#( im bacckkkk /ooc )
ask-kaboom · 1 year
Hey Ka-Boom, what are you up to?
" I was trying to build something until one of you just- *sigh* until i got scared "
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hxzbinwrites · 4 months
Yayyy! Vox was who I wanted to make a request for so I was thinking what if female reader is an overlord who deals with weapons that can kill sinners and hellborn. Maybe she is also an owner of a nightclub? maybe she died in the 1920s and she knew Alastor as well and maybe she’s had a crush on him but he’s not interested in her so then she goes and she dates Vox but then she catches him positioned with Val and she doesn’t know the extent how Valentino is abusing Vox so then fast forward 7 years later and they meet again because she’s helping Alastor and of course that makes Vox jealous and angry and Vox just wants her back and he’ll do anything to show her that he changed and he just wants her back. And maybe he explains how Val treated him and then a happy ending heheh. 🤭 I love your stories. Also maybe reader is badass and is like doesn’t need a man because she got herself but she also loves when Vox protects her? Kinda like that song on TikTok from Olivia Rodrigo that goes “I’m a feminist obviously but I wouldn’t really mind him saving me”
Vox x Fem! Overlord! Weapons Dealer! Reader | Stayed Gone
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(A/n): IM BACCKKKK!!! Sorry this is kind rushed, but it was a really fun write!!! I’m promise I’ll get working on more requests but i’m gonna take it easy to slide back into writing after my little break! Thank you to all of those who supported me through this!! ❤️❤️
Warnings ⚠️: Cussing, Vox is OOC, Cheating, Violence, Short (sorry :( )
“YOU SON OF A BITCH!” (Y/n) said, throwing a wine glass across the room, particularly aiming at the TV who was caught in the act with a certain moth.
“(Y/n), babe, ‘ts not what it looks like I swear-“
“Oh really?” She said, a venomous lilt in her voice,”cause right now it looks like you’re getting screwed by your little business partner? Huh? Am I not right on the money sugar? Oh, but where’s that little sarcastic buzzer now?!”
Vox slipped his pants on, zipping up his fly while trying to walk towards (Y/n)
“I swear, you’ve got it all wrong. I’m..this isn’t…we’re not…”
“Save it.” She said,”This, us, is over. Our business deal is over. And if you even try to negotiate or give me some shitty excuse, this little turf you have will belong to my empire and become my next factory.”
Vox was left, standing here, shirt off and wrinkled pants on, watching as the love of his life took the bare necessities and walked out of his life, all while Valentino watched and smirked at the sight.
7 Years Later
“THAT FUCKER IS BACK!!” Vox screamed, his fists slamming down on the table. A month before (Y/n) walked out, the infamous Radio Demon went MIA, and has now returned to the scene, alongside the Princess of Hell, Charlie Morningstar.
“Yeah” Valentino said, in a sultry voice,”I thought he was gone for good too”
“It’s been seven years!” Vox huffed, turning away from the screen, missing a very crucial person who just walked outside to scope the situation of the attack on the hotel.
“You still pissed he almost beat you that time, right before your little angel walked out~?” Valentino teased, rubbing Vox’s digital cheek on his screen, causing a squeegee noise to be emitted
“Uh, fuck you!”
“Just saying!”
“Things have changed a lot since they both left town!”
“That’s for sure”
“I gotta send a message to who’s, really in charge of things now!!”
“Welcome home, I’m gonna make you wish that you’d stayed gone! Say hello, to a new status quo. Everyone knows that there’s a brand new dawn, turn the TV ON!!!”
“Top of the hour, and we’re discussing a certain ‘has-been’ who has been spotted cavorting around town after a seven year absence! Did anybody miss him? Did anybody notice? More on tonight’s program!”
“So the Radio Demon is back in town! Why’s he hanging around? What does that mean for your family? Well handily I’ve got good news, he’s a loser, a fossil, and I don’t mean to sound hostile, but the demon is a coward!”
