#( junseo | threads )
poppydanforth · 2 years
a flashback starring yena & junseo.
yena engoliu em seco, a música estava alta demais para um evento intimista, uma festa dada pelos amigos do irmão mais velho dada na casa dos pais. ela não teria sido convidada se não namorasse junseo, o irmão sabia de uma forma ou outra o namorado a traria, então por que se dar ao trabalho de esconder a festa dela? fazia alguns meses desde que havia se mudado para um pequeno apartamento perto da universidade, onde vinha usando um dos quartos como seu estúdio pessoal. estava animada por dar os primeiros passos em direção a liberdade e tudo finalmente parecia perfeito. agora ela não precisava mais enfrentar o constrangimento de ter os olhos dos pais fixados nela cada vez que levava o namorado para a varanda — o quarto era um território proibido. com um apartamento seu, poderia convidá-lo quando bem quisesse e eles passariam o tempo juntos sem a interrupção frequente de sua mãe, trazendo frutas cortadas na intenção de ver o quão perto eles estavam, aproveitar para deixá-los mais afastados sutilmente.
não foi preciso muito para que yena percebesse que não se encaixava com aquelas pessoas. todas elas falavam sobre coisas que ela ainda estava começando a experimentar, falavam sobre seu futuro acadêmico já que os dias de universidade estavam ficando para trás, enquanto sua trajetória ainda estava começando. ela se remexeu desconfortavelmente entre junseo e outra garota, provavelmente uma colega dele e do irmão, que estava perto demais. perguntava a si mesma se o namorado havia reparado, ou se o pequeno espaço que havia entre eles já era normal, cotidiano, e aquele pensamento fez com que sentisse uma pontada de ciúmes. mordeu o interior da bochecha, tentando encontrar uma maneira de entrar na conversa, gaguejando assim que começou a falar. “hm, e-eu...” ninguém pareceu tê-la ouvido e sua única reação ao ser ignorada foi inclinar o corpo para frente e pegar uma lata de cerveja na mesa de centro. ela odiava o gosto da bebida, por isso fez uma careta assim que o líquido chegou até a sua boca. inquieta, colocou a mão delicadamente na do namorado, não conseguiria aguentar muito mais daquela noite com os amigos dele. a contragosto, levou os lábios até a audição do namorado, esforçando-se para ser o mais sútil possível. “nós já podemos ir?” perguntou em um sussurro, franzindo levemente a testa, ainda que um sorriso amarelo pudesse ser visto em sua boca. “estou... cansada.” não quis pensar demais em uma desculpa, achando aquela bastante plausível para a situação.
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tragedicn · 9 months
@mundanemiseries  /  sc.
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            ❝  sorry  ,  it's a bit messy  .  ❞  ⸻  shuffling around random sheets of scraps and music sheets  ,  junseo haphazardly stacks them on the side of his worktable  .  no matter how much he cleans up the studio  ,  it always ends up just as messy when he's busy working on his next piece  (  like father  ,  like son . . . is what wonjae says  ,  apparently asher is just the same when it came to organized workspace  )  .  ❝  i know we're heading out but i got on a roll . . . just give me ten minutes  ,  i'm almost finished this segment  ,  ❞  the musician promises  .
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starliitstories · 1 year
“I try to appreciate every little creature but foxes are my favorite animals by far.” Junseo nodded while placing a small candle on a shrine’s rock table. Right behind it stood a big fox statue, carved from stone. “My mother believed that an ancient fox god is my guardian. I don’t know about that but it’s still very calming to think something or someone is watching over me.” A man said silently.
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pondphuwin · 2 years
music tag
i was tagged by @chinzhillababy @jyuubin and @sparklyeyedhimbo , thank you lovelies!
