you a bit, still feeling on edge and the person laughed.
“I’m sorry,” they begin. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”
You turn your head and notice it was the host of the night. He was tall, handsome, and his voice was a very pleasant sound. Hearing him up close, only speaking to you was much different than how he sounded over a microphone addressing a crowd. His voice enveloped you in a warm embrace, and you just wanted to get closer to hear him speak more.
“I was just lost in thought, is all.” you explain. His smile was equally warm like his voice.
He opens his mouth speak but the lights suddenly dim. First slowly, and then they were nearly out save for a few spotlights focused at the top of the stairs. You were the first to look away, placing your attention to where the spotlights shined. The host stepped forward to get a closer look, but you instinctively grab his arm and pull him back. He doesn’t question your action as you step ahead of him and move into the crowd to get a closer. Your heart begins to race, sending chills over you as you shake away horrible thoughts. He couldn’t be here. He wouldn’t do any harm. But you knew it was too good to be true. It was the perfect event where nearly the whole city was gathered in one place. If he had a message to send, there was no better place than here. You scan the crowd but Junmyeon and Minseok were nowhere to be seen; which was hopefully a good sign. You near the edge of the crowd right in front of the stairs, looking up to the top and meeting that familiar stare. His face was neutral, but when his eyes locked onto yours, that devilish smirk lit up his face. A gasp is released from the crowd.
“It certainly is a beautiful night to have such an extravagant party.” the Joker says. “I’m a bit offended I didn’t get an invitation.” he pouts, bottom lip turned out and eyes glistening.
“Who are you?” the host asks. He really must be new to town because everyone else in the room clearly knows who the party crasher is.
“I’m so glad you asked!” the Joker replies excitedly, jumping onto the railing and sliding down expertly. It was your cue to get out of there to change but you were held in place by the Joker’s stare. He landed perfectly at the bottom of the landing, waltzing right into the crowd right before you could make your escape, his eyes on you the entire time. He walked passed you like he didn’t know you while the rest of the crowd parted like the sea for him as he walked to the center. As he gave his grand introduction, you ran to the north end where the foyer was. The bathrooms were off to the side and you slipped in unnoticed. You Robin gear was stashed in the supply closet, courtesy of Batman, and you changed faster than you ever had. By the time you entered the main room, the Joker was only just starting his act. Surprisingly, Batman was nowhere to be seen.
Staying close to the walls, you aim your grapple to the top floor and fly up to land perfectly at the top of the stairs. Just as you replace the tool in your belt, Batman joins you at your side.
“Oh! Batman, you weren’t invited either? Seems like the host isn’t very generous to those unlike him and all these other mundanes.”
You felt Batman seething next to you, but he was calculating. Striking too early surely wouldn’t end well, so he let the Joker babble on and wait for a more opportune moment.
“But you aren’t the real Joker, are you?” the host spoke up. He maybe be a genius designer and architect, but not so smart when it came to handling villains.
“No, I’m not.” the green haired boy answered, swinging his cane in his hand. “I’m what’s left of him after his demise. I may not live up to his title, but I can try.”
“I don’t think you’ll live long enough to succeed.” Batman interrupted. You look at him, unable to conceal your shock. What he said was extremely dark, even for him.
“Play nice, Batman. I haven’t even begun what’s in store for tonight.” the Joker aims his cane upwards and shots exploded. What came out were small fireworks, lighting up the dome ceiling. The crowd gasped but everyone was in a small state of awe. The Joker opened his suit jacket and took a handful of something and stuffed it into his cane. He began shooting again but this time, confetti came out, though not the good kind. The confetti flew high up but as it floated down, they began exploding and noxious fumes began filling the air. Batman immediately raced down the stairs, nearly flying to begin evacuating the guests. A few windows shattered and you didn’t need to look to see what caused it.
“It’s Superman!” people began to shout. Just in time, he used his powerful lungs to suck up the toxic fumes and then flew out the window to release them where they wouldn’t cause harm.
