#( kicks up leg lydia is spiralling and SO AM I )
vanbredevoort · 1 year
"alcohol is great but have you ever loved and been loved in return?
me neither.
pass the bottle"
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shy-magpie · 4 years
RQG 157
these things get long and are by definition one spoiler after another, so live blog under the cut
pre episode nonsense:
My hopes for this episode are mostly just the obvious: For Zolf to pull out of his spiral; for Azu to talk to someone about how she's doing; for Hamid to find his footing with the Kobolds (loving that they are devoting a proper arc to using unearned privilege/power rather than pretending it doesn't exist); more Cel lore; a Wug; and for someone to shake answers out of the Brorb. Not sure Alex is going to let us get to know the kids individually which makes sense as juggling 7 new NPCs would seriously cut into everyone else's screen time. I think we will get more of Skraak & Hamid working through their issues, and Skraak's helping the kids through recovery. If we are very lucky maybe Zolf & Skraak will talk rather than just have Zolf resent the Kobolds for putting Hamid in a place to fall into old habits. Okay lets hit play!
Episode live blogging:
Intros are quick: Zolf sounds low, Ben sounds higher energy than he was.
Oh the Brorb drawings come better when the other half is distracted but not thinking about the real topic.
Krakens are through out the globe, unknown numbers, not true instances of Shoin, network is down.
Cel and I both react to having Shoin be the one to come closest to a truly non physical form.*
Krakens are cloned brains in robot bodies. Specifically said Daleks not Jurassic Park.
Shoin thinks he sent a ransom note using the Kraken as a threat against the world.
Does not handle it well when Zolf hones in on that no one knows who he is, much less trembles at his name.**
Hamid follows Zolf's lead and twists it towards boasting about beating the Infection. The talking half doesn't seem to know how he did it as clearly as the drawing bit. Unfortunately its strictly surgical which would be hard to reproduce at scale even before you consider the side effects.
Quick huddle with the rest of the team:
Cel always wanted to go to London?
Zolf wants to ask more about how the infection works so they could prevent infection. Wilde thinks he is suggesting using Shoin's solution, I get Alex has to catch people up but I don't like Wilde being a paragraph behind me or underestimating Zolf.
Bryn wants to review the diary. Alex confirms the diary says he had a possible  way to "end it" as a whole.
They go back and Cel feigns being extremely impressed that Shoin might have a way to stop the infection. I think having time to regroup cut him off from his memory of the infection again. Alex spells out Shoin loses coherence whenever they bring up the infection/the time period around when he was infected.
Heal check time. Zolf crit fails. Azu got a 29 and can see where his theory was better than his surgery. It may be an aphasia (issues to with communication. can't get to certain words, some can't be spoken even if he understands the concept; others he can't understand if he hears them even if he uses the word/concept himself. Brain trauma, memory problems more severe the more recent you get, sounds like unable to store short term memory properly so anything longer ago than a week but after surgery likely lost.)
Cel switches to the simulacrum. He verbally dismisses it as a waste of time. His hand keeps drawing based on the previous question re:stopping the infection.
Alex calls for a sense motive. Zolf & Azu see the latest drawing is a landscape using technical notation. Its a barren mine. Yes! it's the entrance to Svalbard. Cel can see its a circuit. Alex makes us/Lydia wait until after he's done with the simulacrum stuff.
Shoin thinks using humans as your base design to improve from is the wrong approach, gives some credit to Francois Henri for taking a different approach.
The circuit maybe to transmit something, it needs an organic component. Cel couldn't roll much better then that so they probably need to kick it towards the Harlequins to set a team on.
Shoin is moaning about paying the bills. Took on the contract to provide Simulacrum fluidics to Damascus for the money.
Drawings change shape get less technical and focus on the cavern entrance. Ben catches it sounds yonic, Alex was trying to not go there but did he really think you could go from cave imagery to seed imagry without stopping there?
Hamid tries to get more on how he caught the infection.
Bryn and Alex spell out that to get answers you ask a real question he won't answer verbally but will answer with his hand, with a decoy to keep the talking him distracted while the hand answers.
Decoy question is about Harrison Campell.
Concept drawing of a person, overwhelmed by an image of a huge figure with lines going from the small to the large? Is he suggesting they plant someone they prepare to be infected, and have them infect it back?
Proofs? Minor changes between the proofs and published version of early Campbell books.
Another review session upstairs. Hamid's red string wall got cited as being useful! Cult of Hades/Wellington may have been the one to hire Shoin to make parts for Damascus. Zolf and Hamid talk briefly, about work and as dry "stick to the subject" as possible but they are talking productively.
Oh Ben finally gets in that the interrogation is hard on Zolf's knees because he has to keep his legs out of the cell. He snaps a little at Cel when they comment on cell vs Cel. Carter suggests "naughty box" which nicely derails that point of tension. Cel refers to Shoin as being more pleasant to talk to than Carter. Not sure if that undermines the tiny Cel/Carter ship or fuels it with tension.
Cel asks who hired Shoin to make Sim parts. He can answer directly. Well directly for him, it seems to be mostly justifying stealing Tesla's work on the basis that Tesla wasn't going to implement his theory. Hamid snipes him with a shot praising Edison to get him back on topic. Shoin says Edison was being backed by a big investor. Is it to much to hope this is Alex finally consolidating the factions? If Hades is Edison's investor (leaving Edison & co as effectively their minions, rather than a faction of their own) and the factory owners we can cut down on sides considerably.
He goes on about how he spied on Henri, religion as money maker. Shoin was directly approached by Hades lot. Shoin made sure his bits won't work since he didn't want competition. Wellington was his contact with Hades. Wellington always had a pair of cloaked figures.  Vinegar + squizard = funny? Could be useful.
Do not follow what is going on with the hand.
Shoin is still unstuck in time and thinks he is going to connect them. Cel unplugs the speaker on his villain speech. Cel induces a dream state by powering him down
Cel suggests  painlessly killing him. Zolf seconds the idea because its immoral to keep him like that.   Hamid points out the longer the keep him around the more likely it is for someone to be infected. Wilde rules they should kill and seal it off.
Cel & Zolf have an argument about having the Kobolds handle the remains. Cel calls Zolf out on his inconstant stance on whether the Kobolds can be infected because if he doesn't believe that then he is risking them.
Wilde is moving on? Cel suggests letting the Brorb die, putting it in a bag of holding, keeping the bag in the anti magic field.
They can't just call Einstein because using unofficial channels is bad when irregular behavior is a sign of infection(?)
Alex's unhealthy attitudes about productivity are called out when he refers to the time Wilde spends thinking/planning before getting their transport arranged as "working" (with the inverted commas) rather than considering it part of the work.
They work out possible paths if teleporting is off the table.
And the boys are snapping at each other again. Zolf, you can't flip out every time you are reminded that Hamid doesn't have the experience or expertise of a seasoned sailor. Yeah you did leave the team without your skills and maybe the kid was a bit green for a field promotion; but you know what? He did a fine job, and the other choices were Sasha, who wouldn't lead, and Bertie, who shouldn't. Just because stepping down was the right thing to do, doesn't mean you get to lose it when you are confronted with the mere allusion to the idea it had consequences.
Barnes tells Hamid why going over the pole is a really bad idea. That Azu's suggestion is carrying Hamid has troubling symbolism.
Zolf actually comes more or less to Hamid's defense by pointing out that all their options are bad options, so having a go at Hamid's idea in particular is unwarranted.
I'm not going to bother listing out options. They will pick one or won't need to pick one. If we have been a very good fandom Alex may reward us with Earhart coming back as their preferred transport.
There we go, Hamid suggests her, Zolf seizes on the idea compliments Hamid on it, and immediately takes it to Wilde. Thank God he isn't so far down he can't do that. If he isn't compulsively shooting down any hope (especially from Hamid) then he really is on the upswing from the low brought on by quarantine stress.
Lydia isn't happy that there isn't going to be an American chapter. Then again we wrote off Svalbard, so don't give up!
Its the Northwest Passage and its so weird realizing that not everyone has it as a cultural reference. Wonder if it's an Oregon thing or a US thing.
Yes it would have been cool, but I think Alex is not going to let us have cool new story arcs when we haven't played with the ones we have at home.
Einstein and Earhart are our two best transport options. I am a happy fan. Especially if Zolf has to use his family and Earhart’s reaching out to him near the end of the journey to appeal to her. I mean we did get more on Zolf's relationship with his family than I expected after Paris, so I'm not going to sulk if they don't pursue this, but it would be nice.
Conflicted as a fan, its hard to remember that this taking months extra is a bad thing when the end of the series is feeling too close for comfort.
Zolf, look at you leveraging your experience with moving even when things feel hopeless!
Cel I love you, kraken as submarine is brilliant. Air kraken is suggested by Carter.
Hamid plays with the ideas while Alex goes "why?". Because you are going to have to work a hell of a lot harder than that if you want Hamid to see it as a no win situation rather than proof he needs to redouble on cheerful creativity. Feeling like he had no options led to the worst parts of Hamid's life, the things he is truly ashamed of; having few losses outside of those, he is going to make Kirk's Kobayashi Maru hang ups look amateur.
Zolf is heading to the beach.
Cel is checking on their village.
Hamid wants to contact Einstein himself, Zolf says he should talk to Wilde about that. Hamid wants Zolf with him for that meeting. Zolf either doesn't want to be a safety blanket, wants Hamid to get used to dealing with Wilde directly, or completely missed Hamid offering a chance to work together because he is incapable of seeing Wilde as an opponent. He does say some nice things about being a team.
Hamid tells Cel to say hi to Jasper for them. He is good at the people side of leadership. Remembering names and relationships, knowing how to show he cares because it's important to Cel without overstepping. If Zolf can learn to let go of the rank stuff, they could be an unbeatable team of co leaders.
Zolf nods at Azu. Azu smiles proudly back. Alex jokes about not liking giving them time to heal because they coordinate.
Hamid offers hugs to both Cel and Zolf. Because this entire character is a "fuck you" to toxic masculinity and he is not afraid to openly show affection to his friends.
Cel gives him a great hug.
Zolf hesitates but gives him a pat on the shoulder. Hamid's has high enough charisma to make that not awkward. Good kid, accepting that Zolf is reaching out as far as he can.
Hamid talks to Skraak. Hamid is worried about taking the kids. Maybe Skraak can convince them to stay & help Jasper with science. Because RQG loves us and wants us to be happy, they are considering a fantasy some of us harbored since "science" as a serious possibility. Could solve the issue with Alex not wanting the kids to take up too much screen time too. Skraak is the perfect character for Hamid to have as his second. He believes in Hamid, and can be confided in, but isn't going to take an ounce of self pity or bullshit.
