#( int | gilly. )
usafphantom2 · 19 days
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66 Squadron at Gravesend, September 1940.
standing: F/Lt Robert Oxspring, P/O Crelin Bodie and F/Lt Kenneth Gillies.
S/Ldr Rupert Leigh, P/O Arthur Watkinson, P/O Hugh Heron, P/O Hubert Allen, Air Observer Hewitt (Squad Adj), P/O J Hutton (Squad Int. Off.) P/O Hugh Reilley
@colourhistory via X
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montreux-suisse · 18 days
L'Histoire de la Médecine et Son Évolution Vers la Chirurgie Esthétique : Une Introduction pour les Débutants
L’histoire de la médecine est l’une des plus anciennes et fascinantes de l’humanité. Depuis les premiers soins apportés aux malades jusqu'aux avancées technologiques de la chirurgie esthétique moderne, elle reflète la quête continue des hommes et des femmes pour comprendre le corps humain, soulager la souffrance et améliorer la qualité de vie. Ce texte présente un aperçu de cette évolution et explique comment la médecine a progressivement intégré la chirurgie esthétique, qui est devenue un domaine en pleine expansion dans le monde d'aujourd'hui.
Les origines de la médecine : des soins primitifs aux premiers médecins
La médecine existe depuis que les êtres humains ont cherché des moyens de soulager la douleur, de guérir les blessures et de traiter les maladies. Dans les sociétés primitives, la guérison était souvent liée à des pratiques magiques ou spirituelles. Les chamans ou guérisseurs utilisaient des plantes, des rituels et des incantations pour traiter les malades.
Au fil du temps, des civilisations comme l’Égypte ancienne, la Grèce et la Chine ont développé des connaissances médicales plus élaborées. Les Égyptiens, par exemple, ont créé des traités médicaux écrits et utilisé des techniques de soins avancées, comme les bandages et les traitements à base de plantes. Dans la Grèce antique, des médecins comme Hippocrate (considéré comme le père de la médecine) ont proposé que les maladies ne soient pas des punitions divines, mais plutôt des déséquilibres naturels à corriger par des soins rationnels.
Le Moyen Âge et la Renaissance : progrès médicaux et premières interventions chirurgicales
Pendant le Moyen Âge, les connaissances médicales ont progressé lentement, souvent entravées par des croyances religieuses et des superstitions. Toutefois, certaines régions comme le monde arabe ont fait des avancées notables. Le médecin arabe Avicenne (Ibn Sina) a compilé des traités médicaux influents, dont Le Canon de la Médecine, qui a été utilisé en Europe pendant des siècles.
La Renaissance (14e au 17e siècle) a marqué un renouveau scientifique, avec une redécouverte des textes grecs et romains et un intérêt croissant pour l’anatomie humaine. Des figures comme André Vésale, qui a réalisé les premières dissections anatomiques systématiques, ont jeté les bases de la médecine moderne. C'est également au cours de cette période que les premières interventions chirurgicales ont vu le jour, souvent dans des conditions rudimentaires et risquées, mais ouvrant la voie à des innovations futures.
Le 19e siècle : la naissance de la chirurgie moderne
Le 19e siècle est une période cruciale dans l’histoire de la médecine, marquée par des avancées majeures. Les découvertes sur les germes par des scientifiques comme Louis Pasteur ont permis de mieux comprendre les infections, menant à des techniques d'asepsie et de désinfection qui ont révolutionné la chirurgie.
C’est également à cette époque que l’anesthésie a été introduite, rendant possible la réalisation d’interventions chirurgicales plus longues et complexes sans que le patient ne souffre. Des chirurgiens comme Joseph Lister ont également développé des techniques pour réduire les infections post-opératoires, posant les fondations de la chirurgie moderne.
La fin du 19e et le début du 20e siècle : l'émergence de la chirurgie esthétique
L'idée de la chirurgie esthétique est née à la fin du 19e siècle, en partie en réponse aux besoins des victimes de blessures de guerre. Les premiers chirurgiens esthétiques ont travaillé à reconstruire les visages et les corps des soldats blessés lors des guerres mondiales. À cette époque, des médecins comme Harold Gillies, un pionnier de la chirurgie reconstructrice, ont posé les bases de la chirurgie plastique moderne.
Le terme "chirurgie esthétique" fait référence à des interventions visant non seulement à reconstruire des parties du corps endommagées, mais aussi à améliorer l'apparence physique des patients en bonne santé. À la fin du 20e siècle, ces techniques se sont popularisées auprès du grand public, qui a commencé à y recourir non seulement pour des raisons médicales, mais aussi pour des raisons esthétiques.
Le 20e siècle : la révolution de la chirurgie esthétique et des soins esthétiques
Le 20e siècle a vu une explosion de la chirurgie esthétique et des soins non invasifs, propulsée par de nouvelles technologies et un changement de mentalité sociale. L'après-guerre a vu une augmentation de la demande pour les procédures cosmétiques, et les progrès en matière d'anesthésie, d'antibiotiques et de techniques chirurgicales ont rendu ces opérations plus sûres et plus accessibles.
Au fil des décennies, des interventions comme la rhinoplastie (correction du nez), la liposuccion (retrait de la graisse), et l’augmentation mammaire sont devenues courantes. À cela se sont ajoutées des techniques non chirurgicales, comme les injections de toxine botulique (Botox) et d’acide hyaluronique, qui offrent des solutions moins invasives pour lutter contre les signes du vieillissement.
