#( my luci muse has been going crazy rn )
secret-engima · 5 years
The glavies meeting Nox?? For the first time?? I mean Nyx has already met him soo—the others?? Or—Nyx telling the others about the Adopted Lucis Caelum that Axis Adopted. (Axis meeting up with any of the Galahdians in The Know will be hilarious—he's really gonna get a lecture X 10)
Hmmmm HMMMMMMM this is a bit tricky, because they don’t all meet him at the same time. But sure I’ll give it a go?
-Libertus is braced for a lot of things, most of them horrible trouble. Because Captain Titus has been doing his stoic equivalent of gibbering despairingly in a corner for the last week and Nyx told him about how the newfound prince (WHO HAD ARRA BRAIDS. They still had yet to find the culprit for that) had been ready to throw himself off the building until his Nif Chancellor Uncle had calmed him down. So Libertus is prepared to suck it up and deal with whatever new brand of crazy he was going to encounter. Because this kid is royalty, AND an Arra, so that means Libertus is stuck with him for his guard shift.
-He isn’t expecting the teenager to look up at his entrance, take one look at him and ... subtly relax? There was still a wary edge to his shoulders, but there was none of the paranoid, skittish DRAMA Libertus had been bracing for. “Hello,” the teenager says with too-tired eyes as he stands up from where he’d been sitting, “You’re-,” the boy paused, clearly bit back what he was about to say, then changed it to, “You must be the new guard shift.”
-Libertus blinks, shifts into a respectful stance out of habit, “That’s right, Your Highness, I’m Libertus Ostium, Kingsglaive.”
-There is ... something in the boy’s eyes at the sound of Libertus’s name, a flash of nostalgia and remorse and recognition that unsettles him before the teen is smiling thinly and waving at him to stand down, “Please, I’m not royalty. You only get to be royalty if your parents were married. I’ll try not to cause any trouble for you.”
-And he doesn’t. He is ODD to say the least, skittish and drastically underweight, but not inherently troublesome.
-Libertus wonders at the recognition he’d seen in Nox’s eyes for a long time, and it is only after they’ve known each other for over a year that he will think back on it and ask.
-“I met an Ostium once before, you reminded me of him is all.” Nox would say, then look guiltily away in a manner that told Libertus not to bother asking where the Ostium was now.
-Tredd and Luche meet Nox together when Axis comes to ask them to smuggle him in to see Nox.
-Cue loud angry lecture on not telling them that he’d adopted a bby LC before grudgingly helping him get to Nox.
-They watch Axis interact with Nox, all gruff affection and lectures and obvious trust, and Luche sighs to himself as he realizes that yep. They’re stuck with a royal for their adoptive cousin. Wonderful.
-Tredd probably says something crass.
-But that’s Tredd for you.
-Crowe meets him on the training grounds, watches him FLY through the glaive obstacle course with a speed that beats out Nyx’s record and then go straight into flinging spells like candy (like he’s trying to fight off something only he can see).
-She waits until he’s stopped to take a breath, and then saunters into his line of sight and offers him a bottle of water, he takes it warily and guzzles it down, then blinks at her in question.
-Crowe doesn’t ask what he’s fighting, it’s not her business. But this is a Galahdian adopted LC, so she instead asks him to show her how he did that epic slide.
-He shows her how to coat ice magic on the bottom of her shoes to slide across the ground, she shows him her dirty tricks for throwing bigger fireballs.
-It’s match made in terror.
-Sonitus meets him down in the training rooms to, carefully sharpening a large great sword. Sonitus sits down nearby, because a royal cannot go unguarded, and begins sharpening his knives. They spend the entire exchange like that, polishing and sharpening in silence. When Nox finally leaves, he pauses just long enough to give Sonitus a thin smile. It feels like a thank you.
-Pelna meets Nox when he’s half-drunk and in the Little Galahd sector. He’s at the glaive’s usual hangout with a bunch of the others, that place that sells the meat skewers. Pelna only notices Nox because he stumbles into him while on his way to get everyone another round. Nox catches him and gently pushes him upright, and Pelna stares at him.
-“You look like the new princeling!” Pelna chirps obliviously, the exchange unnoticed by the others at the table, distracted by Libertus trying to strangle Tredd for some crass comment in Nyx’s direction.
-The young man smiles, “Your friend are waiting for you,” he says instead of answering and Pelna cheerfully sways off to get another round.
-He comes into work the next morning, nursing a monster headache but functional (and hating every second of it).
-He blinks when somewhere between one dull headache throb and the next, the second prince is there, looking amused. He straightens to attention, but the teenager only holds out a vial of something that doesn’t look like a potion. Pelna blinks dumbly, the boy orders him to crush it. Pelna does and gapes quietly as his headache and nausea vanish.
-“T-thank you, Your Highness!”
-Nox just shrugs and saunters away with a calm, “I figured you’d need it with how much you’d been drinking last night. I’m going to find the others and give them one too.”
-It takes Pelna a full ten seconds to register the implications of that and remember the pretty young man he’d stumbled into.
-He spends the next thirty minutes quietly DYING inside because ROYALTY SAW HIM HALF-SMASHED THE NIGHT BEFORE HE WAS ON DUTY.
I might reblog to cover the Lecture Thing another time? But rn I’m going to leave this here because this is cheerful and the only muses prodding the lecture part of the ask are my angst muses and I’m not in the mood.
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