Alex that village better be okay. Smoke? Controlled burn. Ben lightens the mood. The tank is still guarding the village. The barricade is up but they are guarding about as well as a village of level 0(1?) characters can be expected to.
They are having a party and there is a bon fire. Because Alex knows we wouldn't have trusted him if there wasn't a little scare with the smoke. !puns
The village is visibly healing since the weather is fixed. They thank Cel but know better than to ask.
Jasper! Jasper is looking good. He stepped in as a leader of the village. Cel and I could burst with pride. Jasper thinks Cel is coming to stay, Cel tries to explain they are going to help save the other villages around the world and mentions that Jasper would like the Kobolds.
* One day I need to hunt down the right corner of SF because there has got to be a decent amount of trans humanist fiction for trans humans out there somewhere.
**Not sure if I should feel bad for hoping this gives him a safe target for his destructive tendencies. Ideally Zolf would get past that point without indulging his dark side lest he reinforce bad coping mechanisms. Ideally Zolf would have weekly therapy without the fate of the world on his shoulders too. Its the more personal version of looking forward to a fight after Hamid's been stressed because he seems to find cooking baddies cathartic.
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Queen and Gentry - Steter
His life was empty without her, his chest always felt hollow without her. She enraged him like no other and made him feel so fucking vulnerable that he worried she was his weakness. In the same breath when she smiled at him so genuinely it made him feel like he could rock the fucking world. When she had been hurt, however, it made him feel like he was lost at sea in the middle of a typhoon or hurricane. And when he had been too lost in his thoughts it was her gentle calling of ‘Big bad?’ or ‘hey assface!’ that had him returning.
Oh. Fuck.
It started with small things; brief touches against his arm that could be mistaken for her trying to shoulder check him, or offering him meals and little desserts that she had made. Then she started to show up at his address - how she had gotten it made him proud and annoyed, it was his home dammit - and made sure he came to pack meets. Because she gravitated towards his side during pack meets so did Erica and Vernon until they, too, were scenting him as pack. It was insulting and beautiful at first until he began to feel the pack bonds with them form. Stiles had saved them, they followed her as if she were their alpha, and because she was including him - for whatever reason - he was a part of their small pack. 
Because Peter rarely took anything without giving something - though that something was often in the form of scathing replies, sarcastic wit, and dramatic eye rolls - in return, he made sure to start ‘leaving’ books around on magic for the little Spark to read up on. It went from small things to a very real, very important thing the moment she, Erica, and Vernon stood up for him when Scott and Derek found out that he was teaching them how to fight and defend themselves, how to work as a unit. Scott, as expected, was pissed off that they - his pack - were doing something that would promote violence behind his back.
Derek was pissed off that his sired beta’s had not asked him to teach them, especially when he had tried before. 
“You tried, sourwolf? I’m fairly certain that what you did was literally throw around three betas without giving them an idea of what they were supposed to do and or focus on, and then - when they were hurt, you broke their bones to get the healing factor to kick in faster!” Stiles raged, standing in front of the three betas with a glare that was equal to that of an Alpha. “Peter told them how to use their senses, how to get their healing to kick in faster without extra pain. He’s been at it longer, he’s been a Beta longer, he knows how to teach other Betas to control their shift and find their anchors.” then, with a fury that made her breathtaking, she rounded on Scott. 
“And you! You expect everyone to just lay down and not cause a fight because you’re a fucking ‘True Alpha’?! You’re still a teenager, Scott, people will see that before they see you as the ‘True Alpha’ you’re trying to keep as a claim. What if another Gerard shows up, Scott, huh? What if he takes Erica and Vernon again, what if they decide that they want to shoot up some of our pack after they agree to a peace treaty? Huh? What then?!” 
“We still have to give them that option for peace, Stiles!” he urged, confused as to hell why she was so adamant on siding with Peter when she normally was on his side with certain arguments. “Gerard was a mistake, but -”
“Allison was the one who shot them full of arrows!” Stiles was a spastic, energetic, and loud girl. Such was why her calm, curt, still fury was so worrying for those in the room. “Allison, Scott, and I love her like a sister, but it was Ali who shot them full of arrows, repeatedly, because Gerard manipulated her.” 
“Gerard was evil-” Scott tried, angry for her bringing up Allison but also sad because she had. 
“There are more people like Gerard than you know, Scott.” and maybe it was because his friend, his sister, was looking at him like he was a moron or a child, but it had Scott raging. 
“People like Peter?! He killed people too!” and maybe that wasn’t exactly the right thing to say, because now Derek was edging towards Stiles, choking on her anger and wanting her to calm down because Erica and Vernon were tensing for a fight behind her. 
“Peter killed guilty people who deserved to fucking die.” Peter had never had anyone he wasn’t openly manipulating angry for him. For Stiles to be so on his side, to agree with what he had done… “Peter didn’t take a human fucking girl from the middle of a Lacrosse win to beat her senseless so she could be made into a message to the Alpha and her werewolf best friend.” and to that the entire room stiffened.”You knew,” she spat,  “You just didn’t want to believe it.” 
“You-you're lying-” before he could finish the half-hearted attempt to regain control of the situation - his mind, honestly - Erica and Vernon both growled and shifted with intent to hurt him. 
“No.” All it took was for Stiles to look at both of them for them to remain where they were and calm down, burning cinnamon cooling down and releasing its grip on the ‘were’s in the room. “Scott, are you ordering us as Alpha to stop these training sessions?” she was furious, but there was a calm acceptance to her that actually scared the ‘were’s. This felt like a charged moment, like whatever Scott said would change everything. 
“I -” Scott wanted to say yes, he really did, but he understood the need for everyone to learn how to protect themselves. Ever since that lacrosse game, Stiles had quit and gone to some self-defense classes that a few of her dad’s colleagues were putting her through. Now she was learning how to fight werewolves from Peter and Scott - Scott only saw Peter as using this for an opportunity to turn his friends against him. 
“He’s turning you against me, can’t you see that’s what he’s doing?” He tried again, needing his friend, his sister, to see reason. 
“You didn’t answer my question. Is that an order, Alpha McCall?” it was in instances like this that Peter saw how truly remarkable of a wolf she would make. Her fury was calculated and directed with a level of intelligence that would make other Alpha’s blush. She knew just what to say to utterly demolish her opponent and she could say it with a ferocity that rivaled a raging Omega. 
“No.” Scott bit out, shoving his hands into his hair to try and relieve the pressure that was building there. 
“Good, then we’re not going to discuss what I do in my free time with pack members you neglect.” In a movement that could be taken as a challenge to any other Alpha Stiles spun around, openly rubbed her cheek against Erica’s, then Boyd’s, and finally, with a narrowed glare that dared Peter to try and deny her, rubbed the other side of her cheek against his previously scarred one. She smelled of rain when he actually moved his face into the motion, scenting her back despite how stunned he still was. “You are the Alpha, Scotty, but I am the Emissary and this is my pack.” 
After that she and Scott got into arguments frequently, most of which devolved into screaming matches that had the other pack members flinching away from the table. Lydia and Allison were, surprisingly enough, on Stiles’s side, despite saying that Scott still had some good points to his arguments. Peter never needed to be dragged to another Pack meet again as he went willingly. 
It was a month later that she called a pack meeting, asking for everyone to show up. When everyone - including Chris Argent - was present in the room - including one confused Alan Deaton - Stiles entered the loft smelling of Peppermint and ash. 
“I’m adding one more to our pack.” and, as expected, confusion and alarm broke out. 
“Who?” Chris asked her, drowning out the questions of ‘What have you done’ and ‘what do you mean?’
“Deucalion.” she stayed standing in the doorway, arms crossed, defiant and completely set in her decision despite the two shouts that were immediately aimed at her. Scott being the loudest. “You granted him mercy, but you also made him an Omega. Omega’s go fucking crazy, you really want to deal with a crazy Deucalion?”
“I agreed with her,” Derek told him when he stood by her side, surprising Scott further. “He learned how to fight while he was blind, Scott, he learned how to utilize his senses in a way I’ve never even heard of. Stiles, Erica, Boyd and I already met with him a couple times.” 
“You already met him? You already decided on this without asking me, without-” 
“It’s what I’m doing now, Scott. Pack meet, pack discuss, pack decide. I started checking on him to make sure he wasn’t losing his sanity, that was three months ago.” and Chris, god bless him, was the voice of reason right alongside his daughter and Lydia. 
“Erica, Vernon, you’re okay with him joining the pack?” because he had been the one who had taken them captive and held them captive for months until Stiles had found them. 
“He stopped Kali from torturing us,” Erica announced with a shrug from her spot on the spiral staircase beside Peter. “Honestly I think he’s the only reason I’m alive, Kali was especially pissed off that day. He’s… he’s not the same.” 
“I think it’s because he got his eyesight back,” Boyd agreed, arm wrapped tight around Erica while she sat between his legs on the staircase, just a few steps below Peter. “If he tries anything, well, we’re a large pack, we can take him.” 
“He’s another Alpha!” Scott distressed, “he could just kill me and take over the pack!” Stiles rolled her eyes and looked to Derek, as if asking for him to take over. Peter was too awed at the way Stiles had changed, at the way she seemed to no longer be trying to actively hide her true self from everyone and instead embraced it with conviction that had him hungry for her. When Derek put his hands up in a ‘It’s all on you’ motion she sighed heavily and turned her champagne gold eyes on Scott.
“Scott, no offense bud, but I could kill you, and take the Alpha spot. You don’t come to training, you don’t try to run with the others on the full moon, and you’re actively denying your wolf’s instincts.” of course he had, he never wanted to be a werewolf! “See, that’s exactly my point!” ah, this was the point where it would divulge into a screaming match. “You don’t want it, never wanted it, so you’re denying it while trying to keep the authority of it! You can’t be an absent leader, Scott!” 
“You don’t know what it’s like!” it was funny how he became the flailing ones whereas Mieczyslawa was the calm, collected hurricane she was always meant to be. 
“Scott, you don’t have Asthma anymore, you’re basically always fucking ripped, you can literally feel familial bonds, you’ve gained more attention from the female Populus in these past two years than you ever had, and you made first line as well as Captain of the Lacrosse team!” her hand slapped harshly into her chest and drew a flinch from those that cared about her. “You could still be asthmatic getting chunky with me on fast food and snacks spending every Friday night binging video games and sitting on the bench during lacrosse games while we lament about how we wish things were different. You found your anchor, your mom literally told you to fucking stick it to someone who could kill her because she believed in you. You’re only problems are because you’re denying that wolf side of you that you keep seeing as a monster!” 