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444names · 1 year
the entire article on the 1st annual australian international jazz festival from wikipedia
Achrears Achricke Acralson Acrams Acrold Action Ader Adia Adizzy Adurniew Afted Afterick Aheld Alks Ally Almoss Altetues Althence Ance Anded Anis Annates Annuat Apper Appy Araded Arday Ardebt Ardeddy Ardersed Ardon Areve Arria Arriew Arrimmy Arriven Arshold Artion Atemotay Aten Atist Atre Attersed Aturneup Augh Aught Ausic Ausoning Aust Austay Aware Awarted Awartio Awkineup Awking Awkip Bandebt Banded Basted Becast Beck Becorth Beet Befoled Beforee Begand Beint Beir Beirset Bericed Bersed Bighling Billow Bily Boaran Bout Briew Brinee Brip Brive Brived Brohde Brolvist Broth Brove Brubee Brushigh Bruss Bryclub Budia Budions Buted Buter Chight Colan Cold Comike Comikip Comptis Dands Dayedne Daying Delbout Deral Ding Dingin Dinging Dion Diset Distree Dium Doorded Drome Dross Duce Eadcas Ealing Earted Eaver Ernighan Eventend Evience Evies Evis Feardat Feart Feartime Fericato Fild Fille Fily Fined Fing Fivin Folarah Folerip Fordon Forgan Forth Fortion Foryce Fred Freher Fret Gaison Gent Gild Gilly Gineup Gint Ginut Gortent Grams Gran Gread Grear Gred Grethren Halearah Halson Halten Hand Hander Hands Happeric Hawking Heal Healk Hearrive Heate Heatout Heing Heir Hels Helson Henreve High Hild Hisbance Hiso Hole Holed Holer Imey Imike Imikip Iming Impten Inted Intersic Intet Jack Jacke Jazinte Jazzy Jime Joinesen Joing Joingild Jonds Jonee Jonight Karaing Lanis Lannual Lartio Latted Lemort Lers Lian Ligh Lighlia Lined Ling Linuared Locald Locasken Loctonal Loperive Lowed Loweed Lowerion Lowers Lowily Lown Lows Mage Mand Maniso Many Mcday Melsone Miket Miking Mine Ming Mint Moriels Mort Morte Morting Mory Must Mustio Networ Neup Ning Nocalth Noutedia Onatice Onder Onesed Oney Ought Ovended Over Ovintern Pears Pedium Percust Pers Pies Plan Pland Plannual Playinut Prad Praded Pralk Pralles Pran Precome Preek Pria Prick Prion Privaust Privence Proadia Proarsed Progaing Prolan Prold Prom Prompted Proneste Pross Protay Protho Prove Quars Quate Quatte Quin Raid Ralth Ramey Rams Realkso Rear Reastay Reaving Reavist Reck Reco Recom Recorist Redio Reed Reedist Reek Reence Reennies Rehe Repor Repore Reporic Reptined Resepor Reth Reve Rever Revillow Reving Robeturs Roduce Ronal Ronised Rost Rotern Rusir Rustrial Salmosts Saraidne Sarric Sars Sation Sationes Schring Sedium Sheacken Sheas Sheree Shight Shily Ship Shipeddy Shis Shisban Shistrah Sholvie Shost Shout Sicial Siciand Sick Sionatin Sitioney Stal Statine Ster Stet Stised Stols Ston Stran Strand String Strossit Strote Swiked Swikinah Swinut Switive Sydn Sydne Tatic Tayed Tedium Theadvan Thearad Theas Theine Thost Thouncer Thouted Thowinte Thre Threhey Tinews Tion Tobe Toled Toles Tons Tormand Treading Trive Tues Turic Twed Tween Unce Unclub Unds Upcone Valmor Vard Vars Vaugh Vielvie Viesday Viest Views Vill Ving Vist Warde Ware Wareet Wars Wart Warteddy Wass Wastedid Weddy Welve Whey Whold Whost Whough Whow Wild Willes Willows Wily Wine Wined Wing Wition Woric Wornal Woryclub Yeal
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mvsquerade · 2 years
closed to : @profcss​ location : courtyard time : mid evening
The dance ends, but the music goes on, the violinists picking up their bows once more and the conductor raising his hand to begin anew. She doesn’t know where Rahat is, having lost them two dances ago, but she doesn’t look for them. She doesn’t want to. It’s as if she’s standing on a precipice, and if she sees them, she’ll fall. It’s all too much, her heart betraying her head; another drink would do her good, but she doesn’t reach for one. 
Inebriation is something she can’t afford when there are too many people she knows and too many she doesn’t. Despite the grandeur of the manor and intrigue surrounding Mr. Ashton, this party is still like any other party for one reason alone: she can’t slip up. 
Her mistake for thinking it would be any different. 
She opts for fresh air instead, the night breeze cooling her skin as she steps out into the courtyard, her gaze snagging on a familiar figure sitting at the edge. Though the last time she’d seen Gilly was at the cemetery, and since then, has only traded short snippets of conversation and briefly exchanged glances with him, she drifts over. The weight of grief and raw truth does not feel so heavy here; maybe something has reset.
“We always find each other, somehow,” she says, taking a seat next to him. “This backdrop is a prettier sight than the last time, though.”
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waveofstars · 4 years
@xstabcastx​ liked for a starter !!
“She’s not home,” AJ called out, fingers wrapped around a warm cup of coffee as she leaned against the railing of her porch. Sharing land with her sister was always interesting - even though they had built separate houses next to one another like a little compound, AJ felt as if their lives often overlapped. AJ noticed her sister’s friend approaching the porch of her sister’s home just moments before she called out to her. “Gilly’s on a trip with her girls. Not sure when she’s coming back,” AJ further explained. Even though this was mostly her sister’s friend, AJ often felt like they were on good enough terms to at least be acquaintances of sorts. Normally AJ discouraged people to linger around these parts, but she felt inclined to talk a little. “I know I’m no Gilly, but do you need something?”
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gobbie-boom · 4 years
where they stand: gillyfix shortstep
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✖ FINANCIAL – wealthy  / moderate / poor / in poverty ✖ MEDICAL – fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / deceased ✖ CLASS OR CASTE – upper / lower / middle / working / unsure ✖ EDUCATION – qualified / unqualified / studying
✖ MARITAL STATUS – married, happily / married, unhappily / engaged  / partnered / divorced / widow or widower / separated / single / it’s complicated ✖ CHILDREN – has children / no children / wants children / adopted children ✖ FAMILY – close with siblings / not close with siblings / has no siblings / siblings are deceased / it’s complicated ✖ AFFILIATION – orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by both parents / other
✖ disorganized / organised / in between ✖ close-minded / open-minded / in between ✖ cautious / reckless / in between ✖ patient / impatient / in between ✖ outspoken / reserved / in between ✖ leader / follower / in between ✖ sympathetic / unsympathetic / in between ✖ optimistic / pessimistic / in between ✖ hardworking / lazy / in between ✖ cultured / uncultured / in between ✖ loyal / disloyal / in between ✖ faithful / unfaithful / in between
✖ SEXUALITY – heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / omnisexual / demisexual ✖ SEX – sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable ✖ ROMANCE – romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable ✖ SEXUALLY – sexually adventurous / sex experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious / uninterested (generally)
✖ COMBAT SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✖ LITERACY SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✖ ARTISTIC SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✖ TECHNICAL SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
tagged by: @kich-rp​ thank u!! <3
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tagalcngs · 5 years
setting: your muse ( f only ) has been sitting at marston’s bar for the past few hours and he isn’t comfortable with letting you drive home.
