#( oh my gooooshhhhh YES
poludaktulos · 5 years
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angsty starters. [ x ]
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“ ... it wasn’t on you or anyone else to fix things for me, Sherman. I had to do it for myself. ”
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soggy-pancakes · 7 years
🚨🚨SPOILER ALERT FOR S13🚨🚨 ((( Watching 13x01, "Lost and Found )))
Me: OHHHH MY GOOOOSHHHHH IM SO EXCITED Me: holllllyyyyy shiiiiiit Me: *thinking back on that one vine* Sams like: "do I loOK like daddy to yOu?!"😂 Me: noooooo cAASSSSS😱😭😭😭😭😭😭 Me: dean looks like he can't fully understand what just happens my heart💔💔 Me: DEAN WHAT THE FUXX HE COULD HELP YOU Me: WTFFFF jack??!!!! Me: OMYGOSH HOLY CHUCK THE NEW TITLE CARD IS SOOO COOL AND BEAUTIFUL AHHHHHH😍😍😍 Me: Mary?! Me: oh this was last season Me: wait...whAT???!!!! WHAT IS GOING ON??!!!!!!!? Me: Dean???? Me: oh my Chuck please put some clothes on🤦🏼‍♀️ Me: "how naked??"😂 Me: how about ask questions and shoot later? Me: "...Cas is—is..." gahhh 😭 Me: sorry dean but I'm siding with sam Me: 💔💔💔 Me: that smile was so friggin creepy wtfffff Me: aw Cas??😟😟😟 Me: who is that Me: I'm liking the lady. He really did deserve better :( Me: "everyone's normal in their own way" that sounds like something misha would say Me: wooaahh wtfff Me: jack is a lot like season 4 Cas😂 Me: "what are you on?" "I'm......on a chair...on the         floor... on the planet Earth."😂😂😂 Me: "before I destroy the world, let me just grab a bag of curly fries."😂😂😂😂yes, dean. That was exactly what Jack was thinking.🙄😂 Me: yes. We all want fries. Me: I feel like that was the first time Jared saw the menu like that and that was his actual reaction😂 Me: exactly. WHAT HAPPENED TO HIS HAND Me: 😱😱GRAB THE SALT Me: where are they???? Me: *sweats nervously* Me: AWESOME😱😱😱😱 Me: woah wtfffffff😳😳😳😳 Me: what if he accidentally turned into angel radio😯😯 Me: YEAH SAM Me: yes, I like to think so☺️ Me: uhh...you don't want to know what he is😬😬 Me: yes. The voices. Completely normal. Yep.😐 Me: wait...what?? Me: what??? Me: WHAT??????? Me: awwwww😔😔😔 Me: GAHHH OMYGOSH I CANT HANDLE THIS. MY HEART💔💔💔💔 Me: "family don't end with blood, boy" Me: oh😳😳😳 Me: well...your not wrong... Me: WTF Me: NOOOO Me: oh shiiiit Me: SAM Me: YEAH SAM Me: she Is an angel. She could smite both of them without blinking an eye. Me: JACK???!!!! Me: wHAAAAT :0 Me: exactly. Me: YES YOU CAN. Me: aw dean💔 he prayed to him. His voice and my heart are breaking and ughhh😭 Me: "you're gunna bring them all back. Even Crowley!" YEAH!!! IM DOWN FOR IT ANYONE ELSE Me: What did the pirate ever do to you? Me: YOU GUYS IM GUNNA START CRYING SOMEONE GET ME TISSUES Me: no no no please don't you guys.... Me: they're giving him a hunters funeral (I'm literally crying at this point you guys I'm not kidding)...."I'm going to be a hunter"😭😭😭😭😭😭😖😖😖😖 Me: THATS IT IM DONE BYE WORLD😩😩😩😩😩😩 Me: "...You say goodbye." I CANT HANDLE THIS SHOW. THAT WAS SAM'S WAY OF SAYING GOODBYE AND IM CRYING AND EVERYONE IS DEAD AND UUUUGGHHH Me: Me: Mary??!! Me: ... Me: what.
Okay seriously that was one of the most emotionally draining episodes ever (hits my top 20). I can't imagine what Dean is going though, Sam also just lost his best friend. Jack is now an orphan, having just lost his "father". I literally can't handle this show.
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