“Well why don’t you ask me to bite you then so you can be a wolf!” and there it was, the question Peter had been asking himself ever since she had denied him in the parking garage what felt like an eternity ago. 
“Because it would hurt too fucking much to realize you don’t need me as much as I need you.” and that… well, Peter understood that. It brought the whole situation into perspective for him and brought a whole new understanding to her reaction when he had asked her. She didn’t want to be like him, that had been a truth and a lie, because if she turned into a werewolf she would’ve been like him. Bondless, alone and on the road to insanity that most likely would’ve resulted in her death. “Pack vote on Deucalion.” amidst the awkward atmosphere the majority vote was for Deucalion joining, Scott was too stunned to put his own vote in, let alone deny said vote. 
Erica and Vernon flanked her when she took her leave, putting all attention on Scott as he stood, flabbergasted, in the same spot he had been in. Few people glanced to Allison, as if to gauge her reaction to hearing that - was it a confession? - declaration from her best friend toward her ex-boyfriend. 
“Well, it was about time for that.” Lydia expressed with a dramatic sigh as she pushed away from the table. “It’s not a romantic confession, Scott, so don’t go thinking too highly of yourself. Honestly,” she smacked her lips and eyed the room with a hint of distaste. “I hoped she’s snap sooner or later, called me out at the Homecoming but didn’t care that she was hiding her real personality from everyone.” She sniffed derisively and flicked her hair over her shoulder, glaring at Peter with a tone of acceptance that hadn’t previously been there. “Hm.” and with that high pitched huff of approval and acceptance, she sashayed her way out of the room. 
Peter wasn’t sure how he was supposed to actually react to the current scheme of things. Not only had Stiles openly declared that Peter was a part of her pack, but she would also openly fight Scott for his current placement in her scheme of things. Her pack, which consisted of Deucalion, peter, Erica, Vernon, and apparently Lydia. From the look that was shared between Chris and Allison, the two were in favor of what Stiles was saying. It was then that Peter made sense of the little touches she made sure to do to him, the way she made meals or gave him little baked goods. How she was always, always trading sneers with him and openly challenging him. The entire time she had been scenting him, considering him pack, showing him he had a place with her. 
He was strangely touched and insulted that a teenage girl thought that she could force a pack bond on him just because she didn’t want to deal with him going omega crazy again. In the same breath he knew that wasn’t why she had done it, she would’ve told him outright if that had been her reasoning, instead she showed up at his house so often that her scent could always be found in some corner of his apartment, left a few of her jackets - there was even a cover she used when she showed up very suddenly declaring that she was going to use his couch to sleep and if he touched her she would wolfsbane mace him. He had been too stunned at her brashness to even react before she was curled up on his couch with a fluffy cover curled around shoulders. 
When he had recovered he had wanted to bang his pots together, toss her off the couch, play the T.V at its loudest volume. Instead he found himself walking softly, barely using the oven, let alone the microwave in case the sound was too loud to wake her up, and checked on her frequently to make sure that she was fine. 
Little tart took that as permission to do it frequently too. Still, through all this he only knew of Stiles being ‘Stiles’ - he didn’t want to make her presence seem permanent in his life by hiring a P.I to find out her real name (since none of her fucking friends knew it, thank you Scott) - and was utterly floored when it was Deucalion who called her true name out in the middle of a sparring practice. 
“You’re doing good, Mieczyslawa, this time focus on the way the air feels against your skin. You’re not a werewolf, but you can feel the change, every human can. You just have to attune yourself to it.” she nodded and vanilla sprouted from her in her pleasure at having her true name called so perfectly. “I’ll go slow and progress the more successful you are.” another nod but neither were ignorant of the stares centered on them. Stiles was not a werewolf but she was doing better than Erica and Vernon when it came to the training Deucalion implemented. She was doing so well, in fact, that it often meant she was doing lessons with him on the side, or during breaks in between their training sessions. 
She didn’t dodge the first time Deucalion shoved her though she did follow his movements when he stalked around her. After the first three shoves she managed to dodge or swipe his hand away, then after that she stumbled only twice, managing to keep up pace with him until he started using his werewolf speed. 
“Okay,” she sighed heavily and settled into a stance, captivating them all with her pure ozone that leaked from her. “Deuce, try again.” to his credit he did without hesitation. Where she once fumbled she was now sure in her movements, where she was choppy she was now graceful, and the pace with which she moved had increased until both their limbs were nothing but blurs. “I’m fucking NEO!” she shouted in glee after the session, cackling madly with Erica at her side, questioning just how the fuck she had done that. 
Peter, however, was trying to remember how Deucalion had pronounced her name, tried to form it without being too obvious. He would never admit, even under the threat of torture, that he was jealous that Deucalion knew what her real name was and, from the way they were talking in another language that sounded harsh and beautiful, could also speak whatever language it was she was fluent in. 
“It’s Polish,” Deucalion answered his unasked question when Erica and Vernon left with Stiles hours later. Peter tried not to seem too interested when he looked at Deucalion but felt his eyebrow twitching when the man was wiping his hands on a rag, grinning slightly every time he glanced at Peter as if he were amused. “Her name and the language.” he wondered how he knew but refused to ask it, he didn’t want him to think that Peter owed him for answering simple questions. If he elected to talk without being asked anything then that was his business, Peter was just enjoying his confusing day. “We looked into the human who taught a sireless Beta how to control himself, though we thought she was a Druid at first.” with a shrug Deucalion tossed the rag on his shoulder and crossed his arms over his chest. “You can imagine our surprise and suspicion when we found she wasn’t a Druid and was purely human.”
Purely human? Yes, that’s what he had thought at first too.
“Then she trespasses onto our territory, charms Ennis, and takes our hostages before they can even be utilized.” yes, he had been shocked all to hell and back when she showed up at the old Hale House with two twitchy Betas and a ghost. The ghost being his niece whom he thought was dead, another one who had been abandoned like he had. She had recently gone back to South America - Beacon Hills was ‘too cold’ for her - but she and Peter kept in touch through Skype and phone calls. 
“Erica says you stopped Kali from torturing them,” to his credit the Alpha sighed heavily and sank into the pillar of the porch. “Why?”
“Because Derek was supposed to kill them, if they perished before they got the chance then that was one less beta who’s abilities he could absorb.” He was honest, at least, so points for him. “Now… now I think it would’ve been a great loss to involve her any more than she had been.” it most definitely would have been, Stiles had the severity of loyalty that made her put her own life in front of those she cared for. 
Peter didn’t expect him to be one of those people, especially since he could fucking heal. 
“You stupid, idiot girl!” he panicked and clutched her tighter to his chest while Chris drove them to the hospital. “What gave you the right!? I can heal but you can’t you -” her pinched expression turned wry, even though the pain he was trying to drain from her but couldn’t because the little tart was somehow stopping him from doing it. “Let me take your pain!” 
“You’re-” she groaned and shut her eyes tight, “So dramatic, it’s just a - just a bullet.” Just a bullet, yeah for him maybe! It had been intended for his heart but she had fucking jumped right in front of it and took it instead. He would kill her, he would save her first and then kill her and then bring her back just to kill her again for causing this pain in his chest. He hadn’t even wanted her fucking pack bond and now he could feel the pain she was denying him from taking through it and he couldn’t- “Peter, breathe.” and with her calm placations he raged. Her, who was currently bleeding profusely into Chris’s back seat, was going to tell him to calm down when she could be dying!? 
“Fuck you.” he snapped, then - “Let me take your pain damn you!” her brows furrowed even deeper at that, as if she didn’t know why he couldn’t. 
“I’m not - not stopping you from doing it.��� and it was hard to tell if she were lying or telling the truth because her hummingbird heartbeat was fucking normal and that did absolutely nothing for his control. “An-anyway, hunting season, I just, rounded a mend when - someone took a shot.” she grimaced and sank into Peter’s hold. “Didn’t - didn’t-”
“My daughter and Isaac stuck around to try and find the Hunter while Peter and I rushed you to the hospital.” Chris finished when she started coughing, jaw tight every time he looked at her through the rearview mirror. “We were tracking the deer when we came around the cliff face overlooking the city when the shot rang out.” she sagged completely against him and nodded briefly, eyelids lowering slowly as the exhaustion set in. “The hunter used a 30.06 and that’s a common hunting rifle caliber. It’ll all be plausible.” Chris was impressed with her ability to come up with an alibi even through her pain, that didn’t mean he was calm. He didn’t have a werewolf’s sensory amplification but he could smell her blood as if it were covering him. The normally fair-skinned girl was now sickly pale with sweat making her hair stick to her forehead and her eyes - which were regularly black - now looked sunken. 
“Peter, don’, don’ wolf out, kay?” she breathed, “‘m fine. ‘n don’ wolf out ‘n Scott, either. Chris, don’ le’ em.” she cleared her throat and hissed when Peter jumped out of the car the moment Chris pulled it up in front of the Emergency entrance. “Hi, ‘lissa!” she chirped when several nurses motioned for Peter to put her on a gurney, beaming even though her eyelids were drooping shut again. “Fancy meet’n you here.” 
“I just thought I'd stop by.” Melissa offered through the tears that had started to shed at the sight of Stiles covered in blood. Chris was rushing in the exact moment they wheeled her away, leaving two panicking adults while another nurse tried to get answers from them. He took over easily enough, especially when Peter completely froze at the sight of her blood on his hands. Chris could only assume what was going through his head - he was certain that it had to do something with the darkest part of his memories -  and didn’t want to push him too far less he snap and wolf out. 
It was strangely easy to get Peter to one of the showers in an empty room they’d been led to so that he could wash his arms and hands. Nothing could be done for the shirt, but then again Peter would still be able to smell her blood. Erica and Vernon came later, breathing hard and immediately gravitating near Peter. Jeorek came minutes later and was immediately dragged away by Melissa and a doctor. 
Peter was furious, he was sad, he was enraged and he was so fucking confused. He couldn’t take her pain but she wasn’t stopping him from doing it. She had taken a bullet meant for him and he was covered in her fucking life blood and he didn’t like it. She had placated him even though she were in pain and he didn’t fucking know what all of this meant. 
He knew his bond that he had with her hurt, that it was aching and dulling the longer time went on - he wasn’t sure if that was because she was dying or because she was sedated, he hoped beyond hope that it was the latter. If it was the former he- well, he wasn’t sure what he would do, or how he would react. He knew, faintly, that his thoughts were calm and hectic, that he had underlying thought processes ranging from several ‘what ifs’ to dozens of ‘but this could happen’, none of it really went focused on for more than a second overtop the large, terrifying thought, of ‘She could die.’
She could die. 
She could die.
She was probably dying.