Rules: 🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask/tag 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶
all from my 'on repeat' playlist on spotify:
yes i am in mourning over munik officially leaving dkz TT__TT also yes this was one of my top played songs of 2022 and i am just continuing the pattern. this song literally does not get old and is an instant mood booster for me.
do you ever simultaneously become a seunghwan enjoyer and a yechan enjoyer and then remember that 2 of your other favs (wei junseo and justb doyum) were also in this group so now you're streaming disbanded nugu music from 3 years ago. and they made good music!
bobby is forever my ikon bias and i loveeee his solo music so much. lucky man was one of my favorite albums ever and these new songs are also bangers. i'm just happy to keep getting music from him and to see him having fun on stage again.
i, like all the other swifties out here, have been listening to taylor a bunch since the eras tour started. i'm a bit sad i wasn't able to get tickets but i'm still enjoying seeing all her outfits for this tour and relistening to all the tunes. i actually keep going back to this song specifically because i saw it on this 'boys planet contestants as taylor swift songs' thread and this was the jiwoong song LOL. i don't know how i feel abt that but now i somehow associate this song w him.
this is probably my favorite cavetown song, it's so soft and sweet and the lyrics describe the kind of love i think i would like to experience ;-; i also think it says a lot that i associate it with a lot of my favorite ships. i saw an edit to this song of jiwoo and seojoon after i finished tms2 and now i've been listening to it on repeat and thinking about them....
i'm sure everyone i want to tag has done this or has been tagged in this but it said to tag my favorite mutuals so i will do that regardless (minus the people that tagged me, who are also my favorites of course <3): @petrichoraline @heart-ming @markpakin @sillsif @silverquillsideas @justafriend-ql @puentalay @kissingunderaprideflag @rachanun @catboyjosten
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yoshi-ori · 1 year
ranking all 12 boys planet episodes
i didn't go back and rewatch all the episodes bc i don't have time for that but i did look at some of the youtube clips and the live + post-episode discussion threads on r/boysplanet to refresh my memory
the overall score is mainly based on how fun/boring the episode was and how much evil-editing was involved
i may or may not have been a bit too harsh with the scoring idk
12. episode 1 (2/10)
everyone looked so happy here (minus jiwoong who just wanted to sleep), back when they didn't have their hopes and dreams crushed
i enjoyed the brief snippets of the trainees fighting for the p01 seat, wish we could've seen more of that
funny moments:
when hui sang for the p01 seat "battle" and jihoo immediately gave up lol
i'm sorry but i've always found when the mentors talk to be extremely boring and they talk soooo much in this episode 😭 literal snoozefest
speaking of the mentors, i also don't like it when they laughed at the "bad" performances, like i'm probably just being sensitive but i always felt bad for them 😭
i don't like how much they also keep talking about the k vs g group thing like wdym you guys are besties (also it was just boring)
they also talk a lot about the trainees' dreams and how they've trained for so long and while i think that's sweet i also think it's kinda boring
11. episode 4 (2.5/10)
most of the training segments for this episode were just boring and sad but the two teams that didn't fail me were both hot sauce teams, like it was just good vibes and not really a lot of conflict
speaking of hot sauce, this was the first episode where we got good screentime and storyline for ollie and phanbin like yessss we love to see it
also some parts from the training segments that i did actually like were when yugeng and yang jun made up and when yedam gave up the killing part to shanbin, idk i thought those were pretty sweet and selfless moments and the mentors didn't show up so
the training segments were boring and sad and i snoozed through them
also daeul got evil-edited really badly and krystian got evil-edited even more which weren't fun to watch
10. episode 7 (2.5/10)
some more of my favorite performances in this episode, namely tomboy and limousine, which are S-tier and A-tier respectively. boy do i love the dual position battle performances
while i once again found some of the training segments to be boring i did enjoy nslocb and limosine teams since they didn't really have a lot of conflict and it was just good vibes
funny moments:
the rush hour conflict was not fun but i will say i laughed so hard when ricky and seongmin side-eyed the camera 💀
i know this was supposed to be a serious moment but the haobin massage scene made me laugh so hard 😭 it just felt so intimate and sudden that all i can do is just laugh. also the live chat comments were killing me
more evil edits yayyyy /s. this time we have the continuation of jingxiang's evil edit from episode 6 plus shuaibo which weren't very slay
once again, some of the training segments were really boring. i'm gonna specifically complain about butterfly bc they set up a whole storyline for junseo only for him to still get last? like girl what was the point of that other than making him look bad
9. episode 2 (3/10)
