#( listen listen i've been thinking a lot about older luna and ravus getting a chance to mend their relationship
sylleblosscm · 1 year
"The only thing I want - the only thing I've ever wanted - was for you to be happy."
Reassuring Starters [accepting]
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Lunafreya closes her eyes and tilts her face toward the Tenebraean breeze. It is exactly how she remembers it - until she opens her eyes and sees her once-teeming field of blue reduced to a smattering of colour here and there, and otherwise upturned dirt. More than a hundred generations of work wiped out in a day - but her people endure. As rehabilitation began after the Long Night, this famed garden was lavished with all the attention it could need, their people seemingly eager to see it restored more than anything else. It is, after all, the lifeblood of their home. And though it is a long process, little by little, Tenebrae finds herself more with every passing day.
 If only their Princess had been here to see it. 
 Though it was once her destiny to inherit the crown, Lunafreya always knew it would never be her place. She and Ravus are two sides of the very same coin, with half their mother’s legacy apiece. Oracle, and Monarch. 
 Luna married shortly after the Dawn, to the surprise of no one. And though she writes Ravus every day, it is nothing like living under the same roof. Her visits were once frequent, but as her duties as Queen and eventually a mother mounted, it left her with less and less time to return home.
 Her children are sleeping now, and Luna has made herself quite at home on the old porch, just as she once did. It was here, when she and Ravus used to be at odds, that they could find peace. They’d share tea and sweets, and all talk of Gods and the Empire was banned. Those moments were sacred and fleeting and remain some of the most precious in her life. 
 Thus, Ravus’ words do not come out of the blue - not to her. It is as if they are continuing a conversation from more than a decade ago, picking up where they left off as only siblings can. 
 She reaches across the table between them, and takes his hand. The air around them is quiet, save for the odd stirring of the wind and twittering of birds. ❝I know. I have always known. And I am happy, Ravus. In no small part, thanks to you.❞ She looks to him, offering a warm but sad smile. ❝You know, you’re the reason I wanted a second child. There is something…ineffable about a sibling bond. It is a gift I couldn't bear to deny my family. Nobody else could vex me so, and still be as dear to me. You are my first love of this life. Sometimes I look at them, and find my only regret is that we were deprived of that all too soon.❞ 
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