She was - and it was because of him - maybe not directly but indirectly. She, she forced the bond on him without asking! He had asked her if she wanted the bite and now she was taking him down with her and-
“Peter,” he curled his hands into fists and dug them into his abdomen, not wanting to look at them any longer, not when he could still smell the blood that had once coated them. “She’s going to be okay,” he looked up them, glaring at Chris and his calm freaking demeanor that had him wanting to rip his fucking throat out. “The bullet nicked an artery but she’s okay.” 
“It wouldn’t have nicked an artery if she hadn’t jumped in front of me.” he growled, fists pressing tighter into his abdomen so he wouldn’t run them through his hair or into someone elses throat. 
“You’re pack, of course she was going to jump in front of you.” Erica growled, pacing in front of Vernon - who was standing by the wall with his arms crossed across his chest. 
“I never asked to be pack!” 
“You never told her no!” Erica snarled at him, flashing her eyes and challenging him in a way that had his ass slamming right back into his seat before he could flash even a hint of fang. “She claimed you as pack over and over and you ever once told her no!” Peter rose with the calm fury he’d perfected all his life, truly on the edge now that this Beta, this beautifully protective and ignorant beta had tried to challenge him. HIM. 
“I don’t want to be part of her pack.” he didn’t, he really fucking didn’t, not when she could get hurt and die at any fucking point, Spark or no. She could heal, she’d heal faster than a regular human, but she couldn't heal a bullet to the heart or head or throat. She was human and he couldn’t deal - he wouldn’t be able to take it if she died. Not when it made him feel every single one of his pack bonds burning all over again as his family died. As they suffered. 
“Then tell her.” Jeorek challenged, arms crossed tightly to prevent himself from reaching for his gun to shoot the bastard that would dare leave his daughter now. “You don’t want to be a part of her pack then you tell that to her face and break that bond instead of letting it be drawn out.” how dare them, how dare all of them do this to him, try to keep him in a place he didn’t want to be! 
He had stormed out with full intent to come back and tell her that he didn’t want to be a part of her pack. 
He never did. Never went back or went to visit her despite every nerve in his body and every urge of his wolf telling him he needed to go see her, to make sure she was okay, to confirm that she was healing. Instead, he focused on researching what he could about the hunters that would dare hunt in Argent territory and avoiding the general populous. 
Mieczyslawa, of course, had to take that plan and just fucking wreck it. 
“You are the most idiotic mother fucker this side of Beacon hills.” Stiles Stilinski groused, standing in his doorway, looking as emotionally wrecked as she was physically. Damn him he couldn’t actually look at the brace on her arm that kept it slung against her chest. He couldn’t look at the bandages and wound dressing that peaked out from beneath her loose top. “You want to be emotionally stunted for the rest of your life? Fine. You tell me right now you want out of the pack and I’ll leave you alone, forever.” 
“Just like that?” he snarked, claws coming out to impale the wall of his door, not that she could see it anyway. “After dragging me to pack meets for months and dragging me into your little group of misfits you’ll let me go, just like that?”
“Yes.” damn him he loved that she could tell the truth and lie all with a single word. He loved and hated that her eyes were like gold, burnt and broken but so defiant that it made him hate her all the more. “I won’t force you to be somewhere you don’t want to be, but only if you really don’t want to be there. I’m not going to take half-assed excuses or reasons, Peter. You’re a grown-ass man, if you give me some bullshit excuse then I’m going to tell you to fuck off until you give me a better one.” who the hell did she think she was. He didn’t need to give her a reason or an excuse. If he said he didn’t want to be in her fucking pack then that was all he had to say!
“I don’t,” he growled out, knuckle deep in his drywall. “Want to be,” cinnamon began melting with brown sugar, gold eyes turning to a dark russet brown in her acceptance and grief. “In your pack.” he expected her to fight, was ready for it, but that cinnamon and brown sugar turned too sweet, too rich for him to take too many deep breaths. She stared at him for a moment, then two until he was finally ready to snap at her. 
“Fine.” his heart dropped to his stomach when she turned around and marched away, quickened steps doing nothing to take away her scent from his doorway. He hadn’t been able to bask in her scent for a week, hadn’t been able to see her or appreciate the small things about her habits that actually made him yearn for her. Now, with her scent so potent in his doorway, he found he wanted to just stand there, breathe her in even though it was physically painful to do so. Cinnamon and brown sugar, the too-sweet warmth that made his throat close up and his eyes burn. The scent that had built and built until it was overpowering her natural scent and leaving him with it saturating the area of his apartment. 
The smell of her heartbreak. 
He didn’t run after her despite every molecule in his body telling him to - if he were being honest it was because his body and wolf were telling him to go after her that he fought it so hard. He got three noise complaints that night and, by the morning, had a new living room table ordered to be shipped to him. 
He thought she’d message him at least once within the next week. 
She didn’t. 
He didn’t hear anything until he dragged his ass with the conviction that he didn’t care, he was just trying to figure out what his Nephew and true Alpha McCall were planning, to the pack meeting. 
There was no pack meeting, only Derek and - surprisingly enough - Cora were chilling out in Derek’s loft. They seemed just as surprised to see him as he was to see them. Then, then there was anger. Anger from Cora. 
“Now you show up.” she stalked towards him with a fury that was both impressive and confusing. Why it was directed at him he had no idea. “After a whole month, Uncle Peter, you are just now showing up?!” and then she was punching him right in his solar plexus, catching him off guard with how fast she went from confrontational to physical. 
“Cora, he doesn’t know.” Derek groused, sighing heavily over the dozens of open books laid out on his table. “Stiles isn’t in Beacon Hills.” that, that had taken his breath away far quicker than Cora’s punch had. She wasn’t in beacon hills? Why the fuck wasn’t she in Beacon hills? Where was her father, what was being done, why wasn’t he - why couldn’t he -
Well, he wouldn’t really have to be informed if they weren’t pack, would he? He wouldn’t have been able to feel if she were near, not with the aching chasm that was once the bond between the two of them. Still, he had pack bonds with Erica and Vernon and nothing felt off, they knew where he lived and he hadn’t been told by them that Stiles was gone. He hadn’t seen anything in the news about missing persons and there was no way in hell that Scott wouldn’t be currently lording this over him if something had happened to her. Not when all his theories about Peter being the biggest asshole since fisting became a thing were proven true. 
“Where is she?” he didn’t care, he didn’t care he didn’t care. 
“France.” Cora bit out, “Chris, Allison, Erica, Vernon, and Isaac all went. You would’ve been with her, would’ve known, if you hadn’t screwed up somehow!” the rest was far too many expletives about his character, personality, and his lack of dedication to things he was attracted to in Portuguese for him to give much thought to. 
“Deucalion went too, Peter.” that stung even though it shouldn’t have. He had told her he didn’t want to be a part of her pack, hadn’t visited her while she was in the hospital, hadn’t reached out to her first. Even so, even despite all that, Deucalion had gone and Peter hadn’t, not even to make sure she was safe, not to look over the betas who had become pack to him without even having meant for them to. 
“When are they due back?” Cora shut her brother up with a glare when he went to answer Peter. 
“Why don’t you ask her yourself, Uncle Peter? Or are you scared?” the growl he centered on her was worthy of Alpha status. Peter, of course, did not do that. Not until it was nearing the two-month mark and the silence of his apartment was overwhelming. No amount of nights out could fill the silence, running never exhausted him as much as he needed so he could just pass out when he went home. Home that was now empty, home that was no longer home. Home with jackets that weren’t his and a cover that no longer smelled like Stiles, a place that no longer had traces of her or pack, a place that suddenly seemed much too big and much too quiet. 
‘You’ve reached the voicemail of ‘Name here’-” he hated that her voice alone made his every limb settle, hated that it filled the ache that had been in his chest. Especially when she was snickering and giggling while trying to remain serious, he could practically see her in front of him making faces while recording the damn voicemail. “If you’ve important business, leave a message, if it’s important call again, hang up, and call again.” so, of course, he did just that, only it wasn’t Stiles that answered. 
“I am unsure who this is, as you’re listed as ‘Big Bad’,” Deucalion rumbled, sounding as if he had just been woken up. “What is it?” Peter hung up. 
Deucalion had answered Stiles’s phone, Deucalion who sounded as if he had been asleep had answered Stiles’s phone. Deucalion who had to be around Stiles for him to be near her phone, asleep, in Paris, together. 
His cell phone vibrated in his hand, he actually hesitated to answer it when ‘Little Spark’ flashed across the screen. “Is everything okay in Beacon Hills?” a very groggy Stiles urged, causing his stomach to hollow immediately. She had been around Deucalion, they had to be in the same room, and they were most definitely sleeping together. But were they sleeping together, or sleeping together? Why did his wolf lament and his heart ache at the possibility?
“Why are you in France?” he countered, refusing to play to her tune and instead demanding she play to his. He heard the shuffling of covers and the creak of a mattress that was obviously of poor quality, and then her heavy sigh that had his anger rising. 
“Why do you care?” she sounded so tired and defeated that he almost asked if she were okay. Damn the habits he had developed when she had been present in his life, like a leech or a tumor. 
“The Pack meant to be protecting Beacon hills just ups and vanishes without finding suitable replacements? Fairly certain I should be aware of that much, at least.” not the wisest thing to say, considering the fact that she was frustrated with him. 
“We have suitable replacements. Derek, Cora, Scott, my Dad, and the Police are all protecting Beacon hills.” He really should just leave it at that, lest she think he cares more than he actually did. Or showed that he cared as much as he did? He clearly cared for her, even if he didn’t actually want to. “I’m not - is there anything else?” didn’t have any time for him, did she? Not when she was busy with Deucalion and her pack in France. 
“When are you coming back?” it was snapped and curt and definitely dangerous in ways that let on more than he had been comfortable with. 
“I don’t know.” she sighed again, “Hopefully before school starts again.” he heard her heartbeat clearer and a muffled ‘Yeah, yeah I know, we’ll be fine. We’ve got time.’ and then another person joined her on the bed, or rejoined her. “Peter, was there something else?” she was dismissing him? As if he didn’t matter?
“Of course,” he purred, “wouldn’t want to interrupt your time with Deucalion.” he heard her intake of breath and felt minute satisfaction with the fact that she seemed so affected by his barb. Then he felt guilt, and not because he was wrong or because he had so obviously hurt Stiles, but because he could feel the protective anger through the bonds he had with Erica and Vernon. 
“Too late,” calm, calculated, and with the force of a fucking freight train. “Goodbye, Peter.” 
He crushed his phone when he heard the dial tone.