i like the part when they react to the first episode together it's fun and i do love seeing them laugh and compliment each other
some cool performances in this episode (nunu nana, the real, shut down), i actually liked these more than the episode 1 performances. the real is S-tier while nunu nana and shut down are A-tier for me
the training segments for the signal song test were a mixed bag between boring and not boring but i did enjoy seunghwan helping daeul and phanbin helping hui, i thought those were sweet. i think i enjoyed those moments bc they were wholesome and the mentors weren't talking LOL
the part where they call their parents made me cry but it's such a touching moment and idk it warmed my heart <3
funny moments:
woongki dancing to my bag in the middle of the night
same problem as the first episode, i found the mentor comments to be super boring and i sleep through them like how jiwoong slept throughout the entire song level test
some of the training segments were also boring and also just made me sad, especially when the trainees get scolded. also there's too many mentor comments zzzzzz
most of the signal song tests were pretty boring to watch and were honestly a drag. i think it's a combination of i don't like seeing the "bad/mid" performances plus the mentor's comments are boring
8. episode 3 (3.5/10)
i liked their dorm room shenanigans those were cute
i actually did like seeing the good signal song performances mainly bc they went by quickly and the mentors didn't speak much LOL
idk why but i find the part where the trainees pick their teammates for the k vs g group battle to be so fun, i liked the intensity of finding out the top 10 and waiting to see who the trainees will pick and what song they'll pick and stuff like that
funny moments:
anthonny's eye roll when it was revealed that the next mission is k vs g group again like bro same
when they were about to pick teams and haruto's like "GUYS don't forget about me remember when we ate together??" and then him running towards honghai's team in mach speed like 🫶🏃🏻‍♂️ when he got picked
when g-group burn it up team was trying to figure out who has the best abs and they weren't impressed by yutaka's skdlfjs
the arm wresting competition was so fun to watch, g-group needs to drink more milk or smth idk
the part where they practiced and filmed the signal song performance video was boring idk
i've noticed that this show tends to follow the exact same formula where right before a team is about to perform they like do this flashback where they show the team struggling but then it's ok all turns out fine and dandy in the end, which like makes sense ig since you gotta show the backstory and create sympathy towards the trainees but i still find it boring LOL. idk i just don't like seeing them sad and it just feels like it drags along forever to me
there's also some not-so-fun evil-editing moments in this episode, specifically with krystian and kinda jianyu which is sad
7. episode 9 (3.5/10)
i did enjoy the part where the switch and supercharger teams had to recruit other trainees into their team like idk i thought how they tried to convince them was fun to watch
the outdoor games they played were fun and a vibe
i also really liked the numerous eliminated trainees cameos/mentions in this episode like during that one outdoor game where they had to find their baby photos or when some of the eliminated trainees showed up to the guerrilla showcase for the trainees whose parents couldn't make it or when some of the eliminated trainees showed up to the artist battle live performances to support their friends 🥺
funny moments:
when shanbin pretended to get kicked out of smn when he just needed to use the bathroom like my guy just likes to do a little trolling
when phanbin revealed he learned the switch choreo just for funsies so he slayed getting the killing part
the en garde prank and seunghwan being an amazing actor like get that man an oscar, i'm convinced inyeon ent saw this segment and thought "we need to recruit him"
kamden twin reveal! and their awkward interaction LOL
ok i know i said i enjoyed the recruiting segments but the trainees getting kicked from over me and smn was just sad
once again the training segments were really boring, honestly probably more so than the previous missions since the mentors seemed to be more present this time around making it even more boring (idk if they actually were more present but that's just what it seemed like to me)
this episode is the second part of the smn conflict and probably the worst out of the three. people were relentless with him after this episode like mnet why do you hate matthew so much what has he ever done to you
6. episode 10 (3.5/10)
i love love LOVE the little prince musicals. as someone who loves watching musicals this is definitely one of my favorite things they've done on boys planet. the performances were all so fun and i loved seeing them rehearse and it was such a vibe. so many cute moments like gyuvin, yujin, and gunwook "fighting" over hui, hiroto and takuto pairing up together and seungeon forgetting his lines but not giving up and haobin and gyuhui slaying
this episode also has say my name aka THE superior song of 2023, this song won the artist battle, got a perfect all-kill, and won 29304823 daesangs in my heart <3
funny moments:
when they were guessing who the next star master is gonna be and phanbin guessed tbz juyeon, gyuvin guessed hwanhee, and woongki guessed ariana grande
