#( musingmemories; tohru. )
miraiq · 5 months
The rat often calls him and idiot, and it makes him a n g r y every damn time. But.. but maybe this time Yuki was right. The ginger was, in f a c t , a dumbass. Or perhaps a coward would be more accurate a title. Look he was n e r v o u s -- OKAY!! God back o f f . Can you blame him for being too anxious to committing to not only g e t t i n g a gift for Tohru.. but actually having to hand it over to her? Plus---- P l u s ! How could he give it to her when the brunette is constantly surrounded by people? He g e t s it, she is a shining light in all of their lives. But is it t o o d a m n much to ask for like five fucking minutes with her?
So here Kyo is, standing outside her room a f t e r dinner and everyone is left to their own devices with the gift he managed to buy her from some random shop the lad doesn't even r e m e m b e r the name of. Kyo had just been walking by and out of the c o r n e r of his eye saw something shiny ( his cat brain couldn't resist the temptation to investigate ). It was a pretty h a i r c l i p , even if it was simple in design and materials- and took an i m m e d i a t e step into the shop to inquire about purchasing it.
It was w e i r d that it was shaped to resemble a cat.. wasn't it? That he, the poor soul being c u r s e d by the spirit of the cat, wanted to provide a gift in the same image as himself...? Yeah. Definitely w e i r d . That possibly aided in his hesitation to actually give the hair accessory to Tohru. Giving her a present, and having it almost seem like some sort of weird animalistic c l a i m ? Definitely odd. Oh boy. You know what- doesn't matter! Even if he w a s n ' t the unluckiest person currently on the p l a n e t because he was The Cat, he still would have chosen the same gift! It was a n i c e color, and the cartoonish cat motif matched her c u t e nature.. it suited her-- has nothing to do with him in the slightest! Thank you very much!
Her door was left a j a r, light pouring out the cracks- which let Kyo at least know he had a chance to see her, as she was still a w a k e . If Tohru's door had been closed, then he would have smacked himself for being such a w u s s by taking too long that he's going to be even later with his gift. Or he could have l e f t the tiny bag that the gift was in b e s i d e her door.. with her name on it, so she knew it was for h e r ---- Not now. Now, he has an o p p o r t u n i t y to seize!
Kyo gave a firm knock to the door, waiting until he heard a ' c o m e i n " from the lass, and proceeded to do just so, pushing the door out of the way and forcing his feet f o r w a r d before he could back out again. The hand hidden inside his jacket pocket clenches as his nerves s p i k e d , determined to push through it and just do what he came to. So he did-- albeit abruptly, j o l t i n g his arm forward that had the tiny giftbag so it was almost directly in her face probably so he didn't have to look Tohru in the eyes and die right on the spot.
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❛ Look.. I.. I know I'm l a t e -- But..
Happy Birthday.. and all that.. ❜
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moonsmultimusings · 22 days
@musingmemories sent: ❛ Happy Birthday, Yuki-kun! I’m so thankful you were born today~! ❜ from Tohru to Yuki (Birthday Announcement) ☾
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Yuki didn't tend to celebrate his birthday. His family had never been particularly supportive of it growing up -- his mother didn't seem to care much, nor did Ayame go out of his way -- and the time he'd spent with Akito blended together. He had no way to keep track of the days, to know how much time had passed while he was at the Sohma estate. Even after he'd made his escape, he didn't see much reason in celebrating himself on the day. It just felt… unnecessary? He was another year older. There wasn't much reason to draw attention to it. The most he'd ask for was a quiet day.
There were a few little surprises scattered around that happened to find themselves in his eye line… Small gifts and such left behind by someone. It was a little disconcerting, considering he could feel multiple sets of eyes watching him from seemingly nowhere as he hesitantly picked up small items -- flowers, chocolates, trinkets (why did a few of them feel almost romantic?). But by the day's end, he was prepared to head back home and keep to himself the remainder of the evening.
