#excited and afraid!!!
ladywhistleballs · 4 months
This is exactly how I picture them after colin and pen married 😂
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feveredblurs · 9 months
❛ everybody knows . about us . the sex . ❜ (isiro)
the panic in isi’s voice does not go unnoticed. ro supposes it’s expected. their night together hadn’t been planned, after all. and it wasn’t as though they properly confessed their feelings – or sorted out anything about their current back and forth, really. as dettached as ro tried to appear, she was still hurt by isi’s departure all those years ago. she’d hadn’t forgiven her... but she realized she couldn’t stay away, either.
“ the sex? ” ro repeats with a laugh. she didn’t mean to poke fun at isi’s wording, but her embarrassment was too cute to pass up an opportunity to tease her. “ what’d you expect? we weren’t exactly subtle about it. you coming to my dressing room after the show was a huge tell. ” she says it like she hadn’t been pacing around the room just moments prior, praying that isi would show and that she had not imagined the look they exchanged on stage.
“ they’re not gonna tell anyone, if that’s what you’re worried about. ” lexi couldn’t care less. pedro probably hadn’t even realized anything was going on. and mal... it wasn’t like they were exclusive, anyway. if she did know, she might not even care that ro and isi slept together.
getting up from her seat, ro closes the distances between them with a large step. “ you’re freaking out for no reason. we just need to be more careful from now on. ” with how she effortlessly towers over isi, it’s hard not to take advantage of that. ro finds herself leaning down, eyes locked onto isi’s as she inches closer to her face.
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she wonders if isi can see how nervous she actually is up close. how easy it would be to crush ro’s heart when she’s hanging onto her every word, terrified of rejection. “ unless you wanna stop? ”
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inkskinned · 1 year
hey btw if you're in the USA at  2:20 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Oct. 4, they're testing the emergency broadcast system. your phone is probably going to make a really loud noise, even if it's on silent. there's a backup date on the 11th if they need to postpone it.
if you're not in a safe situation and have an extra phone, you should turn that phone completely off beforehand.
additionally, if you're like me, and are easily startled; i recommend treating it like a party. have a countdown or something. be surrounded by your loved ones. take the actions you personally need to take to make yourself safe.
i have already seen mockery towards any person who feels nervous about this. for the record, it completely, completely valid to have "emergency broadcast sounds" be an anxiety trigger. do not let other people make fun of you for that. emergency sounds are legitimately engineered to make us take action; those of us with high levels of anxiety and/or neurodivergence are already pre-disposed to have a Bad Time. sometimes it is best to acknowledge that the situation will be triggering for some, and to prepare for that; rather than just saying "well that's stupid, it's just a test."
"loud scary sound time" isn't like, my favorite thing, but we can at least try to prevent some additional anxiety by preparing for it. maybe get yourself a cake? noise cancelling headphones? the new hozier album? whatever helps. love u, hope you're okay. we are gonna ride it out together.
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dirtgrubber · 4 months
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too many cute scenes to choose from @morningstarwrites
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linkedin-offficial · 1 month
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hymnheart birds, better known as "hymns", or "travel mount" birds, are a genus of bird derivative from todays common flocking birds of sky (doves), and the less common nightbirds.
during the days of prosperity, these birds were bred to be large and capable of carrying many passengers, as skypeople flight was not a common form of travel. similarly, it wasnt uncommon to find a smaller version of these birds (usually bred by hand, and not by known breeders), meant for single person travel, that was also often used in racing. these lesser travel mounts are known to have sparked the use of mantas for racing and speedy travel, as mantas were faster and smaller, and functionally better for the same uses.
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in modern day, these birds are considered to be extinct. after great technological advantages like flying boats becoming mainstream, and soon after the modernization of 'caped' flight, hymns numbers had begun to dwindle due to simply no longer needing them for their main purpose. unlike hymn travel however, manta riding remained persistent as a practice, as the species was abundant, and did not need skypeople aid to continue to breed.
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few individuals, like those of the nester families, continued to breed these birds, but eventually discontinued the practice as it became laborious and took too much time.
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sliceoflifebear · 1 year
Tldr: I need a BLT pride flag.
Story time: I painted my nails with my wife’s nail polish to look goth for a day and surprise her at work. Great times to be had but I never removed it because I forgot nail polish remover is a thing!
I’m at work, we have old school blue collar conservative dudes that are blunt and nice. (Pending you arnt too open about yourself)
I am in the lunch room and one member who I call “Slick” looks at me. His expression was a mix of betrayal and confusion. His mouth agape and his eyes sunken with sorrow and hurt. “Well hey (bear) what’s with the nails. Are you one of them BLT people?”
Internally I held in a laugh. I told him the goth tale and he happily told me to use some chemicals they had in the back that would take it right off. I ain’t telling them I’m Pansexual, because I don’t want to lose my job and they don’t need to know. But, I now associate myself as part of the BLT community.
I need a pride flag made and it’s colors form a BLT sandwich.
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hajihiko · 1 year
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Thunderclouds 🌩
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rorah · 7 months
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As they talk, Leraye seems to find a comfortable grip on the back of the horse and starts dragging it back and forth across the table, wood skidding on wood. 
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"...Who was her father?" he asks slowly. "I don't know. I never got his name. We met at a tavern." "In Fhirdiad?"  "Hm...maybe?" Byleth says. Then, "Oh." "He was blond, I suppose?" Her eyes fixed on his, Byleth nods. "He was." "Caught up in his own troubles? Stumbled out afterwards without so much as asking for your name?" "Something like that," Byleth murmurs. She's pulled Leraye protectively into her lap, but she's watching him with curiosity. Interest.