ricky and ollie being paired up for the musical and ricky doing kabedon on ollie and them getting 0 stars for whatever reason 😭
junhyeon just making stuff as he goes during the musical
honestly this is kind of a minor gripe and doesn't actually affect my feelings towards this episode that much but i'm still salty about how mnet never released everyone's musicals 😔
more boring training segments yawnnnnn. these conflicts are getting so repetitive it's literally just the same thing: mentors check the team, mentors and dissatisfied, the trainees practice more, the mentors are happy. like bro at least show them singing/rapping more instead of just making it all about dance
FINALLY the smn conflict ends and i was pretty satisfied with the ending but i will forever be salty with mnet, like girlypop there was absolutely no need to drag that on for three whole episodes
also my bird died while i was watching this episode live so
5. episode 11 (6.5/10)
the outdoor games they played were so fun, lots of funny moments from that segment. some cute moments include phanbin's reaction to being a spy and hiroto's cute "dance battle" and "tteokbokki" aka when i lost the idgaf about hiroto war
also there weren't any training segments in this episode thank GOD
funny moments:
when over me team was doing the pulling up pants game and kuanjui just straight-up bit ricky's pants in his crotch area and over me started playing in the background 💀
leejeong doing badly at the spinning elephant game and everyone in over me team thinking he's the spy only to change their minds at the last minute for some reason?? (the fact that leejeong later revealed that he wasn't pretending to be bad and he did actually get dizzy but the editing made it seem like he was acting bad on purpose makes it funnier LOL)
matthew unintentionally getting the word right during the whisper game
the smirks gyuvin and somi gave to each other
normally i like elimination episodes but ngl this elimination wasn't as entertaining mainly bc there weren't a lot of trainees left. i was gagged by hui and gyuvin making it since i thought they were goners but that was it. also everyone just looked sad during this elimination idk maybe that's just me
everything after the eliminations (when they were picking teams and positions and choosing the killing part) was kinda boring ngl BUT i will admit i actually didn't catch the ending of this segment bc i had a critique for my art class so like maybe i'm not the best judge for that LOL
4. episode 5 (6.5/10)
as mentioned before, idk why but i really enjoy watching elimination episodes, especially after the episode is aired. idk i just like the suspense and the trainees trying to guess who will get called up and their reactions when someone's name gets called and the trainee being all shocked and everyone congratulating them and idk i think it's sweet. also i love the "hints" the star master gives they're so silly it's like playing six degrees of separation
also there's no training segments thank GOD
i love all the trainees' little intros and how they paired up based on the best mate contest those were super cute
the dance battles were all fun, idk nothing much to say here they all slayed
can i just say i was absolutely GAGGED during the hot sauce announcement like wdym all of k-group survived with some of them barely making it in. phanbin crying from happiness was so heart-warming 🥺
gunwook and hwanhee gossiping during the entire elimination was so fun
i also liked when shanbin and matthew were contenders for p01 and they talked about auditioning for boys planet together and stuff like that got me in the feels 😭
funny moments:
shuaibo doing moe moe kyun at gunpoint with junhyeon
yugeng telling yang jun all of his predictions and getting most of them wrong
the woongki vs keita dance battle was fun but the trainees' reactions are what really take the cake
ok i know i said i like elimination episodes but obviously i don't like it when my faves get eliminated and jang jiho being the only one left standing in the k-group aju nice team absolutely broke my heart 😭
also the trainees' speeches are pretty boring and they tend to get kinda repetitive pretty quickly
i was pretty disappointed when they suddenly made k-group win the dance battle competition when g-group was leading even if they did end up sharing the pizza in the end
the cultural appropriation prank was NOT it and (most of) the trainees laughing was also not it 😭
the hyunbeen prank also felt pretty mean and it felt like they were skinny-shaming him like idk maybe i'm being sensitive but yeah that was not a vibe
3. episode 12 (7/10)
i absolutely love the beginning when they introduce the top 18 through fun little films that reflect each trainee's interests and vibes and stuff like that part was so cool
the self-made concept teasers the jelly pop and hot summer teams made were so fun
i LOVE the sleepover and how they talked about first impressions like that is my absolute favorite conversation starter and everyone's just laughing and having fun and roasting each other and remiscing good memories and it's just so wholesome <3
funny moments:
the whole kamden jelly noona thing. no elaboration needed
junhyeon calling phanbin handsome but phanbin not hearing him correctly 😭
kamden asking if he has an american vibe and the other trainees just going "no"
when they tried correcting matthew's pronounciation on jiwoong's name but he still pronounces it like "jiwoon-hyung" anyway
jiwoong's "sorry what was the group name again?"