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“ so, are you planning on heading out soon, or are you looking to close down the bar and go home with me? “ marston cringed immediately at his choice of his words, hand pausing from wiping down the bartop. “ i DIDN’T mean it like that. “  he quickly said. well, he kind of did. she was pretty, definitely somebody he’d take home for the night. “ you’ve had a lot to drink though, and there’s no way i’m letting you get in a car. so either call an uber because we close in ten, or you can stick around and i’ll drive you home. “
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xdestinyisall · 4 years
╳┊ @elctrxmstcr​
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          ❝——¿Qué ocurre?❞ preguntó al verlo, actuaba bastante extraño desde aquel extraño hechizo pero Greta sentía que había algo más y lo cierto es que tenía miedo de que sus sentimientos simplemente no fueran correspondidos, o no de la forma en la que esperaba. 
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terriblyfinal · 7 years
                    For all her years, Gilly had only ever known two true homes. Both were cold and cruel, but they both offered safety that couldn’t be promised, outside of their walls. So, she stayed. She took Craster’s and Castle Black for what they were: protection. It wasn’t until Sam told her of the citadel that she’d even considered a different kind of life. A better one. And, for that, there was only one person she could thank. 
                    She rapped her knuckles gently on the Lord Commander’s door, huddling close to it to shield herself from the wind. “Jon? Are you in there?”
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thedemisedroyal · 3 years
Dangerous Betrayal | TVD/TO
The Vampire Diaries & The Originals
AU Story
I do not own the name of Scarlet Witch, nor anything involving her, I just really loved the name, it suits my characters. It belongs to Marvel and everyone on that side, I only own 'Esme' and her plot lines/storylines.
• E S M E •
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"The one of all kinds.."
"The one that rules all.."
"The one who is darkness and light combined.."
Voices..that's all the girl heard as she was forced awake, it was nearly three o' clock in the morning, pitch black outside with everyone asked in the Gilbert household. Except for a stumbling Esme who was trying to make her way out the bedroom to call for help, but it was as if her body was controlling it against her will, driving her away.
Instead, she fell atop her desk, dropping books, papers, pens and pencils on the floor, making a lot of noise. She supported herself on the dark wood desk, her hands clenching the sides of the desk. Jordan looked up, the mirror that was attached showed the girl her reflection.
Her eyes were glowing a neon scarlet red, along with the same colored flares dancing around her hands. She tilted her head a bit, confused as to what was happening. It was a moment as if the world around her stopped, a light bulb turning on in her head,"Oh no." The goddess knew exactly what she was, or what Esme was. "Shit, shit, shit..you've got to be kidding me." She ranted, but her anger was swept away and relaxed by immense pain, she yelled in agony.
Her hands clenching even tighter, if possible, on the sides of her wooden desk, the sounds of snapping filled the room. Jordan fell to the ground, holding her head, letting go of the two, rather large, chunks of the desk she broke off from her inhuman strength. Jordan curled into a fetal position, clutching her head, opening her shut eyes, seeing the walls of her room covered int the same red scarlet flares that shined from her eyes and covered her hands.
That was the last thing she saw before she completely knocked out, welcoming the dark abyss.
"Esme!" The female voice echoed throughout the dizzy-headed girl, who was still in fetal position on the floor, beside her bed. "Esme! Get your butt down here! You said you would help me get ready for the Founder's Day Party!" The brunettes eyes slowly opened, taking in her surroundings, noticing the bright, shiny sun pouring into her room.
Jordan groaned, holding her head as she slowly lifted herself up from the ground, just sitting on her butt, looking around her room with widened eyes. It was completely wrecked and ruined, her bookshelf was on the floor, the books covering the room all over. Her hanging paintings were on the floor, slightly ripped and scratched. Her mirror on her desk was cracked all over, shards of glass scattering on the floor and desk beside her. Clothes that were perfectly hung in the closet and folded in her drawer, which was on the ground, were thrown into different places all over her room.
She got up from the floor, in complete distraught and shock,"What the fuck happened." Jordan cursed under her breath, walking around her. As she walked towards her curtains, where the sun shined through, her arms had hit the rays of sun, making her skin sizzle from the contact. "Shit!" She yelled, pulling the arm away, grabbing on to it as pain spread through her wound. Jordan looked at it, seeing the bubbling skin, that was literally smoking, heal within three seconds. "Woah." She whispered, she touched the healed wound, confused as to what happened.
Jordan slowly moved her hand to the rays once again, slightly shaking with anticipation. She sucked in a breath was she was once again burned with sunlight. Quickly pulling back, taking a deep breath, already seeing her hand healing. Jordan ran a hand through her hair, clearly frustrated, "Scarlet witch, really! You have to be fucking kidding me!" Jordan exclaimed, kicking her bed that soon flew across the room,"Oh!" She yelled, putting her hands around her mouth.
"Esme!" Elena yelled louder from downstairs, the girls eyes widened. "Sorry, coming!" She yelled back, looking around the room in fear. Jordan shook her head, just grabbing her thin jacket, and walking out the room but remembering to lock it on her way out. She walked down the stairs to see Bonnie and Elena in the kitchen, talking about nail polish, she plastered a smile and put on her act. "Ooh, la la. It looks like someone's getting all dolled up!" Esme spoke, Elena turned around from the sink, rolling her eyes at her sister.
Bonnie chuckled, putting down the two nail polishes she was holding,"Hey squeakers!" Esme stopped walking and glared at the Bennet,"Are you ever going to stop calling me that, branches?" The Gilbert playfully asked, Bonnie smiled but sent a soft glare,"Whenever you stop calling me branches!" Bonnie exclaimed, the two laughed and sent each other a smile.