A Closer Look by Ammeh LERAYE IS BACK 🙌 I am a big sucker for Long biblical fics but this 1.7 k words fic is so tasty and short I can eat up like candy anytime, anywhere, not much time invested and it's perfect. Living in my mind and heart since 2023 🫰. And of course, had to draw these scenes that has been haunting me since that year And tbh I am not done yet LOL I NEED TO DRAW MOOORE
Attaching the whole page to show the references used for this practice.
My original ideas were slightly different in color settings, but I went with the vibrant colors of the references in the end because i can't make bold decisions T__T (and also i love using EVERY COLOR / I struggle using a limited color pallet tbh C': ).
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Check the first post here
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 6 months
I was looking at your Halloween posts of the HoM and a thought occurred. Is Ben's extreme fear of ghosts/spirits and stuff related to his experiences with Ghostfreak/Zs'skayr?
And how did such fears affect his initial meeting with Danny?
Yes it is related! Original Ben10 run always gave me an impression that beside Vilgax, Ghostfreak/Zs'skayr left probably one of the most lasting impressions on 10-year-old Ben. After all, imagine you are 10 and you can tranform into aliens, but one of them almost takes over you and nearly kills your family member. Like??? I would be having an existential and identity crisis, not to mention the nightmares about not being able to control your own body and hurting your loved ones???
And sure, he defeated Zs'skayr multiple times, but I like to think that his fear of being controlled/taken over by Zs'skayr (or anyone) left one of the deeper scars on his psyche (amongst like a bajillion of others).
So, yes, that fear and trauma did affect his first meeting with Danny >;) very badly.
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Their first encounter was full of misunderstandings and miscommunications all around (sort of like what we see happen between Rex and Ben in Heroes United but even worse) AND it didn't help that Ben was... let's just say, not in the greatest state of mind at that time and Danny didn't have the most rational and calm reactions to the situations either. Both had their own valid reasons, but it's still wasn't very good, lol.
There are also two very important extra circumstances surrounding their meeting that contributed to their reactions, that I dont want to spoil, because it would be more fun to try and tell in a story. xD
And there hopefully will be one, because Danny&Ben first meeting is one of the flashbacks that I had a lot of ideas for AND is important to the AU.
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trustypaladin · 5 months
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The Butcher
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abitcaughtinthemiddle · 4 months
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While ruminating on how stressful part 2 is going to be watching Penelope struggle to reveal herself as LW to Colin, I keep thinking about the whiplash she must be feeling.
She had spent so many years longing for Colin and had just come to terms with giving him up and starting a new life without the man she loves.
She was going to marry Debling and continue being Whistledown. That was the biggest draw for her, outside of getting away from her family- it was Whistledown. She wouldn’t have love but she would have solace in her work, her writing.
And now, in the span of one night, she has to come to terms with the rest of her life being completely different than what she thought it would be.
I know we’re all stressing for her to tell Colin, but I really do empathize with her probably feeling incredibly overwhelmed on top of being afraid of losing every last good thing in her life.
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satoumafuyuss · 4 months
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Day 4 - Neck Kiss (aftermath.. technically lol)
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venusmage · 1 year
Listen I love that D&D became mainstream, seriously, I think overall ttrpgs becoming more and more popular is a good thing. 5e is when I finally actually got into D&D for the first time so I'm not knocking it.
BUT there's also something to say for how WotC's treatment of the IP has gotten a bit more...watered down, corporate and "safe" feeling where it's explicitly trying to cater to the broadest common client now, since it became a major franchise. Heaven forbid the "normies" feel like nerds for playing the nerd game genre, after all. The pre 5E books I picked up are from before then, where it's not really trying to be mass-appealing or hide it's inherent goofy nature yet, it's playing it's silly or weird qualities earnestly, and I really love that. I'm excited to read them.
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the gradual shift in joel from being the guy who’s so desensitized that he can carry a dead kid the same way he carried sarah to the site of her death and toss the corpse into a fire without blinking to being the guy who has a massive breakdown and almost nukes his whole life from the fear of ellie being irreparably harmed while under his care......and the way the last few episodes the show go out of their way to specifically test him on that fear.....like hey joel you’re mortally wounded and can’t protect or take care of her, what do you do. hey joel while you were bedridden she went through the worst experience of her life, what do you do. hey joel [insert spoilers for last ep here, you get the idea]. and he rises to the occasion, he pushes through the fear for her, because she asked him to. she wanted him to be the one to deliver her. she didn’t want anyone else. and he’s decided he’s going to give her whatever she wants
it takes time for the realization that he’s gonna have to confront his worst nightmare to really sink in. he’s built up a mental fortress against what happened to him 20 years ago. and you see that when he really starts to care is when all of that comes back up. the time skip between ep 5 and 6 was probably the Joel Quietly Freaks Out with Increasing Frequency and Intensity variety hour
and him telling her she’s not his daughter. aside from being that thing where you say the worst thing you can think of to someone when you’re trying to end your relationship with them so you can’t go back and change your mind later. but also, when you peel back all the layers of pain and fear, that’s him saying “you are not going to die.” up until that moment it’s the most honest and open expression of his feelings that he’s shared with her. his daughter died in his arms. that’s what happens to “joel’s daughter.” so ellie cannot be his daughter
that probably should’ve been 3 separate posts but it’s season finale day and i’m unmedicated, fuck it
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terristre · 1 year
I know request says closed but I just wanted to tell you that we’ll finally be getting the Glorious Masquerade event this month. Any thought pookie? You excited?
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I AM COUNTING DOWN THE DAYS til i can bully this man 💥🥊
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thasorns · 26 days
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