#( inardescere; kaveh. )
hancfubuki · 1 year
Acting normally towards Kaveh, there was no reason for him to change his behavior. It is pretty obvious by now some things did change, yet at the same time gaining a title is not really a big difference from the previous domestic interactions they had. What did change was him in the morning kissing the top of the blonde’s head before leaving the house. ‘I’ll be back late today’. That’s all he said, starting his way to the Akademiya. He is not going to be far away from home, and in any case Mehrak will always be connected to his earpieces. Still he doesn’t ask for explanations or a detailed list of the activities Kaveh’s going to do through the day. Probably at the Tavern, or drinking with someone. Squints. That’s dangerous, actually. But he is far from over thinking, that’s Kaveh’s job after all.
Routine hasn’t changed that much since that particular day. Work, tavern, home. An usual pattern he accustomed himself to follow strictly during the week-- work days, actually. He couldn’t say his job was tedious, but lately all the applications were so badly written he was starting to get bored, rejecting each one of them after reading only one sentence. That was enough to tell if the person is a good applicant or not, call it experience, or call it laziness. Whichever it was, Alhaitham knows exactly how to handle this burst of horrible apps that appear at certain time of the year. Working late is not usual either. As soon as the clock marks the end of his shift, he completely forgets about anything that is related to work. Unless, something urgent comes to disrupt his perfect and meticulous regime. 
The urgent matter: Lord Kusanali asking for tea. 
Groans. He is not the social type. He is not one for divinities, and in fact, he sees her as just another person. Doesn’t care about her ‘archon’ status, and he is curious about her taking such liking to him after the incident. He sort of saved her, though? So he can understand why she likes him, but the company was not bad at all. It felt like spending the time with your favorite aunt, yes, the closest description he could get for her. She looked like a kid, but perfectly could be his grandma. Ah. Perhaps that’s the reason he is unable to refuse the invitation, another relationship that could cover for the empty space in his heart. 
As always, the gathering goes well. He talked a bit with Nahida, about the applicants, about Kaveh, about subjects that might be considered boring for others. However, all the time he is there, he is thinking about returning home. And the time finally comes, yet again, thankfully he is not far away from home. The sound of the keys clacking in his pocket, this time leaving a copy for Kaveh as he did not feel like taking them, just for today. The door opens, taking a look inside of the room, looking for the blonde’s figure with his eyes. Though, his gaze focuses on the living room. At first glance, everything seems normal, perfect even, casual. Two sets of instruments, two set of plates and two-- no. There are three glasses over the table. This cannot be fully considered suspicious, but they are used to leave two of each item scattered all over the house. It’s only two of them, so seeing an extra glass on the table only means someone was home. Or is. 
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Alhaitham frowns lightly, staring carefully at the empty room and trying to see if there’s glances of other people. Taking a quick guess, perhaps the traveler and Paimon are around, but he would know for sure if that little noisy floaty being is around. His tongue clacks against the roof of his mouth. He is not going to dwell on it. Instead, he walks towards the sofa, cape being thrown at the other sofa, shoes messily left next to the furniture. His belt pouch, always full of things. The music device left at the side of his body, taking a book out of it as he comfortably lays down on the sofa. The belt is discarded somewhere on the floor, and then he simply takes off his shirt, tossing it aside. Messy as always. But oh, the comfort of being at home! He knows Kaveh will appear to scold him for leaving everything on the floor. Normal routine. Light perfectly set to a reading mood, eyes focused on the pages of the book he is reading. Today’s subject is philosophy, another book he will probably finish by the end of the week. Who cares, though? He is just waiting for Kaveh to appear and yell at him. Or kiss him as a greeting, whatever comes first. 
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frozenambiguity · 1 year
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@inardescere's Kaveh, because I have made it my mission to annoy all your muses.
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Elevates his right hand, inspecting his knuckles, fingers, and recently painted nails. Kaeya had never thought about it before, but now that the suggestion had been made, he found himself thoroughly pondering it.
«Well, I do suppose doing henna could compliment the black nail polish...» It is as they say — there is always a first time for everything. It is important to try all that the world has to offer. The captain could even learn a new thing or two in the process. He has always been curious about other cultures and their customs, artistic or otherwise.