It was along the walk home together that Tohru addressed him. Not that it had been her first birthday wish of the day! She'd made sure to say it the moment she'd seen him this morning. But now was their first opportunity to chat alone today, since Kyo had skulked off to do something or other.
“You're thankful I was born today?” he repeated, a sheepish confusion evident in his tone. “Would it have been different if I was born on another day? Is September 2nd a special day for you?” He was aware this was a mere deflection, as he wasn't sure how to so directly voice his thoughts about her birthday wish. He… wasn't used to receiving them.
He dropped his gaze to the stone stairs as they began up them. “But… thank you, Honda-san. I wouldn't expect anyone else to remember the date.” He certainly didn't make a show of it himself. It was just another day of classes for him. “I guess I can't be too surprised that you would. You're more than thoughtful enough,” he mused to himself. “I hope you haven't worried too much about it…” There was no need to throw together a party for him, or to present him with a gift of any kind. No, in her case, “Being able to spend time with you like this today is more than enough for me.”
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miraiq · 5 months
[ 𝐚𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 ] : sender and receiver are finally about to kiss, but are interrupted. (Tohru x Kyo~)
For You I Would Prompts | Accepting!
He's.. not entirely sure how they got here-- quite honestly his ears are so stuffed full of fuzz that the buzz ringing in them is the only thing his brain is able to process.
Now, Kyo is well aware that Tohru can be a bit of a clumsy person- hell, tells her that often enough that he couldn't forget that fact even if he wanted to. So it is no surprise that she had found some way to trip herself. It's a good thing the ginger had been near by, as he immediately reached out to grab at her arm to prevent said klutz from introducing the floorboards with her face (again)-- or maybe not a good thing, because in attempting to do so, Kyo had also taken the tumble with her, banging his knee up pretty harshly in return for his kind hearted efforts- a mild pained sound hissing through clenched teeth.
Kyo's about to make some quizzical remark on how in the world had she managed to trip herself on air, but the moment he looks at her all words die on his tongue. Guess that saying about a cat getting your tongue still applied to a cat himself. The brunette had landed on her back, and he was hovering over her, a hand planted beside her head to keep himself from fully crushing her under him- Mouth flaps about like a fish out of water, struggling to form a coherent thought. An almost out of body experience jolts through him at the registration of what they must look like from an outside point of view. This sounded like some cheesy cliche straight from one of Shigure's romance novels (yes he reads them, he gets bored at the house and has to do something to entertain himself okay)-- and it's happening for real- right here, right now.
No fucking way..........
Kyo goes to move himself immediately, but he feels resistance against the arm that wasn't propped up near her face- the one he had initially used to attempt to stop her fall.. her hand was holding it tightly. A few quick blinks to the appendage then he goes to meet her gaze, to find her gaze unavailable- her eyes squeezed shut, lips stretched into a fine line mimicking a grimace. Tohru's likely in pain from the fall, possibly hit her head-- wouldn't put it passed her to have done so, explaining her displeased expression.
Mentally smacking himself back to the moment, he starts to ask if she's alright, if she's injured or anything of the like.. when she does open her eyes, and looks directly at him- brown eyes shimmering with the faintest of tears hanging on, refusing to fall as if she was trying to fight off the pain.. and she looks just as stunned as he feels, her awe mirrored in his own expression. The ginger wants to kick himself the moment he feels his eyes flicker down to her mouth, then jump back up to her eyes. He's sure that it's his fault that he hears a tiny noise of confusion come from her chest, but Kyo can't completely bring himself to fight against the feeling that simmers in his heart as his takes the most minute movement to bring his face closer to hers. It would.. be so easy.. to just...... press their lips together. He should probably ask first-- but something just feels too natural and he's following the flow of his instincts.