Elena softly smiled,"You guys are so annoying." The eldest twin rolled her eyes, sitting down on her chair. "Shut it gillies." Bonnie and Esme said in unison, Elena glared at the two,"I thought we decided to forget that situation.." Elena muttered under her breath, the two shook their heads,"Never my dear sister, never." Esme sent a sarcastic smirk her way, sitting down as well.
Jordan blew air out of her mouth, annoyed by her current situation. She was expected to got to the Founders Day Party, with Bonnie, as the two were left by their fellow best friends, all alone. The two agreed on being each other's dates to the party, but Jordan had to make an excuse to being late, as if she walked in the sun she would be bacon, literally. She told the others that Jenna didn't want her to leave unless she cleaned her dirty room like she promised for the past week, but haven't done.
Luckily, in her case, her room was already dirty. With her desk broken, glass everywhere, clothes thrown across the room, her drawer on the floor and her bed across the damn room. And not only that but, she, or Esme, was a damn Scarlet Witch, probably the last one in this entire world. What was worse is that Jordan doesn't know how to control her powers, she may be one of the strongest creatures to walk this universe, but it had seem as if her knowledge within controlling her powers had completely left her mind, and she knew why.
The voices were messing with her, mainly Adira and Eila, who absolutely hate the girl. They had so much power of the goddess, and she was completely and utterly powerless. As for the past sixteen years of her new life, she was temporarily stripped of the Firstbeing power she owned. Without any knowledge on how to control it, but, Jordan did know some information about the Scarlet Witches that supposedly all died nearly thousands of years ago.
Unfortunately, with all this thinking, and like usual, the princess was lost in thought and didn't hear anything around her, especially not her door opening. She turned to face the door, seeing a scared Jenna, she furrowed a brow until she felt it. Power...surging through her entire body, she  lifted her hands, seeing the scarlet red flares wrapping around them. Jenna suddenly turned around and ran out of the door, before she could scream, Jordan appeared already in front of her, tackling her to the floor.
"Stop!" Jordan forced her down to the ground, holding Jennas wrist, who was still fighting. The two locked eyes, "Stop resisting me and listen?" Jordan exclaimed, and just like that, Jenna stopped, the goddess quirked a brow, "What?" She muttered,"You guys okay over there?" Elena shouted, her eyes widened in fear. "Yeah, stubbed my toe of the table!" The brunette yelled back, wincing a bit.
"Oh, okay." Elena bought the lie, Jordan let out a breath she was holding. She looked back at the aunt, remembering one of the powers these types of witches held were, as vampire, compulsion. Jordan looked Jenna right in the eye, her pulls dilating, "You won't remember this encounter, nothing within this hour. You'll go back downstairs and do whatever it was you were doing beforehand. When someone asks you where I am, you say.."
"Your sister is not leaving this house until she is done with that disgusting room of hers." Jenna playfully told, looking at the girl with a small smile, Esme rolled her eyes. "Don't worry, I'll get it finished and I will meet you lovely ladies at the party." Esme reassured her sister, aunt and fellow best friend, sending a sweet smile toward them. They nodded and grabbed their stuff, heading out the door, saying goodbye and heading to the party.
Jordan closed the front door, quickly checking around her surrounding before using her vampire-speed to her room. Closing her bedroom door and locking it, looking around her room to face the horrible mess.
She cleared her throat, putting her hands in front of her face, trying to concentrate. Slowly, the neon red flares surrounding her hands, the same color started to glow from her eyes as well. Without thinking, she shot the balls of power she held within her palm, to the ground.
The red flares covered the floor and made their way to the walls, and finally the ceiling. The power redesigned the room just how it was before. Shards of glass were gone, the bookshelves and the books it held were out nicely back together. Her bed was back in the middle of her room, nicely made, pillows fluffed and all. Even her desk that is usually messy with papers and notebooks, was organized, cleaned of dust, and the fairy lights that were around the mirror even worked again, though they went out months ago and Jordan was lazy to get the replaced Everything was absolutely perfect, maybe a few irks but she would get the hang of it.
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Jordan's celebration was short-lived as a massive headache soared through her head, she clenched her eyes shut and supported herself on the wall nearby. "Woah." She rubbed her eyes and forehead to try and soothe the pain. "Really need to work on that." Jordan pushed off of the wall, steadying herself, opening her eyes to once more see the clean room.
She smiled,"Now all we gotta do is find a dress." Jordan whispered to herself, now realizing she didn't have anything to wear to the Founders Day Party. But, the girl had a hour to spare, as the sun was still up, and she couldn't leave, not yet anyways. Jordan ran a hand through her dark chocolate brown hair, "Lets get ready, shall we?" She asked herself out loud, clapping her hands together as her process to get ready had begun.
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winterisakiller · 5 years
Perfectly Imperfect
Title: Perfectly Imperfect
One Shot: 1/1
Character: Tom Hiddleston/Allie Thompson (OFC)
Genre: romance/ realistic fluff(?)
Rating: G
Summary:  Allie hadn’t expected anything when she’d handed him her number that night…She wasn’t even sure why she’d done it. After all she’d known the chances of him actually calling were slim to none, and that was being generous. But Allie had known she would have regretted not taking the chance so she’d handed him the napkin and climbed into her car, forcing herself not to look back.
Authors Notes/Warnings: This was written for @babylevines 4k challenge. My prompt was the line: “Stay here tonight”. Thanks to @redfoxwritesstuff for letting me continually throw ideas off and at you. I still can’t fathom why you put up with it, but I am eternally grateful you do. And thank you to @theheartofpenelope for letting me pester you with this and giving your feedback, you are awesome!
I was going to wait until next Tuesday to post this, but decided why not and here we are. 
Tag list: @tinchentitri @theheartofpenelope @blacksuitofdoom @messy-insomniac-bookgirl @noplacelikehome77
The evening had been nothing short of fantastic and Allie Thompson found herself wondering just when the other shoe was going to drop. Tom had been nothing short of a gentleman in the five weeks since they’d started seeing one another. He was attentive, thoughtful, and, while his schedule was erratic at best, he’d done his utmost to make his interest in her clear. The old adage ‘if it seems too good to be true, it probably is’ had been echoing around her mind, growing steadily louder with each passing week.  