«Very well, then», he says, wearing a pleasant smile as he nods. «I shall be in your care from now on. Is there any place fit for one such artistic activity?»
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hancfubuki · 11 months
The sound of the birds chipping is extremely noisy for him to continue sleeping in the comfort of his bed. Finding difficult to open his eyes, almost as if they were glued to his skin, Alhaitham lets out a grunt of complaint as he turns around to pat the side of his bed. Empty. Something he was used to, except for the past days when a certain someone has been climbing on his bed. He remembers to have him on his hold last night, and the idea of the blonde waking up early on such day was enough to make him squint, wondering if he decided to work. Though, the smell of freshly brewed coffee coming from the kitchen tells the scribe his companion is already working on breakfast. 
Haitham doesn’t like celebrations. The idea of making a fuss and a big party over the anniversary of your birth is something incomprehensible to him. He has never seen Kaveh been way too eager to celebrate his birthday ever, but, the idea of showing his appreciation at least once a year is an habit he has picked up since they started living together. This year he made an special order. Hearing from Cyno and Tighnari that they were going to Mondstadt for the Windblume Festival, Alhaitham made sure to commission a crate the famous dandelion wine. He has never been in Mondstadt, and as far as he knows, Kaveh hasn’t been there either. However, rumor has it, the dandelion wine is one of the best wines that can be found across Teyvat, and of course, it was the perfect gift for someone like the architect. What he didn't count on was the fact they were going to be back together by this time of the year. Something completely out of his plans yet making the situation more meaningful than before. Especially when this crate has been kept hidden in a place where Kaveh couldn’t find it.
Another grunt leaving his lips, stretching his arms on the bed as he finally decides it’s time to stand up. His feet automatically direct him towards the kitchen, wanting to find the familiar figure with eyes half opened and still sleepy. He wraps his arms around the other’s waist, face burying on his shoulder as he hums in bliss. 
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“Happy birthday, love.” He mutters softly, the hold on his waist tightening a little and bringing him closer. The pet name easily slipping from his lips, knowing now he is permitted to say such things and act all clingy as soon as he wakes up. “How’s the princess doing?” His chin rests on top of his shoulder now, staring endearingly at Kaveh for a few seconds before going closer and kissing his cheek. “Ah, I got you a gift. Been saving it for months already. It’s hidden somewhere in the house.” Because otherwise, if Kaveh found that crate it would have been gone by now. “If you want to know where exactly it is, you have to go back to bed with me and cuddle me.” Now he can make such demands, and he is not going to let that opportunity to waste. 
@inardescere​ && kaveh
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hancfubuki · 9 months
@inardescere && Kaveh:
From here.
Truth to be told, Alhaitham didn't buy the story about Kaveh wanting to win the TCG game. Both of them were competitive, especially when they were confronted by each other, but TCG was very far from the nature of their usual competitions. Still, he knew he could win with closed eyes. Alcohol was usually not a problem either, the Scribe had an extremely and ridiculously high tolerance that made other wonder if he, truly, was human, allowing him to drink lots of booze without having to worry about the burden of being drunk or even experiment a hangover the next day. He, whatsoever, has noticed himself acting a bit more laid back than before. Haitham has always been an inflexible individual. He does as he pleases, doesn't listen to orders, respects his own boundaries and make sure others respect them as well. Unless of course, you are Kaveh. Who knows what got in his head tonight, perhaps the sweet taste of Lambad's new wine, the fact he doesn't care if he spends millions of mora in one go, or how tremendously gorgeous Kaveh looked under the moonlight that peeked through the tavern's window.
Goblet behind goblet, turning into bottles. The spirit of competition getting inside his body. Oh, right. It was a bet.
'I could win against you even in a drunken status.'