He contemplated flying to France just so he could throttle her and promptly decided against it incase she saw it as him going out of some kind of affection for her. Still, staying in Beacon Hills was out of the question. He needed to go somewhere, needed to get away from every memory that haunted him and the ghost-like laughter that tickled the back of his head. He had a plane ticket to Ohio booked and his bags all packed and ready in under eight hours with only one stop in mind. He just wasn’t expecting Derek and Cora to be skyping Stiles in their dining area. 
“-ay, that’s what the Druid’s here are saying. They’re going to give me a sapling from their Nemeton to take to ours, it should purify whatever dark energies are polluting it and give it enough power to start being able to draw on the currents once again.” she sighed and ran a hand over her face, the black sling contrasting ominously against her skin and tank top she wore. “There’s also another Spark here, they’re apparently common, but not whatever I am. If we find out whatever it is that I am I’ll end up coming back once school is over and spend a couple months learning how to do… whatever it is that I do?”
“Stiles,” Derek began, concern clear in his tone and on his features. “You look like shit. Are you sleeping any?” 
“Uh, I think we all got like four hours last night?” Erica pushed her way into the screen, glaring darkly at the side of Stiles’s face for even trying to lie. 
“Stiles slept an hour and has been taking her Adderall left and right like they’re fucking hard candy.” Peter stepped further into the Loft without much thinking about it, his pesky wolf clearly wanted to see Stiles. “Hello asshole.” Erica greeted with a sniff then, with a level of sass Lydia would approve of, flicked her hair over her shoulder and stalked out of the screen’s frame. 
“Yes, well, my shit sleeping habits aside.” Stiles groused, frowning angrily at her arm as she readjusted her sling. “That’s everything that’s happened so far. We’ve got another week or so and then we should be on our way back. I’ll have to plant the new sprout into the current Nemeton and purge whatever is blocking the energy flow before school starts,” she fidgeted a bit with her sling, then glared once Deucalion snapped at her to stop messing with it. In Polish. 
Peter did not learn Polish for Stiles, he had learned it so he would know if they were talking about him to his face. It had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he could now perfectly pronounce her name. Hearing the two of them bicker at one another in Polish had him wanting to put his two cents in just so he could see her reaction.
“Stiles, find you a Euro boyfriend and get fucked.” Derek and Stiles, simultaneously, inhaled their drinks and fucking spat them everywhere. 
“Cora!” they spluttered inbetween hacks, glancing at her in abject horror while Erica cackled like a witch in the background. “Not only is that a fucking awful idea, but I actually have to stay a virgin for the ritual I’ve got to do for the Nemeton Sapling.” not sleeping with Deucalion then, interesting - not that he cared either way. “And I’m not going to end up getting anyone in Beacon Hills after either. People aren’t interested in me.” she shuffled a bit in her seat, “None that I’m interested in, anyway.” He almost whined at how sad she sounded and caught himself from correcting her that plenty of people found her attractive. Every time he, Erica, Vernon, and Stiles went out she’d get multiple stares of lust from multiple men. 
“Okay, what about Derek?” 
“I don’t see him like that and he definitely doesn’t see me like that, even if my age wasn’t a factor in his decision making.” yes, she and Derek had come to a mutual fondness for one another after she rescued his Betas and, as such, were at a mutual understanding of the other. Cora huffed and crossed her arms. 
“Well, then I’ll find someone from South America. You should date someone, Stiles, get you someone to temper you out or urge you on. You’re fucking amazing.” Peter wondered briefly if Mieczyslawa Stilinski was like a drug to Hale’s. Derek hadn’t liked her at first and neither had Cora, now both were friends and advocates for her. He loved it and hated it, they were his family and yet they were friendly with the one who had manipulated him into being in a packbond with her when he was fine with his solidarity. 
“Am I not an option?” Peter drawled as he rose from his train of thought, having meant it as a teasing remark that came out much too curious for his liking. That had Derek and Cora both turning to look at him despite his attention resting solely in Stiles’s dulled iris’s. 
“You’ve already made your choice clear and I’d rather not hear it again.” his choice? About her? Was he missing something? “Der, Cora, I’m heading off. Take care of one another and please watch out for my dad.” she hedged a moment before murmuring a quick goodbye and ended the call, leaving his niece and nephew to stare at him with a level of interest that had him defensive. 
“Do you want to be an option for Stiles?” Cora, damn her, inquired with a gleam in her eyes that reminded him far too much of Stiles when she was teasing him. Of course he wanted to be an option, he always wanted to be an option when it counted for things that would give him a leg up in situations. Stiles, however, was like a laser straight through the fog of his bullshit that could cut straight to the heart of things with him. He hated that she had that effect over him, as well as the fact that she seemed to never react the way he wanted her to when he was messing with her. 
Still, did he want to be a genuine option for Stiles? His life was empty without her, his chest always felt hollow without her. She enraged him like no other and made him feel so fucking vulnerable that he worried she was his weakness. In the same breath when she smiled at him so genuinely it made him feel like he could rock the fucking world. When she had been hurt, however, it made him feel like he was lost at sea in the middle of a typhoon or hurricane. And when he had been too lost in his thoughts it was her gentle calling of ‘Big bad?’ or ‘hey assface!’ that had him returning.
Oh. Fuck. 
She anchored him, she anchored him and took the foundation of everything he knew and just wrecked it because she was his anchor. 
“Uncle Peter?” She had become his anchor, she had somehow wormed her way into a bond with him and taken his interest in her motives to make him complacent with her plans! The devious little minx! She was his anchor, how the fuck - why was she his anchor? She was like a fucking hurricane, hardly anything about her was stable like an anchor should be! Why - what- “Uncle Peter!” he snapped his jaw and growled, brought back to reality by Cora standing right in front of him. At some point he had dropped his bags and was now breathing hard, heartbeat thundered through his ears and raising his rage. 
“I’m leaving!” he snarled, grabbed his bags, and fucking ran. She was his anchor, Mieczyslawa Stilinski was his anchor and he - 
Loved it. Hated it. Did she know? Had she intentionally -?! 
It had taken him five minutes to get his temper in check and not put his claws through his steering wheel. No, he couldn’t deal with this, he couldn’t - he needed to get away. Time away would help, it’d give him the chance to put his thoughts in order. He needed time away from everything that reminded him of Stiles, he needed time away to try and get her out of his head and to get the festering wound that replaced where her bond once had been healed. Yeah, yeah, he would go to Ohio, he’d take that flight, now he just needed to get there. 
He spent all of a month in Ohio before he could no longer take it. Every brunette he saw made him think it was Stiles, every time he heard the audio of any Marvel movies he immediately expected to hear ten facts about the movie from Stiles. Whenever he heard tinkering laughter, or smelled vanilla, he immediately thought of her and he couldn’t take it. His month away forgetting her had been spent in agony remembering every little detail about her. No one had her skin tone, no one looked as good with moles and freckles like she did, no one smelled as honest and sincere as she did. 
No one reminded him completely of Stiles but everyone reminded him of the little things about her. He hated it, he saw her in everyone, almost like a ghost he couldn’t escape. It was why he was surprised all to hell that she greeted him at the airport, pale and with blackened eyes but sporting a smile that was absolutely mischievous. He should’ve been angry at seeing her waiting for him or even joy, anything but the sinking feeling that something was wrong, that this wasn’t Stiles. Not his Stiles. 
“Peter,” she purred, eyeing him with a hunger that was not what he was used to associating with Stiles. “welcome back home.” he approached her slowly, suspiciously, and then out of a need to control the situation when her sandalwood and vanilla smelled burnt. “I missed you.” that sounded wrong, almost like whatever was in front of her was twisting her around in an attempt to twist him. 
“Missed you too.” he drawled, willing to play the game so he could try and catch whatever this was off guard. “When did you get back?” 
“Week and a half ago,” her pout was adorably wrong, whatever this thing is was trying too hard to be her. “I missed you.” she went to hug him when her whole body froze, fury and abject horror clashing like tidal waves. “Not him,” she growled, clearer now than earlier, “Not him you fucking -”
“Stiles?” her eyes shot up to look at him, one black and broken while the other was her champagne gold. It was like she was frozen in that moment, half her features contorted in fury while the others were contorted in pain and sorrow. Something was possessing her, clearly, and she was fighting it so valiantly but -
“Yes,” she drawled, black flashing to bleach white as a single tear fell from her eyes, “but none of my loved ones.” his phone rang the same moment the lights to the entire airport shut off, encasing Stiles and the way black bled into her gold as the last image of her he’d see for a while. 
“What the hell,” Peter ground out as he answered his phone, lights back on and Stiles nowhere to be seen. “Is going on?”
“I assume you’ve met the Nogitsune, then.” Chris sighed through the phone, “Are you injured?”
“No,” what an insulting thought, “but I do believe that she agreed to a full possession just now.” a very sharp, angry ‘What?’ came from the backseat of whatever vehicle Chris was currently driving. “Nogitsune, then we’ll just need darling Alpha Scott McCall to bite her so we can recapture the Fox.” if only it had been that easy. Stiles, possessed or no, was still Stiles in that she took everything they knew and just flipped it right side down. 
“Oh,” the Void Stiles cooed, eyeing Peter with hunger and distaste. “You’re so lucky, little wolf, you have so much anguish and pain that I’d grow fat if I fed off of you.” she sighed, wicked gleam in her eyes glittering roughly against the low light in Derek’s loft. “Not my loved ones,” she mocked, irritation mixing like ash with her scent.
“Which is why you were able to break Noshiko’s tails, but now why you can’t hurt me, Jackson, or the twins.” gold eyes flicked to him at that, surveying his features for some hint of a lie before she broke out in a wide, malicious smile. 
“You don’t know. You didn’t leave the pack and Beacon Hills and her, because you didn’t know!” he hated that whatever he had said was the wrong thing, hated that it brought it such glee. “She was so sure! Beautiful, turgid little pieces to my game. Erica, tell him, tell him what little Stiles told you.” it was cooed in a faux sexy sneer with hands that were not supposed to be grabbing at her hips the way they were. 
“Stiles doesn’t love with just a little of her heart, she loves with everything she is. When she heard the story of how the twins were abused it reminded her too much of when her mother got sick and she vowed to give them a better chance at life, to show them kindness.” Erica began immediately, smile like poison when Void Stiles seemed to deflate with how easy she began spilling the secret. “She sees what she could’ve ended up as in Jackson, alone and trying hard to be noticed, to do everything perfectly. She hates that she sees that in him and hates that he hates her, but she still wants to show him that he’s enough.” Void actually looked a little angry at how easily these dark secrets were being exposed, even if the reactions of those around them would have normally satisfied it. “You, she would’ve helped you originally with your plan, Peter. She’s said so multiple times to anyone whose cared to listen to her. Then she fell in love with you, and you told her to fuck off.”