You kept your eyes on the Joker the entire time, waiting for him to do worse. And he did. Clearly unhappy how his plans were being foiled, he loaded his cane and aimed at Batman. You cry out to warn him, but it was too late. A sticky bomb landed on the Dark Knight, rendering him immobile and sending him to the ground. You leap down the stairs to tell people to keep calm and evacuate, but an explosion stops the traffic. The two columns near the foyer entrance lay in a pieces, blocking the way out. You then tell people to find safety at any place they can.
As they rush passed you, you make your way to the Joker, ready to take him on. Quickly looking to Batman, he gives you a nod before he goes back to freeing himself from his sticky prison. With staff in hand, you swing it and hit the Joker’s cane, knocking it loose.
“Little Bird, I’m glad to see you here.”
“But why are you here?”
“If Superman can be invited, when he doesn’t even live here, then why am I to be left out?” he retrieves his cane and leans on it casually.
“Because you’re here to hurt people.”
“No one has to get hurt unless they’re in the way. I just thought this party could use more entertainment!” he throws his arms up in a grand gesture, more confetti and streamers flying out of his sleeves. They explode high in the air, but not as pretty fireworks like before. The gathering of smoke in the room finally sets off the sprinkler system, effectively drenching everyone on the room.
The struggle you felt within you, to fight or not to fight was fading. No one may be hurt, but he was endangering the people and he must be stopped. You flew at him with your staff raised high, striking him hard.
“It doesn’t have to be like this, Robin.” he says coolly.
“No one is impressed with your tricks!” you again aim for his cane but he fights back, defending from your hits and even landing some onto you. In the back you hear Superman return and help Batman up. Together they try to create a new escape route for the guests.
“If you all leave, no one will see the grand finale!” the Joker exclaims. He breaks away from your fight, running towards the stairs with you in hot pursuit. He detaches the flower that was pinned to his suit and presses its center. Each of the five petals fly in different directions, some high and some low. They attach to other columns and two go up to the chandelier.
“No stop!” you cry.
There were still too many people running around. If the chandelier falls, there’s no way it won’t be without casualties. You run back to divert people away from the impending crash. Screams grow louder as the petals begin exploding. From the corner of your eye, you see the host on the ground, nearly getting trampled by the stampede of guests. You go to help him up, but something strikes you hard, making you collapse on the ground. It was a piece of the chandelier beginning to shatter. Batman is at your side in an instant to help you up. The damage wasn’t dire, you were still able to move without too much trouble. Superman flies high to go after the Joker but you call out to him to help the people instead.
“Batman, please find another escape, I can handle him.”
Through his cowl, you knew he was looking at you with extreme concern. But he trusted you. So he listened and left you to prove yourself. You turn to see the host getting up, giving you a slight smile.
“I’m fine, just get him out of here.” he tells you.
Before you could say anything, another explosion grasps your attention. The Joker marches down the stairs as smoke and fire are left in his wake.
Anger fueling your being, you dispatch all your batarangs and throw them at the Joker, but he expertly deflects them with his cane.
“I know all your moves, little bird. There isn’t much you can do to stop me.”
He runs at you, cane raised and you fight again. Parring off each others hits, you wonder if the battle will ever end. The pain in your back from the hit earlier begins to weaken you. The Joker hits an opening and you fall to the ground. He presses the end of his cane to your chest, pinning you there.
“Why are you doing this?” you ask, finally exhausted.
He leans closer to you. A crease in his brow reveals his frustration. The sweat beading at his temples show just how tired he is too. “I have yet to prove myself. I can’ let him take away anything else from me.” he whispers.
His face softens, but you don’t hear his response as he gets knocked over by Superman swooping down, scooping you up in the process.
“What did he say!” you cry. “Put me down!”