Haitham didn't like to heavily drink in public, he liked the comfort of his home, where he could spill wine on the carpet as he jumps over Kaveh and drags him down to kiss him all night. Something he could do in public without caring, as public indecency seemed to be one of his favorite activities while Kaveh fed that behavior. And so, the scribe blinks, and all he can see on his lap is the beautiful blonde he was admiring from his seat located at the other side of the table. The prettiest man alive in Teyvat. He blinks again, lashes fluttering to stabilize his gaze, not allowing it to get blurry. Hands gripping on his thighs, nails clawing on the fabric, knowing the skin underneath should be looking red right now. Haitham was not able to compliment him a lot in the past, as the architect would get uncomfortable. That would have damage the strange arrange they used to have. But now he is free to do so, taking every chance he got in order to tell Kaveh what he truly thinks of him, how he sees him, how much he admires him in a daily basis, and to remind him that he will always be the subject of his thoughts throughout the day.
"I made a bet, didn't I?" Haitham is quick to retort. An arrogant undertone in his voice, yet the pink flush on his cheeks keeps demonstrating that he is not fully on all his senses. Still, he can argue back, act like the brat he truly is despite enjoying the full attention he is receiving from his lover. Ah... Being so cocky and confident right now. It was reminiscent of their days at Akademiya, when Kaveh used to be taller and a little bit more dominant than now. Pulling his chin up to separate him from whatever book he was reading, only to proceed to call him a 'good boy' when he reacted obediently.
'It's bad courtesy not to look at someone's face when they are talking to you.'
Alhaitham's lips parted in awe, staring directly into the cocky smile the architect has. He surrenders to the motion, allowing Kaveh to do as he pleases as he simply stares, admires quietly for a moment, finding himself unable to reply back, guess he doesn't have to be a brat all the time. His head tilts, feeling the soft lips on his jawline , moving to his ear as the sensation of his breath against his skin sends tingles down his spine.
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"It does." He replies with honesty. No complaints, no witty comments. Almost as if he was in some kind of trance, completely hypnotized at the sight of this cocky Kaveh that barely appeared recently. "You make me happy." For a moment, he forgets about his surroundings, where they are, as the space becomes blank and his eyes only focus on Kaveh. Moving his head, silently asking for his head be pet, hold his hair, or pull it, whatever. His arms wrap around his frame, hands softly squeezing the sides of his waist, perfectly fitting in his palms, perfect for him. "Am I good for you?"
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hancfubuki · 9 months
Kaveh waits for Alhaitham to come, looking up with alcohol flushed cheeks and a dopey smile. He feels good even if he had been sulking at his device just seconds ago. Now, he's scooting aside and patting the sofa, a sign that Alhaitham should sit. When he does, Kaveh reaches out and wraps his arms around his neck, swinging himself right onto his lap sideways. "Perfect," he giggles, nuzzling his cheek against softer ones. Baby soft. What was he supposed to do again? Oh yes, the name. "Husband?"
It was a whim. Seeing that term on the screen of his device, the sudden need to listen to it directly to his ear appeared in a blink of the eye as he started playing hard to get.
He knows the blonde is wasted. Already picturing him, from the comfort of his bed, with his red cheeks and silly smile, giggling softly on the couch and shifting his emotions. It was enough to get him out of the bed. Despite days off meaning an entire day of nap for the Scribe, disturbing his schedule for the blonde has become the norm to him. So he stands up from the bed, stretching his body a bit before going to the living room, only to find Kaveh patting the empty space on the couch. It doesn't take him long to feel his weight on his lap, gladly allowing his hands to run across his body, starting from his hips, going down to his thighs. Caressing every inch of his legs, squishing his ass for a moment as a sign of joy upon hearing such nickname directed at him.
"Again." He whispers softly, a peck placed to the corner of his lips, letting him know it is a reward for being obedient. Though, he feels like listening once more and more. After receiving such gift from Kaveh, the Scribe finds himself eager to get their marital status official. He would be lying if he didn't accept this scenario has been repeating in a loop inside his mind. All he ever wanted as soon as he met Kaveh, and now he has the privilege to listen to it. "Husband..." Alhaitham repeats, faces getting closer as the tip of their noses snuzzle together, butterfly kisses fluttering against his cheeks. "It has a nice ring to it." It's there, barely visible, the blush on his cheeks as his bright eyes stare deeply onto red orbs. He is so mad in love with this man, and he realizes he could listen to him for hours.
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frozenambiguity · 1 year
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Rooting from the sidelines!!
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