gyuvin's "sorry i forgot"
this episode is SO long like i would never rewatch this episode from beginning to end ever again ngl
on a related note, some parts of this episode dragged on for so long like the introduction and how to vote and the group name reveal and the members reveal. like i understand why since this was an actual live episode but yeah i'm not rewatching those parts again LOL
the stuff with the mentors was kinda boring, like i did enjoy the trainees making the flower headwear things and the cakes and the silly little song they sang but everything else was kind of a drag
i thought the fans' messages were really touching and stuff but for some reason i've never liked seeing other kpop fans LOL like idk it just gives me the ick (also partially the reason why i don't really like when mnet cuts to the audience's reaction during performances)
seeing phanbin cry and keita look so sad broke my heart into a million pieces 😭
2. episode 6 (7/10)
the ghost prank at the beginning of the episode was pretty funny
idk why but similar to the trainees picking their teams for the k vs g group batte, i find the trainees picking their songs and other trainees pushing them out to be so fun to watch, i love the suspense and overdramatization of it all
some of my favorite performances are from this episode, namely zoom and gang, which are S-tier and A-tier respectively
speaking of gang i enjoyed seeing their team interact the most, idk it's just good vibes and the only "conflict" that happened was trying to come up with a bunch of dance breaks but that was figured out relatively quickly
funny moments:
when gunwook pushed woongki out of tomboy and he acted all sad about it at first before strutting his way towards feel special
ricky winking at jiwoong only for him to get pushed out of love killa 💀
junhyeon yelling at shanbin to push out gunwook so that he can join ggang while gunwook is just trying to hide
jiwoong acting all silly and goofy and the birth of mattwoong
the sheer difference between woojin's timid vocals vs mingyu belting out man in love
same problem i mentioned before with the k vs g group battle, some of these training segments and the conflicts they faced were really boring
this episode planted the seed of jingxiang's evil edit before it fully bloomed in the next episode which wasn't a slay
1. episode 8 (7.5/10)
another elimination episode :D as mentioned before i enjoy eliminations and the suspense and yada yada yada
once again the intros were very fun and wholesome good stuff
i did quite enjoy watching the trainees go to their artist battle teams and their reactions every time someone joins them, like when the besties woongki and seowon ended up on the same team together or when everyone was so happy to see gunwook in en garde
planet camp tour was pretty fun, i liked seeing the trainees just vibing all around planet camp
the sports day segment was also super fun i loved it. lots of fun moments from the princesses to the chicken fight to the sudden genshin sponsorship
more gagged moments from this elimination, probably the most gagged i've been was when leejeong manifested ranking 23rd
funny moments:
the smn prank has got to be one of my favorite moments in the show. idk i just really like silly pranks like this LOL
hui practicing his why-i-should-be-leader speech in the bathroom is so funny to me like honestly mood
the training segments for the third mission were such a drag like dang why did you have to ruin a good episode like this smh (i mean granted it was less painful since the mentors didn't show up i think BUT STILL)
also some evil edits here with jingxiang (again) and ichan which were not a vibe
also this episode planted the seed to the mattbin smn conflict which lasted for an unnecessary two more episodes which was also not a vibe
this is all just my opinion no i don't take criticism thanks for reading
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seokka0o · 1 year
Figured from the # tags that you want to know my opinion too so... here we go but it's mostly like yours i think? So glad we agree 🤭
most definitely and first of all: junseo
i think he'd like to praise and be praised he's too precious i'm sorry. he'd want you to know you are doing well for him and he would also like to feel validated by you too
yongha would LOVE to be praised. he lets his thoughts get to him a little too much so he needs to know that he's doing well. and he also likes it. duh
i dont think i am too sure about yohan yet, i have to decide what my opinion on him is... Like praising makes sense but also mmmmmmh i'll think about it more! and i thought the same about having to decide about seokhwa before your answer but now that you say it... it actually makes sense.