Void seemed energized at his reaction to that particular bit of information. When had she told him of her feelings? When had he told her to fuck off with said feelings? Why did his chest feel like it had dropped into his gut and his heart had stopped dead?
“She chose you.” Void cheesed, “She chose you but you didn’t choose her! Oh! She would’ve went insane before I’d even gotten a hold of her if she didn’t have her pack.” disgust was in its tone even as its eyes slipped to the doorway and it began grinning awfully when Noshiko and her daughter appeared. “Now it’s a party! Tell them, Noshiko, how you summoned me and then betrayed me, tell them how this was the necessary outcome!” it threw her arms wide in indication of the scene, it was then that Derek and Scott struck, resulting in Derek being thrown into a pillar and Scott latching onto his friends arm with his teeth. 
The oni appeared the moment Stiles’s skin dried up and cracked, advancing immediately on the downed girl before the Nogitsune could leave her. 
“No!” Peter roared, launching himself at one of them to buy her time. He didn’t think to do so he just naturally threw himself in front of her, threw himself at the danger so he could give her time. He couldn’t think about her confession, nor his denial of it, nor why he felt so fucking hollow. Chris and Deucalion immediately took up arms to assist while the twins - startled as they were - tried to launch themselves into the foray, slivers of pack bonds shimmering in their chests that felt so sweet they ached. 
Try as they might two Oni broke through just in time to place its hand into a fist by her face, catching the escaping Nogitsune Firefly. One Oni stayed behind as the rest converged into one to check Stiles, even as her skin began falling away like a clay outer layer to show a pink-skinned Stiles with frazzled hair and wide, tired gold eyes. 
Unlike the rest, however, it drew its knife down the length of Stiles’s bitten arm and promptly disappeared, leaving Stiles to fall to the ground and break the rest of the clay that had been around her body - including the mark that used to be on her arm. Scott’s bite, too, was gone, with no blood as evidence that it had ever been there in the first place. 
“Stiles!” Jeorek cried, clutching his daughter to his lap so he could search for a pulse and relaxing only when he found one. “C’mon baby girl, wake up.” he pleaded, tapping his fingers against her cheek a few times to bring the light back to her wide-open eyes. It didn’t sit right with Peter, seeing her looking up with dead eyes as if was a foreshadow into her future. He didn’t care that he was projecting his turbulent feelings to those around him, didn’t care that he knew this feeling as the panic and desperation he felt when his family had burned, knowing he felt no familial ties to the spark. 
“H-hey pop,” she greeted, voice raw and barely above a whisper.
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bucky-iss-bae · 5 years
My Nightmare (Peter Hale x Reader)
A/N... So this was a request from literally the first of March, so sorry its taken so long but I’ve finally gotten around to posting it, 
Requested By: @marvelous-nerdd (Sorry for taking so long hun, hope its something along the lines of what you wanted)
Fandom: Teen Wolf 
Pairing: Peter Hale x Fem!Reader 
Warnings: Brief description of torture.
Word Count: 2900ish 
Masterlist Fandom List
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My Nightmare - Peter Hale x Fem!Reader 
The sounds of screams kept him up at night. The smell of smoke would never leave his senses. If something was ever overcooked and the smell of smoke rose up, it scared him. He wouldn’t ever let anyone know this, but it scared him more than he cared to admit. Some nights he was fine, but other nights, sweat was dripping down his forehead as he thought back to how that night, the screams the smoke.
“Peter, Peter” Y/N heard his screams from her room and knew they were never this bad, but he was shaking in fear, swatting his arms around,
She tried to grab both of his wrists but as soon as she had done his claws came out and he shot up letting out a deep growl, his eyes bright blue.
She held her breath, trying not to flinch at the close proximity of the two, him being so dangerous. Y/N had known Peter for years, although she was only human, she was part of the pack. She grew up with the Hale boys, she knew Scott, Stiles and Lydia since they were kids. And she was there for Peter when no one else was.
He stared at her for a second with his bright blue eyes before they slowly went to his usual midnight blue.
“Y/N” He whispered,
“Yeah Peter,” She said slowly releasing his hands and cupping his face in her hands, “I’m here,” She said to him using her thumb to caress his face.
He sighed and leaned forward resting his forehead against her chest, she ran her fingers through his hair not saying anything, she was happy she was here to comfort him, she knew he wasn’t one to share his feelings or to express emotion,
“You wanna talk about it?” She whispered with her chin resting on his head.
He shook his head before pulling away and getting up, Peter was stripped down to only his boxers and Y/N had to look away while getting up.
He walked towards the bathroom, switched the light on but left the door open, she followed at stood leaning against the door frame,
She watched as he washed his face, a few drops of water dripping from the hairs on his beard.
“I could’ve hurt you Y/N” He said to her,
She shrugged, “You wouldn’t have.”
He gave her a blank look, “I had my claws out Y/N.”
“When don’t you have your claws out Peter” She smirked at him, “You’ve been screaming for about five minutes. If I wasn’t here pretty sure I would’ve heard you from my place”
Peter snorted at that, “Sorry I woke you up” Considering that he just apologised was a shock in its own,
“You don’t need to apologise Peter. I’m here for you, despite your psychotic tendencies”
Peter had a small smile on his face before he leaned down and kissed her forehead, “Get back to sleep Y/N. There's a long day tomorrow”
Y/N held her breath, Peter had always been so soft and gentle with her, never treated her the way he treats the others, she knew he had a soft spot for her, but she did for him. She hates to admit it, but Peter was one of the most important men in her life, “Call me if you need me Peter” She said before walking out,
Beacon Hills was known for the big bad that often came to town, and sometimes the big bad could be a few hunters trying to kill all the supernatural they had around town. Or there could sometimes be other types evil of Supernatural. Although it had been quiet lately, hunters had come to town, they were soon on their way out, but pack meetings were still a common occurrence.
“Argent told them that they’ve got it under control, they’re still not budging they’ve set up camp about a quarter mile away from the Hale property,” Derek said,
Everyone was at the loft, a meeting trying to figure out why the hunters were here, and how to get rid of them.
“They won’t leave because they think Argent is covering for all of you guys” Y/N spoke up, “They’ve taken a lot of heat from other hunters these last few months which has lead to others not trusting them. Those others being hard headed ones similar to Chris’ dad” Y/N said speaking up, she rarely spoke up in pack meetings because usually, everyone knew what they were doing because they’re all supernatural, she’s not, she’s just the little old human,
As she was speaking Peter had come down the spiral steps to stand beside her, “She’s right” He spoke up, “The hunters are Savages and the only reason they’re probably here is because they must’ve thought the Argents couldn’t do the job”
“Since when did you actually care what someone had to say?” Scott narrowed his eyes at Peter
“Since it was Y/N speaking” Peter drawled back, not giving a care to how Scott spoke to him,
The two often clashed heads, more so since Malia and Scott had gotten together, she knew this because Scott was like a little brother to her, as was she like an older sister to both Scott and Stiles, they looked out for her which she appreciated, but then sometimes they looked out for her too much,
“And since when did that even make a difference to you?” Scott growled,
Peter growled back at Scott but Y/N put her hand over his making him stop in his tracks, “Peter” She murmured quietly despite everyone being able to hear here,
“What’s actually going on between the two of you?’ Stiles then asked,
“Nothing,” Y/N said raising her eyebrows at him, “Now, I’m pretty sure we have more pressing concerns to get to right now”
Both boys looked at one another before Scott nodded and carried on talking,
“You ok?” She asked him,
He nodded at her a small smile on his face, “If you’re around the, of course, I am” his lips slowly lifted upwards into his trademark smirk making her laugh a little and shake her head before she leaned her body into his,
She often wondered why she felt so safe and comfortable around Peter. She knows all about his past, she knows about his playboy days from when he was young, and she knows the monster he once was, but for some bizarre reason. Y/N felt safe around him, she felt comfortable in his touch and in his presence. That’s why she felt safe helping him the night before, it’s why she was currently comfortable leaning into him for warmth and comfort, yet she didn’t know he was the same. Exactly the same. He had his arm partially around her, and he felt human, he felt like he was a good man a better man with Y/N in his arms, without thinking about it he leaned down and kissed the top of her head, leading to butterflies to erupt in her stomach but not say anything about it.
“Ok, something is clearly going on between you two, and you’re not telling us what it is,” Stiles said cutting Lydia off and turning his head towards us,
Y/N rolled her eyes at his outburst, “Nothing is going on Stiles! What is your problem? And even if something was it wouldn’t be your problem, no matter what happens in my love life is not any of your boy's problem,”
Realising what she said her eyes widened and she took a step back away from Peter and shook her head, “I’m going out. This doesn’t really concern me, so I’ll be back later” She said speed walking out of the loft before any of them could stop here even if Peter was calling her name.
Y/N had gotten outside and to her car when she heard some footsteps behind her, “Peter, really I just need to do...” She paused mid-sentence when she turned to see it most definitely wasn’t Peter behind her and instead the scar on this person's face was enough to tell her that these were the guys she needed to stay away from,
Before she could even say anything she felt something hit the back of her head before her vision went completely black.
When Y/N had eventually woken up she had no clue where she was, all she knew was the hunters had taken her hostage, and they had her. She felt like she was outside, the floor was covered in mud, sticks and leaves, but the walls were stone, she looked around trying to let her eyes adjust to the darkness around her,
“Hello?” She called out, her heart hammering in her chest,
She slowly stood while rubbing the back of her head feeling a bump form there, “Ow” she let out a small whimper,
A few seconds alter someone rounded a corner to come towards her, a gun in their hand, followed by someone else a blade in theirs.
“The little human that runs with wolves. Y/N is it?” The man with the gun asked as the man with the knife stood back a sadistic smirk on his features,
Her survival instincts kicked in and she was ready to run if needed, but kick cut or shot was a high possibility right now.
“What do you want?” She warily asked them,
“We just want a few answers. We want to know where your friends are and how we can kill them”
She scoffed at that like she would give them up,
“And if I don’t comply?” Was her response,
“Well, my friend here will make sure you do,” He said with his own evil grin,
“Now, tell me, how many of them are there? And why do you, a human think it’s acceptable to spend your time with monsters like them. They deserve to get put down”
Y/N grimaced at that, “From where I am, you guys are the only monsters around”
The guy with the gun started laughing at that, fake laughing, loudly before abruptly stopping, he nodded his head at Y/N as soon as he had done the guy with the knife walked up to her and kicked her knee causing leg to give out from underneath her she groaned in pain before he wedged his boot into her stomach causing her to cry out,
“I’m not saying anything” She groaned while clutching her stomach,
Those words alone were enough to kick off the torture that was coming her way. It felt like hours to Y/N, but she didn’t say anything, both men had beat and cut her till she felt like she couldn’t move, but as soon as they turned to talk to one another, she saw this as her opportunity,
Y/N using any energy she had left to pick herself up and run towards the man with the gun, she kicked the back of his knee causing him to fold into himself,
The man with the knife then aimed to attack her but she slipped the knife and elbows his head before grabbing the gun off of the floor and then disarming the man with the knife, she then pointed the gun at them both, she stood back starting to walk around them both, she tucked the knife into her leggings,
“Alright now kid, you’re not going to shoot us, so how about we calm down for a second yeah” He tried to bargain,
She scoffed at that “What makes you so sure I won’t shoot you?”
