#( ofc goro IS alive but no one knows that )
etherbonded · 1 year
making it unclear if goro will make it due to a bad injury as Shido's palace collapses? yeah prime material for third sem <3
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ghostofvalorie · 20 days
That Essay
@forsaire tagged me and now I MUST provide! You opened Pandora's box on this one. To adhere to the rules I will first provide FOUR and ONLY FOUR of my fictional crushes! And to make it easier on us all I've narrowed it down to games only, so here we go!
I'm starting off from the very beginning of my journey into crushing on non-existent people, and people who have read my tags before might know this one already!
Malik Al Sayf from Assassins Creed 1 - 2007
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A man whom you've wrong by being arrogant and then spends the next few hours of the game being yelled at by him, and rightfully so. Not only do you cost him his arm and place as an assassin in the brotherhood, but his younger brother as well. Eventually Altaïr stops begin a prick and apologizes and Malik, bless his heart forgives him. Still... not me rolling into Jerusalem hoping, wishing, to get yelled at because Malik's Voice Actor goes HARD <3 I love him and his 7 whole polygons! NEXT!!
Keeping it somewhat chronological:
The Arishok from Dragon Age 2 - 2011
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He beeg. He got horns. He is technically an antagonist in the game but he has a moral code that makes sense to him that he is willing to kill and die for. Qunari famously live their lives incredibly black and white so to him he is in the right, even if we disagree. But he just got a wholeass vibe, and he'll say nice things such as
"I have a growing lack of disgust for you" and I mean, with that voice... say no more sir. *takes shirt off*
NR 3: Adam Jensen from Deus Ex - 2011-2016
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My cyborg husband <3 Ex-swat turned security guy, then interpool agent (depends on which game you are playing) He's just an incredibly good guy, the sweetest person on the block. Ofc it depends on how you play and what choices you make, but MY Adam is a sweeheart that will go out of his way to help people. And my boi got sass, he'll be snarky to literally anyone, his boss, the cops, criminals you name it. He's also secretly a little funny. <3
Nr 4: Arthur Morgan from Red Dead Redemption 2 - 2018
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I mean first off, he do a little *mlem* when he drinks coffee... Do i even need to say more? Arthur is just such a perfect sad boy. Raised to believe his only worth lies in killing people when in reality he is incredibly competent, sharp and caring. Again depends on how you play the game, but my Arthur is the goodest boi in the west.
Now that was four, oh but look, somehow completely unrelated to all this, some other honorable mentions seems to have ended up after the cut, how silly of me!
And @xintothewoodswegox, show us what you got!
Beast from Beauty and the Beast - 2017
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No further comment, your honor, if you've seen the movie you should know.
Kaidan Alenko from Mass Effect - 2012
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How can we not love the powerful nerdass space magician! He's caring, he is cute, he is Canadian and schrodinger's person of color! He also glow blue, what else can you possible want? I for sure do NOT kick my feet and twirl my hair anytime he wants to talk to me.
Eris Goddess of Chaos from Sinbad - 2003
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I MEAN LOOK AT HER?!?!?!? Again an antagonist, but she is sexy about it.
Helga Sinclair from Atlantis - 2001
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I'm-I i mean, I don't even have words. Every time I SEE Helga my brain flat-lines I can't help it. THAT GIF THO???
Majima Goro from the Like a Dragon series of games
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No comment, because if i start i will NEVER stop, he's story is too good.
Simon 'Ghost' Riley from Call of Duty MWII - 2022
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I could literally put ALL the characters from that game in this list. ALL OF THEM, but to keep this somewhat short I've chosen ONE and i've chosen Ghost, the most tragic man alive.
Kar'niss from Baldur's Gate 3 - 2023
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Another TRAGIC boi, missunderstood and abused </3 I could take care of him. LET ME TAKE CARE OF HIM LARIAN
Jonathan Reid from Vampyr - 2018
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You didn't think I'd squeeze in a vampire this late, did you? I wasn't overly impressed by Jonathan from the start, BUT, he is FASCINATING if you play him as a bloodthirsty villain willing to murder everyone for power! I'm here for bad-boy Reid!