DEFINITELY seokhwa he might look cute and sweet but he's a little shit like that, we all know that actually, right?
Donghan...???? like. yeah. self explainatory
now hear me out well:
Daehyeon. No because listen to me. That praising and degrading both in the same phrase..? you know what i mean? Please do share your opinion on this one i need to know if it's me going crazy or if it makes sense because it's definitely his thing to me. Like you're right he could make you feel below 0 probably but i also feel like then he would praise you at the same time, you know?
I ended up not being as explanatory as daehyeon, but in some previous hard hours I even mentioned that Daehyeon is great at moving between soft and hard dom, he will always vary and that's what makes him a natural tease too, because he is malleable to the point where he can sustain both forms of a dominator without losing the thread during sex...
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howdyfoster · 4 years
Kyahoo~! Annyeonghaseyo anoncito mágico imnida~! *cOUGH* Me han dicho que falta magia en tu relación, Junseo. Así que he venido a darte un poco. No me lo agradezcas, no es necesario, se que soy le mejore(?) cOMO DIGO: Te volverás una mujer, estimado. Una hermosa dama de voluptuosos atributos y hermosa cabellera. Esto será valido por una semana (Renovable anytime *wink*). Tiene efectos secundarios, be careful (?). Efectivo en el momento en que le tomes el peso a tu situación. Annyeong~! *poof*
JunSeo, desde que ingresó a la escuela de Medicina, se sorprende de los alcances del cuerpo humano. Le resulta increíble que sea capaz de adaptarse a los distintos escenarios, adversidades y camb—carajo todo menos sentir un vacío en la entrepierna.
Lleva tres horas y cuarenta así. Tiene cada minuto contado porque una vez leyó que hay cierto rango en que un sueño puede distinguirse como uno o ya tratarse de una alucinación provocada por algo externo. Lamentablemente para él, las dos opciones están jodidamente fuera de tiempo. No tiene antecedentes psiquiátricos en la familia, no consume drogas y JeongShin es tan receloso con la comida y bebida que haber sido intoxicado de esa forma no es opción.
La ahora doctora siente un respingo en el vientre y le cae sobre los hombros todo el peso de lo arruinada que está. Agradece, aparte, al karma porque no está durmiendo con el mafioso durante esos días y ha podido encerrarse en el baño de su dormitorio para —después de examinarse— ordenar sus pensamientos. “¿Cómo mierda me creerán ahora?”, se queja y es que más temprano que tarde deberá enfrentarse a los macarras. Si su explicación no es convincente, será un trapo más. 
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nobilitylost · 3 years
@tetheredflame​ | asmodeus & junseo
He could smell blood in the air – both literally and metaphorically. The crowd wanted more…more bloodshed, more violence, more adrenaline to lace already pulsing veins. The first of three scheduled fights was coming to an end, one fighter bleeding badly enough that there was concern Ilseong might need to be called in to patch him up before the cleaners were needed. Odds had been heavily in favor of the loser, a fact that made Asmodeus smile to himself as he heard the grumbling of those who had bet big and were losing even bigger. Before the night was over, he was sure half those unfortunate souls would be begging at his feet, confessing that they had bet away the title to their house, cars, family heirlooms…all things that held no real interest to him, but were fun to take anyway.
And he would gladly give them back…
For a price.
Booted feet climbed the stairs to the catwalk where the elites watched, drank, and waited the outcome of the fights. He flitted in and out, as if he were their equal – when that was so very far from the truth. He was a Prince of Hell, one of the Seven Sons of the Pit, a former angel of the Lord, a purveyor of sin and a guardian of lust…yada, yada, yada. There was only one that he didn’t inwardly sneer at, inwardly plot the demise of, only one that he considered worthy. “Junseo.”
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His voice was sing-song as he stopped beside the other man, fingers dancing up along the soft linen of his shirt. He could feel the warmth of fire within him, the control he held over that particular element, and perhaps that was the reason he was so drawn to him in the first place. “The heavy favored is bleeding all over the new ring. It’s a pity all those poor people lost so much money, though I’m sure your father won’t mind.”