“You probably don’t know how to aim the gun”
She rose her eyebrows, “You boys really should’ve listened to Argent” She said before she shot them both in the legs before she turned and ran the way they came,
She saw a whole set up out here but didn’t have the chance to look around before she heard them coming after her, turns out they were literally in a cave not far from the Hale house, she could briefly see it in the distance and started to run that way. If anything, she was happy that Argent had trained her the years he'd known her. She was happy that she used to run with Derek when she was younger, because without that endurance and the life-threatening situation she had no clue how she would’ve gotten out of the situation she was in.
As soon as she got out of the woods she tried to run to either flag down a car or run to the safest place possible,
She heard a siren behind her and saw Parrish in his car,
She hadn’t been more relieved to see him, “Y/N, is everything ok?”
She shook her head and before she could even say anything she ended up collapsing into his arms.
Jordan Parrish wasn’t sure where he should’ve taken Y/N, the deputy part of him would’ve taken her to the hospital, but the supernatural side of him knew the loft was the best place to take her. When he walked in with a bloodied and beaten Y/N in his arms, Peter was the first to his side, taking her into his arms and laying her on the table, Lydia's first aid kicked in as she grabbed what she needed to clean her up and to know whether they needed Mellisa.
“What happened to her?” Peter asked his voice shaking as he brushed her hair out of her face, she was pale, bruises across her face, and blood across her shirt.
“She came out of the woods like this. She... she was in survival mode. As soon as she saw me, she just collapsed” He explained,
“The hunters” Scott muttered from the side, “They’re set up in the woods. There’s no other explanation”
“When she wakes up, she’ll be able to tell us”
Jordan had to get back to work, but the rest of the pack were all worried about her, Peter more so than anyone. Realising he could’ve lost Y/N today made him realise what his life would’ve been like without her. It was in those moments his feelings hit him hard. He loved her. And he couldn’t live without her. She was one of the most important people in his life. He had always worried about her safety, but he had always loved to see her smile and to see her happy. He knew her favourite food, her coffee order, and that every night before she goes to sleep she loves drinking some hot cocoa. Although the latter he had noticed more so since she had been staying at the loft, but it was still something that bought a smile to his face.
Once Lydia had made sure she was all cleaned up, Peter carried her up to her room, Lydia helped with changing her out of her currently clothes, finding a knife tucked down her leggings, Jordan had presented a gun, that she had. He agreed to clean it before taking it down to the station to claim he found it on the outskirts of the woods. Near where he found Y/N,
When she was settled in her bed Peter didn't leave her side, instead, he held her hand in his own and prayed that she would wake up soon.
Peter had fallen asleep sitting upright beside Y/N, but woken by her nudging him, “Peter” She whispered looking up at him. “Peter” She tried again waking him up,
“Y/N” He whispered “You’re awake”
“Yeah” She groaned while trying to sit up beside him, her whole body ached, her head hurt, and she doesn’t know how she got home, she just knew she was able to escape.
“What happened?” She asked,
“Parrish found you. You apparently collapsed into his arms. I’m so sorry Y/N. I should’ve come after you or something.”
She shook her head, “I know where they are now though. There’s not that many of them, and they’re set up in a cave”
Peter nodded, “The others have gone after them. Don’t worry about it Y/N”
“I was so scared Peter” She whispered while resting her head on his shoulder, “they tortured me for information. But I wouldn’t... I wouldn’t say anything. But I was so scared that my life was nearly over Peter. Iw as scared I wasn’t going to see you again”
He wrapped his arms around her and she cuddled further into his chest, “You’re here Y/N. In my arms where you belong. When Parrish bought you in, I was angry. I was ready to kill whoever done this to you. But I couldn’t leave your side”
“Thank you, Peter” She mumbled into his chest, “I don’t know what I would do without you”
He smiled at that, “I... it sounds weird maybe, but I need to tell you Y/N. But I love you. Today made me realise how much. But I don’t want to let you go, not again”
Y/N’s lip lifted upwards into a smile, she arched her neck to look up at Peter, “I should’ve had a near death experience a long time ago to get a confession like that out of you Hale” She smirked,
He just laughed but shook his head, “I mean it, and I regret not saying it sooner”
“Same” She mumbled causing Peter to grin at her, “I love you too Peter”
She then leaned up slightly as much as she could to kiss him feeling safer than ever.
A/N: Sorry for any spelling mistakes, I wrote this to take my mind off of my dissertation. Not the best time to write something up but i just love to procrastinate. 
Hope you all enjoyed though xoxo 
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teenwolimagines · 7 years
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Part One 
Part Two
‘Derek?’ Scott asked as he stood in the doorway.
'Scott.’ Derek replied from where he stood on the porch.
'Oh dude come in, sit down. If I had known you were in town I would have called the pack.’ the alpha said as he let Derek in.
'I actually wanted to talk to you alone.’ Derek said as sat down.
'Oh yeah sure, anything.’ Scott said casually as he sat in the arm chair.
It was pissing Derek off.
'First, how is everyone?’ Derek asked.
If he didn’t like Scott’s answer then Scott wouldn’t like the rest of this conversation.
'Oh everyone is fine.’
'Really?’ Derek pressed.
'Yeah Lydia has gotten four acceptance letters, Liam and Hayden are still going strong so are Mason and Corey.’ Scott answered.
Derek didn’t like that answer.
'Really, so everyone is ok? Everyone.’ Derek was giving him one last chance.
Scott lowered his head, and sadness bit into his scent.
For a second Derek had expected that Scott had felt shame for cutting Stiles out of his life.
'Kira had to leave, couldn’t control the fox. I might never see her again.’ Scott mumbled.
Derek had to bite his lip to keep from roaring in anger.
'What about Stiles?’ Derek glared.
'Stiles. Your best friend, pale skin human covered in moles smart mouth, has put his life on the line for you more times than I can count? Ringing any bells?’ Derek spat.
Scott looked away in shame.
'He is fine.’ Scott said quietly.
'Really? Because I just saw him and he is covered with injuries that he got while he was hunting dangerous creatures by himself!’ Derek yelled as he stood up.
'Creatures you wouldn’t have the balls to get near, because you wouldn’t have the brains to kill them.’ Derek fired.
'We aren’t supposed to kill.’ Scott said as he stood as well.
'So Stiles was supposed to just let some guy kill him?!’ Derek shouted.
Scott’s jaw clenched at that.
'Yeah he told me, you got mad at him for defending his life!’
'I got mad at him for killing!’
Derek let out his roar and charged at Scott, too fast and sudden for even the alpha to expect it.
He held his claws a centimeter from Scott’s throat.
'Now imagine you didn’t have the claws and strength to fight me off. Imagine I was dead set on killing you right now and no reasoning would stop me.’ Derek growled in Scott’s face.
Derek backed away and helped Scott up.
'What would you do then? Try to have a heart to heart and get yourself killed, be the guy that walks away alive?’ Derek asked before he left.
Scott glared at the beta’s back as he left.
Once Derek had gotten back in his car and drove off Scott sat down and rubbed his neck where Derek had aimed his claws.
What we he have done?
His first thought is that he would find a way, like he always had.
He would have trapped Donovan.
Stiles couldn’t do that.
He would have ran.
Stiles was only human, he couldn’t out run a chimera.
Scott grabbed his bike keys and ran out, he needed to find Stiles.
As he drove he thought back to when he had seen Donovan charge at Stiles at the police station, the look in his eyes. Scott had seen that look in rabid dogs that Deaton had to put down, because they were too dangerous...too far gone to be helped.
Scott hadn’t spoken to Stiles in so long that he had all but completely forgotten his scent, hopefully his dad knew where Stiles was.
Scott pulled into the Stilinski driveway and knocked on the door.
The sheriff opened the door in his sweats, with a bottle of Jack in hand.
‘You are not welcome here, not after what you did to my son.’ the sheriff said before he went to close the door.
‘Wait, please I know I was wrong, and I want to apologize. Please just let me see him.’ Scott begged.
‘You see I would, but because you kicked him out of your life my son is never here. And when he is he is too busy trying to cover up dislocated bones and pain killers to talk to me.’
Scott looked down and felt so much shame it almost took the air from his lungs, he hadn’t meant for this.
‘I’ll give you this though, without my son to keep an eye on me my self control has improved greatly, one drink a week...on my off day.’ Sheriff Stilinski said.
‘Do you know where I can find him?’ Scott asked.
‘Maybe I would...if he talked to me again.’ the man said before he slammed the door in Scott’s face.
Scott groaned in frustration, this was all his fault. Stiles wasn’t talking to anyone, not even his dad, and he was hunting.
Wait, he was hunting!
Scott fumbled his phone out of his pocket and called the one hunter he knew.
‘Argent! Have you been talking to Stiles?’ Scott asked.
‘Uh yeah, I honestly think if I charged him for all the guns he asks for he would be my top buyer.’ Argent joked.
‘Guns, you have been giving him guns?’ Scott asked.
‘Unless you know another way to kill a troll, or a werecat, or almost any other savage monster, then yes I gave him guns Scott.’ Argent replied.
‘None of those things have even been in town, I would know.’ Scott argued.
‘You wouldn’t know since Stiles has made sure nothing makes it off the preserve. Kid is a natural.’ Argent said.
All this time Scott things had just been good, when it was all just Stiles. Looking out for him and everyone else even when everyone had turned on him.
‘Where have you two been meeting up, I need to find him.’
‘It was the motel downtown but two months ago we started meeting at Derek’s old loft.’ Argent informed.
‘Thank you.’ Scott said before he hung up and hopped back onto his bike.
Of course he was at the loft, that’s how Derek had seen him.
He parked his bike and flew up the stairs, he threw the loft door open so fast he almost took it off its hinges.
‘Ah!’ Scott grunted as he fell clutching his left leg.
He had been shot.
‘Don’t move.’ Stiles came down the spiral stair case, gun in hand.
‘Stiles.’ Scott said, feeling his leg heal.
‘Stand up and I’ll shoot the other leg, you damn revenant.’ the human spat.
‘Reva-what?’ Scott asked.