Lastly, for now: Corvo Attano from Dishonored - 2012
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Also an incredibly tragic man, who's fate you hold in your hands with your actions! He's just hot, he's a dilf, he can succumb to grief and violence or rise above it to save not only his daughter but an entire empire from destruction.
I'm not sure i've y'all have noticed the pattern yet but let me spell it out for you:
PEOPLE THAT CAN ABSOLUTELY DESTROY ME! Look at them all! So STRONG! So POWERFUL! Fuck, mess me up fam! And the beauty lies in that they never would. Or I mean Eris might... but I'm in a firm belief that the others would never harm someone they care about and ain't that just the purest thing you've ever heard.
Now this was only the highlights of my fictional crushes, I've kept most of the absolute freaks out for now. Maybe I'll do an updated list later where werewolves and Cthulhu makes the cut, we'll see. Now I know HP Lovecraft wasn't a very cool dude to say the least, but you expect me to be normal about the big tentacle monster? REALLY? Lower your expectations.
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bnbc · 2 years
1, 2, 6 and 14 for Kou and Goro 🥟🍙
ahhhh thanx a lot for these questions! Obligatory OTP Asks [sorry didnt have time to take a pic]
1. Who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with ‘because I love you!’ ?
Look, in this house we don't really say “I love you” on an everyday basis. For Goro it comes both as a cultural thing and out of his personality, for Kou - from not getting used to hearing it in her ‘family’ and from a state of mind that “nothing changed since I said it, so why?”. I even keep count when this phrase was spoken!
So, using it as an argument is like a super rare case that could happen with very low possibility, but you know what’s funny? IT HAPPENED. I’ll probably translate it one day, so have only one spoiler, it was Kou who said this, but you can imagine THE IMPORTANCE xD
2. What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare?
I’m afraid both will be predictable and inoriginally at all, and would just hold the other, trying to calm them down and remind that everything is alright and it was just a bad dream. Both would ask if their partner needs something, and both would just hold on to the other and won't  let them go. Amazing unanimity! 
It does happen with Kou sometimes, she has recurring nightmares of being thrown into space alive, or not recognizing her face in the mirror, or being too late, or... well... DOING BAD THINGS. They don't really get her, but sometimes they do, yis.
Gowo’s nightmares are more practical, they are mostly about them being caught or about meeting his former master, or, well, he has a special dream he got after he saw some recording of a certain piece of Heywood trash being digitized. And a cherry on the top, ofc, are dreams about Kou giving up to her cyberpsychosis. 
6. Who would beg the other not to leave? Who has to leave to protect the other?
I wouldn’t use the word “beg” but when I think of such kind of situation I easily imagine Kou’s about to do some risky and stupid shit for the sake of ‘saving’ Goro and him truying to takl her out of it. 
I mean, it literally happens at some point of my timeline, when she is hired to [DATA DELETED], but when she says it to him, he just goes with her simply ignoring all her ‘but’. In his defense she would do absolutely the same. I mean she totally played the  “if u stay I stay too and we both die” card during the great escape outta Tokyo lmao.
14. How do their personalities complement each other? How do they clash?
Look, it became a huge surprise to me, but at some point I realized these two actually have more in common than they have differences. 
Yeah yeah, he’s relatevly calm and grumpy, she’s loud and cheerful, he’s disciplined, she’s chaotic, he’s logical, she’s emotional, he’s introverted, she’s ANNOYINGLY extroverted, yadda yadda, and they clash a lot due this and due their background and cultural differences, but in the core? In the core they are the same picture, or at least a very similar one xD
So idk how to describe it. Imagine some mechanism with some whirligigs attached randomly to its parts, and these whirligigs can hit each other or even break, but it doesn't affect the core, that's them. Oh god, hope I made any sense lmao.
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