Asmodeus stepped closer, leaving very little space between them. “I need a favor – from you, not your father. And I’m willing to pay for it…” Eyes flashed, tendrils of red momentarily lighting up the near black of his irises. “Have you ever met an angel?” Better question. “Would you like to?”
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pencilmoon · 4 years
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a new muse has entered the arena !!
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name: yoo junseo age & dob: 24, july 10 gender: male pronouns: he/him species: human fc: choi san      ---- read his bio here ( x )
 !! tw: junseo’s bio hints at a child abduction attempt !!
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joohwanfmd · 4 years
location: hotel, after concert date: january 16, 2021 with: @junseofmd
after spending over a year without touring, joohwan understands that it comes as an inevitability that time will be necessary in order to get used to it again. this year origin is turning eight years old, and six of them were spent touring. it matters very little that hwan had a couple of solo concerts at one point of the past year – it’s different. it ought to be. it’s one thing to work around a two-day concert for a single person, in a smaller scale stage, even without the props and choreography that joohwan had to adapt to, but an origin concert is a whole different beast. seven members, a bunch of dancers, an even greater budget, more stage props, a much bigger stage – a truly multimillionaire production. an incomparable amount of pressure rests on hwan’s shoulders, especially after so many months working mostly as a solo artist.
if he’s already a natural perfectionist, that side of his grows even bigger during tour. it’s what they do this for, after all – the performance, the stage. hwan expects everything to be perfect, and not only himself, but others too. at one point he would make those expectations known, in a less than pleasant way, but hwan’s softened with the years. still, his eyes had caught the moments when junseo messed up. he’s a choreographer after all – he has the eye for it.
joohwan shrugs off the possibility of speaking to junseo during the concert. backstage is too hectic, outfit changes too quick, for that to be a possibility. instead, he waits until origin’s back in the hotel. they are all exhausted, hwan’s foot once more wrapped up so the pressure can relieve some of the pain, and he still knocks on junseo’s door, a bag of take out in his had. “junseo, can i come in?”
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fmdnina · 4 years
CRASH / BURN. taipei, taiwan / stadium. written, with love, for 조준서 !
it wouldn’t be an aria performance rehearsal if nina didn’t manage to make an absolute fool of herself, and well, today is no exception.
it’s not that she’s clumsy all of the time, but for some reason, whenever choreography utilizes a lot of footwork, she can’t help but trip up a little bit—and unfortunately for her, “i’m so sick” is the song that completes their set. the motions are honestly not all that difficult, but for someone cursed with two left feet, it’s not exactly a walk in the park. for the majority of her career, the man vocalist has resigned to the fact that she’s not a member in the dance line, so she doesn’t necessarily have anything to prove in that regard, but it’s in moments like this where she wishes she was more graceful.
who wants to fall on their ass and stall production for everyone? definitely, definitely not her. most people already think she’s a mess. ( and it’s not like they’re wrong— )
now, she sits backstage in her dressing room; the medics present checking her ankles and feet to make sure no serious injuries occurred. she felt fine for the most part, but understood it was important to make sure she could move normally, especially since she was meant to promote early in the new year. though, she hoped that she would maybe get lucky and be allowed to sit in a chair during the show; fingers draped around a handheld mic as she’s able to truly pour her soul into her voice and voice alone. truthfully, things would probably be better off if she was allowed to do that in general. at least there would be far less face-plants and falls for her.
once she was cleared and given an ice pack to help things heal quicker, she sighed and leaned her head back; picking up her phone from beside her. wanting some company, she quickly browsed her contacts in search of the one person she’d love to talk to right now; the one person who never fails to make her smile: jo junseo. pressing the call button, she listens to line ring in her ear; hoping that he’ll pick up soon and save her from her boredom.
that’s what best friends are for anyway.