 She let her eyes roam over his profile as they sat, curled on his couch, watching a movie with the lights dimmed. He was gorgeous; hair slightly tousled, clad in dark jeans and thin, blue t-shirt, glasses perched on his long, straight nose. Gorgeous and smart and god she was so out of her depth here.
 Allie hadn’t expected anything when she’d handed him her number that night…God was it really over a month ago? She wasn’t even sure why she’d done it. After all she’d known the chances of him actually calling were slim to none, and that was being generous. But Allie had known she would have regretted not taking the chance so she’d handed him the napkin and climbed into her car, forcing herself not to look back. And, looking back, she couldn’t believe things had actually worked out as well as they had.
 It had been a shit day; she’d been late for work that morning, dropped her coffee as she’d run into the office ruining her new blouse (thank god she’d had a spare in her office for emergencies; the only good thing it seemed was going to come of the day), and to top it all off her blind date hadn’t bothered to show up. Allie stirred her second drink of the night, the ice having nearly melted, watering down the fruity alcoholic concoction significantly. Why she let herself get talked into accepting this farce of a date, she still couldn’t understand. Hell, she didn’t even know why she was still sitting in the bar in the first place. Not when she could have been at home, curled up on her couch with a book and a glass of wine.
 “I don’t mean to sound forward but you look like you’ve had a rough night.” Her eyes snapped up at the horribly familiar voice. It couldn’t be…
 Allie forced herself to close her mouth as she took in the smiling form of Tom Hiddleston standing before her. She blinked in confusion, wondering if the barkeep had doubled the liquor in her drink. Because clearly she was hallucinating. But, she admitted to herself, as hallucinations go this one isn’t so bad.
 It wasn’t that she fantasied about the man standing before her…Or at least not frequently. But she would have to have been living under a rock not to recognize him. Allie has seen several of his films, mostly at Gilly’s behest. Her best friend was…Quite taken with the man, to point it mildly. And she’d dragged Allie along for the ride, whether she’d wanted to go or not.
 Tom was undoubtedly talented and certainly not someone you’d kick out of bed. And yes…Technically, Allie may have googled a few pictures of him in her spare time, especially after that asshole Mark had decided he was more interested in screwing other women than trying to make things work with her. He was a harmless idea that she’d known would never exist outside of her head. And yet, somehow he was standing before her with his blindingly sincere smile.
 It took her a few moments to find her voice. “You could certainly say that.”
 Tom smiled and gestured at her half melted glass. “Would you like another?”
 She chuckled and shook her head. “Probably not the best idea. I do have to drive myself home.”  
 He nodded. “Fair point.” She watched as he appeared to weigh something in his mind. “Would you mind if I joined you?”
 Allie blinked in confusion again and stuttered out a confused, “Why?”
 Tom shrugged. “You look like you could use the company.” He smiled at her gently and quiet without meaning to, Allie returned the smile. Her hesitance, however, must have been clear on her face. “…But please, feel free to tell me to piss off if I’m being too forward.”
 “Oh…Oh, its fine…I just…No, no please sit.” Allie gestured to the opened seat across from her. “You honestly don’t have to though. I’ll be fine, you must have someone waiting on you…” She wanted to slap herself for her own forwardness. It was obvious that Tom knew that she knew who he was. But knowing of him and his work didn’t in anyway mean that she knew him as a person. What he was doing and who he was with was absolutely none of his business.  
 He shook his head and settled into the open seat, smile still spread across his face. “Nah. Was out with a few mates but they had to call it an early night, I have nowhere in particular I have to be tomorrow and decided to stick around.”
 Tom quirked an eyebrow, “Oh?”
 Allie shook her head, “Nothing. Just…Nothing.” She played with the straw in her drink before giving in and taking a swallow then grimacing. God, it really was watered down. “So,” she started, trying desperately to think of some way to steer the conversation back to less potentially embarrassing topics. “I haven’t seen you around here before.” Well that certainly isn’t a leading question at all, Allie you utter, utter moron!
 The smile on his face grew and he rubbed his slightly stubbly chin with his free hand. “Come here often then?”
 She felt the blood rush to her face. “Sort of. This place isn’t too terribly far from work for me.” Allie took a deep breath. In for a penny, in for a pound. “I certainly would remember a face like yours.”
 It was Tom’s turn to blush, the color rising quickly to his cheeks as he ducked his head. Some part of her, admittedly impaired, brain quickly filed that image away for later processing. I made Tom Hiddleston blush! He shook his head. “No, I’m getting ready to start a play in the area and this was the closest pub to the rehearsal space.”
 Allie nodded. She’d heard, again through Gilly, that Tom was gearing up for the theatre again. But with all that had been going on in her life, she hadn’t paid much, if any, attention to the details. “Very nice. Well welcome. I’m Allie.” She held out her hand him and he took it firmly in his.
 “Thank you, Allie. I’m Tom.” They sat in silence for several minutes before Tom cleared his throat and spoke once more. “Who were you waiting for, if I may ask?” He looked less than sure of himself
 “Blind date.”
 Tom’s brow wrinkled in confusion and then astonishment, “And he didn’t bother to show?”
 “Obviously.” Allie turned her attention back to her drink.
 “Well bully for him then,” Tom mused, taking a quick sip of his drink. “And all the better for me.”
 Allie quirked her brow at him. “Do you use that line with all the girls, or am I special?”
 Tom let out an awkward laugh, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. “Um…God, no matter how I answer that I’m going to come off sounding like a gigantic ass.”
 She snorted a laugh. “But it’s a nice ass.”
 His laugh this time was genuine. “You think so?”
 Allie blushed. “Well…”
 Tom waggled his eyebrows at her and they both broke into fits of laughter. Allie was surprised at how comfortable she felt around the man sitting before her. It was surreal, sitting here talking with a man she had only ever seen on screen. Surreal but wonderful all at once. Allie found him incredibly easy to talk to and, quite honestly, a fantastic flirt.