‘Change your damn face, wearing Scott wont save you so change. Stiles ordered.
‘Stiles it’s me Scott.’
Stiles had pistol whipped him so fast that Scott didn’t even know he had been hit until he tasted the blood in his mouth.
‘I said change!’ Stiles yelled.
They both look up and see Derek walk in.
‘It’s him.’ Derek assured as he took the gun out of Stiles’ hand.
Stiles looked at Derek then back at Scott, who was standing up.
‘It’s me Stiles. Stiles I am so sorry for all of it. For not listening to you about Theo, for not understanding why you did what you did about Donovan...for ignoring you.’ Scott apologized looking into Stiles eyes.
Scott barely recognized the guy in front of him, he was nothing like the Stiles he remembered.
There was no plaid or graphic t-shirts, no random twitches of his mouth or hands. The guy he saw was still, had full control over his limbs, wore dark colors.
His hair hadn’t been cut or styled, his facial hair was nuts and he was no longer lanky either, he had bulked up.
‘Please forgive me Stiles, I never meant for all of this to happen.’
‘What the hell did you think would happen? That you’d just stop talking to me and I would just stop existing? I’m lucky it turned out like this, because the worse case scenario ends with a suicide note.’ Stiles said as he turned away and walked over to the couches.
‘That first week I had thought about it, I figured I would after my first hunt, but then I just kept hunting. Sure I get pretty beat up doing it, but it gives me a reason to wake up.’ Stiles finished.
‘Stiles you don’t have to do this anymore, not alone.’ Scott offered.
‘Don’t I? Are you ready to kill anything? Because almost everything I have found I’ve had to kill.’ Stiles deadpanned.
Scott went quiet.
‘Scott you’re my brother always will be, it’s why I started hunting, so you wouldn’t have to kill. But I don’t think I can be in your pack anymore, and you certainly can’t hunt with me.’ Stiles sighed.
‘Stiles what are you saying?’ Scott asked as his heart filled with dread.
‘We will always be friends Scott, but I can’t work with you, and I think a part of me will never forgive you for what you did to me.’
‘Please Stiles-’
‘Leave Scott, go and live your life with your pack, I’ll make sure nothing bothers you guys.’ Stiles said.
‘We will make sure nothing bothers you.’ Derek corrected.
‘You’ll hunt with Derek and not me?’ Scott accused.
‘I trust Derek, more than I trust you right now.’ Stiles said.
‘Stiles you can always trust me.’
‘No I can’t, because you didn’t trust me. How do I know that you won’t see me kill something and shut me off again?’
‘That won’t happen.’ Scott swore.
‘Scott I am asking you to leave.’ Stiles repeated.
Scott looked down and sighed, he smelled the despair rolling off Stiles and the tension on Derek.
‘I’ll leave, but I will gain your trust again Stiles.’ the alpha said before he left the loft.
‘I swear I will.’
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just-jordie-things · 7 years
Soulmates - Scott McCall
word count: 1456 warnings: Deucalion’s your Dad so... that sux requested!
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Soul mates were a tricky thing, as your father had once explained to you when you were young.  There were no hints, no clues as to who they could be.  For the humans, all you had to do was touch once, and that was it.  You knew that the one you’d made contact with, was your one and only.  But for werewolves and other supernaturals, it was a bit different.  You still had to make physical contact, but you would know that you’d found your mate if their eyes glowed upon making contact.
Some people went their whole lives without finding their soulmate.
Others died, never knowing who their mate was.
On the contrary, some met their soulmates as young as four, and spent their entire lives together.
You, had not met your soulmate.  And quite frankly, it wasn’t a top priority of yours.
But it had happened so abruptly…
“Derek!” You yelled, running down the stairs of the loft.  “Derek I’m starving and there’s no food left in my little fridge thing” You reached the bottom, about to complain because you just knew your best friend had ransacked your room in the middle of the night.
“Not now y/n I have guests-” But you’d already walked into the living room, and seeing Derek’s big group of friends.  Friends, you were surprised.  He really only spoke to you Isaac and Peter, but you guessed he lied about that.
Everyone in the room froze, turning and staring at you.
“Derek…” A girl with fiery hair spoke cautiously.  “Are you a father-”
“Good God no, this is y/n” Derek said, groaning and waving a dismissive hand.  “She was supposed to stay up in her room, but she doesn’t listen to me anymore, now, do you?” You looked at him, held back a snicker, and stared at your feet for a moment.
“Alright… and who… who is that?” The pale boy next to the previous speaking girl asked.  He was shifting his weight from foot to foot.
“She’s… I captured her” Derek said boldly, flashing a large smile.
“Saved” You coughed.  “Saved me”
“Saved you? From who?” A petite asian girl asked you.  She walked forward, giving you a timid smile but she had kind eyes.
“My father” The girl in front of you frowned.
“Oh, sweetheart I’m sorry, were you in an abusive hom-”
“My Dad’s Deucalion” you stated and her eyes widened instantly.
“O-Oh” She turned, looking to the group of friends for a moment then back at me.  “I didn’t think he’d had a daughter” She mumbled.
“Kira don’t be ridiculous” A dirty blonde haired girl said.
“Now wait he could have” The pale freckled boy spoke.  “Maybe with Kali… a long time ago she looks out age..”
“I’m seventeen” You said firmly.  “And I can hear you clearly.  I don’t mind the questions you don’t have to be all secretive about it”
“I’m Lydia” The green eyed girl spoke, walking over and shaking your head with a large smile.  “Resident banshee of the McCall pack” you nodded.
“y/n” you replied.
“That’s my mate, Stiles.  He’s a human” Her red slicked fingernail pointed to the pale dark haired boy, whom she smiled at.  “That’s Kira, she’s a thunder kitsune” The black haired girl grinned at you.  “That’s her mate Malia- and oh! That’s our alpha Scott” She pointed to the guy who just walked into the door.  He was wearing a brown leather jacket and a motorcycle helmet, kicking off his shoes at the door.  Though it’d probably be smarter to keep them on, you knew Derek never cleaned.  He walked in, and pulled off his helmet.
“Hey guys did he know anything about Berserkers-” His eyes landed on you, and you tensed slightly under his stare.  “Hi-hi” His mumble of a greeting made you laugh quietly.
“Hello” You said back, wrapping your arms around yourself.
“Scotty, this is y/n” Lydia said.  
“Hi- hey- I’m Scott” He came forward, setting his helmet on couch and walking over to you, holding out his hand.
“y/n” You say, holding out your hand to shake his.  Your fingers had almost brushed but you were interrupted.
“y/n if you’re going to restock your fridge there’s stuff in the basement freezer” Derek said, and you dropped your hand to the side.  “We’ve got pack business now” You stepped back from the others and left the room in silence going down the stairs.
“Scott, hey hey Scotty” Stiles began to snap his fingers in front of his friend’s face.  “You there buddy? You’re staring”
“S-sorry it’s just- did you see her? Was she real? She was gorgeous did you see?” Lydia let out a chuckle.
“Yeah she was real Scott, good job”
“Oh.. was I-”
“Foolish?” Lydia offered.
“An idiot?” Malia tried.
“Lovestruck?” Kira spoke.
“She was beautiful…” Scott slumped onto the couch, holding his helmet in his lap and staring off somewhere.  “Do you think I acted too weird?” Stiles chuckled, patting his friend on the shoulder.
“Yikes buddy…”
You came back up from the basement, a new abundance of snacks.  Scott had walked over to you, but you’d gone up the stairs too quickly.
“Should I call for her?” Scott whisper screamed to Stiles.
“No Scott, don’t be dumb just- just come back to the pack meeting”  Scott made a pout, staring up the spiral metal staircase.
But he listened to his friend, and walked back into the living room with everybody else.
“So, Derek, what do you know about Berserkers?”
You’d sat in your room for the next few hours, nose stuck in a book.  You’d changed into leggings and a sweatshirt that you swam in, but you were too cozy to complain about it’s size.
It was dark, ten o’clock maybe, and you hadn’t eaten.  Now sure, you could snack from your new gathering of treats… or… since Derek was sleeping… you could sneak down the stairs for a snack.  You smiled to yourself, slipping out of bed and tiptoeing towards the door.  Slowly, you turned the handle as not to make much noise.  You opened the door and stepped-
“Scott?” You jumped back when you nearly ran into him.
“Sorry- sorry I’m sorry that was creepy- oh my god I feel like a stalker-”
“No n-no it’s fine you’re fine, just surprised me is all” You blushed and tucked your hands up into your sleeves.  “So uh- what uh- what’re you doing here?”
“Well the pack mostly passed out and we’d ordered a pizza and I-I thought you’d like to uhm, to have s-some?” You broke into a big grin and nodded your head.
“Pizza sounds delicious” You said and went down the hall and descended the stairs instantly.  Scott followed you into the kitchen, where a bunch of pizza boxes sat on the counter.  You grabbed a slice of your favorite and danced on your toes with excitement.  “I can’t remember the last time I had-” You spun, and bumped into Scott.  His hands instantly grasping your arms to catch you before you fell.
His eyes flashed red, as did yours.
“S-Scott? Y-you’re- you’re my-” He nodded, blinking a few times as though he didn’t believe it.
“Yeah-yeah I guess I-I am” He slowly let go of your arms, and rose his hand towards your face, gently brushing against your cheek.  You blushed instantly, and smiled.
“Do you… do you feel that too?” He nodded, and your hand clasped over top of is against your face.  “It feels good” You whispered, leaning up just slightly.  Again, Scott nodded.
“Yeah.. yeah it-it does” Your eyes flickered from his deep brown was to his lips.
“God I know nothing about you but I just really wanna kiss you” You breathed, and he smiled crookedly for a short moment, then closed the distance between you.
Now, you’d never kissed anyone before, but this was mind blowing.  You wrapped your arms around his neck, and his hands still cupped around your face.  You parted for a short moment, gasping in a breath before standing on the tips of your toes to kiss him passionately again.
“You’re my soulmate” He mumbled against your lips.
“Mhm” Your hands rose and tangled into his dark locks of hair.
“W-we should go out sometime” he said, and you pulled away from im slightly.  Enough to smile softly and look into his eyes.  You nodded shakily.
“Ye-yeah we sh-should” You stuttered.
“Okay- okay how about next friday? W-we can go bowling- or-or something else” You nodded, a shyer smile pulling on your lips.
“Bowling sounds great” You said softly, and he smiled, his eyes crinkling as he pulled you back in for another soft kiss.
What an interesting night.
soulmate aus are my fav... and i just read an AMAZING scott soulmate series by @mccallifornia that y’all should SOOO check out, edge of my seat with each chapter... for real go read it!!
xoxo ~ jordie
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