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fmdeunsu · 4 years
january 1st :: @junseofmd busan, south korea
eunsu loves the new year. loves how the first day feels like standing on the precipice of something, possibility stretching out like an endless chasm beneath his feet. more diving board than blank slate—if he were to fit a metaphor around it. he doesn’t want to start over, he wants to do more. it’s the expansion of a canvas widening to fit his his scribbles, and eunsu has always been insatiable. he remembers tearing through sketchbooks, colored cray-pas squeezed in fist, during his sun-soaked preschool days. always rushing to the next page, making his mark and moving on, eyes fixed forward.
today, eunsu stands 20 stories above the mouth of a bay in busan, harness strapped securely around his waist and thighs. go-pro in hand, he turns to flash a grin at junseo, his friend, family, and partner in crime. “our manager-hyung’s gonna kill us,” he says, a laugh bubbling in his throat.
it’s less than an hour until they’re supposed to be back on the ship, until they’re to be sat in makeup chairs, prepped and fitted for their fansign at 10:30. technically they’re not supposed to be out in town at all, but eunsu was insistent. he wanted the first thing he did on the first day of the new year to be something he never tried before. hence why they’re at a bungee jumping facility just past sunrise. “you scared?” he calls, louder over the sound of the wind. he doesn’t clarify if he means the height or sneaking out, both sends sparks skipping through his bloodstream, chasing away the remnants of grogginess from yesterday’s long night. “it’s not too late to turn back,” he teases.
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sbvrbia · 4 years
starter for @eljudnnir
It is strange to think that a series of bad decisions and wrong-place-wrong-time situations have landed Junseo right where he belongs: inside an ambulance, rushed to the hospital, right before the birds wake up and start the new morning with their annoying bird chirping. Or well — where he actually belongs is in the back of a police car. But Junseo is heavily intoxicated and not in the best physical state to give the thought any waste of time.
The ride to the hospital is way more terrifying than the accident itself. With every bump in the road they passed, he can feel the pain throb in his guts. If he wasn’t strapped to the stretcher and in and out of a clear consciousness, the pain alone would have made him jump the paramedic. 
How horrifying that all is. It is hard for him to open his eyes, so he doesn’t even try.
It is strange, he thinks again. He has always known he’d die prematurely. And Junseo has always hoped he’d go out in a bang, or by pissing off the Big Guy, or God himself. But today, all it took was a car driving 60 km/h.  “How strange”, he mouths into the oxygen mask and trails away.
Junseo can’t recall how long he was out when he wakes up in the hospital. There is a commotion around him. People in white and blue rush around and move and manipulate. The sounds are muffled and overtuned by a thumping in his scull and a distant beeping of a heart monitor. He sees whites and blues and red and her and black.
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fmdyuanjunarchive · 4 years
setting: some restaurant, early december 2020 with: @junseofmd
it could be hard to find time to meet up with friends, especially when said friends were all idols too, both parties tied to gruelling schedules that left little space for a social life. it only got even whenever those idol friends were part of origin of all groups, the internationally renowed boygroup that seemed to be in a different continent every other day. it was hard to find time to meet up with junseo and yuanjun pitied that, he liked having the other male around. if it was up to him, they’d spend a lot more time together than they did now.
but that just simply wasn’t possible so yuanjun would have to settle for the ocassional meeting like this, quick dinners grabbed late at night, hang-outs whenever his friend was in the country for a change. “hyung-” he drawled, elbows leaning on the table and face cupped between his hands. “you’ll let me know next time you go out of the country again right? i gotta make sure you bring me a present after all, it’s my birthday soon, and christmas, plenty of reason to spoil me.” batting his lashes sweetly. that hadn’t been the reason he was asking but yuanjun was good at covering more serious inquiries up with light-hearted jokes. “no, but for real, i’ll miss you when you’re gone again.” a hint of a pout on his features. “and i gotta make sure you’re taking good care of yourself, who is gonna look after you if not me hyung? that’s hard to do when you’re half the world away.”
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mvxnn · 4 years
a new beginning , @theunwrittens​​ ; muse of your choice
      Junseo glances up from the aged parchment spread out before him. Pausing the quill in his hand before dipping it back into the small jar of ink. He's finished most of his work for the day , and a break is welcomed when he sees the familiar face enter the small shop. ❛ It's good to see you .. ❜ His voice is soft as he leans back , stretching his arms above his head until he hears a light pop of his bones cracking. ❛ You seem to always pick the right time to come see me. ❜
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shuoshuzhe-aa · 4 years
@yuseongu  /  sc.  ft.  WON JUNSEO
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            “  sorry  ,  ”  he runs a hand through his messy hair  ,  “  i fell asleep on the couch last night . . .  ”  he explains  ,  which was more than enough to explain that he hadn’t gone home last night . . .
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