 She sighed and slowly sipped her drink; finding flirting so much easier knowing that in the end it most likely wouldn’t matter. Tom, while clearly every bit as charming and genuine as he’d appeared on screen, was most likely never going to see her again once they parted ways. Knowing there was a time limit, a definite end, made it safer for Allie to put herself out there. After all, what did she have to lose?
 Tom did talk his way into buying her another drink, a lemonade this time, “I know you said you need to be able to drive home tonight.” And she sipped it gratefully, wondering just how her night had turned from disaster to something altogether enjoyable. It surprised her when she’d next glanced at her watch that it was nearing midnight. How the bloody hell had that happened?
 Ignoring thoughts of glass slippers and carriages turning back into pumpkins, Allie pushed herself from the bench and smiled warmly at Tom.
 “Leaving so soon?” He asked before his eyes fell to his own watch. “Or not so soon. I can’t believe it’s that late already.”
 She shrugged. “They say time flies when you’re having fun. But I do need to be off. I have work in the morning.” Allie could have sworn she’d seen a flash of disappointment in his eyes but dismissed it as a trick of the lighting.
 “Could I at least walk you to your car?” She hesitated for a moment before nodding. If he was going to prolong the evening, if only for a few moments, then who was she to interfere?
 They walked silently from the warmth of the pub out into the cool night air. Her car, a light blue compact, was parked on a side street not too far from the main entrance and they made it there in less time than Allie had hoped. She smiled sheepishly as she turned to face him. “Well this is me.”
 Tom returned her smile and, after a brief paused, leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips. He tasted of whiskey and warmth and Allie felt her head swim. They were both slightly breathless when he pulled back. “It’s been lovely, Allie.”
 “It has.”
 Allie wasn’t sure what made her do it, bold was the absolute last word anyone would use to describe her, she pulled a napkin and pen from her purse and quickly scribbled her name and mobile number on it. Without giving herself time to think, she pushed it into Tom’s hand, smiled softly, and climbed into her car.
 She hadn’t expected anything to come of it. Had done her utmost best to push the thought of him actually using the number from her mind as she drove home. So the soft ping of an incoming text message as she fought to undo the deadbolt of her main door caught Allie by surprise.
 ‘It’s Tom, from the pub. Just wanted to make sure you made it home safe. And to say once more that I had a lovely time.’
 Allie blinked at her screen in confusion; torn between flattery and disbelief. “Well fuck me sideways.”
 The phone pinged again as another text arrived.
 ‘And to say I would very much like to see you again.’
 Tom chuckled, turning his eyes briefly from the screen toward her. “Something on your mind?” His smooth voice danced with mirth and Allie felt her face flush in embarrassment at being caught staring
 “Yes…No…Sorry.” She cursed a blue streak in her mind. What the fuck was wrong with her?
 He picked up the remote and hit pause, turning his full attention on Allie. “What’s going on in that head of yours?”
 Allie shrugged, not quite sure how to put the thoughts swirling through her mind into words that might actually make sense.
 “You can talk to me,” he assured her. “Whatever it is, I promise not to judge.” Tom reaches out and cupped her cheek with his hand.
 She let out a nervous laugh. “This.”
 Confusion spread across his features. “I’m afraid you’ve lost me.”
 Allie swallowed, trying to gather her wits. She leaned back, breaking their contact, and gestured between them. “This. You…You are wonderful and kind and ridiculously amazing…”
 “And…” He trailed off, a look of apprehension in his blue eyes.
 “And I’ve not been this happy in a very, very long time. That scares me, Tom. You are almost too good to be true and I keep waiting for…” Allie stopped, turning away from his intense gaze, feeling so incredibly stupid for saying anything in the first place. “It’s stupid.”
 Tom’s hand came to rest on her shoulder and slowly moved until it rested beneath her chin. Gently, he turned Allie’s face back towards him and locked his eyes with her bright green ones. “It’s not stupid.” A warm smile spread across his face. “If you are feeling it, Allie, it isn’t stupid. I’m not…” He paused, searching for the right words. “I’m not an easy person to be with. My life is chaos at the best of times and no matter how hard I try, I am so very far from perfect. I can be obsessive with my work and I’ve been accused, and not unfairly, of being distant and hard to reach when I get wrapped up in a project.”
 Allie opened her mouth to protest but was quickly silenced by the look in Tom’s eye.
 “I’m not perfect, Allie, and at some point I will do something to let you down even though it’s the last thing I want to do.” He paused again, dropping his hands to his lap. “This scares me too. I’ve not had an excellent track record when it comes to successful relationships and I don’t want this…Us, to be a part of that. But that is part of the risk of a relationship and I think…I hope it’s worth it. That we are worth it. That I want us to be. And I know it’s early days yet and even bring this up is probably way too much, way too quickly…But I want you to know…I want you to see that I am not taking any of this lightly.”
 “I swear to god, Hiddleston!” A choked sob slipped from Allie’s lips and she pushed her hand against Tom’s shoulder. “How is it you always seem to know what to say?” She sighed. “It’s getting a bit intimidating.”
 Tom reached up to clasp her hand in his own, “Give me time, I’m almost positive I’ll say something stupid sooner or later. Just ask my sisters, I’m sure they have plenty of stories that would highlight my less than stellar side.” They both laughed softly at that. “I’m not perfect, Allie. I’m just me. And I have come to care a great deal about you. I don’t know if this will work but I want to do my best so that it does.”
 She sat in silence for a few moments before bringing herself to speak. “I want it to work too. I just…This is new for me and I don’t know exactly what I’m doing here.”
 Tom laughed softly. “That makes two of us.” He pulled her against his side, kissing the side of her head. The small gesture sent a shiver through her. It was far from the most intimate thing they had done (not that they had done a great deal, physically), but something about the innocence of the act that struck her. “We’ll figure it out as we go.”
 Allie nodded, settling gratefully into Tom’s embrace. He un-paused the film and they settled back into the quiet comfort of the evening. By the time the credits began to roll, Allie had fallen asleep against his shoulder. He smiled, watching her face relaxed and serene in sleep.  
 “Wake up, sleeping beauty,” he whispered, gently shaking her shoulder. She stirred, her face scrunching first in confusion then in annoyance. “Allie, darling. It’s late. The film’s over.”