" Tohru... "
The audible gulp the lad gets in answer from the brunette sounds so good to his ears that he falls further into that instinctual feeling, moving just that bit closer to make the distance smaller and smaller. Oh but as if the world would be so kind to him. He can feel Tohru's breath against his lips when---------------
He only stays laid out across her torso long enough for him to understand why the ginger was no longer face to face with the lass, before he scrambles off and walks out as calmly as he can without looking like a complete idiot. Well........................ Time to go dig himself a hole to crawl into, thanks- and now Kyo can with the help of his tiny cat paws.
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Kyo is never going to be able to look Tohru in the face ever again.
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miraiq · 7 months
“ can you show me how to fight? ” from Tohru to Kyo
" You want me to-- to what? "
That was definitely out of left field. Kyo laughs, loud and hearty. Seriously, her? Fight? Preposterous. He's honored that Tohru thinks him skilled enough to be someone to admire enough to ask for lessons. A tad bit shocked she hadn't asked that rat jerk. Small bubbles of pride in his chest as the cat eyes her, suspicious but also genuinely curious.
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" You, Tohru? Fight? You really honestly think that you, of all people, are capable of hitting someone? Aside from that- why bother learning to throw fists when you have Uotani and Hanajima who basically do just that without you even having to ask? "
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moonsmultimusings · 9 months
♪ (Yuki & Tohru)
Send a ♪ for a short playlist - Accepting ☾
OKAY i'm normal about them, i promise- that's why i have compiled three songs after careful deliberation ^-^
^ ❝ i used to hear a simple song, that was until you came along you took my broken melody, and now i hear a symphony ❞
^ ❝ thought i had it all just figured out, but i'm slowing down with questions now it's okay to step back and look around! it'll just take time, be patient with yourself there's more room to grow if you leave your worries on the shelf! ❞
^ ❝ what if who i hoped to be was always me? and the love i fought to feel was always free? what if all the things i've done were just attempts at earning love? yeah 'cause the hole inside my heart is stupid deep ❞
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moonsmultimusings · 10 months
Plotted Starter for @musingmemories (Tohru)!
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The 'secret base' Yuki had constructed had been a bit of a secret. It wasn't something he tended to speak with others much about. Knowing Shigure, he couldn't be sure what might be done to it while he was at school, for the sake of messing with him. He certainly didn't want Kyo knowing about it either, once that stupid cat had decided to live at the house with them for whatever reason. Tohru, however… He was surprised about how quickly he'd wanted to share the space with her. Perhaps he was eager to show it off to someone after all of the work he'd put into it. To make someone aware of what he'd been up to out here, and all of the work he'd put in. To make it real, to have it mean something.
His trust hadn't been misguided, either. She had shown great interest in helping him out with it, and he didn't mind spending time with her out there. It could be a lot of work sometimes, quite a bit to maintain, but repeatedly she had expressed the desire to learn more about it from him. It was funny, how enthusiastic she was about finding out more about gardening from him in particular. His knowledge was admittedly limited, all of it obtained since he'd moved to Shigure's and started studying the subject with great avidity. Before that, he hardly had much of an opportunity to study much of anything.
Thus, with this round of plants, he'd resolved to teach her. He'd polled her about what sort of plants she liked to eat and what she might like to cook with, and he'd done his research on how to care for them. Beyond this, she'd assisted him every step of the way, from planting to routine watering and weeding, until they began producing. That left them where they were today: harvesting. She'd brought out a basket lined with cloth, and him a few tools -- a pair of pruning shears and a trowel -- to help with the harvest.
“I don't think the peppers are quite ready yet…” He'd tried to space them out to be harvested around the same time, but they were lagging behind. “The strawberries are, though.” These had been a request of hers. He approached one of the vines, gently removing one of the berries. “Perfectly red!” Their color was almost striking. He was proud to see them. “I'm sure we can harvest some more of the scallions, too. How many leaves do you think you'll need tonight?” Kyo always complained when they were used in Tohru's cooking, but he quite enjoyed them himself.
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