“You can take that as gospel! Pulling my viewers? Impossible. I’m visual, he’s barely audible! Stop giving him the time of day, don’t listen to a word he’d say! I hope he had a nice vacay, but he should’ve STAYED AWAY!”
“While he rid in radio, we’ve pivoted to video! Now his medium is getting bloody rare!! Hell’s been better since he split! Where’s he been? Who gives a shit!”
“Salutations! Good to be back on the air~!” A familiar, static filled voice responded.
“Yes I know it’s been a while, since someone with style, treated Hell to a proper broadcast. Sinners rejoice!-“
“What a dated voice!-“
“Instead of a clout-chasing, mediocre video podcast-“
“Is Vox insecure? Perusing allure? Flitting between this fad and that, is nothing working?”
“Ignore his chirping!”
“Everyday he’s got a new format!”
“You’re looking at the future, he’s the shit that comes before that!”
“Is Vox as strong as he purports? Or is it based on his support? He’d be powerless without the other Vees!”
“Oh please!”
“And here’s the sugar on the cream, he asked me to join his team! I said no, stole his girl, and now he’s pissy, that’s the tea!”
“Uh oh, looks like the TV is buffering” A new voice said, mocking Vox’s breakdown. Except it wasn’t a “new” voice, it was (Y/n). (Y/n), with Alastor, at the Hazbin Hotel.”
“I’m afraid you’ve lost your signal” Alastor said, taking the mic back before finishing his number.
“Let’s begin~”
“I’m gonna make you wish that I’d stayed gone! Tune on in! When I’m done, your status quo will know it’s race is run! Oh this will be fun!”
Vox could hear Alastor laughing alongside (Y/n) in the background, as his monitors start to flash “no signal”
“FUCK!” He whines
The gang was all downstairs, Charlie explaining what tomorrows fun activity would be when a loud banging was heard on the door.
“A NEW GUEST!!” Charlie squealed, stars in her pupils, as she ran to go open the door, only to be met with a very tall TV Overlord.
Alastor’s antlers shot out of his head while (Y/n)‘s weapons were at the ready.
“I come with no harm!” Vox said, raising his hands, before locking eyes with (Y/n). His digital eyes made little heart pupils before blinking them away, embarrassed.
“(Y/n)…” he breathlessly said,”I-I know you hate me…but please, I-“
“Save it Vox.”
“I wish I could explain to you that night, or even today, but I can’t! This….deal has my lips sealed shut my love-I mean (Y/n). I-I just…I cannot explain myself with this contract I have.”
“Wait” Angel Dust said,”You’re Valentino’s little situationship, right?”
“If that’s what you wanna call it….”
“Wait….oh shit” Angel said, walking over to him,”I…I know what it’s like…”
“I know…I see you around his studio…I’m not above owning souls, I have my own, but to work with him…? I’d…..I’d free you all in a heartbeat….”
“Vox?” (Y/n) said,”are you in some sort of deal with Val over your…body.”
Vox could only look at her, not able to give her any conformation.
“Oh Vox…I…I didn’t know…I-“
“I know dear…” Vox said, smiling sadly,”but you have a erm….partner, of sorts, not your finest option but whatever, now and I wouldn’t want to intervene-“
“Oh Alastor? Me and him aren’t in a relationship” (Y/n) replied,”You know him, Mr. Ace in the Hole!”
“A what now?-“
“Ohhhhh, that…that explains so much.” Vox said, looking at the Radio Demon.
“Vox…I-I think we need to go home, talk about this in private….after I squish a bug.”
“Okay…” Vox said, holding (Y/n)‘s hand,”but what about this hotel?”
“I’ll still work here, with everyone, I believe in the cause. I just didn’t think you’d want to.”
“Maybe I can….put some ads on if you’d like-“
Vox smiled, a genuine smile for the first time in a while,”Yeah, yeah I think I need to hang here a little more often…detox a little…”
“Good, I can’t have you stressed out too much, I just got you back.” (Y/n) said, rubbing his digital cheek affectionately,”my little trophy husband”
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