 Allie cracked her eyes open, blinking in the dim light. “Wastime it?”
 Tom laughed. “It’s half eleven.”
 “Five more minutes,” she slurred, burying her head farther into his chest. Allie was warm and he was ever so comfortable. The idea of forcing herself to get up and make the trek back across the city to her small flat seemed unbearable.
 He took a deep breath, running his thumb across her cheek, smiling as Allie leaned into his touch. “Why…Why don’t you stay here tonight?”
 She pushed herself up, staring at Tom in confusion. “What?”
 Tom took another deep breath and continued with more confidence. “Stay here tonight. With me.” He leaned in, his blue eyes locking on hers, and kissed her gently.
 Allie pulled back studying his expression before smiling softly up at him. Maybe this was a mistake, maybe it wasn’t. The only way to know was simply to take that leap. “Okay,” She whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck and returned the kiss. She reluctantly pulled back and nodded. “Okay, I’ll stay.”
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baetriots · 5 years
this defense is fucking dreamy 🥰
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timcbombs · 5 years
✕ — wasn’t that tabitha smith wandering the streets of new york, 1973? civilians know them as boom-boom and see them as a hero. as far as i know, the twenty-four year old stands with x-force, x-factor, & new mutants, and are rumoured to be pretty self-assured & recalcitrant. ( liz gillies / transfemale / she/her ) 
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{ trigger warnings : emotional, physical, and sexual assault, alcohol, homophobia, transphobia  }
hey guys, sophia’s at it again lmao!!  here’s more about my second baby aka my trash!baby under the cut  
tabby doesnt really have any appearances outside of the mceu except for a handful of cartoon appearances 
so this rendition of her is gonna be entirely comic based
okay so. tabby was an only child, raised in a trailer park in roanoke. her mom was never really in the picture and her dad was an abusive alcoholic nut job. tabby never got an actual education. she was emotionally neglected & abused, as well as physically abused for her entire childhood. 
the abuse only got worse when tabby’s mutation (and gender & sexuality, see below) came into question. her father beat tabby so hard that she ran away at around 13-14. 
she started a long ass journey trying to figure out how the fuck to live in a world where she couldn’t really read & understand, but somehow make it to xaviers school for the gifted (someone in the trailer park had mentioned it to her and she decided it’d become her salvation) 
a train she was taking en route to washington dc was attacked by the beyonder. the beyonder ended up considering tabby its only friend and felt bad for this young, frightened, abused girl and brought her to xavier’s. however because the beyonder is a powerful cosmic entity the x-men attacked it on spot and tabby, frightened and bewildered, left with the beyonder back to its home planet. she stayed there with him for a little while before realizing it was an evil entity hellbent on the destruction of worlds, and demanded she be returned to the xmen. she led the beyonder into an ambush and the beyonder, heartbroken about the loss of its only friend, willingly surrendered 
that was tabby’s introduction to the x-men. because of how it all went down, she left the x-men for a little while and moved to LA. she joined a gang called the fallen angels where she learnt how to steal (amongst other things). she began to be sexually harassed and was sexually taken advantage of during her time with this gang, particularly by the gang’s male mutant leader, who’d enlisted her, and so she told the x-factor about the gangs presence 
tabitha then witnessed the children of the x-factor being kidnapped by soldiers of The Right and stowed away on the ship to save them — where she befriended Rictor
the ship crashed when apocalypse was defeated and she lived on apocalypse’s ship for a while 
when the x-men found her, tabby was forced to attend phillips academy in new hamsphire, where she was bullied by the other kids for being a mutant. she allied with the other mutants at the school and formed a group called the x-terminators, where she got hella involved with a bunch of demon & limbo & illyana bullshit when some of the mutants were kidanpped and being used as a portal into limbo 
even though tabby had helped save the world, her school expelled her for being involved in the entire ordeal, and she then joined the new mutants, accidentally summoned a giant sea monster (like an idiot) and went to live wth some dwarves on asgard 
she then joined x-force and changed her alias to boomer 
she joined an underground paramilitary group and was bombed by a vibranium bomb, but survived. my trash queen 
she was then invited by Cable, as meltdown, to join his group Underground to investigate the new weapon x program 
she then joined next wave, as boom-boom, where she learned she’s immune to mind control 
she was then kidnapped by anti-mutant extremists and personally held hostage by the leper queen. the leper queen decided to take her wrath out towards the x-men on tabby and shot her in the head (consequently she was then saved by otherwise certain death by one laura kinney)
she then teams up w/ domino to infiltrate sword because fuck the government, i guess
she went to live on utopia and stayed after it was destroyed, before finally settling at the xavier school and becoming a full-fledged x-man.  
she’s literally a disaster gay. that’s about it. she’s a chaotic babe who loves to throw herself into stupid situations. she loves to party, get smashed, has a ton of super famous hollywood friends who invite her out to parties all the time. she gets shitfaced with them and gets in a lot of trouble with them
i also write tabby as transfemale. and i imagine that was also a big contributing factor to the strain between herself and her parents, as well as a motivating factor to joining the gang she did. she needed money for the transition and for hormones. 
shes super dumb bookwise but very streetsmart. it’d be dumb to underestimate her because she perceives things in such a unique way and it always ends up int he benefit of the team
that said she can be a lazy shit sometimes, motivation is not her forte
shes got a ton of trauma she’s never willing to address ever (and more she never talks about from her party days)
shes the kind of girl though who’ll blast music at 4am — despite everyone else being asleep. she’s got absolutely no manners, and has a long history of playing pranks on the x-men (via literally bombing them with her powers) if they don’t listen to her/undermine her/ neglect her. basically. don’t get on her bad side.