“The building is collapsing, I’m evacuating everyone as fast as I can. That means you too!” he yells back. You squirm out of his arms so quickly he almost drops you. He gets you down safely behind turned over tables, far away from the center of the room. Surveying the room, through the mist of water and smoke you see the Joker standing in the middle under the chandelier. You notice his tired stance, leaning on his cane like it was his only support with his head down and hair covering his face. He lifts his hand straight up and something flies out, landing on the only remaining light in the room directly above him.
“Baek, no!” you shout.
He looks up and meets your gaze. His expression mirrored yours. Surprise, mixed with the slightest hint of hope.
The chandelier explodes, raining down in millions of tiny little pieces. You hop over the table and race to him. The entire sprint there, all you could think about was why did you call him that, and why in the world did it feel so familiar. You run straight into him, pushing him out of the way of the falling remains of the chandelier that would have killed him.
The entire room is in smoke and the rain still falling from the sprinklers. You lay in a heap with the Joker, but it seems the impact has knocked him unconscious.
“Please wake up.” you whisper to him as you shake him. Looking around, the building was nearly empty. You could hear coughs and a few cries from people as they look for their companions who remained unseen. Batman and Superman haven’t found you yet, so you took the opportunity.
Dragging the Joker’s limp form, you find a crawl space in the rubble of the columns and go through there. It eventually led to the outside, where the air was cool but dry. People were scattered all over the entrance, still exiting the building or looking for others. Police, firetrucks, and ambulance were already on the scene, but you didn’t want to get caught. Sticking to the shadows, you escape into the first alley you find. Halfway down, you feel the Joker come to, coughing and struggling to move.
“I’m fine. Let me up.” he says, and you do as so. He straightens but immediately trips forward.
“You’re hurt.” you acknowledge, throwing his arm over your shoulder so he could lean on you. He turns to look at you, blood dripping down the side of his face, but a smile was on his lips.
“Turn left when we get to the end. I know a place we can rest.”
You follow his instructions, where he eventually led you to an abandoned pastry shop. He took a key out from his pocket and got you two inside, locking up afterwards. It made you nervous, but only slightly.
“No more tricks up my sleeves. Please don’t be scared.” he says, collapsing into a booth that still had the seat intact. You make your way to him slowly, but then give in and fall into the opposite seat. You were exhausted.
“You know my name.” he finally mentions.
“I do.”
He looks at you curiously. “How?”
“I don’t know.” you admit. “I think I’ve said it before.”
The Joker leans back, contemplating your words. “Not since we’ve met.”
“No. Some time, long ago.” you muse. You couldn’t remember for the life of you why you knew his name. There was just an inkling that you’ve said it before, in a situation similar to this.
“I’m sure the Batman is looking for his Robin. You must go.” he says, breaking your contemplation. Looking up at him, his face shows just how torn he is to say that. He was in a rare moment where he was thinking clearly, and thinking of others well being.
“Contrary to your belief, I can take care of myself.” he smiled. And it was the most convincing smile ever.
“If you’re sure.”
“Don’t come looking for me. You’ll see me soon enough.” he gave you a wink too.
“Don’t throw all your charm at me all at once.”
He leaned forward, resting his chin in his hand. “I knew you found me charming.”
“A discussion for another time.” you say, standing up to make your way out.
“Goodnight, little bird.”
“Until next time.” you mimicked him with a grand bow, only to remember your back was in excruciating pain.
“There’s only room for one of us to be like that.” he joked.
You both stared at each other a moment longer, engraving this moment into your memories, along with the one that haunted you from so long ago. Just before you stepped out, you turned to ask him about that moment.
“A discussion for another time.” he repeats to you, easily knowing what you wished to ask.
You smile, leaving on that note.
Some more action for y’all! Did you like my batman and superman reveal? Any guesses on who the host is?? (or suggestions, since I’m still deciding).  I was listening to the entire Beauty and the Beast soundtrack while I wrote this (aka it took me a really long time!) Any comments or critique is always appreciated :) thank you for taking time to read this <3 
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