she just wants to be that fun friend everyone can go to for a good time, she doesn’t like to drag people down with her own issues. anyways shes a chaotic bisexual with the mouth of a trucker who deserves the world & u can’t change my mind
— so thats about it for my trash baby!! shes been involved with a hella lot of teams and is always open for all the connections! pls luv her! <3 
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temptressgothica · 5 years
Words i did learn
amiss - fel
fervent - ivrig
ironclad - jättehård
chide - skälla
contemptuously - föraktfullt
depreciation - minskning i värde
decry - nedvärdera
pier-glass - stor spegel
imputation - anklagelse
parsimony - snålhet
subside - sänka sig
vestibule - förhall
agile - rörlig
magus - vis man
flippantly - oseriöst
cosmopolite - en person som känner sig hemma varsomhest
nary - inte en enda
abode - hem
hem - omringa sig själv
acrimony - bitterhet
fig - fikon
flit - flytta
perfunctory - oengagerat
pseudo - oäkta
hospitality - gästfrihet
haggard - trött
hectic - busy
gleams - glimmer
brocade - material
upholstery - stoppning
billow - puffa upp sig
zephyrs - milda vindar
strode - marscherade
broth - buljong
dunderhead - dumhuvud
den - lya (billigt hem under marken)
derision - hån
swate - sweet
traversing - att förflytta sig själv
pewter - tenn
pharmacopœia -en bok som beskriver droger och deras biverkningar
gnarled - knotiga
acute -fruktansvärd
valise - lite väska
phonograph - grammofon
divvy - del
clamorously - högljutt
redolent - godluktande
gillie - en pojke som följer med och är med när folk ska på jakt
pugilist - boxare
magistrate - en polois hand om mindre allvarliga fall och förhör
epicurean - van vid lyx
averted - undvek ett samtalsämne eller en kris
haste - brådska
commonest - vanligaste
hallard - den vanligaste typen av anka
refuge - skydd
spifflicated - hanterade hårt
lodgers - inneboende
lambrequins - stycken av tyg som hängs över riddarhjälmar eller dörrar
vivacious - feminin livlighet
aerial - något som existerar i luften, luft…
Forswear - När man bryter ett löfte
epicedian - ett löfte till ett dött kreatur
pendulum - en situation som ändras från en extrem till en annan
municipal - något som relaterar till en stad
metamorphosed - växte
muculent - kletig
predigital - något före digitaliseringen
saliency - uppenbara viktighet
succinct - kortfattat
terse - att svara väldigt kortfattat
dissent - meningsskiljaktighet
recompense - att kompensera efter att andra partiet har blivit skadat
interpolate - att lägga in något som inte hör till ämnet i konversationen
locusts - en stor gräshoppa
to decant - att hälla vätska från en behållare till en annan
sediment - någon som flutit ned från ytan till havsbottnen
improvident - tanklöst
scrape - en anläggningsmaskin som kombinerar dragen från andra anläggningsmaskiner
conscience - samvete
drag - en person som gör progressen svårare, börda personifierat.
jarg - fake
lar - den vanligaste typen av gibbonerarten.
antwacky - omodernt
fey - synsk
adown - neråt till en lägre belägen plats
adamant - orubblig
enamel - emalj
limey - en britt
paramour - otillåten älskare
cully - en lättlurad människa
sweven - dröm
mercenary - en person som bara gör jobbet för pengar
quean - hora
 ye - the, you
nim - gripa tag i
quethe - dikta
ordalium - gudsdom
winly - glad och älskvärd
nought - noll
rawgabbit en person som pratar väldigt informellt om ett ämne som han är fullständigt aningslös i
Vinomadefied - när man dämpas ned av vin
Uhtceare - när man ligger uppe före solen ha kommit upp och grubblar
Expergefactor - något som väcker dig
ditty - en kort låt
thwart - ett planerat dåd att förhindra något
brabble - att argumentera om saker som inte är av något värd
elflock - hår som är vildt
groke - att stirra hårt och länge på någons mat för att förhoppningsvis få smaka
snollygoster - en person med intelligens men inga moraler
Quipp - att göra ett (ord)skämt
Snide - hycklande
Culf - fjädrar från en kudde
Nawpy - en ny penna
Quaaltagh - den första personen som ser dig efter att du har kommit ut ur huset
Clomph - att gå i för stora skor
Amptycock - en intelligent och rolig
anorak - en person som har ett intresse i ett mycket specifikt ämne
 ordinal number - ett nummer som definierar hur saker är graderade (första andra tredje)
 odyssey - en tur där din lycka går i kurvor
mortuary - en sal där man bevarar döda kroppar till begravningen
postmortem - något som händer efter döden
necropsy - en utredning av ett lik för att förstå varför kreaturet dog
murrain - en sjukdom som sprids från djur till djur
 mumps - påssjuka
slighted - tillbakasatt
croup - krupp
brawl - slagsmål
jive - en livlig typ av dans från 50-talet
orc - ett fult kreatur som bara finns i sagor 3-3
arc - båge
ovate - ovala
tally - poäng eller uträkning
dovetail - att passa bra ihop eller planer för att saker ska passa ihop
mortise - ett hål i en bit som finns där för att sammanfogningen ska fungera
quadrate - överensstämma
auxiliary - offrar eller ger hjälp
intonation - ett begrepp som berättar om hur tonhöjd och betoning används i tal
inquisitive - frågvis
pry - intränga in på privat mark
crannied - med ett litet hack
chink - spricka
ransom - utlösnings-pengar
ransack - plundra
dew - vätska som kommer i små omgångar
dewar - en metall flaska som håller gaser i flytande form
ingenuous - barnslig
hew - hugga
ingress - inträde
gilt - förgyllning
jorum - en stor dryckesbehållare eller det som finns i den
wanton - hänsynslös
coltish -stimmig och okunnig
fickle - osammanhängande
macabre - kuslig
maul - trähammare
embrue - fläck
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kozmicblucs · 2 years
* elijah mikaelson.
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fc. daniel gillies | 1000+ | he/him | vampiro original | personaje exclusivo para @ladybebbanburg​g​
 ˋ  🔸  .   elijah mikaelson.
˗ ˋ  🔸  .   elijah mikaelson  : int.
˗ ˋ  🔸  .   elijah mikaelson  : espejo.
˗ ˋ  🔸  .   elijah mikaelson  : insp.
˗ ˋ  🔸  .   elijah mikaelson  : radio.
˗ ˋ  🔸  .   elijah & hayley.
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jannickej · 5 years
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Glöm inte vårt uppdrag! Gillis och Lisa Hammars kamp för folkbildning, demokrati och människors lika värde under världskrigens sekel Tomas Hammar Stockholmia – forskning och förlag
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